交通 英语口语:乘车对话语句

AHello. Excuse me. Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here?
BYes, go straight along Beijing Road and turn right.
AStraight on, and turn right. Is it far?
BNo, it's just a couple of minutes.
AThanks very much.
BYou're welcome.
二等公车Waiting for the bus
AHi, waiting for the bus? Where are you going?
BChina Hotel.
AWhy don't you take a taxi? It'll get you there much faster.
BWell, I think I'll take the bus this time just for a change.

交通英语会话Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT交通英语会话乘车对话语句[00:]出租车停靠站在那里[00:] can I get a taxi[00:]我到哪里可乘出租车[00:] a taxi,please.[00:]请替我叫辆出租车。
[00:] you know the way[00:]你认识路吗[00:] me to this address.[00:]送我到这个地址。
[00:] me to the shopping district.[00:]送我到购物区。
[00:] me to a good place to eat.[00:]送我到一家好餐厅。
[00:] long will it take to the airport[00:]到飞机场要多长时间[00:] long will it take me to get there[01:]到那里需要多长时间[01:] it very far[01:]很远吗[01:] should I take to go to the Grand Hotel[01:]去圆山饭店我该坐什么车[01:] number bus do I take to down town[01:]到城内坐几路公共汽车[01:] can I get to Taibei airport[01:]到台北机场怎样去[01:] this bus go to the National Park[01:]这辆公共汽车到国家公园吗[01:] you please tell me where the bus stop is [01:]请你告诉我公共汽车站在哪里好吗[01:] me to the train station.[02:]送我到火车站。
[02:] you please tell me when to get off[02:]请你告诉我在什么时候下车好吗[02:] I get off at the next stop[02:]下一站我该下车吗[02:] tell me which bus goes to the Taibei train station. [02:]请你告诉我坐几路公共汽车到台北火车站。

上车前的问候与准备•Hello, can I have a ride to [目的地]?•Is this taxi available?•I need to go to [目的地], please.•How much is the fare to [目的地]?与司机交流•Could you please take me to [目的地]?•How long will it take to get there?•Could you turn on the air conditioning, please?•Can we take a shortcut?询问路线•Excuse me, am I going the right way to [目的地]?•Could you please stop here? I think I’m lost.•Is there a bus stop nearby?付款和谢意•How much do I owe you?•Keep the change, thank you.•Thank you for the ride.•Have a nice day!在公共交通工具上•Is this seat taken?•Excuse me, could you move over a bit?•This is my stop, excuse me.紧急情况与求助•Help! I lost my wallet.•Can you call the police?•Is there a hospital nearby?礼貌用语•Excuse me, could you please speak more slowly?•Thank you for your help.•I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.•You’re welcome!以上是一些在乘车过程中常用的英语口语,希望这些句子可以帮助你更好地应对各种情况,顺利完成出行计划。

乘坐公交、地铁必备20句英语口语,赶紧收藏!日常生活中,乘坐公共交通工具是非常普遍的,相关的口语一定要掌握哦!乘公交1.Do you know where the nearest bus station is?你知道最近的公交车站在哪里吗?2.Which bus goes to the City Library please?请问哪趟公交车开往市图书馆?3.Do you know how often the No.2 runs?您知道2路车多久来一趟吗?4.Does anyone sit here?/Is this seat taken?这里有人坐吗?5.What stop are we at?我们到哪一站了?6.What stop is the next?下一站是哪儿?7.Can you tell me where to get off,please?到站了请告诉我一声,行吗?8.Get off at the next stop and change to Bus 57.下一站下车,换乘57路。
9.The stop you should get off is the terminal.你应该在终点站下车。
10.Do I need a transfer?我需要转车吗?乘地铁1.Is there any subway nearby?请问这附近有地铁吗?2.Where is the underground entrance?地铁的入口在哪儿?3.Which line goes downtown?哪一条线路去市区?4.I’m sorry. Could you help me with the ticket?打扰一下,能帮我买一下票吗?5.I d like a ticket to the Central Park Station,please./A ticket to Central Park, please.请给我一张去中央公园的票。

以下是整理的关于乘车的常⽤英语⼝语,欢迎阅读!1.关于乘车的常⽤英语⼝语 ⼀、公交站牌 Could you tell me where the No.1 bus stops? 你能告诉我1路车在哪⼉停吗? Do you know where the nearest bus station is? 你知道最近的公交车站在哪⾥吗? Could you please show me the nearest No.3 bus stop? 劳驾,您能指给我最近的3路站牌吗? Where is the bus stop for the Central Avenue? 去中⼼⼤道的公交汽车站在哪⾥? It stops at the corner of this street. 它停在这条街的拐⾓处。
⼆、座位 Does anyone sit here? 这⾥有⼈坐吗? Is this seat taken? 这个座位有⼈坐吗? 三、报站名 Can you call out the stops? 你能把站名报出来吗? Can you let me know when we get to the place? 我们到达地点以后告诉我⼀声好吗?2.⾃学英语⼝语的⽅法 ⼀、多“说” 英语⼝语⾃学中⼀定要注意多说英语。
⼆、多“听” 在⽣活中,寻找⼀切可以听英语的机会。

1.May I ask you a little favor?请你帮我个忙好吗?2.Yes,please.好的,请说。
3.When can I catch the bus for Tianmu?去天母的公共汽车我在哪⾥乘?4.At the bus stop in front of that drugstore on the next street.在下条街那个药房前⾯的公共汽车站。
5.How do I know the bus bound for Tianmu?我怎么知道那辆公共汽车是往天母的呢?6.You will notice the route number six on the front of the bus.And you should get off at the fifth stop.你要注意公共汽车前⾯写的是6路车,⽽且你要在第5站下车。
7.What is the fare?车费要多少?8.Seven dollar only.只要7美元。
9.Thank you very much for your kindness.⾮常谢谢你的帮忙。
10.Here comes the bus!You had better hurry up.车⼦来了!你快⼀点⼉。
11.Where can I get a bus to the zoo?到哪⾥搭共公汽车可以到动物园?You can get the bus in front of the city hall.你可以到市政厅前搭公共汽车。
12.Does this bus go to the United Nations Head_quarters?这辆公共汽车是不是开到联合国总部?13.Which bus goes downtown?哪⼀路车开往市区呢?Bus No.2 does.2路车开往市区。
14.How many stops are there from here to the museum?从这⾥到博物馆有⼏站呢?It's the third stop.3站。
关于乘坐 交通工具的常用英语口语

【篇一】关于乘坐交通工具的常用英语口语A: Where are you going to, Sir?B: I'm going to 1234 Victoria Street.A: Sure, get in. You're new here?B: Yeah, first time here.A: I hope you like our city. Here we are. That's ten fifty.B: Here's twelve dollars. Keep the rest.A:先生,您去哪儿。
【篇二】关于乘坐交通工具的常用英语口语A: Excuse me, does this bus go to U.B.C.?B: No, Sir. This bus doesn't go to U.B.C.A: Could you tell me what's the number of the bus toU.B.CB: You can take the No. 8 bus at here, and then,transfer to the No. 25 at Fraser Street. It can take you there.A: Thank you.A:对不起,请问这路公共汽车到U.B.C.吗?B:不到,先生。
冬奥会 公交口语

Please board the bus in an orderly manner.2.请在这里上车。
Please board the bus here.3.请刷卡。
Please swipe your card.4.请注意安全。
Please be careful.5.请抓好扶手。
Please hold onto the handrail.6.请注意前方。
Please be aware of the front.7.请靠后站立。
Please stand back.8.请勿靠近车门。
Please stay away from the door.9.请勿将手伸出窗外。
Please keep your hands inside the window.10.请系好安全带。
Please fasten your seatbelt.11.下一站是什么?What's the next stop?12.请问这是几路车?Excuse me, what bus is this?13.请问这个车开往哪里?Excuse me, where does this bus go?14.请问您几点到达终点站?Excuse me, when will you reach the terminal?15.您可以在这里下车。
You can get off here.16.请注意后方车辆。
Please be aware of vehicles behind you.17.请按照指示牌乘车。
Please follow the signage to board the bus.18.请保管好您的随身物品。
Please keep your belongings safe.19.祝您旅途愉快。
Enjoy your journey.20.谢谢您乘坐我们的公交车。
Thank you for taking our bus.希望这些公交口语能帮助您更好地应对冬奥会期间的交通出行。
交通英语口语: 乘车对话语句

交通英语口语:乘车对话语句[00:00.00]1.Where is the taxi stand?[00:03.32]出租车停靠站在那里?[00:06.64]2.Where can I get a taxi?[00:10.08]我到哪里可乘出租车?[00:13.53]3.Call a taxi,please.[00:16.89]请替我叫辆出租车。
[00:20.24]4.Do you know the way?[00:23.07]你理解路吗?[00:25.89]5.Take me to this address.[00:29.32]送我到这个地址。
[00:32.76]6.Take me to the shopping district. [00:36.45]送我到购物区。
[00:40.15]7.Take me to a good place to eat.[00:44.47]送我到一家好餐厅。
[00:48.80]8.How long will it take to the airport? [00:52.96]到飞机场要多长时间?[00:57.13]9.How long will it take me to get there? [01:01.56]到那里需要多长时间?[01:05.99]10.Is it very far?[01:09.08]很远吗?[01:12.18]11.What should I take to go to the Grand Hotel?[01:17.27]去圆山饭店我该坐什么车?[01:22.36]12.What number bus do I take to down town?[01:27.41]到城内坐几路公共汽车?[01:32.45]13.How can I get to Taibei airport?[01:36.50]到台北机场怎样去?[01:40.55]14.Does this bus go to the National Park?[01:44.71]这辆公共汽车到国家公园吗?[01:48.88]15.Could you please tell me where the bus stop is?[01:53.28]请你告诉我公共汽车站在哪里好吗?[01:57.68]16.Take me to the train station.[02:00.95]送我到火车站。

交通英语口语附字幕:乘火车1.Would you tell me where is the booking office?请你告诉我售票处在哪里好吗?2.Please give me a one_way ticket to A.请给我一张去A的单程票。
3.What train do you take?你要坐哪一班火车?4.Has the train for A left already?No,not yet,but it'll start ten minutes.往A的火车开了吗?不,还没有,但10分钟以后发车。
5.Can you tell me when is the next train for A?请你告诉我去A的下班火车是什么时候好吗?6.Is the wicket open yet?剪票口还开吗?7.Porter!Please take my suitcase to the train.搬运工!请把我的皮箱拿上火车。
8.How long will the train stop here?It stops for five mintues.火车要在这里停多久?要停5分钟。
9.This train stops at A,doesn't it?这班列车会在A停,对吗?10.What station is this?It's B station.这是什么车站。
11.You must change train at C.你要在C换车。
12.From which platform does the train start?这列火车从哪一个站台出发?From the other side.The fouth platform.从另一边,第4站台。
13.The train will be about ten minutes behind time.这班火车大约晚点10分钟。

乘车情感对话语录简短英语1. "Are you ready to hit the road?" - A simple question to start a journey together.2. "Don't worry, I've got the map." - Reassuring your travel companion.3. "Let's make some memories on this trip." - Setting a positive tone for the journey.4. "I'm glad we're sharing this ride." - Expressing gratitude for the company.5. "The journey is just as important as the destination." - Reflecting on the experience.6. "I'll drive if you navigate." - Dividing responsibilities for a smoother ride.7. "Let's sing along to the radio!" - Suggesting a funactivity to pass the time.8. "We'll find our way together." - Encouraging a sense of teamwork.9. "I can't wait to see what's around the next bend." - Anticipating the surprises of the journey.10. "This road trip is going to be epic!" - Expressing excitement for the adventure ahead.11. "Let's stop for a scenic view." - Appreciating the beauty along the way.12. "We're in this together, no matter what." - Strengthening the bond between travelers.13. "I'm here for you, on this journey and beyond." - Offering support and companionship.14. "Let's make a pit stop and stretch our legs." - Takingcare of physical well-being during the trip.15. "This car ride is the perfect chance to catch up." - Using the time to reconnect with each other.16. "I hope this trip brings us closer." - Wishing for a deeper connection.17. "I've got your favorite snacks for the ride." - Adding a thoughtful touch to the journey.18. "We'll have stories to tell after this." - Looking forward to the tales that will be shared.19. "Let's enjoy the ride, no matter how long it takes." - Embracing the journey, regardless of its length.20. "I feel safe with you by my side." - Acknowledging the comfort of having a travel companion.。

有关交通的英语口语情景对话Part One:Expressions1.Can't you see there's a line?你没有看到有一条线吗?2. You haven't taken the bus before?你以前没有坐过公车?3. Besides, you should let old people on first.除此之外,你该让老人先上(车)。
4. Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?打扰一下,去华尔街怎么走?5. You should be able to find it from there.在那儿你就可以找到了。
6. Let the people off the train before you get on.乘坐火车先下后上。
7. It's faster than taking the bus or the subway.这比坐公车或搭地铁快。
8. Can I help you?有什么可以效劳吗?9. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?你要靠窗的还是靠过道的座位? 10." I want an aisle seat.我要一个靠过道的座位。
Part Two Dialogues1. Buses坐公车A:Hey, buddy, can't you see there's a line?B:Oh, sorry. I didn't know.A:What? You haven't taken the bus before?B:No, I'm afraid not.A:Well, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Besides, you should let old people on first.B:Sorry.A:It's all right. Where are you going?B:I wanted to see the White House.A:Oh, well you don't want this bus, anyway. It goes to Georgetown.B:Oh, no.A:It's all right, though. Just get off at the next stop and catch the79A.B:Oh, well thank you very much.A:A:嘿,朋友,你没看到有一条线吗?B:哦,对不起。

高考英语口语练习:乘车打车有说道一、乘坐公交车1.询问车站和车次Which bus goes to the City Library please请问哪趟公交车开往市图书馆Is this the bus that goes down Central Street这趟车是去中央大街的吗Does this bus stop at the square这趟车在广场停吗Where do I catch the bus to the zoo去动物园的公交车在哪里乘坐2.How often does bus No. 301 come301路公交车多久一班3.How many stops are there to Oxford University去牛津大学要坐多少站4.Do I need a transfer我需要转车吗[地道解答]transfer作名词和动词均可表示“转乘〞。
5.How much is the fare to the stadium去体育场的车票多少钱6.Excuse me, this is my stop.劳驾,我要下车。
[常见词汇]bus fare公交车票价conductor售票员bus pass公交卡bus shelter公交候车亭bus lane公交专用车道bus station公交总站bus stop公交停靠站terminus终点站courtesy/reserved seat老弱病残孕专座二、乘坐出租车1.Let’s just hail a taxi.咱们干脆叫一辆出租车吧。
[地道解答]hail作名词有“冰雹〞之意,在这里作动词,意为“大声招呼〞,挥手拦出租车可以用flag down a taxi来表达。

日常乘坐交通工具的英语口语日常乘坐交通工具的英语口语在城市里生活,乘坐交通工具是日常出行必须的,下面是店铺整理的关于出行可能用到的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!我在哪儿可以打到车?Where can I get a taxi?Where can I get a taxi? (我在哪儿可以打到车?)There's a taxi stand up ahead. (前面就有出租汽车站。
)Where can I catch a taxi?Do you know where I can get a taxi? (您知道哪儿有出租汽车站吗?)Where's a taxi stand around here? (这附近哪儿有出租汽车站?) 出租车站在哪儿?Where's the taxi stand?Where's the cabstand?请帮我叫辆出租车。
Call me a taxi, please.Call me a taxi, please. (请帮我叫辆出租车。
)Certainly. Where to, sir? (好的,您去哪儿?)Can you get me a taxi, please? (您能帮我叫辆出租车吗?)Taxi, please.Hail a taxi, please. *hail 表示“大声叫、叫住(船、车、人等)”。
Ring me a taxi, please. *英式英语。
到市中心得多长时间?How long does it take to get downtown?要花多少钱?How much does it cost?How much will it cost?How much do you charge?您去哪儿?Where to?Where're you going?Where would you like to go? (您想去哪儿?)请到华尔街。

1.Where's the taxi stand?
2.Get a taxi for me,will you?
3.Is this cab available?
4.Take me to the airport,please.
5.Turn left at the corner and go straight on.
6.Please stop before that intersection.
7.I want to take a picture of that bridge.Wait here for a second,please.我想在那座桥照相,请在此稍等⼀会⼉,好吗?
8.What's the fare?
9.Please keep the change.
10.Please take me to Fisherman's Wharf?
12.How much is it?
13.Three dollars.
14.Here it is.Keep the change.
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交通英语口语:乘车对话语句 1.Where is the taxi stand?
2.Where can I get a taxi?
3.Call a taxi,please.
4.Do you know the way?
5.Take me to this address.
6.Take me to the shopping district.
7.Take me to a good place to eat.
8.How long will it take to the airport?
9.How long will it take me to get there?
10.Is it very far?
11.What should I take to go to the Grand Hotel?
12.What number bus do I take to down town?
13.How can I get to Taibei airport?
14.Does this bus go to the National Park?
15.Could you please tell me where the bus stop is?
16.Take me to the train station.
17.Would you please tell me when to get off?
18.Should I get off at the next stop?
19.Please tell me which bus goes to the Taibei train station.请你告诉我坐几路公共汽车到台北火车站。
20.Do I need a transfer?
21.Tell me when I get there.
22.Would you tell me where I should get off?请你告诉我在什么地方下车好吗?
23.What time does the bus leave?
24.When is the next one,please?