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Vol. 10, No. 1 Jan. , 2020
环境工程技术学报 Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
第10卷,第1期 2020年1月
孟丽红,郝天依,李培彦,等•天津市夏季重污染天气过程PM2.5输送特征"J#•环境工程技术学报,2020,10(1):39-46. MENG L H,HAO T Y,LI P Y,et al. Transport characteristics cf PM2 5 cf heave pWlution weather in Tianjin in summer" J#. Journal cf Environmenil Engineering Technology,2020,10(1) :39-6.
1.天 津市气象科学研究所 2.天 津市环境气象中心
摘要利用环境监测、气象常规观测、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析等资料,采用气溶胶激光雷达和HYSPLIT模式对 2018年8月1—2日发生在天津市夏季的一次重污染天气过程进行分析。结果表明:地面弱气压场、低空逆温和偏东暖湿气 流的输送为此次重污染形成提供了有利条件;气溶胶激光雷达分析表明,此次污染过程存在明显的水平输送和垂直分布特 征,市区PM?.浓度升高除与水平输送有关,还与本地低空逆温造成的PM2.5积累密切相关;HYSPLIT模式后向轨迹追踪研究 表明,PMZ 5前期积累爬升阶段,气团主要来自偏南气流,200*500*1 000 m高度气团均有明显沉降,后期气团来向转变为较清 洁的偏东暖湿气流,但同时带来大量水汽,造成天津市相对湿度的增加。此次污染过程前期是由于静稳天气形势导致PMZ 5 积累,后期主要是天津市各区县之间PMZ 5的输送以及偏东暖湿气流输送水汽导致相对湿度的增加,污染进一步加重。 关键词 夏季;重污染天气过程'PM?.;输送;后向轨迹 中图分类号:X513 文章编号:1674-991X(2020)01-039-08 doi:10. 1 2153/j. issn. 1674-991X.20190058
Abstraci Based on tie data of environmental monitoring, conventional meteoroloyiccl observeion and NCEP reanlysis, aerosol lidar and HYSPLIT model were used ta anlyze one PM2 5 heave pWlution process in Tianjin in summer on Aug. 1 and Aug. 2, 2018. The results showed tiat the weak pressure of surface field, temperatureinversion layer in the boundary and east warm-humig airflow accelerated the accumulation of pnutants. Aerosol lidar analysis showed tiat the pollution process had obvious horizontal and verticcl distribution characteristics. The increasing of PM2 5 cancentration in urban area was not only related i the horizontal transport, but also closely eeaaied i iheaccumuaaion "fp"auianiscaused byiempeeaiuee-onveeson aayeeon iheb"undaey.Thebackwaed trlectora tracking by HYSPLIT model showed tiat in the early stage of cumulative clirnb of PM25, air masses maonaycamefom souih,and iheaomaseshad obv oous se iaemen ia i200, 500 and 1 000 m aaioiudesdu ongihe cCmbing phase of PM2 5 concenaiin. The astwyd warmaiilow brought tie clearer air as well as a lai of moisture, which resuied tie increasing of relative humidiy during the later stage pollution. The static weather situation caused the accumulation of pollutiis on the early stage, while and the transportation of pollutiis btwan tie urban areas of Tianjin as well as tie increasing of relative humidity caused by the eitwid warm humid airflow aggravated pollution on the later stage. Keyword summer; heayy pollution puts; PM25; transportation; backward Wajectog^
Transport characteristics of PM2>5n in spmmrr
MENG Lihong1, HAO Tianyi2, LI Peiyan1, WU Bingui1, WANG Xuelian1
1. Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Science 2. Tianjin Environmental Meteorological Centro