
英文发短信常用第一次在公司里上班,第一个mail开头是 FYI~不知道啥意思,看看后面有东西,估计就是让看吧,并且有点尊敬的意思!最后才知道事 For your information~有次和外国客户发邮件。
想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。
数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This AgainAWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein’ YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\amnDILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up You’re aI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My KeyboardILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp AgainLLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same SexMTFBWY = May The Force Be With YouMWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss OffPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know ItTFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do ItTPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What’s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS = What in the F is this Sh WOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth? YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever。

---问好---1,hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=你好,大家好2,wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。
---再见---1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见2,laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见3,gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安4,nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。
---惊叹赞扬---1. OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠!2. OMFG=oh my f ucking god=我的老天;我靠靠;3. wtf=what the f uck=怎么会事!?;我日!;4. n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮5. pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!)6. rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!)7. you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。
)---笑---1. lol=laughing out loud /laugh out loud=大笑2. lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流3. rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了排序:hehe<haha<lol<muwahaha<lmao<rofl---其他简写---1. FU=f uck you=*你;滚2. STFU=Shut the f uck up!=他妈的给我闭嘴!3. k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩4. sux=s uck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;5. gimme=give me=给我6. xfer=transfer=传输7. em=them=他们的宾格8. thx=thanks=谢谢9. happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐10. dunno=dont know=不知道11. kinda=a little bit=有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it done as soon as possible.)12. tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:That demo was very nice,kinda old tho.那个demo 很不错,虽然有点老)13. plz=please=请14. cmon=c'mon=come on15. suka=s ucker s uck(吮吸),er(表“人”),吮吸的人...没天真到无邪的人都能明白了。

首字母缩写首字母是由几个单词的首字母组成的(例如UN就是United Nations)。
看看这些例子:OIC -Oh I see。
BRB -Be right back…BFN -Bye for nowLOL -Laughing out loudASAP -As soon as possibleBTW -By the way…FYI -For your information…JK -Just kiddingTTYL -Talk to you later缩写SMS的缩写和一般的“don't”或者“they're”的缩写不一样,但是意图是一样的:去掉不必要的部分同时保持意思明确。
数字8有时代表eight的音,因此later 变成了l8r。
数字4也常用于替代for 就象2取代to。
English message英语短信常用缩写

如果有哪句不清楚该在何时用,别不好意思,要问哦!Enjoy your readingOthers & Numbers@TEOTD – At the end of the day 最后121 – One-to-one 一对一10X – Thanks 谢谢10Q – Thank you 谢谢你1CE – Once 从前1DR – I wonder 我想1NAM – One in a million 100个里头的一个2–Meaning ‘to’ in SMS 英文的“to”2EZ – Too easy 太简单了2moro – Tomorrow 明天2nite – Tonight 今晚4 –Short for ‘for’ in SMS 英文的“for”411 – Information 信息4COL – For crying out loud 搞什么名堂;哎呀4EAE – Forever and ever 永永远远4EVER – Forever 永远4Q – F***k you 脏话,飘过,只供旁观……^5 – High-five 击掌6Y – Sexy 性感7K – Sick 生病AA3 – Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成AAP – Always a pleasure 很高兴AAR – At any rate 任何价格AB/ ABT – About 关于ABT2 –Meaning ‘about to’ 将……ACC – Anyone can come 谁都能来ACK – Acknowledgement 感谢ADBB – All done, bye-bye 完了,再见ADD/ ADR – Address 地址ADMIN – Administrator 管理员ADVD – Advertised 被广告的AEAP – As early as possible 越早越好AFAIC – As far as I concerned 我觉得……AFAIK – As far as I know 我只知道……AFAIUI – As far as I understand it 我明白……AFAP – As far as possible 越远越好AH – At home 在家AISB – As it should be 它应该专业……AISB – As I said before 像我之前说的AISI – As I see it 我看……AKA – Also known as 还叫……ALOL – Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑AMAP – As much as possible 越多越好AMBW – All my best wishes 最好的祝愿AML – All my love 我所有的爱AMOF – As a matter of fact 事实是……APP – Application 应用程序AQAP – As quick as possible 越快越好ATB – All the Best 最好的ATM – At the moment 现在ATEOTD – At the end of the day 最后ASAP – As soon as possible 越快越好AWESO – Awesome 真棒AYDY – Are you done yet? 你完事了没?AYEC – At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候AYOR – At your own risk 由自己负责AYSOS – Are you stupid or something? 你傻啊还是什么别的?AYS – Are you serious? 你说正经的呢?AYT – Are you there? 你在吗?AYTMTB – And you're telling me this because 你跟我说这个是因为……AYW – As you wish 如你所愿AZN – Asian 亚洲人(别忘了是主要指印度人哦!)BB2W – Back to work 回去上班BF – Boyfriend 男朋友BG – Background 背景B4 – Before 之前B4N – Bye for now 先这样BAU – Business as usual 正常营业BB – Be back 马上回来BBIAM – Be back in a minute 马上回来BBIAS – Be back in a second 马上回来BBL – Be back later 一会回来BBQ – Barbeque 烧烤!!!好想吃!BBS – Be back soon 一会回来BBT – Be back tomorrow 明天回来BCOS – Because 因为BDAY/ B-DAY – Birthday 生日BF – Best friend 最好的朋友BFF – Best friend forever 永远的好朋友BFFL – Best friend for life 一辈子的好朋友BFFLNMW – Best friends for life, no matter what 不管怎样都是一辈子的朋友BFFN – Best friend for now 暂时最好的朋友BFN – Bye for now 暂时拜拜BHL8 – Be home late 会晚回家BIF – Before I forget 在我忘记之前BION – Believe it or not 爱相信不相信BLNT – Better luck next time 下次再试吧!BM – Bite me 寓意是就这样了,咋招?不是咬我的意思。

IDKY = I Don’t Know You
IDST = I Didn’t Say That
IDTS = I Don’t Think So
IFAB = I Found A Bug
IFU = I Fed Up
IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee
ILY = I Love You
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
INMP = It’s Not My Problem
INPO = In No Particular Order
CU = See You
CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later
CWYL = Chat With You Later
CYA = Cover Your Ass
Байду номын сангаасD:
DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read
DD = Due Diligence
DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A Sh
DKDC = Don’t Know Don’t Care
DL = Download
DLTM = Don’t Lie To Me
DQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day Job
DRIB = Don’t Read If Busy
AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again

汇总老外发短信时常用的英文缩写随着身边外国朋友越来越多,你一定会发现,他们发短信好爱用缩写!BTW,Just FYI, AKA,G2G...OMG心好累有没有。
北美君帮你整理了A到Z 常用英语缩写,从此远离Google翻译,不怕老美短信轰炸!YW,1432A:ABT =AboutASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAP = As Soon As PossibleAR = Action RequiredAX = AcrossATST = At The Same TimeAYCE = All You Can EatAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB/C = BecauseB4N = Bye For NowBAMF = Bad Ass Mother F***erBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBF = BoyfriendBFN = Bye For NowBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right There atBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGF = GirlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGL = Good LuckGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaH:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHD = HoldHMU = Hit Me UpHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOW = In Other WordsISS = I Said SoIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKX = kissL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryO:OBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The Blue OOT = Out of StockOT = Off TopicOTRH = On The Other HandOTW = OtherwiseOZ = stands for "Australia"P:Pic = PicturePA = Parent AlertPIF = Paid In FullPIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPM = Personal MessagePLS/PLZ = PleasePO = Piss OffPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopPW = PasswordQ:QT = Cutie/QuietR:R U Da = Are you there?R&D = Research & DevelopmentRC = Remote Controlrgds = RegardsRN = Right NowRT = Rewteet/Real TalkRUS = Are You Serious?RX = RegardsSS2U = Same To YouSB = Stand BySC = Stay CoolSec = SecondSIT= Stay In TouchSm1 = SomeoneSoz/sry = SorrySTR8 = StraightSup = What’s up?SYS = See You SoonT:T2go = Time To GoTBC = To Be ContinuedTBD = To Be DeterminedTAH = Take A HikeTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTXT = TextTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areU8 = You Ate ?V:VC = Venture CapitalVIP = Very Important PersonVM = Voice MailVFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodVGN = Vegan/VegetarianW:WAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WRU = Where Are YouWrm = WarmWTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WYW = Wish You WellWUZ = WasWU = What’s UpWX = WeatherW8 = WaitW/ = WithW/O = WithoutW/E = WeekendWan2 = Want toX:X = It means timesX U = Kiss YouXOXO = Hugs and KissesXQZT = ExquisiteY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYF= WifeYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YNK = You Never Know YOLO = You Only Live OnceYOYO = You’re On Your Own YR = Yeah, RightYTB = You’re The BestYW = You are Welcome符号和数字:! = I have a comment*$ = Starbucks**// = Wink wink, nudge nudge10Q = Thank You1174 = Nude Club121 = One to one143 = I love you1432 = I love you too182 = I hate you1dfaul = Wonderful2B or not 2B = To Be or Not To Be 20 = Location2d4 = To Die For2day = Today2nite = Tonight2QT = Too Cute2U2 = To you too24/7 = 24 hours, as in all time303 = Mom411 = Information420 = Marijuana4e = Forever459 = I Love You4Q = Fuck You4NR = Foreigner511 = Too Much Information53X = Sex8 = it means ate, also refer to oral sex 8t = it<3 = Heart::poof:: = I am gone?^ = Hook up?。

最全的英⽂常⽤短信缩略词(中英对照)sorta=sort of ⼀种.outa=out of ...之外O.J.=orange juice桔汁thanx=thankssms (i will sms you)gtg=gotta go 表⽰要⾛了(hang up)lol=laugh of lot/ Laughing out loud1ce=once ⼀次3sum=threesome (三⼈⼀组)4=for911=emergency - (call me )Aafk: Away From Keyboard远离键盘Add=addressafaik=as far as i know据我所知agreemt=agreement协议aka=also known as也被称为asap=as soon as possible尽快atb=all the best所有最好的ayor=at your own risk由⾃⼰负责add=addressatb=all the best(所有最好的)ayor=at your own risk(⾃⼰承担风险)FFTW: Fuck The World, For The Win f2f= face to face ⾯对⾯f2t= free to talk ⾃由说话fotflol=falling on the floor, laughingfyi= for your information 你的信息FC -- Fingers Crossed祈祷FTBOMH -- From The Bottom Of My Heart从我的⼼底FWIW -- For What It's Worth为它的价值GGAL -- Get A Life得到⼀个⽣命GFN -- Gone For Now暂时消失了GMBA -- Giggling My Butt Off咯咯笑我的屁股离开GMTA -- Great Minds Think Alike英雄所Bbrb=be right backb=be 是b4n=bfn= bye for now 现在再见了BBN -- Bye Bye NowBBS -- Be Back Soon马上回来BEG -- Big Evil Grin⼤邪恶的笑容BF -- Boyfriendbtw=by the way换句话说bbl=be back late(r) 回来晚了bcnu=be seeing you 见到你b'day=birthday ⽣⽇bhl8=be home late 晚⼀些回家bil=boss is listening ⽼板听brb=be right back 马上回来btdt=been there done that 去过,没劲buzz=off buzz off ⾛开CCICO -- Coffee In, Coffee Out咖啡、咖啡了CID -- Crying In Disgrace哭的耻辱CNP -- Continued (in my) Next Post 继续(在我的)下⼀篇⽂章CP -- Chat Post(a chat message) (⼀个聊天信息)CRBT -- Crying Real Big Tears真正的⼤颗⼤颗的眼泪我哭CSG -- Chuckle Snicker Grin笑窃笑咧嘴笑CYA -- See You (Seeya)CYAL8R -- See You LaterC&G -- Chuckle and Grin咧嘴笑c=see 看到cmi=call me 叫我ctr=center 中⼼cu=see youcubl8r=call you back later 稍后回Dda=thedon=doingdylm=do you like meEEG -- Evil Grin邪恶的笑容EMSG -- Email Messageez=easyMm8=mate伴侣mgmt=managementmmfu=my mate fancies you我的朋友很喜欢你mob=mobilemsg=messagemsia=malaysia马来西亚mtfbwu=may the force be with you愿原⼒与你同在mtg=meetingmth=monthmyob=mind your own business管好你⾃⼰的事Ooic=oh, i seeomg=oh, my godout loud 摔倒在地板上,⼤声欢笑Pp aw= parents are watching⽗母都在看pcm=please call meplz= pleaseplz4gvme=please forgive me请原谅我posbl=possible可能ppl=peopleprl=parents are listening⽗母是见略同gal= get a life享受⽣活了grt= great伟⼤的gtg= got to go得⾛了gudluk=good luck好运GTSY -- Glad To See You很⾼兴见到你Hh8=hate讨厌hak= hugs and kisses拥抱和亲吻hand=have a nice day有个美好的⼀天hot4u= hot for you 你很辣hp=handphone⼿提电话howr u/h r u= how are youH&K -- Hug and Kiss拥抱和亲吻HABU -- Have A Better 'Un有⼀个更好的家伙HAGN -- Have A Good Night有⼀个美好的夜晚HAGU -- Have A Good 'Un有⼀个好东东HHIS -- Hanging Head in Shame挂头羞愧HUB -- Head Up Butt头的屁股Iic=i see我看到iluvu=i love you我爱你im2gud4u=i'm too good for you我对你太好了imho=in my humble opinion依我拙见imnsho=in my not so humble opinion 在我看来并⾮如此imtng=in meeting在会议IAE -- In Any Event在任何事件IANAL -- I Am Not A Lawyer我不是律师IC -- I SeeIGP -- I Gotta Pee我想撒尿IMCO -- In My Considered Opinion在我经过深思熟虑的意见恕我直⾔,依我拙见IMHO -- In My Humble OpinionIOW -- In Other Words换句话说电话给你cul=see you later 待会⼉见cyr bos=call your boss 打电话给cyr bro=call your brother 叫你哥哥cyr h=call your husband 叫你的丈夫cyr ma =call your mother 打电话给你的妈妈cyr ofis=call your office 打你办公室电话cyr pa=call your father 叫你⽗亲cyr wf=call your wife 叫你的妻⼦don=doing 做C an you keep a secret?你可以替我保守秘密吗?Ddylm=do you like me 你喜欢我吗DLTBBB -- Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite不要被臭⾍咬了Nn/a=not applicable不适⽤ne=anyne1=anyone 任何⼈nethng=anythingno1=no one 没有⼈nothing=nufnMTF -- More To Follow伴随更多nvm=never mind 没关系NRN -- No Reply Necessary没有必要回复Wwdymbt: What Do You Mean By Thatw/=withw/o=without没有w8=waitwaiting=w8n倾听puks=pick up kids接孩⼦Rr=arergds=regardsringl8=running latertfm=read the flippin' manualru=are youru=cmng are you comingruok=are you okay?SSTFU: Shut the Fuck Up shopn=shoppingsoz=sorryspk= speakstfu=shut the flip up关闭打开的sum1 =someoneTtel= telephonethanq= thank youthkq=thank youthx= thankstmb= text me back回我信tq=thank youttyl=talk to youtx=thankstyvm=thank you very much26y4u=too sexy for you (对你太性感)2day=today2mor=tomorrow2nite=tonightlldn=londonlol= laughing out loud or loadsof lovelv=loveIRL -- In Real Life在现实⽣活中IWALU -- I Will Always Love You我将永远爱你Jiyq= i like youjk=just kidding只是开玩笑jhb= johannesburg约翰内斯堡jic= just in case以防万⼀jk=just kddingJMO -- Just My Opinion只是我的意见JTLYK -- Just To Let You Know只是为了让你们知道KKOC -- Kiss On Cheek亲吻脸颊KOL -- Kiss On Lips在唇上接吻K - OKkit= keep in touch保持联系kwim=know what i mean知道我的意思Uu/ya=youur=yourura*=you are a staruraqt= you are a cutie wan2=want to想wan2tlk=want to talk?Wbs=with随着Wearing=a walkman⼀个随⾝听Wel=wellwiv= write back soon尽快回信wknd=weekend周末wot=whatwru=where are you?Wu=what's up?wud?=what you doingwb=welcome backXx= kissxlnt =excellent优秀xoxox =hugs and kisses拥抱和亲吻yy= whyyr=youryyssw=yeah yeah sure sure whatever是的,是的,当然确信GGTFO: Get the Fuck Outgvmt=governmentgonna=going to 要去... goodnite/nite=good nightgotdc=got disconnected (leave) gvmt=governmentIMO: In My OpinionL8R -- LaterL8R -- G8R Later 'GaterLHM -- Lord Help Me耶和华帮助我LHO -- Laughing Head Off笑的脑袋LHU -- Lord Help Us主帮助我们LMAO -- Laughing My A$$ Off⼤笑LMAO⼀美元了LMSO -- Laughing My Socks Off 笑我的袜⼦LOL -- Laugh Out Loud哈哈,⼤声笑了出来LSHMBB -- Laughing So Hard My跃LSHMBH -- Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts笑得肚⼦痛LSHTTARDML -- Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg笑得眼泪都diao到我的腿LTNS -- Long Time No See好久不见LTS -- Laughing To Self⼤笑的⾃我LUWAMH -- Love You With All My Heart全⼼全意爱你LY -- Love Ya爱丫。

1. LOL Laugh Out Loud(大声笑)。
2. BRB Be Right Back(马上回来)。
3. ASAP As Soon As Possible(尽快)。
4. FYI For Your Information(供参考)。
5. BTW By The Way(顺便说一句)。
6. OMG Oh My God(天啊)。
7. TTYL Talk To You Later(待会儿聊)。
8. GTG Got To Go(我得走了)。
9. IDK I Don't Know(我不知道)。
10. IMHO In My Humble Opinion(依我拙见)。

想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。
数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This AgainAWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein’ YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Re adDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up You’re aI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I D idn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard ILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp AgainLLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous ApplauseLMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLOL=laughing out loud LMAO=Laughing My Ass Off OMFG= oh my fucking god~LMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same SexMTFBWY = May The Force Be With YouMWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOL=Office LadyOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOO=Out Of OfficeOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss OffPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know ItTFN = Thanks For Nothin’TGIF=thanks god it's FridayTHX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do ItTPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = T hat’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What’s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS = What in the F is this ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouXYZ=Check Your ZipY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth?YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever。

LOL:laughing out loud 大笑
asap:as soon as possible 尽快
1ce:once 曾经
2day:today 今天
atm:at the moment 此刻
afaIk:as far as I know 据我所知
b/c:because 因为
btw by the way
buzz off buzz off
c see
cid consider it done
cmi call me
coz because
ctr center
cu see you
cu @ see you around
cub l8r call you back later
cul see you later
cul8tr see you later
cuz because
cyr bos call your boss
cyr bro call your brother
cyr h call your husband
aka also known as
asap as soon as possible
atb all the best
ayor at your own risk
b ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้be
b/c because
b4 before
b4n or bfn bye for now
gal get a life
gr8 great
grt great
gtg got to go
gudluk good luck

(不明觉厉啊!) @TEOTD – At the end of theday 最后 121 – One-to-one 一对一 10X – Thanks 谢谢 10Q – Thank you 谢谢你 1CE – Once 从前 1DR – I wonder 我想 1NAM – One in a million100个里头的一个 2– Meaning ‘to’ in SMS 英文的“to” 2EZ – Too easy 太简单了 2moro – Tomorrow 明天 2nite – Tonight 今晚 4 – Short for ‘for’ in SMS 英文的“for” 411 – Information 信息 4COL – For crying out loud搞什么名堂;哎呀 4EAE – Forever and ever 永永远远 4EVER – Forever 永远 ^5 – High-five 击掌 6Y – Sexy 性感 7K – Sick 生病 A3 – Anytime, anywhere,anyplace 哪里都成 AAP – Always a pleasure 很高兴给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。
只要你加入到那个群里以后,自己就会每天都能在群里坚持学,坚持不停地说和练,由于是付费群,群里的成员学习氛围非常强,每天的训练度都非常猛,本来很懒惰的你一下子就被感染了,不由自主地被带动起来参与操练,不好意思偷懒,别人的刻苦学习精神会不知不觉影响你,Empty Your Cup英语微信群(进群加维新 601332975)可以彻底治好你的拖延症,里面学员都非常友好,总是给你不断的帮助和鼓励,让你在学英语的路上重新燃起了斗志,因为每天都在运用,你的英语口语就能得到了迅猛的提升,现在可以随便给一个话题,都能用英文滔滔不绝的发表5分钟以上对这个话题的看法和观点,想提高英语口语的可以加入进来,It really works very well.。

1. LOL – Laugh Out Loud(大声笑)2. BRB – Be Right Back(马上回来)3. ASAP – As Soon As Possible(尽快)4. OMG – Oh My God(天啊)5. FYI – For Your Information(供你参考)6. IDK – I Don't Know(我不知道)7. TBH – To Be Honest(说实话)8. BTW – By The Way(顺便说)9. TTYL – Talk To You Later(待会儿聊)10. IMO – In My Opinion(依我看)11. ROFL – Rolling On The Floor Laughing(在地上打滚笑)12. OMG – Oh My Goodness(我的天啊)13. YOLO – You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)14. JK – Just Kidding(开个玩笑)15. GTG – Got to Go(我得走了)16. HBD – Happy Birthday(生日快乐)17. THX – Thanks(谢谢)18. NVM – Never Mind(不要紧)19. LMAO – Laughing My Ass Off(笑死我了)20. WBU – What About You?(你呢?)21. TMI – Too Much Information(太多信息)22. IRL – In Real Life(现实生活中)23. IMO – In My Opinion(依我看)24. FYI – For Your Information(供你参考)25. WTH – What The Hell(什么鬼)26. IDC – I Don't Care(我不在乎)27. ILY – I Love You(我爱你)28. TIA – Thanks In Advance(提前感谢)29. SMH – Shaking My Head(摇头)30. OMG – Oh My Gosh(我的天啊)31. AFAIK – As Far As I Know(据我所知)32. B4 – Before(在……之前)33. ASAP – As Soon As Possible(尽快)34. IDK – I Don't Know(我不知道)35. WYD – What You Doing?(你在做什么?)36. NBD – No Big Deal(没什么大不了)37. W8 – Wait(等一下)38. NVM – Never Mind(不用了)39. 2moro – Tomorrow(明天)40. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out(错过了恐惧)41. TMI – Too Much Information(太多信息)42. WBU – What About You?(你呢?)43. BFF – Best Friends Forever(永远的好朋友)44. OOTD – Outfit Of The Day(今日装束)45. FWIW – For What It's Worth(就这么多了)46. L8R – Later(待会儿见)47. GG – Good Game(好游戏)48. N/A – Not Applicable(不适用)49. BRB – Be Right Back(马上回来)50. BTW – By The Way(顺便说)51. ICYMI – In Case You Missed It(以防你没看到)52. IMO – In My Opinion(依我看)53. OTOH – On the Other Hand(另一方面)54. ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing(笑得满地打滚)55. YOLO – You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)56. TTYL – Talk To You Later(待会儿聊)57. FYI – For Your Information(供你参考)58. IDK – I Don't Know(我不知道)59. LMK – Let Me Know(告诉我)60. AMA – Ask Me Anything(问我问题)61. BAE – Before Anyone Else(最重要的人)62. HMU – Hit Me Up(给我打电话)63. ILYSM – I Love You So Much(我非常爱你)64. IDGAF – I Don't Give a Fuck(我不在乎)65. JK – Just Kidding(开个玩笑)66. LMK – Let Me Know(告诉我)67. MFW – My Face When(我脸上的表情)68. NSFW – Not Safe For Work(不适合在工作场合浏览)69. OMW – On My Way(我来了)70. POV – Point of View(观点)71. RIP – Rest in Peace(安息)72. SMH – Shaking My Head(摇头)73. TBH – To Be Honest(说实话)74. TGIF – Thank God It's Friday(感谢上帝,终于到星期五了)75. TMI – Too Much Information(太多信息)76. WTF – What The Fuck(什么鬼)77. YOLO – You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)78. DIY – Do It Yourself(自己动手)79. FYI – For Your Information(供你参考)80. ASAP – As Soon As Possible(尽快)这些英文缩写在现代聊天中应用非常广泛,帮助人们更快速地表达自己的意思。

1.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
2.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者3.Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。
4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
5.One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。
6.Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。
7.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
8.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。
9.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不休息,聪明孩子也变傻。
10.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。
11.More haste,less speed. 欲速则不达。
12.It's never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老13.All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。
14.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。
15.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
16.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。
17.Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。
18.well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。

80个外国人聊天常用的英文缩写1. FYI: For Your Information(供参考)2. ASAP: As Soon As Possible(尽快)3. LOL: Laugh Out Loud(大笑)4. OMG: Oh My God(我的天)5. BTW: By The Way(顺便说一下)6. TTYL: Talk To You Later(待会儿见)7. BRB: Be Right Back(马上回来)8. IDK: I Don't Know(我不知道)9. TMI: Too Much Information(太多信息)10. OMG: Oh My Goodness(我的天)11. IMO: In My Opinion(我认为)12. IMHO: In My Humble Opinion(依我拙见)13. AFAIK: As Far As I Know(据我所知)14. FYR: For Your Reference(供你参考)15. NSFW: Not Safe For Work(办公室慎入)16. FYEO: For Your Eyes Only(仅供阅读)17. IRL: In Real Life(现实生活中)18. OMW: On My Way(我在路上)19. BFF: Best Friends Forever(永远的闺蜜)20. NBD: No Big Deal(没什么大不了的)21. J/K: Just Kidding(开玩笑啦)22. IDC: I Don't Care(我不在乎)23. ICYMI: In Case You Missed It(以防你错过了)24. TBH: To Be Honest(说实话)25. IMY: I Miss You(我想你)26. WYD: What You Doing?(你在做什么?)27. ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing(笑得打滚)28. TBT: Throwback Thursday(回顾星期四)29. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到达时间)30. NPC: Non-Player Character(非玩家角色)31. RSVP: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît(请回复)32. YOLO: You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)33. FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out(害怕错过)34. FYE: For Your Enjoyment(供你欣赏)35. EOD: End Of Discussion(讨论结束)36. ATM: At The Moment(此刻)37. RN: Right Now(现在)38. CBA: Can't Be Arsed(懒得麻烦)39. ROFLOL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud(笑得在地上打滚)40. HAND: Have A Nice Day(祝你有美好的一天)41. IRL: In Real Life(现实生活中)42. AFK: Away From Keyboard(离开键盘)43. OOTD: Outfit Of The Day(今日装扮)44. PDA: Public Display of Affection(公开示爱)45. TGIF: Thank God It's Friday(感谢上帝,周五到了)46. TTYL: Talk To You Later(待会儿见)47. WTH: What The Hell(到底是怎么回事)48. ICYMI: In Case You Missed It(以防你错过了)49. LMK: Let Me Know(告诉我)50. NGL: Not Gonna Lie(不打算说谎)51. CTN: Can't Talk Now(现在不能说话)52. TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read(太长了,没看)53. NSA: No Strings Attached(不附带任何条件)54. OTP: One True Pairing(最佳搭配)55. W8: Wait(等待)56. IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer(我不是律师)57. TGIF: Thank Goodness It's Friday(谢天谢地,周五到了)58. NSFW: Not Suitable For Work(不适宜在工作时观看)59. IMDB: Internet Movie Database(互联网电影数据库)60. IDGAF: I Don't Give A Fuck(我不在乎)61. ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5(以五岁孩童的方式解释)62. AF: As Fuck(非常)63. DTF: Down To Fuck(愿意性爱)64. NSFL: Not Safe For Life(不适合生活)65. SMH: Shaking My Head(摇摇头)66. TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read(太长了,懒得读)67. DIY: Do It Yourself(自己动手)68. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到达时间)69. RIP: Rest In Peace(安息)70. HBD: Happy Birthday(生日快乐)71. ROFLMAO: Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off(笑得肚子疼)72. TFW: That Feeling When(当...的感觉)73. YOLO: You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)74. TLDR: Too Long; Didn't Read(太长了,没看)76. IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer(我不是律师)77. NTWK: Network(网络)78. LMK: Let Me Know(告诉我)79. IMO: In My Opinion(我认为)80. FTW: For The Win(为了胜利)。

店铺时自然少不了要跟歪果仁的交流,很多同学虽然英语成绩很好,但是却并不是很了解这些缩写的含义,聊天的时候会很尴尬哦~ 今天我们就给大家整理了一些常用的英文缩写~无论是平常发短信、推特,或是玩游戏时都能用到哦 ~日常交流类u = you你dude哥们儿sup = What's up = Wuz up 打招呼,类似于How do you do CU/cya = see you / see you all再见/大家再见bb = bye bye拜拜atm = at the moment目前,现在,现在正在(干某事)Brb = be right back马上回来(意思要走开一下)BBs=be back soon 马上回来BBl=be back later一会儿回来BTW = By the way 顺便问问/顺便一提IMO = in my opinion我认为,我觉得hf = have fun 玩得开心gl = good luck祝好运Lol = laughing out loud 通常可以理解为大家聊天中常用的“哈哈”,但并不是“呵呵”哦(这里插播一句,不少同学可能会发现很多英国人会发“hehe”,人家是真的表示笑哦,而不是呵呵)IDK = I don’t know2moro, 2nte = tomorrow, tonight (是有多懒)Btw = by the way顺便一提;另外Omg = oh my godIc = I see原来这样/哦/我明白了NP=NO PROBLEM没问题,没关系nn = night night晚安(通常第一个人说gnight/gn8;第二个人说nite;后面的就说nn)tks/tq/ty/tyvm = thanks/thank you/thank you/thank you very much谢谢/谢谢你/谢谢你/非常感谢你yw = you'r welcome/you are welcome不客气,不用谢gj/wd = good job / well done相当于:做得好!ttyl = talk to you later一会儿在谈,迟点跟你说wb = welcome back欢迎回来w8t = wait 等等网络用语和平时聊天里的新词和缩写,可以说远远不止这些,各位同学在生活里也会不断遇到哦,不过以上这些都是时下网络比较流行的非正式词汇。

Short Message Service SMS汇总老外发短信时常用的英文缩写A:ABT =AboutASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAP = As Soon As PossibleAR = Action RequiredAX = AcrossATST = At The Same TimeAYCE = All You Can EatAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB/C = BecauseB4N = Bye For NowBAMF = Bad Ass Mother F***erBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBF = BoyfriendBFN = Bye For NowBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right There atBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGF = GirlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGL = Good LuckGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaH:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHD = HoldHMU = Hit Me UpHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOW = In Other WordsISS = I Said SoIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKX = kissL:L8R = LaterLY=love uLD = Long DistanceLMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryO:OBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The Blue OOT = Out of StockOT = Off TopicOTRH = On The Other HandOTW = OtherwiseOZ = stands for "Australia"P:Pic = PicturePA = Parent AlertPIF = Paid In FullPIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPM = Personal MessagePLS/PLZ = PleasePO = Piss OffPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopPW = PasswordQ:QT = Cutie/QuietR:Ruok=are you ok?R U Da = Are you there?R&D = Research & DevelopmentRC = Remote Controlrgds = RegardsRN = Right NowRT = Rewteet/Real TalkRUS = Are You Serious?RX = RegardsSS2U = Same To YouSB = Stand BySC = Stay CoolSec = SecondSIT= Stay In TouchSm1 = SomeoneSoz/sry = SorrySTR8 = StraightSup = What’s up?SYS = See You SoonT:T2go = Time To GoTTYL=talk to you laterTBC = To Be ContinuedTBD = To Be DeterminedTAH = Take A HikeTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTXT = TextTYVM = Thank You Very Much U:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areU8 = You Ate ?V:VC = Venture CapitalVIP = Very Important PersonVM = Voice MailVFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodVGN = Vegan/VegetarianW:WAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WRU = Where Are YouWrm = WarmWTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WYW = Wish You WellWUZ = WasWU = What’s UpWX = WeatherW8 = WaitW/ = WithW/O = WithoutW/E = WeekendWan2 = Want toX:X = It means timesX U = Kiss YouXOXO = Hugs and KissesXQZT = ExquisiteY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYF= WifeYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YNK = You Never KnowYOLO = You Only Live OnceYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYTB = You’re The BestYW = You are Welcome符号和数字:! = I have a comment*$ = Starbucks**// = Wink wink, nudge nudge10Q = Thank You1174 = Nude Club121 = One to one143 = I love you1432 = I love you too182 = I hate you1dfaul = Wonderful2B or not 2B = To Be or Not To Be 20 = Location2d4 = To Die For2day = Today2nite = Tonight2QT = Too Cute2U2 = To you too24/7 = 24 hours, as in all time303 = Mom411 = Information420 = Marijuana4e = Forever459 = I Love You4Q = Fuck You4NR = Foreigner511 = Too Much Information53X = Sex8 = it means ate, also refer to oral sex 8t = it<3 = Heart::poof:: = I am gone?^ = Hook up?。

老外发短信息时常用的英文缩写汇总!随着手上的客户越来越多,很多外贸人表示有些客户聊天的时候很爱用缩写,“Just FYI,AKA,G2G......”这些你都知道什么意思吗A缩写攻略AX = Across 穿过AH = At home 在家A3 = Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成ASL = Age/Sex/Location 年龄/性别/住址AAR = At any rate 任何价格ABT = About 关于AYW = As you wish如你所愿AZN = Asian 亚洲人(主要指印度人)AKA = Also known as 还叫……AML = All my love 我所有的爱ATB = All the Best 最好的ATM = At the moment 现在ACC = Anyone can come 谁都能来AYS = Are you serious 你认真的吗AYT = Are you there 你在吗AISI = As I see it 当我看到它的时候AOTS = All of the sudden 突然ATST = At the same time 同时AYCE = All you can eat 你都可以吃ABT2 = Meaning‘about to’ 将……ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见AEAP = As early as possible 越早越好AFAP = As far as possible 越远越好AMBW = All my best wishes 我最美好的祝福AISB = As it should be 它本应这样……AISB = As I said before 像我之前说的ALOL = Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑AMAP = As much as possible 越多越好AMOF = As a matter of fact 事实是……ASAP = As soon as possible 越早越好AQAP = As quick as possible 越快越好AYDY = Are you done yet 你完事了没AYEC = At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候AYOR = At your own risk 由自己负责AFAIK = As Far As I Know 就我所知ADD/ADR = Address 地址AWESO = Awesome 真棒ATEOTD = At the end of the day 最后B缩写攻略BM = Byte Me 寓意你能怎么办B4 = Before 之前BF = Boyfriend 男朋友BG = Background 背景BB = Be back 马上回来BN = Bad news 坏消息BF = Best friend 最好的朋友B/C = Because 因为B4N = Bye for now 再见B2W = Back to work 回去上班BAU = Business as usual 正常营业BBL = Be back later 一会回来BBQ = Barbeque 烧烤BBS = Be back soon 一会回来BBT = Be back tomorrow 明天回来BWO = Black, white or other 黑色,白色或其他BTW = By the way 顺便说一句Biz = Business 生意BRB = Be right back = 马上会来BRD = Bored 无聊BOL = Best of luck 祝你好运BME = Based on my experience 根据我的经验BFFL = Best friend for life 一辈子的好朋友BION = Believe it or not 爱相信不相信BHL8 = Be home late 会晚回家BM&Y = Between me and you 你我之间BBIAB = Be back in a bit 马上回来BBIAM = Be back in a minute 马上回来BBIAS = Be back in a second 马上回来BDAY/B-DAY = Birthday 生日C缩写攻略CU = See you 再见CX = Cancelled 取消了CB = Coffee break 休息时间CM = Call me 打给我CT = Can’t talk 说不了话CIO = Check it out 检查CSL = Can’t stop laughing 忍不住笑C4N = Ciao for now 拜拜,Ciao是意大利语的再见CAM = Camera 相机CMB = Call me back 给我回电话COB = Close of business 停业COS = Because 因为CYE = Check your e-mail 查你的邮件CR8 = Create 创造CUA = See you around 再见CRZ = Crazy 疯了C-T = City 城市CWYL = Chat with you later 稍后聊CRBT = Crying really big tears 大哭CMON = Come on 拜托!!CQRT = Security 安全CUIMD = See you in my dreams 梦里见CMIIW = Correct me if I’m wrong 如果我错了请纠正D缩写攻略DF = Dear friend 亲爱的朋友DL = Download 下载DN = Down 往下,下面DGT = Don’t go there 别去那DNR = Dinner 晚饭DNT –Don’t 别……DGA = Don’t go anywhere 哪都别去DETI = Don’t even think it 不考虑DHYB = Don’t hold your breath 别憋气DIKU = Do I know you 我认识你吗DLTM = Don’t lie to me 别对我说谎DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDKDC –Don’t know, don’t car e 不知道,不管E缩写攻略EOM = End of message 消息最后EVA = Ever 曾经,永远EMA = E-mail address 邮箱地址EOL = End of lecture 讲座最后E123 = Easy as one, two, three 跟1,2,3一样容易EF4T = Effort 努力ENUF = Enough 够了EZ/EZY = Easy 容易E1/Every1 = Everyone 每个人F缩写攻略FE = For example 例如FB = Facebook脸书FC = Fingers crossed 手指交叉,意思是保佑FW = Forward 向前,转发(邮件)FTL = Faster than light 比光还快F2F = Face to face 面对面F2P = Free to play 免费玩FAQ = Frequently asked questions 经常问到的问题FBY = Fine by me 我可以、同意FYI – For your information 根据你的信息F2F/FTF = Face to face 面对面G缩写攻略GN = Good Night 晚安GF = Girlfriend 女朋友G9 = Genius 天才GA = Go ahead 进行GG = Gotta go 得走了GJ = Good job 干的不错GL = Good luck 祝你好运GB = Goodbye 拜拜,也是Great Britain缩写GUD = Good 不错、很好GAL = Get a life 做点有益的事GAS = Got a second 有时间吗GOI = Get over it 别想了GR8 = Great 不错、很好GBU = God bless you 上次保佑你GFI = Go for it 去做吧!GFN = Gone for now 现在不在GBTW = Get back to work 回去上班GTSY = Great to see you 很高兴见到你GMTA = Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同GRATZ = Congratulations 祝贺GWHTLC = Glad we had this little chat 很高兴我们有了这番谈话H缩写攻略H = Hug 抱抱HF = Have fun 玩的愉快H8 = Hate 讨厌、恨、不喜欢HV = Have 有……HW = Homework 作业HAK = Hugs and kisses 亲亲抱抱HMU = Hit me up 跟我联系HTH = Hope this (that) helps 希望这能有用HBU = How about you 你如何你怎样HRU = How are you 你好吗HOAS = Hold on a second 等一下H2CUS = Hope to see you soon 希望不久能见到你HAGN =Have a good night 祝今晚过得愉快HAND = Have a nice day 祝今天过得愉快Howz = How is 怎么样H-BDAY = Happy Birthday 生日快乐I缩写攻略I2 = I too = me too 我也是IB = I’m back 我回来了IC = I see 哦……IK = I know 我知道IDK = I don’tknow 我不知道ISS = I Said SoIMO = In my opinion 我认为ILU = I love you 我爱你IMS = I am sorry 对不起IDC = I don’t care 我不管IA8 = I already ate 我吃过了IAC = In any case 无论如何IMU = I miss you 我想你IOW = In other words 换句话说IRL = In real life 在真实生活中ICAM = I could n’t agree more 我非常同意IDBI = I don’t believe it 我真不敢相信IDTS = I don’t think so 我不这么认为IHNI = I have no idea 我不知道IMSB = I am so bored 我特别无聊ITYK = I thought you knew 我以为你知道的IUSS = If you say so 如果你非要这么说的话IDGI = I don’t get it 我没懂IIWM = If it were me 如果是我的话INMP = It’s not my problem 这不是我的错IIMAD = If it makes an(y) difference 如果这有所不同的话IWALU = I will always love you 我会一直爱你ILBL8 = I’ll be late 我会迟到J缩写攻略JW = Just wondering 觉得JK = Just kidding 只是逗你玩的JAM = Just a minute 等一下JDI = Just do it 勇敢去做JFF = Just for fun 只是想玩玩JIC = Just in case 以防万一JLMK = Just let me know 到时通知我一下JTLYK = Just to let you know 只是想通知你一下JAC/ JAS = Just a second 等一下下K缩写攻略KK = Okay, okay 好的,好的KK = Knock, knock 敲门声KB = Keyboard 键盘KIT = Keep in touch 保持联系KNOW = Meaning ‘knowledge’ 知识L缩写攻略LMK = Let Me Know 告诉我LTNS = Long time no see 好久不见L2K = Love to come 很想来L8R = Later 过会儿,一会儿LBAY = Laughing back at you 对你笑LD = Long distance 远距离LHO = Laughing head off 大笑LOL = Laughing out loud 大声笑,非常常见LOLO = Lots of love 很多爱M缩写攻略M8 = Mate 兄弟,哥们(英国经常用)MLM = Meaning give the middle finger 竖中指的意思MNC = Mother nature calls 意思就是要上厕所MOO = My own opinion 我自身认为MSG = Message 信息MTF = More to follow 还有更多MorF = Male or Female 男还是女MGMT = Management 管理MKAY = Meaning ‘Mmm, okay’ 嗯,好的MYOB = Mind your own business 先管好你自己的事儿N缩写攻略N1 = Nice one 不错NM = Never mind 没事NP = No problem 没问题NE = Any 任何NW = No way 不可能吧NN = Nite 晚安NBD = No big deal 没那么严重NE1 = Anyone 任何人NFS = Not for sale 不出售NVR = Never 不、绝不NRG = Energy 能量NMP = Not My Problem 不是我的问题NOYB = None of your business 跟你没关系NOWL = Meaning ‘knowledge’ 知识O缩写攻略OT = Off topic 跑题OOT = Out of stock 没有现货O4Y = Only for you 只为了你OMG = Oh my god 我的天啊!OMW = On my way 在路上ONL = Online 在线上OTP = On the phone 在打电话OTT = Over the top 过分了啊!OTW = Off to work 去上班了OVA = Over 结束OMDB = Over my dead body 除非我死了OTRH = On the other hand 另一方面P缩写攻略PS = Photoshop 修图PM = Personal message 私信PZ = Peace 和平、安宁PIC = Picture 图片PIF = Paid in full 全款Pro = Professional 专业的PCM = Please call me 请打给我POV = Point of view 观点PRT = Party 聚会PXT = Please explain that 请解释你什么意思PZA = Pizza 比萨PTMM = Please tell me more 请告诉我多一点PLS/PLZ = Please 请PROLLY = Probably 可能Q缩写攻略QIK = Quick 快QQ = Meaning ‘crying eyes’ 哭QQ = Quick question 快问快答QOTD = Quote of the day 今日引用R缩写攻略R8 = RATE 比率、价格RN = Right now 立刻R&D = Research & Development 研发RUS = Are you serious 你是认真的吗ROFL = Roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了S缩写攻略SH^ = Shut up 闭嘴SQ = Square 正方形SB = Should be 应该SB = Smiling back 回笑SC = Stay cool 保持酷SB = Stand by 候场S2U = Same to you 对你也一样Sec = Second 一秒钟S2S = Sorry to say 很遗憾的说……SIT = Stay in touch 保持联系SM1 = Someone 某人SK8 = Skate 溜冰SUL = See you later 一会见SOL = Sooner or later 迟早、早晚STR8 = Straight 直接的SLAP = Sounds like a plan 听起来像个计划SPST = Same place, same time 同一地点同一时间Soz/sry = Sorry 抱歉T缩写攻略TM = Trust Me 相信我TC = Take care 保重TAM = Tomorrow . 明天上午TBC = To be continued 未完待续TIA = Thanks in advance 提前感谢TMI = Too much information 太多信息TBH = To be honest 说实话……TYT = Take your time 不用着急慢慢来TBL = Text back later 一会再发(短信)THX = Thanks 谢谢TTG = Time to go 该走了TPM = Tomorrow . 明天下午TTYL = Talk to you later 稍后跟你说TTLY = Totally 简直、完全的U缩写攻略U = You 你UR = You are 你是……USU = Usually 通常情况下……、经常……UNCRTN = Uncertain 不确定URSKTM = You are so kind to me 你对我真好URW/UW = You are welcome 不客气UN4TUN8 = Unfortunate 很不幸的UNBLEFBLE = Unbelievable 令人不可相信V缩写攻略VM = Voice mail 语音信箱VRY = Very 非常VBS = Very big smile 非常大的一个笑容VFM = Value for money 价格很划得来VGC = Very good condition 状态良好W缩写攻略W/ = with 与......WB = Welcome back 欢迎回来WX = Weather 天气W8 = Wait 等W3 = 网址的前端WC = Who cares 谁管、在乎啊WE = Whatever 随便、无所谓WK = Week 星期WRK = Work 工作WBU = What about you 你呢WAM = Wait a minute 等一会儿WAS = Wait a second 等一会儿WAM = Wait a minute 等一会儿Wrm = Warm温暖WYW = Wish you well 顺心如意WRU = Where are you 你在哪儿W/E = Weekend 周末Wan2 = Want to 想要WRUD = What are you doing 你干吗呢WAYF =– Where are you from 你哪里来的WYWH = Wish you were here 希望你也在这里WAN2TLK – Want to talk 想聊天Wot/Wut = What 什么X缩写攻略XU = Kiss you 亲吻XME = Excuse me 对不起麻烦一下、对不起XLNT = Excellent 很好XOXO = Hugs and Kisses 亲亲抱抱Y缩写攻略Y = Why 为什么Ya = You 你YR = Yeah, Right 对YF = Wife 妻子YL = Young lady 年轻女孩YR = Your 你的YW = You are welcome 不客气Y2K = You are too kind 你人真好YKW = You know what 你知道吗YIU = Yes, I understand 是的我明白YNK = You never know 你怎么会知道YTB = You’re the best 你是最棒的YDKM = You don’t know me 你不知道我Yep/Yup = Yes 是的Z缩写攻略Z% = Zoo 动物园ZZZZ = Sleeping or sleepy 困*符号和数字! = I have a comment 我有话要说*$ = Starbucks 星巴克**// = Wink wink, nudge nudge 眨眼8t = it 它121 = One to one 一对一143 = I love you 我爱你182 = I hate you 我讨厌你1dfaul = Wonderful 精彩的2B or not 2B = To Be or Not To Be 生存还是毁灭2day = Today 今天2nite = Tonight 今晚2QT = Too Cute 太可爱2U2 = To you too 也给你24/7 = 24 hours, as in all time 7*24小时4e = Forever 永远4NR = Foreigner 外国人。

1. LOL - Laughing Out Loud(大声笑)
2. OMG - Oh My God(哦,我的天)
3. BRB - Be Right Back(马上回来)
4. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)
5. FYI - For Your Information(供参考)
6. BTW - By The Way(顺便说一下)
7. IDK - I Don't Know(不知道)
8. TTYL - Talk To You Later(待会儿聊)
9. OMG - Oh My Goodness(哦,天啊)
10. IMO - In My Opinion(依我看)
11. TBT - Throwback Thursday(回忆星期四)
12. JK - Just Kidding(开玩笑)
13. FYI - For Your Interest(供你参考)
14. AFAIK - As Far As I Know(据我所知)
15. BFF - Best Friends Forever(永远的最好朋友)

和老外聊天必备:美国最流行的50条短信聊天缩略语以下内容摘自《英语辅导杂志》(第228期),欢迎转载!杂志全文:Top 50 Most Popular Text Terms:(1)2moro - Tomorrow(2)2nite - Tonight(3)BRB - Be Right Back(4)BTW - By The Way(5)B4N - Bye For Now(6)BCNU - Be Seeing You(7)BFF - Best Friends Forever(8)CYA - Cover Your Ass -or- See Ya(9)DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read(10)DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Shit(11)FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation(12)FWIW - For What It's Worth(13)GR8 - Great(14)ILY - I Love You(15)IMHO - In My Humble Opinion(16)IRL - In Real Life(17)ISO - In Search Of(18)J/K - Just Kidding(19)L8R - Later(20)LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off(21)LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Love(22)LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister(23)MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You(24)NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard(25)NP - No Problem -or- Nosy Parents(26)NUB - New person to a site or game(27)OIC - Oh, I See(28)OMG - Oh My God(29)OT - Off T opic(30)POV - Point Of View(31)RBTL - Read Between The Lines(32)ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off(33)RT - Real Time(34)THX or TX or THKS - Thanks(35)SH - Shit Happens(36)SITD - Still In The Dark(37)SOL - Shit Out of Luck(38)STBY - Sucks To Be You(39)SWAK - Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss(40)TFH - Thread From Hell(41)RTM or RTFM - Read The Manual -or- Read The Fcuking Manual(42)TLC - Tender Loving Care(43)TMI - Too Much Information(44)TTYL - Talk T o You Later -or- Type To You Later(45)TYVM - Thank You Very Much(46)VBG - Very Big Grin(47)WEG - Wicked Evil Grin(48)WTF - What The Fuck(49)WYWH - Wish You Were Here(50)XOXO - Hugs and Kisses。

美国人发短信的缩略语大全1ce once2to26y4u too sexy for you2day today2mor tomorrow2moro tomorrow2morrow tomorrow2nite tonight3sum threesome(3P)4for911emergency – call meadd addressafaik as far as i know agreemt agreementaka also known asasap as soon as possible atb all the bestayor at your own riskb beb/c becauseb4beforeb4n or bfn bye for now bbl be back late(r)bcnu be seeing youb”day birthdaybhl8be home latebil boss is listeningbrb be right backbtdt been there done that btw by the waybuzz off buzz offc seecid consider it donecmi call mecoz becausectr centercu see youcu@ see you aroundcub l8r call you back latercul see you latercul8tr see you latercuz becausecyr bos call your bosscyr bro call your brothercyr h call your husbandcyr ma call your mothercyr ofis call your officecyr pa call your fathercyr sis call your sistercyr wf call your wifeda thedon doingdylm do you like meez easyf2f face to facef2t free to talkfotflol falling on the floor, laughing out loud fyi for your informationgal get a lifegr8greatgrt greatgtg got to gogudluk good luckh8hatehak hugs and kisseshand have a nice dayhot4u hot for youhow r u how are youhp handphoneic i seeiluvu i love youim2gud4u i”m too good for youimho in my humble opinionimnsho in my not so humble opinion imtng in meetingiyq i like youj/k just kiddingjhb johannesburgjic just in casejk just kddingk okaykit keep in touchkwim know what i meanl8latel8er laterl8r laterl&n landingldn londonlol laughing out loud or loads of love luv lovelv lovelyn lyingm8matemgmt managementmmfu my mate fancies youmob mobilemsg messagemsia malaysiamtfbwu may the force be with you mtg meetingmth monthmyob mind your own businessn andn case in casen/a not applicablene anyne1anyonenethng anythingniting anythingno1no onenufn nothingnp no problemnvm never mindoic oh, i seeomg oh, my godpaw parents are watching pcm please call mepcme please call mepl& plannedpls pleaseplz pleaseplz4gv me please forgive mepo$bl possibleppl peopleprl parents are listeningpuks pick up kidsr arergds regardsringl8running latertfm read the flippin” manualru are yourucmng are you coming ruok are you ok?shopn shoppingsit stay in touchsoz sorryspk speakstfu shut the flip upsum1someonetel telephonethanq thank youthkq thank youthx thankstmb text me backtq thank youttyl talk to you latertx thankstxt bac text backtyvm thank you very muchu youur yourura*you are a staruraqt you are a cutiew/withw/o withoutw8waitw84m wait for me waiting w8nwan2want towan2tlk want to talk?wbs withwearing a walkmanwel wellwiv write back soon wknd weekendwot whatwru where are you?wu what”s upwud what you doingwygowm will you go out with mex kissxlnt excellentxoxox hugs and kissesy whyyr youryyssw yeah yeah sure sure whatever(via)。
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老外发短信息时常用的英文缩写汇总!随着手上的客户越来越多,很多表示有些客户聊天的时候很爱用缩写,“Just FYI,AKA,G2G......”这些你都知道什么意思吗?A缩写攻略AX = Across 穿过AH = At home 在家A3 = Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成ASL = Age/Sex/Location 年龄/性别/住址AAR = At any rate 任何价格ABT = About 关于AYW = As you??如你所愿AZN = Asian 亚洲人(主要指印度人)AKA = Also known as 还叫……AML = All my love 我所有的爱ATB = All the Best 最好的ATM = At the moment 现在ACC = Anyone can come 谁都能来AYS = Are you serious? 你认真的吗?AYT = Are you there? 你在吗?AISI = As I see it 当我看到它的时候AOTS = All of the sudden 突然ATST = At the same time 同时AYCE = All you can eat 你都可以吃ABT2 = Meaning‘about to’ 将……ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见AEAP = As early as possible 越早越好AFAP = As far as possible 越远越好AMBW = All my best wishes 我最美好的祝福AISB = As it should be 它本应这样……AISB = As I said before 像我之前说的ALOL = Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑AMAP = As much as possible 越多越好AMOF = As a matter of fact 事实是……ASAP = As soon as possible 越早越好AQAP = As quick as possible 越快越好AYDY = Are you done yet? 你完事了没?AYEC = At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候AYOR = At your own risk 由自己负责AFAIK = As Far As I Know 就我所知ADD/ADR = Address 地址AWESO = Awesome 真棒ATEOTD = At the end of the day 最后B缩写攻略BM = Byte Me 寓意你能怎么办?B4 = Before 之前BF = Boyfriend 男朋友BG = Background 背景BB = Be back 马上回来BN = Bad news 坏消息BF = Best friend 最好的朋友B/C = Because 因为B4N = Bye for now 再见B2W = Back to work 回去上班BAU = Business as usual 正常营业BBL = Be back later 一会回来BBQ = Barbeque 烧烤BBS = Be back soon 一会回来BBT = Be back tomorrow 明天回来BWO = Black, white or other 黑色,白色或其他BTW = By the way 顺便说一句Biz = Business 生意BRB = Be right back = 马上会来BRD = Bored 无聊BOL = Best of luck 祝你好运BME = Based on my experience 根据我的经验BFFL = Best friend for life 一辈子的好朋友BION = Believe it or not 爱相信不相信BHL8 = Be home late 会晚回家BM&Y = Between me and you 你我之间BBIAB = Be back in a bit 马上回来BBIAM = Be back in a minute 马上回来BBIAS = Be back in a second 马上回来BDAY/B-DAY = Birthday 生日C缩写攻略CU = See you 再见CX = Cancelled 取消了CB = Coffee break 休息时间CM = Call me 打给我CT = Can’t talk 说不了话CIO = Check it out 检查CSL = Can’t stop laughing 忍不住笑C4N = Ciao for now 拜拜,Ciao是意大利语的再见CAM = Camera 相机CMB = Call me back 给我回电话COB = Close of business 停业COS = Because 因为CYE = Check your e-mail 查你的邮件CR8 = Create 创造CUA = See you around 再见CRZ = Crazy 疯了C-T = City 城市CWYL = Chat with you later 稍后聊CRBT = Crying really big tears 大哭CMON = Come on 拜托!!CQRT = Security 安全CUIMD = See you in my dreams 梦里见CMIIW = Correct me if I’m wrong 如果我错了请纠正D缩写攻略DF = Dear friend 亲爱的朋友DL = Download 下载DN = Down 往下,下面DGT = Don’t go the re 别去那DNR = Dinner 晚饭DNT –Don’t 别……DGA = Don’t go anywhere 哪都别去DETI = Don’t even think it 不考虑DHYB = Don’t hold your breath 别憋气DIKU = Do I know you? 我认识你吗?DLTM = Don’t lie to me 别对我说谎DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DKDC –Don’t know, don’t care 不知道,不管E缩写攻略EOM = End of message 消息最后EVA = Ever 曾经,永远EMA = E-mail address 邮箱地址EOL = End of lecture 讲座最后E123 = Easy as one, two, three 跟1,2,3一样容易EF4T = Effort 努力ENUF = Enough 够了EZ/EZY = Easy 容易E1/Every1 = Everyone 每个人F缩写攻略FE = For example 例如FB =??脸书FC = Fingers crossed 手指交叉,意思是保佑FW = Forward 向前,转发(邮件)FTL = Faster than light 比光还快F2F = Face to face 面对面F2P = Free to play 免费玩FAQ = Frequently asked questions 经常问到的问题FBY = Fine by me 我可以、同意FYI – For your information 根据你的信息F2F/FTF = Face to face 面对面G缩写攻略GN = Good Night 晚安GF = Girlfriend 女朋友G9 = Genius 天才GA = Go ahead 进行GG = Gotta go 得走了GJ = Good job 干的不错GL = Good luck 祝你好运GB = Goodbye 拜拜,也是Great Britain缩写GUD = Good 不错、很好GAL = Get a life 做点有益的事GAS = Got a second? 有时间吗?GOI = Get over it 别想了GR8 = Great 不错、很好GBU = God bless you 上次保佑你GFI = Go for it 去做吧!GFN = Gone for now 现在不在GBTW = Get back to work 回去上班GTSY = Great to see you 很高兴见到你GMTA = Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同GRATZ = Congratulations 祝贺GWHTLC = Glad we had this little chat 很高兴我们有了这番谈话H缩写攻略H = Hug 抱抱HF = Have fun 玩的愉快H8 = Hate 讨厌、恨、不喜欢HV = Have 有……HW = Homework 作业HAK = Hugs and kisses 亲亲抱抱HMU = Hit me up 跟我联系HTH = Hope this (that) helps 希望这能有用HBU = How about you? 你如何?你怎样?HRU = How are you? 你好吗?HOAS = Hold on a second 等一下H2CUS = Hope to see you soon 希望不久能见到你HAGN =Have a good night 祝今晚过得愉快HAND = Have a nice day 祝今天过得愉快Howz = How is 怎么样H-BDAY = Happy Birthday 生日快乐I缩写攻略I2 = I too = me too 我也是IB = I’m back 我回来了IC = I see 哦……IK = I know 我知道IDK = I don’tknow 我不知道ISS = I Said SoIMO = In my opinion 我认为ILU = I love you 我爱你IMS = I am sorry 对不起IDC = I don’t care 我不管IA8 = I already ate 我吃过了IAC = In any case 无论如何IMU = I miss you 我想你IOW = In other words 换句话说IRL = In real life 在真实生活中ICAM = I couldn’t agree more 我非常同意IDBI = I don’t believe it 我真不敢相信IDTS = I don’t think so 我不这么认为IHNI = I have no idea 我不知道IMSB = I am so bored 我特别无聊ITYK = I thought you knew 我以为你知道的IUSS = If you say so 如果你非要这么说的话IDGI = I don’t get it 我没懂IIWM = If it were me 如果是我的话INMP = It’s not my problem 这不是我的错IIMAD = If it makes an(y) difference 如果这有所不同的话IWALU = I will always love you 我会一直爱你ILBL8 = I’ll be late 我会迟到J缩写攻略JW = Just wondering 觉得JK = Just kidding 只是逗你玩的JAM = Just a minute 等一下JDI = Just do it 勇敢去做JFF = Just for fun 只是想玩玩JIC = Just in case 以防万一JLMK = Just let me know 到时通知我一下JTLYK = Just to let you know 只是想通知你一下JAC/ JAS = Just a second 等一下下K缩写攻略KK = Okay, okay 好的,好的KK = Knock, knock 敲门声KB = Keyboard 键盘KIT = Keep in touch 保持联系KNOW = Meaning ‘knowledge’ 知识L缩写攻略LMK = Let Me Know 告诉我LTNS = Long time no see 好久不见L2K = Love to come 很想来L8R = Later 过会儿,一会儿LBAY = Laughing back at you 对你笑LD = Long distance 远距离LHO = Laughing head off 大笑LOL = Laughing out loud 大声笑,非常常见LOLO = Lots of love 很多爱M缩写攻略M8 = Mate 兄弟,哥们(英国经常用)MLM = Meaning give the middle finger 竖中指的意思MNC = Mother nature calls 意思就是要上厕所MOO = My own opinion 我自身认为MSG = Message 信息MTF = More to follow 还有更多MorF = Male or Female?男还是女?MGMT = Management 管理MKAY = Meaning ‘Mmm, okay’ 嗯,好的MYOB = Mind your own business 先管好你自己的事儿N缩写攻略N1 = Nice one 不错NM = Never mind 没事NP = No problem 没问题NE = Any 任何NW = No way 不可能吧NN = Nite 晚安NBD = No big deal 没那么严重NE1 = Anyone 任何人NFS = Not for sale 不出售NVR = Never 不、绝不NRG = Energy 能量NMP = Not My Problem 不是我的问题NOYB = None of your business 跟你没关系NOWL = Meaning ‘knowledge’ 知识O缩写攻略OT = Off topic 跑题OOT = Out of stock 没有现货O4Y = Only for you 只为了你OMG = Oh my god 我的天啊!OMW = On my way 在路上ONL = Online 在线上OTP = On the phone 在打电话OTT = Over the top 过分了啊!OTW = Off to work 去上班了OVA = Over 结束OMDB = Over my dead body 除非我死了OTRH = On the other hand 另一方面P缩写攻略PS = Photoshop 修图PM = Personal message 私信PZ = Peace 和平、安宁PIC = Picture 图片PIF = Paid in full 全款Pro = Professional 专业的PCM = Please call me 请打给我POV = Point of view 观点PRT = Party 聚会PXT = Please explain that 请解释你什么意思PZA = Pizza 比萨PTMM = Please tell me more 请告诉我多一点PLS/PLZ = Please 请PROLLY = Probably 可能Q缩写攻略QIK = Quick 快QQ = Meaning ‘crying eyes’ 哭QQ = Quick question 快问快答QOTD = Quote of the day 今日引用R缩写攻略R8 = RATE 比率、价格RN = Right now 立刻R&D = Research & Development 研发RUS = Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?ROFL = Roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了S缩写攻略SH^ = Shut up 闭嘴SQ = Square 正方形SB = Should be 应该SB = Smiling back 回笑SC = Stay cool 保持酷SB = Stand by 候场S2U = Same to you 对你也一样Sec = Second 一秒钟S2S = Sorry to say 很遗憾的说……SIT = Stay in touch 保持联系SM1 = Someone 某人SK8 = Skate 溜冰SUL = See you later 一会见SOL = Sooner or later 迟早、早晚STR8 = Straight 直接的SLAP = Sounds like a plan 听起来像个计划SPST = Same place, same time 同一地点同一时间Soz/sry = Sorry 抱歉T缩写攻略TM = Trust Me 相信我TC = Take care 保重TAM = Tomorrow . 明天上午TBC = To be continued 未完待续TIA = Thanks in advance 提前感谢TMI = Too much information 太多信息TBH = To be honest 说实话……TYT = Take your time 不用着急慢慢来TBL = Text back later 一会再发(短信)THX = Thanks 谢谢TTG = Time to go 该走了TPM = Tomorrow . 明天下午TTYL = Talk to you later 稍后跟你说TTLY = Totally 简直、完全的U缩写攻略U = You 你UR = You are 你是……USU = Usually 通常情况下……、经常……UNCRTN = Uncertain 不确定URSKTM = You are so kind to me 你对我真好URW/UW = You are welcome 不客气UN4TUN8 = Unfortunate 很不幸的UNBLEFBLE = Unbelievable 令人不可相信V缩写攻略VM = Voice mail 语音信箱VRY = Very 非常VBS = Very big smile 非常大的一个笑容VFM = Value for money 价格很划得来VGC = Very good condition 状态良好W缩写攻略W/ = with 与......WB = Welcome back 欢迎回来WX = Weather 天气W8 = Wait 等W3 = 网址的前端WC = Who cares? 谁管、在乎啊?WE = Whatever 随便、无所谓WK = Week 星期WRK = Work 工作WBU = What about you? 你呢?WAM = Wait a minute 等一会儿WAS = Wait a second 等一会儿WAM = Wait a minute 等一会儿Wrm = Warm温暖WYW = Wish you well 顺心如意WRU = Where are you 你在哪儿W/E = Weekend 周末Wan2 = Want to 想要WRUD = What are you doing? 你干吗呢?WAYF =– Where are you from? 你哪里来的?WYWH = Wish you were here 希望你也在这里WAN2TLK – Want to talk 想聊天Wot/Wut = What 什么X缩写攻略XU = Kiss you 亲吻XME = Excuse me 对不起麻烦一下、对不起XLNT = Excellent 很好XOXO = Hugs and Kisses 亲亲抱抱Y缩写攻略Y = Why 为什么?Ya = You 你?YR = Yeah, Right 对YF = Wife 妻子YL = Young lady 年轻女孩YR = Your 你的YW = You are welcome 不客气Y2K = You are too kind 你人真好YKW = You know what 你知道吗?YIU = Yes, I understand 是的我明白YNK = You never know 你怎么会知道YTB = You’re the best 你是最棒的YDKM = You don’t know me 你不知道我Yep/Yup = Yes 是的Z缩写攻略Z% = Zoo 动物园ZZZZ = Sleeping or sleepy 困*符号和数字! = I have a comment 我有话要说*$ = Starbucks 星巴克**// = Wink wink, nudge nudge 眨眼8t = it 它121 = One to one 一对一143 = I love you 我爱你182 = I hate you 我讨厌你1dfaul = Wonderful 精彩的2B or not 2B = To Be or Not To Be 生存还是毁灭2day = Today 今天2nite = Tonight 今晚2QT = Too Cute 太可爱2U2 = To you too 也给你24/7 = 24 hours, as in all time 7*24小时4e = Forever 永远4NR = Foreigner 外国人。