




Washing your feet before bed is better than taking tonics.2、富有的孩子似贫穷,贫穷的孩子似富有。

Rich children are like poverty, poor children are like wealth.3、宁可明枪交战,不可暗箭伤人。

Better fight with guns than stab people in the back.4、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

Modesty makes one progress, but pride makes one lag behind.5、棉花云,雨快淋。

Cotton clouds, rain fast.6、天才和懒惰结伴,等于一事无成。

Genius and laziness go hand in hand and accomplish nothing.7、宁可无肉,不可无豆。

Better without meat than without beans.8、人中吕布,马中赤兔。

Lubu in man, red rabbit in horse.9、恩将仇报,借酒还水。

Grace will revenge, borrow wine to return water.10、擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。

Catching dragons is to go to sea and fighting tigers is to go up the hill.11、日落西风住,不住刮倒树。

Sunset and westerly winds keep blowing down trees.12、不会做小事的人,也做不出大事来。

People who can't do small things can't do big things.13、过了河,忘了桥,愈了伤,忘了痛。





Seeing is true, hearing is false.2、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

You get what you grow, you get what you grow.3、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。

Good words are warm in winter, bad words hurt in June.4、春旱不算旱,秋旱减一半。

Spring drought is not drought, autumn drought is reduced by half.5、财主顿顿吃得香,农民天天泪汪汪。

The wealthy eats delicious meals, and the peasants weep every day.6、贪婪之人切莫上山,馋嘴之人切莫留家。

Greedy people must not go up the mountain, greedy people must not stay at home.7、见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。

See people talk and ghosts talk.8、靠山吃山,靠水吃水。

Eat mountains by mountains and water by water.9、南风多雾露,北风多寒霜。

The south wind is foggy and the north wind is frosty.10、急雷雨易停,闷雷天难开。

It's easy to stop thunderstorms, but it's hard to open a dull thunderstorm.11、沟泥、河泥、水杂草,都是省钱好料。

Gully mud, river mud and water weeds are all good materials for saving money.12、有了卧处,就想伸腿。




There are mountains outside, and there are days outside.2、土能生万物。

Earth can make all things.3、一人掘井,众人吃水。

One man digs a well and everyone drinks water.4、宠狗上灶,宠子不孝。

When a pet dog comes to the kitchen, a pet is not filial.5、晴天不见山,下雨三五天。

It rains for three or five days.6、喜新好似快马,持续短于羊尾。

Like a fast horse, like a new horse, lasts shorter than a sheep's tail.7、一季草,两季稻,草好稻好。

One season of straw, two seasons of rice, straw good rice.8、饱了肚,卖了屋。

Full stomach, sold the house.9、不怕少年苦,只怕老来穷。

He is not afraid of the hardships of young people, but of the poverty of old people.10、南方吃雁,北方吃蛋。

The South eats geese while the North eats eggs.11、乌云脚底白,定有大雨来。

Dark clouds and white feet are bound to bring heavy rain.12、不下百籽,不打百担。

No more than a hundred seeds, no more than a hundred burdens.13、聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。





下⾯是⽆忧考整理发布的“简单常⽤的英语谚语三篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考!【篇⼀】简单常⽤的英语谚语 1、近⼭知鸟⾳,近⽔知鱼性。

Close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish. 2、海雀向上飞,有风不等⿊。

The puffin flies upward, the wind does not wait for the dark. 3、⼀层秋⾬⼀层凉。

A layer of autumn rain and a layer of cool. 4、学⽽不厌,诲⼈不倦。

Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching. 5、⽣嘴的要吃,⽣根的要肥。

Eat raw mouths and grow roots. 6、常⽤的铁不锈,常练的⼈不病。

Commonly used iron stainless, often practiced people are not sick. 7、柱⽯脚下潮有⾬。

At the foot of the pillars there was rain and tide. 8、馋⼈家⾥没饭吃,懒⼈家⾥没柴烧。

There is no food in a glutton's house and no firewood in a lazy one. 9、不怕百战失利,就怕灰⼼丧⽓。

If you are not afraid of losing a hundred battles, you are afraid of losing heart. 10、书⼭有路勤为径,学海⽆涯苦作⾈。








Helaughswhenheeatsgoatmeatandweepswhenhepaysfors heepmeat.6、挨金似金,挨玉似玉。







Theeastwindblowsaftertherain,andtherainwillnotstopinthe future.13、庄稼一枝花,全靠肥当家。







Sow early one day before autumn and harvest early one day.2、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

An inch of time and an inch of gold make it difficult to buy an inch of time.3、什么都缺别缺钱,什么都有别有病。

Everything is short of money, everything is different.4、勤洗澡;勤换衣。

Take a bath frequently; change clothes frequently.5、王不留,妇女服了乳汁流。

Wang Buliu, the woman took milk flow.6、水缸穿裙,大雨淋淋。

Dressed in a skirt, the water tank was raining heavily.7、夏吃大蒜冬吃姜,不用医生开药方。

Garlic in summer and ginger in winter do not require a doctor to prescribe.8、雹来顺风走,顶风就扭头。

When hail comes and goes with the wind, it turns its head against the wind.9、人误地一时,地误人一年。

Man errs for a moment and for a year.10、撑死能的,饿死熊的。

He who can support death, starves the bear.11、荞麦是个女儿,要的是点雨儿。




简单的英语谚语大全1、First come, first served.先来先招待。

2、Where there is s will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。

3、No pains,no gains.不劳则无获4、Time and tide wait for no man.时不待人5、Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁6、It‘s never too late to mend.亡羊补牢7、There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪8、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕9、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水珍贵10、Less is more.简单就是美11、A blessing in disguise.因祸得福12、Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌13、Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日14、Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.磨刀不误砍柴功。

15、Seeing is believing.眼见为实16、Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半17、Time flies never to be recalled.光阴一去不复返18、When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗19、He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后谁笑得最美20、Haste makes waste.忙乱易错。


21、Better be envied than pitied.宁被人妒,不受人怜。



最简单的英语谚语在英文中有哪些比拟简单的呢?下面跟大家分享一些英语谚语,希望对大家有所帮助!1、 "After you" is good manners、“您先请”是礼貌。

2、 A bad beginning makes a bad ending、不善始者不善终。

3、 A bad bush is better than the open field、有胜于无。

4、 A bad promise is better than a good lawsuit、吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

5、 A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart、做贼心虚。

6、 A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept、坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

7、 A bad padlock invites a picklock、开门揖盗。

8、 A bad thing never dies、遗臭万年。

9、 A bad workman always blames his tools、不会撑船怪河弯。

10、 A bad workman quarrels with his tools、拙匠常怨工具差。

11、 A bargain is a bargain、达成的协议不可撕毁。

12、 A beggar's purse is bottomless、乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

13、 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush、一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。

14、 A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk、闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

15、 A bird may be known by its song、什麽鸟唱什麽歌。






Academic diligence leads to wealth and thrift.2、河里泛青苔,必有大雨来。

If the river is covered with moss, it will rain heavily.3、病急乱投医,逢庙就烧香。

When the patient is in a hurry, he will burn incense in every temple.4、人嘴两层皮,言是又言非。

A man's mouth has two skin layers: right and wrong.5、蜻蜓千百绕,不日雨来到。

Dragonflies go around in thousands and come in rain every day.6、学习如赶路,不能慢一步。

If you are in a hurry, you can't slow down.7、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。

Bird beauty is in feathers, and man beauty is in diligence.8、小暑一声雷,倒转做黄梅。

Xiao Shu thundered and turned into Huangmei.9、南风刮到底,北风来还礼。

The south wind blows to the end and the north wind returns courtesy.10、豌豆不要粪,只要有灰拌。

Peas don't need dung, as long as they are mixed with ash.11、鱼儿出水跳,风雨就来到。






The seven orifices are stepped aside and come and go at will.2、为贪一口食,舍了四两膘。

Four or two fats were sacrificed for a mouthful of food.3、酒吃头杯,茶吃二盏。

First cup of wine and two cups of tea.4、立秋有雨秋不干。

In autumn there is rain and autumn does not work.5、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not let evil be small, or good be small.6、老鼠过街,人人喊打。

When the mice cross the street, everyone shouts and beats.7、一只鸡蛋吃不饱,一身臭名背到老。

An egg is not enough to eat, and it is notorious all the time.8、寒天饮冷水,点点记心头。

Drink cold water in cold weather and remember.9、财多祸身,欲多伤神。

Wealth is bad, but desire is bad.10、千日造船,一日过江。

Shipbuilding in a thousand days and river crossing in one day.11、不干不净、吃了生病,干干净净、吃了没病。

Not clean, eating sick, clean, eating sick.12、人无完人,金无足赤。



简单的英语谚语大全简单的英语谚语大全1、First come, first served.先来先招待。

2、Where there is s will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。

3、No pains,no gains.不劳则无获4、Time and tide wait for no man.时不待人5、Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁6、It‘s never too late to mend.亡羊补牢7、There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪8、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕9、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水珍贵10、Less is more.简单就是美11、A blessing in disguise.因祸得福12、Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌13、Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日14、Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.磨刀不误砍柴功。

15、Seeing is believing.眼见为实16、Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半17、Time flies never to be recalled.光阴一去不复返18、When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗19、He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后谁笑得最美20、Haste makes waste.忙乱易错。


21、Better be envied than pitied.宁被人妒,不受人怜。






If you want to be strong, don't drink or smoke.2、春不减衣,秋不加帽。

Spring does not reduce clothes, autumn does not add hats.3、鱼吃新鲜米吃熟。

Fish is cooked with fresh rice.4、经常失眠,少活十年。

Often insomnia, live less than ten years.5、吃了十月茄,饿死郎中爷。

After eating the October eggplant, he starved to death.6、吃面多喝汤,免得开药方。

Eat more noodles and drink more soup to avoid prescribing.7、一日三笑,人生难老。

Laughing three times a day makes life difficult.8、多吃咸盐,少活十年。

Eat more salt and live less ten years.9、萝卜出了地,郎中没生意。

When the radish came out, Langzhong had no business.10、春捂秋冻,不生杂病。

Spring covers autumn frozen, no miscellaneous diseases.11、冬不蒙头,春不露背。

Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back.12、常常晒太阳,身体健如钢。



英语谚语⼤全 在平凡的学习、⼯作、⽣活中,⼤家⼀定都听到过很多谚语吧,谚语⼀般是⼀两个短句。


英语谚语 1 1. Never say die.永不⾔败。

2.No cross, no crown.不经历风⾬,怎么见彩虹。

3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。

4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡⽺补牢,为时未晚。

5.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园⼦。

6.No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。

7.No man can do two things at once.⼀⼼不可⼆⽤。

8.No man is born wise or learned.没有⽣⽽知之者。

9.No man is content.⼈⼼不⾜蛇吞象。

10.No man is wise at all times.聪明⼀世,糊涂⼀时。

11.None are so blind as those who won't see.视⽽不见。

12.None are so deaf as those who won't hear.充⽿不闻。

13.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。

14.No one can call back yesterday.昨⽇不会重现。

15.No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

16.No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。

17.No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。

18.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。

19.No smoke without fire.⽆风不起浪。



英语谚语大全简短1. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

2. It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。

3. Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。

4. A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。

5. Learn and live.活着,为了学习。

6. Knowledge starts with practice.实践出真知。

7. Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。

8. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.知识使人谦虚,无知使人傲慢。

9. Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。

10. A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。

11. Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。

12. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。

13. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

14. No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

15. Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

16. Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

17. Genius is nothing but labour and diligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。





sunset does not go out, sunset travels thousands of miles.2、山中无老虎,猴子称大王。

there are no tigers in the mountains. monkeys are called kings.3、黑云接驾,不阴就下。

black clouds take over and go down when it's not cloudy.4、宁可无肉,不可无豆。

better without meat than without beans.5、歹马害群,臭柑豁筐。

malicious horses are harmful to the herd, and malodorous oranges are free from danger.6、泥鳅跳,雨来到。

the loach jumps and the rain comes.7、懒人用长线,拙人用弯针。

a lazy man uses a long thread and a clumsy man a curved needle.8、食鱼要肥,食肉要瘦。

fish should be fat and meat lean.9、路有千条,理只一条。

there are thousands of roads, only one.10、不要怕死,只要怕羞。

don't be afraid of death, just be shy.11、月缺不改光,箭折不改钢。

monthly shortage does not change light, arrow break does not change steel.12、安不忘危,盛必虑衰。




diseases come down like mountains and go away like threads.人在人前闯,刀在石上荡。

people rush in front of people and knives swing on stones.买马要看口齿,交友要摸心底。

buying a horse depends on your mouth and making friends with you.人多出正理,谷多出好米。

more people make sense, more grain makes good rice.宠狗上灶,宠子不孝。

if a pet dog comes to the kitchen, a pet is not filial.见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。

see people talk and ghosts talk.缺口不管好,有水也跑掉。

whatever the gap is, the water runs away.天上堡塔云,地下雨淋淋。

heavenly fortress tower cloud, the ground rain.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.有山必有路,有水必有渡。

where there is a mountain, there is a road, and where there is water, there is a ferry.早晨浮云走,午后晒死狗。

floating clouds in the morning and dogs in the afternoon.吃饭打湿口,洗脸打湿手。





clouds eat fire, rain, fire eats clouds and sunny days.2、不干不净,吃了得病。

not clean, eating sick.3、严冬识贞木,三九见功夫。

winter knows zhenmu, 39 see kungfu.4、眼见财物,心中入魔。

when you see wealth, you are enchanted in your heart.5、土中生白玉,地内出黄金。

white jade grows in the earth, and gold comes out in the earth.6、黑云起了烟,雹子在当天。

black clouds smoked and hail fell that day.7、桃花开,杏花败,李子开花卖薹菜。

peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, plums blossom and sell bolts.8、大处着眼,小处着手。

start from the big and start from the small.9、杨柳发青,百病皆生。

willows are green and all diseases are common.10、强中更有强中手,一山还比一山高。

strong in the middle, strong in the middle, a mountain is higher than a mountain.11、补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。

make up leaks while it is sunny, and read while it is young.12、大雪下成堆,小麦装满屋。




People have to believe in themselves. This is the secret of success.英文谚语你知道多少呢?以下是小编精心收集整理的英语谚语,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。


If you want to live happily, you have to work hard.2、疮怕有名,病怕无名。

A sore is afraid of fame, but a disease of no name.3、贪得一时嘴,瘦得一身肉。

Greedy for a while, thin all over the body.4、不要看红灯花轿,要看老来收梢。

Don't look at the red light sedan chair, look at the old to collect the tip.5、打得一拳去,免得百拳来。

One punch to avoid a hundred.6、上床萝卜下床姜,常吃不用开药方。

Go to bed radish bed ginger, often eat no prescription.7、活动好比灵芝草,何苦去把仙方找。

Activity is like Ganoderma lucidum. Why go to find the immortal prescription.8、夏至冬风摇,麦子坐水牢。

The wind shakes on the summer solstice, and the wheat is ina water prison.9、悲伤忧愁,不如握紧拳头。

It's better to clench your fist when you are sad.10、人黄有病,天黄有雨。




man can't look, sea water can't be measured.2、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。

supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost.3、炕上有病人,地上有愁人。

there are sick people in the kang and sad people on the ground.4、勤勤俭俭粮满仓,大手大脚仓底光。

diligence and thrift fill the barn with grain, but big hands and big feet leave the barn bare.5、谷雨前后栽地瓜,最好不要过立夏。

it's better not to spend summer planting melons before and after grain rain.6、吃不穷,穿不穷,打算不到就受穷。

eat endlessly, wear endlessly, plan not to be poor.7、粮再多,野菜也要备几锅。

no matter how much grain there is, we should prepare pots of wild vegetables.8、刀越磨越亮,劲越练越强。

the sharper the knife, the brighter the strength, the stronger the practice.9、年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。

flowers are similar year by year, but people are different yearby year.10、时间象水,只要去挤总是有的。

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失败是成攻之母practice makes perfect.熟能生巧all roads lead to roma.条条大道通罗马don′t judge a person by the clothes he wears.不能以貌取人don′t count your chickens before they are hatched.切莫过于乐观learn to walk before you run.循序渐进it′s easy to be wise after the event.he sits no sure that sits too high.高处不胜寒。

he that respects not is not respected.欲受人敬,要先敬人。

so said, so done.说到做到。


haste makes waste.忙乱易错。


better be envied than pitied.宁被人妒,不受人怜。

although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.未雨绸缪。

so the world wags.这就是人生。

one can not be in two places at once.一心不可二用。

no weal without woe.福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。

little chips light great fires.星星之火,可以燎原。

like knows like.惺惺相惜。

it is a poor mouse that has only one hole.狡兔三窟。

dreams are lies.梦不足信。

do not teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。

a light heart live long.心情开朗寿命长。


an apple a day keeps the doctor away.日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。

poverty is stranger to industry.勤劳之人不受穷。

deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.考虑要仔细,行动要迅速.one sin opens the door for another. ---german 犯了一次罪恶就会犯另一次罪。

one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

we never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水珍贵less is more.简单就是美a blessing in disguise.因祸得福love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood. 磨刀不误砍柴功。

seeing is believing.眼见为实well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半time flies never to be recalled.光阴一去不复返when in rome, do as roman do.入乡随俗he laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后谁笑得最美deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道还治其人之身look before you leap.三思而后行two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮。

a good beginning makes a good ending. 善始善终a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。

first come, first served.先来先招待。

where there is s will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

no pains,no gains.不劳则无获time and tide wait for no man.时不待人strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁it‘s never too late to mend.亡羊补牢there is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕east or west,home is best.走东串西,还是家里好equal pay for equal work.同工同酬put the cart before the horse.本末倒置pride goes before a fall.骄兵必败reading makes a full man.读书使人完善knowledge is power.知识就是力量failure is the mother of success.Man's best plans often miscrarry. 点击听机器人阅读!神机妙算,常常失算。

Man proposes, God disposes. 点击听机器人阅读!谋事在天,成事在人。

Manners make the man. 点击听机器人阅读!礼貌造就人。

Man is the artificer of his own happiness. 点击听机器人阅读!人之幸福,自己创造。

Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man. 点击听机器人阅读!并非时势造人,而是人造时势。

Man is mortal. 点击听机器人阅读!人生谁无死。

Man is a tool-using animal. 点击听机器人阅读!人是用器之兽。

Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 点击听机器人阅读!人之大敌,自己而已。

Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 点击听机器人阅读!只有人,生下时啼哭,活著时抱怨,去世时失望。

Make yourself necessary to someone. 点击听机器人阅读!使你有益于人。

Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasanttime of it. 点击听机器人阅读!白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。

Make the best of a bad business (or job or bargain). 点击听机器人阅读!身处山穷水尽,力争柳暗花明。

Make hay while the sun shines. 点击听机器人阅读!趁热打铁。

Make haste slowly. 点击听机器人阅读!从容赶急。

Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. 点击听机器人阅读!尽力而为,尽力节约,尽力施舍。

Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak. 点击听机器人阅读!少女应温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。

Know thyself. 点击听机器人阅读!了解自己。

Know something of everything and everything of something. 点击听机器人阅读!既要有一般常识,又要有专业知识。

Know something like the palm of one's hand. 点击听机器人阅读!熟知其事,了如指掌。

Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist. 点击听机器人阅读!只有知识而无实践,只能造就半瓢水的艺术家。

Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application. 点击听机器人阅读!不花力气,不下功夫是得不到知识的。

Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 点击听机器人阅读!知识是万物中最珍贵的财宝,丢不掉,偷不走,也不会损耗。

Knowledge is the antidote to fear. 点击听机器人阅读!知识可以解除恐惧。

Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. 点击听机器人阅读!知识有两种,一种是我们自己知道的东西,另一种是知道哪里可以找到有关的资料。

Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 点击听机器人阅读!学识可使老年时舒适地退隐和有所寄托;但如果年青时不使它扎下根,老年就得不到它的庇护。

Knowledge comes from experience alone. 点击听机器人阅读!知识来自实践。

Knavery may serve, but honestyis best. 点击听机器人阅读!欺诈可能得计,但诚实总是上策。

Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing. 点击听机器人阅读!亲帮亲,邻帮邻,无亲无助你倒霉。

Kind words butter no parsnips. 点击听机器人阅读!画饼充饥。

Kind words are worth much and cost little. 点击听机器人阅读!口头方便不费力。
