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remedies.signature:representative:title:篇五:产品质量保证书文章类型:保证书 文章来源:天诺时空范文一:质量保证书尊重的客户:第一感激您选择购买咱们的产品!为保证产品质量,明确购销两边产品质量责任,确保产品质量合格,保证产品平安,特作如下保证:一、我公司提供的产品质量原那么上按购货方规定的技术标准执行。在购货方没有规定的技术标准时,我公司将依照国家现行标准执行,并向购货方提供产品样品,经购货方同意后向购货方提供产品,并保证产品质量的稳固和慢慢提高。二、供货方向购货方提供加盖供货单位公章的生产许可证、营业执照复印件。三、供货方向购货方提供加盖供货单位公章的产品标准复印件。
地利用方式下致使的产品质量问题,本公司将给用户质量维修。 任何用户自身不适当的搬运,安装,滥用,疏忽。损坏致使产品直接产生破坏及不管何种情形下的镜面粉碎,均不在产品保修之列。产品质量均符合欧洲标准bs en653:1997之规定,知足eea安康与平安标准。特此证明。篇二:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you forchoosing to buy our products!to ensureproducts quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety,we make the following promise:second, thesupplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to thebuyer.third, thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnical
四、供货方保证所供产品符合法定的质量标准,并对产品质量负责,必要时向购货方提供必要的质量资料,诸如产品查验报告书等相关资料。五、供货方的产品包装、注册商标等符合国家有关规定。六、购货方严格按产品包装上注明的贮藏条件贮藏,因购货方对产品保管养护不善而造成产品质量问题由购货方负责。七、消费者因产品质量问题进展投诉 ,供货方应踊跃配合妥帖解决 ,如确属供货方的责任,供货方承当全数责任和费用。八、质量争议〔问题〕的处置:购货方应严格依照制订的技术标准对供货方的产品进展查验,保证查验的公正和科学性,对查验不合格的剩余样品应保留一周。对确属供货方质量问题的,已经利用造成的损失,由我公司负责。
weight (kg)date of export:apr. 20, XXstaphylococcus aureus salmonellashipping marks:neg. in neg. in1 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg.in 50 g------------------ shenzhen china篇四:品质保证书英文08date:to:qualityassurance certificateruled by qualitywarranty.3. all thematerials shall be provided with the quality test reports attached, which shallconform to
篇一:产品保证书,英文篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文quality guaranteeif any product inour judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacementwitlent costthe customer istotally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge to mate-rids causedbyimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse. firedamage caused bybuilding detects.acts of god andany other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kindof is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系通过严格的质量查验。自购买之日内起〔五〕年内在正确
and4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38)moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi) nitratestandard platecount enterobacteriaceae yeasts moundssulphitereducing clostridiaspecificationmin. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kanalysis 13.5%2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g 121,380.00 kgsgross 119,000.00 kgs netvalo edible fatsand ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, china
specoftheproductswithofficialsealstamped to the buyer.fifth, thesupplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products matchthe relevant state regulation.sixth, thestorage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure theproduct quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the causedquality problem.eighth, thetreatment of the quality dispute:the buyer shouldstrictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products forinspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass theexamination should be kept for one week.in case of theindeedqualityproblemofthesupplier
products,thebuyerandsellernegotiatetodeal with the unused products.ninth, the(本文来自: 小草范文网:付款保证书英文)product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs,terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinarycertificate to whom it may concernhumanconsumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, productsis permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registrationnumber: 60220 exporter: destination: specification productsdemineralizedwheypowderaspercontractno.
qualitywarranty.methodologies,directions of products, sub-supplier(s) or original manufacturing sites and obtainapprovals from the institutes concerned for the modified are defective or not meet the requirements of quality warranty, xxtechnology groupmay, at its discretionscaused.(b) reducing theaccount of the payment if foxconn technology group utilizes thematerials.payment per month(d) cancel orterminate the purchase agreements or orders for the materials.seek other