文化语言学-Introduction to Cultural Linguistics

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Language embodies cultural reality.
Members of a community also create experience through language.
Language symbolizes cultural reality.
Speakers identify themselves and others through their use of language’ they view their language as a symbol of their social identity.
Chinese cultural linguistics insists that linguistic difference reflects the differences in culture, thoughts and the world view. The establishment and development of Chinese cultural linguistics can deeply explore the unique cultural qualities in Chinese.

World- - - - - Human Beings
Linguistic world is the reflection of the physical world, which can be put in the right perspective of human beings via linguistic world. Physical world is existed in language and presented through language, which is the basic channel accessible to the physical world.
1 Relationship between Language and World View
1)The world is a kaleidoscope of language symbols.
2)Human beings, unlike animals, must face the outside world via language. Actually, the relationship between human beings, the world and language is as following:
The category of culture is much larger than language; culture has an effect on language, which has been constrained and influenced by culture during its development and change.
Language is the core of cultural world and symbolic world in terms of its role in creating culture and symbols.
All culture or civilization is dependent on symbols. It is the capability to use symbols that create cultures and culture continuity can be possible only by the use of symbols. Without symbols, cultures could not exist in the world.
Language is not a culture-free code, distinct from the way people think and behave, but, rather it plays a major role in the perpetuation of culture, particularly in its printed form.
Social conventions, norms of social appropriateness, are the product of communities of language users.
People who identify themselves as members of a social group (family, neighborhood, professional or ethnic affiliation, nation) acquire common ways of viewing the world through their interactions with other members of the same group.
Introduction to Cultural Linguistics
Professor: Student’s name:
Sui Huili Ma Jinying(马进莹)
Student’s ID Number: 42009362
Mar. 5, 2011
Linguistic View
Human beings are born living not only in physical world but also in linguistic world; the two worlds both have an influence on the formation of ideology and of the world view.
It is by creation of culture that language comes into being.
Is it true to say that language is the production of culture?
3 Relationship between Language & Cultural Differences
Language expresses cultural reality.
The words people utter refer to common experience. Words also reflect their authors’ attitudes and beliefs, their point of view, that are also those of others.
2 Relationship between Language and Culture
On one hand, language is an important part of culture and on the other hand, culture had a decisive effect on language.
1 Relationship between Language and World View 2 Relationship between Language and Culture 3 Relationship between Language & Cultural Differences 4 Significance of Cultural Linguistics
The most import way to express symbols is by language with clear syllables.
Without language, social organization could not be existed in the world….
(Leslie A. White, an American anthropologist )
Different communities have different ways of thinking.
Language has the function of constructing and transmitting culture, forming and expressing thought; language embodies the world view of a nation.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis makes the claim that the structure of the language one habitually uses influences the manner in which one thinks and behaves.
The changes of language and culture have a mutual cause-and-effect relationship.
4 Significance of Cultural Linguistics
The study of cultural linguistics greatly expand the field of linguistics, revealing the cultural connotations that other linguistic school failed to deal with and it can bridge linguistics and other humanities.
Linguistic Relativity: Scholars put forward the idea that different people speak differently because they think differently, and that they think differently because their language offers them different ways of expressing the world around them.
So, for example, according to Whorf, whereas English speakers conceive of time as a linear, objective sequence of events encoded in a system of past, present, and future tenses (for example, ‘He ran’ or ‘He will run’), or a discrete number of days as encoded in cardinal numerals (for example, ten days), the Hopi conceive of it as intensity and duration in the analysis and reporting of experience (for example, wari = ‘He ran’ or statement of fact, warikni = ‘He ran’ or statement of fact from memory). Similarly ‘They stayed ten days’ becomes in Hopi ‘They stayed until the eleventh day’ or ‘They left after the tenth day’.
Linguistic symbols are important in the process of knowing the world.
Linguistic symbols are also important in the formation of ideology and of the world view.
Culture is created by human beings and one of the most important characteristic of culture is symbolic. The creation of culture is actually a process of creating symbols continuous .
This notion was picked up by Edward Sapir and his views on the interdependence of language and thought have become known under the name of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.