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Should the News Show More About Regular People's Lives?
Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher Mrs. Johnson asked us to write about whether we think the news media (like TV, newspapers, websites, etc.) should focus more on showing the everyday lives of regular people instead of just covering famous people, politics, and major events all the time. Here are my thoughts!
I think it's a really good idea for the news to share more stories about normal, everyday people like you and me. Don't get me wrong, I definitely want to still learn about important stuff happening in the world from the news too. But I feel like they spend way too much time talking about celebrities, sports stars, politicians, and other famous people. Those people already get so much attention!
My parents always tell me that the news nowadays is nothing but negativity and bad things happening. Every time they turn it on, it's about some tragedy, disaster, crime, war,
scandal or political argument. No wonder so many adults say watching or reading the news makes them stressed out! I think seeing stories about the lives of regular, hardworking people could be a nice break from all the sadness and negativity.
If the news showed more stories about ordinary people's regular lives, I think it could inspire others and make people happier overall. Like if they did a story on a nice older lady who volunteers at an animal shelter, that might encourage other people to also go volunteer and do good deeds. Or what if they interviewed a kid my age who collects canned goods for a food bank? That could motivate other kids to find ways to help others too.
I really enjoy when I occasionally see stories on the local news about students at other schools doing neat projects or putting on school plays. Getting that little bit of recognition from the media makes the students feel special and proud of their hard work. It also gives other kids ideas for cool activities to do at their own schools. More stories like that would be awesome in my opinion!
Speaking of schools, I wish the news talked more about normal teachers and students rather than just feeding us depressing stories anytime something bad happens at a school.
Thankfully my teachers and classes are pretty great, but you'd never know it from watching the news. All they cover are negative things like teacher strikes, schools struggling with budgets, រររររររ bullying incidents or other violence. I'd love to see the news do positive stories showing how teachers go above and beyond to help their students or creative ways teachers are making learning fun.
In general, I think the lives of ordinary working people don't get enough attention. The news is always going on about rich celebrities, successful business leaders or huge company presidents. But what about the nurse at the hospital working the night shift to support her family? What about the construction workers busting their butts out in the hot sun all day to build new houses and offices? What about the single mom working two jobs to make ends meet? Those are the kind of hardworking people who really deserve to have their stories shown and get some appreciation.
The media also tends to mostly just show perfect nuclear families with a mom, dad and a couple well-behaved kids. But so many amazing families don't fit that mold nowadays. How about a story on the single dad raising his two daughters after his wife passed away? Or foster families taking in children in need? Or the
working grandparents taking care of their grandkids while the parents are serving in the military? There are so many inspiring regular families out there that could brighten people's days if their stories got shared.
I think one of the biggest problems with the news is that it mostly just covers big cities. But over half of Americans live in suburbs or rural areas! More stories about life in small towns and countryside areas would be really eye-opening and interesting for people to see. What kinds of fun traditions or events do they have out there? What are some of the cool ways small towns come together as a community? What kinds of interesting jobs do people have in rural places? I'd love to see more stories about the lives of ordinary farmers, ranchers, hunters, or other people whose lifestyles revolve around nature and living off the land.
And while we're on the topic of communities, I also feel like the news unfairly mainly focuses on richer white neighborhoods and suburbs. The news hardly shows anything about ordinary families living in cities, especially those who are minorities or from different cultural backgrounds than the typical American family you see on TV. It would be really educational and fascinating to have more stories that explore the daily lives, traditions, career paths, obstacles and amazing perseverance of
hard-working people from all different races, income levels and immigrant communities that make up the huge melting pot of our nation.
Can you imagine how much more grounds for understanding and bringing people together we could have if the news made it a point to share perspectives from all the diverse communities in our country? Instead of just hearing about how different groups disagree with each other, we'd get a firsthand look at how so many ordinary people go about their lives in similar ways despite their surface differences.
Overall, I really believe the news media would be providing a much-needed service by shining a spotlight on the struggles, joys, hard work and accomplishments that make up the fabric of regular Americans' existence. Not only would it get people's minds off negativity for once, but it could help society truly appreciate each other more. Plus, imagine how motivating and eye-opening it would be for kids like me to see more examples of ordinary people overcoming challenges and making a difference in their own way? Food for thought, grown-ups!
Those are just my thoughts as a 10-year-old kid, but I hope the news executives, journalists and everyone involved in the media takes them into consideration. At the very least, I'm sure
viewers and readers would be glad for a break from hearing about billionaires, politicians and bad news all the time! Let me know what you think - should the media show more "ordinary awesomeness" or do you feel differently? Thanks for reading my essay!
Should the Media Cover More Stories About Regular People's Lives?
Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader. My teacher, Mrs. Johnson, assigned our class an essay on whether we think the news media like newspapers, TV news shows, websites and such should report more stories about the daily lives of regular, everyday people instead of always talking about celebrities, politicians and other famous folks. Here's my take on it!
I think it's a really good idea for the media to share way more stories about normal, ordinary people living their lives. We see famous movie stars, athletes, musicians and politicians on TV and the internet all the time. But you don't get to see a whole lot about how regular moms, dads, kids, grandparents and others go about their days and weeks most of the time.
It would be really cool and interesting to read news articles or watch video stories about a Mom who works a regular job and how she gets her kids ready for school each morning before going to her job at the bank or some other workplace. Or a story on a Dad who coaches a little league baseball team for kids while also working hard at his job during the day. Maybe they could follow around a retired grandma for a week and show the stuff she does like garden, play bingo, volunteer and hang out with her grandkids.
Those kinds of stories would give us a much better picture of what real life is like for a lot of people out there, not just the super rich and famous we always hear about. It's good to have some reality mixed in, you know?
They could Stories could literally be about anything regular folks do - going to work, taking care of their homes, playing sports, hobbies they enjoy, dealing with difficulties and challenges, volunteering their time to help others, you name it. As long as it's activities and events that happen in a normal person's life, not a billionaire movie star's life, I think those make for good stories.
Now don't get me wrong, I do find some of the celebrity news kind of fascinating. Like when a famous singer or actor gets
married or has a baby, sure, go ahead and report on that. But maybe don't make it the top story for several days in a row when there's also important other stuff happening out there that impacts way more people.
The news should share a mix of different stories that impacts all kinds of people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Too much celebrity stuff gets old after awhile. Hearing more stories about ordinary people's lives would make the news far more relatable and interesting in my opinion.
And who knows, maybe some young kids who see stories about normal people doing volunteer work might be inspired to do some volunteering themselves. Or a story about a regular family saving up money to take a fun vacation could encourage other families to start a vacation savings jar. Positive examples of how everyday people live their lives could motivate others in good ways.
I also think more regular people stories would help us all feel more connected as a community of folks who go through a lot of the same experiences, even if our specific careers or living situations are different. At our core, most of us ultimately want similar things - to have happy families, to work at decent jobs, to
spend time with loved ones, to make a positive impact in our own way.
More media coverage of regular, working-class people's lives reminds us that hey, we're all in this together trying to get through each day and each week as best we can. We're not alone in dealing with the ups and downs of normal life as regular human beings, not celebrities.
Of course, the media also has to keep reporting on important news events from around the world related to politics, foreign affairs, the economy, climate change, crime, you know the drill. I'm not saying eliminate all that critical news coverage.
But maybe mix in a few more "slices of life" stories here and there about ordinary citizens going about their everyday routines - the waitress working the breakfast shift, the construction crew building a new mall, the dad driving carpool for the kid's soccer practice, the teenager working a summer job to save up for college, the empty-nesters taking up gardening as a hobby, the retired seniors going on daily morning walks together.
Those types of real-life stories can help us all remember to appreciate the simple joys, hard work and shared experiences
that most people typically encounter throughout their lives, not just the glamorous stuff celebrities do.
I think the variety and balance would make following the news a lot more enjoyable and inspirational. We need more positivity and realism, you know? So media folks, spotlight a few more normal, everyday people's lives from time to time! We could all use those refreshing reminders that we're in this crazy journey of life together.
Should The Media Report More On Regular People's Lives?
Have you ever watched the news and felt like it was always about famous people, politicians or celebrities doing exciting things? Sometimes it can seem like the media only cares about the lives of rich and important people. But what about the rest of us regular folks just trying to live our lives? I think the media should spend more time reporting on ordinary people too because their stories are just as interesting and important.
My parents are just normal, hardworking people but they have cool stories to tell. My dad is a plumber and he's had to unclog some pretty gross drains and sewers over the years. One time he had to take apart an entire bathroom just to get to a
really stubborn clog! My mom is a nurse and she's helped deliver lots of babies and saved people's lives in the emergency room. Those kinds of jobs might not seem exciting to reporters, but they do really important work that makes a difference.
My friends and their families have neat stories too. My best friend Sara's parents own a restaurant and they're always creating new dishes to put on the menu. Sara helps out after school by bussing tables and she's gotten to try all kinds of interesting foods from different cultures. My other friend Michael's dad is a truck driver, and he's driven across the entire country delivering goods to stores and factories. Michael's dad has seen so many different cities and landscapes on his routes.
Then there are the ordinary people in my neighborhood who still manage to lead pretty extraordinary lives when you get to know them. Old Mrs. Johnson nextdoor is almost 90 years old but she still gardens and bakes pies to give to neighbors, just like she's done for decades. And did you know the mailman has walked the same route delivering mail to our neighborhood for 25 years? That's longer than I've even been alive!
Every person has a unique story and perspective to share, not just famous celebrities or politicians. When the media only reports on the elite members of society, it makes it seem like the
rest of us don't matter as much. But things like where our food comes from, how our roads and buildings get built and maintained, and how regular workers of all kinds keep society running are pretty vital too. Those are the types of stories about everyday life that could help kids like me learn more about the real world.
Granted, I can understand why the media gravitates towards the glitz and glamour of covering the upper crust of society. Those tend to be the biggest names that will grab people's attention. And I'll admit, I do find myself getting caught up in celebrity gossip and drama from time to time too because it can be entertaining and an escape from the mundane. But if that's all we ever hear about, we start to lose touch with the experiences and challenges that ordinary working people face on a daily basis.
What if instead of just seeing influencers and politicians giving speeches on TV, we got to hear from a teacher who helped their student overcome a learning disability? Or a small business owner who had to get really creative to make it through the pandemic? Those could be such inspirational stories for the rest of us. And learning about different career paths and how to overcome adversity would honestly be way more beneficial and
applicable to my life right now than hearing about another scandalous celebrity breakup.
The point is, there's a whole wide world of amazing stories to tell beyond the rich and famous if the media would just take a look. We shouldn't act like a person's life only becomes valid or noteworthy once they achieve a certain level of status or wealth. The so-called "ordinary" people are what really make a community tick and hold things together. Having more representation and a greater spotlight on the everyday worker could foster more appreciation, empathy and understanding.
From my perspective as a kid, I'd love to see more media that shows the diversity of the human experience and honors the struggles and triumphs of regular folks trying their best. Because those are the people who keep food on my plate, a roof over my head, and help make the world go round in so many ways. Their stories about pursuing their passions and making an honest living deserve to be told too. Seeing a little of myself reflected back in those kind of portrayals could help me feel inspired and give me ideas for my own future.
So in summary, while I'll always get a guilty pleasure from indulging in some frivolous celebrity news from time to time, I really hope more media outlets and journalists will make an
effort to highlight the extraordinary within the seemingly "ordinary." Those are the stories that could help shape a greater understanding between all people from different walks of life. We shouldn't underestimate the importance and richness contained within every single person's journey if we just take the time to listen.。