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1.You seem subdued. Are you all right? 你好像有点没精神。
2.No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。
3.Don’t bulldoze me. 别逼我。
4.He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副一本正经/无所谓的样子。
5.Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。
6.He lacks personality. 他没有个性。
7.Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)
8.I couldn’t find my bearings. 我有点找不着北。
9.They’re lower than the animals. 他们禽兽不如。
10. Hey, that’s mine. Fork it over! 喂,那是我的。
1.What’s come over you? 你发什么神经啊?(怎么啦?)
2.They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢别人请吃饭。
3.My patience is running out. 我等不及了。
4.Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。
5.You don’t have to mind your P’s and Q’s. 你不必小心翼翼的。
6.Might is right. 拳头大的是爷。
7. He is a bit of a handful in your class. 你们班这小子不太好管。
8. She is nothing but a dumb blonde. 她只是个花瓶而已。
9. Hey, this is no laughing matter. 喂,这可不是闹着玩的。
10. I reserve judgment on this issue. 我对此事暂不表态。
1.They were like one and the same back then. 当时他俩好的跟一个人似的。
2.Let go of the stresses and strains. 别忧心忡忡的。
3.In English, please. 有话直说(别兜圈子,我听不懂)。
4.Don’t touch the tender spot. 别哪壶不开提哪壶。
5.What are you? Hit the jackpot? 你发什么疯?中大奖了?
6.Stop harping on about it! 别唠叨了行吗?
7.We compared notes. 我们交换了一下看法。
8.We handled the matter with kid gloves. 这个问题我们处理的很谨慎。
9.Woe betide you if it happens again! 下次你死定了!
10.I balk at the idea. 我个主意我不太喜欢。
1.She grudgingly admitted she was wrong. 她勉强承认了错误。
2. I hold him in awe. 我对他很敬重。
3. You’ll have to resign yourself to it. 你只能无奈地接受。
4. 5. Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不怕巷子深。
6. They just skirted around the issue. 他们光兜圈子,不谈正题。
7. It’s the widow’s mite. 礼轻情义重。
8. It’s too way-out for me. 对我来说太前卫了。
9. We should explore every avenue. 我们要千方百计。
10. Do you have any contingency plans? 你有防范措施吗?
1.The bulk of the speech fell short. 演讲的大部分内容令人失望。
2. Take the stage in a positive frame of mind. 登台的时候要保持积极的心态。
3. Aren’t they picked over? 都是人家挑剩下的了。
4. The odds are stacked against you. 你成功的机会渺茫。
5. I envy her measurements. 我真羡慕她的三围。
6. He remains untamed. 他屡教不改。
7. I’ll have to wing it / play it by ear. 我只好即兴发挥了。
8. Life is as flat as usual. 生活还是那么平淡。
9. He poached this idea from me. 这个想法是他剽窃我的。
10. I’m not deflated. 我没有气馁。
.I need a stout heart. 我要的是个坚强的人。
2. That sweatshirt is grungy. 那件汗衫太脏了。
3. Don’t play Russian roulette with fate. 别玩命。
4. He appears offhand with people. 他好像对人爱搭不理的。
5. The worm turns. 兔子急了也会咬人。
6. House prices will never dip. 房价不会降了。
7. You’re not going to palm me off with that feeble excuse. 别想轻易把我打发走。
8. Nothing can break my spirit. 我永不屈服。
9. He’s a hardy soul. 他是条硬汉。
10. She's spoken for. 她名花有主了。
1.They were victims of circumstance. 他们是环境的牺牲品。
2. You look perky. 你精神不错啊。
3. Don’t give me the bull. 胡说八道。
4. Take the tonsure. Life’s fuck all. 出家算了。
5. Dusk hasn’t fallen. 天还没黑。
6. It all happened in a flash. 这一切来得太突然了。
7. The market is glutted. 市场饱和了。
8. I think we should give him a fair hearing. 我们应该听听他的解释。
9. Mayday! 救命!
10. They’re paid a pittance. 他们的薪水少得可怜。
1.Are you going to bleed me dry? 你要把我榨干哪?
2. The dogma dies hard. 教条根深蒂固。
3. I sleep rough but you’re in clover. 我餐风露宿,你却过得逍遥自在。
4. You look so woebegone. 你看起来很忧伤。
5. That’s a rationalization. 那只是个借口。
6. Wild horses wouldn’t drag me there. 八匹马都拉不动我。
7. His good humor is proverbial. 他的幽默广为人知。
8. You wily old fox. 你这只老狐狸。
9. You have to feign surprise. 你得装出很惊讶的样子。
10. Don’t be exultant. 别幸灾乐祸。
1.He’s a night owl. 他是个夜猫子。
2. People have been indoctrinated. 人们被毒化了。
3. I have you by the short hairs. 我抓到你的小辫子了。
4. I’m old but I haven’t gone gaga yet! 我还没有老糊涂!
5. Don’t be impudent!放肆!
6. I’m constipated. I need some laxative. 我便秘了。
7. If you’ll pardon the expression. 说句不该说的话。
8. Don’t cut up. 不要哗众取宠。
9. Prick up your ears. 竖起耳朵。
10. I’ll be climbing the walls. 我得抓狂了
1.He slipped into his old habits. 他老毛病又犯了。
2. He’s such a slug. 他太蘑菇了。
3. I’m happy with my lot. 我很满足。
4. Things got a bit overheated. 气氛有点紧张。
5. I was in a brown study. 我刚才走神了。
6. The film will chill you to the marrow. 这部片子能把你吓死。
7. She is stepping out on me. 她对我不忠。
8. It makes me queasy. 我想吐。
9. She’s generous to a fault. 她大方的离谱。
10. We’re over the hump now. 最困难的时刻过去了。
1.How can we break the logjam? 怎样打破僵局呢?
2. I’m otherwise engaged. 我有别的安排。
3. She was relegated / demoted. 她被降职了。
4. He can play hardball. 他可以玩狠的。
5. You’re so yellow. 你是个胆小鬼。
6. Don’t perjure yourself. 别撒谎。
7. I’m not a big fan of the golden mean. 我不懂什么中庸之道。
8. Stop fanning the flames. 别扇风点火了。
9. She’s a Girl Friday. 她是个女助理。
10. There’s life in the old dog yet.小子,姜还是老的辣。
1.He is an underworld kingpin. 他是黑社会老大。
2. We have to make economies. 我们得省着点。
3. Let’s have a night out today. 今晚咱们出去玩吧。
4. It left a bad taste in my mouth. 这事我一想起来就别扭。
5. I just look on you as my brother. 我只把你当哥哥看待。
6. Don’t pull my focus. 别打扰我。
7. We’ll have to play for time. 我们得拖延时间。
8. The blurb was full of hyperbole. 广告充满夸张。
9. I really saw life. 我真是大开眼界。
10. She gave him a demure smile. 她冲他娴静地笑了笑
1. She’s whiter than white. 她假装清纯。
2. She wont'budge. 她根本不听。
3. Dog doesn’t eat dog. 官官相护。
4. The movie is to be vetted. 电影要通过审查。
5. Hang out the white flag. 投降吧。
6. Well, you live and learn. 林子大了什么鸟都有。
7. There’s been a tacit agreement. 已经达成默契。
8. Nip it in the bud. 把它消灭在萌芽状态。
9. I hedge my bets. 我做两手准备。
10.I was washing up. 刚才我正洗漱呢.
1. Our relationship is strictly platonic. 我们的关系很纯洁。
2. We fell out. 我们闹翻了。
3. There’s no need to sustain this relationship. 没必要继续交往了。
4. You can confide in her. 你可以完全信任她。
5.That’s life. 生活就是这样。
6.This is the life! 这才叫生活!
7. She’s been leading him on. 她一直牵着他的鼻子走。
8. All my hard work is nullified. 我全部的心血都泡汤了。
9. He revealed it in an unguarded moment. 他一不小心说漏了。
10.Don’t cast pearls before swine. 不要对牛弹琴。
1.Your face is as white as a sheet. 你脸色怎么那么苍白?
2. Choose the psychological moment. 寻找最佳时机。
3. Hide your light under a bushel. 不要锋芒毕露。
4. I’ve become a beast of burden. 我作牛作马。
5. She’s been cranky all day. 她一整天心情都很糟。
6. Eventually I caved in. 最后我妥协了。
7. I’ve rallied now. 我现在好多了。
8. You make my heart flutter. 你让我心旌摇曳。
9. Jack shall have Jill. 愿有情人终成眷属。
10. He didn’t bat an eyelid. 他连眼都不眨一下。
1. It merits special attention. 值得特别注意。
2. Will there be a recurrence? 会复发吗?
3. Don’t be alarmed. 别慌。
4. The heckler was out on his ear. 搅局者被轰了出去。
5. Reputation passes by word of mouth. 名声要靠口碑。
6. The situation is very fluid. 情况充满变数。
7. More power to you! 再接再厉!
8. I did it by some sleight of hand. 我耍了点花招。
9. I’m sorry to subject you to this trouble. 给您添麻烦了。
10. To our abiding friendship! 我们的友谊地久天长!
1.He did a spoof on the movie. 影片被他恶搞。
2.Are you trying to undercut my authority? 休想削弱我的权威。
3. That’s a good question. 我也不知道。
4. The book won golden opinions. 这本书好评如潮。
5. She’s past her bloom. 她已经徐娘半老。
6. That is so unseemly. 那太不得体了。
7. I don’t want to be dubbed a lion-hunter. 我不想人家说我攀龙附凤。
8. You need to think big. 你得敢想。
9. It’s not unheard-of. 没什么大惊小怪的。
10. You guys are unsung heroes. 你们是无名英雄。
1.She’s solid behind me. 她完全支持我。
2.I’m a man of pronounced views. 我向来观点鲜明。
3. Your accusation is baseless. 你的指责毫无道理。
4. We're not a fly-by-night operator. 我们不做一锤子买卖。
5. Red flag. 危险!
6. He runs after anyone in skirts. 他玩弄女性。
7. How could you lay it at my door? 你怎么能说是我的责任呢?
8. My heart was in my mouth. 我的心都提到嗓子眼了。
9. I’m such a scatterbrain. 我总爱丢三落四。
10. I don’t really have the gift of gab. 我口才不是很好。
1.My jaw dropped. 我大吃一惊。
2. Opposition was feeble. 没遇到什么反对。
3. Don’t rise to the bait. 别上钩。
4. I could have bitten my tongue off. 我恨不得抽自己。
5. I’m filled with remorse. 我满怀愧疚。
6. We all have human frailties. 人无完人。
7. I can feel it in my bones. 我有预感。
8. It’s come to the crunch now. 非做决定不可了。
9. Good things come in small packages. 浓缩的都是精华。
10. The guy couldn't be more servile. 瞧他那点头哈腰的样子。
1.She showed manifest lack of interest. 她明显不感兴趣。
2. That’s just a side issue. 那不是主要问题。
3. Was that a tacit approval? 默认了?
4. Don’t let the genie out of the bottle. 会一发而不可收。
5. Not a moment too soon. 差一点来不及。
6. You can’t have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。
7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手。
8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么?
9. That’s just a cloak for / cover story. 那只是他的幌子。
10. So help me, I will never let you off. 我保证不会放过你。
1. She's a kept woman. 她是个二奶。
2. Courage will carry you through. 勇气会助你渡过难关。
3. I’ll never go cap in hand to him. 我才不会求他。
4. I hate his guts. 我恨死他了。
5. My dad is a real stick-in-the-mud. 我爸是个老古板。
6. Time is of the essence. 时间紧迫。
7. I know him by reputation. 我听说过他。
8. I shall be with you in spirit. 我精神上支持你。
9. He is a thorn in my side. 他是我的眼中钉。
10. Beauty and the beast. 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上了。
1.Can you put it on your expense account? 这个你能报销吗?
2. Water is squirting out. 水滋出来了!
3. Don’t quarrel with your tools. 别拉不出屎来赖茅坑。
4. He went off like a shot. 他噌地一下就跑了。
5. It can be ruinously expensive. 贵得要死。
6. You’ve moved up in the world. 你小子抖起来了。
7. He’s very secretive. 他太内向。
8. Can’t you take a joke? 开个玩笑都不行啊。
9. America is a melting pot. 美国是个大熔炉。
10. New brooms sweep cleaner. 新官上任三把火。
1.I’m just a tinpot manager. 我只是个小小的经理。
2. She gave me a brush-off. 她对我爱搭不理的。
3. The writing is on the wall. 不祥之事就要发生。
4. We’re expecting a full house tonight. 今晚将座无虚席。
5. Cross the bridge when we get to it. 车到山前必有路。
6. I’m of two minds. 我犹豫不定。
7. This is a perennial problem. 这是个老大难问题。
8. That’s not saying much. 这话等于没说。
9. She wears skimpy dresses. 她穿着暴露。
10. Don’t learn it by rote. 别死记硬背。
1.Sorry, I’m booked up. 对不起,我另有安排了。
2. She’s a tough cookie. 她可不是个善茬儿。
3. Don’t obfuscate the main issue. 别故弄玄虚。
4. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. 当官的太多,干活的太少。
5. Something is in the air. 要出事。
6. First love is engraved on our mind forever. 初恋刻骨铭心。
7. Its only saving grace is ... 唯一可取之处是……
8. It’s just a measly present. 微薄小礼而已。
9. Many work by fits and starts. 很多人都是三天打鱼,两天晒网。
10. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。
1. He was met with hoots of derision. 人们冲他喝倒彩。
2. In the end I just lost it. 最后我还是发火了。
3. That’s vindictive. 这是在报复。
4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会哭的孩子有糖吃。
5. I admire your serenity. 真佩服你的冷静。
6. My wife is the gnome of Zurich. 财政大权在我老婆手里。
7. It’s amateurish. 太不专业了。
8. Stop papering over your cracks. 别描了,越描越黑。
9. My enthusiasm was blunted. 我的心凉了一半。
10. Well, the knives are out for me. 这下可好,大家都冲我来了。
1.That guy is a slippery customer. 那小子是个老油条。
2. Sales are flat / slack. 销售平平。
3. When Greek meets Greek. 棋逢对手。
4. First loves are indelibly etched into our minds. 初恋刻骨铭心。
5. It’s the jack in office that causes problems. 小鬼难缠。
6. He swears black is white. 他睁眼说瞎话。
7. That song is before the Flood. 那首歌太老了。
8. She was a budding genius. 她是一颗冉冉升起的新星。
9. I don’t think you realize the enormity of the problem. 你不知道问题有多严重。
10. My conscience is restless. 我良心不安。
1.The weather was rotten. 天气糟透了。
2. The word has a pejorative overtone. 这个单词有点贬义。
3. You backed the wrong horse. 你找错人了。
4. He rings up chat lines all the time. 他老打信息台。
5. The bird has flown. 人去楼空了。
6. The price is extortionate. 太贵了。
7. We offer sizeable rake-offs. 我们回扣给的很多。
8. He lacks in guile. 他这人没什么心机。
9. Get a frame?杀一盘?
10. On your mark … get set … go! 各就各位,预备,跑!
1.I said a few words off the cuff. 我即兴讲了几句。
2. By rights, I owe you an apology. 按理说,我得向你道歉。
3. Fear is contagious. 恐慌会传染。
4. Will they reimburse you? 报销吗?
5. Your eyes are tantalizing. 你的眼睛让人心猿意马。
6. Don’t tamper with the machine. 别瞎鼓捣机器。
7. OK, I’ll play along. 他不是想玩吗?OK,我陪他玩。
8. The song failed to catch fire. 这首歌没火起来。
9. I’m biding my time. 我在等待时机。
10. Any stick will serve to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。
1.I’ll give you the first refusal. 我给你优先权。
2. Let’s get down to brass tacks. 咱们讨论实质问题吧。
3. It’s half the battle. 这就成功了一半了。
4. It’d open up a Pandora’s box. 麻烦会接踵而来。
5. You can find a girl like that all over the place. 这种女孩到处都是。
6. The place abounds with bars. 那地方酒吧林立。
7. The system is iniquitous. 体制不公正。
8. Your corners are knocked off. 你的棱角被磨平了。
9. It’s her sore spot. 这是她的痛处。
10. I wager you 10 yuan. 我敢跟你赌十块钱。
1.The memories are hazy now. 记忆已经模糊了。
2. Our marriage is rock solid. 我们的婚姻很稳固。
3. Now you're talking. 这个主意还不错。
4. How could you hold it back ? 你干吗瞒我呀?
5. He was born by cesarean. 他是妈妈破腹产生的。
6. We go straight for the jugular. 我们一剑封喉。
7. Obviously the speech lacked punch . 很明显,演说缺少感染力。
8. The photo is unflattering . 你人比照片上好看。
9. Don’t rake up the past. 不要翻旧帐。
10. What's your star sign? 你是哪个星座的?
1.Everyone is subject to the rule of law. 法律面前,人人平等。
2. I'm dumbfounded. 靠,我倒。
3. He’s a real Sphinx. 他喜怒不形于色。
4. I’m a gofer. 我只是个跑腿儿的。
5. I’m not worried. I have a friend at court. 我不担心。
6. You bear all the hallmarks of a playboy. 你具备花花公子的一切特征。
7. I wanted the ground to open up. 我恨不得找个地缝钻下去。
8. That was out of character of her. 依她的个性,她不大可能这么做。
9. It’s blistering heat outside. 外面太热了。
10. I saw you ogling her. 我看见你朝她抛媚眼了。
1.Don’t look at the world through dark glasses. 别那么悲观。
2. You're not aware of the seamy side of life. 你还没有见到社会的阴暗面。
3. Stop equivocating. 别模棱两可的。
4. I’m a glutton for books. 我爱书如命。
5. Her face is her fortune. 她全仗着那张脸蛋儿。
6. How did you fare in the test? 你考的怎么样?
7. My girlfriend can be very erratic. 我女朋友忽冷忽热的。
8. You have a skin like a rhinoceros. 你脸皮够厚。
9. You egged me on. 是你鼓动我干的。
10. He’s no oil painting but his girlfriends are legion! 他相貌平平,女朋友却一大堆。
1.Have you ascertained? 你确定了吗?
2. Spare a thought for my situation. 你也想想我的处境行不行?
3. I used to be a martyr to mouth ulcer. 我以前老得口腔溃疡。
4. Don’t work to rule. 不要消极怠工。
5. The silence was deafening. 气氛非常尴尬。
6. Where’s your backbone? 你怎么这么窝囊啊?
7. Give me a leg up since I’m new. 我刚来,请大家多多关照。
8. You’re gonna have to knuckle down. 你得用功啊。
9. He’s a genius, by common consent. 他是公认的天才。
10. Always be the pick of the bunch. 永远做最好的。
1.I was sitting on thorns. 我如坐针毡。
2. The years have mellowed me. 岁月让我成熟。
3. You can’t welch on your promises. 你不能说话不算数啊。
4. Evil deeds are done in the name of good. 多少恶行打着正义的旗号!
5. We fear for your safety. 我们担心你的安全。
6. That’s his express purpose. 他明显为了这个。
7. You go. I’ll stick around. 你走吧。
8. I’m not being facetious. 我不是故意打岔。
9. Get your second wind!重整旗鼓!
10. She glossed it over. 那事她一带而过。
1.They grate on me most. 我最讨厌这种人。
2.He must have gone loopy. 他脑子进水了。
3.He’s trying to muscle in. 他想干涉这件事。
4.I’ll have the world at my feet!我要出人头地!
5.Well, thereby hangs a tale. 这说起来可话长了(幽默)。
6.Crisis averted. 危机解除了。
7.I salivate over your beauty, sugar. 宝贝儿我对你的美色垂涎三尺。
8. The plot thickens. 情况有变(幽默)。
9. Do you have a death wish or something? 你找死啊你?
10. Everybody is searching fame and fortune. 大家都在追名逐利。
1.Don’t worry. I’m the soul of discretion. 放心吧。
2.He’s a computer buff. 他是计算机牛人。
3.He’s a scrooge. 他太抠门儿了。
4.We’ll have to eke it out. 我们得将就着点。
5.I didn’t just come into town on the turnip truck. 你以为我村儿里来的?(我没那么土)6.He’s got a volatile temper. 他喜怒无常。
7.Savvy? 明白吗?
8.The heady days of my youth are gone. 我不像年轻时那么冲动了。
9. Fancy meeting you here! Likewise. 见到你真高兴!我也是。
10. She’s got a new toy boy. 她又找了个小白脸儿。
1.My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together. 我的工资仅够维持生计。
2.Count your blessings. 你知足吧。
3.Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well-done? 您的牛排要三分熟,五分熟,还是全熟?
4.Steer clear of trouble. 少管闲事。
5.You better hew to the line. 你最好守规矩。
6.What’s cuter than that? 你嘴巴真甜。
7.The rarer it is, the more it is worth. 物以稀为贵。
8.YOU brought it up. 是你先提这件事的。
9.It is bred in the bone.本性难移。
10. I’ll give you the lowdown. 我会告诉你关键信息。
1.I was only a hick town lad at that time. 当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。
2.She’s such a pathological liar. 她撒谎成性。
3.I need to confer with my lawyer. 我要见我的律师。
4.How’s he like? Warts and all. 他这人怎么样?照实说(不要隐瞒他的缺点)。
5.Survival of the fittest. God’s honest truth. 适者生存,天经地义。
6. You can’t fight destiny. 人不能跟命争。
7. They exchanged conspiratorial glances. 他们交换了一下眼色。
8. Grandpa is old but hale. 爷爷真是老当益壮。
9. Three bourbons, straight up. 三杯波旁威士忌,不加冰。
10. We must not flinch. 我们不能退缩。
1.He was paid 2 m to endorse the product. 他代言费拿了两百万。
2.I can’t stand weak coffee. 咖啡太淡我可受不了。
3.Give him no breathing room. 不要给他喘息的机会。
4.I decide to opt out. 我决定撤出。
5.We charge a flat rate of $ 20 per hour. 我们每小时固定收费20美元。
6.The patient is doubly incontinent. 病人大小便失禁。
7.We can’t afford to incur the wrath of the public. 我们不能激起民愤。
8.It’s just one of her little idiosyncrasies. 她就这毛病。
9.Don’t be sparing with your praise. 不要吝惜你的赞美。
10.Your ability is occult. 你简直神了。
1.Examples abound. 例子举不胜举。
2.Free time is at a premium for him. 他很少有空。
3.I stopped short of telling him, but only just. 我差点告诉他。
4.Draw / pull up a chair and sit before me. 拉把椅子过来。
5.It takes true grit to do it. 做这件事需要真正的勇气。
6.It’s my idea of sheer bliss. 我认为这才是真正的幸福。
7.Stop badgering me. 别磨我了。
8.Sorry for that. I didn’t mean to snub. 我绝非有意怠慢。
9.Don’t overtax yourself. 别累着自己。
10.To be candid, it’s your fault. 坦率地说,是你的错
1. You’re so deft. 你够敏捷啊。
2. I have a general malaise. 我浑身无力。
3. The children were boisterous. 孩子太吵了。
4. Don’t allow the heart to rule the head. 别感情用事。
5. He dips his pen in gall. 他的文字尖酸刻薄。
6. It’s the ultimate test of mind over matter. 这绝对是意志的考验。
7. Speak your mind. 有话直说。
8. You’re as bold as brass. 你脸皮够厚。
9. Your schoolboy humor is really tiresome. 你那没品的幽默真把人累死。
10. He sounds a bit pompous. 他说话有点装腔作势。
1. It’s useless to reproach yourself. 自责是没用的。
2. That dress is just tawdry. 那条裙子太俗艳了。
3. Put your own house in order first! 先拿镜子照照自己!
4. You always claim the moral high ground. 就你自己是君子。
5. My leg went into spasm. 我的腿突然痉挛。
6. I feel so drab. 真是无聊啊。
7. He cried in spells. 他哭一阵停一阵。
8. It’s historical regression. 这是历史的倒退。
9. I actually have an agenda. 其实我有事找你。
10. That was an error of judgment. 判断失误。
1.That’s an insult to my intelligence. 简直侮辱我的智慧。
2. He looked lethargic.他好像无精打采的。
3. I don’t hold out much hope.我不抱多大希望。
4. You got to be wary.你得提防着点。
5. No frills, please.不要添枝加叶。
6. You’re spoiled for choice.你挑花眼了。
7. No one can spike my guns.谁能阻挡我。
8. It’s your fond hope.你是一厢情愿。
9. You have to grease their palms.你得把他们打点好。
10. She's a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 她是只披着羊皮的狼。
1.You really shone out! 你真是惊艳哪。
2. He’s living in squalor. 他住的地方太脏了。
3. This place is a bear garden. 这儿太吵了。
4. Pulled out all the stops, ah? 招数全使出来了,啊?
5. My stomach flutters when I see her. 一见到她我就紧张。
6. My reputation is in tatters. 我的名声臭了。
7. We set off with glee. 我们兴致勃勃地出发了。
8. You’re in the public eye. 你是公众人物。
9. He has a huge, bulbous nose. 他有个大蒜头鼻子。
10. It’s just an empty threat. 只是虚张声势。
1.Give me some sage advice. 愿听高见。
2. You need to do an ECG (electrocardiograph). 你得做个心电图。
3. I prefer a clear broth. 我喜欢清汤。
4. Rotate your hips, ladys! 姐妹们把胯扭起来!
5. I have one foot in the grave. 我半截身子已经入土了。
6. The team was demoralized. 全队士气大挫。
7. The film is pretty fast and furious. 影片紧凑、刺激。
8. Teething troubles / growing pains are to be expected. 前期会有一些问题。
9. You must banish the thought. 你必须打消这个念头。
10. The bridge was jerry - built. 这座桥属于豆腐渣工程。
1.She only worships Mammon. 她非常拜金。
2. You’re harking back to that crap all the time! 你怎么老提这事?
3. With this money we could live like a lord. 有了这笔钱,我们可以享尽荣华富贵。
4. He fumbled the catch. 他没接住那个球。
5. Baggy clothes cover a multitude of sins. 宽松的衣服遮百丑啊。
6. No need to doll yourself up. 没必要打扮得花枝招展的。
7. The climate is temperate. 天气很温和。
8. You’re so unsporting. 你太不光明正大了。
9. Have you gone all the way? 你们上床了吗?
10. Are you trying to psych me out? 你想给我来个下马威?
1.Let’s get to the heart of the matter. 我们进入主题吧。
2. I had to be cruel to be kind. 为了你好,我必须那么做。
3. That really brought home to me the gravity. 我明白了事情的严重性。
4. You’re so unyielding. 你够倔啊。
5. We’re vanquished. 我们被击败了。
6. There’s a growing disenchantment. 怀疑与日俱增。
7. Ask him. He knows his stuff. 问他。
8. Give her CPR! 快做人工呼吸!
9. This is the power of the old school tie. 这就是同学会的威力。
10. He knows nothing but brute force. 他只会逞匹夫之勇。
1.We never condone violence. 对暴力我们绝不姑息。
2. I prefer to live in a world of my own. 我喜欢活在自己的世界里。
3. There’s a time and place. 总得分场合啊。
4. Don’t put all your goods in the window. 不要锋芒毕露。
5. You can’t bend people to your will. 你不能把意志强加于人。
6. You should take the pills on an empty stomach. 药得空腹吃。
7. It’s a real body blow. 这真是沉痛的一击。
8. I’m loath to do it. 我实在不想干。
9. You’ve made your point abundantly clear. 你的意思我很清楚。
10.You better have a booster. 你最好打一剂加强针。
1.Don’t fatigue yourself unnecessarily. 不要累着自己。
2. I’m disoriented. 我不知何去何从。
3. You’ve got sex on the brain. 你满脑子都是男女之事。
4. Don’t mix with those low life. 别跟那些人渣打交道。
5. I’m never going to live it down. 我以后没脸见人了。
6. You’re just a copycat! 你只知道模仿别人。
7. He’s a trimmer. 你特会见风使舵。
8. Horses for courses. 术业有专攻。
9. Many students were mown down. 很多学生被屠杀。
10. The play was a total flop. 演砸了。
1.It’s just chickenfeed for him. 对他来说,那点钱只是九牛一毛。
2. Your house would be repossessed. 你的房子会被收回的。
3. You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. 一不做,二不休。
4. He’s world-weary and cynical. 他愤世嫉俗。
5. Our teacher is a real disciplinarian. 我们的老师很严厉。
6. They work hand and glove. 他们狼狈为奸。
7. It happened more by contrivance than by chance. 这事有人设计。
8. Temper your criticism. 批评不要太尖锐。
9. We have to scale back. 我们得缩小规模。
10. You’ve got goose bumps. 你都起鸡皮疙瘩了。
1.He is the alpha male. 他是老大。
2. There’s a Trojan horse.有内奸。
3. Things are looking black.前景不妙。
4. No room to swing a cat.连个站脚的地方都没有。
5. It is my baptism of fire.这是我的第一个挑战。
6. The man is paralytic right side.他右半身麻痹了。
7. I support you unequivocally.我明确支持你。
8. The firm lacks cohesive force.公司没有凝聚力。
9. I’m ravenous.我快饿死了。
10. I refused point-blank.我断然拒绝。
1.The pressure continued unabated. 压力丝毫未减。
2. She’s an iron hand in a velvet glove.她外柔内刚。
3. My husband is a lucid speaker. 我老公说话很清晰。
4. The business is on the ropes.生意岌岌可危。
5. Many girls want to marry into the purple.很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。
6. I have a strange foreboding.我有一种不祥的感觉。
7. Take it with a grain of salt.别全当真。
8. He got the pink slip.他被解雇了。
9. Ignorance is bliss. 无知是福。
10. You’ve been living in a fool’s paradise.你傻并快乐着。
1.Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要乃创造之母。
2. Don’t worry. I’ve got his number. 不用担心。
3. Apply the cream liberally. 多抹点。
4. We reached a gentleman's agreement. 我们订了个君子协定。
5. It’s his sore point. 那是他的痛处。
6. The guy eyed me up. 他色迷迷地打量我。
7. There’s every prospect of success. 成功的希望很大。
8. Hey, get off your high horse. 别盛气凌人的。
9. What an underhanded intrigue! 多么卑鄙的伎俩!
10. Let me kill the fatted calf for you. 我要为你接风洗尘。
1.I smell a rat. 我觉得有点不对劲。
2. It could be a good conversation piece. 这是个很好的谈资。
3. The puzzle well and truly foxes me. 这个谜真把我难住了。
4. I’m a loner / lone wolf. 我不喜欢交际。
5. The specter of war looms. 战争的阴云笼罩。
6. I was hypnotized. 我被深深地迷住了。
7. Don't put words in my mouth. 不要血口喷人。
8. He falsified his certificate. 他办了个假证。
9. Crimes are epidemic. 犯罪很猖狂。
10.It’s a labor of love. 干这活我心甘情愿。
1.He won’t play ball. 他不会合作的。
2. The result would be nonsensical. 结局是荒谬的。
3. The plan went like a dream. 计划进展相当顺利。
4. Hypocrisy is my pet aversion. 我最痛恨的就是虚伪。
5. You can’t apply the blanket regulation. 你不能一刀切。
6. Mutton dressed as lamb. 装嫩。
7. Cut the Gordian knot. 快刀斩乱麻。
8. Don’t you dare answer me back! 不要和我顶嘴!
9. They look the other way. 他们睁一只眼闭一只眼。
10. He is fond of vivacious girls. 他喜欢活泼的女孩。
1.Don’t overstate the case. 只讲要点,不必展开。
2. He perked up at the news. 一听到这个消息他立刻振奋起来了。
3. Don’t be petulant. 别使性子。
4. Then I thought better of it. 后来我改变了主意。
5. How time drags! 时间过得真慢啊。
6. Don’t make an ass of yourself. 别出洋相。
7. Were you fluttered? 你慌了吗?
8. I avoid them like the plague. 我避之唯恐不及。
9. This may queer my pitch. 这会打乱我的计划。
10. He’s an insipid old bore. 他这人特没劲。
1.We cream off the most brilliant. 我们只挑最棒的。
2. I looked ludicrous. 我显得跟傻冒似的。
3. You touched a raw nerve. 你犯忌讳了。
4. Wish you a speedy recovery. 祝你早日康复。
5. You can fish in troubled waters. 你可以浑水摸鱼。