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反应大学生蜗居,蚁族,到鼠族英语作文The Harsh Realities of Student Life
Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you about something very sad that I learned about recently. It's about how many university students in big cities have to live in really terrible conditions just to be able to afford going to school.
My big sister Emily just started university last year, and she had to move from our hometown to the capital city for her studies. When we went to visit her a few months ago, I was shocked by where she lives now. Her apartment is tiny - not much bigger than my bedroom at home! She shares this little place with two other students, and they don't even have a proper kitchen or bathroom. Can you imagine?
Emily calls her living situation being part of the "ant tribe." That's because her apartment is like an ant colony - a bunch of tiny rooms crammed together with hundreds of student ant tribes living there. At night, she showed me videos of the crazy lines for the shared bathrooms and micro-kitchens. It looked like ants marching inlines!
Some students have it even worse though. They're called the "rat tribe" because they live in even smaller subdivided rooms that used to be one regular apartment. From the outside, the building looks normal. But once you go inside, it's been divided up into dozens of tiny rat holes! My sister says some of the rat tribes at her university have to share a bathroom with 20 other students. No thanks, I'll pass on living like that!
The smallest and cheapest option of all are the "subdivided flats" or "coffin homes." These are apartments that have been chopped up into minuscule cubicle rooms, almost like coffins. Some are just 6x6 feet of space - smaller than Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs! Can you imagine living, sleeping, eating and studying in a box that tiny? Yet thousands of poor students in Hong Kong and other cities do exactly that, just to afford an education.
I don't understand how any person can actually live like that. Having a decent home is a basic human need, right? But for so many university students like my sister, a safe, affordable and comfortable living space is just a dream. Instead they are packed like sardines into cramped, dirty, unsafe ant colonies and rat holes. It's really unhealthy and def not a good environment for studying at all.
From what Emily tells me, these horrible housing situations are caused by a few main reasons:
The rent is just way too expensive in big cities, especially for students who have little income. Even a tiny subdivided place costs hundreds of dollars per month!
There's a huge shortage of affordable housing and dormitories for students. Way more kids go to university now than in the past, but not enough new housing has been built for them.
The government doesn't provide much financial assistance for poor students. Very few get any subsidy for housing expenses.
Greedy landlords and property tycoons keep pricing out the average person by hiking up rents. They'd rather let apartments stay vacant than make them affordable.
It makes me really mad listening to all this! How is it fair that my bright, hard-working sister has to live in such bad conditions, just because our family isn't rich? She studies night and day to become an architect and build amazing homes for people. But meanwhile, all she can afford is to live like a rat in a cage. Where's the justice in that?
I really hope that when I grow up, things will be better for students. We need to build way more subsidized dorms and low-cost housing just for university kids. The government has to increase financial aid too, so no student has to resort to coffin homes just to get an education. Living with dignity should be a basic right, not an impossible luxury.
Emily says her classmates are always stressed from the terrible living environment. How can they focus on studying when they're constantly crammed, sleepless and distracted? Solving this housing crisis would honestly boost the whole city's education levels and economic future. Mistreating the next generation of talent is just shooting ourselves in the foot.
Well, that's my two cents on this sad issue. I really admire university students like my sis who persevere despite all the hardship. They are the real warriors, battling to improve their lives through knowledge. I think we should all do more to support them, not let them suffer in ant tribes. Because today's students will soon be the professionals, leaders and thinkers who build a better tomorrow for everyone. Let's treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve!。