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1、Present simple 一般现在时

2、be Can/Can’t, this and that There prep.Be; prep. of place;possession adj;possessive’所有格

;Have/has got

Some and any;

singular and plural nouns单数名词与复数名词

Prep of time and place 时间和地点

Present simple(1);prep of time 一般现在时关于时间

Present simple(2);adv of frequency;possessive adj

Present simple(3)

Wh—questions in present simple


Present continuous(1)现在进行时

Present continuous(2)现在进行时

Simple future(1):Be going to一般将来时

Simple future(2):will;position of adj-一般将来时

Comparative adj.(1)比较级

Comparative adj.(2);Comparative adv比较级


by+means of transport 最高级

Past simple(1)be 一般过去式

Past simple(2)regular verbs(affirmative &negative)一般过去式

Past simple(3)regular verbs(negative Interrogative)一般过去式

Past simple(4)wh—questions一般过去式

Past simple(5)irregular verbs一般过去式


Giving advice 建议

Present perfect(1)现在完成时

Present perfect(2)with already,just,yet现在完成时

Present perfect(3)withfor,since现在完成时

Tag questions 反义疑问句

Past continuous 过去进行时

Sense verbs

Prep of place and movement 接地点和运动的介词

Infinitive struct-lre 不定式

Verbs followed by infinitives 动词后面接不定式

Possibility:may, might,probably



Sentence components 句子成分

object clauses 宾语从句

Verbs followed by——ing form or infinitive 动词加ing 或不定式

Adverbial clauses of condition(1)状语从句

Adverbial clauses of condition(2)状语从句

Direct and indirect speech(1)present simple to past simple 直接引语变间接引语

Direct and indirect speech(2)present continuous to past continuous Direct and indirect speech Adverbial clauses with while,when,before,until or as soon as状语从句

Adverbial clauses with so, because or so that. 状语从句

Would/wouldn’t for imaglnary situations


Review of the six tenses,六种时态的回顾

Present simple passive 现在被动语态

Past simple passive;过去被动语态

future simple passive将来时的被动语态

Present perfect passive;现在完成时的被动语态

modal verb passive;情态动词的被动语态

Word—building(1)compound and abbreviation;合成词:复合与缩写

Wbrd—building(2)suffix and prefix合成词:后缀与前缀

Restricttve attributive clause with that定语从句:that引导

Restrictive attributive clause with which&who定语从句:which和who引导Restrictive attributive clause with who, which&that定语从句:who, which&that引导Restrictive attributive clause with whose定语从句:whose引导


large numbers 数词

Agreement of subject and predicate 主谓一致


Articles 冠词

Pronoun 代词

Comparative and superlative 比较级与最高级

Prep 介词

Modal verbs 情态动词

Revlsion of tenses 时态复习

Passive voices 被动语态

Infinitlves 不定式

Attributive clauses;定语从句

other ciauses

Compound nouns 复合名词
