Acid Rain


酸雨 Acid Rain 环境相关英语作文

酸雨 Acid Rain 环境相关英语作文

Acid Rain>Essay On Acid Rain:Acid Rain is composed of highly acidic water droplets due to air emissions, specifically the disproportionate levels of sulphur and Nitrogen emitted by vehicles and manufacturing processes. Often called acid rain as this concept contains many types of acidic precipitation.The acidic discharge takes place in two ways: wet and dry. The pH value of normal rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an acidic nature.Long And Short Essays On Acid Rain for Students and Kids In EnglishWe provide students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Acid Rain.Long Essay On Acid Rain 500 Words In EnglishLong Essay on Acid Rain is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.As the name suggests, acid rain can be said to be the precipitation of acid in the form of rain in the most straightforward manner. Whenatmospheric pollutants like oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur react with rainwater and are available with the rain, this leads to Acid Rain.The acidic deposition takes place in two different ways: wet and dry. Wet sediments are any form of precipitation that removes acids from the atmosphere and places them on the earth’s surface. In the absence of precipitation, dry deposition of polluting particles and gases sticks to the ground through dust and smoke.The causes of acid precipitation are Sulphur and Nitrogen particles which get mixed with the wet components of rain. Sulphur and Nitrogenparticles which get mixed with water are found in two ways either human-made because the emissions are given out from industries or by natural causes like how a lightning strike within the atmosphere releases from volcanic eruptions.According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, which considers him the “father of acid rain,” the word “acid rain” was invented by Scottish chemist Robert Angus Smith in 1852. Smith selected on the name while studying rainwater chemistry near industrial towns in England and Scotland.Even though it is clean, the regular clean water we experience, i.e. water and CO2, react together to make weak carbonic acid which virtually by itself isn’t overly harmful. The pH value of normal rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an acidic nature. The oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur are blown away by the wind along with the dust particle. They choose the earth’s surface after coming down within the sort of precipitation. Acid rain is a byproduct of human activities that emit the nitrogen and sulphur oxides within the atmosphere—such as burning fossil fuels and unethical waste emission disposal techniques.Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide undergo oxidation, and then they react with water resulting in the formation of the sulphuric acid and nitric acid, respectively.Acid rain is extremely harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. It washes away all nutrients which are required for the expansion and survival of plants. Acid precipitation affects agriculture by the way how it alters the composition of the soil. It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans. When acid rain falls and flows into rivers and ponds, it affects the aquatic ecosystem. As it alters the chemicalcomposition of the water, to make which is harmful to the marine ecosystem to survive and causes pollution. Acid precipitation also causes water pipes’ corrosion, which further leads to leaching of heavy metals like iron, lead and copper into the beverage. It damages the buildings and monument made from stones and metals.The only precaution that we will take against acid precipitation has a check at the emission of oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur. Being responsible citizens, one should remember the harmful effects they cause and the industriesthat give out Nitrogen and sulphur compound wastes unethically.Short Essay On Acid Rain 150 Words In EnglishShort Essay on Acid Rain is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.Acid rain is caused by a reaction that begins when compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to make more acidic pollutants called acid precipitation.The ecological consequences of acid precipitation are seen most strongly in marine habitats, like streams, lakes and marshes where fish and other wildlife can be toxic. Acidic rainwater can leach aluminium from soil clay particles because it flows through the soil then floods into streams and lakes.Sulphur dioxide and oxide and therefore the principal chemicals for acid precipitation. It also can influence human since the acid goes into fruits, vegetables and animals. In other words, we will get sick if acid precipitation doesn’t stopand that we eat those things. Generally, the acid precipitation affects man, but indirectly.10 Lines On Acid Rain Essay In EnglishAcid rain is formed by highly acidic water droplets due to air emissions.Sulfur dioxide and oxide and therefore the principal chemicals for acid rain.The only precaution that we will take against acid rain has a check at the emission of oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur.Acid precipitation affects man.It also can influence humans since the acid goes into fruits, vegetables and animals.Acid rain is extremely harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals.The pH value of normal rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an acidic nature.Acid rain also causes the corrosion of water pipes.The acidic deposition takes place in two different ways: wet and dry.Acid rain is a byproduct of human activities. >FAQ’s on Acid Rain EssayQuestion 1.What is going to happen if we don’t stop acid rain?Answer:Acid Rain influences human since the acid goes into fruits, vegetables and animals. People can get sick if acid rain doesn’t stop. itQuestion 2.What are the ways to scale back acid rain?Answer:They ought to use alternative energy sources, like solar and wind generation, atomic power, hydropower, and geothermal heat.Question 3.What are the two strong acids present in acid rain?Answer:Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the two strong acids present in acid rain that are incredibly potent and corrosive.。



综英3练习册短文翻译Acid rain is a very serious air and water pollution problem. Many people feel that it is the most serious pollution problem that we now face. Scientists say that plant and animal life in thousands of lakes in the United States and Canada has already been destroyed by acid rain.Acid rain forms in the upper atmosphere. There, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides mix with water vapor. They mix with water vapor to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When the vapor condenses and rain falls, the acids fall with it. Every time acid rain falls in a lake, the level of acid in the lake rises. Over time, it can rise to the point at which plants and insects cannot survive. Without plants, which supply oxygen, and insects, which supply food, fish die. The lake becomes a dead lake.The problem of acid rain has greatly increased in the last few years. Most of the blame for acid rain has been placed on industries. However, some people feel that ineffective air pollution laws are also to blame for the acid rain problem.A few years ago, many cities and states passed local air pollution laws. The laws were written to improve the air quality in the cities and states. However, the laws usually didn't say anything about the amount of pollution that an industry could pump into the air. Industries found a way to meet the new pollution laws without reducing the amount of pollution they released. They met the new standards by building taller smokestacks.With the taller smokestacks, air pollutants were released higher up into the atmosphere. The wind carried them far away from the polluting factory. To the people near the factory, the air seemed cleaner. However, the pollution that they once got was now coming down hundreds of miles away in the form of acid rain.翻译:酸雨是一个非常严重的空气和水污染问题。



What Are Acid Rain's Effects?
Acid deposition has a variety of effects, including damage to forests and soils, fish and other living things, materials, and human health. Acid rain also reduces how far and how clearly we can see through the air, an effect called visibility reduction.
How Do We Measure Acid Rain?
Acid rain is measured using a scale called "pH." The lower a substance's pH, the more acidic it is. Pure water has a pH of 7.0. Normal rain is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide dissolves into it, so it has a pH of about 5.5. As of the year 2000, the most acidic rain falling in the US has a pH otand acid deposition's causes and effects
To understand acid deposition's causes and effects and track changes in the environment, scientists from state governments and academic study acidification processes. They collect air and water samples and measure them for various characteristics like pH and chemical composition,. and they research the effects of acid deposition on human-made materials such as marble and bronze(青铜). Finally, scientists work to understand the effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) - the pollutants that cause acid deposition and fine particles - on human health.

酸雨The acid rain

酸雨The acid rain

酸雨Theacid rain酸雨正式的名称是为酸性沉降,指pH值小于5.6的雨水、冻雨、雪、雹、露等大气降水。



The name is officially acid rain acid deposition, a pH value of less than 5.6 rain, sleet, snow, hail, dew precipitation. It can be divided into "wet" and "dry deposition" two categories, the former refers to all gaseous pollutants or particulate pollutants, with rain, snow, fog or hail as precipitation form falls to the ground, the latter refers to the day without rain, falling down from the sky falling dust with acid. The global acid rain area three blocks: Western Europe, North America and Southeast Asia.天然排放源Natural emission source1.海洋:海洋雾沫,它们会夹带一些硫酸到空中。

1 Ocean: ocean spray, they will carry some sulfuric acid into the air.2.生物:土壤中某些机体,如动物死尸和植物败叶在细菌作用下可分解某些硫化物,继而转化为二氧化硫。



1 2
二氧化硫和氮氧化物在大气中经过一系列化学反 应,生成硫酸和硝酸等酸性物质。
酸性物质溶解在云滴或雨滴中,使云滴或雨滴呈 酸性。
含有酸性物质的云滴或雨滴降落到地面,形成酸 雨。
9影响酸雨形成的因素 Nhomakorabea01
推广节能技术和设备,提高能源利用效率,减少能源消耗和污染 物排放。
积极开发和利用太阳能、风能、水能等可再生能源,降低化石能 源在能源结构中的比重。
积极参与全球环保治理体系的改革和完善,推动建立更加公正、合 理、有效的全球环保治理体系。
深入研究大气化学过程、污染 物排放和气象条件对酸雨形成



酸雨(acid rain)按常规定义,指的是pH值小于5.6的各种形式的大气降水,或称为酸沉降,包括干沉降和湿沉降。



英国化学家R.A.Smith在研究降雨的化学性质后于1872年在《空气和降雨:化学气候学的开端》中首次使用了“酸雨”(acid rain)这一术语。











The Environmental Problems------- Made by TobiasThe brief introduction of myselfWhen referring to this topic, what do you think of?Maybe you sign that we are facing so many environmental problems? Yes,how much do you know about that? And there is a serious absolutely right. But h owissue that it’s never enough just to know that, but why, why we have such problems and how should we do to protect our living garden, the earth?How much do you know about the environmental problems?Acid Rain(酸雨)Air Pollution Chemical Waste(化学废料)Contamination of Marine Habitats(海洋生物污染)Deforestation Diseases Extinction of Species(品种灭绝)Global Climate Change Overpopulation Water Quality In your perception, which is the most serious one that threatens our life?Top 10 Environmental Problems Acid Rain (酸雨)Acid rain is caused by pollution released from factories and other manufacturing processes as well as many other pollutants. It can create acidification of lakes and cause damage to plants and wildlife. It also increases the rate of decay of buildings and other man-made items. Lea about the c auses of acid raincauses of acid rain , how to measure acid rain and what is currently being done to try to reduce the amount of acid rain in our Pollutionlittlethe solutions to reducing pollutionandproducts. Youindoor air qualityimproving)numberhappenwasteContamination of Marine Habitats(海洋生物污染)C ontaminationPollution of marine habitats can occur in any number of ways,including oil spills, trash dumped into the oceans and other chemical spills. Although debris is a big hazard to creatures of the sea, chemicals and other things dumped into waterways make their way to our oceans and cause even more trouble. Many animals hav been saved from these dangerous habitats, but pollution continues to be a problem.bigstop deforestationdroughtsrelatedsevereStudiesGroupthatsuchaboutGo to the news portal for regularly updated reports on species in danger.todayclimateicecapsdoneimportant OverpopulationHuman overpopulation is causing many of the environmentalproblems we face today. More humans means more energyLearndonetry to reverse the damage. You'll also find out what species are being most impacted by results of overpopulation.Water QualityOne impact of environmental pollutants, wastes and chemical spills is an overall reduction in the quality of water. Learn more about what water quality means and learn about ways to tell if your drinking water is safe. The USGS also offers material for schools to help children learn about water quality and how it can impact their lives and the community around them.。



分解), and from
anthroprogenic, or manmade sources such as automobiles and boilers. The man-made component of acid deposition is principally derived from fossil fuel combustion; that is the combustion of coal, oil, or gas in utility and factory boilers, exhausted from smokestacks, and gasoline and diesel fuel from cars, buses and trucks exhausting through tailpipes. Wood and biomass(生物质 ) combustion also contribute to acid deposition. The pollutants creating the acids are primarily sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which are found in the exhaust from both smokestacks and tailpipes. These pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere, where they gradually settle back to earth as an acidic dust, or combine with water vapor and return to the earth as acidic rain.



How Do We Reduce Acid Rain?
What society can do What individuals can do
What Society Can Do About Acid Deposition
There are several ways to reduce acid deposition, ranging from societal changes to individual action. Understand acid deposition's causes and effects Clean up smokestacks and exhaust pipes Use alternative energy sources Restore a damaged environment Take action as individuals
Dry deposition refers to acidic gases and particles. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth through dry deposition. The wind blows these acidic particles and gases onto buildings, cars, homes, and trees. Dry deposited gases and particles can also be washed from trees and other surfaces by rainstorms. When that happens, the runoff water adds those acids to the acid rain, making the combination more acidic than the falling rain alone. Prevailing winds blow the compounds that cause both wet and dry acid deposition across state and national borders, and sometimes over hundreds of miles.



"Acid rain" is a broad term used to describe several ways that acids fall out of the atmosphere. A more precise term is acid deposition, which has two parts: wet and dry.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the world. This section provides information about acid rain's causes and effects, how we measure acid rain, and what is being done to solve the problem.
both wet and dry acid deposition across state and
national borders, and sometimes over hundreds of
Scientists discovered, and have confirmed, that
reactions. The result is a mild solution of sulfuric
acid and nitric acid.
How Do We Measure Acid Rain?
Acid rain is measured using a scale called "pH." The lower a substance's pH, the more acidic it is. Pure water has a pH of 7.0. Normal rain is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide dissolves into it, so it has a pH of about 5.5. As of the year 2000, the most acidic rain falling in the US has a pH of about 4.3.

2-2当前全球性的环境问题-acid rain

2-2当前全球性的环境问题-acid rain

• 氯化氢(HCl)源自盐酸工厂、焚化炉等的
北欧、北美和中国。欧洲北部的斯堪的纳 维亚半岛是最早发现酸雨,并引起注意的 地区。在20世纪70年代,西北欧的降水pH 值曾降至4.0,还向海洋和东欧方面不断扩 展,北美的东部降水pH已降至4.5,中国、 日本、亚非区国家降水pH值也在下降。
「酸雨」,其正确的名称应为「酸性沉降」, 它可分为「湿沉降」与「干沉降」两大类,前者指的 是所有气状污染物或粒状污染物,随着雨、雪、雾或 雹等降水型态而落到地面者,后者则是指在不下雨的 日子,从空中降下来的落尘所带的酸性物质而言。
类型 干沉降 湿沉降
相态 气态 固态 液态 固态
沉降的形式或成分 气体SO2,NO2,HCl 气溶胶,飘尘 雨、雾、露 雪、霜
• 并非所有的二氧化硫都会转变成硫酸,事实上有一
相当的量会漂浮在大气中,当最后沉降到地表时, 会阻碍叶子的气孔进行光合作用。
在我国南方森林地区,50年前树木 生长较为粗壮,近年来状况不佳。 酸雨可造成叶面损伤和坏死早落叶, 林木生长不良,以致单株死亡。土 壤肥力降低,造成大面积林衰退。 我国重酸雨地区四川盆地受酸 雨危害的森林面积达28万公顷,占 林地总面积的三分之一,死亡面积 1.5万公顷,占林地面积6%。同样 受酸雨侵袭的贵州省,受危害的森 林面积达14万公顷,为四川盆地的 二分之一。
北美降水中pH值以美国和加拿大最低,为4.0~ 4.5,最低值出现过3.2。美国酸雨始于50年代初期,
由于美国很早就在发电站和大企业采用200~300 m

酸雨(Acid rain)

酸雨(Acid rain)

More problems!!!
Acid rain can travel long distances.
Often it doesn’t fall where the gas is produced. High chimneys (烟囱) disperse (spread) the gases and winds blow them great distances before they dissolve and fall to Earth as rain.
Currently, both the railway industry and the aeroplane industry are having to spend a lot of money to repair the corrosive (腐蚀性的) damage done by acid rain. Also, bridges have collapsed (倒坍) in the past due to acid rain corrosion.
Also, birds can die from eating "toxic" fish and insects.
Acid rain dissolves the stonework and mortar of buildings (especially those made out of sandstone or limestone). It reacts with the minerals in the stone to form a powdery substance that can be washed away by rain.



What is Acid Rain?什么是酸雨?Additional Resources附加资料•Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) –CASTNET provides atmospheric data on the dry deposition component of total acid deposition, ground-level ozone and other forms of atmospheric pollution.清洁空气状态和趋势网--该网提供了相关大气数据,包括酸性沉降中的干沉降、地平面臭氧和其他大气污染数据。

•National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) –NADP is a network of over 100 federal, state and local government agencies, and private sector entities that collect data on acid deposition, as well as mercury deposition.国家大气沉降计划--该计划是一个由100多个联邦、州和地方政府机构以及私人实体组成的网络,来收集酸性沉降和汞沉降等资料。

•EPA Clean Air Markets Data and Maps – Provides access to a variety of data associated with emissions trading programs, including trends in emissions and heat input, environmental assessment maps, data sets and reports on acid deposition, facility attributes and contacts, and other file downloads美国环境保护局清洁空气市场数据和交易地图--提供各种相关数据,包括排放交易计划、排放和供热趋势、环境评价路线、酸性沉降数据和报告、设备属性和联系、以及其他文件下载。




Acid rain is a byproduct of industrial, because a lot of human use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, after burning sulfur oxide or oxide, in the atmosphere through the complex chemical reaction, forming sulfuric acid or nitric acid aerosols, or for the cloud, rain, snow, fog capture absorption, dropped to the ground as acid rain.酸雨的危害及防治酸雨还可使农作物大幅度减产,特别是小麦,在酸雨影响下,可减产13%至34%。












Acid rain 酸雨 由于空气中氮硫等元素的氧化物与水汽的结合所产生的PH值大大低于平均值的降雨。

Active layer 活性层 永久冻土带的表面层,会随季节的变化冻结或融解。

Aggradation 沉积作用 河流的水道被沉积物所填塞,通常表现出旧沉积物很少排出,和/或者新沉积物不断增加的现象。

Albedo 反射率 入射幅射被物体反射的百分比,通常在地球科学上用于研究短波辐射和景观物质。

Alluvial fan 冲积扇 由河流带来的沉积物所形成的扇形沉积区,通常位于坡底。


Alluvium 冲积层 因流水作用而沉积下来的任何物质;亦指河漫滩或积冲扇的土壤物质。

Angiosperm 被子植物 一类能够开花,结子的植物的总称。


Angle of repose 静止角 物体能够倾斜并不产生坍塌的最大角。


Aquifer 蓄水层 蓄水层包括地表下任何能够容纳大量水体的物质,并且地下水在这些物质中能够自由流动。

Atterberg limits test 阿特贝而格限度试验 一种用于观测土壤对水分反应的试验,主要基于其物质状态的改变,比如从有形性物质状态转变为液体性物质状态。

Backscattering 反向散射 由于大气中颗粒的漫射作用,部分太阳辐射又被反射回太空中。

Backshore 后海岸地带 海岸后面的部分区域——位于海滩阶地和后滨斜坡之间。

Backshore slope 后滨斜坡 海滨区靠近陆地的堤岸或悬崖,由原地物质组成。

Backswamps 漫滩沼泽 位于漫滩之中的低洼、潮湿区域,通常在冲积堤后。

Bankfull discharge 齐岸水流 河流中水面与堤岸等高时的水流。

Barrier dune 栅栏沙丘 大量的堆积成沙垄的海岸沙丘,在一些地区,沙丘沿着与海岸线平行的方向延伸。



雨的类型英文作文英文:Rain is a common weather phenomenon that occurs all over the world. There are many different types of rain, each with its own unique characteristics. In this essay, I will discuss some of the most common types of rain.Firstly, there is drizzle. Drizzle is a light rain that falls slowly and steadily. It is often described as misty or hazy and can last for a long time. Drizzle is common in places with a high level of humidity, such as coastal areas or rainforests.Secondly, there is heavy rain. Heavy rain is characterized by large drops falling quickly and heavily.It can cause flooding and other severe weather conditions. Heavy rain is often associated with thunderstorms and hurricanes.Thirdly, there is freezing rain. Freezing rain is a type of rain that falls as a liquid but then freezes on contact with the ground or other surfaces. It can create dangerous driving conditions and cause power outages.Finally, there is acid rain. Acid rain is a type ofrain that has a high level of acidity due to the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere. It can damage buildings, forests, and bodies of water, and can have negative effects on human health.Overall, rain is an important part of our natural environment, but it can also have negative effects when it falls in excessive amounts or contains pollutants.中文:雨是全球普遍出现的一种天气现象。



关于酸雨的报告英语作文English Answer:Acid Rain: An Impending Environmental Crisis.Acid rain, a vexing environmental issue, results from the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the atmosphere, primarily by power plants and industrial activities. These compounds react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3), which subsequently condense into precipitation as acid rain.Acid rain poses significant threats to ecosystems and human health. In aquatic ecosystems, it acidifies lakes and streams, leading to the death of fish and other aquatic life. Terrestrial ecosystems are also affected, as it damages forests and crops, making them more susceptible to pests and diseases. Acid rain can also contribute to the deterioration of buildings and infrastructure, particularlythose made of limestone or marble.Moreover, acid rain has adverse effects on human health. It can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis, especially in children and the elderly. Extended exposure to acid rain can also lead to cardiovascular issues.Numerous strategies have been implemented to mitigate acid rain, including the introduction of stricterregulations on industrial emissions, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and the development of technologies that reduce SO2 and NOx emissions. However, much more needs to be done to combat this pressing environmental challenge.Addressing Acid Rain: A Path Forward.Tackling the issue of acid rain requires a concerted effort on both local and global levels. The implementationof stricter regulations on industrial emissions isessential to reduce the release of SO2 and NOx into theatmosphere. Governments can also incentivize the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to replace fossil fuels.Investing in research and development is crucial to advance technologies that minimize SO2 and NOx emissions. The development of more efficient combustion processes, the use of scrubbers, and the adoption of carbon capture and storage systems can significantly reduce the release of these pollutants.International cooperation is also vital in combating acid rain. Transboundary air pollution contributes to acidification in many regions, necessitating collaboration among nations to reduce emissions. Global agreements, such as the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol, provide a framework for countries to work together to address the issue.Public awareness and education play a significant role in mitigating acid rain. By raising awareness about the impacts of acid rain, individuals can make informed choices that contribute to reducing emissions. Educational programscan foster an understanding of the issue and encourage citizens to support policies and measures that promoteclean air.By implementing these comprehensive strategies, we can make significant strides in reducing acid rain and safeguarding the health of our ecosystems and ourselves.Chinese Answer:酸雨,迫在眉睫的环境危机。

【清华】Acid Rain_October 2016.ppt

【清华】Acid Rain_October 2016.ppt
Emissions and Deposition of S and N:
Acid Rain & Soil Acidification 酸雨和酸化 in Europe and China
S & N: Acid Rain and Acidification, October 2016
Aluminium buffer range
Plant and Soil 75, 1983
S & N: Acid Rain and Acidification, October 2016
How does soil buffer pH?
Instantaneous: Cation exchange, anion adsorption; ultimately weathering
Acid neutralization near neutral soils (中性)
• Free H+ fully neutralized by dissolution
CaCO3 & MgCO3 or by exchange with exchangeable Ca2+ & Mg2+ • Considerable net leaching Ca2+ & Mg2+
• Weathering(风化)consumes H+ and releases Base Cations & Al
2KAlSi 3O8 s 2H 9H2O Al2Si2O5 (OH)4 S 2K 4H2SiO4 aq
• Weathering rate primary minerals determines buffer range
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Acid Rain
Hello, everyone. Today I want to give you a speech about acid rain.
There are many factors contributing to acid rain. We can divide them into two parts——natural factors and human factors.
Natural factors include lightning, forest fires, volcanic eruption and so on. They hardly have any impact on the formation of acid rain. But the human factors are the most important one.
We can say that acid rain is a byproduct of high degree of industrial development, the human heavy use of oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels. The combustion of sulfur oxides or nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere through a complex chemical reaction forms sulfuric acid or nitric acid cloud or rain or fog capture absorption. And it drops to the ground to become acid rain. If the formation of acidic substances has no clouds and rain, acidic substances will gradually land on the ground and form gravitational settling. This is called dry subsidence, to distinguish them from acid rain, acid snow. Dry sediment composites ground water into acid.
Acid rain can result in many problems. Firstly,acid rain can make the crop significantly reduced, particularly wheat. Long-term acid rain causes a lot of nutritional elements in the soil leaching which may cause a serious shortage of nutrient elements in the soil becoming barren. It can also inhibit the growth of trees. What’s more,acid rain can also affect the health of humans and animals. Acid rain or fog may harm eyes, throat and skin that may cause many diseases. In addition, many ancient buildings and stone carving art in the world can be corroded by the acid rain, such as serious damage of the Leshan Giant Buddha, the Canadian Parliament Building and so on. As a result, acid rain is called “Airborne death”.
Lots of cities are suffering from acid rain. Currently, the world's three most serious acid rain areas are north-western Europe, North America and China. As for China, acid rain is mainly concentrated in central, southwestern, southern and eastern part. Chongqing is one of the most serious acid rain areas.
Governments have done a lot to prevent acid rain. Such as controlling emissions of sulfur dioxide, changing combustion device to reduce automobile exhaust emissions. In addition, reducing the sulfur content of the coal and improving coal technology can do help for reducing the harm of acid rain. In my opinion, as individuals we can also make some efforts. We can plant more trees which can absorb sulfur dioxide. I believe we can keep it under control sooner or later.
Thank you! That’s all.。
