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Dear Mr. Johnson,
Hi! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I wanted to tell you about the people we hired for the important jobs at your company. I helped interview everyone because kids are really good at seeing if people are nice or not.
First, we hired a new Chief Financial Officer named Sarah. Sarah is really smart with numbers. In her job interview, I asked her what's her favorite number and she said 7 because it's a lucky number. I agreed that 7 is a great number! She used to work at a bank counting money all day. I think she'll be really good at being in charge of the money for your company.
Next, we hired a new Vice President of Marketing named Jake. Jake has cool hair and tells funny jokes. In his interview, I asked him to tell me a joke and he said "What did one wall say to the other wall? I'll get plastered later!" I laughed really hard. Jake's job will be to make commercials and put ads on TV so people want to buy your company's products.
We also hired a new Head of Human Resources named Emily. Emily gave me a high five when I came into the room for her interview. I think that means she really likes kids! Her job will be to hire more people to work at your company and make sure everyone is happy. Emily told me her favorite color is purple just like Barney the Dinosaur!
For our Chief Technology Officer, we hired a man named Miguel. Miguel is really good at computers and coding. He showed me how to write a simple computer program that prints "Hi" over and over again. It was so cool! As your new CTO, Miguel will be in charge of the tech team that builds websites and apps.
The last person we hired was Anna, who is going to be the new General Counsel. Anna used to be a lawyer. In her interview, I asked her what it was like to be a lawyer and she said she liked the fancy suits they got to wear. Anna will help make sure your company follows all the laws and doesn't get into any trouble.
So in summary, we hired Sarah as CFO, Jake as VP of Marketing, Emily as Head of HR, Miguel as CTO, and Anna as General Counsel. I think they will all be really great in their important jobs at your company! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Your friend,
Dear Mr. CEO Sir,
Hi! My name is Jamie and I am 9 years old. I hope you are having a super day! I wanted to tell you all about the new people we hired for the company. It was a big job but I tried really really hard!
First of all, we needed to hire someone for the finances department. Money is super important for a company, so we had to find just the right person. We interviewed a bunch of people who said they were good at math and stuff. One lady seemed really smart, but then she mixed up the numbers when I asked her what's 6 plus 8. Yikes! We can't have someone bad at math being in charge of finances, right?
Finally, we found this guy named Michael. He looked kind of nervous, but then I asked him some tricky math problems and he got them all right without even using his fingers or toes! Like what is 57 x 32? He just thought for a second and said 1,824. I
was so impressed! I decided he would be perfect for the job. Michael can be our new finances person.
Next, we really needed someone to manage all the supplies for the office. We get tons of pens, paper, staplers, and everything else we need to do our jobs. It's pretty important to have the right person keeping track of all that stuff! We talked to a few applicants, but this one guy named Pablo really stuck out.
First of all, his outfit was crazy organized. His shirt was perfectly tucked in and his shoes were perfectly tied. Then during the interview, he whipped out this super neat binder he made that was color coded for different types of supplies. He had tabs for "Writing Utensils," "Paper Products," and even one just for "Rubber Bands"! I knew right then he was the guy for us. Pablo is going to be amazing at keeping our office supplies organized and ordered.
Probably the hardest person to hire was the head of marketing. We need someone who is really creative and good at getting people excited about our products. The first few applicants we talked to had these really long, boring presentations that put me to sleep. No way anyone would get hyped up about our stuff listening to those snooze fests!
But then there was this woman named Jessica. As soon as she started her presentation, she had my total attention. The slides she made were so colorful and eye-catching, with animated graphics and fun sound effects. She spoke with a big smile and so much enthusiasm, like she was talking about the most amazing thing in the whole world instead of just our normal products.
At the end, she passed out free samples and stickers and everything. I don't even know what the samples were for, but I wanted them so bad! Jess definitely has the magic touch to make our marketing top-notch. We are super lucky she agreed to join the team.
So in summary, we hired Michael for finances because he is a math whiz, Pablo for supplies since he is an organization pro, and Jessica to run marketing due to her endless creative energy. I think we found three fantastic new employees who are going to be great assets!
Thanks for letting me handle this very important hiring process, Mr. CEO sir. I had a ton of fun doing the interviews and using my keen judgement to pick the top candidates. I can't wait until they start working here! Our company is going to be more successful than ever now.
Jamie (Age 9)
Dear Mr. CEO Sir,
My name is Timmy and I'm 9 years old. I've been put in charge of hiring new people for your company and I want to tell you all about how it went!
First of all, we really needed to find some good new workers because a bunch of people quit last month. I'm not sure why they left, but my mom said it was probably because they didn't like their mean boss Mr. Stevenson. I hope you're nicer than he was!
Anyways, I knew we had to find some smart people to come work here. The job called for people who are good at math, reading, writing, and being creative. Those are some of my best subjects in school (except for that stupid math)!
We put an ad on the internet and a bunch of people applied. Like a whole lot! My dog Walker and I looked through allllllll the resumes and applications. Walker is really good at smelling out
who the best candidates are. Just kidding, he just lays around all day! But I tried really hard to pick the best ones.
I had to pick 10 people to interview. Interviewing is when you talk to people and ask them questions to see if they would be good at the job. I learned some good interview questions from my teacher Mrs. Appleton. I asked things like "What is your biggest strength?" and "If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?"
The interviews went pretty well. A few people got really nervous and could barely talk. Like this one lady, Ms. Kamaria, she spilled her coffee everywhere! We had to get the janitor to clean it up. That was funny.
Some of the people's answers were really weird too. This guy Martin said his biggest strength was being able to beatbox. I don't know what that is but I don't think it will help him be good at this job! And this other kid, he was my age, said if he could be any animal he would want to be a unicorn because he loved their horns. Unicorns aren't even real!
After all the interviews, Walker and I had to pick the 5 best candidates to hire. It was really hard! We made pro and con lists for each person. We looked at things like their experience, their grades if they were students, and how polite they were.
The people I ultimately decided to hire were:
Arianna - She just graduated from college and seemed really smart. She also gave me a high five after her interview!
David - He has worked at another office for 5 years already. During his interview he told me he is really good at spreadsheets, whatever those are.
Jillian - She was really nice and friendly. I think she would be great to work with. Plus she said she loves dogs so I know she and Walker will get along!
Ahmed - His answers showed he is very creative. He said if he could be an animal he would want to be a chameleon so he could blend in anywhere. How cool is that?
Maggie - Her grades were just okay, but she told me this job would be her big dream come true. I love when people follow their dreams!
I really tried my best to pick the right people, Mr. CEO sir. I looked at all the important stuff and listened to my gut. I just got a feeling those 5 will do a great job here.
The other 5 people I interviewed were a little sad they didn't get hired. A couple of them cried! I think next time we should get
them ice cream or something to cheer them up. It's hard not getting a job you really wanted.
Anyways, I hope I did a good job with the hiring. The new people should be starting next week. If you need any other kids to do hiring from now on, I would be super happy to help! Just let me know.
Your buddy,
P.S. Can we please get a ball pit installed in the office? That would be so much fun!
Dear Mr. CEO Sir,
My name is Tommy and I am 8 years old. I was put in charge of hiring some new workers for our lemonade stand company. I worked very hard to find the best people!
First I had to make a "Help Wanted" sign to let people know we need workers. I used my best bubble letter writing. Then I stood outside the playground and showed the sign to everyone.
A lot of kids came over to ask about the job.
The most important thing I was looking for in the new hires was if they like lemonade a whole lot. If you don't even like drinking lemonade, how can you work at a lemonade stand? That doesn't make any sense! So I asked each kid "Do you like lemonade?" and if they didn't say "Yes! I love lemonade more than anything!" then I didn't hire them. Lemonade is very serious business.
Next I needed to make sure they were good at math. At our lemonade stand, workers have to know stuff like how many cups we can fill from one pitcher. And they have to make change for customers by adding and subtracting money. So I gave them all a hard math test to see if they could solve lemonade problems correctly.
I also wanted to hire friendly workers who are nice to customers. So I watched how each kid acted when they came up to ask about the job. If they were mean or stuck their tongues out at me, I knew they wouldn't be nice enough. But if they said "please" and "thank you", that's a good start!
Speaking of manners, I also looked for kids who weren't messy. I don't want any employees spilling lemonade everywhere or getting crumbs and gross stuff all over the stand. So I watched if the kids picked up any trash on the ground when
they arrived and threw it away properly. Kids who did that are clean enough to work at a lemonade stand.
Another very important skill is being able to work hard all day without taking a break. Lemonade stands are no lockingpark! We open bright and early and don't leave until it gets dark out. Any kid who looked sleepy or lazy, I didn't hire. Our customers need lemonade all day long!
After checking all those things, I only hired the top 3 kid workers from the whole playground. They were:
Susie - She loves lemonade so much, her parents have to limit her to 2 glasses a day. She got 100% on the math test about lemon fractions. And she cleans up after herself automatically without prompting.
Michael - This dude shotgunned an entire lemonade in 10 seconds to show me how much he likes it! He knew all the times tables for counting lemonade cups. And he waved at customers and said "Have a lemon-derful day!" very enthusiastically.
Billy - His family owns an actual lemon tree that he picks from. You can't get more expertise than being raised on a lemon farm! He also helped little kids learn to count their change properly. I saw him politely holding the door for others too.
So in conclusion Mr. CEO, I think you'll be very happy with my 3 new lean, mean, lemonade-selling machine workers. We're ready to make millions of dollars worth of lemonade! Thanks for letting me hire people. Let me know if you need anything else!
Your lemonade tycoon,
Dear Mr. Boss Man,
Hi! It's me, Tommy. You asked me to help find some new workers for our company and I've been working really hard on that. I want to tell you all about what I did and who I picked. I hope you like the people I chose!
First of all, I made a big sign that said "Get a Job Here!" and hung it up outside the company. A bunch of grown-ups came up and asked me what kinds of jobs we had. I told them we needed people who are good at typing, answering phones, and fixing computers. I also said we needed some workers to lift heavy boxes because you told me physical strength is important.
A lot of the grown-ups seemed smart and strong, but I could tell some of them were kind of lazy or not very nice. Like this one
lady kept talking on her phone instead of paying attention to me. And this other guy burped really loud right in my face! Gross!
After a few days of meeting people, I decided to interview the ones I liked best. I had them come inside one-by-one and asked them some important questions like:
What's your favorite color? (The right answer is blue because that's our company's color)
How fast can you run? (For the box lifters)
Can you make a really goofy face? (To see if they have a good sense of humor)
Based on their answers, I hired my top 5 candidates. I'll tell you about each of them:
Jane Smith
She's really good at typing super fast without making any mistakes. In her interview, she perfectly typed out the entire alphabet in under 10 seconds! Jane also has a fun personality - her goofy face made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair. I think she'll be great to have answering the company phones.
Michael Johnson
This guy is STRONG! He showed me how he can pick up my dad's car with barely even straining. I think he'll be an awesome box lifter. Michael's favorite color is blue too, which is a plus. The only downside is his speaking voice is kind of gruff and might scare little kids.
Emily Brown
Emily is really smart and fixed my mom's computer in like 2 minutes after it had been broken for weeks. She'll be great in the IT department. She had a nice smile and didn't make any gross noises during our talk. Emily's favorite color is red though, not blue. I told her she better get used to liking blue from now on!
David Lee
David can type quickly and seems pretty strong too. So he can help out with typing or lifting depending on what we need. He's also really funny - his goofy face looked like a stunned fish! I think he'll keep things fun at the office. David's favorite color is green, but he pinky promised to like blue as well.
Sarah Thompson
Sarah is an awesome runner, she can probably run a mile in under 5 minutes! That means she'll be super quick at moving those heavy boxes around the warehouse. Plus her favorite color
is blue already. During our chat, she burped while laughing at one of my jokes...but at least she covered her mouth!
So those are my top 5 picks, Mr. Boss Man. I tried really hard to find some good workers for our company that are smart, strong, funny, and fast. I hope you're pleased with them! Let me know if you need me to do any more hiring.
Your pal,
Dear Mr. Boss CEO Sir,
My name is Tommy and I am 9 years old. I got picked to be in charge of the big hiring team for finding new workers for your company! At first I was nervous because it's a very important job. But then I remembered that grown-ups let kids do important stuff all the time, like when we get hired to mow lawns or walk dogs or babysit little brothers and sisters. So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work!
The first thing I did was make a Help Wanted sign with bright colors and stencils because that's how you get people to notice things. I hung it up in the park, the grocery store, the library, and
even brought it to my school's Career Day. Lots of people saw it and started calling me up for interviews. My mom had to get me a work cell phone and everything!
Then I had to make up a list of questions to ask people in the job interviews. Here are some of the questions I came up with:
• What makes you good at this job?
• Do you like snacks? We have a broken vending machine with lots of snacks.
• C an you multiply big numbers in your head?
• How much do you want to get paid per week? Will 5 work?
I asked every person who wanted the job those questions and more. I even drew pictures of them and rated how smiley or frowny they looked. The frowny ones didn't get hired.
Probably the best part was when I got to go on job interviews with kids from my class! Frankie wanted to apply because he's good at kickball so I interviewed him for a sports manager job. Samantha is really good at making those rainbow loom bracelets, so I hired her to be an arts & crafts director. I interviewed my cousin Timmy too, but he mostly just makes armpit fart noises so I couldn't hire him. Sorry Timmy!
After a few weeks of job interviews every day after school, I had hired 147 new workers for your company! Here are some of the positions I staffed:
• 28 Accounting ledger makers
• 19 Social media promoters
• 5 Data analysts
• 32 Truck drivers and forklift operators
• 14 Call center representatives
• 8 Bathroom cleaners
• 22 Security guards
And a bunch more! I tried to hire a good mix of grown-ups and kids for the jobs. The grown-ups took the boring stuff like accounting and dataanalisting. But I gave the cool jobs to my friends like Samantha for arts & crafts and Jeremy for head of video game testing.
Speaking of video games, I splurged and spent almost my whole hiring budget to get this one kid named Noah to be your company's new Vice President. Noah is super good at every video game and he even has a YouTube channel where he does cheats and walkthroughs. I think having a kid VP will be great so
your company can appeal more to younger people! Noah wanted to get paid 500 a week, but I talked him down to 125 a week plus all the chicken nuggets he can eat from the cafeteria.
Anyway, I'm really excited about all my new hires starting work on Monday! I'll be there bright and early at 6am to show everyone to their desks and jobs. I can already tell this is going to be the most fun and productive workforce your company has ever had!
Thanks for letting me be in charge of hiring. I had a great time and I hope you're proud of me. Oh, and one more thing - I ran out of Help Wanted signs, so I made some more. This time I used glitter glue and puffy stickers to make them extra
eye-catching. You can have the extras to hang up if you want!
Your friend,
Tommy (Age 9)
Chief Hiring Officer。
