
Unit 3III1 cultivate2 comprehensive3 controversial4 suspend5 insulted6 preliminary7 conventional8 reform9 worthwhile 10 publicityIV1. His girlfriend’s father saw him as a man who could not make a living.2. The course was canceled over the students’ protest.3. The problem is so difficult that we cannot work it out without the help of our teacher.4. Children tend to do/try their utmost when they know their parents are making similar efforts.5. The new teaching program didn’t work well in the school at the outset.6. I was kind of excited when I received the letter that offered me an interview.7. The school is scheduled to open on September 1.8. They appeared to offer a free computer, complete with software and a printer.9. In spite of hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress than expected.10. Many people make things more difficult for themselves because they still operate on the principle that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.VF M K D CG L O I BVI1 cold2 competition3 debate4 desire5 fear6 heat7 interest8 love 9 pleasure 10 enthusiasmVII1 historic2 atomic3 optimistic4 energetic5 economic6 heroicVIII1. responsibility2. rapidity3. mobility4. curiosity5. publicity6. complexity IX1 In Britain, as in America, there is a great demand for educational reform.2. In Greece, as in Italy, people use a lot of olive oil in cooking.3. As in the Hyde School, values such as courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern are the first, most important lesson in some public inner-city schools in Maryland.4. In China, as in Japan, a large number of middle school students take supplementary classes in order to get into a famous university.5. As in the middle of the 1950s, many young people went down to the countryside in the late 1960s and early 1970s.X1 Once you’ve practiced a bit, you’ll find that it’s quite easy.2. Once the meal was finished, the discussions began.3. Once you show any fear, he will attack you.4. Once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children.5. Once customers come to rely on these systems, they almost never take their business elsewhere.XI1.In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.2.Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strainit puts on them.3.In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from universityinstead of going to work directly.4.As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academicachievements are stressed equally.5.It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off tillnext month.6.The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensiveset of principles that can benefit all of them.XII1. 跟在法国一样,美国在20世纪60年代也发生过文化革命。

Unit 3 Cultu r e makes me what I am.Done with this task. Your curre n t score : 100%Unit 3 testNextDirec t ions : Click on the speak e r to the left to start playi n g the audio recor d ings f Parts I, II and III . They will be playe d conti n uous l y. Once the recor d ing start s playi pleas e do NOT click on eithe r the speak e r icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu above . Other w ise, you may lose the chanc e of heari n g the compl e te recor d ing.Part I Scrip t Direc t ions : Liste n to the short dialo g s, and then choos e the corre c t answe r s to the quest i ons. You will hear the recor d ing twice . After the first playi n g, there will be time for you to choos e the corre c t answe r s. Use the secon d playi n g to check your answe r s. 1. (Liste n to the audio recor d ing for the quest i on.)A. Every b ody hurri e s, so thing s are done quick l y.B. Every b ody hurri e s, but thing s are done slowl y .C. Peopl e have diffe r ent opini o ns on wheth e r we shoul d hurry .D. More and more peopl e think they shoul d not hurry . 2. (Liste n to the audio recor d ing for the quest i on.)A. One shoul d not take pictu r es in crowd e d place s .B. One's perso n al space shoul d be respe c ted.C. Crowd i ng cause s less respe c t for perso n al space .D. Old peopl e deser v e more respe c t.3.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. Put the knifeand fork in a 90 degree on the table.B. Put the knifeand fork in a 90 degree on the plate.C. Put the knifeand fork parall eledon the table.D. Put the handke rchie f on the table.4.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. Street soccer.B. Skatin g.C. Hip-hop.D. Doodle.5.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. A womanshould apolog ize for beinglate.B. A man should arrive aheadof time.C. Import ant men can be late for an appoin tment.D. Womencan be late for an appoin tment.Part II ScriptDirect ions:Listen to the passag e threetimes. When the passag e is read for the firsttime, listen for the genera l idea. When the passag e is read the second time, fill in the blanks number ed from S1 to S7 with the exactwordsyou hear. For blanks number ed from S8 to S10, writedown either the exactwordsyou hear or the main points in your own words.When the passag e is read the thirdtime, checkyour answer s.Most socia l scien t ists belie v e that the sport s that are organ i zed by a socie t y gener a lly refle c t the basic t y and attem p t tostren g then them in the minds and emoti o ns of its peopl e . There f ore, organ i zed sport s have a more serio u s socia la neou s , unorg a nize d play by indiv i dual s . This is certa i nlyd State s , where the three most popul a r organ i zed sport s are footb a ll, baske t ball , and baseb a ll. of democ r acy bette r illus t rate d than insport s . Organ i zed sport s are seen by Ameri c ans as an inspi r ing examp l e of(5)t unit y in actio n . In sport s , peopl e of diffe r entand econo m ic backg r ound s get an equal chanc e to excel . For this reaso n , notes socio l ogis t Harry Edwar d s, Ameri c ans view organ i zed sport s as "ain which young men, regar d less of socia l class , can learn the advan t ages and rewar d s of a compe t itiv e syste m ".(8)Women 's sport s are growi n g in popul a rity in the Unite d State s , and they now have more fundi n g and suppo r t at the colle g e level than in the past . The 1996 Olymp i cs provi d ed evide n ce of the incre a sed inter e st in women 's organ i zed sport s . Ameri c an women won gold medal s for sever a l team sport s —softb a ll, baske t ball , socce r , and gymna s tics . The idea of compe t itio n is at the very heart of organ i zed sport s in the Unite d State s .(9)This train i ng, in turn , stren g then s Ameri c an socie t y as a whole . "It is commo n ly held," says one sport s write r , "that(10)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7) labor(8)(9)(10)Part III ScriptDirect ions:Listen to the follow ing record ing, and then choose the correc t answer s to the questi ons. You will hear the record ing twice. Afterthe firstplayin g, therewill be time for you to choose the correc t answer s. Use the second playin g to checkyour answer s.1.Whichof the follow ing wouldbe the best titlefor the passag e?A. Britai n on the Declin eB. Britis h Cultur e on the Declin eC. Britis h Cultur e Remain s Influe ntialD. The Replac ement of Britis h Cultur e by Americ an Cultur e2.How do Britsview the United States?A. They admitits succes s.B. They turn a blindeye to its succes s.C. They hate it.D. They believ e theircountr y is superi or to it.3.What is true of the articl e in The Econom ist?A. Americ an Englis h is now as influe ntial as Britis h Englis h.B. Americ an Englis h is more influe ntial than Britis h Englis h.C. Americ an Englis h is stillless influe ntial than Britis h Englis h.D. Both Americ an and Britis h Englis h are declin ing in import ance.4.Why does the passag e mentio n "Big Mac"?A. To show Americ ans like fast food.B. To show Britsare beginn ing to like fast food.C. To show Americ ans are no good at litera ture.D. To show the growin g influe nce of Americ an cultur e.5.What does the passag e want to proveby mentio ningthe movieLord of theRings?A. Its popula ritywith childr en.B. The former gloryof Britis h cultur e.C. The superi ority of Britis h movies over Hollyw ood movies.D. The powerf ul influe nce of contem porar y Britis h writer s.Part IVDirect ions:Choose the best answer to each of the follow ing statem ents.1.Many girlswant to look more attrac tivethan the girls_______ next to themin class.A. satB. sitC. seatedD. sittin g2.The rootsof the work ethicwere in the teachi ng of the Christ ian Purita nswho firstsettle d in _______ is now the northe aster n stateofMassac huset ts.A. whereB. whatC. placeD. locati on3.Americ ans have for centur ies believ ed that they were guilty _____sin ifu lly and hard as they couldwhen they did anythi ng.they did not work as carefA. ofB. inC. withD. for4.Workah olics have gone _______ the usualsenseof dilige nce. They areespeci allyattrac ted to the notion of "climbi ng the ladder".A. overB. aboveC. beforeD. beyond5.Rememb er thesetips and you will be _______ to a succes sfulintern ation albusine ss career.A. in your wayB. during your wayC. at your wayD. on your way6.People who are runnin g late for an appoin tment oftencall ______ to letthe others know of the delay.A. forB. onC. aheadD. forwar d7.Cultur es that stress indivi duali sm such as Englan d, the United States,German y, and Austra lia genera lly demand more spacethan collec tivecultur es ____.A. doB. haveC. areD. that8.In Mexico, the physic al distan ce betwee n people when engage d in aconver satio n is closer than what is usual_______ the border.A. northB. northofC. northtoD. to northof9.______is the case with most of our behavi or, our use of spaceis direct lylinked to the valuesystem of our cultur e.A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. So10.Cigars are a dime a dozenin Cuba. We have more of them than ______ whatto do with.A. we knowB. that we knowC. what we knowD. who we knowSearch onliWord tipsLangu a ge and cultu r e tipsOverv i ewLearn i ng strat e gies Scrip tQuest i on 1W: It's hard for one cultu r e to under s tand anoth e r. Weste r ners are alway sin a hurry to make thing s happe n . M: But at the same time , becau s e every o ne has the right to voice his opini o n, it seems to take forev e r to get somet h ing done. Q: What does the man think is true in the West?Quest i on 2W: Some peopl e are very rude . Did you see that man cut right in front of the old coupl e takin g a pictu r e? M: It's a diffe r ent cultu r e. Peopl e who live in crowd e d citie s with a large popul a tion find it more diffi c ult to respe c t other peopl e 's perso n al space .Q: What does the man say? Quest i on 3M: Lisa, I'm invite d to a Wester n dinner tonigh t. Can you give me some sugges tions on etique tte?W: One thingI want to remind you is that if you excuse yourse lf for a whileduring the dinner, you should put your knifeand fork in a 90 degree angleon the platerather than put them parall el righton the platewhichsugges ts finish ing eating.Q: What should the man do if he wantsto excuse himsel f for a whileduring the dinner?Questi on 4W: Can you name a few popula r formsof Street Cultur e in our city?M: That's easy! To name just a few, street soccer, doodle, hip-hop, COSPLA Y...Q: What kind of street cultur e is NOT mentio ned?Questi on 5M: You're late. We were suppos ed to meet at 5:00, and here it is, alread y 5:15. What's the matter with you?W: Don't get so excite d. Don't you know that womenare entitl ed to be late?And anyway I'm only a few minute s late.Q: What does the womansay aboutan appoin tment?Most social scient istsbeliev e that the sports that are organi zed by a societ y genera lly reflec t the basicvalues of that societ y and attemp t to streng thenthem in the mindsand emotio ns of its people. Theref ore,organi zed sports have a more seriou s social purpos e than sponta neous, unorga nized play by indivi duals. This is certai nly true in the United States, wherethe threemost popula r organi zed sports are footba ll,basket ball,and baseba ll. Nowher e are the ways and wordsof democr acy better illust rated than in sports. Organi zed sports are seen by Americ ans as an inspir ing exampl e of equali ty of opport unity in action. In sports, peopleof differ ent racesand econom ic backgr ounds get an equalchance to excel. For this reason, notessociol ogist HarryEdward s, Americ ans view organi zed sports as "a labora toryin whichyoungmen, regard lessof social class,can learnthe advant agesand reward s of a compet itive system".Althou gh Edward s specif icall y mentio ns youngmen, youngwomenalso compet ein organi zed sports withou t regard to theirrace or econom ic backgr ound. Women's sports are growin g in popula rityin the United States, and they now have more fundin g and suppor t at the colleg e levelthan in the past. The 1996 Olympi cs provid ed eviden ce of the increa sed intere st in women's organi zed sports. Americ an womenwon gold medals for severa l teamsports—softba ll, basket ball, soccer, and gymnas tics. The idea ofcompet ition is at the very heartof organi zed sports in the United States. Many Americ ans believ e that learni ng how to win in sports helpsdevelo p the habits necess ary to compet e succes sfull y in laterlife. This traini ng, in turn, streng thens Americ an societ y as a whole. "It is common ly held," says one sports writer, "that the compet itive ethictaught in sports must be learne d and cultiv atedin youthfor the future succes s of Americ an busine ss and milita ry effort s."Ever wonder what oppone nts of global izati on used to protes t aboutbefore therewere Coca-Cola and McDona ld's? Well, therewas that firstpromot er of global izati on, the Britis h Empire, over whichit was said the sun neverset. Whilethe worldmap is no longer dotted by Britis h territ orialposses sions, the voices of the Empire are heardin many otherareas.The Britsare good sports men. They feel it's import ant to conced e defeat gracio usly.That is why contem porar y discus sions of Britis h cultur e in the United Kingdo m oftenturn to acknow ledgm ent of how the Americ ans domina te the world.An articl e in the 2002 Christ mas issueof The Econom ist, for exampl e, admitt ed that the Englis h langua ge that is now sweepi ng the globeis closer to the langua ge spoken in Brookl yn, New York, than at Oxford or Cambri dge. Indeed, U.S. movies are everyw hereand kids in even the remote st partsof the worldare famili ar with such essent ial wordsof the Englis h langua ge as Big Mac and the Chicag o Bulls.But it wouldbe a mistak e to claimthat the Britis h Empire whichorigin allyspread Englis h all over the worldis dead and buried.Far from it. Just look at worldlitera ture. It's not surpri singthat the Britsinvent ed some of the most popula r litera ry genres of the past 150 years.One such exampl e is the detect ive novelwhichsprung from Sir Arthur ConanDoyleand his famous charac ter Sherlo ck Holmes.Anothe r exampl e of Britis h litera ry excell enceis with childr en'slitera ture,whereAlicein Wonder landbecame trulya global phenom enon.Evenafterthe Britis h Empire vanish ed, today's Britis h writer s are making new contri butio ns. The two global blockb uster movies of recent yearsHarryPotter and Lord of the Ringsshow the influe nce that even the post-WorldWar II genera tionof Britis h writer s stillhas on childr en around the world.。

CE1-_12: Quiz detailsPart 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)(每小题: 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposit ion or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1.The school operatesare the first, most important lesson. 2. They agreed as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.3.The Japanese insistmatter how much time is required. 4.She says that many women are being forcedarranged marriages, homelessness and denial of education.5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers6.Your successmake you healthy and fit enough to enjoy many differentaspects of life.The idea that success is measurednot academic achievement, is controversial.8.I don't think he's superiorfather is an important man.Cultural factors affect management behaviormany ways.10.This approach11.among students.The plans are being preparedpace.13.management behavior develops from cultural forces.She has received considerable publicityexcellent performance in the film The Last Flower.0.5 on 0.5 on 0.5 ononofononbetween 0.5 in0.5 toof0.5 at(withtotoas(2.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public gardenon Children's Day.A. stretchedB. exertedC. pulledD. strained3.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out.A. feasibleB. uselessC. worthyD. weak4.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm_____________ .A. fistB. handholdC. styleD. gripbottom of one's heart.A. realB. trueC. sincereD. realistic6.Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.A. effectB. affectC. removeD. avoid7.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employeesto work ________ in the branch offices abroad.A. laterB. lateC. latelyD. latest8.Climate and weather affect every ________ of our lives.B. respectC. aspectD. consideration9.It might be ________ to give your attitude towards study asecond thought.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worthily10.Over half of the population of the country ________ intraditional sports.A. takesB. practicesC. goes forD. participates11.She isn't beautiful. But she is ________ pretty.B. a kind ofC. of a kindD. a sort of12.We must ________ a better way to save money if we are tobuy a new house.A. work outB. work atC. work byD. work for13.If he had been more careful with the details, his plan wouldnot have ________.A. fallen offB. fallen throughC. fallen awayD. fallen over14.We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.B. untilC. butD. unless15.These two areas are similar ________ they both have a highrainfall during this season.A. to thatB. in thatC. besides thatD. except that16.If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you ________ now.A. wouldn't be smilingB. couldn't have smiledC. won't smileD. didn't smile17.________ in the conditions of simple living was what herparents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl to be educatedC. The girl educatedD. The girl's being educated18.________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be surethat they have included all variables and modeled themaccurately.A. Even ifB. As far asC. If onlyD. So long as19.All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, manypassengers could do nothing but take the train.A. were canceledB. had been canceledC. having been canceledD. have been canceled20.This crop does not do well in soils ________ the one for which0.5 D 0.5 D 0.5 A( 0.5 C 0.5 B 0.5 A 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.5 D 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 B 0.5 A 0.5 B 0.5 AC 0.5 A 0.5 C 0.5 BC 0.5 B。

continclick on eitherA. He does not like what the woman boughtB. He does not remembC. He does not remembD. He remembA. She did not take the shoppiB. She did not write a shippiC. She does not want to shop in a crowdeD. She wants to finishA. He has lost his memoryB. He has lost his sight.C. He drank heavilD. He dancedA. He remembB. He remembC. He remembnurserD. He remembnurserA. He has a bad memoryB. The woman has a bad memoryC. The coupleD. The coupleA. VariouB. MethodC. AssociD. NothinA. Only mentalB. Only physicC. GettinD. MemoriA. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.A. Great concenB. RefresC. Low levelsD. Less intereA. ActiviB. Being slow, graspiC. BreaksD. BreaksA. remindB. remindC. memoriD. memoriA. photoB. photogC. photogD. photogA. remembB. remindC. remindD. memoriA. droppiB. fallinC. failinD. flunkiA. To put it simplyB. To put it simpleC. To take it simpleD. To make it simplyA. He missed there.B. He missedC. He studieD. He studieA. Write a statemB. ReviseC. Fill in forms for the woman.D. Apply to an AmericA. The gradinB. The teachiC. Both A) and B).D. NeitheA. Three parts.B. Two parts.C. One part.D. Less than one part.A. She wants to go to EuropeB. She can't affordC. She has got a part-time job.D. She will borrowA. BecausB. BecausborrowC. BecausimportD. Becausthe textboA. He comparreadinB. He puts more emphas those from his readinC. He writesin his notes.D. He emphasA. He writesB. He writesC. He scans the lessonD. He gets ready to rush out.A. AskingB. ShowinC. DisplaD. Both A) and B).A. SecretB. MethodC. DifferstudenD. DifferA. electiB. electsC. electiD. selectA. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forwarA. runninB. runninC. runninD. runninA. from your mindB. away from your mindC. out your mindD. out of your mindA. goB. comeC. turnD. leaveUnit 3 Quiz单元小测验continclick on eitherA. HusbanB. DaughtC. MotherD. Two colleaA. Contem husbanB. ModernC. At the marria her husbanD. At the marria her husbanA. At a railwaB. At a bus stopC. At a hospitD. At an airporA. MarrieB. MarriaC. It is betterD. It is betterA. One had betterB. One shouldC. DivorcD. DivorcA. The importB. The reasonC. Ways of preparD. ChildrA. They will find the man threatB. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friendD. They will be eager to have a new fatherA. They can make up their minds to find a new spouseB. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will undersD. Both A) and B).A. ChildrB. ParentC. YoungeD. Older childrA. The steppaB. The steppaC. The biologD. The steppaA. separaB. separaC. divorcD. divorcA. listenB. have listenC. have listenD. had listenA. putB. postedC. positiD. presseA. inB. forC. toD. atA. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his namingUnit 7 Quiz单元小测验Your percent age score is 64%.Quiz resulthas been recorde d success fully.Part IDirecti ons: Listento the short dialogs, then choosethe correct answers to the questio ns. You will hear the recordi ng twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choosethe correct answers. Use the secondplaying to check your answers.1. (Listento the audio recordi ng for the questio n.)A. It is the biggesB. It is the secondC. It is importD. It is not importA. The wildfiB. The wildfiC. Her son studieD. Her son is protecA. To protecB. To write a paper on the enviroC. To do a good job for his classmD. To make a mess of his classmA. Both the man and woman think it shouldB. NeitheC. Only the man thinksD. Only the woman thinksA. The same as the man's.B. The enviroC. The enviroD. The enviro(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)A. WidespB. The changeC. The globalD. IncreaA. PeacefB. CheerfC. solitaD. Lonely A. The temperB. The rainfaC. The panda does not like to live in zoos.D. The panda likes to live alone.A. BecausB. BecausanimalC. BecausD. BecauscloninA. How to save the giant panda.B. The dangerC. The importD. SuccesA. barsC. prevenD. destruA. awayB. offC. ofD. out ofA. to panicB. to get panicC. to be panicD. panickA. happenB. gettinD. going onA. fineB. be fineC. be finedD. get fine。
新视野大学英语3 听说UNIT QUIZ答案

MAW UNIT 1 (85%)1~5 B A B A D6~10 C B C C D11.passed12.occupied13.aware14.previous15.take up16.advanced17.recording18.They all got put down in his diary19.when her husband stopped leaving it around20.--------UNIT 2 ( 95% )1~5 B A A D B6~10 A D B A A11.Initially12.patience13.sensation14.integrate15.charge16.calming17.promotes18.such as an increased sense of control over events in their lives19.improve balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fall20.how to build energy,move it and use it for health and self-defenseUNIT 3 (65%) 尽力了……1~5 A B C D D6~10 D B A C A 11.addressed 12.————13. engage ?14. significant15.flexible16.majorable ?17.persuit ?18.*******19.******20.******UNIT 4 (85%)1~5: A C B D D 6~10: B A D D B11.theory12.childhood13.walked14.in the business15.provided16.origin17.joke18.led to the idea that Uncle Sam represented the federal government (?)19.is an invention in some articles (?)20is very different from Uncle Sam's traditional appearance(?)UNIT 5 (85%)1~5 C D A D D6~10 D B B D A11.freedom12.impressed with13.effects14.masters15interfere16.protest17.explains18.tells about his daily life in a simple cabin was(?)19.-------20.-------UNIT 6(80%)1~5 B C C A D6~10 C A B C D11.amount12.population13.growth14.billion15.produce16.permanent(?)17.height18.should be taking great care not to reduce it further(?)19.-------20.*****UNIT 7 (85%)1~5 D B A A D6~10 B D D C B11.activity12.religiousfortable14.identify15.afford16.important17.appetite18.can help a great deal in cheering you up and (?)19.when they feel insecure or think that no one likes them(?)20.even become weak or sick from not having enough food (?)UNIT 8 (85%)1~5 A C C D B6~10 C A D B A11.biological12.firmly13.efforts14.suspect15.objectors16.originality17.modest18.to use his cloning technology to improve livestock (?)19.should be kept strictly at the level of cells and proteins (?)20.****UNIT 9(85%)1~5 C A D D A6~10 A A D C D11.focused12.emotionally13.distant14.cancer15.retirement16.crossed17.increasingly18.regardless of your age,you can make a number of important changes in your current lifestyle(?)19.We know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past(?)20. And these new knowledge can be transmited to our children to help them become healthier than our generation(?)UNIT 10(80%)1~5 C D C C A6~10 B A B A C11.primitive12.illusions13.waking14.tends15.inconsistent16.external(?)17.ringing18.Experiments has been carried out to investigate the connection between intentionally inflicted pain and dreaming(?) 19. depend on the associations of the discomfort in the mind of somebody who is sleeping(?)20.Some people say they dream every night ,and others only say very occasionally(?)。
新视野大学英语第三册视听说 Quiz 答案

新视野大学英语第三册视听说Quiz 答案Unit2 (100%)BAADB ADBAAInitiallypatiencesensationintegratechargecalmingsuch as an increased sense of control over events in their livesimprove balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fallhow to build energy,move it and use it for health and self-defenseUnit3 (85%)ABCDD DBACAaddressedhostileengagedsignificantcrediblemajoritypursuehas all the answers to the difficult questions in our education systemthe current strategy of simply blocking new ideas and blaming others for poor results will insure they have the necessary skills for a lifetime of employmentQuiz 4:(80%)1-5: ACBDD6-10: BADDB单词:11:feeling 12: childhood 13: walked 14: in the business 15: provided16: origin 17: joke句子:18:let the new idea that Uncle Sam represented the federal governmentQuiz 6:(80%)1-5: BCCAD6-10: CABCD单词:11: amount 12: population 13: growth 14: billion 15: produce16: —— 17:height句子:——unit7 70%1.D2.C3.A4.A5.D6.B7.D8.D9.C 10.D11.activity12 ..religiousfortable14.indentify15.afford16.important17.appetite18.can help you come over, cheer you up and making you feel content and relaxed19.sometimes when they are teur or they think some people who do not like them20.become very wick or titan when feel there are not enough food for they to eatQuiz 8:(75%)1-5: ACCDB6-10: CADBA单词:11: biological 12: firmly 13: efforts 14: suspect 15:——16—— 17:modest句子:——unit 9 (75%)1~5 DADDA 6~10AACDD 11、focused 12、emotionally 13、distant 14、cancer 15、retirement 16、crossed 17、increasingly 18、Regardless of your age,it is possible for you to make change 19、We know more about prevented health today than our parents and grandparents (X) 20、And this new knowledge can be transmitted to our children to help them become healthierQuiz 10:(75%)1-5: CDCCA6-10: BABAC单词:11:—— 12:false 13:waking 14:tends 15: inconsistent16:—— 17:ringing句子:18:——19:depend on the social of discomfort of the mind which is in sleeping20: some people say they dream every night,while,others say they dream only occasionally。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册quiz答案Unit 1 Quiz Part I 1. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. . She did not take the shopping list along with her. 3. C. He drank heavily last night. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery. 5. B. The woman has a bad memory. Part II Scientists are working to develop new drugs that someday may slow, reverse, or prevent the S1 caused by Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. In the meantime, people who have no dementia S2 can try to keep their memory S3 . Some suggestions include developing interests or hobbies and staying S4 in activities that stimulate both the mind and body. Giving careful attention to physicalS5 and exercise may also go a long way toward keeping a healthy state of S6 . Limiting the use of alcoholic drinks is important because heavy drinking S7 time can cause permanent brain damage. Many people find it useful to plan tasks; make %use notes, calendars, and other memory aids. S8 , such as a familiar name, song, or lines from a poem. S9 . Forgetfulness caused by these emotions usually is temporary and goes away when the feelings are over. However, if these feelings last for a long period of time, getting help from a professional is important. Some physical and mental changes occur with age in healthy people. However, S10 , not only part of normal aging. (1)damage (2) symptoms (3)sharp (4) involved (5)fitness (6)mind (7)over(8)Thelso may remember things better by mentally connecting them to other meaningful things(9)Stress,anxiety, or depression can make a person more forgetful(10) much pain and suffering can be avoided if older people, their families, and their doctors recognize dementia as a disease Part III is the speaker mainly talking about?B. Methods to remember things better. does the speaker mean by “activity”?C. Getting actively involved in what you are doing. many techniques does the speaker describe before giving a short summary?B. Three.. does the speaker say \A. Great concentration and energy. are the last three techniques the speaker mentions?D. Breaks, grasping the basics, and interest. Part IV big sign on the back of my door that says \B. remind me to take wish I was like David. He has a _______ memory, you know. How useful that would be!C. photographic read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with ____, based on recentresearch into the remembering ’d better write down my instructions because I know your memory is _______.C. failing 5._________, you should use your memory as much as To put it simply Unit 2 quiz Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He missed home at first and then got used to studying there. B. He missed home and has never done well in studies.C. He studies well and never misses home.D. He studies well though he always misses home. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Write a statement for the woman.B. Revise what the woman will write.C. Fill in forms for the woman.D. Apply to an American university for admission. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The grading system there is different. B. The teaching methods there are different.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B). Your answer Correct answer C C 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Three parts.B. Two parts.C. One part.D. Less than one part. Your answer Correct answer D D 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She wants to go to Europe for studies. B. She can’t afford an education in Europe. C. She has got a part-time job. D. She will borrow cash to pay her tuition.Your answer Correct answer B B Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. As you may have already discovered, paying S1 a quality education in the United States can be very expensive. But S2 proper preparation, you may minimize the costs of this extraordinary S3 ; visit our Financing page to learn more about paying for S4 . In this section, we S5 money matters that you may S6 on a daily basis during your S7 in the States. S8 . There are other options such as creditcards or traveler’s checks, which are all valid forms with which to pay for things in S9 . I f you choose to carry traveler’s checks with you from your home country to the States, be sure they are denominated in funds. Most businesses—except taxi drivers and public transportation personnel—will accept -denominated traveler’s checks during regular business hours, typically between 9 and 5 , Monday through Friday. S10 . Your answer Correct answer (1) for For (2) with with (3) opptiunity opportunity (4) tutition tuition (5) explore explore (6) adventure encounter (7) adventure (8) As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9) Traveler’s checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen (10)It is wise to bring about $100 with you in cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the States Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. According to Jones, why do top students take notes in class? A. Because the notes help you remember the text. B. Because students who failed to attend the lecture will borrow the notes. C. Because teachers will test you on what they believe to be important. D. Because teachers give them additional information beside the textbook. Your answer Correct answer D D 2. What is special about Jack Smith’s \ A. He compares his notes from the lecturewith those from his reading. B. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.C. He writes one or two summary sentences about each lesson in his notes.D. He emphasizes listening attentively instead of taking notes. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. What does Anderson do right before the bell rings? A. He writes down the last few sentences the teacher says. B. He writes a short summary of the main ideas of the lesson. C. He scans the lesson for the next day. D. He gets ready to rush out. Your answer Correct answer B B 4. What does class participation involve? A. Asking the teacher questions. B. Showing interest in learning. C. Displaying one’s potential. D. Both A) and B). Your answer Correct answer C C 5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Secrets of successful students. B. Methods for academic success and the reasons.C. Difference between top students and poorly performing students.D. Different ways of taking notes. Your answer Correct answer A APart IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. \you chosen your ___________ for next term yet? Are you taking French writing again?\ A. elections B. elects C. electives D. selections Your answer Correct answer C C2. Although the teacher expects a lot, I believe I can ___________ everyone else in the class.A. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forward on Your answer Correct answer D A3. The student discovered having fun was expensive, and he was rapidly ___________ money. A. running short B. running out of C. running from D. running over Your answer Correct answer B B4. Seeing his wife was going to give the son so much money, the husband yelled, \___________ . He’ll just spend it all in a couple of weeks. A. from your mind B. away from your mind C. out your mind D. out of your mind Your answer Correct answer D D5. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls ___________ unanswered. A. go B. come C. turn D. leave Your answer Correct answer A A Unit 3 Quiz Your percentage score is 68%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose thecorrect answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husband. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands.C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband.D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. At a railway station.B. At a bus stopC. At a hospital.D. At an airport. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Married couple should have a mansion. B. Marriage should be based on love.C. It is better to have loved and lost.D. It is better not to have ever loved. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. One had better forget the divorce. B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful. Your answer Correct answer C C Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanksnumbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along a highway S1 60 miles per hour, the wife behind the S2 . Her husband suddenly looks over at her. From the S3 of his voice and the S4 on his face, it’s obvious he’s enjoying this moment. He says, \married for 20 years, but I want a S6 .\The wife says nothing, but slowly increases the S7 to 70 mph. He then says, \Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases. \ The wife speeds up to 80 mph. He says, \By now she’s up to 90 mph. S9 The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge. This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, \The wife says, \\Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, \airbag.\ Your answer Correct answer (1) at at (2) husband wheel (3) tone (4) smile expression (5) Honey (6) divorce divorce (7) speed speed (8) anymore I don’t want you to try to talk me out of it because I don’t love you amy more (9) Oh ,right \ (10) No, I’ve got everything I need. Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. What is the topic discussed in the passage? A. The importance of remarriage. B. The reasons for a remarriage. C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children’s problems in a blended family. Your answer Correct answer D D 2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if she says \A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father. Your answer Correct answer B A 3. How can single parents benefit from advice? A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. Both A) and B). Your answer Correct answer B B 4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case of a divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments in a blended family? A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children. Your answer Correct answer A A Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to ________________. A. separate B. separate with each other C. divorce ourselves D. divorce with each other Your answer Correct answer A A2. So you’re still single? If you________________ to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened Your answer Correct answer D D 3. I ________________ an online ad that read “Husband Wanted.” A. put B. posted C. positioned D. pressed Your answer Correct answer B B 4. I do have a right ________________ stability for my children and myself, don’t I? A. in B. for C. to D. at Your answer Correct answer C C 5. Do you yell at him and call ________________? A. him names B. his names C. him name D. his naming Your answer Correct answer A A Unit 4 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 88%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. PartI Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He is seeking help. B. He is offering advice. C. He is trying to look calm. D. He is having an interview. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies.C. She tends to work whole-heartedly.D. She is not willing to start a project. Your answer Correct answer C C 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Send in her CV by email. B. Send in her CV by mail.C. Call the company.D. Visit thecompany in person. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She has accepted the offer. B. She has declined the offer.C. She is interested in becoming an accountant.D. She will leave the current job for more money. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She should keep the present job. B. She might as well find a new job. C. She might as well find an online job. D. She should perfect her present position. Your answer Correct answer B B Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 withthe exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. There are various types of questions asked at a job interview. Most job interviews start with chit-chat type of questions. They are designed to break the S1 and get the conversation flowing. S2 are questions like\you able to find S3 ?\Most of these just require a\no problem\type of S4 ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you don’t S5 information that will give them a bad S6 . If you say something like\ to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveling to this side of town\ More questions will be asked to find out a bit more about you. S9 , or they may be hypothetical questions starting with\if...?\These are aimed at finding outhow you would handle a situation or at finding out your personal views in certain areas. Whenever answering a job interview question, give as much information as you can. Tell them why, where, when and how. In other words use samples to prove what you are saying. S10 . Your answer Correct answer (1) ice ice (2) Examples Examples (3) parking parking (4) response response (5) provide provide (6) impression impression (7) ages ages (8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday (9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled it Part III Directions: Listen to the followingrecording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The significance of exact numbers in a resume. B. The role of three techniques in an interview.C. How to write a resume.D. The importance of a resume. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. Which of the following is better in a resume, according to the speaker?A. Lots of teaching experience.B. 7,300 teaching hours.C. 7,000 teaching hours.D. Thousands of teaching hours. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. According tothe speaker, which of the following does a holiday company NOT sell? A. Holidays. B. Adventure. C. Relaxation. D. Sand. Your answer Correct answer A A 4. What is the third technique the speaker recommends? A. A neat resume.B. A handwritten cover letter.C. Identifying an employer’s needs.D. All of the above. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. What skills are important in a resume? A. The skills the applicant is especially good at. B. The skills the applicant has learned in his internship. C. Only the skills indicated in the job ad, to attract the employer’s attention. D. Mainly the skills listed in the advertisement, but also other skills the employer needs. Your answer Correct answer D D Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. Did you pick up the paper for me today?I really want to check the job _____________. A. emptiness B. empties C. vacant D. vacancies Your answer Correct answer D D 2. You don’t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could _____________ the position?A. handleB. handle withC. dealD. cope Your answer Correct answer A A 3. A good resume should list your experience in (the) _____________ chronological order. A. back B. reverse C. diverse D. overturned Your answer Correct answer B B 4. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal _____________ its success. A. in B. at C. to D. for Your answer Correct answerC C 5. The young student can understand so much of the world. He seems very mature _____________ his age.A. inB. forC. withD. at Your answer Correct answer B B Unit 5 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 60%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Tuesday morning at her office. B. Tuesday morning at his office. C. Tuesday afternoon at her office. D. Tuesday morning at his office. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for thequestion.) A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items.C. The meeting should have another two items.D. The football should be included in the agenda. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Telling his team everything. B. Continuing the discussion on the last issue. C. Starting the meeting. D. Finishing the meeting. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Eating noodles.B. Finding a supermodel for the café.C. Drawing up a business plan.D. Finding a waitress on the Internet. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A relative of hishelped him to get over the difficulty.B. His caféwas a big success.C. He no longer has a business.D. He has lost both his business and house. Your answer Correct answer C C Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. Sometimes markets surge for no apparent reason; masses of people suddenly want something, and the S1 demand can’t be met immediately. For example, during the SARS epidemic, there was a high S2 for facial masks in several countries --- andmany entrepreneurs capitalized S3 this business idea.B. The owner of the bar welcomes only visitors in football shirts.C. The barmen and barmaids have gone to watch the football final.D. The bar is closed. Your answer Correct answer A A 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will run as fast as she can. B. She will defend herself. C. She will be scared to death. D. She will buy a can of hairspray. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Take a rubbish bin (垃圾桶) to the train station.B. Remove the rubbish bins from the railway station.C. Look at what is in the rubbish bin.D. Throwsomething into the rubbish bin. Your answer Correct answer D D Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. How can a teen be convinced to stop smoking--or persuaded never to take up the S1 at all? Those questions became even more S2 last week when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that tobacco use S3 teenagers increased by nearly one-third in the last S4 . In 1994, % of teens used cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or cigars. In2004, % S5 . Teens have their own S6 , their own pressures. What works for S7 smokers may not work for adolescents. S8 says April Roeseler, a health educator and chief of local programs for the Tobacco Control Section of the California Department of Health Services, which runs the California Smokers’Helpline. With teenagers, counselors aim to be more conversational. S9 . In the next few weeks, the counselor sets up additional telephone appointments, with up to a total of eight sessions. S10 , says Lester Brown, assistant professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine and the principal investigator for the project. Researchers want to see whether the teens who quit remain nonsmokers. \ Your answer Correct answer (1) habithabit (2) crucial crucial (3) among among(4) decade decade (5) did did (6) issues issues (7) adultadult (8) To survey the teens, the questions must be carefully phrased because \you ask them a lot of direct questions ,\ (9) The first phone call generally takes about 45 minutes, with discussion about why the teen began smoking and the extent of the habit (10) Now 260 teens who have participated in the program are being followed Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. World Day Against Child Labor B. Child Labor—an International Problem C. The Reasons for Child Labor D.The Solutions to Child Labor Your answer Correct answer A A 2. About how many children are doing dangerous jobs? A. About 120 million. B. Over 180 million.C. About 250 million.D. Nearly 750 million. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned among the worst forms of child labor? A. Illegal sex trade. B. Illegal drug trade. C. Robbery D. Wars. Your answer Correct answer C C 4. Where are the most children forced to work? A. In Asia and Latin America. B. In Asia and Africa.C. In Africa and Latin America.D. In Asia, Africa and Latin America. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. What should be governments’ first step to reduce and end child labor? A. To find out the worst forms of child labor.B. To identify the worst areas of child labor in the world.C. To punish governments that do not fight against child labor.D. To carry out special programs with time limits. Your answer Correct answer D D Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer. 1. Believe me, I’ll never again be a slave ____________ smoking.A. atB. inC. toD. with Your answer Correct answer C C 2. It’s the local “youth” throwing firecrackers. Don’t go out. They’re likely to throw one ____________ you if you bother them. A. to B. at C. for D. through Your answer Correct answer B B 3. The beggars really ____________. I can’t help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.A. get to meB. get in meC. make to meD. make in me Your answer Correct answer A A4. Someone must’ve made a copy of your credit card. Y ou’ll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will ____________ the damage. A. include B. embrace C. cover D. pay with Your answer Correct answer C C5. My accountant is preparing my income tax ____________, and I need to go over some of the receipts with her. A. turn B. return C. pay D. report Your answer Correct answer B B Unit 7 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 76%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for youto choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. It is the biggest problem. B. It is the second most important problem. C. It is important but not the most urgent problem.D. It is not important. Your answer Correct answer B C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The wildfire in Spain is a good thing. B. The wildfires are changing the climate. C. Her son studies environmental protection in college. D. Her son is protecting the environment. Your answer Correct answer D D 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. To protect the environment.B. To write a paper on the environment.C. To do a good job for his classmate.D. To make a mess of his classmate’s work.。

新视野⼤学英语听⼒第三册⽂章Unit3Uint3II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to separate.W: What! Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What is the girl saying?2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sent you these roses and his best wishes to you both for a happy anniversary. W: Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration/Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it gets warmed up.Q: Where does this conversation probable take place?4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parent s’meeting at school, and I was expecting you’d come to it. OK, I’ll phone Dad, maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listen to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.A3.B 4.C 5.DIII. Listening InTask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W:Yes, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W: Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had moved four times in thirteen years!M: And, you believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: Aren’t they his children, too?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me to.M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments. After thirteen years marriage, the woman wants to divorce her husband, claiming he is irresponsible. When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps changing jobs, and the family has had to move four times in thirteen years, but she wants stability for her children and herself. Second, although he is paying the bills, they just live around the poverty line. Her children are being teased by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small apartment and drive an old car, though it still runs. Worse still, the husband yells ather, though she admits she also yell at him and calls him names. As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only visitation rights instead of joint custody. Moreover, the woman will demand half of all they have and large support payments.Task 2: What four-letter words?ScriptDorothy was the only child of her family, born when her parents were mid-aged. They spoiled her badly. At the age of 33 she still lived at home. Her mother and father treat her like a princess. She seemed perfectly content with that situation, so her friends were surprised when she announced she would soon get married. People who knew her well said the marriage wouldn’t last long. But for the present, she and her new husband approached happy.As soon as the newly couple returned from their honeymoon, the bride called her mother.“How does everything go?” her mother asked.“Oh, Mom,”she began, “the honeymoon was lovely! So romantic! We had a wonderful time. But on our back, Bob started using terrible language. Stuff I’d never heard before. Really awful four-letter words. You’ve got to come get me and take me home. Please, Mom!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone.“But, honey,” the mother asked, “What four-letter words?”“I can’t tell you, Mom. They’re too awful! Come get me, please!”“Darling, you must tell me what has upset you so much. Tell me what four-letter words he used.”Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mom, words like dust, wash, iron, and cook.”Keys: FTFFTTask3: A Woman Who Chose Not to RemarryScriptAfter 17 years of marriage, my husband left me for my best friend, Monica. What I had feared most became reality: I became the single parent of two young children. My daughter grew increasingly unhappy. Seven-year-old Joanna had anxiety attacks when ever she was left alone for more than a few minutes. Five-year-old Sophie would vomit after every meal. Under the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage.My friends arranged dinner with single men and invited me to parties to meet the latest “someone special”.But later I changed my mind. A colleague of mine said, “Second marriages usually end in divorce, and children are destroyed by it.” There is some truth in his words. Research published in 2004 showed that children in blended families were no more emotionally healthy than those in single-parent families.Not long ago, my now-teenage daughter and I went to lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. While eating, we talked about a friend of ours who was divorcing her second husband. We were worried about how the break would harm her three children, two of whom were struggling to get free of drugs. Joanna put down her fork and looked at me. “Mom, I’m glad you didn’t remarry,”she said. “If you had divorced again, I might have tried drugs or even consider suicide.” At that moment, I realized, once again, that singleness was the right choice for me.1.What was the speaker most afraid of?2.Which of the following is NOT true?3.What did the speaker’s colleague say?4.Which of the following is true?5.If the speaker had divorced again, what might her daughter, Joanna, have done? Kes: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.BIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young?Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill:What is it, Amy? I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married.Bill:Yes, time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it. Amy: But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy:What has that got to do with it? We could wait forever if we wait for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:You know,you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: I’ve got something important to tell you: I’m pregnant.B: What? You’re pregnant? Wow, I’d love to have a baby.A: Well, I understand you want to be a father. It’s been more than three years, almost four, since we were married.B: Yes, time has passed so quickly, but we still didn’t have a baby.A: I know, but we can’t afford to have one now. If I leave my job for more than two weeks, I’ll lose it forever.B: I know you will. But remember, if we don’t have one now, it’ll be too late. We’ll be busier in future.A: There is something in what you said. Four years is a long time to wait. But I really like my job. What’s more, I’m very close to getting promotion.B: But a baby borne by a woman in her 30s may be physically and intellectually less healthy. If we wanted to hold onto your job, we would wait forever. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoy a baby.A: You really have a point. I’ll choose the baby over the job.B: Good, I’ll try harder to make both ends meetMODEL2 So many people in the United States get divorced! ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in west. In some places, the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent.Kim: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, if not at first sight; but they also leave each other quickly.Amy:Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy:Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, but they also leave each other quickly.B: Is it the same where you live?A: I don’t think so. In my country, most couples stay together.B: What is the divorce rate in your homeland?A: The divorce rate can be as low as 10 percent.B: That’s quite lower than in our country.A: Well, what’s the divorce rate in your country?B: About 50 percent, if I’m not mistaken.A: Oh, that’s really high!B: Do people get married young?A: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 22.B: Many of our young people get married before 20. Is it common for women in your country to work after they marry?A: Yes, most wives work even after they’ve got a baby.B: In my country, a lot of wives stay home to look after their families.MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas? ScriptAmy: You know, Christmas is coming. And I haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’last year, but my Mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but don’t exaggerate. You just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parents Bill:She’s never liked me. Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not… But seriously, Mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelingsBill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make twenty-two of us if we invited everybody.Amy: Why not just have our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t sit me next to your mother.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: You know, the Spring Festive is coming, and we have to consider where to have the Spring Festive Eve dinner.B: What have you got in mind?A: Since I’ve been busy, I haven’t seen mom for quite some time—she’s always been so kind to us.B: I know we went t my folks’ last year, but my mom’s been sick. She needs comfort. A: My parents also need company. If I don’t have the Spring Festive Eve dinner with them for two years running, they will be extremely disappointed. As a matter of fact, my mom is already blaming me for neglecting them.B: What can we do then?A: Let me think. Why not invite our parents here for the dinner?B: But they live so far away from us. It’s inconvenient for old people.A: Then we can invite four of them to a restaurant near them.B: Good, idea. On the next morning we can visit both our parents.A: And don’t forget to bring gifts.V. Let’s TalkScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, that’s my story.Remarried is the last thing I’d consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failure. More importantly, I wondered how remarrying would affect my 10-year-old son. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands, with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorce eight times altogether, I hope my son would not have to go through the same pain I had experienced. As a result, my primary focus after divorce was my relationship with my son John, not finding a wife. As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first timer he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about my son would actually respond to her. At first, John’s affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several times, he warmed up to her. Seeing that the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted, so our family of two smoothly became a family of three. Thinking back, I believe my remarrying was the right choice.Some single-parents are still besitant about remarrying. Now that you’ve heard my story, I hope you won’t hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers.DebateSAMPLEA: On the whole I don’t support remarriage. Too many remarriages have turned out to be unsuccessful and end in divorce. B:If you say many remarriages have failed, that means other remarriages have survived, or even bloomed. We should not only look at the dark of the issue.A: But ther e’re too many factors contribute to the failure of a second marriage. For example, as you become older, you may find it increasingly difficult to adjust to a different pattern of life with a new mate. Once there’s a conflict neither is willingto give in.B: There’re conflicts everywhere, but you should not neglect that an adult has psychological and physical needs. Without a companion, one may feel lonely and anxious.A: In a new family the husband tends to compare his new wife’s weak point with his ex-wife’s strong point. And the wife does the same.B: I wish you’d seen the film The Sound of Music. The governess Maria blended so smoothly into the Captain’s family.A:It is not easy for children to accept the new mother or father. It is simply impossible for them to forget their birth-mother’s loving care and the happy moments in their childhood.B: But how happy are the Captain’s seven children with their adopted mother Maria! If the new mother shows genuine care for the kids, they will gradually warm to her. On the other hand, many children in a single-parent family are under psychological pressure and suffer from anxiety attack. So, the single life is not the right choice. VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Early MarriageScriptAt the age of 12, Lisa has been married for three years to a young man she met just after finishing secondary school. He treated her well. She almost died during the birth of their first child, born a year after their marriage. The second child, born 18 months later, was also a girl. Lately she and her husband quarrel frequently. She wants to go to vocational school to learn skills to add to the family income, but his mother insists she stay home and produce a son.This example is by no means exceptional. Early marriage is common in many parts of the world. Early marriage leads to early motherhood. In some developing countries, 20 percent or over half of the women give birth to their first child before the age of 18.Expectations from parents, in-laws and society are to produce a child as soon as possible. Many young wives feel pressure to bear son. This typically results in early and frequent pregnancies.In developing countries, more than half a million women die every year from causes related to pregnancy. There are four important reasons for these deaths. Birth are either “too soon, too close, too many, or to late”. According to statistics, it is young women who most die during pregnancy.1.At what age did Lisa give birth to her first child?2.What does Lisa want?3.Why do women in some developing countries have babies early?4.What are the reasons women die from childbirth?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Keys: 1.B 2.D3.A 4.D 5.CTask 2: Nuclear Family Living PatternsScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquir e their own jobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children’s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States.Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, a company’s arrangement of day care as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.Task3: They are coming for Christmas,ScriptA man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Christmas and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mom and I are divorcing, Forty-five years of misery is enough..”“Dad, what are you talking about?” the son screams.“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her.”Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.“Oh, heck, they’re getting divorced,” she shouts. “I’ll take care of this.”Losing no time, she call her father and screams at him,“You are not getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do anything! DO YOU HEAR ME?”Then she quickly hangs up.The old man hangs up his phone and heaves a sigh of relief. He turns to his wife and says merrily, “Okay, they are coming back for Christmas and paying their own way.”For Reference:1. He and the boy’s mother are divorcing.2. Forty-five years of misery is enough. They can’t stand the sight of each other any longer. They’re sick of each other.3. He gets frantic and calls his sister.4. They will come back home and stop the parents from divorcing.5. He is happy, for his son and daughter will come back for Christmas and pave their own way.News ReportPrince More Precious Than the DiamondScriptPeople have long known the saying ’s best friend.” But this may be changing. There’s a new stone market, tanzanite, and it is giving diamonds some serious competition.Tanzanite was one of a number of gems discovered in East Africa in the 1960s. The new colors and varieties changed the gem market. But the real gem among these stones was tanzanite, discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. The stone was named after its country of origin by New York’s Tiffany and Co. which introduced it to the world. It draws one’s attention quickly with its color—blue, purple or bronze, depending on the direction it is viewed from.More important for its value, though, is its rarity. Tanzanite has been found in only one small area, near Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. And its supply will probably befully mined in the next two decades.As one mining official puts it, “It should never have really occurred in the first place. It did occur. And only this one deposit on this entire planet that is known…makes it more than a thousand times rarer than diamonds. And certainly within the next 15 to 20 years, there will be no more tanzanite to be mined.”The current value of the tanzanite market, at U.S. $10 billion, is equivalent to that of diamonds. And so another saying “Diamonds are forever”may lose some of its meaning.。
Unit 3 2023级大学英语III 新视野及新思路Test 3 答案

Test for Unit 3 (Keys for reference)Part I. Listening ComprehensionLong conversation 11-5 B A C B CScript:Sandra: Tim, how's your new job going?Tim: Pretty well, thanks, Sandra.Sandra: How are you finding your new boss?Tim: He's quite energetic, determined and always knows how to bring competitive drive to the team. Sandra: Would you rather have him or your old boss back?Tim: My former boss never knew how to listen to her team members. She's always so bossy. This boss is much better. He always recognizes the skill of each member and how they can be used.Sandra: That's really a born leader.Tim: I can't agree with you more.Sandra: How about your new co-workers? Are they friendly to you?Tim: They are all pretty easy-going. We know the importance of getting along with each other. Sandra: Do you miss your old co-workers?Tim: Of course. I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well. They were like family to me.Sandra: Do people in different departments get along with each other?Tim: Definitely. Since we work together in teams, we have to get along with each other.Sandra: Do you like working with people from different departments?Tim: Yes, it helps me appreciate different opinions, especially when there is a conflict of ideas. Sandra: Do you like this teamwork?Tim: Sure! It's much better than my last one.Long Conversation 26-10 D C A B DScriptM: If you were looking for a flatmate, what would you like to know about them?W: For me, an important question is, "Do you keep yourself to yourself, or do you tend to be around alot?"M: What are you trying to find out?W: I suppose I'm seeking a balance. The last thing I want is a person who comes in and goes straight up to their room, and whom I never see again until the next morning. You know, I'm quite sociable, and I like having friends around.M: Yeah.W: But on the other hand, I don't want a flatmate who's always there, not giving me any personal space. So yeah, I'd like someone who is quite sociable but not overly so.M: I can understand that, and I suppose another important question is about cleanliness.W: Yes, something like, "Are you a tidy person?"M: What answer would you like to hear?W:I'd like them to say, "Oh yes, extremely!" I really don't want to live with someone who is untidy, someone who just leaves their stuff all over the place. That would drive me crazy.M: What about money?W: It can be a problem. I had a flatmate who used to say, "I know I have to pay the electricity bill, but can I pay it next week?" She always promised to pay, but then she never did.M: Oh yeah. You need to know whether they can afford the rent.W: But I wouldn't ask, "Could you tell me how much you earn?" I think I'd mention that the rent needs to be paid in advance. So, I'd ask,"Can you pay three months' rent in advance?" and then see what they say. M: That sounds like a good idea!Section BPassage 111-15 C D B C ANow, sports teams win because they practice. But you can only practice if you have the same members over time. And so you can think of teaming. Sports teams embody the definition of a team, the formal definition. It's a stable, bounded, reasonably small group of people who are interdependent in achieving a shared outcome. You can think of teaming as a kind of pickup game in the park, in contrast to the formal, well-practiced team. Now, which one is going to win in a playoff? The answer is obvious.So why do I study teaming? It's because it's the way more and more of us have to work today. With 24/7 global fast-paced operations, crazy shifting schedules and ever-narrower expertise, more and more ofus have to work with different people all the time to get our work done. We don't have the luxury of stable teams. Now, when you can have that luxury, by all means do it. But increasingly for a lot of the work we do today, we don't have that option.One place where this is true is hospitals. This is where I've done a lot of my research over the years. So it turns out hospitals have to be open 24/7. And patients, they're all different. They're all different in complicated and unique ways. The average hospitalized patient is seen by 60 or so different caregivers throughout his stay. They come from different shifts, different specialties, different areas of expertise, and they may not even know each other's name. But they have to coordinate in order for the patient to get great care. And when they don't, the results can be tragic.Passage 216-20 B C C C BScriptsLiving in a community means we're likely to encounter disputes with our neighbors from time to time. Disputes can range from trivial matters, such as noise complaints, to more serious issues like property damage. Here are some tips for handling such situations:Get to know each other. Being a good neighbor doesn't mean you have to take family vacations together. It could be as simple as knowing your neighbors well enough to say "hello" or perhaps occasionally borrowing things like a cup of sugar or a gardening tool. All these actions can help build trust and understanding. Issues are much more likely to occur among strangers than among even casual acquaintances.Head off problems before they become problems.If you are going to throw a party, visit all neighbors who might be affected and offer them a card with your phone number. If they find the noise intolerable or if other problems occur, your neighbors can call you directly instead of involving the police.Communicate your concerns clearly. Tell your neighbors what's bothering you - don't assume they know what the problem is. Be open and direct, not passive-aggressive. Ask for their opinions and, whenever possible, suggest a solution that reaches a middle ground or demonstrates your willingness to compromise. Stay cool and remain positive, even if your neighbors do not.Involve more neighbors. See if anyone else on your block is experiencing similar issues - they may be willing to help you resolve the situation together. If some of your neighbors have a good relationshipwith the person causing problems, consider having them join the conversation when you talk it out.Bottom line? Resolving disputes with our neighbors is all about effective communication.Remember, the goal isn't to win an argument but to live in harmony with those around us.Section C (24年6月第一套真题中的新闻听力news 1 和news 3)News 121-22 B AScriptSix people had to move away from their home to another place after a fire broke out in a building on Main Street Saturday, officials said. Firefighters responded to the three-story building shortly after 1 p.m. for a reported structure fire, according to Norwalk Deputy Fire Chief Adam Markowitz.Markowitz said crews encountered heavy smoke coming from the second floor when they arrived. A team of about 25 firefighters then spent about 25 minutes extinguishing the flames. Officials described the structure as a mixed-use building that features commercial businesses on the first floor and residential on the second and third floors.Town records list four apartments in the building.[21]Due to smoke and heat damage, the four apartments were declared uninhabitable, and the six residents had to move to another place, officials said. No injuries were reported in connection with the fire.[22]The Norwalk Fire Marshal is investigating the cause and origin of the fire.News 223-25 D D DScriptGenetic researchers in China have made a clone of a star police dog. The clone was born in a laboratory in Beijing in December. Tests show that the clone and her mother are almost identical genetically. The mother dog helped solve multiple murders and many other crimes.[23]The clone has already performed better than traditionally bred dogs on several tests[24] If the clone continues to perform as well as expected, it could mean a huge reduction in the training time for police dogs, which usually takes about five years. The ultimate goal of scientists is to produce clones of talented police dogs that can be trained in months instead of years.[25] However, this goal is notyet possible due to the current costs of the technology.This is not the first time a clone has been made of a star police dog. In South Korea, six clones began working with the police in 2008.Part II. Banked Cloze1.C2. E3. B4. D5. A6. J7. E8. C9. G 10. FPart III. Reading ComprehensionPassage 1(24年6月第一套真题第二篇)1-5 B C D A CPassage 2 (选自U校园AI版第三单元的单元测试阅读题)6-10 C B C C APart IV. Translation1. The Old Town of Lijiang, located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain, is a town of scenic beauty, known for its history and culture. It is also one of China's well-preserved old towns of ethnic minority groups. With the boom in Lijiang's tourism, the Old Town of Lijiang is receiving a growing number of tourists from home and abroad. In December 1997, the Old Town succeeded in applying to be recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site, becoming one of the first noted historical and cultural cities in China to be included on the World Cultural Heritage List.2. The most important thing we can learn from the past is that China and America stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Although a great deal has changed in the world and in both countries, this valuable lesson still holds true today and must continue to guide our interactions. We must stay the course without any doubts. Exaggerating our competition out of all proportion would squeeze our space for cooperation. The right attitude is to focus on expanding our cooperation, which is in our mutual interest.Part V. Writing (略)。

New WordsPhrases and ExpressionsProper Namesl eadershipn. 1. [U] the quality that a leader should have 领导才能S he lacks leadership.她缺乏领导才能。
C andidates must show leadership qualities and also a desire to compete and achieve.候选人必须具备领导素质和竞争、获胜的欲望。
2. [U] the position of being a leader领导地位;领导权H e was elected to the leadership of the Labor Party.他被选为工党的领袖。
B ritain has lost its leadership in the ship-building industry.英国已丧失在造船业的主导地位。
p ublicityn. 1. [U] the attention that sb. or sth. gets from newspapers, television, etc. 关注T he company's continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative publicity.该公司继续使用这样的危险化学品,招来了不少批评。
T he film actress's marriage got a lot of publicity.这位女电影演员的婚姻引起了公众的极大关注。
2. [U] the business of providing information in order to attract public attention宣传;推广W ho did you get to do the publicity for the show?你让谁来做演出的宣传工作?T he concert wasn't given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold.音乐会事先没有做广泛宣传,所以不少票都没有卖出去。

Unit 1 Quiz单元小测验Your teacher requires that you answer 60% of the questions correctly before you can m Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing theaudio recordings for Parts I, II and III. They will be playedcontinuously. Once the recording starts playing, please do NOTclick on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in themenu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance ofhearing the complete recording.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correctanswers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. Afterthe first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correctanswers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He does not like what the woman bought.B. He does not remember the price of the shirt.C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was.D. He remembers only the woman's phone number.2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She did not take the shopping list along with her.B. She did not write a shipping list.C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket.D. She wants to finish shopping quickly.3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He has lost his memory completely.B. He has lost his sight.C. He drank heavily last night.D. He danced until after midnight.4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He remembers his life in primary school.B. He remembers his life in his nursery.C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in thenursery.D. He remembers his life in both primary school and thenursery.5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He has a bad memory.B. The woman has a bad memory.C. The couple have forgotten to bring their keys.D. The couple are blaming each other for forgetting the keys.Part IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.Scientists are working to develop new drugs that someday mayslow, reverse, or prevent the S1dam age caused by Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. In the meantime,people who have no dementia S2can try toD. Nothing is more important than interest.2.What does the speaker mean by “activity”?A. Only mental activity.B. Only physical activity.C. Getting actively involved in what you are doing.D. Memorizing things while having recreational activities.3. How many techniques does the speaker describe before givinga short summary?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.4. What does the speaker say "breaks" can bring?A. Great concentration and energy.B. Refreshed interest.C. Low levels of concentration and energy.D. Less interest.5. What are the last three techniques the speaker mentions?A. Activity, grasping the basics, and interest.B. Being slow, grasping the basics, and interest.C. Breaks, being slow, and interest.D. Breaks, grasping the basics, and interest.Part IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. The big sign on the back of my door that says "keys" is to______________ my keys when I go out.A. remind me of takingB. remind me to takeC. memorize me to takeD. memorize me of taking2. I wish I was like David. He has a ______________ memory,you know. How useful that would be!A. photoB. photographC. photographicD. photography3. I read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with______________, based on recent research into the brain.A. rememberingB. remindingC. remindD. memorize4.You’d better write down my instructions because I know yourmemory is ______________.A. droppingB. fallingC. failingD. flunking5. ______________, you should use your memory as much aspossible.A. To put it simplyB. To put it simpleC. To take it simpleD. To make it simplySubm i tUnit 2 Quiz单元小测验Playing now!正在播放录音。
新视野大学英语第三册Unit 3--Vocabulary for Text A

Unit 3 Life StoriesText A Audrey HepburnNew Words:◆noteworthy: adj. 值得注意的;显著的Related words:airworthy: adj. 适航的seaworthy: adj. 适宜航海的roadworthy: adj. 适合行驶的creditworthy: adj. 信誉好的;可信赖偿还借贷的newsworthy: adj. 有新闻价值的trustworthy: adj. 值得信赖的praiseworthy: adj. 值得称赞的◆domain: n. (知识、活动的)领域,范围,范畴;(尤指旧时个人、国家等拥有或统治的)领土,领地,势力范围;(计)域,定义域e.g. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.照顾老人仍然被确认为是家庭范围的事。
public domain: (sing.) (用于不受版权保护的财产)公有领域,公有事业e.g. The information has been placed in the public domain. 这资料不受版权保护。
public domain software 无版权软件◆portray: v. 描绘,描画;描写(=depict);将…描写成,给人以某种印象,表现(=represent);扮演(=play)e.g. Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery. 肖恩·康纳利将饰演她的父亲。
Related Words:1)portrayal: n. 描绘,描述,描写,展现方式2)portrait: n. 肖像,半身画像,半身照;详细的描述,描绘e.g. a full-length portrait 全身画像self-portrait 自画像3) portraiture: n. 画像技法,人像摄影法,肖像,画像◆exemplary: adj. 典范的,可作榜样的,可作楷模的;严厉的,儆戒性的,惩戒性的e.g. a man of exemplary character 一个具有模范品德的人Related Words:1)exemplar: n. 模范,榜样,典型,范例2)exemplify: v. 是…的典型(或典范、榜样);举例说明,例证,例示e.g. His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。
新视野大学英语(第三版)Unit 3_单词解释+例句

Unit 3TEXT ANew wordscampusn.[C, U] the land and buildings of a university or college (大学或学院的)校园All freshman students live on campus. When they are in their second year at college, they may live off campus. 所有大学一年级的学生都住在校园里。
transformvt.completely change the appearance, form, or character of sth. or sb., esp. in a way that improves it 使改观;使变形;使转化The president of the university said that they were trying their best to transform their university into a top school in the country. 这个大学的校长表示,他们正竭尽全力把他们的学校建设成为全国的一流大学。
fleetn.[C] a group of vehicles, planes, boats, or trains, esp. when they are owned by one organization or person 车队;机群;船队Survivors were taken to a hospital in a fleet of ambulances. 幸存者被救护车队送往医院。
FedEx has a fleet of trucks. 联邦快递有卡车车队。
typicala.like most things of the same type 典型的;有代表性的Notice the sentences in the text that are relatively long, which is typical of a news report. 注意这篇文章中的句子比较长,这在新闻报道中是很典型的。
2023级大学英语III 新视野及新思路Test 3

Test for Unit 3Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. After each question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Long Conversation 11.What does Tim think of his new job?A. It's going terribly.B. It's going pretty well.C. It's too challenging.D. It's quite boring.2.Which of the following options does not describe his new boss?A. He is unmotivated.B. He is firm and persistentC. He is energetic.D. He understands how to foster a competitive drive among the team members.3.Why does Tim prefer his new boss over his former boss?A. His former boss was always listening to her team members.B. His new boss is more lenient and easy-going.C. His new boss recognizes the skills of team members.D. His new boss is always absent.4.How does Tim feel about his new co-workers?A. They are all difficult to work with.B. They are all quite easy-going.C. They are constantly competing with each other.D. They ignore Tim's presence.5.What does Tim appreciate about working with people from different departments?A. It helps him avoid conflicts.B. It allows him to work independently.C. It helps him appreciate different opinions, especially during conflicts of ideas.D. It makes his work easier and less challenging.Long Conversation 26.What kind of person does the woman want for a flatmate?A. Very considerate and caring.B. Somewhat reserved and quiet.C. Pretty easy-going and straightforward.D. Sociable but also aware of personal space.7. What answer does the woman want to hear when she asks a potential flatmate if they are a tidy person?A. “I’m not very concerned about cleanliness.”B. “Sometimes I clean, and sometimes I don't.”C. “Oh yes, extremely!”D. “I prefer a messy environment.”8. What do we know about the woman's attitude to cleanliness?A .She cares a lot about being neat and tidy.B. She doesn't care whether her flatmate is tidy or not.C. She hopes her flatmate will offer to clean up their room.D. She thinks she should share the cleaning with her flatmate.9. Why does the woman think money is a problem when looking for a flatmate?A. She cannot afford to live alone.B. Her previous flatmate often delayed payments.C. She needs the rent to be paid as soon as possible.D. She thinks reaching a deal regarding rent is difficult.10. What will the woman do to make sure her flatmate can afford the rent?A .Ask them about their work.B. Ask them how much they earn.C. Ask them to pay the rent each month on time.D. Ask them whether they can pay three months' rent in advance.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. After each question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage 111. According to the speaker, a/an _________ team would win in a playoff.A. dependentB. pickupC. formal and well-practicedD. pickup and well-practiced12. The speaker studies team because _________.A. many of us have to work todayB. many of us have fast-paced operationsC. many of us shifted crazilyD. many of us have to work with different people13. According to the speaker, to have a stable team is _________ in our daily lives.A. increasingB. not easyC. optionalD. not impossible14. The hospital is a place where _________.A. she has done a research about medicineB. it opens 24 hours for 7 days each monthC. the patients are all differentD. doctors work in complicated ways15. If caregivers cooperate with each other, the result will be that _________.A. they offer patients great careB. they work with 60 or so different peopleC. they have their different study backgroundsD. they live a tragic lifePassage 216.How can we build trust and understanding with our neighbors?A. By visiting them frequently.B. By getting to know each other.C. By organizing parties together.D. By taking family vacations together.17.What should we do if we are likely to cause problems for our neighbors?A. Address problems appropriately when they occur.B. Apologize to our neighbors when problems occur.C. Take action beforehand to avoid potential problems.D Immediately cease activities that may cause problems.18.How should we react if our neighbors are bothering us?A.We should involve the police for help.B.We should wait patiently for their explanations.C. We should express our concerns and discuss solutions together.D. We should involve more family members to address the problem.19.What is the ultimate goal when resolving disputes with neighbors?A. To win the argument.B. To avoid any future communication.C. To live in harmony with them.D. To punish the neighbor causing problems.20.What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of family vacations.B. How to handle disputes with neighbors.C. The benefits of borrowing sugar.D. Why property damage occurs. Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear two news reports. After each question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.News 121.Why did the six residents have to find another place to stay?A. Due to a fire alarm in their apartments.B. Because of the smoke and heat damage.C. Due to the water used to extinguish the flames.D. Because of the collapse of the three-story building.22. What does the news report say the NorwalkFire Marshal is doing?A. Investigating the cause of the incident.B. Helping search for the suspect of the crime.C. Rescuing the businessmen trapped in the building.D. Checking town records for the property developer.News 223.What do the researchers’ tests show about the cloned dog?A. It has helped solve several murder cases.B. It has become a star police dog in Beijing.C. It has surpassed its mother in performance.D. It has done better than naturally born dogs.24. What is the scientists’ purpose in cloning police dogs?A. To speed up investigation into criminal cases.B. To test the feasibility of cloning technology.C. To cut down training expenses.D. To reduce their training time.25. Why does the news report say the scientists’ goal is not yet possible?A. Cloning is too complicated a process.B. The technology is yet to be accepted.C. Cloning is ethically controversial.D. The technology is too expensive.Part II Banked Cloze (10* 1=10%)Section ADirections: Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box.1. All the reports from the scene of crime______ by the police.2. The government has done a lot to ________ interest rate at a high level and this has been proved to be right.3. Mike is considered as a very aggressive and competitive ________by the staff.4. The ________ of this project was the recovery of the polluted area within three months.5. It’s a great film and it ________ an American actor who is going to be a world star soon.Section BDirections: Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.The benefits of travel go beyond making memories and meeting new people. Staying away from the 6__________ things of daily life and exploring a new place can have a remarkably positive impact on your emotional well-being and your 7__________ powers.Travel can improve your emotional well-being in two aspects. First, changing your daily routine, for example, taking a trip to a nearby town on a weekend day, can help 8__________ your mind and deal with the daily 9__________ . Second, physical exercise is known to improve emotional well-being and travel offers plenty of opportunities to get active. Getting to know a new destination by 10_______ the great outdoors can boost energy levels and improve your mood.Part III. Reading Comprehension (25%)Directions: Read the following passages and choose the corresponding answer.Passage 1Some people have said aging is more a slide into forgetfulness than a journey towards wisdom. However, a growing body of research suggests that late-in-life learning is possible. In reality, education does an aging brain good.Throughout life, people's brains constantly renovate themselves. In the late 1960s, British brain scientist Geoffrey Raisman spied growth in damaged brain regions of rats through an electron microscope; their brains were forging new connections. This meant brains may change every time aperson learns something new.Of course, that doesn't mean the brain isn't affected by the effects of time. Just as height usually declines over the years, so does brain volume: Humans lose about 4 percent every decade starting in their 40s. But that reduction doesn't necessarily make people think slower; as long as we are alive and functioning, we can alter our brains with new information and experiences.In fact, scientists now suspect accumulating novel experiences, facts, and skills can keep people's minds more flexible. New pathways can strengthen our ever-changing mental structure, even as the brain shrinks.Conventional fixes like word puzzles and brain-training apps can contribute to mental durability. Even something as simple as taking a different route to the grocery store or going somewhere new on vacation can keep the brain healthy.A desire for new life challenges can further boost brainpower. Research about aging adults who take on new enterprises shows improved function and memory as well as a reduced risk of mental disease. Openness-a characteristic defined by curiosity and a desire for knowledge-may also help folks pass brain tests. Some folks are born with this take-in-the-world attitude, but those who aren't as genetically gifted aren't necessarily out of luck. While genes can encourage an interest in doing new things, a 2012 study in the journal Psychology and Aging found completing reasoning tasks like puzzles and number games can enhance that desire for novel experiences, which can, in turn, refresh the brain. That's why brain scientist Richard Kennedy says “It's not that old dogs can't learn new tricks. It's that maybe old dogs don't realize why they should.”1. What do some people think of aging adults?A. Their wisdom grows as time goes by.B. Their memory gradually deteriorates.C. They can benefit from late-in-life learning.D. They are likely to have mental health issues.2. What can we conclude from Geoffrey Raisman's finding?A. Brain damage seriously hinders one's learning.B. Brain power weakens slower than we imagine.C. Brains can refresh and improve with learning.D. Brains forge connections under new conditions.3. What is one thing that helps maintain the health of our brain even as it shrinks?A. Doing daily routines by conventional means.B. Avoiding worrying about our mental durability.C. Imitating old dogs' way of learning new tricks.D. Approaching everyday tasks in novel ways.4. What does the author say can contribute to the improvement of brain function?A. Being curious and desiring knowledge.B. Being eager to pass brain tests at an old age.C. Rising to life's challenges and avoiding risks.D. Boosting immunity to serious mental diseases.5. What is the finding of the 2012 study in the journal Psychology and Aging?A. Wishing to solve puzzles enhances one's reasoning power.B. Playing number games unexpectedly stimulates one's memory.C. Desiring new experiences can help to renovate the brain.D. Learning new tricks should not be confined to old dogs only.Passage 2Virtual reality technology has recently taken the world by storm, with VR headsets becoming a widely welcomed consumer product. While home adoption has largely been driven by the gaming industry, those within other fields, including the travel industry, are increasingly realizing and exploring the technology's potential, especially as a marketing tool.Businesses operating within the travel industry have been especially quick to adopt virtual reality technology and for good reason. Typically, their customers are looking to purchase experiences, rather than products, and virtual reality offers an effective way for marketers to give them a taste of what they can expect.Travel customers usually require lots of information before they book a hotel room. For instance, they need to read descriptions, view images, watch videos, look at customer reviews, or seek opinions on social media. However, this process can be shortened significantly through the intelligent use of virtual reality. One of the best examples of virtual reality in action within the travel industry is using it to provide virtual tours of hotels and hotel rooms. The key benefit is that it allows potential customers to experience what the hotel looks like before they arrive, offering more transparency than words and images.Virtual reality is also offering hotels, travel agents, and other businesses within the tourism industry the opportunity to provide prospective customers with a virtual travel experience. This means that users will be able to sample some of the main attractions that are likely to draw them to a location in the first place. For instance, a hotel in Paris may provide a virtual experience of what it is like at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Similarly, a hotel near a theme park may be able to provide a virtual roller-coaster experience. The primary benefit of this is to sell rooms, flights, and travel products more effectively by focusing on the experiences they can provide.Some companies have taken a step further, using VR to enhance the entire booking process. This innovation allows travelers to visit a destination, search for flights, walk through a plane to select their seats, check out different hotels, and pay for their entire trip –all within a VR environment. These advancements in VR technology offer a more immersive and interactive experience compared to traditional methods.While many exciting developments are happening in virtual reality and the travel and tourism industry, it's essential to approach this technology with a critical eye and use it responsibly. By doing so, we can create a world in which travel is more accessible, more sustainable, and more enriching for all.6. How has virtual reality technology impacted the travel industry?A. It has made travel experiences more expensive.B. It has completely replaced traditional hotel booking methods.C. It has provided a new marketing tool for businesses.D. It has made travel more sustainable.7. Why have businesses in the travel industry been quick to adopt virtual reality technology?A. Because of the desire to reduce travel spending.B. Because of the customers' preference for experiences over products.C. Because of the pressure from the gaming industry.D. Because of the need for more transparency in the booking process.8. What is the primary benefit of offering a virtual travel experience?A. Reduction in the need for customer reviews.B. Replacement of the traditional computer mouse.C. Enhanced ability to sell rooms and travel products.D. Increased reliance on descriptions and videos.9. How does VR technology affect the travel booking experience according to the passage?A. It allows travelers to physically visit destinations before booking.B. It makes the booking process less imaginative and more tiresome.C. It offers a more immersive and interactive booking experience.D. It simplifies payment methods and offers suggestions for activities.10. According to the author, what is essential when approaching virtual reality in the travel industry?A. A critical eye and responsible use.B. Increasing reliance on social media.C. Quick adoption by various industries.D. Integration with traditional booking methods.Part IV. Translation(20%)Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into English.1. 丽江古城坐落在玉龙雪山(Yulong Snow Mountain)脚下,是一座风景秀丽的历史文化名城,也是我国保存完好的少数民族(ethnic minority groups)古城之一。

1 Street dancing C
2 bungee jumping E
3 flower arranging D
Opening up
1 Look at the pictures and read the activities. Then match the activities 1-6 to the pictures A-F
Listening to the world
Sharing Listening Viewing
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
1 Discuss the questions.
1 How much money do you usually spend when you go out for an evening? Usually I spend about 200 to 300 yuan when I go out for an evening.
4 go-karting A
5 aerobics B
6 water skiing F

Paragraph 3-11 5. spread: spread to: (cause to) reach sb. or sth. else, as by touching or other means of passing 消防队员成功地防止了火势蔓延到其他办公楼。 Firemen succeeded in preventing the fire from spreading to other office buildings. 这项运动已经发展到了牛津大学。 This movement spread to Oxford. 医生认为癌症已经扩散到了他的胃部,因此治疗起 来比较困难。 The doctor thought that the cancer has spread to his stomach, so it will be difficult to deal with.
Paragraph 1-2
(2). [U] (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising 这项新工程通过报纸得到广泛宣传。 The new project gained publicity through papers. 音乐会事先没有做很多宣传,所以许多票没有卖出去。 The concert wasn't given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold. 该委员会拨款更多的钱给予了宣传广告。 The committee provided more money for publicity. 史密斯先生负责产品的销售与推广。 Mr. Smith is in charge of marketing and publicity.

CE1-_12: Quiz detailsPart 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)(每小题: 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1.are the first, most important lesson. 2. as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.3.matter how much time is required.4. She says that many women are being forced5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers6.make you healthy and fit enough to enjoy many differentaspects of life.The idea that success is measurednot academic achievement, is controversial.8.9.Cultural factors affect management behavior10.11.There was a driveamong students.pace.13.management behavior develops from cultural forces.14.15.In the "I to you" approach, decision-making proceeds16.And in government, we are leading a drive17.Because of the difference in emphasis, time is seen18.What we need is to put more focus on creatingfashionableness, image, and quality.Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb) (每小题: 0.5 分; 满分:9 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观1. 0.5 on on2. 0.5 on in/on/upon3. 0.5 on on4. 0 on into5. 0 of on6. 0 on with7. 0 on by8. 0 between to9. 0.5 in in10. 0.5 to to11. 0 of for/towards12. 0.5 at at13. 0 (未答) By14. 0 with for15. 0 to from16. 0 to for17. 0 as in/from18. 0 (未答) bySubtotal: 3 老师评语:Part 2 Multiple Choice(每小题:分)Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A, B, C and D.1.Can you give me a (an) _____________ of how much it willcost to take the journey?A. assessmentB. evaluationC. admissionD. estimate2.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public gardenon Children's Day.A. stretchedB. exertedC. pulledD. strained3.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out.A. feasibleB. uselessC. worthyD. weak4.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm_____________ .A. fistB. handholdC. styleD. grip5.It is a joy to hear ________ apologies that are from thebottom of one's heart.A. realB. trueC. sincereD. realistic6.Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.A. effectB. affectC. removeD. avoid7.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employeesto work ________ in the branch offices abroad.A. laterB. lateC. latelyD. latest8.Climate and weather affect every ________ of our lives.A. factorB. respectC. aspectD. consideration9.It might be ________ to give your attitude towards study asecond thought.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worthily10.Over half of the population of the country ________ intraditional sports.A. takesB. practicesC. goes forD. participates11.She isn't beautiful. But she is ________ pretty.A. kind ofB. a kind ofC. of a kindD. a sort of12.We must ________ a better way to save money if we are tobuy a new house.A. work outB. work atC. work byD. work for13.If he had been more careful with the details, his plan wouldnot have ________.A. fallen offB. fallen throughC. fallen awayD. fallen over14.We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.A. providedB. untilC. butD. unless15.These two areas are similar ________ they both have a highrainfall during this season.A. to thatB. in thatC. besides thatD. except that16.If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you ________ now.A. wouldn't be smilingB. couldn't have smiledC. won't smileD. didn't smile17.________ in the conditions of simple living was what herparents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl to be educatedC. The girl educatedD. The girl's being educated18.________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be surethat they have included all variables and modeled themaccurately.A. Even ifB. As far asC. If onlyD. So long as19.All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, manypassengers could do nothing but take the train.A. were canceledB. had been canceledC. having been canceledD. have been canceled20.This crop does not do well in soils ________ the one for whichit has been specially developed.A. further thanB. other thanC. beyondD. rather than21.As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants andanimals _____________ a substance to absorb harmfulchemicals.A. avoidB. employC. dismissD. discard22.Because a degree from a good university is the means to abetter job, education is one of the most _____________ areasin Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. considerateD. superficialPart 2 Multiple Choice (每小题: 0.5 分; 满分:11 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1. 0.5 D D2. 0.5 D D3. 0.5 A A4. 0 (未选) D5. 0.5 C C6. 0.5 B B7. 0.5 A A8. 0.5 C C9. 0.5 C C10. 0.5 D D11. 0.5 A A12. 0.5 A A13. 0.5 B B14. 0.5 A A15. 0.5 B B16. 0.5 A A17. 0 C D18. 0.5 A A19. 0.5 C C20. 0.5 B B21. 0 C B22. 0.5 B BSubtotal: 9.5 老师评语:。
Section A 新视野大学英语3 第3单元

Matching up
1. Match the names of the people with the movies
directed or starred by them.
1 Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽· 赫本) 2 Charlie Chaplin (查理· 卓别林) 3 Zhang Ziyi 4 Zhang Yimou
Pre-reading activities
Watch and talk
Pre-reading activities
Watch and talk Now give your presentation about Audrey’s life story according to the following outline. 1929-1944 a ballet dancer 1948-1951 a young actress 1952-1953 a successful actress
Short answer questions
2. Can you name some of the famous movies starred by Audrey?
Roman Holiday Breakfast at Tiffany’s Sabrina 《罗马假日》 《蒂芬尼的早餐》 《龙凤配》
Pre-reading activities
Compound dictation
Listen to a short passage concerning the life story of Audrey Hepburn. Audrey was sixteen when the occupation ended. She and her mother returned to London. Her big break came when the French novelist Colette __________ discovered her in a crowd and insisted that Hepburn be cast as Gigi in a Broadway adaptation of her novel. In spite of Hepburn’s ____________, inexperience audiences and critics alike were captivated (迷住) by her performance.
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第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21.——Wang Ping is made monitor of our class .——Really ?——Don’t you believe it ? You know , now .A.I wasn’t joking B.I didn’t joke C.I’m not joking D.I haven’t joked 22.He raised his gun , pointed it at a bear and aim , shot at it .A.took careful B.taking careful C.to take careful D.taken careful23.In China bicycle is popular means of transportation .A.the ; the B.the ; a C.a; 不填D.a; the24.On stepping into the room , he was astonished to find the floor covered with looked like tiny insects .A.that B.something C.anything D.what25.——You ought to have given them some advice .——, but who cared what I said .A.So did you B.So I do C.So ought you D.So I should have 26.Don’t bother them when they off their feet .A.rush B.have rushed C.are rushed D.will be rushed 27.He tried many times to crawl over the fence after evening class , each time by the guards in our school .A.being caught B.to be catching C.only to be caught D.catching28.He is a strict but kind-hearted teacher , his students respect but are afraid of .A.one whom B.for whom C.which D.that29.——Can the teacher give us some examples to show how useful the computer is ?——Of course, people get information from it every day .A.A good many ; a great deal of B.All kinds of ; a lotC.Many a ; plenty of D.A great many ; a large number of 30.——Have you seen Steven recently ?——Yes , in fact I saw him this morning . I him for two years .A.didn’t see B.haven’t seen C.hadn’t seen D.don’t see 31.What is it has made my mother that ?A.that ; angry B.which ; angry C.that ; anger D.which ; anger32.If you know the answer the question ,please answer in a loud voice .A.to ; above all B.of ; at all C.to ; at all D.of ; after all 33.You can’t go swimming in your holiday your parents you .A.until ; allow B.unless ; allow C.until ; agree D.unless ; agree 34.The visiting professor giving lectures to students invited to meeting at a time .A.preferred to ; rather than B.preferred ; than beingC.preferred ; to be D.preferred ; to being35.——Would you like me to turn down the radio a bit ?——. I am used to working with the radio on .A.No , it’s all right B.Yes , it doesn’t matterC.No , I don’t like it D.Yes , please第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Have you ever been at a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles 36 ? You probably felt sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and always 37 told that daydreaming is a waste of time .“On the contrary ,” says L. Giambra , an expert in psychology , “daydreaming is quite 38 .” Without it , the mind couldn’t get done all the thinking it has to do during a norm al day . You can’t 39 do all your thinking with a conscious (有意识) mind . Instead , your unconscious mind is 40 problems all the time . Daydreaming then may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states of mind have 41 dialogues .Early experts in psychology paid 42 attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful . At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some43 illnesses . They did not have a better 44 of daydreams until the late 1980s . Eric Klinger , a professor of psychology , is the 45 of the book Daydreaming . Klinger says , “We know now that daydreaming is one of the 46 ways that we organize our lives , learn from our experiences , and plan 47 our futures . Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we 48 in life .”Daydreams are usually very simple and direct , quite 49 sleep dreams , which may be hard to understand . It’s easier to 50 a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams 51 by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully . Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in your life and 52 a possible way of dealing with them .Daydreams cannot be predicated (预料). They move of in unexpected 53 which may be creative and 54 ideas . For many famous artists and scientists , daydreams were and are a main 55 of creative energy .36.A.far B.long C.away D.over37.A.has been B.have been C.had been D.were 38.A.possible B.smooth C.fine D.necessary 39.A.likely B.fairly C.possibly D.naturally 40.A.working out B.working at C.working for D.working on 41.A.usual B.exciting C.aloud D.silent42.A.a little B.much C.no D.some 43.A.physical B.minding C.feeling D.mental44.A.thought B.sense C.understanding D.scene 45.A.author B.reporter C.printer D.designer 46.A.unusual B.main C.natural D.common 47.A.with B.on C.beyond D.for 48.A.long for B.want to C.think up D.would like 49.A.dislike B.like C.unlike D.likes 50.A.earn B.receive C.accept D.gain 51.A.and B.so C.than D.or 52.A.look out B.find out C.keep out D.pick out 53.A.distance B.situation C.roads D.directions 54.A.full of B.unreasonable C.fond of D.correct。