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** 创建空间权重矩阵介绍
cd C:\Users\xiubo\Desktop\F182013.v4\F101994\sheng
*shp2dta:reads a shape (.shp) and dbase (.dbf) file from disk and converts them into Stata datasets.
*database (chinaprovince):表示创建一个名称为“chinaprovince”的dBase数据集
*database(filename):Specifies filename of new dBase dataset
*coordinates(filename):Specifies filename of new coordinates dataset
*gencentroids(stub):Creates centroid variables
*genid(newvarname):Creates unique id variable for database.dta
shp2dta using CHN_adm1,database (chinaprovince) coordinates(coord) genid(id) gencentroids(c)
*spmap:Visualization of spatial data
*clnumber(#):number of classes
*id(idvar):base map polygon identifier(识别符,声明变量名,一般以字母或下划线开头,包含数字、字母、下划线)
spmap _2016GDP using coord, id(id) clnumber(5)
rename x_c longitude
rename y_c latitude
*Spatial-weighting matrices are stored in spatial-weighting matrix objects (spmat objects).
*spmat objects contain additional information about the data used in constructing spatial-weighting matrices.
*spmat objects are used in fitting spatial models; see spreg (if installed) and spivreg (if installed).
*idistance:(产生距离矩阵)create an spmat object containing an inverse-distance matrix W
*或contiguity:create an spmat object containing a contiguity matrix W
*dfunction(function[, miles]):(设置计算距离方法)specify the distance function.
*function may be one of euclidean (default), dhaversine, rhaversine, or the Minkowski distance of order p, where p is an integer greater than or equal to 1.
*normalize(row):(行标准化)specifies one of the three available normalization techniques: row, minmax, and spectral.
*In a row-normalized matrix, each element in row i is divided by the sum of row i's elements.
*In a minmax-normalized matrix, each element is divided by
the minimum of the largest row sum and column sum of the matrix.
*In a spectral-normalized matrix, each element is divided by the modulus of the largest eigenvalue of the matrix.
spmat idistance idistance_jingdu longitude latitude, id(id) dfunction(euclidean) normalize(row)
spmat save idistance_jingdu using idistance_jingdu.spmat
spmat export idistance_jingdu using idistance_jingdu.txt
spmat contiguity contiguity_jingdu using coord, id(id) normalize(row)
spmat save contiguity_jingdu using contiguity_jingdu.spmat spmat export contiguity_jingdu using contiguity_jingdu.txt **计算Moran’s I
*spatwmat:imports or generates the spatial weights matrices required by spatgsa, spatlsa, spatdiag, and spatreg.
*As an option, spatwmat also generates the eigenvalues matrix required by spatreg.
*band(0 8):宽窗介绍
*band(numlist) is required if option using filename is not specified.
*It specifies the lower and upper bounds of the distance
band within which location pairs must be considered "neighbors"
(i.e., spatially contiguous)
*and, therefore, assigned a nonzero spatial weight.
*binary:requests that a binary weights matrix be generated. To this aim, all nonzero spatial weights are set to 1.
spatwmat, name(W) xcoord(longitude) ycoord(latitude) band(0 8)
*安装绘制Mora n’s I工具:splagvar
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot,
*and calculates global Moran's I statistics.
*indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spatial weights matrix *wfrom(Stata | Mata) indicates whether the spatial weights matrix is a Stata matrix loaded in memory or a Mata file located in the working directory.
*If the spatial weights matrix had been created using spwmatrix it should exist as a Stata matrix or as a Mata file.
*moran(_2016GDP):计算变量_2016GDP的Moran's I值
splagvar _2016GDP, wname(W) wfrom(Stata) moran(_2016GDP) plot(_2016GDP)
====================================== ========================================= **使用距离矩阵计算空间计量模型
cd D:\软件学习软件资料\stata\stata指导书籍命令\陈强高级计量经济学及stata应用(第二版)全部数据
use product.dta , clear
gen lngsp=log(gsp)
gen lnpcap=log(pcap)
gen lnpc=log(pc)
gen lnemp=log(emp)
spmat use usaww using usaww.spmat
xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp,wmat(usaww) model(sdm)robust nolog
xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp,wmat(usaww) model(sdm) durbin(lnemp) robust nolog noeffects
xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp,wmat(usaww) model(sdm) durbin(lnemp) robust nolog noeffects fe *存储随机效应和固定效应结果
qui xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp,wmat(usaww) model(sdm) durbin(lnemp) r2 nolog noeffects re
est sto re
qui xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp,wmat(usaww) model(sdm) durbin(lnemp) r2 nolog noeffects fe
est sto fe
*b(fmt):specify format for point estimates
*beta[(fmt)]:display beta coefficients instead of point est's
*se[(fmt)]:display standard errors instead of t statistics
*star( * 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01):标记不同显著性水平对应的P值
*r2|ar2|pr2[(fmt)]:display (adjusted, pseudo) R-squared
*p[(fmt)]:display p-values instead of t statistics
*label:make use of variable labels
*title(string):specify a title for the table
esttab fe re , b se r2 star( * 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
*进行hausman检验前,回归中没有使用稳健标准误(没用“r”), *是因为传统的豪斯曼检验建立在同方差的前提下
*constant:include estimated intercepts in comparison; default is to exclude
*df(#):use # degrees of freedom
*sigmamore:base both (co)variance matrices on disturbance variance estimate from efficient estimator
*sigmaless:base both (co)variance matrices on disturbance variance estimate from consistent estimator
hausman fe re

产生这些情况的原因可能有多种,*但我认为一个主要的原因是我们的模型设定有问题,导致Hausman 检验的基本假设得不到满足。


*在确定模型的设定没有问题的情况下再进行Hausman 检验,如果仍然拒绝原假设或是出现上面的问题,


*连玉君(论文(2014):Hausman检验统计量有效性的Monte Carlo模拟分析)

qui reg lw iq s expr tenure rns smsa
est sto ols
qui ivregress 2sls lw s expr tenure rns smsa (iq=med kww) est sto iv
hausman iv ols, constant sigmamore
*由于传统的豪斯曼检验在异方差的情形下不成立,故进行异方差稳健的DWH检验,estat endogenous
ivreg2 lw s expr tenure rns smsa (iq=med kww),r endog(iq) *endog(iq)表示检验变量iq是否为内生变量
*若果存在异方差,则GMM比2SLS更有效率,故进行最优GMM 估计
ivregress gmm lw s expr tenure rns smsa (iq=med kww)
estat overid

ivregress gmm lw s expr tenure rns smsa (iq=med kww),igmm
