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showed that:the residual indentation depth h,,contact depth hc,normalized indentation load C,stiffness S and elastic modulus E of the film increase with the increase of the elastic modulus of the substrate,and the hardness H of the film
首温度场,使等二轴残余应力q与材料初始屈服应力仃,的比值仃,/仃,为 1,模拟了该试样的纳米压痕过程,得到了压痕过程中Mises应力云纹图及载荷 一深度曲线。
其次,针对三个试样模型,依次施加q肛。为0和±1的等二轴残余应力, 对压头依次施加100—300 nm间隔为25 nm的位移载荷,结果表明,薄膜的残余 压入深度h,、接触深度玩、规范化加载载荷C、刚度s和弹性模量E随基底的弹 性模量增加而增大,而薄膜的硬度日无明显变化。以、C、S、H和E在q/仃。=一1 时最大,在q户,=1时最小;而JIl,的结果与之相反。薄膜的hr、吃、C、S、H 和E随压深的增加呈规律性变化并受应力状态的影响。
under the tensile stress.The rule of variation of H can be used to determine the
stress state of the mm.E of the bulk specimen remain unchanged during the process,
Secondly,for the models of the three specimens,equi-biaxial residual stress O"r/O'y 20 and±1 were applied separately.The displacement loads were imposed to the indenter from 100 to 300 mn respectively,and the interval is 25nm.The results
decrease linearly,C decrease as curve of parabolic.H decrease with the increase
t|6 of o 9 and the decrease rate under the compressive stress are smaller than that
with the increase of indentation depth,which are affected by the stress state at the sallle time.
r|6 Lastly,the influence of stress state o
此外,基底对薄膜力学性能的影响也必须考虑在内。由于薄膜在制作时都需 要沉积在基底上,在测试薄膜的力学性能时,研究对象为薄膜和基底组成的膜/ 基系统,由于薄膜的厚度很薄,且测试设备的精度有限,故实验测得的薄膜力学 性能通常为基底与薄膜的综合性能【2。31。
薄膜中残余应力的形成是一个复杂的过程,研究表明,薄膜残余应力是在薄 膜生长过程以及成膜后老化过程中逐步形成和发展的。薄膜的残余应力类型分为 拉应力和压应力;按其来源,分为外应力和内应力,而内应力又分为热应力与本
论文的研究成果为薄膜基底的正确选择、降低和消除残余应力、提高MEMS 的可靠性和使用寿命具有一定的指导意义。
With the rapid development of micro—nano science and technology today,the film which have been taken as the important basic material of MEMS.The mechanical properties of MEMS are influenced due to the presence of residual stress and substrate,and the life and stability of the device would be affected directly.So the problem of the influence of the substrate and residual stress on the mechanical properties of the film had become a research focus.Two soft fdm/hard substrate
对于各种薄膜电子元器件、微电子元件以及薄膜光学元器件,都存在薄膜的 残余应力问题,它的存在直接影响到薄膜元器件的成品率、可靠性和稳定性。例 如,残余应力会影响半导体的禁带性能,在超导体中影响温度的转变和磁各向异 性,同时由薄膜中残余应力引起的基体变形对于集成电路技术的发展有很大影 响:薄膜的拉应力过大,会使薄膜剥离、翘曲;反之,压应力过大,则会使薄膜 起皱或脱落,基片翘曲开裂。残余应力还会影响器件的力学性能,如造成粘附和 振动。
which of the two film specimens decrease,but the change law are quite different.
The research results in the paper have some guiding significance in selecting the substrate correctly,reducing and eliminating the residual stress,improving the reliability and life of MEMS.
specimens which consist of two different hard substrates and a soft film were studied.
The llano·indentation processes of the specimens were simulated based on ABAQUS simulation.The influence of equi—biaxial residual stress and the substrate on the nano-mechanical properties of specimens were studied.The bulk sample which has
don’t change significantly.The values of hc,C,S,H and E reach to the maximum when or O'y=一1,which reach to the minimum when ar}dy=1.While hf receive the opposite results.hf,hc,C。S,H and E show regular chants
最后,讨论了恒定载荷作用下应力状态d,/仃,与薄膜的压痕特性和力学性能 之间的关系,结果表明:在盯,/∥,从,1变化至1的过程中,h,线性递增;吃和s 线性递减;C呈近似抛物线状递减;日呈递减趋势,但在压应力阶段的递减速 率比拉应力阶段的小;块体试样的E保持不变,而两个薄膜试样的E递减,但变 化规律有较大差异。
the salIlg material of the film was taken as reference.
Firstly,the geometric model of a film/substrate specimen was built based on ABAQUS simulation software.The boundary conditions and temperature field were imposed at the same time.The ratio of exlui—biaxial residual stress盯,and the initial yield stress 6。of material is 1.The nano—indentation process was simulated and the distribution of Mises stress and the load·depth curve were got.
9 Oil indentation properties and
mechanical properties were discussed under the constant load.The results showed that:
during the process of。ar/Cry change from一1 to 1,hI increase linearly,hc and S
Key words:ABAQUS,equi-biaxial residual stress,hard substrates/soft film, indentation property,mechanical property
第 弟一一早章三百绪可论匕
微电子机械系统(MEMS)是指将微机械和ic(Integrate Circui0集成在一起的, 可以完成某种特定功能的系统。MEMS的诞生和发展,是新的高技术产业的生 长点,并将导致21世纪产生一场新的产业革命111。目前,MEMS通常采用与传 统的IC工艺相兼容的表面硅微加工方法,其结构是经过先在牺牲层上形成平板 或者梁结构,然后再腐蚀掉牺牲层而得到的,这种工艺不可缺少的步骤是在基底 上沉积薄膜。然而,薄膜在生产、制备过程中通常会有残余应力产生,残余应力 会对膜/基系统的各种性能产生不良影响,如削弱薄膜和基底之间的结合力、破 坏外延膜的完整性以及在薄膜表面产生异常析出,随着薄膜厚度的增加,薄膜中 总的残余应力值增大,还有可能导致厚膜从基底上脱落。
江苏大学 硕士学位论文 基于ABAQUS仿真的薄膜纳米力学性能研究 姓名:张龙 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:机械电子工程 指导教师:丁建宁
在微纳米科学技术快速发展的今天,薄膜作为制作MEMS器件的重要基础 材料,残余应力和基底的存在对其力学性能影响很大,而这将直接影响器件的寿 命及稳定性,因此,基底和残余应力对薄膜的力学性能影响问题成为当前的研究 热点。论文以两种不同硬基底和同一种软薄膜构成的软膜硬基系统为对象,利用 ABAQUS软件,对试样的纳米压痕过程进行仿真,研究等二轴残余应力和基底 对薄膜纳米力学性能的影响,并与薄膜同材料的块体材料进行了对比研究。