chapter 5 Morphology
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in April in November in Paris on course on trust thin girls thin dress
in May in December in Europe on paper on average thin boys thin excuse
in September in Britain in July on beta-blockers thin cake thin material
Try to transcribe the way the nasal /n/ would be pronounced in ordinary casual conversation, rather than in carefully enunciated speech. Then, identify what the phonological process consists of and determine what conditions the change:
end product; efficiency expert;
5.6.1 types of compounds
Adverb+Noun:downtown; overburden
Noun+Verb: daybreak; nightfall; earthquake; birth
control Verb+Adverb: breakdown; hand-out; make-up Noun+Adjective: knee-deep; life-long; duty-free -ing+Noun: swimming pool; sewing machine; waiting room Others: never-to- be-forgotten; go-between; onthel rules
Rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of base to form a new word
Discussion: What is the morphological
rule governing the prefix dis–?
Discussion: How many parts can the following words be divided into?
untouchables grandfather reconsideration photographer
antidisestablishmentarianism 维护国教主义 定…为国教 establish disestablish 使政教分离,废除政府对国教的支持 disestablishment disestablishmentarian 主张国家与宗教分离者 disestablishmentarianism 国家与宗教分离论 antidisestablishmentarian 维护国教派,维护国教的
2. Transcribe the following sets of words and see where the plosives in syllables are aspirated:
stub 2. spare 3. scar
this tub this pear this car
disturb despair discard
More examples:
{plurality} books, bags, boxes
{in} indirect, imperfect, incorrect, illegal, invariant
electric/electricity; technique/technician sheep, oxen: the choice of plural form is determined by the particular word, so it is called lexical conditioning
antidisestablishmentarianism 维护国教主义
5.3 Morpheme, morph, allomorph
morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language. morph: the phonological realization of a morpheme. allomorph: the variant forms of the same morpheme. derivational morpheme (派生语素) inflectional morpheme(屈折语素)
5.4 Types of morphemes
free morphemes
bound morphemes morphemes inflectional derivational
root affix prefix suffix infix circumfix
prefixes: modify the meaning of the stem, usually do not change the part of speech of the original word: un-friendly, re-cover but: unearth, enlarge, prewar suffixes: modify the meaning of the original word and often change the part of speech of a stem: dust-y, produc-tion, quick-ly infix: unbe-bloody-lievable, abso-bloody-lutely circumfix: enliven
5.6.2 Features of compounds
Orthographically, a compound can be written as one word with or without a hyphen in between, or as two separate words, e.g., blackboard, dining-room and waiting room . How a compound is written is simply a matter of convention Syntactically, the part of speech of the compound is generally determined by the part of speech of the second element, e.g., highway(n), pickpocket(n), mass-produce(v). Exceptions: go-between(n), have-nots(n) , toothache(n)
5.2 What is morphology?
Morphology is a branch of grammar, which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Morphology is divided into two sub-branches: inflectional morphology, which studies forms of individual lexemes or inflections and lexical or derivational morphology, which studies wordformation.
food chain Adjective+Noun: white elephant; red tape; hot line Adjective+Noun+ed: white-haired; blueeyed; short-sighted Verb+Noun: pickpocket; call-girl; pushbutton
dislike disappear disapprove disagree disentangle
What about the suffix –ity? sinceriry scarcity
5.6 compounding
5.5.1 types of compounds
He walked/shuffled/plodded/strutted into the room.
past tense morpheme -ed [t] after the voiceless [k] of walk [d] after the voiced [l] of shuffle [id] after the voiceless [t] of strut or the voiced [d] of plod The appearance of one morph over another in this case is determined by voicing and the place of articulation of the final consonant of the verb stem. So it is called phonological conditioning, or we can say that those allomorphs are phonologically conditioned.
Chapter 5 Morphology
Study of the internal structure of words
Introduction to Linguistics
Pairs like top/chop, dunk/junk, so/show reveal that /t/ and / tʃ /, /d/ and / dʒ /, /s/ and / ʃ / are distinct phonemes in English. Although it is difficult to find a minimal pair to distinguish /z/ and / ʒ /, they occur in similar if not identical environments, such as ‘razor’ and ‘azure’. Consider these same pairs of nonpalatalized and palatalized consonants in the following data. (The palatal forms are optional forms that often occur in casual speech.) Nonpalatalized Palatalized hit me hit you lead him lead you pass us pass you lose them lose you Formulate the rule that specifies when /t/, /d/, /s/ and /z/ become palatalized as [tʃ], [dʒ], [ʃ] and [ʒ].
5.1 open class and closed class
Open class words: content words to which we can regularly add new words, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Closed class words:grammatical or functional words to which new words are not usually added, e.g. conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns.