

A.印刷B.缩微C.著述D.译文P2152、按照科技期刊的性质和报送的主要内容,可分为(ABCD )。
(多选) P213 A.综合性B.学术性C.技术性 D.检索性3、按照研究报告的写作目的及其内容特征来看,可以划分为(ABC)。
(多选) A.学术性论文B.技术性论文 C.综述性论文D.创新性论文P2084、按证明信的发文者划分有(AB)。
A.组织证明信B.个人证明信C.邮寄证明信D.婚姻状况证明P715、常用的礼仪致词有(ABCD )。
(多选) P179A.欢迎词B.欢送词C.答谢词D.告别词6、从实现机关工作规范化、增强发文权威性的角度来说,计划可以使用哪些称谓?(ABC) (多选)A.规划B.纲要C.方案D.打算P47、大事记按记载内容分,有(AD)。
(多选) A.政治大事记B.专题性大事记C.追记性大事记D.文教大事记P548、大事记的标题主要有哪些形式(ABCD)。
(多选) A.横向式结构B.纵向式结构C.纵横结合式结构D.乱序结构P3511、感谢信按发表方式划分,可以分为(ABCD)。
(多选) A.书信式感谢信B.张贴式感谢信C.广播式感谢信D.登报式感谢信P6812、感谢信的正文一般包括(ACD)。


常用文体写作作业.市场预测报告是在市场调查的基础上,运用科学的方法对未来一段时间和一定范围内市场供求状况的经济发展趋势作出预测的一种商情调研类(填空 )2.析因实验是一种由已知结果去寻求未知原因的实验。
(填空 )3.学术论文的写作要领中提到,署名(填空 )4.不写或少写具体工作的内容,而将行文的重点放在分析工作得失、梳理经验教训、摸索事物发展规律方面。
这样的总结主体部分的表述方式属于( )。
(单选 )A.两段式写法B.概述式写法C.经验式写法D.阶段式写法5.某工厂的QC成果报告属于( )。
(单选 )A.专题研究报告B.科技成果总结报告C.科学实验报告D.科技试验报告6.介于科技论文和科技综述之间的科研文体文章是( )。
(单选 )A.专题研究报告B.综合研究报告C.实地调研报告D.可行性研究报告7.学术论文的写作要领中提到,在缺少检索工具或检索工具不够齐全的情况下,可以充分利用何种检索方法( )。
(单选 )A.追溯法B.常用法C.循环法D.都不对8.总结的种类按内容分包括( )。
(多选 )A.工作总结B.生产总结C.学习总结D.个人总结9.简报的基本特点包括( )。
(多选 )A.简明性B.及时性C.典型性D.灵活性10.按照研究报告的写作目的及其内容特征来看,可以划分为( )。
(多选 )A.学术性论文B.技术性论文C.综述性论文D.创新性论文11.招标书的主体要写明招标的目的和招标单位的基本情况。
(判断 )正确错误12.答谢词的重点在于向对方表达诚挚感谢之意,对主人的盛情款待予以高度评价,对交往活动的结果表示满意和赞赏,对自己的收获给予充分肯定。
(判断 )正确错误13.科技论文不属于学术论文。
(判断 )正确错误14.提高科技论文写作能力的首要条件,就是要善于观察分析、积极研究,依靠科学方法,具备较深厚的专业基础。
(判断 )正确错误15.撰写经济合同必须遵循的基本原则有哪些? (简答 )1、符合国家法律、法令和国民经济2、遵守社会公共利益或社会主义道3、坚持平等协商、等价有偿的原则1.调查报告施、总结典型经验,指定专人或派出调查组,深入实际调研后写成的书面报告。

(0099)《英语文体学引论》网上作业题答案1:第一次2:第二批3:第三批4:第四批5:第五批6:第六批1:[单选题]The smallest unit in a language that carries meaning is _____ .A:phemeB:morphemeC:phone参考答案:B2:[判断题]Ephemism is a kind of mild expression for an offensive or hush one参考答案:正确3:[单选题]What figure of speech has een used in "the young hunter was as strong as a lion"? A:metaphorB:metonymyC:synecdocheD:simile参考答案:D4:[多选题]Which of the following are the types of change of meaning of English words?A:extensionB:specializationC:elevationD:degradation参考答案:ABCD5:[判断题]Content is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same.参考答案:错误6:[判断题]Exophora is an item which refers to something in another text.参考答案:错误7:[多选题]What are the basic components of the English vocabulary?A:Anglo-SaxonB:GreekC:LatinD:French参考答案:ACD8:[单选题]stylistics is the study or the investigation of style.A:yesB:no参考答案:A9:[单选题]What figure of speech has een used in "Many hands make light work"? A:ironyB:overstatementC:synecdocheD:oxymoron参考答案:C10:[多选题]Which of the followings originate from Anglo-Saxon?A:Members of the familyB:TimeC:LawD:Science参考答案:AB1:[多选题]What are the functions of inverted sentence ?A:For effectB:For emphasisC:For balanceD:For cohesion and conjunction参考答案:BCD2:[多选题]What are the levels of stylistic analysis?A:Phonological levelB:Lexical levelC:Syntactical levelD:Discoursal level参考答案:ABCD3:[判断题]Simpley speaking, registers refer to languages which are determined by situation.参考答案:正确4:[多选题]What are the grammatical functions of stress?A:Emphasize a certain word or meaning.B:Distinguish words, phrases, same spelling, different meaning.C:Change of stress in words causes change of phonemes.D:Means of expressing strong emotions.参考答案:ABCD5:[单选题]What is the methodology of stylistic analysis?A:linguistic analysisB:discourse analysie参考答案:A6:[判断题]In this example: "Is this a non-smoker? I don't know", there is a Verbal ellipsis.参考答案:错误7:[判断题]Rhetorical question is a question which does not demand an answer or the answer is obvious.参考答案:正确8:[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a means of characterizationC:Social positionD:irony, satire, emphasis, comical effects参考答案:ABCD9:[判断题]A not-text is a group of sentences that are typically or logically linked together. This kind of linkage is called cohesion. So cohesion is the quality that makes a text a text.参考答案:错误10:[多选题]Structurally speaking, sentences may be classified into:A:Simple sentenceB:Exclamatory sentenceC:Compound sentenceD:Complex sentence参考答案:ACD1:[判断题]Contrastive conjunction is achieved by the use of conjunctive words of addition or progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.参考答案:错误2:[判断题]Contrastive conjunction is achieved by the use of conjunctive words of addition or progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.参考答案:错误3:[判断题]In this example: "Is this a non-smoker? I don't know", there is a Verbal ellipsis.参考答案:错误4:[判断题]Simpley speaking, registers refer to languages which are determined by situation.参考答案:正确5:[判断题]Tenor of discourse is the social relationships between participants in communication. 参考答案:正确6:[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a mean of characterizationC:Social positionD:Iron, satire, emphasis, comical, effect参考答案:ABCD7:[多选题]What are the functions of inverted sentence ?A:For effectB:For emphasisC:For balanceD:For cohesion and conjunction参考答案:BCD8:[多选题]Structurally speaking, sentences may be classified into:A:Simple sentenceB:ExclamatoryC:Compound sentenceD:Complex sentence参考答案:ACD9:[多选题]What are the grammatical functions of stress?A:Emphasize a certain word or meaningB:Distinguish words, phrases, samespllingC:Change of stress in words causes changeD:Means of expressing strong emotions .参考答案:ABCD10:[多选题]What are the levels of stylistic analysis?A:Phonological levelB:Lexical levelC:Syntactical levelD:Discoursal level参考答案:ABCD1:[多选题]What are the differences between language and speech?A:Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete.B:Language is potential whereas speech is actual.C:Language is code whereas speech is message.D:Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal and situational constraint.参考答案:ABCDLoose sentence is the one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached or one in which the major information is presented _____ and the details of information are presented _____.参考答案:3:[填空题]Style can be defined as the ___ habit of different people or characteristic of typical social situations.参考答案:linguistic4:[填空题]Stylistics may be defined as the study of or investigation of __.参考答案:style5:[论述题]Explain the connotative meaning of the underlined words in the sentence:She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily参考答案:Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.6:[论述题]Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the following sentence:He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't Believe what he says.参考答案:Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.7:[单选题]What figures of speech have been used in the following sentence?Life is but a brief candle.A:simileB:metaphorC:metonymyD:synecdocheLily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.8:[单选题]What figures of speech have been used in the following sentence?The young hunter was as strong as a lion.A:simileB:metaphorC:metonymyD:synecdoche参考答案:AA wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog and that kills and eats other animals. Here wolf is used to refer to persons who are cruel and untrustworthy.9:[填空题]The four major types of semantic change are______,______,_______ and_____.参考答案:Acoustic10:[填空题]_____ phonetics is a branch of phonetics dealing with the physical properties of the speech sounds of a language.参考答案:Acoustic1:[论述题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence.from the cradle to the grave.参考答案:metonymy2:[填空题]Hyperbole can also be called______.参考答案:A simile is a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeliness between them.3:[论述题]Explain the term simile.参考答案:It often takes the formula of X is like Y in the aspect of Z.4:[论述题] What is the formula of a simile?参考答案:A simile is a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeliness between them.5:[单选题]____ is the figure of speech which makes covert comparison.A:metaphorB:metonymyC:hyperboleD:oxymoron参考答案:AA simile is a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeliness between them.6:[论述题]What is register?参考答案:Register is language determined by situation.7:[论述题]Analyze the following case of simile in terms of tenor, vehicle and ground.He is as brave as a tiger.参考答案:Register is language determined by situation.8:[填空题]The three situational factors that are most relevant to the deciding of a register are ___, ___ and ___.参考答案:field of discourse;tenor of discourse;mode of discourse9:[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a means of characterizationC:Social positionD:Other functions: irony, satire, emphasis, comical effects参考答案:ABCDfield of discourse;tenor of discourse;mode of discourse10:[单选题]_____ refers to the putting together of two contradictory words in one phrase.A:euphemismB:oxymoronC:synecdocheD:simile参考答案:Bcontradictory1:[填空题]Oxymoron is the putting together of two ____ words in one phrase.参考答案:field of discourse;tenor of discourse;mode of discourse2:[填空题]Register refers to language determined by ____.参考答案:situation3:[填空题]periodic sentence is one that is not grammatically complete until the ___ is reached or one in which the ___ information is delayed until towards the end of the sentence参考答案:situation4:[填空题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence________.The young hunter was as strong as a lion.参考答案:end;major5:[单选题]The word" villain" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it?A:extentionB:specializationC:degration参考答案:Cend;major6:[论述题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence.The young hunter was as strong as a lion.参考答案:simile7:[单选题]The word"craftsman" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it?A:extentionB:elevationC:specialization参考答案:Bsimile8:[单选题]The word"hospital" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it?A:extentionB:elevationC:specialization参考答案:Csimile9:[单选题]The word"economy" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it?A:extentionB:specializationC:elevation参考答案:Asynecdoche10:[论述题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentenc e.Many hands make light work.参考答案:synecdoche。

My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled,Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun.All felled, felled, are all felled:[G. M. Hopkins. Binsey Poplars] 我亲爱的白杨树,在通风的笼子里,平息或淬火般的叶子,在跳跃的阳光下。
Thou mastering meGod! giver of breath and bread;World’s strand, sway of the sea,Lord of living and dead;Thou hast bound bones and veins in me,Fastened me flesh.And after it almost unmade, what with dread.Thy doing: and dost thou touch me afresh? Over again I feel thy finger and find thee.[G. M. Hopkins. The Wreck of the Deutschland] 你掌控着我,上帝!给予我生命和面包;世界的链,摇摆的海,是活着和死亡的造物主,你融进我的血肉中,即使毁灭又有什么恐惧呢?试着这样做:触摸我好吗?再一次,我就会感到你的存在,并找到你们。

常用文体写作教程作业(选择和简答)篇一:常用文体写作答案【字母排序】常用文体写作教程单选题: 按学科分类及体系排列来查找文献属于何种检索途径(C分类途径)。
按照科技论文语言简明的要求,做法不正确的是( C.多用介词结构和文言虚词)。
(单选) B.纵向式结构C.纵横结合式结构D.乱序结构P35 标明制定计划的单位名称和具体时间的是(D.落款)。
大学关于改革毕业生就业工作情况的调查报告》属于( A新生事物的调查报告)。
读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,因此提高科技论文写作水平需要(A 多阅读文献资料,多阅读各类图书,多看别人的论文)。

一、Explaining the following terms.1、style: Style is concerned with alternative expressions for the same content,or different people saying the same thing to different groups of people in different circumstances for different purposes.2、register: Register is language variation that is associated with different situational use in which it is put.3、incongruity: It is a kind of stylistic effect by violating the existing norm,rules, principles and conventions.4、loose sentence: A loose sentence puts the main idea first and then illustration.5、periodic sentence: A periodic sentence can be used to create suspense,or expectation,thus drawing the listener’s attention to the end of the sentence. It can be used to produce humorous and emphatic effect.6、reference: Some units of language can only be explained by referring to some other elements in the above text or in the text bellow.Such phenomenon is called reference.7、genre: Genre is s staged ,goal-oriented,purposeful activity in which speakers engaged as members of our culture.8、substitution: If we use one item to replace another which was just referred to above,it is a case of substitution.9、rhetorical question: A rhetorical question is to use the form of a question in order to express a strong emotion or to emphasize a particularaspect.10、antithesis: The same structure is repeated and the meaning of all the structures are contrastive.Such a device is called antithesis.二、Answer the following questions briefly.1、What factors can result in differences in style?Style is the result of differences in the uses of language, in the users of language, those who come from different social backgrounds, from different races, from different historical periods,etc., and in the functions of language,such as interview for finding a job, commentary for a football match, letter for exchanging information and feelings,etc..2、What factors affect the writer’s selection of words and style?Fowler in The King’s English also put for ward five criteria for the selection of words :whether they are familiar or not familiar ;whether they are concrete or abstract; whether they are single or more ;whether they are short ,simple or long; whether they are Anglo-Saxon words or Latin words.Written English words tend to be formal, learned, long, nominalized, while spoken English words tend to be short, informal, colloquial, full of contractions, slips of tongue,etc.3、How many ways can we use to represent varieties of language?We can use 2 ways to represent varieties of language :First, using certain patterns or models, such as parallelism, antithesis,repetition. Second, using syntactic incongruity. It includes two types of deviation: using sentence of unusual structure, such as loose sentence, periodic sentence, elliptical sentence, inverted sentence , rhetorical questions; and breaking the rules of grammar.4、What is the function of rhetorical questions?The function of rhetorical questions is to make a declarative sentence more powerful, to attract the listeners’attention, to induce others’ sympathy, and to express very strong emotions.5、What are the characteristics of expository writing?Designed to inform, report, describe - not necessarily to tell a story. Not based on plot, sequence of events.Chapters end with summaries, not suspense.Includes variety of structures and textual elements.Charts, maps, graphs, diagrams, sidebars, photos, reading guides, ect.文体学学期作业外国语学院英语(师范)101020146刘进霞。


文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings.1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four ofwhich are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are fromLatin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between theaddress and addressee; the degree of social distance separating theaddresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), Firstname + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) andTerms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to theaddresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personalpronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a littlenewspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having beenterminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/herremember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。

(判断)错 20113.体现科技论文的专业性,就是要把学术讨论的范畴局限于自身的专业领域之内。

文体学复习题I.Answer questions1.What is style? (p1-12)2.What is the purpose of stylistics?3.Describe some functions of language.(p13-)4.What maojor procedures does stylistic analysis follow? (p35)5.What stylistic markers are to be identified in a text?(p37-115)6.How do people distinguish written language and spoken language?(p125)7.What differences are marked in communication between spoken language and writtenone?(p129)8.Describe the linguistic features of spoken language and written language.(p132)9.What is “co-operative principle” according to Grice?(p142)10.How many types of speech act are described by Searl?(p147)11.Give an example to illustrate the “Principle of Politeness” by Leech. (p148-149)12.Give an account of Martin Joos’ “The Five Clocks”.(p163-164)13.Under what circunstances is Formal style language used?(p164-165)14.Make a comparison between formal and informal language.(p169-172)15.Tell the basic differences between American English and BritishEnglish.(p210-220)16.Summarize the components of a piece of printed advertisement.17.Analyze the stylistic festures of printed English advertisement.(p308-)18.Describe the structure of a piece of news report.(p316)19.Describe the linguistic features of EST. (p338)20. Sample analysis: use your own words to summarize the analyses on p334-336.21. Tell what you have achieved most in taking this course.II. According to Leech’s Politeness Principle (PP) , make a brief comment on the following two pairs of statements, judging which displays PP, and how? (Refer to P149)Pair one:1.I am sorry to hear about your grandma.2.I am very sorry to hear your grandma tripped over the cat, cart-wheeled down thestairs and brained herself on the electricity meter.Pair two:1.Could you lend me your car this weekend?2.Lend me your car this month.III. The following is abstracted from “President D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address (March 4.1933)”, read through it carefully and try to give an analysis according to its stylistic features involved in sentence structure, use of verb phrases, noun phrases, types of sentence, rhetoric devices etc. Following the threesteps as (1) “Description”, (2) “Interpretation”, (3) “Evaluation”President Hoover, Mr. Chief Justice, my friends:This is a day of national consecration, and I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our nation impels.This is pre-eminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great nation will endure as it it has endured, will revive, and will prosper.So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to the leadership in these critical days.…Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously.It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and recognize the use of our natural resources.Hand in hand with this, we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and, by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution, endeavor to provide a better use of the land for those fitted for the land.The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities.It can be helped by insistence that the federal, state, and local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced.It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical and unequal. It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms transportation and of communications and other utilities which have a definitely public character.There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped merely by talking about it. We must act quickly.。

Passage AMalaysia is being considered as a US Navy base for warship军舰repairs after the closure of the Subic Bay naval dockyard海军船厂in the Philioppines in three years. Admiral海军上将Charles Larson, commander-in-chief of the US Pacific Command said yesterday.He raised the subject of using the Lumut naval base facing the strategic Straits 海峡of Malacca马六甲, in talks with Dutuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, theMalaysian defense minister国防部长. “In our exchange we both agree it is an issue worth looking into,” he said.Malaysia had previously been reluctant to extend military facilities to America.Admiral Larson said the water at Lumut was deep enough only for smallwarships, and dredging 挖掘would be required to allow bigger ships to dock.Washington signed an agreement with Singapore last November for increasing air and naval facilities there.---新闻Passage BConcrete is produced by mixing together cement, water, and mineralaggregates. This mixture is placed into a suitable mould, comacted, andallowed to harden. It is somewhat similar to building stone but has theadvantage that it can be easily moulded into any suitable shape, and also that it can be conveniently reinforced with steed rods to improve its structuralproperties.---说明expository writingm语∙说明文语言的准确性,体现在数据的使用、概念的限制、语序的安排和修辞的运用等方面。


文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings.1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four ofwhich are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are fromLatin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between theaddress and addressee; the degree of social distance separating theaddresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), Firstname + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) andTerms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to theaddresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personalpronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a littlenewspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having beenterminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/herremember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。

Stylistic Analysis of a NewspaperIntroductionThere are tow main functions of newspapers: giving information and reflecting, shaping and guiding public opinion. We know that a newspaper is written and read by people in a hurry, so the main characteristics, no matter it is good or bad, of newspaper Eglish reflect the journalist’s desire to meet these requirements. He should design his headlines for dramatic eye_catching effect so as to intrigue the potential reader. He should compress his article into a limited space. He should present his material in the most readable and attractive way, with seeming objectivity, which is more often effective in swaying the reader’s opinion. But not all newspaper writing is alike. The same news item will be handled differently in different types of newspaper. Even in the same newspaper, there will be different langusge style.There are many languistic differences between a report and and an art article. In fact, it is very difficult to make a generalisation on the English of the press. Therefor we should restrict our attention to news reporting which serves the central function of a newspaper to give information.The article aims to make a simple analysis on the news reporting.一.At the Graphological Leveling different sizes or shpes of type for the main headlines and thesubheadlines. The sizes and shapes in this newspaper of the main headline and the subheadline are different. The main headlines are bold but the subheadline is not.ing short paragraphs. Journalists are fond of spitting a narrative intovery short paragraphs, especially at the beginning of an article. There are 17 paragraphs in the short newspaper and in fact none of them has over 3sentences. They are all very short paragraphs and the sentences are almost short and sinple. This is because they should use very simple sentences to attract more people, but if the article is too hard to read, then it is very difficult for them to attract readers, at least common readers.ing direct quotations. In this newspaper the writer usea “directsvidence”said by a senior law enforcement to give a stong impression of objectivity.二.At the syntactic leveling short sentences and avoid using complex sentences. The need forclarity and readbility underlines the choice of different sentence structures ina report, and it is possible to have a diversity of structure types, but if thesentences are too difficult it can not read by the common readers. So the writers tend to use simple snd short sentences.ing long adverbial phrases to introduce sentences. The sentence “TheFBI confirmed wendnesday that six current or former pentagon officials involved in procurement were served with search warrants this week”. And “The FBI provided a list of the companies and people whose offices ere searched Tuesday, but it did not say whether they were suspected of wrongdiong ”.ing simple present instead of the persent perfective and the past tense.In the headline “Procurement officials at pentagon are focus of bribes investigation” the writer uses the simple present.三.At the Lexical Leveling initials, acronyms and clipped forms. The writer of this article uses“FBI”, McDonnell douglas corp , Northrop corp, and so on.ConclusionFrom the above analysis, we can see that the news reporting has its owncharacteristics in Graphological level, syntactic level and also in Lexical level. We use different sizes and shapes in the headlines and also in the headlines amomg the article. We use short and simple paragraphs and sentences to express the truth and the real thoughts to attract more readers as possible. We sue long adverbial sentences and the simple present tense. we also use initials and acronyms and clipped forms in the article. In this way, we get our purpose-----to make the news easy to be understood and make them more attractive to get more readers. And at the same time, we can understand different kinds of newspapers better.。

院系:外国语学院英语系班级:英语082班姓名:吕文凤学号:200801014212Appreciation On Poem-----New Friends and Old FriendsNew Friends and Old FriendsMake new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.New-made friendships, like new wineAge will mellow and refine.Friendships that have stood the test —Time and change — are surely best;Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray;Friendship never knows decay.For ’mid old friends, tried and true,Once more we our youth renew.But old friends, alas! may die;New friends must their place supply.Cherish friendship in your breast —New is good, but old is best;Make new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.—Joseph ParryAuthor:※Joseph Parry (21 May 1841 – 17 February 1903), was a W elsh composer and musician. he is best-known as the composer of Myfanwy and Aberystwyth (a hymn tune).※Parry's family emigrated to the United States in 1854, when he was 13, and he became an ironworker in Danville, Pennsylvania. There was a large W elsh community there and he became involved in strengthening W elsh culture locally.※When, in 1865, he was admitted to the Gorsedd (吟游诗集会)at the National Eisteddfod of W ales, he took the bardic name, "Pencerdd America".He became a Freemason(互济会会员)in 1867, while in Pennsylvania. His 1875 song, Ysgytwad y Llaw (The Handshake) appears to acknowledge his connection with the movement.※He returned to Great Britain and studied music in London under Sir William Sterndale Bennett and at the University of Cambridge. In 1873 he became Professor of Music at the University of W ales.※In 1876, he joined the masonic lodge at Aberystwyth, and became their organist (凤琴演奏者).●His opera, Blodwen, was first performed in the town‘s T emperance Hall on 21 May 1878, and was an enormous success, racking up a further 500 performances worldwide by 1896.●His oratorio(清唱剧), Saul of Tarsus, was commissioned for the National Eisteddfod at Rhyl in 1892, and was also a major success.In about 1881, the Parry family left Aberystwyth for Swansea(天鹅湖).※ A resident of Penarth(佩纳斯)in his later years, Parry died there and is buried in St. Augustine's Churchyard, Penarth.Features:◎Rhyme韵*A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in poetry and songs.*every two sentences have the same rhyme.*for example: old and gold; wine and refine; test and best; grey and decay; die and supply; breast and test.◎Repetition重复*Repetition of a sound, syllable, word, phrase, line, stanza, or metrical pattern is a basic unifying(统一) device in all poetry.*The repetition of a complete line within a poem may be related to the envelope stanza pattern, may be used regularly at the end of each stanza as a refrain, or in other ways.For example:“Make new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.‖the above two sentences were employed by author both at the beginning and in the end.They make the poem more unifyingFeatures:◎simile 明喻A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, (e.g., as brave as a lion).◎metaphor 暗喻A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.For example:“Make new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.‖this sentence uses metaphor .Make new friends------ silver;keep the old------ gold.It reveals the values of friendship, and the importance of making friends. Punctuation:◎Dash破折号―Friendships that have stood the test —Time and change —are surely best;‖To make it clear that dash is different from hyphen, either has its own meaning. Here, dash‖ test —Time and change ‖ means explanation.Theme:◎W e have made many friends, old and new, this song or poetic song tells us the values of friendship and the importance of making friends.Related sentences:To preserve a friend three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。
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Title: The Stylistic Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe‟s The RavenAbstract: The Raven written by Edgar Allan Poe is a famous romantic poem in American history, which has remained one of Poe‟s most enduring works and it is a good illustration of Poe‟s rhythmica l creation of beauty. The poem weaves its structure, rhythm, refined words, sentence structure and rhetorical devices into a brilliant tapestry that confers on Poe‟s everlasting fame. This paper tends to explore The Raven from a stylistic point of view and the stylistic features on phonological level, lexical level, syntactic level and rhetorical features would be studied respectively. Through the analysis of these aspects, the greatness of the beauty and the sense of melancholy pervaded between the lines in the poem can be all well appreciated.Key words: stylistic analysis; phonological level; lexical level; syntactic level; rhetorical features1. IntroductionThe Raven, is a romantic poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, the topic of the poem is about the death of a beautiful woman and the sense of melancholy pervades the whole poem. It consists of 108 lines and briefly depicts that a young man is grieving for his lost Lenore, his grief being turned to madness under the steady one-word repetition of the taking bird introduced right at the beginning of the poem. After he sees the bird, whose response “nevermore” keeps breaking the psychic wound ruthlessly and ceaselessly as do the waves on the seashore until his depression reaches its breaking point. This thesis will mainly explore the stylistic features of the poem, such as stylistic features on phonological level, lexical level, syntactic level and the rhetorical features.2. Stylistic Features on Phonological LevelThe artistic beauty of the poem not only lies in the language the poem adopted, the beautiful images described, emotion revealed, but also lies in the sound patterns that weave the poem. Researches on the figure of sound about certain poem are usually based on such aspects: alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, euphony, rhyme, meter and others. “Music is the perfection of the soul, or idea, of poetry” (常耀信,107). The Raven can be the best poem to embody the musical beauty. Furthermore, the sense of melancholy can also find its good representation through the defined phonological arrangement in the poem. Therefore, the sound and meter as the most important technique succeeds in shaping the poem‟s rhythmical creation and the atmosphere of melancholy. They are like the clothes and buildings to conform to the conventional poetic form.2.1 Alliteration“Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds, usually consonants or consonants clusters, in a group of words. Sometimes the term is limited to the repetition of initial consonant sounds. When alliteration occurs at the beginning of words, it is called initial alliteration; when it occurs within words, it is called internal or hidden alliteration. It usually occurs on stressed syllables.” (李正栓, 383).This poem‟s applications of alliteration are al so the significant part in constructing the beauty of the poem and give the poem perfect cadence. “As a figure, alliteration is good for sound rhyme, musical effect and significant emphasis, even for twisted expression.” (时贵仁, 89). In addition, the basic tone can also be embodied through the use of alliteration. For instance, “while, weak, weary” in the first line of the first stanza at the beginning of the poem, “w” is the rhyme consonant and it just reflects the man‟s physically and psychologically depres sed mood. In the third line of the same stanza, there is “nodded, nearly napping” describing the young man‟s semi-sleep condition. Thus the use of the alliteration in the first stanza determines the basic tone of the poem, which involves the obscure and magic color. In the tenth line, there is “surcease, sorrow”. In the seventh stanza, such as “flirt” and “flutter” is initiated with the consonant “f”. In the eighth stanza, there are a lot of these kinds of words appearing in the lines like “what this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore,” in this line, alliteration is used again to indicate that the man‟s mood of the dislike to the black bird after its steady one-word repetition. These alliterations not only make the poem smoothly and fluently, but also readable and the meaning of these alliteration can set a foreground and be strengthened.2.2 Assonance“Assonance describes syllables with a common vowel.” (董莉, 134). As for the assonance, it attaches a great importance in enhancing the internal relationship between the lines of the poem. A large number of the applications of assonances are applied, such as: In the first line, “eary” is appearing in “dreary” and “weary”. In the third line, there is “napping, tapping”; in the seventh line, there is r emember and December; in ninth line, “morrow”, “borrow” and “sorrow” the assonance is the “orrow”. Before the appearance of Lenore, this second stanza uses a great many assonances “o”, like “floor”, “morrow” “borrow”, “sorrow”, “lost” and then Lenore. Thus the appearance of Lenore is very natural, not having the effect of the sense of towering. In the third stanza, there are the words “uncertain” “purple” and “curtain”. In the fourth stanza, “napping” and “rapping” and the repetition of the same words also are included. Therefore, the rhythmical sense between the lines can be feltthrough the use of assonance and also testify Poe‟s poetic principle of readable at one setting and the musical beauty.2.3 RhymeThe poem consists of 108 lines and totally 18 stanzas. Every stanza is composed by six lines. The most distinctive feature about the rhyme in the poem lies in its end rhyme, which is the rhyme of the whole poem and the most important musical device in creating the melancholy tone. Here, Poe deliberately uses the long vowel /ɔ: / as the end rhyme and the basic tone of the poem. In every stanza, there is four lines‟ end rhymes ended with the vowel /ɔ: /, namely the second, fourth, fifth and sixth line and all about are 72 lines. These lines‟ end rhyme always ends with “nothing more”, or “nevermore”. The repetition of the end rhyme also makes the internal relationship of the poem closer like a circle. Furthermore, the sound is like the inexpressible mood due to deeply grief for the lost Lenore. The rhyme scheme of the each stanza is ABCBBB, which is another kind of musical effect.2.4 RhythmAs for the rhythm, there are mainly four kinds of rhythm: dactyls, iambic, trochee, and anapest. This poem‟s main rhythm is trochee, which is to say one foot consisting two syllables, the former is stressed and the latter is unstressed. It is like people‟s breath just fit the man‟s gradually changing mental state.This poem‟s foot is special: the first and the third line consist of eight metrical feet, the second and the fourth line consists of 7½ feet alternatively appearing. The fifth line is the same with the fourth line‟s rhyme. The sixth line is 3½ feet and end with the refrain of triple rime. This is the typical poem which strictly obeys the conventional rule established by Poe himself. The following part will be a good demonstration of the poem‟s rhythm.∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕∨∕Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, (1-2)These two lines are just a small part of the whole poem, but the fundamentalcadence is clearly revealed. The trochee makes the poem rise and fall having an unavoidable aesthetic effect both on the poem itself and on the reader.3. Stylistic Features on Lexical LevelAs for the lexical level, it is found that the skillfully employment of the expressive words and archaic words are the most distinctive features to accurately express the melancholy sense of the poem. To some degree, in order to reach the sound effect of the musical rhythm, the words presented between the lines are all carefully crafted. Poe‟s profound attainment is also reflected through the elaborately selecting the words.3.1 The Expressive WordsThe application of the expressive words in the poem like adjectives and large number of the words ended with -ing form words are especially salient in the poem in regard to vividness and meaningfulness.“Once upon a midnight dreary” in the first stanza, “dreary” is used to color the midnight at the beginning of the poem, which is rendering the depressed atmosphere of the whole poem. In the “while I pondered, weak and weary”, firstly, the musical rhythm can be embodied through the use of “weary and weary”, secondly, it also can reflect that the young seems having no strength to walk on. Something can be inferred that there may be some unfortunate things happened on this poor young man and this poem just reflect Poe‟s internal theme, namely, “the death of a beautiful woman is, questionab ly, the most poetic topic in the world.”(常耀信,106). In the second stanza, there is a sentence like “the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain”, the “curtain” here is modified by “silken”, “sad”, “uncertain rustling” respectively. From the “silken”, the lightweight material of the curtain can be known. The word “sad” used here to modify the curtain may sound odd, because this kind of mood cannot be possessed by an unanimated curtain, so the curtain is endowed with the human being‟s sentiment.The words ended with -ing form words are widely employed in the poem, which is the most salient usage when we firstly cast our sight on. For instance: napping, rapping, tapping, repeating, entreating, hesitating, wondering, fearing, peering,dreaming, burning, beguiling, smiling, agreeing, sitting, sinking, guessing, expressing, reclining, gloating, flitting, seeming, floating, rustling and etc. As the important method frequently applied presented, the poem immediately is pervaded the illusory and charming atmosphere, at the same time, echoic effect can also achieved as if the night, the raven, the knock and the rustling sound all have a resonance on the broken heart of the young man, who is grieving for the death of Lenore at this depressed midnight. Therefo re, the musical beauty and the melancholy sense‟s constructing can find a good representation here.3.2 Archaic wordsIt can be easily found that some archaic words are adopted in the poem. For example, there is the sentence fragment like “‟Tis some visitor” in the fifth line, “Tis” is archaic for “it is”, which means that there must be some visitor outside. “From my books surcease of sorrow” in the tenth line, here “surcease” is archaic for “stop”, from which we can see that the young man tends to use the book to relieve his sorrow for the death of his love, Lenore. In the third line of twelfth stanza “I betook myself to thinking”, “betook” here is archaic for “commit” or “apply”. Last but not least, the commonly used “thy”, which means “you” can be easily seen between the lines of the poem. Furthermore, the application of all of these words which are used in ancient times makes the style of the poem present more solemn and elegant.4. Stylistic Features on Syntactic LevelAs for the syntactic level, the most distinct feature adopted in the poem is the employment of the deviation, such as the deviation of word order and the widely used parallelism. Thus not only the musical rhythm can be achieved, but also the melancholy beauty can be emphasized.4.1 Deviation of word orderIn this poem, changing the original order is used to achieve not only the salient effect of the sentence, but also to achieve the musical beauty. In the first line of the poem, “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary” should be “a dreary midnight” to meet the need of the effect of the internal rhyme of the poem. While in the first line of the second stanza, “distinctively I remember it was in thebleak December” should be in the ordinary order like “I distinctively remember”, here Poe strengths the word “distinctively” to indicate that the young man remembered the day very clearly when the raven arrived at his door. If the ordinary order is used here, the emphasis will be lost. The same also can be seen in this sent ence like “Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow” in the second stanza. From this sentence we can see that how eagerly the young man want to escape that day and to be in the next day, but no matter how he wished, it is in vain, which apparently reflects the depressed mood of the young man. “so gently you came rapping” in the third line of the fourth stanza, the sound of knock is highlighted by putting the word “gently” in the front, which means that the sound is so weak that the young m an can hardly hear and it lays a great foundation for the raven‟s mysterious visit. The word “rapping” can also have a function as an indispensable part in forming the end rhyme.4.2 Large-scale parallelismParallelism means exact repetition in equivalent positions. It differs from simple repetition in that the identity does not extend to absolute duplication. It “requires some variable features of the pattern—some contrasting elements which are …parallel‟ with respect to their position in the pattern”(Leech,1969:66). By large-scale parallelism we mean the kind which consists of more than two juxtaposed units.Parallelism is a kind of means to arrange the sentence sequence in the poem to reach the consistency of the whole poem and strengthen the overwhelming force of the content. In the poem, the most distinctive parallelism is the last line of every stanza; all of them contain “nothing more” or “nevermore” frequently quoted by the raven. The recurring patterns of these sentence fragments strengthen the poe m‟s internal relationship.Furthermore, there also exists the parallel structure between the lines, especially the repetition of some phrases, which makes the poem more rhythmical at once. For instance, “‟Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door” and the next line “Some late visitor entreating entrance my chamber door” form a partial complete parallel structure. It can also reflect the mental state of the young man‟s doubt and somewhat fear that who visited him so late. “Even yet was blessed with seeing birdabove his chamber door” and “Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door” in the ninth stanza, so the rhythmical effect can be clearly seen.5. Rhetorical FeaturesAs for the rhetorical features, the poem will be mainly dealt with from the perspective of figure of speech, namely rhetorical devices. That is “A word or an expression that is not meant to be interpreted in a literal sense. The most common kinds of figures of speech—simile, metaphor, personification and metonymy—involve a comparison between unlike things” (李正栓, 391). In order to convey meaning, figurative language is often employed. The most distinctive figure of speech applied in the poem is personification, symbolism, repetition and allusion.5.1 Personification“Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person or to attribute human qualities and abilities to inanimate objects, animals, abstractions and events.” (时贵仁,177).The application of personification has excellent characteristics of making the things described more vivid and the feature of the thing more striking. In the poem, the raven must be the first image come to our mind using the way of personification. The poet endows the human being‟s character to the raven. Firstly the sound of tapping the door at midnight is a good instance. Generally speaking, this behavior is commonly belongs to human beings. It makes the raven, which represents the ominous omen and the sign of death, more mysterious. Secondly, the only answer “nothing more” or “nevermore” of the raven are dealt as the human being‟s ordinary response; however, the raven cannot speak but crow. Thus the raven is personified being taken regarded as a human being with the feeling of mystery.The next image that is personalized is ember. The ember is in fact lifeless, but here the poet describes the ember with “dying” that is always to modify the man who will die. Thus the function of the “dying ember” not only makes the image of ember more vivid, but also implied the male character of the poem is extremely depressed because of the death of Lenore.5.2 SymbolismSymbol is an image transferred by something that stands for or represents something else, Symbols can transfer the ideas embodied in the image without stating them. Poe uses the symbols, this kind of artistic way a lot in order to create the mysterious and gothic atmosphere. Firstly the sound of tapping the door at midnight symbolizes the ghost or the supernatural ability. According to the old legend, only the ghost or the mysterious thing will knock the door at night. Secondly the night symbolizes the terror of the man character and his despair mood. Thirdly the door is the boundary between wildness and the indoor civilization as well as the separation between reason and non-reason world. Take the “raven” for example, as the overwhelming force appearing in the young man‟s room, it represents the mysterious power, namely it belongs to the irrational world. This is the distinction between the civilized society and the inherent superstition taking the raven as an ominous token. Furthermore “the bust of Pallas” is the embodiment of wisdom. However, the ominous raven perches on it from the beginning to the end. It forms a very distinctive contrast between these two images as we just have talked about the rational and irrational. Finally, with the increasing frequency answer to the man‟s question, the dark power of the raven gradually expands even shadows all the other symbols.5.3 Repetition““ALL the overregular features in literature are, in some sense, repetitious. The term repetition, therefore, is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text, such as a word, phrase, or even a sentence”(Leech,1969). Through the repetition of the words or sentence fragment in the sentence, the due meaning poet want to express can be reinforced and some certain strong sentiment can be revealed explicitly. The application of repetition can be seen everywhere in the poem. Fr om the first stanza to the seventh stanza the “nothing more” is frequently used repeatedly expressing the desperate mood. Furthermore, in the second and fifth stanza the young man cries out the “Lenore” many times hoping that his love can be back again. What can make the readers more sorrowful is that the repetition of “nevermore”, which represents the grief of the young man. This kind of mood is sounprecedented that breaks the young man‟s heart deeply. Not only the apparent phrase or sentence fragments adopted this rule, but also the words between the lines constructing the poem as a small component such as “rapping, rapping at my chamber door” in the fourth line of the first stanza, “surcease of sorrow-sorrow for the lost Lenore” in the tenth line of the same stanza and etc. Due to overall application of the whole poem that constructs the repetition from the beginning to the end. The repetition continuously puts climax in the poem concerning content, atmosphere and poet‟s state of mood.5.4 Allusion“Allusion is usually an implicit reference, perhaps to another work of literature or art, to a person or an event. It is often a kind of appeal to readers sharing some experience with the writer.” (时贵仁,129).The allusion is also an indispensable tool in adding the mysterious atmosphere to the poem and deserves our attention. It refers to the indirect reference or casual mention. In the seventh stanza, “a bust of Pallas” originates from the Greek mythology‟s Athena, who represents the symbol of the goodne ss of wisdom. Eventually, in the eighth stanza he asks the bird if he'll ever be reunited with his lover. When it echoes the same reply, he condemns it to ''Night's Plutonian Shore'', a reference to Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld. The raven, he surmises, is a messenger from the afterlife. Therefore “the Night's Plutonian shore” indicates the opposite bank of the underground world. In the fourteenth stanza, “Nepenthe” means the nepenthe originating from the Greek mythology, which can help people forget the distressed things. In the fifteenth stanza, “Is there balm in Gilead?” is from the Chapter 8 of Jeremiah of the Old Testament, the original sentence is “Is there no balm in Gilead; is therd no physician there?”. In the sixteenth stanza, Poe invented the word “Aidenn” to hint the Eden. Through the use of allusion, the poem is covered by the mysterious atmosphere, thus the artistic beauty can be well appreciated.6. ConclusionThe poem raven now has been regarded as a classic and also it has established the poet‟s immortal status in the history of literature and it becomes a house-hold known poem in accord with all the romantic features. Through the stylistic analysis of the poem from the phonological, lexical, syntactic, and semantic level respectively, the beauty of the poem and the skillfulness of the poet have been dig out and readers can feel the melancholy sense and how the poet achieve such prominent effects.From the phonological point, it throws light on how musical effects achieved through arranging syllables and using rhyme scheme. Furthermore, the application of alliteration and assonance‟s role can also not be neglected. From the lexical point, the expressive words‟ function is very significant to make the description more vivid. At the same time it constructs the gothic and melancholy atmosphere of the poem. Besides, the archaic words also add the mystery to the poem. From the syntactic point, the change of order endows the poem the sense of rhythmical beauty and makes some depressed words more prominent, thus the melancholy sense can be felt. From the rhetorical point, the figures of speeches are the indispensable force in molding the sense of mystery, which concentrates on the overall connotation of some images in the poem. The personification and symbolism are mainly the rhetorical ways used in the poem. The lifeless things all of a sudden become the life things under the description of the poet. All in all, through the detail stylistic analysis of the poem, the charming of the sounds, rhyme, vocabulary, the syntactic patterns and rhetorical devices has been interpreted well.The stylistic analysis is no doubt a best way to understand the poem‟s aesthetic value and the state of mood of the character, even the poet. In addition, by reading and analyzing the poem, the poet‟s poetical principle of creation can successfully enjoyed between the lines. The structure arrangement, poet‟s emotion and even subtle feelings can be delivered to the readers.Works CitedEdgar. 2002. The Raven: Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: W.W.Norton Company.Leech, G. N. 1969. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman.董莉, 2005. Theories and Practices of English Stylistics. Beijing: Publishing Houses of Electronics Industry, (134)常耀信,2008. 美国文学简史(第三版)天津:南开大学出版社, (106-107).李正栓, 2006. 《英国文学学习指南》,北京:清华大学出版社, (383)时贵仁,2007. College English Rhetoric. Liaoning: Liaoning University Press, (89,122,129,177)。