Fateful Meetings阅读欣赏课 ppt课件


高中英语unit4 Pygmalion reading课件选修八

高中英语unit4 Pygmalion reading课件选修八

4. From act II, what can you infer?
A. In order to prove himself, Higgins decided to teach Eliza free of charge B. Eliza had to change her grammar as well as pronunciation if she wanted to speak well C. When the bet was over, Eliza might get a job in a flower shop. D. Eliza would return to the gutter selling flowers in the street when once the experiment was over.
Major BLeabharlann rbara (1905)His main works:
巴巴拉上校 Apple cart 苹果车
Pygmalion 皮格马利翁
Pygmalion----My fair Lady
Main characters • Eliza Doolittle
• Professor Higgins • Colonel Pickering
2. I ain’t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman. I haven’t done anything wrong by speaking to that gentleman.
3. I thought may be you was a policeman in disguise.
Act I Fateful meetings

Unit 4 Fateful meetings

Unit 4  Fateful meetings

1. Finish the reading exercises. 2. Try to write a short passage to describe the life of the primitive people.
Listen to the tape and answer the questions:
Para 1:
1). Because they lived by hunting and collecting nuts and fruits. If the number of the animals, nuts and fruits was reduced, they had to leave. So they have to move around. 2.) Yes, there was a feast last year. It was a wonderful one. 3.) She worried about the preparation for the feast and she was afraid that she could not do it well.
What did they use fire for?
Keep … burn… scare…
Which jobs did Dahu do ? Which jobs did Lala do?
Draw the main idea of each paragraph:
Para 1. Lala worried about the preparations for the feast and she hoped the feast could be as good as the one last year. Para 2. Lala and her families made preparations for the feast. Para 3. the description of Dahu. Para 4. how did Dahu make te tools?

Unit4 Fateful meetings reading(人教版选修8 )课件

Unit4 Fateful meetings reading(人教版选修8 )课件

Character Position Evidence in the play in society
Colonel Pickering
Upper class
Behaviour: generally confident and polite; but ignores Eliza
Language: prepared to begin a conversation with Henry, whom he does not know; generous with praise to him
Task 1: Scan the play and choose the best answers!
• 主旨大意题:
• 1. This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with ______.
• An Irish
dramatist, literary
critic, a socialist
spokesman, and a
leading figure in
the 20th century
Main works:
Widowers' Houses
Man and Superman (1902),
Character Position Evidence in the play in society
Henry Higgins
Behaviour: rude (to lower class; polite to same or upper class Middle class Language: calls Eliza “you silly girl” and Pickering “my dear man” (an equal and friend)


convincedadj.坚信的;意志坚定的 convincingadj.令人心服的
2.ColonelPickering(P):anofficerinthea rmyandlaterafriendofHiggins’wh osetshimatask.皮克林上校(简称P): 陆军军官,后来成为希金斯的朋友。 希金斯给他安排了一项任务。
1.ProfessorHiggins(H):anexpertinphonet ics,convincedthatthequalityofaperson ’sEnglishdecideshis/herpositioninsoci ety.希金斯教授是一位语音学专家,他 认为一个人的英语水平决定了他(她) 的社会地位。
2watchesher;notesherre actions;talksaboutheri nfrontofher;callshersil lygirl
Relationships Evidencefromtheplay
MyFairLady Haveyouseenthefil m? Ifyouhave,didyouli keit?Haveadiscussi onandgivereasons.
ElizaDoolittle(E):apoorflowergirlwhoisam bitioustoimproveherself.

2021高中英语Unit4课件新人教版选修8 231103

2021高中英语Unit4课件新人教版选修8 231103

opinion,a thought,etc.about sb/sth
1.woolen的名词 wool n.羊毛
2.uncomfortable的名词 discomfort n.不适
3.mistaken的动词 mistake vt.弄错
4.fortune的形容词 fortunate
e.known to be real and genuine and not a copy
6.b sound or a musical tune by forcing
your breath out when your lips are closed
A.she could sell flowers to Professor Higgins
B.Professor Higgins could help her get what she wanted
C.Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgins were two cheats
Unit 4 Pygmalion
[文章导语]Pygmalion,who fell in love with his ideal woman,begged Aphrodite for a wife who would be as perfect as his statue.Aphrodite brought the statue to life and Pygmalion married her. 皮格马利翁爱上了他想象中的女子,请求阿芙洛狄特赐予自己一位 和雕塑一样完美的妻子。阿芙洛狄特赋予雕塑生命后皮格马利翁 与其结婚。
4.Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by


这是因为,在所读的《鉴真年谱》中,我正好发现,邀请鉴真东渡的两位遣唐僧荣睿、普照,就是从这里选拔——当然,也有史料说普照是大安寺僧,但寺都建在奈良,所以也是从这里渡海到的唐 土。如蜜蜂吸花,他们尽力在汲取大唐佛学之精华,但心心念念的,仍是要将优秀的传戒师请到日本。长安不得,再到扬州,鉴真的日本行,始终有他们的身影。荣睿病死于途中,等于客死异乡。但对 于渡海僧来说,这是可以预见到的牺牲。只是,同样在途中付出生命的,还有鉴真的弟子、中国僧人祥彦。这一个人物从纸页间跳脱出来,正是由于这本年谱。宝盈集团bbin平台大全 Βιβλιοθήκη 共3页: 上一页123下一页
想着,想着,母亲就来了。母亲还是早年那付干练模样,满脸不快,坐在凳上一言不发。我嗔怪地问母亲,“您这几年都去哪儿了?把人找得都快急死了!”“你出去没带一分钱,没钱咋生活?” 母亲不热不冷地说“去深圳打工去了”!“没钱时,我向堳上你姨婆借着花”……一股无名惆怅与愧疚,涌上心头,做儿女的历经多年,踏破铁鞋,找遍天涯海角,竟然找不到母亲!今天母亲突然回来 了,母子重逢,喜从天降,人间最大的幸福莫过于此。按理说该是家长里短道个没完,我打算喊来弟弟妹妹,告诉他们这一特大喜讯呢。我与母亲面对面相坐,近在咫尺,远若天涯,母亲始终沉默寡言, 似有满腔不快,却不愿意像平常那样,向儿子倾诉;母子形同路人一般,我问一句,她答一句,我不问了,她也懒得开口,就这样悄然静坐,母子俩都高兴不起来,惹得我心里忒难过!

高中英语:unit 4 reading课件 人教选修8

高中英语:unit 4 reading课件 人教选修8

心理学家莫顿(Robert Merton)将此现象名之为“自我实现的预言”。这也就是在萧伯纳名剧《 Pygmalion 》中为人所熟知的“皮格马利翁效应”(Pygmalion effect)。
This play was also made into a film called My Fair Lady.
The author-----George Bernard Shaw,who is
an Irish dramatist, literary critic, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.
His main works:
Immaturity Widowers' Houses Pygmalion Man and Superman (1902), John Bull's Other Island (1904), Major Barbara (1905)
uncomfortable (adj.) ---- uncomfortably
2. fate (n.) ---- fateful (adj.) 命运 命中注定的,重要的
3. hesitate (v)---hesitation (n) 犹豫
7. ___________ (n) --- amaze (v) ( ) 8. _______ (n) ---_________ (adj) --- _________ (adv) 运气 幸运的 幸运地 9._________ (v) --- approve (v) 不赞成 赞成 10. _________(adj)---music(n) 音乐的 11. ________ (n.) ---- _________(v.) 效果,影响 影响 --- ________ (adj.) --- __________ 有效的 有效地 12. proper(adj)----_________(adv)



Main information of Professor Higgins: His profession and hobby was to study and people from their own classify speech. He was hiding from the rain but phonetics watching people’s and reactions, busy making . language In his opinion, once educatednotes to speak , in three months the girl could herself properly as a duchess(女公爵) at an ambassador’s garden off party, and even find pass her as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant. employment
3. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _______. A. she thought Professor Higgins would arrest him B. the gentleman didn’t give her some money C. Pickering beat and scolded her D. there was no reason
Main information of Colonel Pickering:
An officer in the army He was very curious about their talk and after a while, he became Higgins’



unit 4 Pygmalion Fateful meetings 教案 (人教版英语高二)Unit 4 PygmalionReading Fateful MeetingsTeaching Goals:1. To learn about the content of Act One of the play.2. To develop Ss’ some basic reading skills3. To arouse Ss’ interest in appreciating literature.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-inPurpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the play.1. Show some pictures about My Fair Lady. Ask Ss to answer the following questions.Boyish and ordinary girl elegant charming and beautiful lady Do you believe the two girls are the same person? This is about the story My Fair Lady. Do you have any interest in reading the story? Let’s learn the act one Fateful Meetings today.Step 2 Pre-readingPurpose: to arouse Ss’ curiosity of the play’s plot.Predict how the fateful meetings happened.Eliza was selling flowers to passers-by when Higgins noticed her terrible English..Step 3. Fast readingPurpose: To get a brief understanding of Act One.1. Ask Ss to find out the information of the 4 charactersEliza Doolittle(E): a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his/her posit ion insocietyColonel Pickering(P): an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins’ who sets him a task.Gentleman (G): a gentleman who passes is asked to buy some flowers by Eliza.2. Ask Ss if they are curious about the plot in the play and then give them some time to read the text. While reading, ask them try to find out the information as quickly as possible When, where, who, what.Suggested Answers:when 11:15 pm, in 1914where outside a theatre in Londonwho Eliza, Colonel Pickering, Higgins, GentlemanWhat happened They were sheltering from the rain outside a theatre. Eliza, the poor flower girl spoke terrible English, which caught Higgins' attention.2 .Read through the text quickly and then choose the best answer.(1). Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to __ask him to buy someflowers from her.(2) Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because _she thought Professor Higginswould arrest her(3) Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by ___his conversation_.Step 4 Careful readingPurpose: To get Ss to have some more details in the text.We have 3 tasks in this part. Divide the act one into 3 parts according to characters’ appearance.1. Read from Line 11 to 25 and answer Qs.T/F: (1). Eliza are selling beautiful flowers to people.(2). Gentleman is uncomfortable and annoyed when asked to buy some flowers by Eliza.2. Read from Line 26 to 36 and fill in the blanksEliza is worried and even begins to cry when she sees Higgins taking notes, because she thought he is a policeman in disguise. But Higgins comes up to call Eliza silly girl and gives her a handkerchief.Read the rest of the play and answer Qs(1). Who is Higgins anxious to meet?(2). Where has Pickering been living and what has he studied?(3) What is Eliza wants to be?Ask Ss to read the text carefully again and try to get more details from the text and then find out the evidence including their language and behavior indicating their social positions.Analyses character’s language and behavior that indicate their statusColonel Pickering: How did you do that, may I ask?Pickering who had been watching the girl, now speaks to Higginshigher classHenry Higgins: There, there. Who’s hurting you, you silly girl? Who do you take me for?carelessly throws handful of money into her basketmiddle classEliza Doolittle: Come over’ere, cap’in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl.listened quietly when spoken toLower class2. What is their attitude towards each other?3. What made their attitude different to different people?Status or social position.4. What other things show one’s status in society?clothes you wearexpensive possessions (like cars or jewellery)attitudes and behavioureducation levelhow many foreign languages spoken and countries visited Step 5. DiscussionPurpose: If you were Higgins, what would do to help Eliza become a upper class lady?Step 6 ConsolidationPurpose: to consolidate the theme of the play and encourage Ss to keep up spirits when meeting with difficulties.Pygmalion Effect: People tend to behave as you expect they will.Encouragements: Believe yourself ! Every time you come across difficulties ,never give up . Just give yourself a hint " Yes ,I can do it ! I am the best!” then you will have the courage again to overcome them and keep making progress.One day ,you will succeed.Step 7 HomeworkFinish Ex5 in P31Think about how the play continues and make a new scene for the play and design an interesting ending for the play.。

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Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman.
He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. (使…复活)
His wish is granted.
❖ Pygmalion 《卖花女》
❖ The Apple Cart 《苹果车》
group3: Shaw’s identity
playwright, literary critic, socialist spokesman, free thinker.
He is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare.
Read Act One of the play and the answer the first five questions in Ex.1 on P.30.
Answers: 1. Henry Higgins. 2. She thinks he is a policeman in disguise. 3. He has been living in India and has studied many
Colonel Pickering
Can you recognize each character’s social position by their behavior and language? Is he or she from the upper class, middle class or lower class?”
Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love
Pygmalion, king of Cyprus
Pygmalion, the play by George Bernard Shaw, is an adaptation of the Greek story.
About the author, George Bernard Shaw
Indian dialects. 4. He is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering, because
they are studying in the same academic field. 5. A shop assistant. She decides to taБайду номын сангаасe lessons from
group2: Shaw’s works He wrote 51 plays, much concerned about the social
problems he lived. His famous plays include:
❖ Widowers’ House《鳏夫的房产》 ❖ Mrs. Warrens’ Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》 ❖ Major Barbara 《巴巴拉少校》 ❖ Heartbreak House 《伤心之家》 ❖ Saint Joan 《圣女贞德》
2.What is the weather like in Act One? 3.How many characters are included in Act One?
Who are they? Answers: 1. 11:15pm in London in 1914 outside a theatre. 2. It’s pouring with rain. 3. Four. They are Eliza (E), a gentleman (G), Professor Higgins (H) and Colonel Pickering (CP).
Act One Fateful meetings
Pay attention to the title and para.1, skim the passage, and answer the following questions:
1. When and where does the story take place?
where he began his literary career by writing music and theatre criticism, and novels. ❖ In 1884, he joined the Fabian Society(费边社), and took an active part in the socialist movement. ❖ began writing plays in 1892. ❖ won Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
Fateful Meetings阅读欣赏课
NSEFC Student’s Book 8
Unit4 Pygmalion
Period1 Warming Up & Reading
Warming up
Questions: What do you think of when you hear
of “Pygmalion”? A Greek story.
1.Shaw’s life 2.Shaw’s works 3.Shaw’s identity
group1: Shaw’s life
❖ Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1856 and died in 1950.
❖ hated schooling and dropped out of school at 15. ❖ In1876, Shaw moved to London to live with his mother,
Pygmalion was made into a film called My Fair Lady in 1964. Read the three main characters and predict who is Pygmalion in the play.