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GAO Guanqi, HUANG Weiguo, LI Ning, LI Shijun, SHI Juanjuan, JIANG Xingxing, ZHU Zhongkui
(School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University, Suzhou 215131, China)
基金项目:苏州市科技计划项目(SYG201511 );国家自然科学基金 (51405320; 51705349; 51605319 );中国博 士后科学基金 (2017M621811);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20160318)
收稿日期:2018-05 -09修改稿收到日期:2018-08-31 第一作者高冠琪女,硕士生,1993年生 通信作者黄伟国男,博士,教授,1981年生
Vol. 39 No. 3 2020
高冠琪,黄伟国,李 宁,李仕俊,石娟娟,江星星,朱忠奎 (苏州大学轨道交通学院,江苏苏州215131)
E-mail: wghuang@ suda. edu. cn
恒转速工况下更为复杂。因此,如何从非线性、非平稳 振动信号中提取能有效反映轴承状态的信息意义重 大。阶比分析是变工况下故障诊断研究中较为常用的 工具之一,其核心在于等角度重采样时刻的准确获 取⑶。计算阶比跟踪方法3]需要转速计采集转速信
Key words: varying rotating speed; time-frequency squeeze; rotating speed estimation; order analysis; fault diagnosis
滚动轴承是机械设备的关键零部件之一,其应用 广泛,一旦发生故障,将有可能造成财产损失甚至人员 伤亡。在实际工况中,滚动轴承通常在变转速工况下 工作⑴釘,由此就使其振动信号的非线性和非稳定性较
本文将上述的同步提取转换算法运用于轴承故障的包络时频分析中得到较传统时频方法精度更高的转频曲线基于得到的转速信息对原始信号进行等角度重采样将时域的非平稳信号转化为角域的平稳信号再对角域信号作傅里叶变换最后通过分析阶比实现变转速轴承的故障检 OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK
Abstract: Order analysis is one of the main methods to realize fault feature extraction of rotating machinery equipment under condition of varying rotating speed, and its key is correct acquisition of rotating speed information. The traditional order analysis method is using a tachometer or other equipment to measure rotating speed with high cost and bad noise resistance, while the rotating speed estimation method based on time-frequency analysis is simple to operate with better robustness and correctness・ Here, a rotating speed estimation method was proposed based on time-frequency squeeze, and this method didn' t depend upon redundant equipment, it realized rotating speed estimation and feature extraction through time-frequency squeeze and resampling order analysis to diagnose bearing' s faults. The analysis results using the proposed method were compared with those using the traditional time-frequency method and those using the calculation order analysis to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. Both simulated and test signals * analysis results showed that the proposed method has better time-frequency aggregation property and robustness than the traditional method does, and its analysis results * accuracy is higher.
DOI: 10.13465/j. cnki. jvs. 2020.03.028
Fault detection method for varying rotating speed bearings based on time-frequency squeeze and order analysis