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Sample 1 Turn on the world news broadcast any evening, and the mood is one of semidarkness and hopelessness. Maybe Brazil and Peru haven’t gone to war, but the news is that some other countries have. Thousands of people have been left homeless by earthquakes, floods, and fires, but nobody reports on the millions of people unharmed by natural disasters. In the cities, men and women go about the daily affairs of earning a living, quietly and calmly, without making the news, but crime, and corruption seem to be on every street corner according to the latest news report.
Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A) The evening news about war.
B) The depressing world news we often
hear from broadcast
C) The latest news about homeless people.
( TO be continued )
Even though the reactor will be shut down, it will still be highly radioactive and will have to be totally enclosed in concrete and lead—all at a cost of another few million dollars—and guarded virtually forever. Nuclear power is neither cheap nor economical; it is both expensive and wasteful.
Sample 3
For years, nuclear-power advocates have claimed that nuclear power is the most economical form of energy available; but in light of a few facts, one begins to doubt this claim. The cost of building the Sequoiah nuclear plant, for example, exceeded a billion dollars. For this astronomical amount of money, one can expect this reactor to be out of operation approximately 30% of the time. After 30 or 40 years, it will become too “hot” to operate and will be shut down permanently.
阅 读 讲 座
国家教委颁布的《大学英语教学大纲》对四级 阅读能力的具体要求是:掌握基本阅读技能, 能顺利阅读并正确理解语言难度中等的一般题 材文章和科普、科技读物,阅读速度达到每分 钟 80 词。阅读难度略低、生词不超过总词数 3%的材料,速度达到每分钟100词,理解准确 率以70%为合格(即20个题应做正确14个)。 《大学英语教学大纲》对阅读理解部分的测试 能力也做了具体规定:1.掌握所读材料的主旨 和大意;2.了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节 ;3.既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读的材料 进行一定的判断和推论;4.既理解个别句子的 意义,也能理解上下文的逻辑关系。
( 1)What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ? (2) What does this passage mainly concerned ? (3)The main theme of this passage is _______. (4) The main point of the passage is__________. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the pasesses the theme of the passage is _________. ( 7 ) On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ? ( 8 ) The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _________. ( 9 ) Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?
阅读理解部分所设置的选择题大致分为以下几种类型: 事实细节题、主旨题、推断题、词汇辨义题、作者态度 、观点题等。下面对各题型的解题方法做一简单归纳
理解主题和中心思想(Understanding the Topic and Main Idea)
辩认主题展开的重要细节(Recognizing Primary Supporting Details) 区分事实和看法(Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions 进行推论(Making Inferences) 利用上下文猜测短语的含义(Guessing the Meaning Unknown Phrases Through Contextual Clues)
D) The import news in the world: natural disaster, crime and corruption.
本段第一句即为主题句,概述本段的主题思想,也就是说, 作者开宗明义,一开段就把要告诉读者的基本看法陈述出 来:“无论哪天晚上打开世界新闻广播,你听到的基调总 是阴晦的和绝望的。”接着,作者为支持自己的这种看法, 使读者信服,便以有关战争、灾祸和犯罪三项新闻报道为 例,分别陈述在后续的三个句子里。 因此,该段主要讨论的应是B)项,“我们经常从广 播中听到的令人沮丧的新闻”。
( The end )
Q: Which of the following best summarizes the passage?
A) Nuclear power is the most inexpensive
form of energy available.
B) Although nuclear power costs a lot, it
段落的最后一句(即第三层次)仅对主题思想作进一步 的解释。 以上这段短文显然主要是关于(第一个)科学家应 该是怎样一个人,所以选D)。 其余三项太具体,没能 概括主题——科学家应具有什么素质。
当主题句位于段落中间时,开段的句子(一句或若 干句)大都只起引入主题的作用,即表述段落要论 述的主题,而主题思想则由随之引出的句子(即主 题句)来表达。 此外,为阐明主题思想,在主题句后,仍有适 当数量的句子陈述细节或作合乎逻辑的引申。一般 说来,这一类的段落包括三个层次:“引题—主题 思想—解释”,或“提问—回答—解释”
observations scientifically
D) what type of man the first scientist
本段的三个层次比较明显。第一至第三句,乃至第四句 的前半部分,都是以设置问题的方式提出段落所要讨论 的主题:“谁是第一个科学家?”起引入主题的作用。 第二层次主要是第四句后半部分的从句,它们对前面的 提问作了笼统的回答:对自然现象首先做出科学解释的 那种人,“无疑是对周围的事物充满求知欲的人,而且 是在解释观察结果时力排超自然力量的影响的人。”此 句起到陈述主题思想的作用,应为主题句。
Q: The passage is primarily concerned with _______.
A) who was the first scientist B) who was first curious about his
C) who first attempted to explain his
主题句位于开段位置的可能性很大,因此,在确定主题 句时,应首先注意段落的开段句。通常用演绎法撰写的段 落,遵循从一般到个别的写作程序,即以概述开段,随之 辅以细说。凡以主题句开段的段落皆有这一特点。
Sample 2 Who was the first scientist? There is, of course, no answer to this question. It is probably more fruitful to ask, “ What type of man gave the first scientific explanation to natural phenomena?” We cannot completely answer this question, either, but there can be little doubt that he was a man who was curious about his environment, and who attempted to explain his observations without reference to a supernatural being. We say this because supernatural explanations of natural phenomena can never be scientific.
主旨题是测试学生对整篇短文的理解能力的。因此 辩认主题句是获取文章主旨大意的一个有效方法。 m 主题句的特点为: 结构一般比较简单,表述的意思 比较概括。主题句往往位于文章开首,或位于文章 中段、文章末尾。有些文章首尾都有主题句前后呼 应,两次点题。对于没有主题句的文章,可把文中 细节所集中论述的要点,运用逻辑推理的方法,酝 酿出文章的主题。抓住了文章的中心思想,也就不 难用浓缩、简练的语言,概括出文章的标题。从最 近的十套全真试题看,主旨题占全部阅读理解题的 11.5%。这类题常见的表达形式有:
阅读理解部分的测试时间为40分钟,要求考生阅读快 速阅读(15 分钟),15选10 和 两篇仔细阅读(25分钟) 总 阅读量在1000-1200词之间。每篇短文后有5个题,总题 数为20个题,每题得分为2分,共40分,要求考生根据 文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。阅读 理解短文的题材十分广泛,大体可分为两类:一类是科 技方面的,如有关医学、动植物、海洋、地质、遗传、 语言、天文、空间技术等;另一类是社会方面的,如历 史、文化、家庭、婚姻、教育、伦理、犯罪、娱乐、交 通、住房、环境、能源、经济等。文章体裁主要以记叙 文、说明文、议论文为主。