



•The disadvantages of drinking coffee for a long time 1. Nervous 2. Aggravate hypertension 3. The induced osteoporosis

In this era of full of love and romance, of course, cappuccino is naturally used by young people in love. Cappuccino, sweet in the bitter taste, but consistently. Herald, waiting is sweet in the bitter, with a faithful heart, is forever of waiting. 在这个充满爱意和浪漫的年代,当然,卡布奇诺也自然而然的被 年轻人运用到了爱情上面。卡布奇诺,味道甜中带苦,却又始终如 一的味道。预示着,等待就是甜中带苦,怀着忠实的真心,不会变 心的等待。
Coffee the scientific method
After getting up in the morning drink to wake the brain; Work in the day when the light sip refreshing, coffee can be a bit thick; And after a meal or evening drink coffee with a little light advisable. The role of coffee or tea is refreshing, but not suitable for meal with drinks, should be in after dinner drink.


• • • • • • • • 菜系: 粤菜 工艺: 小吃 口味: 甜 ,delicious(美味) 难度: 高级 烹调时间: 10-20分钟 人数: 2人份 {在此量} 工具: 蒸锅 建议口味:香草味
牛奶 180ml
•蛋清 约30ml
红豆 15g 绵白糖 15g
• 1 蛋清在大碗中打散。牛奶倒入小碗,放入蒸锅隔水加 热至微沸,取出小碗静置牛奶变凉。 • 2 待小碗中牛奶表层凝结成厚实的奶皮,掀起奶皮一角, 缓缓地将小碗中的奶液倒入大碗中,使小碗中的奶皮留 在小碗底部。 • 3 往大碗中加入绵白糖,将大碗中的牛奶、蛋清和绵白 糖搅打均匀,再缓缓地将大碗中的牛奶,放入蒸锅,大火隔水蒸10分钟, 再焖5分钟,取出小碗,待冷却后小碗中的牛奶混合液 又会形成一层新的奶皮,即为双皮奶,吃时撒上煮熟的 红小豆即可。 • 5、享受美食
• 做双皮奶时一定要使用全脂浓牛奶, 这样才能保证第一层奶皮凝结得结 实。另外,在将小碗中的牛奶倒入 大碗中时,小碗中最好留少量奶液, 以免时间久了第一层奶皮粘在碗底
• (认真努力做,加油祝你成功)



• 2、工厂化生产: • 2.1配料表: • 白砂糖、食用葡萄糖、植脂末、(淀粉糖粉、 氢化植物油、酪朊酸钠、食用香精、稳定剂340ii 、乳化剂471、抗结剂551)、食品添加剂( 食用 胶、牛奶香精) • 2.2做法: • 取速融双皮奶一包置于碗内,用90度~100度热 开水约120毫升定向搅拌均匀,然后放置3~8分钟 ,即可凝结成为风味独特的双皮奶。
• 二:实验要求
• 操作的时候需要戴手套。
• 三:实验仪器及材料
• 四:操作平(0.01g)、恒温干燥箱(120℃)、一次性手套或乳胶手套、 隔热手套、干燥皿 戴上手套,电子天平调水平 称量盒装双皮奶的质量M1 将双皮奶倒出并清洗包装盒 用蒸馏水润洗包装盒 将包装盒放进120℃的恒温干燥箱中干燥1h 戴上隔热手套将恒温干燥箱包装盒取出并放入干燥盒内冷却 将干燥盒中的包装盒取出并用电子天平测量其质量M2 重复测量 取平均值
这里的弹性是双皮奶入口后的 咀嚼性。
实验二 净含量的测定
• 一:实验原理
• 参考JJF 1070-2005 定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则对双皮奶进行净 含量的测定 • PP5为聚丙烯塑料,由于结构规整而高度结晶化,故熔点高达167℃,耐 热,制品可用蒸汽消毒是其突出优点。密度0.90g/cm3,是最轻的通用 塑料。耐腐蚀,抗张强度30MPa, • 聚丙烯具有许多优良特性: • 1、相对密度小,仅为0.89-0.91,是塑料中最轻的品种之一。 • 2、良好的力学性能,除耐冲击性外,其他力学性能均比聚乙烯好, 成型加工性能好。 • 3、具有较高的耐热性,连续使用温度可达110-120℃。 • 4、化学性能好,几乎不吸水,与绝大多数化学药品不反应。 • 5、质地纯净,无毒性。 • 6、电绝缘性好。 • 7、聚丙烯制品的透明性比高密度聚乙烯制品的透明性好。



Shunde Double-layer
Milk Custard
The generator of Double-layer Milk Custard Dong Jie wen and her father live by cowkeeping in Shunde. However, without refrigerator ,at that time it is hard to keep the milk fresh. One day, when Dong try to boil the milk to keep it fresh, she unexpectedly finds that there are milk skin on the surface of milk.
She tastes the delicious milk skin layer and decide to sale this kind of food, which become the famous Doublelayer Milk Custard. In 1952, she named her store as ” Renxin”, and nowadays “Renxin” become the wellknown brand throughout China.
Steps +=
Put the egg white and two spoons of white sugar into one empty bowl and stir until the sugar dissolved
When the milk become cold, use chopsticks to puncture the milk. Then pour the milk slowly into the bowl filled with white egg, stir it equally, pour it back to the bowl filled with milk custard, you can see the milk custard turn up.



Put the egg white and two spoons of white sugar into one empty bowl and stir until the sugar dissolved
When the milk become cold, use chopsticks to puncture the
Two egg Two spoons of white sugar One big bowl of fresh milk (around 400ml)
Separate the egg yolk and egg white
Put milk into boiler to cook until boiled. Then pour into the big bowl, at that time we can see the formed milk skin on the surface of milk.
She tastes the delicious milk skin layer and decide to sale this kind of food, which become the famous Doublelayer Milk Custard. In 1952, she named her store as ” Renxin”, and nowadays “Renxin” become the wellknown brand throughout China.



学做双皮奶英文作文Learning to Make Double-Layered Milk PuddingDouble-layered milk pudding, also known as "Shuangpi Nai" in Chinese, is a traditional Cantonese dessert that has always intrigued me. Its smooth, creamy texture and unique flavor are truly irresistible. Recently, I decided to take the plunge and learn how to make this delicacy.The first step in making double-layered milk pudding is to gather the necessary ingredients: milk, sugar, and egg whites. I carefully measured out the ingredients, ensuring that I had the perfect ratio of milk to sugar to egg whites. As I did this, I was fascinated by the simplicity of the recipe yet also amazed by the complexity of flavors that would soon unfold.Next, I heated the milk in a saucepan, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning. Once the milk was warmed, I slowly poured it into a separate bowl, leaving behind a thin layer of milk skin on the surface of the saucepan. This skin would later form the "double layer" of the pudding.While the milk was cooling, I mixed the sugar and egg whites in a separate bowl, creating a smooth and silkymixture. I then gently poured this mixture into the cooled milk, stirring slowly to avoid breaking the milk skin.With the mixture ready, I carefully poured it back into the saucepan, being careful not to disturb the milk skin. I then placed the saucepan in a steamer and let it steam for about 15 minutes. As the pudding cooked, I could smell the sweet aroma of milk and sugar filling the air.Finally, after the allotted time, I carefully removed the saucepan from the steamer and let the pudding cool slightly. As I did so, I could see the beautiful double layer forming on the surface of the pudding, just as I had hoped.The final result was a delicious double-layered milk pudding, with a smooth and creamy texture and a subtle sweetness that was perfectly balanced. As I took my first bite, I felt a sense of satisfaction and pride wash over me. I had finally learned how to make this traditional Cantonese dessert, and the result was nothing short of amazing.Learning to make double-layered milk pudding was not only a fun culinary experience but also a journey of discovery. It taught me about the art of dessert making andthe importance of precision and patience in the kitchen. I am excited to continue exploring more traditional desserts and sharing my creations with others.。



双皮奶介绍英文作文Double skin milk, also known as double skin pudding, is a traditional Chinese dessert that is made from milk, sugar, and sometimes egg whites. It has a smooth and creamytexture with a slightly sweet flavor.The name "double skin milk" comes from the fact thatthe dessert forms a delicate, thin layer of "skin" on top when it is cooked and allowed to cool. This thin layer is what gives the dessert its unique texture and appearance.To make double skin milk, milk is first heated and then mixed with sugar and sometimes egg whites. The mixture is then steamed until it forms a delicate layer on top. It is then chilled before serving, often with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or a drizzle of sweet syrup.The texture of double skin milk is what sets it apart from other desserts. It is smooth and silky, with a slight firmness from the delicate "skin" on top. The flavor issubtly sweet, making it a perfect end to a meal or a light, refreshing treat on its own.Double skin milk is a popular dessert in Chinese cuisine and can be found in many Chinese restaurants and dessert shops. It is often served in small, individual portions, making it a great choice for sharing with friends or enjoying as a personal indulgence. Whether you're a fan of creamy desserts or just looking to try something new, double skin milk is definitely worth a try.。



双皮奶介绍英文作文Double skin milk, also known as double skin pudding or steamed milk pudding, is a traditional Chinese dessert that is popular in Cantonese cuisine. It is made from milk, sugar, and sometimes egg white, and has a smooth, creamy texture with a delicate, slightly sweet flavor.The name "double skin milk" comes from the process of forming a thin, delicate layer of "skin" on the surface of the milk during the steaming process. This layer is what gives the dessert its unique texture and appearance, and is a key characteristic of the dish.To make double skin milk, the milk is first heated and sweetened, and then allowed to cool slightly before egg white is added. The mixture is then steamed until the top forms a thin, smooth layer of "skin", while the inside remains soft and creamy.Double skin milk is often served chilled, either on itsown or with a drizzle of sweet syrup or a sprinkle of nuts or fruit. It is a popular dessert in Chinese restaurants and is also commonly made at home for special occasions or as a sweet treat.One of the appeals of double skin milk is its simplicity, both in terms of ingredients and preparation. With just a few basic ingredients and a simple steaming process, it is easy to make at home and can be customized with different flavors or toppings to suit individual preferences.Overall, double skin milk is a delicious and unique dessert that is beloved for its smooth, creamy texture and delicate, sweet flavor. Whether enjoyed on its own or with added toppings, it is a delightful treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.。



拿水果制作双皮奶英文作文英文:Making double skin milk with fruits is a great way to add some flavor and nutrition to this classic dessert. To make it, you will need some fresh fruits, such as mango, strawberry, or blueberry, and some milk, sugar, and cornstarch.First, prepare the fruits by cutting them into small pieces and set them aside. Then, in a pot, heat up the milk and add some sugar to taste. While the milk is heating up, mix some cornstarch with a small amount of water to create a slurry. Once the milk is hot, slowly pour in the cornstarch mixture while stirring constantly. Keep stirring until the milk thickens and becomes smooth.Next, pour the milk mixture into a bowl and let it cool down to room temperature. Once it has cooled, add in the fruit pieces and mix well. Pour the mixture into individualserving bowls and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.This dessert is not only delicious but also nutritious, as the fruits provide vitamins and minerals while the milk adds protein and calcium. It's a great way to enjoy a sweet treat while also getting some health benefits.中文:用水果制作双皮奶是一种很好的方式,可以为这道经典的甜点增添一些口味和营养。


























介绍双皮奶英文作文Double Skin Milk, also known as Shuang Pi Nai in Chinese, is a traditional dessert that originated from Guangdong Province in southern China. It is a sweet and creamy pudding-like dessert made from milk, sugar, and a thickening agent such as cornstarch or gelatin.The texture of Double Skin Milk is unique. It has a smooth and silky surface with a slightly firm texture underneath, hence the name "double skin." The dessert is usually served cold and can be topped with various toppings such as fruit, nuts, or syrup.Double Skin Milk is a popular dessert in many Chinese restaurants and is also widely available in supermarkets and dessert shops. It is a favorite among locals and tourists alike due to its delicious taste and unique texture.Making Double Skin Milk requires a delicate balance ofingredients and precise cooking techniques. The milk needs to be heated slowly and stirred constantly to prevent lumps from forming. The mixture is then poured into a shallow dish and left to cool before being refrigerated.Double Skin Milk has a long history in Chinese cuisine and is often served during special occasions such as weddings and festivals. It is a symbol of prosperity and good luck and is believed to bring happiness and fortune to those who consume it.In recent years, Double Skin Milk has gained popularity outside of China and can now be found in many Asian dessert shops around the world. It has become a beloved dessert among people of all cultures and is a testament to the universal appeal of delicious food.。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!First, you need to prepare some milk, eggs, and sugar. Boil the milk and let it cool a little. Then, crack theeggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Add some sugar to the egg whites and whisk them until they're fluffy. Next, pour the cooled milk into the egg white mixture and stir gently. After that, pour the mixture into containers andput them in the fridge to set. Wait for a while and you'll have delicious double-skin milk.Another way to make it is to heat the milk until it forms a thin skin on top. Carefully scoop out the skin and set it aside. Beat the egg whites and sugar together andadd the remaining milk. Pour this mixture back into the container with the skin on top. Steam it for a while untilit's cooked. Let it cool and enjoy your double-skin milk.You can also add some fruit or flavorings to yourdouble-skin milk to make it even more interesting. For example, you could add some strawberries or vanilla extract.Just be creative and have fun with it. It's really easy to make and tastes great.。



Brief introductionShuangpi Nai, as the name suggests,are containing double skin milk . In Shunde,A said that when the children of farmers called Ho shisan cooked breakfast in the early morning,accidentally the milk curdle a pellicle ,soon one old friends know the values and went to buy the formula,to open a food stall,E ating Shunde Shuangpi Nai has become a tradition,Shuangpi Nai was handed down from the end of Qing Dynasty. Eat Shuangpi Nai,in fact,the most important thing is the Smoothness and mellow of the milk pellicle beside the milk sweet.Shuang Pinai is white and slip,giving the feeling of a dignified and gentle;aroma,sour milk,enough egg flavor,The rich creamy tangy reminiscent the mild spring of boundless prairie.Food ingredients:Milk 500gEgg white threeFine sugar 35gSteps:1、Pour the milk in a bow , heating it . Do not boil .2、Pour the heated milk into a bowl,put the milk cool,until the surface of the junction curdle a pellicle.3、Tie a small mouth with a fork or chopsticks, easy to pour the milk .4、 A small bowl of milk along small mouth slow pour the bowl.5、 3 egg white and yolk separated.6、egg whites stir scattered.7、Put the fine sugar in milk8、put egg white in milk , filter out bubbles into the milk.9、Stir milk and egg white.10、Pour the mixture over the screen slowly in a small bowl,so the first formed pellicle floating to the surface.11、close the lid,steaming pot of cold water, change the water to a boil over medium heat for15-20minutes, steaming the good pot stuffy a few minutes out of the box.。



学会用英语介绍双皮奶(八年级版)Double-skinned milk, also called shuangpinai, is a traditional dessert in many places of Guangdong. It was first invented in Shunde which is in the south of Guangdong. You can easily make it at home. Prepare 200 ml of fresh milk, two egg whites and some sugar. First, heat the milk on low heat. Stop heating it before it boils and pour it into a bowl. A milk layer forms when the milk gets cool. Second, beat two egg whites with some sugar. When the milk cools off, it can be poured into the egg white. Try not to break the milk layer and leave it in the bowl. The milk and egg whites should be mixed. Finally, pour the mixture back into the first bowl and let the milk layer float on top of it. Cover the bowl and steam it for about 10 minutes. Now, let’s enjoy the dessert.美食简介双皮奶,是一种粤式甜品。




双皮奶做法英语作文Title: The Art of Making Shuang Pi Nai (Steamed Milk Custard)Shuang Pi Nai, also known as Steamed Milk Custard, is a delectable Cantonese dessert that has won the hearts of many with its smooth texture and subtle sweetness. This culinary gem is not only a treat for the taste buds but also an interesting journey for those who endeavor to master its preparation. Here is a simplified recipe to guide you through the steps of making this delightful dessert.To begin, gather your ingredients. You will need fresh milk, preferably full-fat for the best texture, sugar, and egg whites. For every 500 milliliters of milk, approximately 50 grams of sugar and two egg whites are sufficient. Additionally, you will require a pinch of salt and some dried rose petals or almond extract for aroma, depending on your preference.Warm the milk gently in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent the bottom from scorching. Just as the milk starts to bubble, remove it from the heat. Allow it to cool slightly while you move on to the next step.In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy. Somepeople prefer to skip this step and simply mix the egg whites into the milk, but beating them first can contribute to a creamier texture.Gradually pour the warm milk into the egg whites, whisking constantly to ensure a thorough blend. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve to eliminate any lumps, ensuring a smoother end result.Divide the mixture into bowls suitable for steaming. Sprinkle the top with a pinch of salt and add your chosen aromatic; it could be a few dried rose petals or a drop of almond extract for an extra touch of fragrance.Fill a wok or steamer with water, and bring it to a boil. Once the water is boiling, carefully place the bowls into the steamer basket, making sure they do not touch the water. Steam for about eight minutes or until the custard sets. It should be delicately solid but still quiver when you shake the bowl gently.Finally, let the custards cool down to room temperature before chilling them in the refrigerator. This allows the flavors to meld and the custard to set properly.After a few hours in the fridge, your Shuang Pi Nai is ready to serve. The surface should be smooth and slightly taut, witha subtly sweet and milky flavor that is both rich and refreshing. Enjoy this simple yet exquisite dessert as a perfect way to end a meal or as an afternoon treat.Making Shuang Pi Nai is an easy and rewarding process. It not only provides a delicious dessert but also offers a fun experience for those who enjoy exploring different culinary traditions. Give it a try, and you might find a new favorite to share with family and friends.。















二:双皮奶色白,香气浓郁,嫩滑,三感占全,做起来也不难.原料:一大碗蒙牛牛奶400ml左右,按比例来就行了、蛋清二只、白砂糖二勺1 先把牛奶倒到锅中刚煮开即可烧久了会破坏蛋白质,也结不起奶皮了,然后再倒入大碗,这时可以看到牛奶表面结起一层皱皱的奶皮。

2 拿一个空的大碗中放入二只蛋清蛋清蛋黄分离的方法想必大家都会的,就不多说了、二勺糖,搅匀至糖溶解不要打太久,否则变蛋泡了3 等牛奶稍凉后,用筷子把奶皮刺破,再将牛奶慢慢倒入装有蛋清的大碗,搅拌均匀,再沿碗边缓缓倒回留有奶皮的大碗,可以看到奶皮会自己浮起来倒来倒去,想起变魔术了。

4 最后将牛奶放入锅中隔水蒸十分钟左右,用筷子从中间刺入,没有牛奶流出说明全部凝结起来了,大功告成啦。



秘诀:1. 要用全脂奶,脂肪含量越高越好;2. 牛奶煮开要放一会儿,让奶皮有时间充分凝结;3. 要用文火慢慢炖,牛奶刚刚全部凝结就关火,老了口感就不好了。






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Put the milk into the boiler to steam about ten minutes( separate from the water).
Use chopsticks to puncture the milk custard, if
Success! no milk flow out,
Two egg Two spoons of white sugar One big bowl of fresh milk (around 400ml)
Separate the egg yolk and egg white
Put milk into boiler to cook until boiled. Then pour into the big bowl, at that time we can see the formed milk skin on the surface of milk.
Shunde Double-layer
Milk Custard
The generator of Double-layer Milk Custard Dong Jie wen and her father live by cow-keeping in Shunde. However, without refrigerator ,at that time it is hard to keep the milk fresh. One day, when Dong try to boil the milk to keep it fresh, she unexpectedly finds that there are milk skin on the surface of milk.
Thanks And
Welcome to Shunde!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
She tastes the delicious milk skin layer and decide to sale this kind of food, which become the famous Doublelayer Milk Custard. In 1952, she named her store as ” Renxin”, and nowadays “Renxin” become the wellknown brand throughout China.
milk. Then pour the milk slowly into the bowl filled with
white egg, stir it equally, pour it back to the bowl filled with
milk custard, you can see the milk custard turn up.
Put the egg white and two spoons of white sugar into one empty bowl and stir until the sugar dissolved
When the milk become cold, use chopsticks to puncture the