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=0.294,r =0.0864,均 P <0.05)。夜 间静 息 心 率 与 VLF、LF、HF呈 负相 关 (r= 一0.345,r =0.1l9,r= 一0.357,r
一0.445,r2= 0 .
关 (r=0.085,r =0.00723,P>0.05)。 多 元 线 性
经张 力指标 高频值 (HF)以及 LF/HF均值 水平。采用单 因素和 多因素线性 回 归分析 交感、迷 走神 经张 力指标 与昼
夜 静 息心 率 的 相 关 性 。 结 果 :与 RHR—L同 时 间段 相 比 ,VLF、LF、HF值 较 低 (P <0.05),LF/HF值 较 高 (P <0.05)。 与 RHR—M 同时 间段 相 比 ,VLF、HF值 较低 (P<0.05),LF/HF值 较 高 (P<0.05)。 昼 间静 息 心 率 与 VLF、LF、HF均 呈 负相 关 (r: 一0.321,r =0.103,r= 一0.286,r2=0.082,r= 一0.437,r =0.191,均 P<0.05);与 LF/HF呈 正 相 关 (r
sion analysis was earried out in the circadian of sympathetic tone and vagal tone factors for RHR. Results:The VLF ,LF and
HF levels were lower(P<0.05)and the LF/HF ratio was higher(P<0.05)in the RHR—M and RHR—H groups than in the RHR—L group at the same time.The VLF and HF levels were lower(P<0.05),and the LF/HF level was higher(P < 0.05)in the RHR—H group than in the RHR—M group at the same time(P<0.05).However,RHR was negatively eorrela— ted to VLF,LF and HF(r =0.103,P<0.05;r =0.082,P<0.05;r2=0.191,P <0.05),and positively correlated to LF/HF ratio(r2=0.0864,P<0.05)in the daytime.RHR was negatively correlated to VLF,LF and HF (r2=0.119, P<0.05; =0.127,P <0.05;r =0.198,尸<0.05),and positively correlated to LF/HF ratio (r =0.00723,P> 0.05)in the nighttime.Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that the VLF,HF,and LF/HF ratio were the in f l uen— cing factors of RHR changing(B =0.001,P<0.01;B=0.007,P<0.05;B=0.861,P<0.01)in the daytime.VLF, LF and LF/HF ratio were the influencing factors of RHR regulation (B =0.001,P<0.05;B =0.003,P<0.05;B = 0.447,P <0.05).Conclusion:The difference of sympathetic tone and vagal tone was positively corelated with the RHR in the daytime and nighttime.The main effect of vagal tone for daytime RHR and sympathetic nerve tension plays a major role in

归分 析 发 现昼 间 VLF、HF、LF/HF是 静 息 心 率 变化 的 影 响 因 素 (B= 一0.001,P <0.Ol;B = 一0.007,P <0.05;B =
0.861,P<0.01);夜 间 VLF、LF、LF/HF是 静 息 心 率 变 化 的 影 响 因 素 (B= 一0.001,B= 一0.003,B=0.447,均 P <
0.05)。结 论 :交感 神 经 张 力和 迷 走 神 经 张 力 的 差 值 与 昼 夜 静 息 心 率 呈 正 相 关 。昼 间迷 走 神 经 张 力 占主 要 影 响 ,而
夜 间 交 感神 经 张 力 起 主 要 作 用 。
关键词 静 息心率 ;原发性 高血压 ; 自主神 经 系统 ;昼夜动 态平衡
Abstract Objective:To investigate the circadian changes of autonomic nervous system in essential hype ̄ensive pa— tients with different resting heart rate (RHR).Methods:3 14 cases of essential hypertension were selected from Wuhan No.1 Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College from 2013.The clinical data of patients with essential hypertension were COB—
中 图分 类 号 R544.1 1
文 献 标 识 码 A
DOI 10.11768/nkjwzzzz20180313
Circadian changes of autonom ic nervous system in essential hypertensive patients with different resting hear t rate
pared. M ean levels of circadian sym pathetic and vagal tone were calculated in different RH R in patients with essential hyper— tension. Correlation between cirtone indexes and RH R was analyzed. M uhivariate linear regres—
LU jia-jia ,SONG Kuang—rong,LI Xue—song,ZHANG Shuo,GUAN Ying,ZHAO Liang—qiao,LIU Ting,LENG Yong— qun,YE Jing.W uhan No.1 Hospital,W uhan 430022 ,China
内科 急危重症杂志 2018年 第 24卷 第 3期
不 同静 息 心 率 的原 发 性 高血 压 患 者 自主 神 经 昼 夜 平 衡 变 化 规 律 ★
武汉 市 第一 医院 卢佳 佳 宋 旷蓉 李 雪松 张硕 管颖 赵 良桥 刘婷 冷 永群 叶静 , 武 汉 430022
摘要 目的 :探讨不 同静 息心率(RHR)的原发性 高血 压 (EH)患者 自主神 经昼夜 平衡 变化规律 。方法 :选取 原 发 性 高血 压 患 者 314例 ,比较 不 同静 息 心 率 原发 性 高 血 压 患者 昼 夜 交 感 指 标 极 低 频 值 (VLF)、低 频 值 (1JF)、迷 走 神