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抽样风险:Sampling risk
非抽样风险:Non-sampling risk
信赖不足风险:Under reliance risk
信赖过度风险:Over reliance risk
控制测试:Tests of control
控制有效性:Effectiveness of control
重大错报:Material misstatements
实际水平:Actual level
审计结果:Audit result
审计效率:Audit efficiency
误拒风险:Rejection risk
误受风险:Acceptance risk
细节测试:Test of details
样本量:Samples size
具体目标:Specific objectives
统计抽样:Statistical sampling
非统计抽样:Non-statistical sampling
成本效益:Cost benefit
证据的充分性:Sufficiency of the evidence
可接受的抽样风险:Acceptable sampling risk
可接受误差(可容忍误差):Acceptable error
认定层次:Assertion level
总体变异性:Population deviation
预计的总体误差:Expected population error
总体规模:Population size
专业判断:Professional judgment
上限:Upper limit
风险系数:Risk coefficient
可容忍偏差率:Tolerable deviation rate
修正重大错漏报风险评估程度:Modify material misstatement risk assessment level 实质性程序:Substantive procedures
调整账目:Adjust book record
账面金额:Book value
实际金额:Actual value
概率比例规模抽样法: Probability-proportional- to-size sampling(PPS Sampling)零余额:Zero balance
负余额:Negative balance
属性抽样:Attribute sampling
变量抽样:Variable sampling

Ⅰ.Sampling risk and non-sampling risk
1.Sampling risk(risk caused by sampling)
(1)Sampling risk: it is the risk arising from the possibility that the CPA’s conclusion, based on a sample, may be different from the conclusion that would be reached if the entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure.



(2)Control of sampling risk
Sampling risk is the possibility that samples selected may not completely represent the population. Relationship between sample size and sampling risk is opposite, the larger the sample size, the lower the sampling risk is. Therefore, sampling risk always exists because of sampling.



(3)Types of sampling risk
①CPA is mainly faced with under reliance risk and over reliance risk when conducting tests of control.
Over reliance risk: the expected effectiveness of control is higher than the actual level, risk assessed of material misstatements is lower than the actual level, thereby influencing the audit effectiveness(quality).
Under reliance risk: the expected effectiveness of control is lower than the actual level,assessed risk of material misstatements is higher than the actual level, thereby influencing the audit efficiency.



②CPA is mainly faced with rejection risk and acceptance risk when conducting detailed testing.
Acceptance risk refers that CPA infers that the material misstatement is not existed but actually it is not, thereby influencing the audit effectiveness(quality).
Rejection risk refers that CPA infers that the material misstatement is existed but actually it is not, thereby influencing the audit efficiency.

2.Non-sampling risk(risk not caused by samples size)
Non-sampling risk refers the possible false decision made by CPA based on reasons not related to samples.
Following circumstances may cause non-sampling risk in audit:
(1)The population selected by CPA is not suitable for the test target;
(2)CPA fails to properly define the error(including the control deviation or misstatement), which makes CPA unable to find the deviation or misstatement;

(3)CPA performs audit procedures which are not suitable for the specific objectives;
(4)CPA does not adequately evaluate the audit result;
(5)Other reasons.

Non-sampling risk is caused by human error, which can be reduced, eliminated or prevented.


Non-sampling risk cannot be quantified, but non-sampling risk can be reduced to an acceptable level through application of appropriate quality control policy & procedures and proper guidance, supervision and review of audit, as well as the appropriate improvement to CPA practice. CPA can also carefully design their audit procedures to minimize
non-sampling risk.

Ⅱ.Statistical sampling and non-statistical sampling
1.Selection between statistical sampling and non-statistical sampling method
Cost benefits are mainly considered when choosing between statistical sampling and non-statistical sampling method.


(1)Advantages of statistical sampling: sampling risk can be measured objectively, and actually controlled by adjusting the sample size, which is the most important different from non-statistical sampling. Statistical sampling helps CPA to efficiently design samples, measure the sufficiency of the evidences obtained, and evaluate the sampling results quantificationally.



(2)Disadvantages of statistical sampling: statistical sampling may incur extra cost.
(3)If the design of non-statistical sampling is appropriate, it can provide the same effective result as statistical sampling designed properly. When using non-statistical sampling, CPA must consider the sampling risk and reduce it to the acceptable level, however, the sampling risk cannot be accurately estimated.


2.Audit sampling and professional judgment
Professional judgment is required for CPA when designing, implementing and evaluating samples no matter the statistical sampling or non-statistical sampling is used. Although traditionally the non-statistical sampling is called judgment sampling, it does not mean that no judgment is required for statistical sampling.
III. 审计抽样的运用


Ⅲ.Application of audit sampling
Factors affect the sample size:
1.Acceptable sampling risk
Acceptable sampling risk is in opposite relationship with sample size. The lower the sampling risk accepted by CPA, the larger the sample size is needed.


2.Acceptable error
(1)In control testing, it means the maximum deviation accepted by CPA. If the deviation exceeds that number then it would reduce or eliminate the reliance on the internal control procedures.


(2)In detailed testing, it refers to the level of significance determined by CPA at assertion level. The smaller the tolerable error, the larger the sample size is required to ensure the same level of assurance.


3.Population deviation
The population deviation refers to the degree of deviation between projects of one parameter(like amount).
In control testing, population deviation is not normally considered by CPA when determining the sample size.


In detailed testing, the lower the population deviation, the smaller the sample size.
CPAs can use stratification to reduce the impact of deviation in each group, thereby reducing the sample size.


4.Expected population error
In a given tolerable error, when the expected overall error increases, the required sample size is bigger.
5.Population size
Unless the population size is very small, it has no influence on the sample size.
Ⅳ.Application of audit sampling in control testing
1.Statistical sampling methods used in control test using – stage of evaluating sample results
The use of statistical sampling in control testing to evaluate sampling results Population deviation rate=sampling deviation rate=sampling deviation÷ sample size Considering sampling risk
Using formula:upper limit of population deviation=risk coefficient÷sample size =population deviation rate + acceptable sampling risk level


Using table: using the sample results evaluation table to evaluate the results of statistical sampling.
The upper limit of population deviation rate is less than the limit of tolerable deviation rate, so population is acceptable.

If the upper limit of population deviation rate is lower than but close to tolerable deviation rate, then consider whether to accept the population and whether to expand the testing scope; If the upper limit of population deviation rate is equal to or higher than tolerable deviation rate, the population is unacceptable and should modify material misstatement risk assessment level, and increase the number of substantive procedures; or test other controls, to support the planned risk assessment level of material misstatements.

ing non-statistical sampling method in test of controls—stage of evaluating sampling result
In non-statistical sampling, the CPA will also use the deviation rate of samples as the best estimate of the deviation rate of the population.


But in a non-statistical sampling, sampling risk cannot be measured directly.The CPA usually compares deviation rate of samples(i.e., the deviation rate of the population estimated)with the tolerable deviation rate to judge whether the population can be accepted.
Using non-statistical sampling method in test of controls to evaluate sampling result 总体偏差率=样本偏差率=样本偏差数量÷样本规模
Population deviation rate =deviation rate of the samples=deviation amount of the samples/sample size
Evaluation and conclusion of non-statistical sampling result(the sampling risk of non-statistical sampling cannot be quantified):
If deviation rate of the samples is higher than the tolerable deviation rate, the population cannot be accepted; if deviation rate of the samples is significantly lower than the tolerable deviation rate, the population can be accepted; if deviation rate of the samples is lower than but close to the tolerable deviation rate, the population cannot be accepted

Deviation rate of the samples is lower than the tolerable deviation rate, but the difference is neither too big nor too small, consider whether to accept the population; consider expanding the sample size in order to collect further evidence.

V.Application of audit sampling in test of details
1.Determination of the sample size
Regardless of the use of statistical sampling or non-statistical sampling method, certified public accountants should comprehensively consider factors that influence the sample size, using professional judgment and experience to determine the sample size.

In a similar situation, the certified public accountants consider the same factors, and the sample size determined by statistical sampling and non-statistical sampling is usually comparable.
Using the determination table of sample size
Using the formula
Sample size=Book value of the population/Tolerable misstatement×Assurance coefficient
For example, the riskof incorrect acceptance determined by CPA is 10%, the ratio of tolerable misstatement/book value of the population is 8%, the ratio of estimated misstatement of the population /tolerable misstatement is 0.2, the sample size determined by CPA is:
Using table method: 43
Using formula method: 3.41/8%=42.63
Assurance coefficient when determining sample size in monetary unit sampling
Deduce misstatement of the population in non-statistical sampling method
①Ratio method(misstatement amount relates to sample unit value)
Misstatement amount of the population=Misstatement amount of the sample/Book value of the sample×Book value of the population
②Difference method(misstatement amount relates to sample unit number)
Misstatement amount of the population=(Approved misstatement amount of the sample-Book value of the sample)/Sample size×Population size
Evaluation and conclusion of non-statistical sampling result
If misstatement of the population exceeds tolerable misstatement amount, the population cannot be accepted, and the auditor should suggest client to adjust book record; further modify the nature, timing and scope of audit procedures; consider the effect on audit report If misstatement of the population is significantly lower than tolerable misstatement amount, the population can be accepted.

If misstatement of the population is lower than but close to the tolerable misstatement amount, the population cannot be accepted, and the auditor should suggest client to investigate the misstatement and adjust book record; further modify the nature, timing and scope of audit procedures; consider the effect on audit report
If misstatement of the population is lower than the tolerable misstatement amount, but the difference is neither too big nor too small, consider whether to accept the population and whether to expand the scope of test of details in order to collect further evidence.
e statistical sampling method in test of details—stage of evaluating sampling result
Use statistical sampling method in test of details to evaluate sampling result
Deduce misstatement of the population(traditional variable sampling)
①Mean method
Mean of sample approved amount = Approved amount of sample/Sample size
Estimation of population value=Mean of sample approved amount × Population size Misstatement of population deduced=Estimation of population value-Book value of the population
②Difference method
Average misstatement of sample =( Book value of sample- Approved value of sample)/Sample size
Misstatement of population deduced=Average misstatement of sample ×Population size Estimated population amount=Book value of population – Misstatement of population deduced
③Ratio method
Ratio= Approved amount of sample/Book value of sample
Estimated population amount =Book value of the population×Ratio
Misstatement of population deduced=Book value of the population - Estimated population amount
总体错报上限“大于或等于”可容忍错报,总体“不能接受”,所测试的交易或账户余额存在重大错报, 注册会计师应建议被审计单位对错报进行调查,且在必要时调整账面记录;总体错报上限“低于”可容忍错报,总体“可以接受”。

Evaluation and conclusion of the statistical sampling result
If upper limit of the population misstatement exceeds or is equal to tolerable misstatement amount, the population cannot be accepted; If the transaction or account balance tested has material misstatement, CPA should suggest client to investigate the misstatement and adjust book record when necessary
If upper limit of the population misstatement is less than tolerable misstatement amount, the population can be accepted
VI.Monetary unit sampling
货币单元抽样的优点:Advantages of monetary unit Sampling:

(1)Monetary unit sampling is based on attribute sampling, it is convenient for certified
accountant to calculate the sampling size and assess the sample results.Therefore, it is usually easier to be used compared with traditional variable sampling.

(2)When determining the sample size of monetary unit sampling, it is not necessary to consider the characteristics of population (e.g.populationdeviation).Because each monetary unit in the population has the same size, while the sample size in traditional variable sampling is calculated based on the deviation or standard deviation of common characteristics of population.



(3)The probability that the items in monetary unit sampling are selected and the currency amount has a proportional relationship so there is no need to reduce deviation through stratification.While in traditional variable sampling, it is usually necessary to stratify population to reduce sample size.When using monetary sampling, if the item amount exceeds the sampling interval, monetary unit system will automatically identify the single material item.

(4)When using system sampling method to select sample in the monetary unit sampling, if the item amount equal to or greater than the sampling interval, monetary unit sampling will automatically identify all individual major items, namely the item will be certain to be selected.

(5)If the auditor expects that the misstatement does not exist or is little, the sample size of monetary unit sampling is smaller than that of traditional variable sampling.

(6)The sample of monetary unit sampling is easier to design and may select samples before obtaining completed population.
Disadvantages of monetary unit Sampling:

(1)Monetary unit sampling is not suitable for the understatement of population, because the probability of being chosen for a small book value but grossly understated project is low.If understatement is discovered in monetary unit sampling, certified public accountants need special consideration when evaluating samples.

(2)The selection of zero balance and negative balance needs to be considered specially.

(3)When misstatements are identified, if the risk level is fixed, monetary unit sampling may overestimate the effect of sampling risk when evaluating samples, which may lead to that CPA may refuse an acceptable book value of the population.

(4)CPA needs to accumulate total amount one by one in monetary unit sampling, in order to determine whether the population is complete and consistent with the financial statements.But if the relevant accounting data is stored in electronic form, there is no additional cost of auditing.


(5)When the volume of misstatements in the population increase, the sampling size of monetary unit sampling will also increase.Under these situations, the sample size of monetary unit sampling may be greater than that of traditional variable sampling.
Calculate the upper limit of population misstatements in monetary unit sampling: (1)如果在样本中没有发现错报,总体错报的上限= 保证系数x选样间隔。


(1)If no misstatement is discovered in the sample, the upper limit of population misstatements =Assurance coefficient x Sampling interval.For example, risk of incorrect acceptance is 5%, sampling interval is 3000 Yuan ( the same below), CPAs haven't found any misstatement in the sample, then the upper limit of population misstatements is 9000 Yuan (3x3000), which is called basic accuracy.

例如:注册会计师在样本中发现1个错报,该项目的账面金额为5000元,审定金额为4000元,总体错报的上限为10000元(1000+3x3000)(2)If a misstatement is found in a logical unit that is larger than or equal to the sample interval, no matter whether the percentage of the misstatement is 100%, the upper limit of population misstatements = factualmisstatement+ basic accuracy.For example, CPA found one misstatement in sample, the book value of the item is 5000 Yuan, approved amount is 4000 Yuan, the upper limit of population misstatements is 10000 Yuan (1000+3X3000)(3)如果在样本(排除账面金额大于或等于选样间隔的逻辑单元)中发现了错报百分比为100%的错报,总体错报的上限=保证系数x选样间隔。

例如:注册会计师在样本中发现1个错报,该项目的账面金额为20元,审定金额为0元,则总体错报的上限为14250元(4.75x3000)(3)If a misstatement with 100% misstatement percentage in sample ( excluding logical unit that is larger than or equal to the sample interval)is found, the upper limit of population misstatements = Assurance coefficient x Sampling interval.For example, CPA found one misstatement in sample, the book value of the item is 20 Yuan, approved amount is 0 Yuan, then the upper limit of population misstatements is 14250 Yuan (4.75X3000).

总体错报的上限= 推断错报x 保证系数的增量+ 基本精确度。

(4)If a misstatement with the misstatement percentage lower than 100% in sample ( excluding logical unit that is larger than or equal to the sample interval)is found, CPA should first calculate projected misstatements, then after arranging projected misstatements in descending order according to amount, multiply the incremental quantity of corresponding assurance coefficient respectively ( i.e.Under the given level of risk
of incorrect acceptance, the difference between the assurance coefficient corresponding specified number of overstatement misstatements and the assurance coefficient of above line), plus basic accuracy, calculate the upper limit of population misstatements at last.
The upper limit of population misstatements = projectedmisstatements X incremental quantity of assurance coefficient + basic accuracy.



For example, risk of incorrect acceptance is 5%, sampling interval is 3000 Yuan, CPA found two misstatements in sample, the book value of account A is 2000 Yuan, approved amount is 1500 Yuan, projected misstatement is 750 Yuan (500÷2000x3000);the book value of account B is 1000 Yuan, audited value is 200 Yuan, projected misstatement is 2400 Yuan (800÷1000x3000).
After arranging project misstatements in descending order according to amount, from the table, under the 5% level of risk of incorrect acceptance, the incremental quantity of corresponding assurance coefficient of account A is 1.55, the incremental quantity of corresponding assurance coefficient of account B is 1.75.Therefore, the upper limit of population misstatements is 14363 Yuan(750×1.55+2400×1.75+3×3000)如果样本中既有账面金额大于或等于选样间隔的逻辑单元,又有账面金额小于选样间隔的逻辑单元,而且在账面金额小于选样间隔的逻辑单元中,既发现了错报百分比为100% 的错报,又发现了错报百分比低于100%的错报。

If there are both logical units with book value greater than or equal to the sampling interval, and logical units with book value less than the sampling interval, and in the logical unit with book value less than the sampling interval, misstatement with misstatement percentage is 100% is discovered and misstatement with misstatement percentage less than 100% is also discovered.How to solve?
CPA could divide all the sample items into two groups:
The first group is made up of logical units with book value greater than or equal to the sampling interval.CPA could calculate the factual misstatement of items in this group.


The second group is made up of logical units with book value less than the sampling interval.No matter whether the misstatement percentage of items in this group is 100%, CPA should first calculate the projected misstatement of each item, then after arranging all the projected misstatements in descending order according to amount, multiply the incremental quantity of corresponding assurance coefficient respectively, and add up the calculation results.
Use this cumulative result to add basic accuracy, and add the factual misstatement in the first group, then is the upper limit of population misstatements.。
