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户口尚未解决residence account in the city not yet properly arranged
华侨事务委员会Oversea Chinese Affairs Commission
淮南市Huainan Municipality
缓期执行suspension of execution
缓刑suspended sentence
患精神病mentally ill, psychologically ill
恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty
回报率rate of return
回购协议repurchase agreement
惠州市Huizhou Municipality
婚外性关系sexual relations outside marriage
婚姻登记所Marriage Registration Office
婚姻法marriage law
婚姻基础basis for marriage
婚姻授产协议marriage settlement
混合饲料mixed provender
货证bill of lading
机部机械设备成套总局General Office of Complete Set of Machinery of the First Machinery Industry Ministry of the State Construction Commission
机械工业委员会Machinery Industry Commission
基本法Basic Law
基本法律basic statute
基本权利和义务fundamental rights and duties
基本人权fundamental human rights
基本性国家法律overriding national law
基本政策fundamental policies
基层公安机关grassroots public security agencies
基层人民法院Basic People's Court
基层人民法院副院长Basic People's Court vice-president
基层人民法院院长Basic People's Court president
即此函达尚希见复为荷respectfully submitted for clearance
极刑capital punishment
集会结社assembly and association
集体企业collectively owned enterprise
集体所有collective ownership
集体所有制单位unit under collective ownership
集体土地collective-owned land
计划经济planned economy
计划生育family planning
技术产权交易所technology equity market
济南市Jinan Municipality
济宁市Jining Municipality
继承in succession
继承纠纷succession dispute
继承权right in succession
继承人多many successors and beneficiaries and not suitable for division 继承遗产take as a beneficiary under an estate
继父母step parent
继续进行to proceed
寄养子女foster child
加权平均值weighted average
加重刑罚Aggravate Punishment
佳木斯市Kiamusze Municipality
家庭财产分割协议marriage settlement
家庭成员family members
家庭法family law
家庭副业family sideline production
假冒商标passing of trademark
假冒商标罪crime of passing off trademarks
假证据false evidence
奸淫幼女罪crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor
坚决要求firmly demanded
间接法indirect rule
监察部Ministry of Supervision
监察局Supervisory Bureau
国家农业综合开发办公室State Agriculture Comprehensive Development Office 国家破产储量管理局State Minerals Reserves Administration Bureau
国家器具state apparatus
国家轻工业局State Light Industry Administration
国家轻工业局State Light Industry Bureau
国家人防委员会State People's Air Defense Commission
国家人事局State Personnel Bureau
国家商标局State Trademark Bureau
国家商检局State Commodity Inspection Bureau
国家石油和化学工业局State Petroleum and Chemical Industry
国家水产总局State Aquatic Product General Bureau
国家税务局National Taxation Head Office
国家税务总局State Administration on Taxation
国家所有权state ownership
国家体育运动委员会State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
国家体育总局State Administration of Sports
国家统计局State Statistics Bureau
国家土地State owned land
国家土地管理局China Land Administration Bureau
国家外国专家局State Foreign Expert Bureau
国家外汇管理局State Foreign Exchange Administration Bureau
国家文物局State Cultural Relic Bureau
国家无线电管理委员会State Radio Regulatory Commission
国家物价局State Price Control Bureau
国家物资局State Commodities Bureau
国家新闻出版署National News Publication Bureau (National Copyright Bureau) 国家行政区域划分demarcation of national administrative zones
国家行政学院Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences
国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration
国家冶金工业局State Metallurgical Industry Bureau
国家邮政局State Post Office Bureau
国家有色金属工业局State Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bureau
国家语言文字工作委员会State Lanuage Affairs Commission
国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Bureau
国家制度state system
国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision
国家中医药管理局State Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau
国家主席President of the State
国家自然科学基金委员会State Natural Science Funds Commission
国家宗教事务局State Bureau of Religious Affairs
国库券treasury bills
国民政府National Government
国土资源部Ministry of Natural Resources
国务院State Council
国务院Safety manufacture Commission of the State Council
国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council
国务院参事室Counsellor Office of the State Council
国务院出版事业管理局Publication Cause Administration Bureau of the Council 国务院电子振兴领导小组办公室Electronic Rejuvenation Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院发展研究中心The State Development Research Center
国务院法制办国务院法制局Legal Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院扶贫开发办Bureau of the Legislative Affairs under the State Council
国务院港澳办Aid-the-Poor Development Office of the State Council
国务院工资制度改革小组Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council
国务院关税税则委员会Salary Reform Group of the State Council
国务院环境保护领导小组Customs tariff Commission of the State Council
国务院机关事务管理局Environment Protection Leading Group of the State Council
国务院计划生育领导小组Bureau of Institutional Affairs of the State Council
国务院减轻企业负担部际联席会议Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council
国务院经法规研究中心Lighten the Burden on the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY
国务院经济法规研究中心Research Centre for Economic Legislation Under the State Council
国务院经济贸易办公室Economic Law Research Center of the State Council
国务院纠正行业不正之风办公室Economic and Trade Office of the State Council
国务院军队转业干部安置工作小组Correcting Industrial Illegitimate Practice Office of the State Council
国务院科技干部局Demobilized Army Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of the State Council
国务院科技教育领导小组办公室Science and Technology Cadre Bureau of the State Council
国务院口岸领导小组Science and Technology Education Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院农村发展研究中心Port Leading Group of the State Council
国务院贫困地区经济开发领导小组Rural Development Research Center of the State Council
国务院企业管理委员会Impoverished Area Economic Development Leading Group of the State Council
国务院侨务办公室Enterprise Regulatory Commission of the State Council
国务院清产核资领导小组Oversea Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council 国务院清产核资领导小组办公室Liquidition and Assets Check Group of the State Council
国务院清理固定资产投资项目领导小组Clearing "Chain Debts" Leading Group of the State Council
国务院清理三角债导小组Liquidation Assets Check Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院三峡工程建设委员会Liquidition Fixed Asset Investment Projects Leading Group of the State Council
国务院三线建设调整改造规划办公室Three Gorges Project Construction Commission of the State Council
国务院生产办公室San Xian Construction Adjustment Reorganization Planning Office of the State Council
国务院水土保持委员会Manufacture Office of the State Council
国务院税收财务物价大检查办公室Water Soil Conservation Commission of the State Council
国务院台湾事务办公室)Taxation Accounting Commodity Price Examination Office of the State Council
国务院特区办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院体制改革办公室Special Zone Office of the State Council
国务院统一着装管理委员会System Reform Office of the State Council
国务院退伍军人和军队离退休干部安置领导小组Uniform Regulatory Commission of the State Council
国务院外事办Demobilized Soldier and Army Retired Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of the State Council
国务院稀土领导小组Foreign Affairs Bureau of the State Council
国务院新闻办公室Rare-Earth Leading Group of the State Council
国务院信息化工作领导小组News Office of the State Council Information Work Leading Group of the State Council
国务院学位委员会Academic Degree Commission of the State Council
国务院证券委员会Securities Commission of the State Council
国务院知青办Intellectual Young People Office of the State Council
国务院知识产权办公会议办公室Intellectual Property Working Meeting Office of the State Council
国务院住房制度改革领导小组Housing System Reform Leading Group of the State Council
构成要件constitutive requirements
股东大会stock-holder meeting
股份有限公司stock limited company
固定资产fixed capital
故意的动机intentional motive
故意破坏公私财物罪crime of intentionally sabotaging public or private property 故意杀人罪crime of intentional homicide
故意伤害intentional injury
故意伤害致人死亡intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a
person's death
故意伤害致死罪crime of intentionally injuring another which resulted in death
故意伤害罪crime of intentional injury
故意投毒spreading poison with intent
雇佣合同employment contract
挂靠be subordinate to
拐卖人口罪crime of abducting and trafficking human beings
关键pivotal issue
关税壁垒customs barrier
关系恶化worsening of relations
关员级人员customs officer
官职public office
管卡压interference, obstruction and oppression
管理办法Administrative Measures
管辖范围scope of jurisdiction
管有令状writ of possession
管制public surveillance
贯彻执行executed in fact
广东省Guangdong Province
广西壮族自治区Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region
桂林市Guilin Municipality
锅炉压力容器检验所Inspection Institution for Boiler Pressing Containers
国防部Ministry of National Defense
国防科学技术工业委员会National Defense Scientific Technological Industry 国际供应合同international supply contract
国际惯例international common practice
国际惯例international practice
国际海事卫星组织公约Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization
国际私法private international law
国际运输international transport
国家安全局The State Administration of National Security
国家版权局State Copyright Bureau
国家保密局State Bureau of Protection of Confidential documents
国家编制委员会State Organization Commission
国家标准局State Standard Bureau
国家测绘局State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
国家城市建设总局State City Construction General Bureau
国家出版局State Publication Bureau
国家出入境检验检疫局The State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
国家档案局State Archives Bureau
国家地震局State Seismology Bureau
国家电力公司State Electric Power Corporation
国家发展计划委员会State Development & Planning Commission
国家防汛总指挥郭办公室State Flood Prevention General Command Office
国家房管局State Housing Management Bureau
国家纺织工业局State Administration on Textile Industry
国家纺织工业局State Textile Industry Bureau
国家工商行政管理局State Administration for Industry and Commerce
国家公诉人State Prosecutor
国家广播电影电视总局The State Broadcasting Film and Television Administration
国家国防动员委员会National Defense Mobilization Commission
国家国内贸易局State Administration for Domestic Trade
国家国有资产管理局State State-ouned Assets Administration Bureau
国家海洋局State Oceanic Administration
国家核安全局State Nuclear Safety Bureau
国家环境保护总局State Environment Protection Administration
国家黄金管理局State Gold Administration Bureau
国家机关人民防空办公室State Organ People Air Defence Office
国家机械工业局State Administration of Machinery Industry
国家基本建设委员会State Infrastructure Commission
国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission
国家计划委员会State Planning Commission
国家计量局State Metrological Bureau
国家建筑材料工业局State Construction Materials Industry Administration
国家教育委员会State Education Commission
国家结构state structure
国家进出口管理委员会State Import & Export Regulatory Commission
国家进出口银行State Import & Export Bank
国家禁毒委员会National Ban Brugs Commission
国家经济贸易委员会State Economy & Trade Commission
国家经济体制改革委员会State Commission for Restructuring Economy
国家经济委员会State Economy Commission
国家开发银行State Development Bank
国家开发银行办公厅General Office of State Development Bank
国家科委自然科学奖励委员会State Science Commission
国家科学技术委员会State Scientific and Technological Commission
国家劳动总局State Labour Bureau
国家粮食储备局State Grain Reserves Bureau
国家林业局State Bureau of Forestry
国家旅游局State Bureau of Tourism
国家煤炭工业局State Coal Industry Administration
国家密码管理委员会办公室State Secret code Regulatory Commission Office 国家民族事务委员会State National Affairs Commis
国家南极考察委员会National South Pole Investigation Commission
国家能源投资公司State Energy Resources Investment Corporation
国家能源委员会State Energy Resources Commission
国家农业委员会State Agriculture Commission
国有股state-owned shares
国有股减持reduce state's stake in listed companies
国债投资treasury bond investment
国债专项资金special fund for treasury bond
哈尔滨市Harbin Municipality
海关法customs law
海关税customs duties
海关总署General Customs Administration
海军司令部Commander Department of the Navy
海事法院admiralty court
海洋公约the Hague Convention
邯郸市Handan Municipality
汉族Han people
合法的房屋所有权legitimate land ownership right
合法继承人lawful successor
合法权益lawful benefit
合法权益lawful right
合法收入legitimate income
合法受让人lawful assignee
合肥市Hefei Municipality
合计惩处aggregate punishment
合理的考虑reasonable contemplation
合理的预见reasonable foreseeability
合理期限reasonable time
合理时限reasonable time
合理性方面的要求requirement of reasonableness
合理性要求requirement of reasonableness
合谋诈骗conspiratorial swindling
合适的处分appropriate penalty
合适的处分just penalty
合适人选fit person
合同变更modification of contract
合同当事人contracting parties
合同当事人相互关系privity of contract
合同法law of contract
合同前仲裁pre-contract arbitration
合同条款的分类classification of terms
合同转让assignment of contract
合议纪要summary of discussion
合议庭Collegiate Bench
合议制collegiate system
合营期限duration of joint ventures
合约责任contractual obligation
合作经营企业co-operative venture
河北省高级人民法院High People's Court of Hebei Province 核实verify
核实证据verified evidence
黑龙江省Heilongjiang Province
横向关系horizontal relationship
衡平法赋予的自由裁量权equitable discretion
衡平法上的补救措施equitable remedy
衡阳市Hengyang Municipality
哄抢财产roaring seizure
后法优于前法lex posterior derogat lex priori
后果的严重程度severity of consequence
后续条件condition subsequent
呼和浩特市Huhehaote Municipality
互免签证协议visa exemption agreement
互相帮助assist each other
互相抵押mutual security
互相供养的责任感 a sense of mutual obligation to support one another 互相印证corroborate
互选elect from among themselves
互争权利诉讼interpleader proceedings
同比on year-on-year basis
同业拆借inter-bank borrowing
同业融通票据inter-bank financing bills
同业往来inter-bank transactions
退税tax refund
吞吐基础货币adjustment of monetary base
外部审计external audit
外国直接投资foreign direct investment
外汇储备foreign exchange reserves
外汇调剂foreign exchange swap
外汇占款the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves
外向型经济export-oriented economy
外债external debt
外资企业foreign-funded enterprises
完善现代企业制度improve the modern enterprise system
完税凭证tax payment documentation
违法经营illegal business
委托存款entrusted deposits
稳步增长steady growth
稳健的银行系统 a sound banking system
稳中求进make progress while ensuring stability
无纸交易book-entry transaction
物价监测price monitoring
吸纳流动性absorb liquidity
稀缺经济scarcity economy
洗钱money laundering
系统内调度fund allocation within a bank
系统性金融危机systemic financial crisis
下岗工人laid-off employees
下游企业down-stream enterprises
现场稽核on-site examination
现金滞留cash held outside the banking system
乡镇企业township and village enterprises
削减冗员shed excess labor force
消费税excise tax
消费物价指数consumer price index
消灭财政赤字balance the budget; to eliminate fiscal deficit
销货款回笼reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system
销售平淡lackluster sales
协议外资金额committed amount of foreign investment
新经济增长点new sources of economic growth
新开工项目new projects; newly started projects
新增贷款incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth; credit expansion
新增就业位置new jobs; new job opportunities
信贷规模考核review the compliance with credit ceilings
信号失真distorted signals
信托投资公司trust and investment companies
信息不对称information asymmetry
信息共享系统information sharing system
信息披露information disclosure
信用扩张credir expansion
信用评级credit rating
行政措施Administrative Measures
行政措施administrative measures
姓资还是姓社pertaining to socialism or capitalism; socialist or
虚伪存款window-dressing deposits
需求膨胀demand expansion; excessive demand
寻租rent seeking
迅速反弹quick rebound
养老基金pension fund
一刀切universal application; non-discretionary implementation
一级市场primary market
银行网点banking outlets
应收未收利息overdue interest
营业税business tax
硬贷款commercial loans
用地审批grant land use right
游资hot money
有管理的浮动汇率managed floating exchange rate
有市场的产品marketable products
有效供给effective supply
诱发新一轮经济扩张trigger a new round of economic expansion
逾期贷款overdue loans; past-due loans
与国际惯例接轨become compatible with internationally accepted practices
与国际市场接轨integrate with the world market
预调pre-emptive adjustment
月环比on a month-on-month basis
再贷款central bank lending
在国际金融机构储备头寸reserve position in international financial institutions
在人行存款deposits at the central bank
在途资金fund in float
增长平稳steady growth
增加农业投入increase investment in agriculture
增势减缓deceleration of growth
增收节支措施revenue-enhancing and expenditure control measures 增值税value-added tax
涨幅偏高higher-than-desirable growth rate
账外账concealed accounts
证券交易清算settlement of securities transactions
证券投资portfolio investment
证券业务占款funding of securities purchase
政策工具policy instrument
政策性业务policy-related operations
政策性银行policy banks
政策组合policy mix
政府干预government intervention
支付困难payment difficulty
支付能力payment capacity
直接调控方式向increase the reliance on indirect policy instruments 职能转换transformation of functions
职业道德professional ethics
指令性措施mandatory measures
指令性计划mandatory plan; administered plan
制定和实施货币政策conduct monetary policy
滞后影响lagged effect
中央与地方财政delineation of fiscal responsibilities
周期谷底bottom (trough) of business cycle
逐步到位phase in
逐步取消phase out
主办银行main bank
主权风险sovereign risk
注册资本registered capital
抓大放小seize the big and free the small
专款专用use of funds as ear-marked
转轨经济transition economy
转折关头turning point
准财政赤字quasi-fiscal deficit
资本充足率capital adequacy ratio
资本利润率return on capital
资本账户可兑换capital account convertibility
资产负债表balance sheet
资产负债率liability/asset ratio
资产贡献率asset contribution factor
资产集中asset concentration
资产利润率return on assets
资产质量asset quality
资产组合asset portfolio
资金成本cost of funding; cost of capital
资金到位fully funded
资金宽裕have sufficient funds
资金利用率fund utilization rate
资金缺口financing gap
资金体外循环financial disintermediation
资金占压funds tied up
自筹投资项目self-financed projects
自有资金equity fund
综合国力overall national strength
监内执行execution of punishment inside the prison 监视surveillance
监视居住residential surveillance
监狱Prison and Detention houses
减轻处罚reduced punishment
检查鉴定结论conclusion after examination
检察长chief procurator
检察委员会Procuratorial Committee
检察委员会会员Procuratorial Committee member
检察委员会检察员Procuratorial Committee procurator
检察委员会书记员Procuratorial Committee clerk
检察委员会助理检察员Procuratorial Committee assistant procurator
检控institute a public prosecution
简单合同simple contract
建筑许可证Construction Licence
建筑业协会Architecture Industry Association
江阴市Jiangyin Municipality
交通部Ministry of Communication
交通事故行政裁决administrative decision of traffic accident
交通银行Bank of Communication
教育部Ministry of Education
教育附加费additional education tax
教育挽救感化,,education, saving, influence
阶级斗争class struggle
接管take over
接纳上诉appeal allowed
接受存款公司deposit-taking company
接受令状的送达accepts service of the writ
结案wind up a case, close a case, settle a lawsuit
结婚登记marriage registration
解除合同termination of contract
解答clarification on
解放军总直属队The Army Units Directly under the Chinese People's Liberation Army
解交被拘押者到庭作证令状writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum
解决未果fail to resolve
介入诉讼intervene in proceedings
介绍信letter of introduction
藉内庭发出传票by summons in chambers
金钱赔偿monetary compensation
金融机构Financial agency
金融市场financial market
金融租赁公司financial lease companies
金税工程Golden Tax Project
锦州市Jinzhou Municipality
近亲属near relatives
禁渔期closed fishing seasons
经办人员handling personnel
经常性贷款commercial lending
经调解upon mediation
经济案件级别管辖Jurisdiction by amount in controversy in economic cases 经济帮助financial assistance
经济承受能力ability to shoulder economically
经济等检察厅Economic Affairs
经济法economic law
经济犯罪economic crimes
经济合同法Economic Contract Law
经济合同仲裁委员会Economic Contract Arbitration Board
经济合作合同contract on economic co-operation
经济价值economic value
经济审判庭Economic Division
经济审判庭副庭长Economic Division Associate Chief Judge
经济审判庭庭长Economic Division Chief Judge
经济损失economic loss
经济特区法规laws and regulations of the special economic zones
经济仲裁制度economic arbitration system
律师行业the practice of law
缺乏后劲unsustainable momentum
绕规模贷款circumvent credit ceiling
人均国内生产总值per capita GDP
人均收入per capita income
人民币升值压力upward pressure on the Renminbi
认缴资本subscribed capital
软贷款soft loans
软预算约束soft budget constraint
软着陆soft landing
三角债chain debts
善政廉政good governance
商业贷款commercial loans
上市公司listed corporations
设备利用capacity utilization
社会保障social safety net
深层次矛盾deep-rooted structural imbalance
审批金融机构license financial institutions
审慎监管prudential supervision
生产能力闲置unutilized capacity
生息资产interest-bearing assets
实际利用外资disbursement of foreign capital
实际有效汇率real effective exchange rate
实时real time
实收资本paid-in capital
实现利润realized profit
市场分割market segmentation
市场经济market economy
市场占有率(市场份额)market share
市场准入指商品和劳务的进入market access ()
市价总值market capitalization
适度从紧appropriately tight
适时调节timely adjustment
收回对金融机构贷款to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions) 税后还贷amortization (repayment of loans) after tax
税收流失tax erosion
税源不足weak tax base
私营经济(私人经济)the private sector
私有制private ownership
所有者权益owner's equity
逃税(请见避税)tax evasion
套汇currency swap
套汇非法illegal purchase of foreign exchange
剔除季节性因素seasonally adjusted
提出具体意见submit detailed opinions on
贴现窗口discount window
付清余款paid the residual balance
负责be responsible
附带民事诉讼supplementary civil action
附属于collateral to
阜新蒙古族自治县Fuxin Mongolia Autonomous Country
复合氨基酸compound amino acid
复核审法院Court of Review
复息compound interest
复员费decommission pay
复员军人demobilized serviceman
副检察长Deputy Chief Procuratoy
富川瑶族自治县Fuchuan Y ao Nationality Autonomous
改过自新remorse and reform
干扰证人interfere with a witness
甘肃省Gansu Province
感情破裂loss of affection
赣州市Ganzhou Municipality
港币发行权authority to issue Hong Kong currency
革委会revolutionary committee
格式合同standard form of contract
个人财产personal property
个体户individual household
个体劳动者所有权individual worker's ownership
各级at different levels
各级地方政府local government at several levels
各尽所能from each according to his ability
各省of all provinces
给予适当的经济帮助render suitable financial assistance
给予援助令状Writ of Assistance
根本法律fundamental law
根据成文法推定的默示条款terms implied by legislation
根据法院判决推定的默示条款terms implied by courts
根据惯例推定的默示条款terms implied by usage
根据婚姻法的规定according to Marriage Law provisions
工矿产品合同试行条例The Trial Implementing Regulations on Contracts of Industrial and Mineral Product
工矿区industrial and mining district
工农联盟Alliance of Workers and Peasants
工商统一税unified industrial-commercial tax
工作场所work place
公安Public Security Officers
公安部Ministry of Public Security
公安部法规局The Bureau of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security
公安处Public Security Office
公安机关Public Security Organs
公安机关行政处罚决定Public Security Penalty Decision
公安局Public Security Bureau
公安派出所local police station
公安人员Public Security Officers
公共开支public expenditure
公共性public character
公共帐目的审计制度system for auditing public accounts
公共政策public policy
公共政策的原则principle of public policy
公共秩序public order
公共主管当局competent authority
公积金public accumulation funds
公检法public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's
公检法机关organs of the public security, the procuracy and the court
公开聆讯方式public hearing
公开审理public hearing
公民劳动义务civic duty to work
公司存在期限duration of company
公司章程Articles of Association
公诉public prosecution
公诉机关public prosecution organ
公诉人public prosecutor
公诉书bill of indictment
公务人员public official
公有制public ownership system
公约国Convention country
公约证明书Convention certificates
公证承付notarial act of honour
公证会计师办事处Notarial Accountants' Office
公证机关notary public
公证人public notary
公证证明notarial certification
公职public office
公众假期public holiday
公众假日public holiday
公众利益public advantage
供销合作社supply and marketing co-operative
共负盈亏share profits and losses
共青团中央The Central Committee of the Communist Young League 共识政府Government by consensus
共同财产common property
共同犯罪joint offence
共同纲领common programme
共同权利 a joint right
共同实施违法行为jointly committed the offence
共同误解common mistake
共同债务joint debts
居楼屋的抵契deed of property
拘传summon for detention
拘留审查决定decision of detention for investigation
拘留审查通知书字号Notice of Detention for Investigation No.
拘役判刑sentence of penal servitude
拘役作为处罚detention as a punishment
局部性金融风波localized financial disturbance
拒绝颁发持枪证refusal to issue gun owner's certificate
拒绝履行refusal to perform
具备必要的资格have the requisite qualification, be
具法团地位的公司incorporated company
具体处罚行为specific punishment
具体行政行为concrete act of administration
具体行政行为specific administrative action
具有法律约束力legally binding
具有权限的主管当局competent authorities
具有中国特色的with Chinese characteristics
据称的父亲reputed father
据此based on this, because of this, evidenced by
聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride
聚众扰乱公安场所秩序罪crime of assembling a crowd to disturb order in public places
卷中所存as stated in the document
决策权债decision-making power
决定书Written Decision
绝对必要事项absolutely required item
绝对信任utmost good faith
绝卖foreclose, foreclosure
军兵种The Categories of Troops
军区The Regional Military Command
军人通行证army pass
军事法院Military Court
军事检察院Military Procuratorate
军委总政治部The General Political Department of the
Military Commission
君子协定gentlemen's agreement
开办人民币业务engage in RMB business
开放政策policy of invigorating the domestic economy
and opening to the outside world
勘验检查笔录transcript of inspection and examination
抗税tax evasion
科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology
可变成本variable cost
可变条件contingent condition
可持续经济增长sustainable economic growth
可动财产movable property
可公诉罪行indictable offence
可流转票据negotiable instrument
可凭票要求付款payable on demand
可商销的品质merchantable quality
可提出公诉an indictment may be preferred。