Spring ploughing is not harmful for a spring, but teaching children is not harmful for a lifetime.2、春曝死鬼,夏雾做大水。
Spring exposes ghosts to death, summer fog makes water.3、一天能误一个春,十年能误一代人。
One day can miss a spring, ten years can miss a generation.4、立春雪水化一丈,打得麦子无处放。
In the early spring, the snow melted and there was nowhere to put the wheat.5、天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。
The rain in Tianjie is crisp, but the grass is far away.6、年逢双春雨水多,年逢双春好种田。
It rains a lot every spring, and it's good to farm in every spring.7、春天深耕一寸土,秋天多打万石谷。
In spring, one inch of soil is plowed deeply, and in autumn, ten thousand stone valleys are plowed more.8、腊月立春春水早,正月立春春水迟。
Spring water starts early in December and late in January.9、一年始有一年春,百岁曾无百岁人。
There was a spring at the beginning of the year, and there were no centenarians at the age of one hundred.10、年逢双春雨水多,年逢无春好种田。
Head snow cover tile, age is not false.2、一朝春雪一朝满,一朝腊雪一朝晴。
One day spring snow is full, one day wax snow is clear.3、清明断雪,谷雨断霜。
Clear and clear snow, rain and frost.4、大雪不凉,惊蛰不开。
It's not cold in the snow, but it can't catch a sting.5、春雪一分,洪水一尺。
One foot of spring snow and one foot of flood.6、来雪来一日,黄梅水一尺。
One day after the snow comes, the water of Huangmei is one foot.7、冬雪是麦被,春雪是麦鬼。
Winter snow is wheat quilt, spring snow is wheat ghost.8、春雪一朝融,春雨没稻场。
When spring snow melts, spring rain falls on the paddy field.9、小雪飞满天,来岁必丰年。
Snow flying all over the sky, the next year will be a good year.10、雪子暴,百二十。
Snowstorm, 120.11、春雪寒冷,百日不空。
It's cold in spring and snow. It's not empty for a hundred days.12、春雪应秋雨,腊雪应夏雨。
Spring snow should be autumn rain, wax snow should be summer rain.13、大兆丰年,无雪要遭殃。
Heavy snow in winter is a good year.2、立冬节到,快把麦浇。
When the Winter Festival comes, pour the wheat quickly.3、立冬不倒股,就怕雪来捂。
If you don't fall in winter, you will be afraid of the snow.4、麦盖三层被,头枕馍馍睡。
Maigai three bedding, head pillow sleeping.5、冬至雨,小寒见霜冻。
Winter solstice rains, small cold see frost.6、冬至天气晴,来年百果生。
Winter solstice is sunny and fruitful in the coming year.7、今冬大雪飘,来年收成好。
Heavy snow drifts this winter and good harvest next year.8、小雪见晴天,有雪到年边。
It's snowy until the end of the year.9、立冬晴,一冬晴;立冬雨,一冬雨。
Winter is clear, winter is clear, winter is rainy, winter is rainy.10、冬至晴,明年阴雨多。
Winter solstice is sunny, and next year it will rain a lot.11、粮田棉田全冬耕,消灭害虫越冬蛹。
Winter tillage of grain and cotton fields eliminates overwintering pupae of pests.12、冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。
Small thunderstorms, heavy thunderstorms.2、春雨贵似油,多下农民愁。
Spring rains are like oil, causing more farmers to worry.3、播种不过清明关,移栽不过立夏关。
Sowing is not the Qingming Pass, transplanting is not the Lixia Pass.4、重阳无雨春十三,十三无雨一冬干。
Chongyang rainless spring thirteen, thirteen rainless winter dry.5、夜星繁,大晴天。
Night stars, sunny day.6、大寒小寒,无内自寒。
Big cold, small cold, no internal cold.7、谷子上囤,核桃挨棍。
Keep grain and walnuts stick to stick.8、腊雪雪满天,来年定丰年。
Snow and snow cover the sky, and the next year will be abumper year.9、燕子低飞要落雨。
Swallows fly low and rain falls.10、鸡愁雨,鸭愁风。
Chicken worries about rain, duck worries about wind.11、星光含水,雨将临。
Starlight water, rain will come.12、河里浮青苔,毕有大雨来。
The moss floats in the river and there is a heavy rain.13、四季东风四季晴,只怕东风起响声。
Easterly winds are sunny all the year round, fearing only the sounds of the easterly winds.14、天上扫帚云,三天雨降淋。
Head snow cover tile, age is not false.2、一朝春雪一朝满,一朝腊雪一朝晴。
One day spring snow is full, one day wax snow is clear.3、清明断雪,谷雨断霜。
Clear and clear snow, rain and frost.4、大雪不凉,惊蛰不开。
It's not cold in the snow, but it can't catch a sting.5、春雪一分,洪水一尺。
One foot of spring snow and one foot of flood.6、来雪来一日,黄梅水一尺。
One day after the snow comes, the water of Huangmei is one foot.7、冬雪是麦被,春雪是麦鬼。
Winter snow is wheat quilt, spring snow is wheat ghost.8、春雪一朝融,春雨没稻场。
When spring snow melts, spring rain falls on the paddy field.9、小雪飞满天,来岁必丰年。
Snow flying all over the sky, the next year will be a goodyear.10、雪子暴,百二十。
Snowstorm, 120.11、春雪寒冷,百日不空。
It's cold in spring and snow. It's not empty for a hundred days.12、春雪应秋雨,腊雪应夏雨。
Spring snow should be autumn rain, wax snow should be summer rain.13、大兆丰年,无雪要遭殃。
Small cold, big cold, killing pigs for the New Year.2、雨打清明前,春雨定频繁。
Before the rain strikes clear, spring rains must be frequent.3、吃了重阳糕,夏衣就打包。
After eating Chongyang Cake, summer clothes are packed.4、重阳无雨看十三,十三无雨半冬干。
Chongyang no rain see thirteen, thirteen no rain half winter dry.5、清明雨星星,一棵高粱打一升。
Qingming Rainstar, a sorghum, a liter.6、小孩儿小孩儿你别馋,过了腊八就是年。
Children and children, please don't be grumpy, after Laba is the year.7、未食端午粽,破裘不可送。
If you have not eaten the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, you can't send the broken fur.8、重阳无雨,九月无霜。
No rain in Chongyang, no frost in September.9、端午请菩萨,端六发乌贼。
Dragon Bodhisattva, six-haired squid.10、清明刮动土,要刮四十五。
In the Qingming Dynasty, when scraping the soil, it is necessary to scrape forty-five.11、八月十五云遮月,正月十五雪打灯。
Heavy snow in winter is a good year.2、立冬节到,快把麦浇。
When the Winter Festival comes, pour the wheat quickly.3、立冬不倒股,就怕雪来捂。
If you don't fall in winter, you will be afraid of the snow.4、麦盖三层被,头枕馍馍睡。
Maigai three bedding, head pillow sleeping.5、冬至雨,小寒见霜冻。
Winter solstice rains, small cold see frost.6、冬至天气晴,来年百果生。
Winter solstice is sunny and fruitful in the coming year.7、今冬大雪飘,来年收成好。
Heavy snow drifts this winter and good harvest next year.8、小雪见晴天,有雪到年边。
It's snowy until the end of the year.9、立冬晴,一冬晴;立冬雨,一冬雨。
Winter is clear, winter is clear, winter is rainy, winter is rainy.10、冬至晴,明年阴雨多。
Winter solstice is sunny, and next year it will rain a lot.11、粮田棉田全冬耕,消灭害虫越冬蛹。
Winter tillage of grain and cotton fields eliminates overwintering pupae of pests.12、冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。
There are three days of snow in winter and ten years of humanity.13、雨水泥泞溅一身,冰地摔倒伤骨筋。
The winter solstice did not frost, but the summer solstice dried up the Yangtze River.2、化雪地结冰,上路要慢行。
Ice on snow, slow on the road.3、冬至无雨,来年夏至旱。
There is no rain in winter solstice and drought in summer next year.4、立冬北风冰雪多,立冬南风无雨雪。
Winter is full of snow and snow in the north, but no rain and snow in the south.5、冬至在月头,无被不用愁。
Winter solstice in the month, no need to worry.6、立冬不倒股,不如土里捂。
It's better to cover in the soil than to pour stocks in the beginning of winter.7、立冬种豌豆,一斗还一斗。
When peas are planted in winter, a bucket is worth a bucket.8、田要冬耕,羊要春生。
The fields should be plowed in winter and the sheep should be born in spring.9、冬耕灭虫,夏耕灭荒。
Winter tillage eliminates insects and summer tillage eliminates waste.10、冬至毛毛雨,夏至涨大水。
The winter solstice drizzles and the summer solstice floods.11、立冬东北风,冬季好天空。
Winter is better than dung heap, and next year is better than grain heap.2、人怕信心齐,虎怕成群。
People fear confidence, tigers fear crowds.3、水是庄稼血。
Water is the blood of crops.4、馋人家里没饭吃,懒人家里没柴烧。
There is no food in a glutton's house and no firewood in a lazy one.5、塘深鱼肥,垄高薯壮。
Pond deep fish fertilizer, Ridge High potato strong.6、旱刮东风不下雨,涝刮东风不开天。
Drought blows east wind without rain, waterlogging blows east wind without sky.7、八十不可留餐,九十不可留宿。
Eighty can't stay for meals, ninety can't stay for sleeping.8、日落胭脂红,无雨便是风。
Sunset carmine, no rain is the wind.9、穿山甲,王不留,妇女服了乳汁流。
Pangolin, Wang Buliu, women wear milk flow.10、伏里种豆,收也不厚。
Voli does not grow beans very well.11、无事不登三宝殿。
Never go to the temple for nothing.12、豆腐多了一泡水,空话多了无人信。
Tofu is a bubble of water, empty talk is not believed.13、开渠挖江,气死龙王。
Spring ploughing is not harmful for a spring, but teaching children is not harmful for a lifetime.2、春曝死鬼,夏雾做大水。
Spring exposes ghosts to death, summer fog makes water.3、一天能误一个春,十年能误一代人。
One day can miss a spring, ten years can miss a generation.4、立春雪水化一丈,打得麦子无处放。
In the early spring, the snow melted and there was nowhere to put the wheat.5、天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。
The rain in Tianjie is crisp, but the grass is far away.6、年逢双春雨水多,年逢双春好种田。
It rains a lot every spring, and it's good to farm in every spring.7、春天深耕一寸土,秋天多打万石谷。
In spring, one inch of soil is plowed deeply, and in autumn, ten thousand stone valleys are plowed more.8、腊月立春春水早,正月立春春水迟。
Spring water starts early in December and late in January.9、一年始有一年春,百岁曾无百岁人。
There was a spring at the beginning of the year, and there were no centenarians at the age of one hundred.10、年逢双春雨水多,年逢无春好种田。
It's snowy and wheat is good.2、干菜晒满筐,不怕年景荒。
Dry vegetable baskets are full of sunshine, not afraid of the shortage of the year.3、冬至不冷,夏至不热。
Winter solstice is not cold, summer solstice is not hot.4、大雪纷纷落,明年吃馍馍。
Snow falls in succession, and next year we will eat steamed buns.5、雷打冬,十个牛栏九个空。
Thunder beats winter, ten bullpens nine empty.6、冬至有雨雨水多,冬至无雨雨水少。
There is more rain and rain in winter solstice, but less rain in winter solstice.7、今年麦子雪里睡,明年枕着馒头睡。
This year wheat sleeps in the snow, and next year it sleeps on steamed buns.8、秋蝉叫一声,准备好过冬。
The autumn cicada cried out, ready for winter.9、立冬无雨一冬晴。
There is no rain in the beginning of winter and no sunshine in the whole winter.10、冬耕宜早不宜晚。
It is advisable to plow early rather than late in winter.11、冬至在月头,无被不用愁。
Winter solstice in the month, no need to worry.12、冬至无雨过年雨,冬至下雨过年晴。
Winter solstice is not cold, summer solstice is not hot.2、冬至强北风,注意防霜冻。
Winter solstice strong North wind, pay attention to frost prevention.3、冬天把粪攒,来年好种田。
Save dung in winter and farm well in the coming year.4、光会用,不会修,到老是个离八头。
It can only be used, it can't be repaired. It's always a long way off.5、冬至有霜年有雪。
The winter solstice has frost and snow.6、立冬温渐低,管好母幼畜。
Winter temperature is getting lower and better control of mother and young animals.7、种麦到立冬,费力白搭工。
When wheat is planted to the beginning of winter, it takes a lot of work.8、今年大雪飘,明年收成好。
It's snowing this year, and the harvest will be good next year.9、冬至在月头,无被不用愁。
Winter solstice in the month, no need to worry.10、立了冬,把地耕。
Winter was set up and the land was plowed.11、一遍生,二遍熟,三遍不用问师傅。
Once born, twice cooked, three times without asking the master.12、冬至无雨一冬晴。
Heavy snow in winter is a good year.2、立冬节到,快把麦浇。
When the Winter Festival comes, pour the wheat quickly.3、立冬不倒股,就怕雪来捂。
If you don't fall in winter, you will be afraid of the snow.4、麦盖三层被,头枕馍馍睡。
Maigai three bedding, head pillow sleeping.5、冬至雨,小寒见霜冻。
Winter solstice rains, small cold see frost.6、冬至天气晴,来年百果生。
Winter solstice is sunny and fruitful in the coming year.7、今冬大雪飘,来年收成好。
Heavy snow drifts this winter and good harvest next year.8、小雪见晴天,有雪到年边。
It's snowy until the end of the year.9、立冬晴,一冬晴;立冬雨,一冬雨。
Winter is clear, winter is clear, winter is rainy, winter is rainy.希望对您有帮助,谢谢10、冬至晴,明年阴雨多。
Winter solstice is sunny, and next year it will rain a lot.11、粮田棉田全冬耕,消灭害虫越冬蛹。
Winter tillage of grain and cotton fields eliminates overwintering pupae of pests.12、冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。
Many clothes are cold, no clothes are not afraid of cold.2、好人老睡成病人,病人老睡成死人。
A good man always sleeps like a sick man, and a sick man always sleeps like a dead man.3、舌长事多,夜长梦多。
The tongue is long, the night is long and the dream is long.4、眼大肚子小,眼馋肚子饱。
Big eyes and small stomach, full eyes and stomach.5、冷言冷语交不得,冷饭冷菜吃不得。
Cold words can not be handed in, cold food can not be eaten.6、吃饭海碗,做事闪西风。
Eat a sea bowl and do things in a westerly fashion.7、好吃不过粗茶饭,好看不过素打扮。
It tastes good, but it looks good, but it looks plain.8、食可饱而不必珍,衣可暖而不必华。
Food can be full without treasure, clothes can be warm without luxury.9、管他冒风不冒风,三片生姜一根葱。
No matter how cold he is, three slices of ginger and one onion.10、肚饥糠也好,饭饱肉嫌肥。
When wheat is planted to the beginning of winter, it takesa lot of work.2、今年大雪飘,明年收成好。
It's snowing this year, and the harvest will be good next year.3、立冬补冬,补嘴空。
Make up for the winter and make up for the empty mouth.4、过了大寒,又是一年。
After the cold, another year.5、立冬种豌豆,一斗还一斗。
When peas are planted in winter, a bucket is worth a bucket.6、秋冬耕地如水浇,开春无雨也出苗。
In autumn and winter, cultivated land is irrigated and seedlings emerge in spring without rain.7、秋冬多耕地,来年多打粮。
More arable land in autumn and winter and more grain in the coming year.8、干菜晒满筐,不怕年景荒。
Dry vegetable baskets are full of sunshine, not afraid of the shortage of the year.9、冬至无雪刮大风,来年六月雨水多。
Winter solstice has no snow and strong wind, and rains will be plentiful in June next year.10、追肥浇水接划搂,三个环节要紧扣。
Topdressing, watering and scratching are three key links.11、熟能生巧,巧能生精。
The spring equinox brings strong winds, and the middle of April.2、无籽穗子长得高,无知之人更傲慢。
The seedless ears grow taller, the ignorant are more arrogant.3、雷打立春节气节,惊蛰雨不歇。
Thunderstorm starts the Spring Festival season and stings and rains continue.4、春分春分,昼夜平分。
Spring equinox, Equinox Day and night.5、春争日,夏争时。
Spring contends for days, summer contends for time.6、三月三月,一日剥皮,三日盖被。
March, March, one day peeling, three days cover.7、麦不封垄,松耪不停。
The wheat does not close the ridge and loosen continuously.8、秋前秋后一场雨,白露前后一场风。
A rain before and after autumn, a wind before and after dew.9、要吃丰收瓜,冬天把窝挖。
We should eat plentiful harvest melons and dig our nests in winter.10、家里土,地里虎,土倒土,两石五。
Home soil, land tiger, soil dump, two stone five.11、春分无雨到清明。
There is no rain until the spring equinox.12、立春节气不晴,还要冷一月零。
Winter solstice is not cold, summer solstice is not hot.2、冬至强北风,注意防霜冻。
Winter solstice strong North wind, pay attention to frost prevention.3、冬天把粪攒,来年好种田。
Save dung in winter and farm well in the coming year.4、光会用,不会修,到老是个离八头。
It can only be used, it can't be repaired. It's always a long way off.5、冬至有霜年有雪。
The winter solstice has frost and snow.6、立冬温渐低,管好母幼畜。
Winter temperature is getting lower and better control of mother and young animals.7、种麦到立冬,费力白搭工。
When wheat is planted to the beginning of winter, it takesa lot of work.8、今年大雪飘,明年收成好。
It's snowing this year, and the harvest will be good nextyear.9、冬至在月头,无被不用愁。
Winter solstice in the month, no need to worry.10、立了冬,把地耕。
Winter was set up and the land was plowed.11、一遍生,二遍熟,三遍不用问师傅。
Once born, twice cooked, three times without asking the master.12、冬至无雨一冬晴。
The southeast breeze produces fog while the northwest breeze eliminates fog.2、雷打正月节,二月雨不歇。
Thunderstorm strikes the first lunar festival, and February rains never stop.3、立冬蚕豆小雪麦,一生一世赶勿着。
Winter horsebean, snow wheat, a lifetime rush.4、打了春赤脚奔,挑荠菜拔茅针。
Spring barefoot, pick shepherd's purse and pull out needles.5、吃了端午粽,还要冻三冻。
After eating the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, we need to freeze three times.6、江南三足雪,米道十丰年。
Sanzu snow in the south of the Yangtze River is the best year of Midao.7、星眨眼,雨点点;星闪闪,要变天。
Stars blink, raindrops; stars twinkle, to change the sky.8、腊雪春溶,棉花堆到正梁。
The snow melts in spring, and the cotton piles up to the main beam.9、冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。
There are three days of snow in winter and ten years of humanity.10、雨前有风雨不久,雨后无风雨不停。
Not long before the rain, there was no wind and rain after the rain.11、星星眨眼,有雨不起。
虽然,南方很少见雪,但雪依然是我们所向往的,雪的洁白晶莹.下面是小编给大家带来的冬天英语谚语合集3篇,希望能够帮助到大家!冬天英语谚语合集1Return on a snowy night. An old man fishing in the cold River-Snow.雨雪瀌瀌,见晛曰消Rain and snow Biao Biao, see Xian said.瀌瀌:雪盛的样子;一说犹“飘飘”。
Biao Biao: snow sung the way; that Jude" durian". Xian; the heat of the sun. Yue: expletive, has no real meaning.《诗经·小雅·角弓》" Poetry Xiaoya horn bow"寒风摧树木,严霜结庭兰The cold wind and trees, blue frost node Tribunal汉·乐府古辞《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》Han Yuefu Poems for the ancient words," Jiao Zhongqing wife as"凄凄岁暮风,翳翳经日雪。
倾耳无希声,在目皓已洁With the wind, veiled by the day snow. Listen without Greek voice, in the eye of Hao has clean凄凄:寒凉。
I: cold. Veiled: dark. Greek: less. In the eye: the eyes can see. White: white.冬天英语谚语合集2People don't want to give up their SUVs. They don't want toturn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer.Ed Begley, Jr.Thus, during the winter of 2003 I ventured into a new arena as a professional photographer.Janine TurnerWell, I was born in Miami, and then I lived for a long time in Tallahassee, and before that, Winter Haven, which is a tiny town in Florida. I was not a city girl.Cheryl HinesI toured Ontario in the winter of '48, in a touring company of The Drunkard, in which I played the bartender.Jonathan FridLast winter when I was coming home from church one Thursday evening, I saw somebody run around the house again.I told my father of that.Lizzie Andrew BordenI have a really basic uniform: in winter, black tights and any old dress that I can throw on. In summer, high-waisted jeans and this shirt, or that shirt, and a cashmere cardigan just in case.Claudia SchifferOne of the best gifts you can give to an animal is a donation of a blanket to your local animal shelter during the winter months.Carrie Ann InabaOnce something has outlived its usefulness in one area of life, its purpose for being in existence is no longer the same. The leaf that captures a stream of sunlight, and then transfers its energy to the tree, serves one purpose in the spring and summer, and another completely different one through the fall and winter.Guy FinleyI'm not a huge L.A. fan, but I go there for the winter everyyear. We usually rent a house and have massive house parties.Benny Blanco冬天英语谚语合集3Winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows.Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white.Everything is shining in the sun.冬天是个美丽的季节,尤其是下雪的日子。
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It's snowy and wheat is good.2、干菜晒满筐,不怕年景荒。
Dry vegetable baskets are full of sunshine, not afraid of the shortage of the year.3、冬至不冷,夏至不热。
Winter solstice is not cold, summer solstice is not hot.4、大雪纷纷落,明年吃馍馍。
Snow falls in succession, and next year we will eat steamed buns.5、雷打冬,十个牛栏九个空。
Thunder beats winter, ten bullpens nine empty.6、冬至有雨雨水多,冬至无雨雨水少。
There is more rain and rain in winter solstice, but less rain in winter solstice.7、今年麦子雪里睡,明年枕着馒头睡。
This year wheat sleeps in the snow, and next year it sleeps on steamed buns.8、秋蝉叫一声,准备好过冬。
The autumn cicada cried out, ready for winter.9、立冬无雨一冬晴。
There is no rain in the beginning of winter and no sunshine in the whole winter.10、冬耕宜早不宜晚。
It is advisable to plow early rather than late in winter.11、冬至在月头,无被不用愁。
Winter solstice in the month, no need to worry.12、冬至无雨过年雨,冬至下雨过年晴。
Winter solstice rainless New Year rain, winter solstice rainy New Year sunny.13、西风响,蟹脚痒,蟹立冬,影无踪。
Westerly wind, crab feet itching, crab winter, no trace.14、霜降腌白菜。
Frost down pickles Chinese cabbage. Winter does not make cattle.15、秋冬多耕地,来年多打粮。
More arable land in autumn and winter and more grain in the coming year.16、清爽冬至邋遢年,邋遢冬至清爽年。
Clean winter solstice dirty year, dirty winter solstice dirtyyear.17、麻田搞深翻,麻秆顶破天。
Deep ploughing of the hemp field, the top of the hemp stalk breaks the sky.18、雪盖山头一半,麦子多打一石。
Half of a snow-capped mountain is covered by a stone of wheat.19、冬至阴天,来年春旱。
Winter solstice cloudy day, next spring drought.20、冬至无雨一冬晴。
Winter solstice rainless winter sunny.21、立冬温渐低,管好母幼畜。
Winter temperature is getting lower and better control of mother and young animals.22、冬看山头,春看海口。
Look at the mountains in winter and Haikou in spring.23、冬天耕下地,春天好拿苗。
Plough the land in winter and take the seedlings in spring.24、冬天不护树,栽上保不住。
Trees can't be protected in winter without planting them.25、立冬补冬,补嘴空。
Make up for the winter and make up for the empty mouth.26、立冬之日起大雾,冬水田里点萝。
It is foggy since the beginning of winter and drinks lotus in winter paddy fields.27、种麦到立冬,费力白搭工。
When wheat is planted to the beginning of winter, it takesa lot of work.28、田要冬耕,羊要春生。
The fields should be plowed in winter and the sheep should be born in spring.29、麦子过冬壅遍灰,赛过冷天盖棉被。
The wheat is covered with gray in winter and cotton quilt in cold weather.30、立冬东北风,冬季好天空。
The northeasterly wind in the beginning of winter makes a good sky in winter.31、南风送大寒,正月赶狗不出门。
The south wind sends the cold, and the dogs don't go out in the first month.32、机器不怕用,就怕用后随便扔。
Machines are not afraid to use, they are afraid to throw them away after use.33、冬至饺子夏至面。
Winter solstice dumplings and summer solstice noodles.34、种麦到立冬,来年收把种。
When wheat is planted to the beginning of winter, it will be harvested and planted next year.35、今年大雪飘,明年收成好。
It's snowing this year, and the harvest will be good next year.36、冬至晴,正月雨;冬至雨,正月晴。
Winter solstice is sunny and January rain; Winter solstice is rainy and January is sunny.37、天气渐寒,畜舍堵严。
The weather is getting colder and the barn is blocked up.38、小雪雪漫天,来年必丰产。
It snows all over the sky, and it will be productive in the coming year.39、冬至打霜来年旱。
Winter solstice frost next year drought.40、立冬不倒股,不如土里捂。
It's better to cover in the soil than to pour stocks in the beginning of winter.41、化雪地结冰,上路要慢行。
Ice on snow, slow on the road.42、冬至晴,春节阴。
Winter solstice is clear and Spring Festival is cloudy.43、重阳无雨看冬至,冬至无雨晴一冬。
Chongyang sees the winter solstice without rain, and the winter solstice without rain and sunshine.44、冬至西北风,来年干一春。
Winter solstice northwest wind, next year dry spring.45、牛羊啃一层,最少减一成。
Cattle and sheep chew one layer, at least 10% less.46、雪在田,麦在仓。
Snow is in the field, wheat is in the barn.47、立冬之日起大雾,冬水田里点萝卜。
It's foggy since the beginning of winter. Put some radish in the paddy field in winter.48、冬至下场雪,夏至水满江。
The winter solstice snows and the summer solstice floods the river.49、冬至晴,新年雨,中秋有雨冬至晴。
Winter solstice is sunny, New Year's rain, Mid-Autumn is rainy, Winter solstice is sunny.50、立冬打雷要反春。
In the early winter, thunder will return to spring.51、日均温五度,浇麦好时候。
Average daily temperature 5 degrees, good time for watering wheat.52、晴冬至,年必雨。
Winter solstice brings rain every year.53、立了冬,把地耕。
Winter was set up and the land was plowed.。