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1. artificial intelligence 人工智能
2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器
3. optical computer 光计算机
4. neural network 神经网络
5. instruction set 指令集
6. parallel processing 并行处理
7. difference engine 差分机
8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件
9. silicon substrate 硅衬底
10. vacuum tube 真空管
11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data
12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit
13. 中央处理器central processing unit
14. 个人计算机personal computer
15. 模拟计算机analogue computer
16. 数字计算机digital computer
17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer
18. 处理器芯片processor chip
19. 操作指令operating instructions
20. 输入设备input device
We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities.
Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes. First-generation computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC(通用自动计算机), introduced in the early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers, appearing in the early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced transistors. In fourth-generation computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on one chip. Fifth-generation computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration with sophisticated approaches to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed processing.
人们正在开发其他的奇异计算模型,包括使用生物机体的生物计算、使用具有特定属性的分子的分子计算,以及使用遗传基本单位DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)存储数据和执行运算的计算。
1. function key 功能键,操作键,函数键
2. voice recognition module 语音识别模块
3. touch-sensitive region 触敏区
4. address bus 地址总线
5. flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪
6. dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机(针式打印机)
7. parallel connection 并行连接
8. cathode ray tube 阴极射线管
9. video game 电子游戏
10. audio signal 音频信号
11. 操作系统operating system
12. 液晶显示(器)LCD (liquid crystal display)
13. 喷墨打印机inkjet printer
14. 数据总线data bus
15. 串行连接serial connection
16. 易失性存储器volatile memory
17. 激光打印机laser printer
18. 磁盘驱动器disk drive
19. 基本输入/输出系统BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
20. 视频显示器video display
CD-ROM stands for compact disc read-only memory. Unlike floppy and hard disks, which use magnetic charges to represent 1s and 0s, optical discs use reflected light. On
a CD-ROM disc, 1s and 0s are represented by flat areas and bumpy (高低不平的) areas
(called “pits”) on its bottom surface. The CD-ROM disc is read by a laser that projects a
tiny beam of light on these areas. The amount of reflected light determines whether the area represents a 1 or a 0.
Like a commercial CD found in music stores, a CD-ROM is a “read-only” disc. Read-only means it cannot be written on or erased by the user. Thus, you as a user have access only to the data imprinted (压印) by the publisher.
A single CD-ROM disc can store 650 megabyte s (兆字节) of data. That is equivalent
to 451 floppy disks. With that much information on a single disc, the time to retrieve or access the information is very important. An important characteristic of CD-ROM drives is their access rate.
计算机使用的是数字信号,这种信号由离散单元组成,通常用一系列1和0 表示。
1. storage register 存储寄存器
2. function statement 函数语句
3. program statement 程序语句
4. object-oriented language 面向对象语言
5. assembly language 汇编语言
6. intermediate language 中间语言,中级语言
7. relational language 关系(型)语言
8. artificial language 人工语言
9. data declaration 数据声明
10. Structured Query Language 结构化查询语言
11. 可执行程序executable program
12. 程序模块program module
13. 条件语句conditional statement
14. 赋值语句assignment statement
15. 逻辑语言logic language
16. 机器语言machine language
17. 函数式语言functional language
18. 程序设计语言programming language
19. 运行计算机程序run a computer program
20. 计算机程序员computer programmer
A programming language is a language used to write instructions for the computer.
It lets the programmer express data processing in a symbolic manner without regard to machine-specific details.
The difficulty of writing programs in the machine language of 0s and 1s led first to the development of assembly language, which allows programmers to use mnemonics (助记符) for instructions and symbols for variables. Such programs are then translated by a program known as an assembler (汇编程序,汇编器) into the binary encoding used by the computer. Other pieces of system software known as linking loaders (连接装入程序) combine pieces of assembled code and load them into the machine’s main memory unit, where they are then ready for execution. The concept of linking separate pieces of code was important, since it allowed “libraries” of programs to be built up to carry out common tasks—a first step toward the increasingly emphasized notion of software reuse.
Assembly language was found to be sufficiently inconvenient that higher-level languages (closer to natural languages) were invented in the 1950s for easier, faster programming;
along with them came the need for compilers, programs that translate high-level language programs into machine code. As programming languages became more powerful and abstract, building efficient compilers that create high-quality code in terms of execution speed and storage consumption became an interesting computer science problem in itself.
1. inference engine 推理机
2. system call 系统调用
3. compiled language 编译执行的语言
4. parallel computing 并行计算
5. pattern matching 模式匹配
6. memory location 存储单元
7. interpreter program 解释程序
8. library routine 库程序,程序库例行程序
9. intermediate program 中间程序,过渡程序
10. source file 源文件
11. 解释执行的语言interpreted language
12. 设备驱动程序device driver
13. 源程序source program
14. 调试程序debugging program
15. 目标代码object code
16. 应用程序application program
17. 实用程序utility program
18. 逻辑程序logic program
19. 墨盒ink cartridge
20. 程序的存储与执行program storage and execution
A compiler, in computer science, is a computer program that translates source code
into object code. Software engineers write source code using high-level programming languages that people can understand. Computers cannot directly execute source code, but need a compiler to translate these instructions into a low-level language called machine code.
Compilers collect and reorganize (compile) all the instructions in a given set of source code to produce object code. Object code is often the same as or similar to a comp uter’s machine code. If the object code is the same as the machine language, the computer can run the program immediately after the compiler produces its translation.
If the object code is not in machine language, other programs—such as assemblers, binders (联编程序), linkers, and loaders (加载程序)—finish the translation.
Most computer languages use different versions of compilers for different types of computers or operating systems, so one language may have different compilers for personal computers (PC) and Apple Macintosh computers. Many different manufacturers
often produce versions of the same programming language, so compilers for a language may vary between manufacturers.
1. system specification 系统规格说明
2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试
3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期)
4. system validation testing 系统验证测试
5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程
6. linear model 线性模型
7. program unit 程序单元
8. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型
9. text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化
10. system evolution 系统演变
11. 系统设计范例system design paradigm
12. 需求分析与定义requirements analysis and definition
13. 探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach
14. 系统文件编制system documentation
15. 瀑布模型waterfall model
16. 系统集成system integration
17. 商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf ( 或COTS) software
18. 基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering (CBSE)
19. 软件维护工具software maintenance tool
20. 软件复用software reuse
There are three different types of software maintenance. Firstly, there is maintenance
to repair software faults. Coding errors are usually relatively cheap to correct; design errors are more expensive as they may involve rewriting several program components.
Requirements errors are the most expensive to repair because of the extensive system redesign that may be necessary. Secondly, there is maintenance to adapt the software to
a different operating environment. This type of maintenance is required when some
aspect of the system’s environment such as the hardware, the platform operating system or other support software changes. The application system must be modified to adapt it to cope with these environmental changes. And thirdly, there is maintenance to add to or modify the system’s functionality. This type of maintenance is necessary when the system requirements change in response to organizational or business change. The scale of the changes required to the software is often much greater than for the other types of maintenance. In practice, there isn’t a clear-cut distinction between these types of maintenance. When you adapt the system to a new environment, you may add functionality to take advantage of new environmental features. Software faults are often exposed because users use the system in unanticipated ways. Changing the system to accommodate their way of working is the best way to fix these faults.
1. end user 最终用户,终端用户
2. atomic operation 原子操作
3. database administrator 数据库管理员
4. relational database model 关系数据库模型
5. local data 本地数据
6. object-oriented database 面向对象数据库
7. database management system (DBMS) 数据库管理系统
8. entity-relationship model (ERM) 实体关系模型
9. distributed database 分布式数据库
10. flat file 平面文件
11. 二维表two-dimensional table
12. 数据属性data attribute
13. 数据库对象database object
14. 存储设备storage device
15. 数据类型data type
16. 数据插入与删除data insertion and deletion
17. 层次数据库模型hierarchical database model
18. 数据库体系结构database architecture
19. 关系数据库管理系统relational database management system (RDBMS)
20. 全局控制总线global control bus
A database is any collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory
and designed for easy access by authorized users. The data may be in the form of text, numbers, or encoded graphics. Small databases were first developed or funded by the U.S. government for agency or professional use. In the 1960s, some databases became commercially available, but their use was funnelled(传送) through a few so-called research centers that collected information inquiries and handled them in batches (批,批量). Online databases—that is, databases available to anyone who could link up to them by computer—first appeared in the 1970s. Since their first,experimental appearance in the 1950s, databases have become so important that they can be found in almost every field of information. Government, military, and industrial databases are often highly restricted, and professional databases are usually of limited interest. A wide range of commercial, governmental, and nonprofit databases are available to the general public, however, and may be used by anyone who owns or has access to the equipment that they require.
例如,如果一个表包含EMPLOYEE-ID 、LAST-NAME 、FIRST-NAME 和HIRE-DATE 字段,另一个表包含DEPT、EMPLOYEE-ID 和SALARY 字段,关系数据库可匹配这两个表中的EMPLOYEE-ID 字段,以找到特定的信息,如所有挣到一定薪水的雇员的姓名或所有在某个日期之后受雇的雇员所属的部门。
1. file server 文件服务器
2. carrier sense 载波检测,载波监听
3. protocol suite 协议组,协议集
4. peer-to-peer model 对等模型
5. bus topology network 总线拓扑网络
6. inter-machine cooperation 机器间合作,计算机间合作
7. Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协议集
8. proprietary network 专有网络
9. utility package 实用软件包,公用程序包
10. star network 星形网络
11. 局域网local area network (LAN)
12. 令牌环token ring
13. 无线网络wireless network
14. 封闭式网络closed network
15. 环形拓扑结构ring topology
16. 客户机/服务器模型client/server model
17. 网络应用程序network application
18. 进程间通信interprocess communication
19. 打印服务器print server
20. 广域网wide area network (WAN)
Computers can communicate with other computers through a series of connections and associated hardware called a network. The advantage of a network is that data can be exchanged rapidly, and software and hardware resources, such as hard-disk space or printers, can be shared. Networks also allow remote use of a computer by a user who cannot physically access the computer.
One type of network, a local area network (LAN), consists of several PCs or workstations connected to a special computer called a server, often within the same building or office complex. The server stores and manages programs and data. A server often contains all of a networked group’s data and en ables LAN workstations or PCs to be set up without large storage capabilities. In this scenario (方案), each PC may have
“local” memory (for example, a hard drive) specific to itself, but the bulk of storage resides on the server. This reduces the cost of the workstation or PC because less expensive computers can be purchased, and it simplifies the maintenance of software because the software resides only on the server rather than on each individual workstation or PC.
1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机
2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP 地址
3. autonomous system 自主系统
4. dial-up connection 拨号连接
5. network identifier 网络标识符
6. binary notation 二进制记数法
7. mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名
8. Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统
9. name server 名称服务器
10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构
11. 助记地址mnemonic address
12. 网吧cyber cafe
13. 宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access
14. 顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)
15. 因特网编址Internet addressing
16. 点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation
17. 因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)
18. 专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection
19. 主机地址host address
20. 硬件与软件支持hardware and software support
Early computer networks used leased telephone company lines for their connections.
Telephone company systems of that time established a single connection between sender and receiver for each telephone call, and that connection carried all data along a single path. When a company wanted to connect computers it owned at two different locations, the company placed a telephone call to establish the connection, and then connected one computer to each end of that single connection.
The U.S. Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of this single-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a different method of sending information through multiple channels. In this method, files and messages are broken into packets that are labeled electronically with codes for their origins, sequences, and destinations. In 1969, Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) used this network model to connect four computers into a network called the ARPANET. The ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers in the academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technological developments that increased its speed and efficiency.
不少人认为,是万维网(WWW或简称the Web)为这个全球网络提供了“制胜法宝”。
1. server farm 大型机服务器
2. access protocol 存取协议,访问协议
3. storage area network 存储区域网(络)
4. high-throughput computing 高吞吐(量)计算
5. server cluster 服务器集群
6. public cloud 公共云
7. grid computing 网格计算
8. security-aware cloud architecture 具有安全意识的云体系结构
9. social networking 社交网络
10. utility computing 效用计算
11. 云计算提供商cloud computing provider
12. 存储芯片memory chip
13. 基于内部网的私有云intranet-based private cloud
14. 网络带宽network bandwidth
15. 混合云hybrid cloud
16. 磁盘阵列disk array
17. 软件即服务Software as a Service (SaaS)
18. 集群计算cluster computing
19. 虚拟化计算机资源virtualized computer resources
20. 多核处理器multi-core processor
The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers: infrastructure, platform, and application. The infrastructure layer is deployed first to support IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services. This layer serves as the foundation for building the platform layer of the cloud for supporting PaaS (Platform as a Service) services. In turn, the platform layer is a foundation for implementing the application layer for SaaS applications.
The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute, storage, and network resources. The abstraction of these hardware resources is meant to provide the flexibility demanded by users. Internally, virtualization realizes automated provisioning of resources and optimizes the infrastructure management process. The platform layer is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources. This layer provides users with an environment to develop their applications, to test operation flows, and to monitor execution results and performance. In a way, the virtualized cloud platform serves as a “system middleware(中间件)”between the infrastructure and application layers of the cloud. The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications. Service applications in this layer include daily office management work. The application layer is also heavily used by enterprises in business marketing and sales, consumer relationship management, financial transactions, and supply chain management.
1. backup system 备份系统
2. encryption key (加密)密钥
3. data confidentiality 数据机密性
4. system vulnerability 系统脆弱性,系统脆弱之处
5. unauthorized access 未经授权的访问,越权存取
6. intrusion detection system 入侵检测系统
7. after-action recovery 事后恢复
8. software piracy 软件侵权
9. authorized user 特许用户
10. data unit 数据单元,数据单位
11. 软件版本software version
12. 数据完整性data integrity
13. 系统崩溃system crash
14. 病毒检查软件virus-checking software
15. 综合安全策略comprehensive security strategy
16. 软件配置管理software configuration management
17. 故障隔离fault isolation
18. 统计数据库statistical database
19. 保密的加密算法secure encryption algorithm
20. 数据流data stream
An access control mechanism mediates between a user (or a process executing on behalf of a user) and system resources, such as applications, operating systems, firewalls, routers, files, and databases. The system must first authenticate (验证) a user seeking access. Typically the authentication function determines whether the user is permitted to access the system at all. Then the access control function determines if the specific requested access by this user is permitted. A security administrator maintains an
authorization (授权) database that specifies what type of access to which resources is allowed for this user. The access control function consults this database to determine whether to grant access. An auditing function monitors and keeps a record of user accesses to system resources.
In practice, a number of components may cooperatively share the access control function. All operating systems have at least a rudimentary (基本的), and in many cases
a quite robust, access control component. Add-on security packages can add to the
native access control capabilities of the OS. Particular applications or utilities, such as a database management system, also incorporate access control functions. External devices, such as firewalls, can also provide access control services.
1. mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表
2. proprietary software 专有软件
3. cc line 抄送行
4. bcc line 密送行
5. forwarded e-mail message 转发的电子邮件
6. e-mail convention 电子邮件常规
7. click on an icon 点击图标
8. confidential document 密件,秘密文件
9. classified information 密级信息
10. recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件
11. 常用情感符commonly used emoticon
12. 已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail
13. 电子系统electronic system
14. 附件行Attachments line
15. 版权法copyright law
16. 电子邮件网规e-mail netiquette
17. 信息高速公路information superhighway
18. 签名文件signature file
19. 电子数据表程序spreadsheet program
20. 文字处理软件word processor
Instant messaging has always been a good way to stay in touch with friends. As companies look to cut costs and improve efficiency, instant messaging is a good way to replace in-person meetings, while allowing people to collaborate (合作) through their computers. Instant messaging is a valuable new tool that is becoming as common as e-mail in the workplace.
Several companies, such as Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft, will give you free access to instant messaging. To use their systems, you will need to download their software to your computer from their websites. Some instant messaging programs include the ability to send live audio or video. With a microphone and/or digital camera mounted on your computer, you can let other people see and hear you talking.
Most instant messaging programs ask you to sign in with a password. Then, you can create a list of other people with whom you want to converse(交谈). To begin a conversation, send a message to the others to see if they are at their computers. Their computers will open a window or make a sound to tell them you want to talk to them. If they respond, you can start writing back and forth.
1. customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略
2. B2G transaction 企业对政府交易
3. dial-up modem 拨号调制解调器
4. dot-com bust 网络不景气
5. smart card 智能卡
6. digital piracy 数字盗版
7. dot-com boom 网络繁荣
8. C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易
9. Web auction site 拍卖网站
10. fingerprint reader 指纹读取器
11. 射频识别装置radio-frequency identification (RFID) device
12. 电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)
13. 库存管理技术inventory management technology
14. 知识产权intellectual property
15. 条形码bar code
16. 货币兑换currency conversion
17. 电子图书electronic book
18. 视网膜扫描仪retina scanner
19. 个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)
20. 企业对企业电子商务B2B electronic commerce
Commerce, the negotiated exchange of goods or services, has been practiced in traditional ways for thousands of years. Electronic commerce is the application of new technologies, particularly Internet and Web technologies, to help individuals, businesses, and other organizations conduct business more effectively. As in the Industrial Revolution, electronic commerce will be adopted in waves of change. The first wave of electronic commerce ended in 2000. More recently, a second wave with new approaches to integrating Internet technologies into business processes has begun. In the second wave, businesses are focusing less on overall business models and more on improving specific business processes.
Using electronic commerce, some businesses have been able to create new products and services, and others have improved the promotion, marketing, and delivery of existing offerings (待售品). Firms have also found many ways to use electronic commerce to improve purchasing and supply activities; identify new customers; and operate their finance, administration, and human resource management activities more efficiently. The
inherently global nature of electronic commerce leads to many opportunities and a few challenges. Businesses must be careful to understand the trust, cultural, language, and legal issues that arise in international business.