
英语口语中委婉拒绝的10种方式英语口语中委婉拒绝的10种方式口语中委婉拒绝的10种方式1. I‘m afraid. 抱歉;对不起I can‘t go with you,I’m afraid. 很抱歉,恐怕我不能和你们一起去。
I can‘t help you,I’m afraid. 对不起,我不能帮助你。
2. I‘m afraid I can’t,but … 恐怕不行……A:Will you please come over this Sunday?星期天能过来吗?B:I‘m afraid I can’t, but I have some clothes to wash. 恐怕不行,我要洗衣服。
3. Thank you,but… 谢谢你,但是……A:Will you join us in a walk?和我们一起散步,好吗?B:Thank you,but I‘d rather not. I have something important to do.谢谢,可是我不能你们一起散步,我有重要的事要做。
4. Thank you for asking me,but… 谢谢你邀请我,但是……A:We are going to have a picnic in the park. Would you come?我们打算去公园野餐,你来吗?B:Thank you very much for asking me,but I‘m not feeling well. 谢谢你邀请我,但我不太舒服。
5. No, thank you / No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢A:Do have another cake. 再吃一块蛋糕吧。
B:No, thank you. 不,谢谢了。
A:Let‘s go for a drive. 我们开车去玩玩吧。
B:No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。
6. I‘m sorry,but… 对不起;很抱歉I‘m sorry, but I must refuse. 很抱歉,我只好拒绝了。

英语口语如何拒绝别人Not all the time to accept and promise to all others, so when necessary will be related to refuse others. Today Xiaobian teach you a few words to others when the commonly used spoken english. It is convenient to use.不是所有时候都能接受并答应别人的所有事情,那么必要的时候就会涉及到拒绝别人。
1、需要我帮忙吗?Can I give you a hand with that?2、多谢了,我自己来Thanks a lot, but I can do it myself。
I’m not in the mood to go out。
Sorry,I‘m busy tonig ht。
I’m afraid I have to leave now。
I can't talk while I’m working。
7、那件事情改天再说好吗?Can I take a arrange check on that?8、我现在还不能定下来I can't make up my mind now。
I‘d love to,but I’m pretty busy no w。
Please excuse me for a little while, I want to do something。
情景对话(Situational Dialogue)Can I give you a hand with that?Thank you, that will be nice.Do you need my help?Thanks a lot, I can do it myself.Shall we go out have something fun?I'm not in the mood to go out.Sahll we go disco tonight?Sorry, I'm busy tonight.Perhaps we can talk about this over dinnner.I'm afraid I have to leave now. Maybe another time.Can you talk about for a second?Sorry, I can't talk about working.Do you sure remember our date tonight?Oh, sorry, Can I take a arrange check on that? I can't make up my mind.Why not, you need a job, Don't hesitate.Do you want to go fishing this weekend.I'd love to, but I'm pretty busy now.Please excuse me for a little while , I want to do something.Go ahead, I’m OK.Grammar exercise语法精炼can I give you a hand with that.Can I give you a hand with your bagCan I give you a hand with your baggage.Thanks a lot, but I can do it myself.No problem, but I can do it myself.That’s ok, but I can do it myself.I’m not in the mood to go out.I’m not in the mood to go out with her.I’m not in the mood to talk to her.Sorry I’m busy tonightS orry, I’m busy this afternoon.Sorry I’m busy this weekend.I’m afraid I have to leave now.I’m afraid I have to do it now.I’m afraid I have to tell him right away.I can’t talk while I am working.I can’t make phone calls while I am working.I can’t sleep while I am working.Can I take a arrange check on that. How about next Monday.Can I take a arrange check on that. How about this weekend.Can I take a arrange check on that . how about tomorrow.I can’t make up my mind right now.He can’t make up his mind right now.She can’t make up her mind right now.I’d love to , but I am pretty busy now.He’d love to but he is pretty busy now.She’d love to , but she is pretty busy now.Please excuse me for a little while, I want to do something.Please excuse me for a little while, I want to eat something.Please excuse me for a little while, I want to drink something.ImproveDo you think it is polite to refuse people directly?What do you think it is the best way to refuse people?Have you had any experience of refusing people?What was the reaction of the person when you refuse him.Are you willing to do everythting for other peopleWhat are the things that you most probably refuse to do for other peopleWell, today's refusal to practical English speaking people to introduce here, welcome to continue to pay attention to line words in english.。

对于别人提出的请求,如果我们不想接受的话,英语中,这里是几种不用说no 就可以拒绝的表达方法,我们一起来看看吧!
Can you help me with my English this weekend?
如果直接拒绝:No, I can’t. 这样的回答显然太生硬。
1. Sorry, I will be away on business when you need me.
2. Er……have you tried Tom?
3. I’d love to help, but I will be away on business at that time.
4. Hmm, I don’t have a lot of time.
5. It may be a bit problematic. I will be away on business at that time.
6. Try me again when I have finished the project.

一些表达拒绝的英语口语1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don't want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You're crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don't bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It's none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What's the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
26. I'm fed up. 我厌倦了。

英文中的委婉表达拒绝有些时候我们必须说不,但如何说才能不使别人不快呢? 英语中这样委婉地拒绝:1. I can't right now, but maybe later.我现在办不了,过会儿再看吧。
2. Unfortunately, I've had a few things come up.不好意思,我手头有一些事情要处理。
3. I'm trying to focus on finishing off some other things.我正忙着处理一些其它的事情呢。
4. I can't at the moment, but I'm happy to help you with so mething else later.这会儿我帮不上忙,不过以后有事我很愿意帮你。
5. Sorry but that isn't my strong suit.不好意思,那个不是我的强项。
6. I'm sure you will do fine on your own.我相信你自己可以做好的。
7. I'm afraid I'm committed to something else.我有别的事情要做。
8. I'm sorry, but I have an emergency to attend to. 不好意思,我有个急事要处理。

英语口语10句:如何婉转的拒绝别人Declining an Invitation 拒绝邀请Some people find that saying "no" to a friend is extremely hard sometimes. Are you this kind of person? If you are tied up and cannot go to your friend's party, how do you say "no" and at the same time sound inoffensive? 拒绝比接受更难。
1. I am sorry to turn you down. 我很抱歉必须拒绝你。
Turn you down 就是拒绝别人的要求。
例如有一次请老美去参加一个party,她说她很抱歉无法参加,就是用的这句I am sorry to turn you down.。
另外男生追女生,女生想拒绝他,也可以用 turn down。
例如I am sorry but I haveto turn you down.。
另外不要忘,turn down 还有一个解释就是把音量或是空调关小。
还有不要把 turn you down 和 let you down 搞混,这二者是完全不同的意思:turn down 表示拒绝,而 let down 则表示让人家失望。
2. I am not interested. 我没有兴趣。
当电话推销员找上门来,这时你要说的就是I am not interested,这样子对方就不会纠缠太久了。
通常在拒绝别人的时候要注意一下说话的语气,像这句 I am not interested.听来就不太客气。
通常要使得拒绝别人的话听来客气一点,只要在句首加上Iam sorry.整句话的口气立刻就不一样了。

1. “This sounds interesting, but I have too much on my plate at the moment.”“听起来很有趣,但是我现在有太多的事情要做。
”When you start your disagreement with a compliment: “this sounds interesting”, it makes the person less defensive and gives you a validreason to decline “I have too much on my plate at the moment”.如果你在表达异议时用赞美开头:“听起来很有趣”,会让人的心理防御降低,这时你可以用正当理由来拒绝,如“我现在有太多的事情要做。
”2. “I’m sorry but last time I did ___, I had a negative experience.”“不要意思,上次我这样做时,我很难受。
”This is a life-saver for me every time I have to explain to people that I do not eat meat. Before I would say that I was a vegetarian, but for some reason this explanation has never worked on hospitable Italian grandmothers. They would try to feed me bacon, sausage and octopuses (yuck!) explaining it with “this is not meat”or “I just put a little in this dish”.当我每次需要向他人解释我不吃肉时,这句话是我的救命稻草。

事实上,英⽂中还有很多词可以⽤来表达否定的意思,让你say “no”不再重复。
【篇⼀】花式拒绝的实⽤英语⼝语 1. No. 2. Nope. 3. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it. 4. Not this time. 5. No thanks, I have another commitment. 6. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time. 7. Sadly I have something else. 8. Unfortunately not. 9. I have something else. 10. Sorry. 11. Apologies, but I can’t make it. 12. Maybe another time. 13. Sounds great, but I can’t commit. 14. I’m booked into something else. 15. I’m not able to make that time. 16. Thanks, but no thanks. (这句话可能听起来会挺有礼貌,但是实际上是当⼀个⼈有⼀点不耐烦或者⽣⽓的时候⽤的。
) 17. I’m not able to make it this week/ month/ year. 18. I’ve got too much on my plate right now. 19. I’m not talking on anything else right now. 20. Bandwidth is low, so I won’t be able to make it work. 21. I wish I could make it work. 22. Not possible. 23. I wish I were able to. 24. If only I could! 25. I’d love to – but can’t. 26. I’m slammed. 27. Perhaps next season when things clear up. 28. I’m at the end of my rope right now, so I’ll have to take a rain check. (take a rain check 表⽰“延期约会”“改天再约”) 29. If only it worked. 30. I’ll need to bow out. 31. I’m going to have to exert my NO muscle on this one. 32. I’m talking some time. 33. Thanks for thinking of me, but I can’t. 34. Nah. (Neh/Nah ⽤于⽐较熟悉的⼈之间,⼀般是家⼈,或关系很亲近的⼈,⽐较⼝语化的拒绝。

说”No”或许不难,但是你知道该如何表达,才能有礼貌的拒绝对方,既得体又不会让彼此尴尬吗?Let’s talk的Niharika老师整理出了范例,教你如何有礼貌又委婉地拒绝他人,并且演示了三种不同的情境,告诉你该怎么表达才得体!快来看看这篇超实用的文章吧。
1. 当别人向你请求帮助,但你要委婉地拒绝:I would love to help you, but …I wish I could help you, but …Normally I would be able to, but … or Normally I would say yes, but…Unfortunately now is not a good time for me…比方说,今天你的邻居请你帮忙搬家,但你在忙着准备明天的简报,只好拒绝他。
e.g I would love to help you, but I am really busy working on a presentation for work right now, so I am not free. 我很乐意帮助你,但我真的忙着准备明天工作的简报,所以现在我没有空。
e.g I wish I could help you, but I have a lot of work to do for a presentation I am making tomorrow. 我希望我能帮你,但是为了明天的简报,我有很多工作要做。
2. 有礼貌地拒绝他人的提议:I appreciate the offer, but …That would be great, but ….Thank you for the offer, but …比方说,你的男朋友提议接你下班,但你已经约好要跟同事去喝一杯。

一、拒绝用语1. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.对不起,我不能帮你。
2. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it.恐怕我不能赴约了。
3. I appreciate your offer, but I have to decline.感谢你的邀请,但我必须婉拒。
4. I'd love to, but I already have something else planned.我很想参加,但我已经有其他安排了。
5. Thank you for thinking of me, but I have to say no.谢谢你的考虑,但是我必须拒绝。
6. I'm really sorry, but I just can't say yes.真的很抱歉,但是我不能答应。
7. I'm sorry, but that's not possible for me.很抱歉,那对我来说不可能。
二、推迟用语1. I need some time to think it over.我需要些时间来考虑一下。
2. Can we discuss this at a later time?我们可以稍后再讨论吗?3. Let me get back to you on that.让我稍后回复你。
4. I'm unable to make a decision right now. Can we postpone this?我现在无法做出决定,我们能推迟一下吗?5. I'm not available at the moment. Can we reschedule?我现在不方便,我们能改个时间吗?6. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I need more time.很抱歉给你带来不便,但我需要更多时间。

(虽然这是瞎扯淡)100句表示拒绝和厌恶的常用英语口语,一下子记不住那么多,那就收藏备用吧!1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
实用口语 委婉拒绝别人的英语表达

1. I'll think about it. 我要考虑看看。
这句话是在买东西时候讲的。例如你去百货公司专柜买化装品,虽然专柜小姐讲了半天你也觉得还不错,但总觉得太贵,你就可以说OK, I'll think about it.我再考虑看看。当然你就可以趁机脱身了。
别人邀请你参加他们的活动,就算你不想去,也不要直截了当地说 No, I don't want to.这样子别人下次可能就不会找你了。试着用这种比较好的说法。先说 I really want to 或者I really love to,再说 but I got hundreds of things to do. 这样感觉上比较礼貌,也比较不会让别人觉得没面子。
当别人问你不想回答或懒得回答的问题时,你就可以说There is nothing to talk about.。例如有人问你考试考几分,你自己考得太差而不想讲,就可以说There is nothing to talk about." 另外一个类似的用法叫 No comment. 就是无可奉告的意思。
9. I don't want to go and that's that. 我不想,就是这样。
That's that 通常是接在否定句后,意为就这样了,不必再多说了。这种语气是很强烈的,通常听的人可能会不太高兴。假如电话推销员很烦人,那就可以跟他说 That's that.。
礼貌拒绝的典型例句 Refusing invitations without being offensive:
That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid that I'm tied up on Saturday. 非常感谢, 可是恐怕我周六没时间。
通用英语口语 教你这样拒绝他

通用英语口语教你这样回绝他1. No.=不。
2. Nope.=不。
3. No way.=没门。
4. Not likely.=不可能。
5. Absolutely not!=当然不。
6. Sorry.=抱歉,不行。
7. Forget it.=算了吧。
8. Wrong!=错!9. Lies!=骗人!10. Bull.=胡扯。
11. Baloney.=胡说。
12. Horsefeathers!=瞎说!文艺青年say no:13. Dream on.=做梦去吧。
14. You wish.=想得美。
15. Like hell.=打死也不。
16. When pigs fly.=怎么可能。
17. Not a chance.=休想。
18. Save your breath.=省省吧。
19. In a pig's eye.=才不呢。
20. Only in your dreams. =做梦吧你。
21. Over my dead body.=除非你从我的尸体上压过去。
22. Not in a million years.=再等1百万年吧。
23. You couldn't pay me to do it.=给我钱我也不。
24. You're lying through your teeth.=你简直就是睁着眼说瞎话。
25. It stinks.=讨厌死了。
26. It sucks.=太差劲了。
27. It's awful.=糟糕之极。
28. It's terrible.=太可怕了。
29. It's ugly.=烂透了。
30. It's hideous.=糟透了。
31. It's dreadful.=糟透了。
32. It's not my style.=不是我的菜。
33. It's not for me.=不适合我。
34. It's hell on earth.=简直就是人间地狱啊。

实用口语丨英语中委婉拒绝他人必知的10个句式!泛瑞翻译1. I‘m afraid. 抱歉;对不起I can‘t go with you,I’m afraid. 很抱歉,恐怕我不能和你们一起去。
I can‘t help you,I’m afraid. 对不起,我不能帮助你。
2. I‘m afraid I can’t,but … 恐怕不行……A:Will you please come over this Sunday?星期天能过来吗?B:I‘m afraid I can’t,but I have some clothes to wash. 恐怕不行,我要洗衣服。
3. Thank you,but… 谢谢你,但是……A:Will you join us in a walk?和我们一起散步,好吗?B:Thank you,but I‘d rather not. I have something important to do.谢谢,可是我不能你们一起散步,我有重要的事要做。
4. Thank you for asking me,but… 谢谢你邀请我,但是……A:We are going to have a picnic in the park. Would you come?我们打算去公园野餐,你来吗?B:Thank you very much for asking me,but I‘m not feeling well. 谢谢你邀请我,但我不太舒服。
5. No,thank you / No,thanks. 不用了,谢谢A:Do have another cake. 再吃一块蛋糕吧。
B:No,thank you. 不,谢谢了。
A:Let‘s go for a drive. 我们开车去玩玩吧。
B:No,thanks. 不了,谢谢。
6. I‘m sorry,but… 对不起;很抱歉I‘m sorry,but I must refuse. 很抱歉,我只好拒绝了。

怎样用英语礼貌的拒绝别人1.“I’m sorry, I just don’t have the time at the moment.”不好意思,现在我真没时间如果你太忙那就让别人知道这点。
You may find it easier to give specifics. You can expand upon your answer, sharing the details as to why you don’t havetime.你会发现给出细节理由变得更简单了。
2.“I don’t think I’m the best person to help you out. Why don’t you try…”我认为我不是帮你解决难题的最佳人选,你可以找......"当你发现自己根本不可能帮上什么忙时,直接拒绝。
4.“I’m sorry but now is not a good time. How about some other time?”不好意思,现在有些不方便。
要不找个另外的时间吧?Theysaythattimingiseverything;sometimesyoumightbeaskedtodosomethingwhe nyouareinthemiddleofsomething. Don’t hesitate to say that you are busy right now but you can help at a later date.人们都说时机决定一切,有时候你在处理某事的关键时刻却遇到有人找你帮忙,果断告诉他自己现在非常忙,过些天会帮他搞定。

Not in a million years.
I would never hurt you, not in a million years.
A:Do you need any help with these heavy bags? 你需要帮忙提这些沉重的袋子吗?
B:No, thanks, I can manage. 不用了,谢谢,我能行。
这个是一个比较有趣Байду номын сангаас表示不的用语。
We regret to inform you…
I can‘t help you, I’m afraid. 对不起,我不能帮助你。
2. I‘m afraid I can’t, but … 恐怕不行……
A:Will you please come over this Sunday? 星期天能过来吗?
B:I‘m afraid I can’t, but I have some clothes to wash. 恐怕不行,我要洗衣服。
A:The meeting is very important. Can you come? 这个会议很重要,你能来参加吗?
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D e c l i n i n g a n I n v i t a t i o n拒绝邀请
Some people find that saying "no" to a friend is extremely hard sometimes. Are you this kind of person? If you are tied up and cannot go to your friend's party, how do you say "no" and at the same time sound inoffensive? 拒绝比接受更难。
1. I am sorry to turn you down. 我很抱歉必须拒绝你。
Turn you down 就是拒绝别人的要求。
例如有一次请老美去参加一个party,她说她很抱歉无法参加,就是用的这句I am sorry to turn you down.。
另外男生追女生,女生想拒绝他,也可以用turn down。
例如I am sorry but I have to turn you down.。
另外不要忘,turn down 还有一个解释就是把音量或是空调关小。
还有不要把turn you down 和let you down 搞混,这二者是完全不同的意思:turn down 表示拒绝,而let down 则表示让人家失望。
2. I am not interested. 我没有兴趣。
当电话推销员找上门来,这时你要说的就是I am not interested,这样子对方就不会纠缠太久了。
通常在拒绝别人的时候要注意一下说话的语气,像这句I am not interested. 听来就不太客气。
通常要使得拒绝别人的话听来客气一点,只要在句首加上I am sorry.整句话的口气立刻就不一样了。
所以礼貌一点的说法就是I am sorry. I am not interested. 听起来是不是客气很多?
3. I'll think about it. 我要考虑看看。
例如你去百货公司专柜买化装品,虽然专柜小姐讲了半天你也觉得还不错,但总觉得太贵,你就可以说OK, I'll think about it.我再考虑看看。
4. I can't afford it. 我付不起。
一样东西太贵你买不起就可以这么说I can't afford it. 你都讲明没钱了,想必人家不会继续纠缠吧。
美国买东西都有所谓的refund 制度,就是东西买完之后不满意都可以拿去退钱。
有时候店员会问你(通常不会问)为什么要拿来refund,通常你就可以直截了当地说I don't like it.或者It's too expensive. I can't afford it.。
5. I can't handle it. 我应付不来。
Handle 跟afford 的区别要分清楚:handle 指的是事情上应付不来,而afford 多半指金钱上无法负担。
例如工作很多做不完,你就可以说There's too much workload here. I can't handle it.。
6. I am really not in the mood. 我真的没有什么心情。
Mood 解释成心情,没有心情你可以说成I don't have the mood. 或者I am not in the mood.。
比如考试期间,别人还找你出去玩,你就可以这么拒绝I am sorry.
I am really not in the mood.。
7. There is nothing to talk about. 没什么好说的。
当别人问你不想回答或懒得考(试大回答的问题时,你就可以说There is nothing to talk about.。
可以说There is nothing to talk about." 另外一个类似的用法叫No comment. 就是无可奉告的意思。
8. I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do. 我想去,可是我有好多好多事情要做。
别人邀请你参加他们的活动,就算你不想去,也不要直截了当地说No, I don't want to.这样子别人下次可能就不会找你了。
先说I really want to 或者I really love to,再说but I got hundreds of things to do. 这样感觉上比较礼貌,也比较不会让别人觉得没面子。
9. I don't want to go and that's that. 我不想,就是这样。
That's that 通常是接在否定句后,意为就这样了,不必再多说了。
假如电话推销员很烦人,那就可以跟他说That's that.。
That's that. 跟That's it.不太一样。
That's it. 的意思是就这样吧,就这些吧,在点餐时使用。
That's that 则是表示不想再跟对方谈下去了。
同样的情况,你也可以这么说The conversation is over."。
10. That's enough, anymore is just overkill. 那就够了,再多一点也是多余的。
Overkill 在美国的口语里就是多余考(试大的意思,它跟kill 一点关系也没有。
例如跟一个老美打球,打了二局之后问他还要不要再打,他就说That's enough, anymore is just overkill.又如吃东西时你问别人还要不要再吃,如果别人吃不下了就可以说No, thanks. That's overkill.。
礼貌拒绝的典型例句Refusing invitations without being offensive:
That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid that I'm tied up on Saturday. 非常感谢, 可是恐怕我周六没时间。
I'd really like to, but I'm already booked up for next Saturday. 我很想去,但是我下周六的日程己经安排满了。
I wish I could, but I have an appointment on Saturday. 我真希望能去,但是我周六和别人约好了。
Thanks for asking me, but I am going to be out of town that evening. 谢谢你邀请我,但是我那天晚上要去外地。
I'm really sorry about that! 非常抱歉!
Thanks, anyway. 还是谢谢你!
I would like very much to join you another time. 希望我下次能参加。