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1. 听力题:
The chemical formula for chromium(III) oxide is __________.
2. 选择题:
What is the smallest unit of life?
A. Cell
B. Tissue
C. Organ
D. Organism
3. 填空题:
I like to listen to audiobooks while I ________ (散步) in the park.
4. 填空题:
The ________ (城市) skyline is impressive.
5. 填空题:
The country known for its windmills is ________ (荷兰).
6. 听力题:
The ______ is always smiling.
7. 填空题:
_____ (热带雨林) are rich in biodiversity.
8. 填空题:
In spring, the ________ (花朵) bloom and the ________ (树叶) grow green.
9. 填空题:
I enjoy _______ (看电影) on weekends.
Which planet is known for its beautiful rings?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Neptune
11. 听力题:
The chemical formula for aluminum fluoride is _____.
12. 选择题:
How many days are in February during a leap year?
a. 28
b. 29
c. 30
d. 31
13. 选择题:
Which of these is a winter sport?
A. Swimming
B. Surfing
C. Skiing
D. Running
14. 填空题:
The _____ (大雁) honks as it flies overhead.
15. 填空题:
The ______ (水分) level in the soil affects plant health.
16. 填空题:
My uncle is a __________. (教师)
17. 填空题:
The library is full of _______ (书籍).
18. 填空题:
The elephant's trunk is used for eating, drinking, and ________________ (交流).
19. 听力题:
A _______ is a solution that can conduct electricity.
20. 听力题:
Pressure can affect the ________ of gases.
Acids feel sour, while bases feel _____.
22. 听力题:
A ________ is a large area of water surrounded by land.
23. 听力题:
The process of heating a solid to produce a gas is called _______.
24. 填空题:
The ancient Egyptians created intricate _____ for their tombs.
25. 填空题:
The ______ (猴子) loves to swing from trees.
26. 听力题:
A ______ is a visual representation of chemical relationships.
27. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的启发) ignites curiosity.
28. 选择题:
Which planet is closest to the sun?
A. Earth
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Mars
29. 选择题:
What do you call a story about someone's life?
A. Fiction
B. Biography
C. Novel
D. Fairy tale
30. 听力题:
A solution that has a high concentration of solute is called ______.
31. 听力题:
The bee makes _______.
32. 听力题:
Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into _____.
An ionic bond is formed when electrons are _____ between atoms.
34. 听力题:
The ________ (trophy) is for the winner.
35. 填空题:
World War II began in __________. (1939年)
36. 听力题:
The ______ helps make important decisions.
37. 填空题:
We have a ______ (大) backyard to play in.
38. 听力题:
Gravity is the force that keeps planets in _______ around the sun.
39. 选择题:
What is the opposite of hot?
A. Cold
B. Warm
C. Cool
D. Spicy
40. 听力题:
The chemical formula for copper(I) oxide is _______.
41. 选择题:
What is the capital of Vietnam?
a. Ho Chi Minh City
b. Hanoi
c. Da Nang
d. Hue
42. 听力题:
I like ______ at the park. (walking)
43. 听力题:
I brush my ___ (teeth) every day.
44. 选择题:
What do we call the animal that lives in the ocean and has fins?
A. Fish
B. Whale
C. Shark
D. All of the above
45. 听力题:
Acids taste ______ and can be sour.
46. 选择题:
What is the opposite of fast?
A. Quick
B. Slow
C. Speedy
D. Rapid
47. 听力题:
A battery can provide power for a variety of electrical ______.
48. 填空题:
The _______ (Space Race) was a competition between the US and USSR for space exploration.
49. 填空题:
The horse drinks water from the ______ (水槽). It looks very ______ (口渴).
50. 填空题:
In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the ______ (美国).
51. 选择题:
What is the term for the study of ancient artifacts?
A. Archaeology
B. Anthropology
C. Sociology
D. History
52. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的参与性) enhances engagement.
53. 填空题:
The first civilization was located in ________ (美索不达米亚).
54. 填空题:
My sister loves to write ____.
What do we call the study of the relationships between living organisms?
A. Ecology
B. Biology
C. Zoology
D. Botany
答案: A. Ecology
56. 选择题:
What is 2 + 2?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
57. 选择题:
What do we call a young dolphin?
A. Calf
B. Pup
C. Kid
D. Foal
58. 填空题:
Planting a variety of species can help create a balanced ______. (种植多样的物种可以帮助创建一个平衡的生态系统。

59. 听力题:
The ____ is known for its unique markings and colors.
60. 选择题:
What do you call a person who studies plants?
A. Biologist
B. Botanist
C. Chemist
D. Physicist
答案: B
61. 选择题:
What do we wear on our feet?
A. Hat
B. Shoes
C. Gloves
D. Scarf
Which instrument has 88 keys?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Drum
答案: C
63. 选择题:
What do we call the study of the brain and behavior?
A. Psychology
B. Sociology
C. Anthropology
D. Biology
答案: A
64. 听力题:
A _______ can help to measure the flow of electricity in a circuit.
65. 填空题:
The country known for its ancient philosophers is ________ (以古代哲学家闻名的国家是________).
66. 听力题:
We enjoy going to the ___. (beach)
67. 填空题:
A parakeet's social behavior makes it a friendly ________________ (伴侣).
68. 听力题:
She has a _____ (funny) face.
69. 选择题:
How many legs does an octopus have?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
答案:B. 8
70. 填空题:
Herbs are often used in cooking to add ______. (草药常用于烹饪中以增加风味。

71. 选择题:
What is the term for the process of water falling to the Earth?
B. Precipitation
C. Condensation
D. Filtration
72. 选择题:
Which animal is known as man's best friend?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Rabbit
D. Hamster
73. 选择题:
Which animal is known for its ability to change colors?
A. Chameleon
B. Frog
C. Parrot
D. Snake
74. 填空题:
In _____ (新加坡), you can find a mix of cultures.
75. 听力题:
She wears a _____ (红色的) dress.
76. 选择题:
What do you call an animal that can live both on land and in water?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Amphibian
D. Fish
77. 填空题:
A _______ (小鸭子) swims behind its mother.
78. 听力题:
The _____ (书柜) is filled with books.
79. 选择题:
What do you call a person who studies geology?
A. Geologist
B. Earth scientist
C. Miner
答案: A
80. 听力题:
The astronomical unit is defined as the average distance from the Earth to the ______.
81. 填空题:
I love sharing stories about my toy ____. (玩具名称)
82. 选择题:
What is the primary color of a stop sign?
A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Blue
83. 填空题:
I like to eat ______ after school.
84. 选择题:
Which of these is a marine animal?
A. Eagle
B. Shark
C. Lion
D. Elephant
85. 听力题:
They are ___ a game. (starting)
86. 填空题:
The _______ (青蛙) is often green in color.
87. 听力题:
The cat loves to explore the _____ backyard.
88. 听力题:
The bird is ___ (singing/flying) in the sky.
89. 填空题:
The __________ is known for its iconic pyramids. (埃及)
90. 填空题:
A ______ (鱼) has gills to breathe underwater.
91. 填空题:
The ________ is a famous ancient structure in Egypt.
92. 填空题:
The ________ (交通信号) guides vehicles safely.
93. 听力题:
The anemone is home to the _____ fish.
94. 听力题:
The butterfly emerges from its _____ chrysalis.
95. 听力题:
The ______ is a huge explosion of a star.
96. 选择题:
How many colors are in a rainbow?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
97. 选择题:
What do you call the main meal of the day?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Snack
98. 填空题:
A ____(community resource center) offers support services.
99. 选择题:
Which word means "to run fast"?
A. Walk
B. Jog
C. Sprint
D. Stroll
100. 听力题:
The chemical formula for propanol is _____.。
