



文体学答案集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)文体学课后题 1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = soundelision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hardit is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main characterin Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in thefollowing extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonancetiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on thegraphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ impl ies her sudden stop. Theitalicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very muchlike a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humourall through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classificationclassification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation typesBy according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action typesThe participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of theaction), external force (causer ofthe action), intrumental role (toolto do the action with), recipientrole (receiver of the action) andobjective role (the affected or theresult of the action).4 What is a simple sentence What is amultiple sentenceDirectly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of morethan one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S OC .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c fas m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between aminor sentence and an incomplete sentenceNeither type conforms to the basicclause structure. But a minor sentenceis supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. Anincomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) H elp!(3) Going to the lecture (4) Whyare you late Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phraseWhat is the use of pre-modificationWhat is the function of post-modificationA complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest aswell because pre-modification isusually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagernessto find out. Pre-modification tends tobe informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modificationcan give enough room for details andfor further information. Therefore, itis frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly,guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written textsFor effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common ininformal speech Which type ofbranching is preferred in writtenstylesRight-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation ofideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simplesentences to represent a narrativestyle of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact and logical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel in suspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards the end of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase orderWhatare the stylistic effects offronting and postponementThe basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the ordercan make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usualposition to the front, andpostponement refers the movement ofa linguistic unit from its normalplace towards the end of thesentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example, (1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism andits functionSyntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effectbetween the use of Latinate and that of native words WhyGenerally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in mostcases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity andintellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constituteEnglish-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words areemotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words isquite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between ageneral word and a specific word Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommendedA word is general when it refers to agroup of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The(superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason. 5 What is repetition What is reiteration Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example, We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again. When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example, We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again. In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps to direct the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance. Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression. 6 What is collocation What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocation of an item in a piece of language Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text. 7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general word whose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words. 1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk) 2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull) 3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk) 4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container) 5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle) 8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associate meanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms 1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words; 2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more. In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand. 10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement. (Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元 1 What is dialect A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed. 2 What is the difference between dialect and accent Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent. 3 What is Standard English Is there a standard accent with which peoplespeak Standard EnglishStandard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is relatedto BBC broadcaster, the royal familyand educated speech, it is consideredto be the standard accent in Britain.6单元1 1)What does ‘channel limitation’mean How does channel limitationaffect language useChannel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing,on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, whichis understandable if the two speakersare together in the same context. Butin written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicitlike The teacher standing under thetree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from preparedwritten formIn spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er - withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship Give some examples.By role relationship we mean therelationship between the rolesadopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classifylanguage features typical of various attitudesLanguage features indicating theattitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formalityThe degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politenessLanguage varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of socialdistance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of theuse of address formsThe basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibilityWe can measure the degrees ofaccessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length ina passageH = the percentage of hard(inaccessible) words in the passageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) =13.32Since an easily accessible text issupposed to have a fog index ofabout 10, the mentioned text is justa little difficult. 8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious. I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It was n’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together. Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling Stone B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Extract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible. Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal. 9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, which indicate the degree of impersonality. The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory 10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality. A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words, as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. This is an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline. B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process. 8 单元 1 What functions does language serve in social activities Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic. 2 What functions does a newspaper serve A newspaper has two main functions: togive information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of aheadline/body copy in a press advertisementThe headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It hasbeen estimated that five times asmany people read the headline. Itshould be so designed as to capturea prospective buyer’s attention, tostimulate interest or desire, tomake him/her remember theadvertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisementA complete press advertisement consists of the following components:HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial Verdict Rewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperationin agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。

2019届高三语文高考总复习教师用书 专题十四 文学类文本阅读二 散文 含答案

2019届高三语文高考总复习教师用书 专题十四 文学类文本阅读二 散文 含答案

专题入门散文的高考命题点和读文关注点——由文体特点知高考考点散文的文体特点概括来说就是“形散神聚”.所谓“形”是指散文中用来表情达意的人物、事物、景物、器物等.“形”的“散”体现在联想的广泛、时空的纵横等方面,但目的却是统一的——用来表现理念、抒发情感、阐述哲理、表达志趣、寄寓情趣等.这也就是我们所说的“神聚”.[考纲解读与考情分析]1.《考试大纲》将“文学类文本阅读”列为“必考”内容,增加“理解”这一B级的层级要求,相应增加“理解文中重要词语的含义、理解文中重要句子的含意”两个考点之后,散文取代小说成为文学类文本阅读材料的可能性增加,因为全国卷多年来对散文没有考查过,且散文比小说更适合命制词语、句子类的试题.建议考生在备考过程中,将散文与小说并重复习.2.散文命题将会继承已有的命题传统,考点集中在理解重要词语含义和重要句子的含意、分析散文结构、概括内容要点、鉴赏散文的表达技巧、探究散文的深层思想意蕴等方面.3.对更高层级的“鉴赏评价能力”的考查将可能体现在散文试题当中,如在对人物形象、物象进行分析之后,要求对其进行评价等.——由高考考查点知读文关注点散文“形散神聚”的文体特点要求考生在读文时注意力必须高度集中,始终带着几个“为什么”去读文,去思考——本段“写了什么、写得如何、为什么这样写、与主旨有什么关联”.用这几个“为什么”去串联思维,理清行文线索,进而体会表达的思想情感,即串“形”聚“神”.读文时也要始终坚信一点,一篇优美的散文,其中的每一段落、每一句,甚至每一词都不是随意堆砌的,都不是可有可无的,都是作者精心安排、刻意提炼的,都是为主题服务的.具备了以上读文意识,养成良好的读文习惯,读散文便成了一种“享受”,做题也就有了“成就”.[高效读文]阅读下面的文字,完成相关题目.碰头食刘心武①那是去秋一天的下午,植被丰茂的温榆河边,我坐在马扎上画水彩写生,老杜走来走去地采集植物叶片,而汪哥儿则坐在他那辆本田雅阁里,把四扇车门全打开,仰着身子,双手枕在脑后,享受穿过车体的“过堂风”.②我们三个是偶然相识于温榆河畔的.我在离河不远的村子里辟了一间书房,写作之余爱到河边画风景;老杜离休不久,他们干休所就坐落在河东天竺镇,他喜欢采集植物花叶制作标本;汪哥儿别人都管他叫汪总,在河畔高档别墅区里有栋欧陆风情的小楼,有时开车路过温榆河就离开公路把车滑到河畔草丛中,他说是“透气补氧”,我却从他那眯眼凝思的神态,判断他多半还是在盘算生意经.因为问起来他比我和老杜小两轮还多,所以我们只叫他汪哥儿,他每回都拉长声音应承,很受听的样子.③我们又遇到一起,热络地互致问候后,便各司己事.忽听“咩咩”之声,一群绵羊约有三四十只,跟随一位羊倌移动了过来.羊倌是个40多岁的汉子,我们都跟他打招呼,他也就站住跟我们拉家常.我、老杜、汪哥儿互相虽说也曾在问答间有些个自我介绍,究竟都留有相当余地,但那羊倌听了几句淡问,在我们并不曾寻根究底的情况下,却把他家乃至他们村的种种情况自动透明.原来放养这样一群羊,一年下来的收入约一万二千元.他说羊爱吃碰头食,所以必须每天轰出圈放养.同样的植物,你去割来放进圈里喂它们,它们不爱吃,必得它们自己边走边觅食,才又香又欢.当然,入冬后,留下的种羊只能圈养,喂储存的饲料,那风险就特别大,甭说染了病,就是厌食,胃口不香,不愿交配,也够人烦的.④羊群欢快地寻觅着香甜的碰头食,渐渐远去,羊倌也就跟我们道别,随着去了.夕阳裹到身上,暖酥酥的,我画好了画,老杜夹妥了标本,汪哥儿下车看画和标本,仨人闲聊起来,都发表了一番从碰头食引出的感慨.⑤我说作家写作,最好也还是从“碰头食”里获取营养.阿根廷有个著名作家叫博尔赫斯,长期在图书馆里工作,博览群书,浮想联翩.他的小说灵感差不多全来自于“圈食”,虽然奇诡精致,究竟缺乏时代脉搏生活气息.好多年里好多人都说他该得诺贝尔文学奖,但直到前几年他溘然仙逝,仍与该奖无缘,倒是像君特·格拉斯那样的爱吃“碰头食”即乐于追踪现实发展轨迹、撷取鲜活素材的作家,虽争议很大,倒能“蟾宫折桂”.当然奖项也并非评判作家成就高低的圭臬,从读者角度衡量,白菜萝卜各有所爱,我自己所钟爱的文学创作,还主要是吃“碰头食”那种路数的产物.⑥老杜却说哎呀快别提“碰头食”,在位的时候,整天吃“碰头食”,这顿是宴请别人,那顿是别人宴请,该到哪儿吃饭,全听秘书提醒,就是“工作餐”,往往也得司机送拢、秘书引进才知道订在了什么地方,一年到头难得在家里吃顿“圈食”.直到离休以后,这才知道“圈食”比任何生猛海鲜、法式大餐都更可口,那因为连连吃“碰头食”而形成的滚圆“将军肚”,现在凭借“圈食”加步行采集植物标本,才算平复到可以拍侧面照的形态.⑦汪哥儿听完我们的话呵呵笑,说二位老伯你们怕都猜不出我的心思.他说对他来说,把握事业的关键是既要有充足的“圈食”,更要善于吃“碰头食”.搞经济,无“圈”就成了“皮包公司”,无“圈粮”就只能是整天想着“空手套白狼”,不仅难获成功,还容易酿成大祸.但是光知道“守圈”,只靠“圈粮”那是吃不成“壮汉”的,必须还要善于吃“碰头食”,就是绝不能错过机遇,一定要带露折花,常保鲜活.他说经济活动都带有一定的投机性,吃“碰头食”是一种投机行为不假,但投机要以“游戏规则”厘定的范围为度,羊是天然知道什么能吃什么有毒绝不能沾,搞经济的人吃“碰头食”可没那个“本能”,所以,要在实践中磨炼,在岁月中成熟……⑧一顿话,把我和老杜听呆了.⑨那天晚上我在书房灯下检视自己的水彩写生,画面上有在柳林下蒿草中觅食的羊群,我忍不住在画角题上了“碰头食”三个字.(选自《心灵体操》,有删改)1.标题何为“碰头食”,标题激发了读者的阅读兴趣,耐人寻味,引导着读者从全文中搜索答案.(阅读过程中关注文中对于“碰头食”的解读有利于解答后面[精准答题]1题A、D两项以及第2题和第3题.)2.①②自然段[写了什么]写“我”“老杜”“汪哥儿”温榆河边休闲情景.重点描写三人的休闲方式的不同:“我”喜欢写生,“老杜”喜欢采集植物叶子,“汪哥儿”喜欢仰身车上享受“过堂风”.[如何来写(写得如何)]①自然段写时间、地点、人物,起笔简明;②自然段用插叙交代了人物身份和特点,其中着重写了“汪哥儿”,另有深意.[为什么这样写]写三人身份与喜好的差异,是为后文写三人对“碰头食”的不同理解预作铺垫;重点交代“汪哥儿”是欲突出其主要人物的地位.(读文中关注此点有利于解答后面[精准答题]第1题B项)3.③自然段[写了什么]荡开一笔,引入另一人物——羊倌.细听羊倌对“碰头食”的陈述.[如何来写(写得如何)]这样荡开一笔,使文章稍有波澜;同时,叙写羊倌之事,又添生活趣味.并且第③段,羊倌的坦诚与“我、老杜、汪哥儿交谈时的留有余地”形成对比,突出了羊倌的淳朴.(读文中思考“如何来写‘羊倌’”有利于解答后面[精准答题]第1题C 项)[为什么这样写]有意引出三人由“碰头食”所发生活感悟.4.④自然段承上启下,引出下文三人对“碰头食”的不同见解.5.⑤⑥⑦⑧自然段[写了什么]写三人由“碰头食”引发的对生活的感慨.“我”强调作家创作要吃“碰头食”,从生活中撷取新鲜素材;“老杜”则感叹宴请吃饭这类“碰头食”之累;“汪哥儿”借“碰头食”和“圈食”阐明把握生活机遇的重要.(读文中关注⑤~⑦段,思考“写了什么”,有利于解答后面[精准答题]第2题、3题)[如何来写(写得如何)]⑤⑥自然段写“我”与“老杜”的感慨,衬托出“汪哥儿”见解的高明.[为什么这样写]写三人不同的观点,借以表现作者多元共存的生活理念;突出“汪哥儿”见解高明,能增强文章的哲理性,丰厚文章的意蕴.6.⑨自然段[写了什么]“我”在画角题字:碰头食.[如何来写(写得如何)]以白描手法写“我”题字写生画,言虽简而意无穷.[为什么这样写]与开头呼应,使文章结构严谨;引人深思,凸显主旨.(读文中关注“为什么这样写”有利于解答后面[精准答题]第3题)[精准答题]1.下列对这篇散文思想内容与艺术特色的分析和鉴赏,恰当的一项是()A.文章通过“我”、老杜和汪哥儿对羊倌所说的“碰头食”的不同联想和解读,形象地说明“一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特”的道理.B.文章里的四个人物,作用有所不同,羊倌引出“碰头食”的话题,“我”和老杜起陪衬和铺垫的作用,汪哥儿则是作者所要突出的人物.C.我们三人自我介绍都留有余地,而羊倌自动透明他家和村里的种种情况,文章通过对比,形象地展示了农民的淳朴和知识分子的伪善.D.汪哥儿关于“碰头食”的一番话把“我”和老杜听呆了,因为他的话借辩证法的原理谈投机,高明和低俗共存,“我”和老杜闻所未闻.解析:选B A项,“形象地说明‘一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特’的道理”分析不当,本文的主题是要把握机遇,敢吃更要善于吃“碰头食”.C项,“形象地展示了农民的淳朴和知识分子的伪善”分析不当,三人并非都是知识分子,而且文章并无鞭挞“我”和老杜之意.D项,“借辩证法的原理谈投机,高明和低俗共存”分析不当,汪哥儿所说的投机,实际是把握机遇,不要错过机会,并不低俗.2.“我”、老杜和汪哥儿所说的“圈食”和“碰头食”各是什么?请结合文章内容简要分析.答:解析:作答本题,关键要抓住文中有效信息.理解“我”所说的“圈食”和“碰头食”,要抓住“长期在图书馆里工作,博览群书,浮想联翩”和“乐于追踪现实发展轨迹、撷取鲜活素材”等语句;理解老杜所说的“圈食”和“碰头食”,要抓住“宴请别人”“别人宴请”和“难得在家里吃顿‘圈食’”等语句;理解汪哥儿所说的“圈食”和“碰头食”,要抓住“皮包公司”“空手套白狼”和“绝不能错过机遇”“经济活动都带有一定的投机性”等语句.参考答案:“我”所说的“圈食”指作家依靠书本进行创作,“碰头食”是指作家追踪现实发展轨迹、撷取鲜活素材进行创作;老杜所说的“圈食”指能在自己家里吃饭,“碰头食”是指吃宴请饭及“工作餐”;汪哥儿所说的“圈食”指有自己的经济实体,“碰头食”指要善于把握机遇,不错过机会.3.文章最后写自己忍不住在画角题上了“碰头食”三个字,这一举动寄托了作者怎样的思想情感?请联系全文内容进行探究.答:解析:作答本题,首先要梳理全文内容,明确作者对几种“碰头食”观念的态度,分析其原因.具体作答,要抓住以下几点:作者肯定羊倌所说的“碰头食”,为他凭经验致富而高兴;认可自己和老杜对“碰头食”的感慨,表达了多元共存的理念;欣赏汪哥儿用不错过机会来理解“碰头食”,用把握机遇来理解“投机”的观点.参考答案:作者写下“碰头食”三个字,寄托着复杂的感情.羊吃“碰头食”使牧民致富,作者肯定牧民的经验,并为他们脱贫致富而感到欣喜;“我”、老杜和汪哥儿对“碰头食”作出虽不相同但积极有益的理解,作者认可这样的理解,表达了多元共存的理念;汪哥儿用不错过机会来理解“碰头食”,用把握机遇来理解“投机”,指出投机要以“游戏规则”厘定的范围为度,“我”欣赏他的观点,并深受启发.题型突破(一)散文结构思路分析类3大题型(对应学生用书P213) “分析结构思路类”试题在高考散文阅读中出现频率较高,此类试题与《考试说明》中“分析文章结构,把握文章思路”考点相对应,着重考查考生的分析综合能力.这种题型主要有三种:一是行文思路分析题,二是线索作用分析题,三是句段作用分析题.题型一行文思路分析题行文思路是作者按照一定的条理表达思想的路径、脉络,是作品的整体构思布局.高考就此设题的侧重点在“梳理”上,设问形式亦多样.[常见设问方式]行文思路分析3法1.划分层次法具体做法:先根据关键词语和关键句(如开头总起句、中心句、结尾总结句、承上启下的过渡句等)总结出段意,再看哪些段落集中表达同一个意思,划分出层次.这一方法最适合解答直接式问法的行文思路题.弄清了先写什么,后写什么,行文思路自明.2.找线索法散文常见线索类型:①以具体事物为线索;②以人物为线索;③以中心事件为线索;④以思想感情变化为线索;⑤以时间推移为线索;⑥以空间变化为线索;⑦以作者的所见所闻为线索.分清了文章的线索归属类型,自然就理清了行文思路.3.分析材料关系法常见关系如下表:出了文章的行文思路.[答题模板]文章围绕×××(线索),首先写了×××,其次写了×××,最后写了×××.整体结构上×××.[例一](2015·湖南高考)阅读下文,完成后面的题目.童年随之而去(节选)木心走出山门时,回望了一眼——睡狮庵,庵是小的啊,怎么有这样大的庵呢?这些人都不问问.家庭教师是前清中举的饱学鸿儒,我却是块乱点头的顽石,一味敷衍度日.背书,作对子,还混得过,私底下只想翻稗书.那时代,尤其是我家吧,“禁书”的范围之广,连唐诗宋词也不准上桌,说:“还早.”所以一本《历代名窑释》中的两句“雨过天青云开处,者般颜色做将来”,我就觉得清新有味道,琅琅上口(原卷如此.应为“朗朗上口”——编者注).某日对着案头一只青瓷水盂,不觉漏了嘴,老夫子竟听见了,训道:“哪里来的歪诗,以后不可吟风弄月,丧志的呢!”一肚皮闷瞀的怨气,这个暗趸趸的书房就是下不完的雨,晴不了的天.我用中指蘸了水,在桌上写个“逃”,怎么个逃法呢,一点策略也没有.满船的人兴奋地等待解缆起篙,我忽然想着了睡狮庵中的一只碗!那饭碗却有来历——我不愿吃斋,老法师特意赠我一只名窑的小盂,青蓝得十分可爱,盛来的饭,似乎变得可口了.母亲说:“毕竟老法师道行高,摸得着孙行者的脾气.”我又诵起:“雨过天青云开处,者般颜色做将来.”母亲说:“对的,是越窑,这只叫盌①,这只色泽特别好,也只有大当家和尚才拿得出这样的宝贝,小心摔破了.”每次餐毕,我自去泉边洗净,藏好.临走的那晚,我用棉纸包了,放在枕边.不料清晨被催起后头昏昏地尽呆看众人忙碌,忘记将那碗放进箱笼里,索性忘了倒也是了,偏在这船要起篙的当儿,蓦地想起:“碗!”“什么?”母亲不知所云.“那饭碗,越窑盌.”“你放在哪里?”“枕头边!”母亲素知凡是我想着什么东西,就忘不掉了,要使忘掉,唯一的办法是那东西到了我手上.“回去可以买,同样的!”“买不到!不会一样的.”我似乎非常清楚那盌是有一无二.“怎么办呢,再上去拿.”母亲的意思是:难道不开船,派人登山去庵中索取——不可能,不必想那碗了.我走过正待抽落的跳板,登岸,坐在系缆的树桩上,低头凝视河水.满船的人先是愕然相顾,继而一片吱吱喳喳,可也无人上岸来劝我拉我,都知道只有母亲才能使我离开树桩.母亲没有说什么,轻声吩咐一个船夫,那赤膊小伙子披上一件棉袄三脚两步飞过跳板,上山了.船里的吱吱喳喳渐息,各自找乐子,下棋、戏牌、嗑瓜子,有的开了和尚所赐的斋佛果盒,叫我回船去吃,我摇摇手.这河滩有的是好玩的东西,五色小石卵,黛绿的螺蛳,青灰而透明的小虾……心里懊悔,我不知道上山下山要花这么长的时间.鹧鸪在远处一声声叫.夜里下过雨.是那年轻的船夫的嗓音——来啰……来啰……可是不见人影.他走的是另一条小径,两手空空地奔近来,我感到不祥——碗没了!找不到,或是打破了.他憨笑着伸手入怀,从斜搭而系腰带的棉袄里,掏出那只盌,棉纸湿了破了,他脸上倒没有汗——我双手接过,谢了他.捧着,走过跳板……一阵摇晃,渐闻橹声欸乃,碧波像大匹软缎,荡漾舒展,船头的水声,船梢摇橹者的断续语声,显得异样地宁适.我不愿进舱去,独自靠前舷而坐.夜间是下过大雨,还听到雷声.两岸山色苍翠,水里的倒影鲜活闪袅,迎面的风又暖又凉,母亲为什么不来.河面渐宽,山也平下来了,我想把碗洗一洗.人多船身吃水深,俯舷即就水面,用碗舀了河水顺手泼去,阳光照得水沫晶亮如珠……我站起来,可以泼得远些——一脱手,碗飞掉了!那碗在急旋中平平着水,像一片断梗的小荷叶,浮着,汆着,向船后渐远渐远……望着望不见的东西——醒不过来了.对母亲怎说……那船夫.母亲出舱来,端着一碟印糕艾饺.我告诉了她.“有人会捞得的,就是沉了,将来有人会捞起来的.只要不碎就好——吃吧,不要想了,吃完了进舱来喝热茶……这种事以后多着呢.”最后一句很轻很轻,什么意思?现在回想起来,我的一生中,确实多的是这种事,比越窑的盌,珍贵百倍千倍万倍的物和人,都已一一脱手而去,有的甚至是碎了的.那时,那浮汆的盌,随之而去的是我的童年.(选自《哥伦比亚的倒影》,广西师范大学出版社2006年版,有删节)[注]①盌(wǎn),一种敞口而深的食器.也作“碗”.综观全文,从情节的发展分析“我”的心理变化.[自主尝试][解题指导]本题以人物心理变化的形式考查文本的行文思路.解答此题,首先要通读全文,然后找出本文的线索.本文既有事物线索又有情感线索,事物线索就是“盌”,情感线索就是“我的心理变化”.前者是明线,后者是暗线.根据这一特点能够分析出“我”在每件事情中的心理状态:刚离开睡狮庵,是终于回家了的兴奋;发现忘带盌,固执而任性地要拿回盌,不因即将开船和众人等待而妥协;等盌时,因耽误众人时间和劳烦船夫而心生懊悔;再次拿到盌时,对船夫心怀感激,并对自己的行为有了自省;盌飞掉时,则是对盌的惋惜、对母亲和船夫的自责;而母亲一番劝告,引发了“我”更深层次的思考.最后分条作答即可.[参考答案]①兴奋地回家,登船时发觉忘带心爱的盌,固执而任性的“我”执意要取回,不肯妥协.②等盌时,心生懊悔,得盌后,心怀感激,“我”有了自省.③失盌后,“我”觉得难以面对母亲与船夫,既惋惜又自责;母亲的劝慰与教诲,引发了“我”更多的思考.题型二线索作用分析题在“行文思路分析题”中已涉及线索,但这种涉及只是将线索作为解题的一种手段,并不是考查线索本身;而高考却常就散文线索自身方面设题,考查的重点往往是线索的作用.[常见设问方式]线索作用分析“两步走”第一步:找出线索1.熟知线索类型线索的常见类型很多,具体请看“题型一行文思路分析3法·找线索法”中“散文常见线索类型”.2.“四看”定线索(1)看标题确定线索,因为有些标题就揭示了线索;(2)看表示时空转换的词语确定线索,这些词语很可能就是“时间线索”或“空间线索”;(3)看“物”确定线索,一“物”在文中反复出现,很可能是线索;(4)看文中的议论、抒情句子确定线索,因为蕴藏其中的“情”往往就是散文的线索.第二步:指出线索作用1.结构方面的作用(1)组织材料,贯穿全文;(2)使结构清晰,情节集中;(3)使行文富于变化.2.内容方面的作用(1)表达某种情感或思想;(2)揭示主题;(3)呈现某种情景或状态.另外,要注意区分不同性质的线索的不同作用,如物象线索有象征、呼应作用,情感线索有使情感浓厚、不断深化的作用等.[例二](2015·江苏高考)阅读下面的文章,完成后面题目.比邻而居王安忆①装修的时候,有人提醒我,不要使用这条公共烟道,应该堵上,另外在外墙上打一个洞,安置排油烟机的管子.可是,我没听他的.好了,现在,邻居家的油烟就通过我家的排油烟机管道,灌满了厨房.②我可以确定,我家厨房的油烟仅来自于其中一家,因为油烟的气味是一种风格.怎么说?它特别火爆.花椒、辣子、葱、姜、蒜、八角,在热油锅里炸了,轰轰烈烈起来了.这家人在吃方面还有一个特征,就是每顿必烧,从不将就.时间长了,我对他们生出一些好感,觉得他们过日子有着一股子认真劲:一点不混.并且,也不奢侈.他们老老实实,一餐一饭地烧着,一股浓油赤酱的味,使人感到,是出力气干活的人的胃口和口味,实打实的,没有半点子虚头.在我的印象中,他们没落下过一顿.他们在吃的方面,一是有规律,二是很节制.这些,都给人富足而质朴的印象,是小康的生活气息.③有一段日子,在一日三餐之外,这家人还增添了两次草药的气味.草药的气味也是浓烈的,“扑”一下进来,涌满了厨房.不知是因为草药气的影响,还是实际情况如此,一日三餐的气味不那么浓郁了.倒不是变得清淡,而是带些偃旗息鼓的意思.这段日子蛮长的,这么算吧,每周炖一次鸡汤,总共炖了四至五次.草药的苦气味和鸡汤的香味,是这段时间油烟味的基调.这也是认真养病的气味:耐心,持恒,积极,执着.④之后,忽然有一天,我家的厨房里滚滚而来一股羊肉汤的气味.这就知道,他们家人的病好了,要重重地补偿一下,犒劳一下.倒不是吃得有多好,但它确有一种盛宴的气氛,带有古意.古人们庆贺战功,不就是宰羊吗?果然,草药味从此消遁,炖汤的绵长的气味也消遁,余下一日三餐,火爆爆地,照常进行.⑤在较长一段稔熟的相处之后,我家厨房来了一个不速之客,那是一缕咖啡的香气.这是另一路的气味,和他们家绝无相干.它悄悄地,夹在花椒炸锅的油烟里,进来了.这是一股子虚无的气息,有一种浮华的意思在里面,和他们家实惠的风格大相径庭.因此,我断定,这又是一户新入住的人家,很没经验地,也将管子接进了烟道,又恰逢顺时顺风,于是,来到我家厨房凑热闹了.这一路的风格显然要温和、光滑一些,比较具有装饰感,唤起人的遐想.和它不那么实用的性格相符,它并不是按着一日三餐来,不大有定规,有时一日来一次,有时一日来两次,有时一日里一次不来,来时也不在吃饭的点上,而是想起了,就来,想不起,就不来,显得有些孱弱..似的.而那先来的,从来一顿不落,转眼间,油烟全面铺开,又转眼间,油烟席卷而去,总是叱咤风云的气势.但是,有时候,夜已经很深了,那新来的,悄然而至.咖啡的微苦的香味,弥漫开来.⑥气味终究有些杂了,可是泾渭分明,绝不混淆.你来我往,此起彼伏.再过段日子,又来了一个,显见得是苏锡帮的,气味特别甜,空气都能拉出丝来了.第四位又来了,它一方面缺乏个性,另一方面又颇善融会贯通.它什么都来:香、辣、酸、甜,大蒜有,大蒜粉也有,麻油有,橄榄油也有.于是,所有的气味全打成一团,再分不出谁是谁的来路.我们这些比邻而居的人家,就这样,不分彼此地聚集在了一处.⑦这一日,厨房里传出了艾草的熏烟.原来,端午又到了.艾草味里,所有的气味都安静下来,只由它弥漫,散开.一年之中的油垢,在这草本的芬芳中,一点点消除.渐渐的,连空气也变了颜色,有一种灰和白在其中洇染,洇染成青色的.明净的空气其实并不是透明,它有它的颜色.(有删改)文章的叙述线索是什么?设置这一线索有什么作用?[自主尝试][解题指导]解答本题首先要找出线索.本文主要写了闻到的比邻而居的各家的气味及由此而引发的思考,“气味”通篇出现,所以“气味”为本文的线索.其次要指出线索的作用.(结构作用)围绕线索,将全文内容串联起来,(内容作用)描写了比邻而居的各家或实打实、或浮华等不同的生活状态、生活风格,表现了作者对各种生活状态的理解和包容的思想.[参考答案](1)线索:气味.(2)作用:以“气味”为线索,串联全文,便于把不同的生。

















每小题1.5分,共33分)1.文书的定义包括了下面哪一项基本内容?( )A.文书和文件是两个十分相近的概念B.公文是文书的一种类型C.反映了文书的制成材料D.文书是用文字的形式表达并附着于一定载体的信息记录2.我国的文书工作,处于发展期间,指( )。

A.商朝B.汉朝C.新中国成立期间D.中华民国成立到国民党政府被推翻的三十多年间3.( )用于表彰先进、批评错误、传达重要精神或情况。

A.公告B.通告C.通报D.报告4.某县人民政府向省教育厅行文是( )。

A.上行文B.平行文C.下行文D.上行文或下行文5.( )是指围绕文书的撰制、传递、处理和管理而展开的一系列活动的总称。

A.文种选用规则B.文书工作C.行文规则D.档案工作6.在一定时期、一定条件下,将文书与文书工作中具有多样性、相关性的各种概念、事物合而为一或限定在一定范围内的措施,此称文书工作标准化的( )。

A.简化原理B.协调原理C.统一原理D.优化原理7.文书工作现代化的基本模式主要有:( )、全程管理模式、信息共享模式。

A.传统模式B.前端控制模式C.多次输出模式D.反复利用模式8.公文《××市人民政府关于建立政务公开制度的通知》,其作者是( )。

A.核稿人王主任B.签发人徐市长C.起草人叶秘书D.××市人民政府9.公文撰写步骤一般包括:明确要求、确定文种、( )、选择材料、草拟文稿、修改润色等环节。

A.标点与注释B.整理与保管C.撰写提纲D.批语与增删10.文件中出现“为盼”、“为荷”、“特此通知”、“现予以公布”等用语,在公文专用词语中称( )A.表态用语B.期请用语C.期复用语D.结尾用语11.公函的结构一般由( )组成。

A.标题、收文机关、正文、发文机关名称与成文日期B.标题、收文机关、正文、成文日期C.标题、作者、收文机关、正文、发文机关名称与成文日期D.标题、收文机关、正文、发文机关名称12.( )即文书部门对收文筛选分类后,根据规定和常规,将进入运转过程的文书分送至各有关部门或人员阅知办理的活动。

【最新文档】新编应用文写作教程课后答案-精选word文档 (17页)

【最新文档】新编应用文写作教程课后答案-精选word文档 (17页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==新编应用文写作教程课后答案篇一:新编应用文写作教程一悼词的概念和种类一悼词的概念悼词是对死者表示哀悼的话或文章它有广义和狭义之分广义的悼词指向死者表示哀悼缅怀与敬意的一切形式的悼念性文章狭义的悼词专指在追悼大会上对死者表示敬意与哀思的宣读式的专用哀悼的文体悼词是指向死者表示哀悼缅怀与敬意的悼念性文章今天的悼词是从古代的诔辞哀辞吊文祭文一步步演化而来的二悼词的种类悼词分类有不同的角度和标准 1按照用途分 1宣读体悼词这种悼词专用于追悼大会由一定身份的人进行宣读它是对在场参加追悼的同志讲话而不是对死者讲话悼词表达出全体在场的人对死者的敬意与哀思同时勉励群众化悲痛为力量宣读体悼词以记叙或议论死者的生平功绩为主而不以个人抒情为主另外宣读体悼词受追悼大会本身的时间地点条件的限制在形式上相对来说也较为稳定 2艺术散文类悼词这类悼词内容广泛包括所有的向死者表示哀悼缅怀与敬意的情文并茂的文章这类文章大都发表在报刊杂志上这种文章通过对死者过去的事情的回忆展现死者的品质和精神虽志在怀念但却落脚在死者的精神对活着的人的鼓舞和激励上2按照表现的手段分1记叙类悼词记叙类悼词以记叙死者的生平业绩为主并适当地结合抒情或议论这是现代悼词最常见的类型朴实的记叙文体字里行间却充满对死者的哀悼和怀念之情宣读体悼词和书面体悼词均可以采用这种形式如朱自清《哀韦杰三君》2议论类悼词以议论为主抒情叙事为辅的悼词这类悼词重在评价死者对社会的贡献议论类悼词能够和现实生活紧密结合是社会意义较强的一种哀悼文体如恩格斯《在马克思墓前的讲话》3抒情类悼词这类悼词以抒发对死者的悼念之情为主并适当地结合叙事或议论抒情类悼词经常以抒情散文的形式出现文学色彩浓厚能在情感上打动人它与一般抒情散文的不同在于悼词的情感不同于普通的情感它崇高而真挚质朴而自然如郭沫若的《罗曼·罗兰悼辞》二悼词的写作格式通常来讲悼词没有固定的格式但宣读体悼词形式却相对稳定这里主要介绍一下宣读体悼词的格式与写法宣读体悼词主要由三部分构成一标题标题的组成方式有两种情况1直接由文种名称承担标题如《悼词》2由死者姓名和文种名共同构成如《在宋庆龄同志追悼会上的悼词》二正文悼词的正文通常由开头主体结尾三部分构成1开头以沉痛的心情说明召开或参加此次追悼会的目的尽可能全面而准确地说明死者的职务职称和称呼以示尊崇要注意这些称呼之间的先后排列顺序接着简要地概述死者何年何月何日何时何原因与世长辞以及享年等2主体承接开头缅怀死者这是悼词的主体部分该部分主要由两方面组成一是介绍死者的生平事迹即对死者的籍贯学历以及生平业绩进行集中介绍应突出死者对人民对社会的贡献二是对死者的思想精神作风品质修养等作出综合的评价介绍其对他人和社会产生的积极影响如鼓舞激励了青年人为后人树立了榜样等该部分的介绍可先概括地说再具体介绍也可先具体地介绍再概括地总结3结尾主要写明生者对死者的悼念及如何向死者学习继承其未竟事业化悲痛为力量为国家为社会作出更大的贡献等内容最后要写上永垂不朽精神长存之类的话悼词的结尾要积极向上不应该是消极的所以最后的结尾尽量不用安息吧这句话因为安息吧是西方天主教为死者举行仪式时用的一句话这里面含有人生在世是痛苦的只有死后才能幸福的消极思想三落款悼词一般在开头就已介绍了参加追悼会的人员情况所以悼词的最后落款一般只署上成文的日期即可三悼词写作应注意的问题一悼词以悼为中心饱含深情全文要写得深沉庄重肃穆但不要低沉<a name=baidusnap0></a><Bstyle='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>伤感</B>凄惨要达到哀悼死者激励后人的目的二悼词的作者对所悼念的对象应该比较了解悼词所写的死者生前的经历对国家对人民的贡献材料必须真实既不夸大也不能缩小对死者的评价要恰如其分既不要无原则地颂扬也不要故意贬低对死者的缺点一般不要写入悼词悼词写好后最好征得死者单位或家属同意例文811悼词同志们朋友们今天我们怀着十分沉痛的心情深切悼念离休干部×××同志×××同志因患肝癌病医治无效于201X年6月15日晚9时15分在××市人民医院与世长辞享年91岁×××同志1925年4月生于广东省××县1947年5月参加革命工作1949年12月加入中国共产党解放前夕担任东江荻恿缭薄=夥后任××县粮食局科长副局长××公社副书记书记后任××市财政局副局长××集团公司党委书记兼董事长1985年5月离休在几十年的革命生涯中×××同志忠于共产党热爱祖国热爱人民在错误路线干扰下受到极不公正的待遇蒙冤10多年仍坚贞无悔坚持革命信念其高尚的品格勘为后人楷模×××同志一生勤勤恳恳任劳任怨他无论是在行政管理岗位还是在企业管理岗位他总是一心扑在工作上敬业爱岗廉洁自律×××同志为人正直谦虚谨慎生活节俭家庭和睦对子女从严管教严格要求×××同志的逝世使我们失去了一位好同志他虽离我们而去但他那种勤政廉政和无私奉献的精神仍值得我们学习和记取我们要化悲痛为力量以×××同志榜样勤奋学习和努力工作再创佳绩以慰×××同志在天之灵×××同志精神永存×××集团公司二○○六年×月×日评析这篇悼词以沉痛的语气介绍逝者的姓名逝世原因享年追述逝者的主要经历和对国家对人民所作的贡献给予了恰如其分的评价最后勉励生者化悲痛为力量学习逝者的优秀品质写得深沉庄重但又不低沉<B style='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>伤感</B>达到哀悼死者激励后人的目的第四节欢迎词欢送词答谢词欢迎词一欢迎词的概念特点和种类一欢迎词的概念欢迎词是由东道主出面对宾客的到来表示欢迎的讲话文稿近年来各地纷纷举办各种内容和形式不同规格和规模的节庆活动按照惯例和程序在节庆活动开幕式上常常要由一位东道主方面的要员向来宾敬致一篇热情洋溢的欢迎词那么撰写一篇合乎规范的节庆活动欢迎词自然就是活动筹备过程中一项不可忽视的细节工作了二欢迎词的特点1欢愉性中国有句古话是有朋自远方来不亦乐乎所以致欢迎词当有一种愉快的心情言词用语务必富有激情和表现出致词人的真诚只有这样才可给客人一种宾至如归的感觉为下一步各种活动的完满举行打下好的基础2口语性欢迎词本意是现场面向宾客口头表达的所以口语化是欢迎词文字上的必然要求在遣词用语上要运用生活化的语言即简洁又富有生活的情趣口语化会拉近主人同来宾的亲切关系三欢迎词的种类1.从表达方式上分1现场讲演欢迎词一般由欢迎人在被欢迎人到达时在欢迎现场口头发表的欢迎稿2报刊发表欢迎词这是发表在报刊或公开发行刊物之上的欢迎稿它一般在客人到达前后发表2.从社交的公关性质上分1私人交往欢迎词私人交往欢迎词一般是在个人举行较大型的宴会聚会茶会舞会讨论会等非官方的场合下使用的欢迎稿通常要在正式活动开始前进行私人交往欢迎词往往具有很大的即时性现场性2公事往来欢迎词这样的欢迎词一般在较庄重的公共事务中使用要有事先准备好的得体的书面稿文字措辞上的要求较私人交往欢迎词要正式和严格二欢迎词的写作格式欢迎词一般由标题称呼正文落款组成一篇二:新编应用文写作教程问答题新编应用文写作教程问答题1.请示与报告的区别:(1)行文目的不同:请示需要上级机关作出明确答复,具有呈请性;报告不需要答复,具有呈报性。



文体学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 文体学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 语言的语音特征B. 文本的修辞技巧C. 文本的文体特征D. 语言的语法结构答案:C2. 以下哪项不是文体学的功能?A. 语言教学B. 文本分析C. 社会语言学研究D. 计算机编程答案:D3. 文体学中,“风格”一词通常指的是什么?A. 个人写作习惯B. 文本的总体特征C. 文本的修辞手法D. 文本的语义内容答案:B4. 文体学研究中,“对比分析”的目的是什么?A. 比较不同文体之间的相似性B. 比较不同文体之间的差异性C. 比较不同作者的写作风格D. 比较不同语言的语法结构答案:B5. 在文体学中,“语境”一词的含义是什么?A. 语言使用的社会环境B. 语言使用的物理环境C. 语言使用的文化环境D. 语言使用的经济环境答案:A6. 文体学中,“语域”一词指的是什么?A. 语言使用的特定领域B. 语言使用的特定风格C. 语言使用的特定语境D. 语言使用的特定语法结构答案:C7. 以下哪项不是文体学研究的方法?A. 定性分析B. 定量分析C. 语料库分析D. 历史比较分析答案:D8. 文体学研究中,“隐喻”通常指的是什么?A. 直接的比较B. 隐含的比较C. 直接的类比D. 隐含的类比答案:B9. 在文体学中,“互文性”一词的含义是什么?A. 文本之间的相互影响B. 文本之间的相互独立C. 文本之间的相互排斥D. 文本之间的相互竞争答案:A10. 文体学中,“语篇连贯性”指的是什么?A. 文本的内部逻辑一致性B. 文本的外部逻辑一致性C. 文本的内部修辞一致性D. 文本的外部修辞一致性答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述文体学的定义及其研究范围。






1.文书产生的充分条件是()A.文字的形成B.记录载体的发明C.社会组织的出现D.社会管理活动的产生2. 适用于依据有关法律发布行政法规和规章的文种是()A.决定B.公告C.通告 D.命令3. “准确”是对文书工作的()A.质量要求B.技术要求C.制度要求D.时效要求4. 行政公文成文时间的正确标注方法是()A.2018年3月5日B.2018年3月C.二零零八年三月D.二00八年三月五日5. 对文件内容或有关事项予以注解与说明的标识项目是()A.抄送机关B.主题词C.附注 D.附件6. 下列表述规范的公文结尾语是()A.以上请示当否,请批示。




7. 按照《行政法规制定条例》的规定可以制发“条例”的行政机构是()1A.国务院B.××大学C.××市政府D.××省公安厅8. 对本单位文书工作负有全面组织责任的是()A.组织部长B.办公厅(室)主任C.人事部长D.档案处处长9. 内部机构和文件数量少的小型机关文件归档整理应选择的组织形式是()A.集中整理形式B.分散整理形式C.复合整理形式D.分层整理形式10. 案卷封面上用以概括揭示卷内文件主要内容与成分的项目是()A.类目名称B.文件标题C.案卷题名D.案卷目录二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


11. 建立于唐宋时期的文书工作制度包括()A.一文一事制度B.贴黄制度C.照刷磨勘制度D.引黄制度E.骑缝、押缝制度12. 公文眉首的标识项目包括()A.公文标题B.发文字号C.秘密等级D.主送机关E.成文时间13. 公文的主旨必须()A.正确B.集中C.形象 D.鲜明E.新颖214. 符合要求的批办意见是()A.拟请财务处办理B.建议批转,请张局长阅示C.请审计处、财务处、局办公室共同办理D.请信息处于2018年3月15日之前办复E.请转人事处王处长阅处15. 下列文件中可以作为“一件”进行归档整理的有()A.知照性通知与通报B.同一问题的请求与批复C.工作报告及其相关批示D.文件的正本与定稿E.文件的正文与附件三、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)16.定稿17.文书工作的组织形式18.情况通报19.签发20.卷内备考表四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)21.文书工作现代化的信息共享模式。



2019年10月自考《公文写作与处理》真题及答案简答题:1. 简述表彰先进通报内容的写作结构【答案】表彰先进的通报,一般按介绍先进事迹、宣布表彰决定、分析先进思想、指明如何向先进学习这样四个步骤写。






2. 简述公告和通告写作的注意事项【答案】①符合权限,一事一告。





3. 简述党政机关和其他社会组织之间的行文关系【答案】(一)向上级机关行文,应当主送一个上级机关;如需其他相关的上级机关阅知,可以抄送。









4. 简述如何使公文处理工作中做到集中统一管理【答案】公文处理工作必须加强集中统一管理。





2019年4月统考真题答案 00341公文写作与处理

2019年4月统考真题答案  00341公文写作与处理

2019 年4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试公文写作与处理试题答案及评分参考(课程代码00341)一、单项选择题(本大题共30 小题,每小题1 分,共30 分)1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B16.C 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.C二、多项选择题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分)31.A C E 32.A C 33.A B C D E 34.A C E 35.A B C E三、简答题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题5 分,共25 分)36.“公布文件”指向人民群众和国内外公开发布的文件。

(2 分)如公告、通告、公报、法令等。

(1 分)通常可用广播、电视播放、报刊登载、公开张贴、新媒体口头传达等方式进行公布。

(2 分)37.公告、通告写作注意事项:(1)符合权限,一事一告。


(3 分)(2)内容明确,语言庄重。



(2 分)38.概念:公文登记指将需要登记的文件在收文登记薄上编号和记载文件的来源、去向,以保证文件的收文和处理。

(1 分)登记的主要作用在:(1)便于管理和保护文件。

(1 分)(2)便于检查和检索文件。

(1 分)(3)便于文件的统计和催办工作。

(1 分)(4)作为核对与交接文件的凭据。

(1 分)39.依据分类方案和室编件号顺序编制归档文件目录是归档文件整理工作的重要内容,(2分)也是其他各种编目工作的起点和基础,(1 分)通过编目,可以实现归档文件从一次文献向二次文献的初步转化,为档案整理工作的开展提供了基本条件。

(2 分)40.(1)上级机关召开的需要贯彻执行会议的主要文件材料。

(1 分)(2)上级机关发来的与本机关主管业务有关并要执行的文件材料。



文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings.1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four ofwhich are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are fromLatin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between theaddress and addressee; the degree of social distance separating theaddresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), Firstname + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) andTerms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to theaddresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personalpronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a littlenewspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having beenterminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/herremember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。



文书学试题答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2文书学试题一、单项选择题1、我国最早的公务文书出现于三千多年前的殷商时期2、公务文书产生的根本原因是文字的出现和国家的产生3、通报的类型有批评性、表扬性、情况动态性4、任免人员时适用的文件名称是通知5、公文标题结构一般应包括发文机关(作者)、事由、公文名称6、发送机关是指主送机关和抄送机关7、文书整理工作的集中形式,就是整理工作集中在综合部门统一进行8、各机关的内部机构,可分类为业务职能机构、综合职能机构9、遇有检举、控告直接上级领导机关时的行文可以越级行文10、天津市政府给上海市国际商场的行文属于平行文11、发文处理程序的环节中包括有核稿、校对12、收文登记形式主要有簿式登记、卡片登记、联单登记13、受双重领导的机关的请示主送主管领导机关,抄送另一领导机关14、公文拟写的特点之一是具有成文过程的集体性15、装订文件的方法包括有线装、针(钉)装、胶粘16、文件核稿审核的重点之一是内容是否确实需要行文17、密封的种类包括有纸封、(条封)、印封、泥封、漆封、铅封18、各地区、系统上下级机关之间文书工作的业务指导,应由所在地区上级机关办公厅(室)负责19、不相隶属的机关之间,函可用于请求批准或答复审批事项20、公文用纸的国际标准是A4(297 mm×210 mm)21、1931年瞿秋白起草了中共党的第一个文书规章《公文处置办法》22、对特定范围的工作和事务制定具有约束力行为规范的文种叫规定23、绝大多数文件的成文时间应以领导人签发或会议通过时间为准24、发文字号的组成包括有发文机关代字、发文年份、年度发文顺序号25、秘密文件等级可划分为秘密文件、机密文件、绝密文件26、会议纪要的类型包括有协议性、决议性、研讨性27、签发人是指同意文件可以印发的领导人在文稿上的签字28、公文体式的内容包括有文体要求、基本结构、辅助标记、版式格式安排29、公文基本结构之一主题词30、天津市政府与北京市新华中学之间的行文属于平行文31、归档文件概念的内容之一是办理完毕的32、通封的种类有粘封、缝封、轧封、针封33、收文处理程序环节中包括有拆封、传阅34、初校的侧重是按原稿对校样逐字逐句校对35、收文登记的方法主要有总的大流水登记、分类流水登记36、在归卷类目中,给一组文件事先拟写的名称叫条款37、归卷类目中,按组织机构设置类别就是直接按照机关现有内部机构名称和数量设类38、批办工作注意问题之一是批办不能只批意见不签名39、草稿又称未定稿40、用于答复机关请示事项的文件名称叫批复二、多项选择题1、案卷级文件整理程序中包括有准备立卷、平时归卷、调整和组卷、编目装订2、与传统的案卷级整理相比,文件级整理的特点是整理简化、选择灵活、机制兼容3、做好平时归卷必须做到建立健全平时归卷制度、积极做好平时收集工作、加强对归卷工作的检查、年初备好卷夹(盒)按序排入箱柜、文件集中和归卷工作要有计划性4、按大类划分,全部文书可划分为科技文书、通用文书、专用文书5、拟稿人弄清发文目的和主题,主要是弄清拟发文件的中心内容、拟发文件要使用的文种、拟发文件要发送的对象、拟发文件的具体要求6、按定稿印出的正式文件,其文本包括有正本、副本、存本7、适用于下行文的文件名称主要有命令、指示、批复8、要提高公文撰写能力,拟文人员要学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论与方法、研究掌握与机关工作有关的政策法令、学习形式逻辑、语法修辞、文章写作、知识和标点符号的用法、学好本机关、本部门的专门业务9、公文的作用包括有凭证和依据作用、法规作用、公务联系作用、领导指导作用10、归档要求的内容包括有文件必须齐全完整、保持文件之间的历史联系、区分价值,分类整理立卷或排列装盒、便于保管和利用、文件和电报按内容联系合并整理三、判断题1、封建社会实行的一文一事制,对后来的文书工作提供了历史借鉴。





1.我国古代提出一文一事制度的时期是( )A.秦汉时期B.魏晋时期C.唐宋时期D.明清时期2.“条例”用于( )A.对某项工作作具体的规定B.对某一方面的工作作比较具体的规定C.对某一方面的工作作比较全面、系统的规定D.对主要事项或重大行动做出安排3.可以向××省交通厅主送下行文的机关是( )A.中共中央办公厅B. ××省委C. ××省人大D. ××省政府4.在公文中最常用的叙述手法是( )A.顺序B.倒叙C.平叙D.插叙5.对公文承担办理或答复责任的机关称作( )A.主送机关B.抄送机关C.上级机关D.下级机关6.公文的文面要求是( )A.严谨周密B.格式规范C.讲求实效D.简明庄重7.报告的特点是( )A.行文具有双向性B.内容具有单一性C.行文具有超前性D.表达具有陈述性8.属于发文定稿形成环节的是( )A.会商B.缮印C.校对D.签署9.履行归档手续的目的是( )A.确认移交行为B.确定归档范围1C.核实档案数量D.检查案卷质量10.会议文件案卷题名的名称部分可选用( )A.材料B.文件C.来往文书D.案卷二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


11.文书的特点包括( )A.技术性B.传递性C.层次性D.记录性E.操作性12.属于公文格式主体要素的是( )A.发文字号B.公文标题C.主送机关D.抄送机关E.附件说明13.不适合...公文的修辞方法有( )A.对比B.夸张C.比喻D.反语E.双关14.档案部门对公文处理业务进行指导和监督的范围包括( )A.文件制发B.收发文处理C.文书立卷D.文件归档E.文件销毁15.文件归档章的项目包括( )A.全宗号B.保管期限C.年度D.机构E.件号三、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)16.试行本17.分散式文书工作组织形式18.办毕文件219.规定(文种)20.组织机构分类法四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)21.简述联合行文应遵守的规则。





























自考文书学简答题及答案 5页

自考文书学简答题及答案 5页



















































12.真实性、有效性、完整性13. 1.反映公文内容2.标题不宜过长3.符合公文格式14. 1.有利于优化公文质量2.有利于公文处理顺利进行3.有利于提高文书人员素质4.适应社会主义法治建设的客观需要15.编码形式、载体规格(其中所含小点也要答出)16.对公文承担办理或答复的机关;概括公文空间效力,明确公文办理责任。

17.(书本第304页)18. 1.归档文件材料应齐全完整2.文件应合并整理立卷3.文件必须保持历史联系论述题答案:19. 1.作者必须真实存在2.公文内容必须合法3.公文内容不得越权4.必须是作者真实意思的表达20.1.遵循分类原则2.分类体系严密3.交叉文件分类合理4.分类跨度适当5.运用多种分类方法21.领导、指导机关向被领导、被指导机关发下行文;被领导、被指导机关向领导、指导机关发上行文;不相隶属或无隶属关系的机关间发平行文。

22. 1.适应各级各类社会组织公文处理的特殊要求 2.适应不同类型公文的特殊处理要求3.适应改革开放形势下公文处理的新要求 4.适应OA平台上公文处理的新特点。





















文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotio n, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action)and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the s ense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or moreneighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast orantithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. Andsand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has litt le time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Rolerelationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving aroun d very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。

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文体学 课后题 1、2单元 1 Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples. 1)Words and phrases shilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhyme high and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhyme kith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhyme part and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme 2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliteration Father in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliteration The Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements --Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision --Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision --Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment, but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful —but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration 2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples 1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught. 2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master. 3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick. 3 1)phonological devices in the following extract. A creak of hinges...aisle. In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable. 2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom 3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms. “TOM!” No answer. ...--Mark Twai This is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y -o-u-u, Tom !” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through. 3单元 1 What are thethree ways of clause classification? classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause. 2 how do we distinguish situation types? By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doerof the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4 What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function as modified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a min or sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes toits end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I —Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. Thedeterminer can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually aprepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Usingpost-modification can give enough room for details and forfurther information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which type of branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favorright-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact and logical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel in suspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards the end of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects of fronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause ismore or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of theemphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function? Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill.And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use ofLatinate and that of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion and official communication; and in most cases, they help to create the effect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words of Anglo-Saxon originconstitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A high percentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual ininformal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specificword? Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing? When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps to direct the reader’sattention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexicalcollocation of an item in a piece of language? Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a generalword whose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box(container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle(vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly asimilar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associate meanings.9 Compare the A B extracts in terms1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer.5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent? Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent withwhich people speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元1 1)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channellimitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a messageis limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under t he tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shallI say er - withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical ofvarious attitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness? Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms? The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words inthe passageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree ofaccessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediateconsiderational verification. Qualificationally,my recent policalisational experience hassuitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, bothin literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability.My aim would be the immediate terminalisation ofreadership fallout by content amendment throughextreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract,which indicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitiveand aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words, as well as nonverbal behavior.I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come toa point of agreement on language. This is an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experiencehas suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanComparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities? Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read the headline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospective buyer’s attention, tostimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components:HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English. Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。
