文体学答案集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)文体学课后题 1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = soundelision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hardit is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main characterin Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in thefollowing extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonancetiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on thegraphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ impl ies her sudden stop. Theitalicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very muchlike a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humourall through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classificationclassification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation typesBy according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action typesThe participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of theaction), external force (causer ofthe action), intrumental role (toolto do the action with), recipientrole (receiver of the action) andobjective role (the affected or theresult of the action).4 What is a simple sentence What is amultiple sentenceDirectly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of morethan one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S OC .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c fas m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between aminor sentence and an incomplete sentenceNeither type conforms to the basicclause structure. But a minor sentenceis supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. Anincomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) H elp!(3) Going to the lecture (4) Whyare you late Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phraseWhat is the use of pre-modificationWhat is the function of post-modificationA complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest aswell because pre-modification isusually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagernessto find out. Pre-modification tends tobe informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modificationcan give enough room for details andfor further information. Therefore, itis frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly,guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written textsFor effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common ininformal speech Which type ofbranching is preferred in writtenstylesRight-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation ofideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simplesentences to represent a narrativestyle of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact and logical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel in suspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards the end of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase orderWhatare the stylistic effects offronting and postponementThe basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the ordercan make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usualposition to the front, andpostponement refers the movement ofa linguistic unit from its normalplace towards the end of thesentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example, (1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism andits functionSyntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effectbetween the use of Latinate and that of native words WhyGenerally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in mostcases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity andintellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constituteEnglish-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words areemotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words isquite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between ageneral word and a specific word Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommendedA word is general when it refers to agroup of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The(superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason. 5 What is repetition What is reiteration Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example, We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again. When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example, We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again. In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps to direct the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance. Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression. 6 What is collocation What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocation of an item in a piece of language Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text. 7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general word whose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words. 1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk) 2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull) 3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk) 4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container) 5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle) 8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associate meanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms 1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words; 2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more. In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand. 10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement. (Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元 1 What is dialect A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed. 2 What is the difference between dialect and accent Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent. 3 What is Standard English Is there a standard accent with which peoplespeak Standard EnglishStandard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is relatedto BBC broadcaster, the royal familyand educated speech, it is consideredto be the standard accent in Britain.6单元1 1)What does ‘channel limitation’mean How does channel limitationaffect language useChannel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing,on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, whichis understandable if the two speakersare together in the same context. Butin written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicitlike The teacher standing under thetree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from preparedwritten formIn spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er - withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship Give some examples.By role relationship we mean therelationship between the rolesadopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classifylanguage features typical of various attitudesLanguage features indicating theattitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formalityThe degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politenessLanguage varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of socialdistance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of theuse of address formsThe basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibilityWe can measure the degrees ofaccessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length ina passageH = the percentage of hard(inaccessible) words in the passageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) =13.32Since an easily accessible text issupposed to have a fog index ofabout 10, the mentioned text is justa little difficult. 8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious. I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It was n’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together. Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling Stone B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Extract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible. Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal. 9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, which indicate the degree of impersonality. The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory 10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality. A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words, as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. This is an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline. B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process. 8 单元 1 What functions does language serve in social activities Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic. 2 What functions does a newspaper serve A newspaper has two main functions: togive information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of aheadline/body copy in a press advertisementThe headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It hasbeen estimated that five times asmany people read the headline. Itshould be so designed as to capturea prospective buyer’s attention, tostimulate interest or desire, tomake him/her remember theadvertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisementA complete press advertisement consists of the following components:HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial Verdict Rewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperationin agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。
文体学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 文体学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 语言的语音特征B. 文本的修辞技巧C. 文本的文体特征D. 语言的语法结构答案:C2. 以下哪项不是文体学的功能?A. 语言教学B. 文本分析C. 社会语言学研究D. 计算机编程答案:D3. 文体学中,“风格”一词通常指的是什么?A. 个人写作习惯B. 文本的总体特征C. 文本的修辞手法D. 文本的语义内容答案:B4. 文体学研究中,“对比分析”的目的是什么?A. 比较不同文体之间的相似性B. 比较不同文体之间的差异性C. 比较不同作者的写作风格D. 比较不同语言的语法结构答案:B5. 在文体学中,“语境”一词的含义是什么?A. 语言使用的社会环境B. 语言使用的物理环境C. 语言使用的文化环境D. 语言使用的经济环境答案:A6. 文体学中,“语域”一词指的是什么?A. 语言使用的特定领域B. 语言使用的特定风格C. 语言使用的特定语境D. 语言使用的特定语法结构答案:C7. 以下哪项不是文体学研究的方法?A. 定性分析B. 定量分析C. 语料库分析D. 历史比较分析答案:D8. 文体学研究中,“隐喻”通常指的是什么?A. 直接的比较B. 隐含的比较C. 直接的类比D. 隐含的类比答案:B9. 在文体学中,“互文性”一词的含义是什么?A. 文本之间的相互影响B. 文本之间的相互独立C. 文本之间的相互排斥D. 文本之间的相互竞争答案:A10. 文体学中,“语篇连贯性”指的是什么?A. 文本的内部逻辑一致性B. 文本的外部逻辑一致性C. 文本的内部修辞一致性D. 文本的外部修辞一致性答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述文体学的定义及其研究范围。
英语文体学教程张德禄第二版课后答案1、What’s your _______ for the coming new year? [单选题] *A. playB. plantC. plan(正确答案)D. plans2、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice3、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far4、The secretary was asked to_____of the waste paper on the desk. [单选题] *A.disappearB.dispose(正确答案)C.declareD.got rid5、He does ______ in math.()[单选题] *A. goodB. betterC. well(正确答案)D. best6、Could you please ______ why you can’t come to attend the meeting? [单选题] *A. explain(正确答案)B. understandC. giveD. reach7、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)8、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] *A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises9、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need10、I live a very quiet and peaceful life. [单选题] *A. 宁静的(正确答案)B. 舒适的C. 和平的D. 浪漫的11、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking12、He was born in Canada, but he has made China his _______. [单选题] *A. familyB. addressC. houseD. home(正确答案)13、If it _______ tomorrow, I won’t go there. [单选题] *A. rains(正确答案)B. is rainingC. will rainD. would rain14、—Do you know ______ box it is? —It is ______.()[单选题] *A. who; myB. whose; meC. who; herD. whose; hers(正确答案)15、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take16、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on17、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] * A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through18、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)19、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting20、English is very important in our daily life. Never _______. [单选题] *A. give up itB. give it up(正确答案)C. give away itD. give it away21、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took22、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)B. mustC. shouldD. would23、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] *A. used to(正确答案)B. use toC. is used toD. uses to24、His father always _______ by subway. [单选题] *A. go to workB. go to schoolC. goes to bedD. goes to work(正确答案)25、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing26、I paid twenty yuan _______ the book. [单选题] *A. offB. backC. for(正确答案)D. with27、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many28、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *A. howB. whichC. that(正确答案)D. what29、—Is this ______ football, boy? —No, it is not ______.()[单选题] *A. yours; myB. your; mine(正确答案)C. your; meD. yours; mine30、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges。
英语文体学教程第二版课后答案chapter11、Mary _______ Math. [单选题] *A. is good at(正确答案)B. do well inC. is good forD. is good with2、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)3、The old woman doesn’t feel _______ though she lives _______. [单选题] *A. alone; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. lonely; alone(正确答案)4、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)5、The flowers _______ sweet. [单选题] *A. tasteB. smell(正确答案)C. soundD. feel6、Tony is a quiet student, _______ he is active in class. [单选题] *A. soB. andC. but(正确答案)D. or7、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like8、16.We asked ______ engineer we met before to help repair the radio yesterday. [单选题] * A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)D./9、Turn down the music. It hurts my _______. [单选题] *A. noseB. eyesC. mouthD. ears(正确答案)10、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?? ? ? --like peaches best. [单选题] *A. fruit(正确答案)B. vegetablesC. drinkD. plants11、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] *A. called(正确答案)B. callC. to callD. calling12、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need13、Can you give her some ______ ? [单选题] *A. advice(正确答案)B. suggestionC. advicesD. suggest14、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far15、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film16、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs17、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled18、Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day [单选题] *A. ever sinceB. even ifC. soon afterD. in case(正确答案)19、41.My father is a headmaster and he is _____ charge _____ a primary school. [单选题] * A./, ofB./, withC.in, of (正确答案)D.in, with20、These oranges look nice, but _______ very sour. [单选题] *A. feelB. taste(正确答案)C. soundD. look21、Marie is a _______ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. [单选题] *A. shyB. friendly(正确答案)C. healthyD. crazy22、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)23、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a24、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with25、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)26、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day27、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)28、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)29、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient30、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well。
文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples. 1)Words and phrases shilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhyme high and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhyme kith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhyme part and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme 2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love ’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliteration Father in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliteration The Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements --Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision --Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision --Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment, but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful —but don ’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration 2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples 1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught. 2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare ’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master. 3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick. 3 1)phonological devices in the following extract. A creak of hinges...aisle. In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable. 2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom 3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms. “TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark Twai This is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom !” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over ” and “under ”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through. 3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification? classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause. 2 how do we distinguish situation types? By according to meaning or sense of the verb. 3 Name the participant roles in action types? The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incompletesentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minorsentence is supposed to be “complete ” in the sense that it is finished.An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I —Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is anincomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use ofpre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article,numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinativeand the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to;the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines caneconomize space, and arouse the reader ’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out.Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly,guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informalpresentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and useshort, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas arepresented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects of fronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or lessfixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change ofthe order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of alinguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. Forexample,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (frontingtalent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University.(Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example, See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand. This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate and that of native words? Why? Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion and official communication; and in most cases, they help to create the effect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words of Anglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people ’s basic vocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A high percentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word? Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommended? A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words ismore informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader ’sor hearer ’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason. 5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing? When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example, We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again. When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example, We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again. In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader ’s attention to the interpretation of its significance. Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression. 6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocation of an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of theitem. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text. 7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words. 1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk) 2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk) 4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container) 5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms 1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words; 2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more. In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand. 10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement. (Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong,savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to showwhat good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer.5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region(regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect).Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar andpronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one socialdialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks adialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with differentaccents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from onedialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or heraccent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a Londonaccent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speakBritish English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely acceptedsuch as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation ’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limitedto one channel only —visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facialexpressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, onthe other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should beexplicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother ”,whichis understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context.But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make itexplicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of theclassroom building is Wang Qian ’s mother .2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ fromprepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising oneutterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said andits response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance.If one ’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech ischaracteristically broken up by the following features of normalnon-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and falsestarts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mmgoldfish bowl round his head - not very easy …Appreciative Neutral Pejorative work drudgery, toil, grind fashion, style vogue fad policeman, cop flatfoot civil servant government official bureaucrat famous, celebrated, renowned notorious portly, stout, chubby, plumpfat adventurous, daring reckless, rash学无止境7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the rolesadopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Rolerelationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer —salesman, colleagues in an office, management —employees, teacher —pupil, parent —child. 2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of various attitudes? Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility 3.What factors affect the degrees of formality? The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on. 4 How does language vary in terms of politeness? Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation. 5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms? The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet). 6 What is linguistic impersonality? Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc 7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility? We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula: FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H) L = the average sentence length in a passage H = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in the passage Suppose a passage has: --a total number of words 120 --the number of sentences 6 --the number of “hard ” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20 H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3 Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32 Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult. 8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I ’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn ’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody ’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I ’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn ’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together. Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling Stone B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation ….“Weekend Competition ”, NewStatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personalpronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates thespeaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to thespeaker ’s profession as a politician ’s adviser. Most of the content ware Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, which indicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber ’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes thatthe telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber ’and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses o f such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of thepublic the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree offormality.A I ’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, Itrain students to become more sensitive and aware ofinterpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in yourmind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we ’vestrong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an Americanpolitician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalisedpresidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification forimmediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recentpolicalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship ofthe NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be theimmediate terminalisation of readership fallout by contentamendment through extreme conservation ….“Weekend Competition ”,New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though bothare formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses shortsentences and a fair portion of common words. But there areprofessional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written inprofessional jargons relating to the speaker ’s profession as a politic adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely acceptedfunctions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect,shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a pressadvertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. Ithas been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer ’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components:Headline学无止境IllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details aresometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with WestEurope.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for EasterHolidays.。
英语文体学教程课后题答案○91○92○93○94单选1 [单选题] *A、herB、his(正确答案)C、myD、your单选2 [单选题] *A、OfB、InC、OnD、At(正确答案)单选3 [单选题] *A、WhenB、WhereC、WhyD、How(正确答案)单选4 [单选题] *A、can't(正确答案)B、shouldn'tC、mustn'tD、needn't单选5 [单选题] *A、because(正确答案)B、soC、butD、or单选6 [单选题] *A、beautifulB、more beautiful(正确答案)C、most beautifulD、the most beautiful单选7 [单选题] *A、learnB、am learningC、learned(正确答案)D、will learn单选8 [单选题] *A、buys(正确答案)B、will buyC、is buyingD、has bought单选9 [单选题] *A、is teachingB、will teachC、teachesD、has taught(正确答案)单选10 [单选题] *A、sleepsB、is sleeping(正确答案)C、sleptD、has slept单选11 [单选题] *A、choosesB、choseC、is chosenD、was chosen(正确答案)单选12 [单选题] *A、where is the supermarketB、where was the supermarketC、where the supermarket is(正确答案)D、where the supermarket was完形13 [单选题] *A、suitableB、believableC、comfortableD、impossible(正确答案)完形14 [单选题] *A、 offeredB、canceled(正确答案)C、recordedD、improved完形15 [单选题] *A、argumentB、statementC、agreementD、encourage(正确答案)完形16 [单选题] *A、upsetB、curiousC、glad(正确答案)D、confused完形17 [单选题] *A、studyingB、exercising(正确答案)C、touchingD、driving完形18 [单选题] *A、closer(正确答案)B、betterC、colderD、stronger完形19 [单选题] *A、acceptB、enjoyC、stop(正确答案)D、keep完形20 [单选题] *A、chance(正确答案)B、courseC、dreamD、goalA篇21 [单选题] *A、BambooB、PaperC、ClothD、Wood(正确答案)A篇22 [单选题] *A、In 2000B、In 2001C、In 2006(正确答案)D、In 2016A篇23 [单选题] *A、To tell a storyB、To make a soundC、To watch a play and a gameD、To symbolize hope and luck(正确答案) B篇24 [单选题] *A、travel aroundB、experience lifeC、find the treasure(正确答案)D、help other peopleB篇25 [单选题] *A、excitedB、sorry(正确答案)C、satisfiedD、disappointedB篇26 [单选题] *A、live life to the fullest(正确答案)B、find many interestsC、develop skills to live in the wildD、never give up searching for treasureC篇27 [单选题] *A. It shows your good judgement.B. It harms your brain and your body.C. It helps you correct your faults and mistakes.D. It tells you that you are not excellent enough.(正确答案)C篇28 [单选题] *A. To prove that positive self-talk brings improvements.(正确答案)B. To show that negative self-talk has some bad influence.C. To stress the necessity of asking questions before exams.D. To introduce some good ways to help students and friends.C篇29 [单选题] *A. Negative Self-talk Can Hurt You(正确答案)B. Negative Self-talk Makes You FailC. Positive Self-talk Betters Your GradesD. Positive Self-talk Can Change Your GoalD篇30 [单选题] *A. helpful suggestions and ideasB. excellent products and services(正确答案)C. responsible children and parentsD. confident performances and voiceD篇31 [单选题] *A. Supportive.B. Various.C. Confusing.D. Harmful.(正确答案)D篇32 [单选题] *A. The economy can grow rapidly in competition.B. Kids should not just learn the skills of competition.(正确答案)C. UN was set up to call on people to create competition.D. Sportsmen should not be cooperative to win the game.D篇33 [单选题] *A. people should value competition more than cooperationB. people can perform better in competition than cooperationC. people can benefit more from cooperation than competition(正确答案)D. people should depend more on competition than cooperation。
英语文体学1答案一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、D二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1、knowl edge2、bilabial3、morphol ogy4、sentence5、compl ete三、判断改错题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、FActually mod ern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of language than the written form for a number of reasons.2、FVoicing distinguishes meaning in English but not in Chinese.3、FThe meaning of some compound words has nothing to d o with the sum total of the meanings of their components, such as the compound "red coat".4、FApart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical function.5、FDialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dial ects such as British English and American English but also within the variety itself. For exampl e, within British English, "girl" is call ed "lassie" in Scottish dial ect, and "liquor" is call ed "whishey" in Irish dial ect .四、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)1、One of the major d efining features of human language. Human language consists of two l evels.At the l ower l evel, there are a limited number of sounds which are meaningl ess whil e at the higher l evel there are an unlimited number of combinations of these sounds. It is also known asd ouble articulation.2、Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics,e.g.the study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present.3、A way to transcribe speech sounds. The basic principl e is to use one l etter to indicate onesound. It is generally used in dictionaries and language teaching textbooks.4、The rul es that govern which affix can be add ed to what type of stem to form a new word,e.g.-ly can be ad d ed to a noun to form an adjective.5、a rewrite rul e that allows for the possibl e combinations of words to form phrases andsentences五、论述题(共20分)1、The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes includ e changes in vowel sounds,sound l oss, sound ad dition, and sound movement.1) Vowel sound change: English has und ergone the systematic and regular change in the vowelsounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Mid dl e English period and which involved seven l ong, or tense vowels. These changes l ed to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, i.e. between pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, e.g.five→/fi:v/(Middl e English)→/faiv/(Mod ern English)2) Sound l oss: Sounds can change by the l oss of phonemes. In the history of English the velarfricative /x/ was l ost. This sound existed in Ol d English, so "night" was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Mod ern English, its pronunciation is /nait/.3) Sound addition: Sound addition includ es the gain or insertion of a sound. For exampl e, theword l eisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was add ed to the inventory of English sounds. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the mid dl e of a word is known as epenthesis, e.g.spinl e--spindl e.4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesisinvolves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is l ess common, but it d oes exist. In some dial ects of English, for example, the word ask is pronounced /? ks/. Also, brid d ("bird") is an Ol d English word. When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Mod ern English counterpart "bird".。
(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)1. stylistics2. style3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme6. language7. register 8. acoustic phonetics 9. auditory phonetics10. syllable 11. general stylistics 12. literary stylistics13. form 14. content 15. phonological analysis16. lexical analysis 17. syntactical analysis 18. discoursal analysis19. paralinguistic features 20. social dialect 21. taboo22. whispery voice 23. breathy voice 24. creaky voice25. falsetto 26. common core words 27. technical words28. standard words 29. non- standard words 30. spoken words31. literary words 32. extension 33. specialization34. elevation 35. degradation 36. metaphor37. litotes 38. irony 39. compound sentence40. periodic sentence 41. loose sentence 42. elliptical sentence43. inverted sentence 44. antithesis 45. parallelism46. repetition 47. deviation 48. cataphora49. progressive conjunction 50. field of discourseII. Answer the following questions. (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions)1. What is the relationship between form and content?2. What are the differences between language and speech?3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to the stylisticians?9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?20. What are the three factors of register?21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?24 .What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):.1) Don' t trust her; she is as nake in the grass.2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles ' swo irsd hanging over us.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.4) News from Pentagon today says ⋯5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has the Oedipuscomplex.7) He is a wolf in sheep ' s clothing. Don ' t believe what he says.8) The doctor told him it is not cancer, however, it is only a white lie .9) He is always ready to help people when they are in need. He real Robin Hood'. s a10) Their policy is all sticks and no carrots .11) 0China never stands on the side of Chauvinism .12) Children are flowers of our country.2. What possible social relationships exist between the participants in the following sentences?(12 points; in test it may or may not appear )1) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?2) What time is it, please?3) What' the time?3. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples? ( 8 points; intest it may or may not appear; it contains 2 items )The young hunter was as strong as a lion.Life is but a brief candle.from the cradle to the graveMany hands make light work.She' s as old as a mountain.A victorious defeatHe is a fool. He never knows where his personal interest lies. His whole heart is concernedabout the interest of other people.Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.The drunkard loves his bottle better than his wife.My love is a red, red rose.4. Try to analyze the following sentence and point out its stylistic value ( 12 points; it mayor may not appear in test; if it appears, it contains one sentence )1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must bein want of a wife. (J. Austin. Pride and Prejudice)2) I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)3) O, my luve is like a red, red roseThat ' s newly sprung in June;O, my luve is like the melodieThat ' s sweetly play ' d in tune.(Robert Burns, A Red, Red Rose)4) A grief ago (Dylan Thomas)5) “ Don' t be such a harsh parent, father! ”“ Don' t father me! ”(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题答案I. Explain in brief the following terms (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms):1. stylistics: the study or the investigation of style.2. style: the linguistic habit of a particular person(s) or characteristic of typical situations.3. dialect: a subtype of language which may be determined by geographical locality or particularsocial groupings.4. morpheme: the smallest unit in a language that carries meaning.5. phoneme: the smallest sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction.6. language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. register: language determined by situation.8. acoustic phonetics: a branch of phonetics dealing with the physical properties of the speechsounds of a language.9. auditory phonetics: the study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer.10. syllable: a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.11. general stylistics: the investigation of the linguistic features of all kinds of language use.12. literary stylistics: the study of the linguistic features of literature in particular, such as those ofpoetry, novels and dramas.13. form: the particular way of expressing the message.14. content: the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in alinguistic expression.15. phonological analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature,especially those of poetry.16. lexical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylistic coloring andthe semantic relationship of the words in the text.17. syntactical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are put together toproduce meaning and other kinds of message.18. discoursal analysis: it is concerned about how sentences are joined together to produce acohesive and coherent text.19. paralinguistic features: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords andopenings20. social dialect: it is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to .21. taboo: words forbidden to be used in public because of their being dirty or offensive22. whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast .23. breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation.24. creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being run alonga fence.25. falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually found only inmales.26. common core words: refer to those words used in everyday life.27. technical words: refer to those words used in special professions .28. standard words: words that are used in the standard dialect.29. non-standard words: words labeled as slangs, vulgarisms and colloquialisms in the dictionary.the cultural and social implications of a word simile: a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeness between them30. spoken words: words that most often used in face-to- face, casual and everydayconversations.31. literary words: words used in formal writings or literature.32. extension: a specific word comes to mean a general idea.33. specialization: the change of the word meaning may move in the opposite direction, a wordwith general reference is narrowed to a specific reference.34. elevation: words of derogatory association become words of favorable association.35. degradation: neutral words or words of favorable association degenerated into derogatory words.36. metaphor: a covert comparison37. litotes: understatement38. irony: a figure of speech that takes the form of saying or implying the opposite of what onefeels to be the case39. compound sentence: a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joined together byconjunctions or punctuations40. periodic sentence: one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached41. loose sentence: one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached42. elliptical sentence: one in which either the subject or the predicate or part of the predicate ismissing43. inverted sentence: one in which the subject position is filled by other sentence elements44. antithesis: a figure of speech in the formula of X conj. Y with a contrast between them45. parallelism: a rhetorical device in which two or more than two similar syntactic structures withdifferent words are placed side by side46. repetition: a rhetorical device in which identical words are used but not necessarily in identicalposition47. deviation: violation of standard use of the language48. cataphora: If the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case ofcataphora.49. progressive conjunction: one sentence that joined by the use of conjunctive words of additionor progression50. field of discourse: the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in which language isinvolvedII. Answer the following questions (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions):1. What is the relationship between form and content?One way of talking about style is to make a distinction between form and content. Content is the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in alinguistic expression. Form is the particular way of expressing the message. The form is thestyle which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same.For example, the Chinese term 开始may be expressed in different English words, such asstart, begin and commence, but each suggests a different style.2. What are the differences between language and speech?Another way of talking about style is to make a distinction between language and speech,which may be translated in Chinese as 语言and 言语. This distinction was first proposed by Saussure, the founder of the modern linguistics. According to Saussure, there are four major differences between language and speech.A. Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete. Language is abstract in the sense thatit has only psychological instead of physical existence. Language is not something thatyou can bring to the classroom and examine under the microscope, not something youcan hear, see, smell , touch or taste. Speech is concrete in the sense that it has physicalproperties. Either can be heard in the spoken form or seen in the written form.B. Language is potential whereas speech is actual. Language is potential in the sense that itis a kind of can-mean system, while speech is something that has an actual meaning.C. Language is code whereas speech is message( 语言是一个代码系统,言语才是信息). Language is a set of symbols that can be used to transmit information. Speech is the actual use of the language in an act of communication in a particular situation for aparticular purpose. It carries a real message.D. Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal and situationalconstraint. For example, the word book in the English language always refers to someprinted matter. But in speech it may be used to refer to anything that the speaker wants torefer to by the use of it as long as it is understandable. The common example is thesentence: He is a walking dictionary (a kind of book) meaning that he is veryknowledgeable.3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis? Themajor methodology for stylistic analysis is linguistic analysis. It tries to be objective or scientific in its analysis. According to the advocates of this methodology, anyone using this methodology to analyze a given text of literature will reach roughly the same conclusion.Levels of analysisSince stylistic analysis is a kind of linguistic analysis, naturally, how many levels of structure we have in a language correspondingly how many levels of structure at which we may do stylistic analysis.1) PhonologicalPhonological analysis is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature,especially those of poetry.2) Lexical Lexical analysis is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylisticcoloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.3) Syntactical Syntactical analysis is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are puttogether to produce meaning and other kinds of message.4) Discoursal Discoursal analysis is concerned about how sentences are joined together toproduce a cohesive and coherent text.4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?Definition: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords and openings. Kindsand the corresponding stylistic effects.1) Whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast.2) Breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation,. Expressing surp the effect being one of mild ‘ puffing and blowing seand astonishment.3) Creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being runalong a fence.4) Falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually found only inmales.5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?A. articulatory phonetics The study of the sounds of a language with special attention to thespeaker: themovement of the lungs, vocal cords, tongue, the lips and other organs which produce andcontrol the noisy outward breathing.B. acoustic phonetics The study of the physical properties of the sound waves in the air whenbeing transmitted from the speaker to the hearer.C. auditory phoneticsThe study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?In English poetry, stress is usually used in the realization of meter. The followings are the fourmost typical meters.1) Iamb: Iamb is a metric foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressedsyllable.2) Trochee: Trochee is a metric foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressedsyllable.3) Anapest: Anapest is a metric foot composed of two unstressed syllables followed by onestressed one.4) Dactyl: Dactyl is a metric foot composed of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressedones7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?According to Saussure, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary in the sense that why a certain meaning takes a particular sound has no reason and it is completelyaccident. But in literature, the writers always try to arrange the words in such a way as to make the patterns of sound to directly suggest the meaning.8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to the stylisticians?The stylisticians ' attitude: they lay emphasis on the adaptability to the situation.Standard, non-standard, black, dialectal, slang, archaisms are equally good in theirexpressiveness. There is no distinction of one being superior and other being inferior.9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?According to the linguists, a word has various kinds of meaning. The first kind of meaning is denotative meaning.1) Denotative (概念意义)The kind of meaning we can get from the dictionary. It can also be termed as dictionarymeaning , conceptual meaning , logical meaning and referential meaning . This is the most basic meaning that we understand a word has.2) Stylistic = social ( 社会意义)The kind of meaning associated with a particular social situation in which a particular wordis often used. e.g begin, start, commence3) Affective meaning ( 情感意义)It is the emotional, attitudinal and evaluative coloring of a word. e.g. cunning andclever. Both mean the skillful handling of a delicate or difficult situation. But they revealdifferent attitudes and evaluation of the speaker.4) Collocative ( 搭配意义)Some words may have the same dictionary meaning, but they collocate with differentwords, as shown by the pair or synonyms of pretty and handsome.5) Connotative ( 内涵意义)the cultural and social implications of a word.10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?The three basic components of the English vocabularyA Anglo-Saxona. Members of the familyb. Parts of the bodyc. Natured. Timee. One-syllabled verbsB Frencha. Government and Lawb. Army and military activitiesc. Religiond. CostumesC Latina. Medicineb. Lawc. Theologyd. Sciencee. Literature11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?1) Declarative 2) Interrogative3) Exclamatory 4) Imperative12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?1) Progressive conjunction ( 推进性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of addition orprogression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.2) Contrastive conjunction ( 对照性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of contrast ortransition, such as but, whereas, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.3) Temporal conjunction ( 时间性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of temporalsequence, such ast hen, later, afterwards, at last, or finally , etc13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?Facial expressions, eye-contact, body positions, distance, physical touch, sound modification, clothing, and environment14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?A. Nominal substitution (名词性替代)1)The meaning of one/ones e.g. You bought a red pencil, I ' d like a blue one.2)The use of the “ same”Example:A: I want a cup of teaB: The same.3)The use of “ kind, sort ” . e.g. American food is not the same as the English kind.B. Verbal substitution (动词性替代)Do you like Chinese food?Yes, I do.He likes Chinese food. So do I.C. Clausal substitution (分句性替代)1)The use of “so” “ not ”Example: A: Do you think he will come tomorrow?B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2)LimitationClausal substitution applies only to sentences, where the predicate verb of a main clauseis one of the following verbs:believe, be afraid, expect, fear, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose.15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?Another way of talking about style, is to make a distinction between dialects and registers.A: Speaker orientedDialects are speaker oriented. What kind of speaker speaks what kind of dialect.Dialects may be regional or social. Regional dialect (地域方言)is determined by thegeographical locality the speaker lives in. The social dialect is determined by the socialgroupings that a person belongs to.B: Situation orientedRegister is situational oriented. Register is the language determined by situation, and becauseof this we have such registers as formal English, informal English, classroom English, legalEnglish, etc.16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, etc.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?Idea: a rhetorical question is one which does not really need an answer, or the answer is obvious Examples:Is that a reason for despair?Can any one doubt the wisdom of this action?Is no one going to defend me?What difference does it make then?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?1. 1. Biblical simplicity2. Full of balanced sentences3. The use of concrete words4. Short paragraphs5. Heavy use of and to begin a new paragraph6. Syntactical features1) simple and complete sentences2) the use of old forms of personal pronouns3) the second personal pronoun take the verb of –est as in shouldest,gavest,etc., and thethird person doth and hath which are absent in other styles of writing4) negation takes the form of “ verb+not ” without the use of auxiliaries19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?According to relative positions of the referring item and the referred item, reference may beclassified into the following kinds.1) Anaphora( 后照应)In a case of reference, if the referred item (a word or a phrase) come before the referring item in a text, then it is a case of anaphora.Example: Mr. Wang is an engineer, he graduated from Beijing University.2) Cataphora(前照应)On the other hand, if the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case of cataphora. As in the example:I was introduced to them; it was John Leathwall and his wife.3) Exophora( 外照应)If the interpretation of an item in a text depends on something in the immediate environment,then it is a case of exophora.Example: Did the gardener water those plants?4) Paraphora( 平行照应)An item which refers to something in another text.Example: He is the Shylock Holmes in our class.5) Homophora(自照应)When the class is composed of only one member, then any mention of it is a case ofhomophora.Example: The moon moves around the earth.20. What are the three factors of register?1) Field of discourse —the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in which languageis involved.2) Tenor of discourse —the kind of social relationships between the participants in aconversation.3) Mode of discourse —the medium along which the message is being transmitted.21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.Power relationship is a kind of vertical relationship in the sense that the two participants in the conversation hold unequal authority. For example, the relations between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between teacher and students. Solidarity relationship is ahorizontal relationship in that participants in a conversation hold equal authority. For example, the relations between playmates, classmates, friends, etc.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?1) Unpreparedness or low degree of preparedness2) Frequent change of roles3) Monitoring4) Simultaneity in space and time5) Topic drifting6) Channel limitation7) Gestures23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?In news reporting one can find some characteristics in syntax, lexis, and textual structure.A. SyntaxThere is a heavy use of complex sentences and a heavy use of non-finite verb phrases. Thesubjects of sentences are usually very complicated. Compared with the verb phrases in theprevious discussed varieties, the composition of the verb phrases in newspaper reporting iseven simpler, mainly simple present or past tense. The structure of the noun phrases in newsreporting is very complicated. There is a remarkable increase in the number of modifiers for an average sentence in the variety of newspaper reporting. And the modifiers themselves tend to be more complicatedly structured.B. LexisThere is rare use of pronouns, but by contrast, there is a remarkable increase of the use ofproper nouns. The degree of complication in the aspect of word structure is about the same as that in public speech. Both in terms of the number of letters in an average word and the number of morphemes in an average word. Although the word structure in the style of newspaperreporting tends to be complicated, it is ever ready to use short instead of big word whereverpossible, especially in headlines. Compound words are used frequently. Moreover, nonphrases which actually express actions or state and heavily used, and they are derived fromverb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without loweringthe amount of information conveyed.C. Textual structureIn textual structure, one of the most outstanding characteristic is straightforwardness.24. What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?A. Syntax:In terms of syntax, the language of advertisement is simple in structure for easy understanding, and colloquial in style for familiarity, intimacy and solidarity. There is a higher frequency ofimperative and interrogatives. As to structure, according to statistics, we have the lowest rate of occurrence of passive in comedies, the second lowest is in ads. There is also a heavy use ofpre-modifiers, possessive's, comparative and superlative adjectivesB. Lexis:There is a heavy use of compounds. Simple, short, inner structure and a high percentage ofactive, affirmative, commendatory and large quantities of proper names could be found in thevocabulary of advertisement.C. Rhetorical devices:One can easily find a lot of parallelism, reiteration and alliteration.25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?1) The kind of language people use in daily conversation is the ultimate source of the language ofliterature.2) Ordinary language follows the norm of convention, and the purpose is to be understoodfully.3) Literary language is not the mechanical copy of ordinary language, but refined andprocessed.4) Literary language has some linguistic deviation.III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):1) Don't trust her; she is as nake in the grass.Snake is a kind of animal, because of prejudice and cultural conventions now often used to refer to a person who is cunning and untrustworthy2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles ' swo irsd hanging over us.Damocles 'sw ord is an allusion to Greek mythology. Damocles was invited to a banquet in the court. In the midst of the entertainment, Damocles looked up and saw suspended above his head by a single thread a naked sword. By extension, it comes to mean an immediate danger.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.Titan is a name used to refer to a class of gods huge in physical size. By extension, it comes to mean a person of great strength or influence.4) News from Pentagon today says ⋯Pentagon is a huge building in Washington in which the U.S. Department of Defense exercises its functions, now often used to refer to the ministry itself5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily.Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has the Oedipuscomplex.According to psycho-analysis theory, Oedipus complex refers to the sexual love of an infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousy of the other parent, often in an unconscious way. In this play, Hamlet is believed to have this kind of hidden desire.Actually, he seems to attempt to kill his father and marry his mother in his unconscious mind.7) He is a wolf in sheep 's clothing. Don 't believe wh. at he saysA wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog and that kills and eats other animals.Here wolf is used to refer to persons who are cruel and untrustworthy.。
文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings.1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four ofwhich are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are fromLatin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between theaddress and addressee; the degree of social distance separating theaddresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), Firstname + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) andTerms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to theaddresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personalpronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a littlenewspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having beenterminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/herremember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。
XX大学XX学年第X学期期末考试X学院一般考试《英语文体学》试题适用专业:适用年级:I Please gave definitions for the following terms (5x5=25 Points)(1)Iamb(2)Foot(3)Alliteration(4)Couplet(5)MetaphorII Decide whether the following statements are true or false (5x5=25 Points)(6) A dead metaphor is a cliche that has become so commonplace that the imagery has lost itspower(7)“Wall Street is in a panic” is an instance of metaphor.(8)“Living history” is an instance of Oxymoron.(9)Antonyms are word pairs that are opposite in meaning, such as hot and cold.(10)Grammar narrowly can be defined as rules for the formation of sentences.ⅢAnalyze the following poem with stylistics theories (1x50=50 Points)The Tyger(William Blake)Tyger, Tyger burning bright.In the forest of the night;What immortal hand or eye,Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skies.Burnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand, dare seize the fire?XX大学XX学年第X学期XX级XX专业XX课程期末考试试题A卷参考答案PART I Definitions(5*5=25Points)(1) a unit of rhythm in poetry, consisting of one short syllable that is notstressed followed by one long one that is stressed, for example in the word "describe"(2)Foot: The rhythmic units that make up lines of meter.(3)Alliteration:a literary device that reflects repetition in two or morenearby words of initial consonant sounds(4)Couplet:a literary device featuring two consecutive lines of poetry thattypically rhyme and have the same meter. a couplet must consist of two lines of verse that follow each other and create a complete thought or idea(5)Metaphor:a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a waythat isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison PART II True or False(5*5=25 Points)(6)T(7)F(8)T(9)T(10)TPARTⅢStylistic Analysis (1*5=50 Points)XX大学XX学年第X学期XX级XX专业XX课程期末考试试题A卷评分标准本次考试试卷共包括三部分,题型为客观题和主观题相结合,卷面成绩共计100分。
文书基础章节测试及答案——第四章 文件的整理与归档
文书基础章节测试及答案——第四章文件的整理与归档投稿者:衣风飘爱一、填空题1.2000 年12 月6 日发布的《归档文件整理规则》充分适应了现实工作的需要,体现了应有的超前性和导向性,为立卷改革提供了一个富有生命力的解决方案。
英语文体学教程张得禄课后题答案1、Across the river(). [单选题] *A. lies a new built bridgeB.lies a newly built bridge(正确答案)C. a new built bridge liesD.a newly built bridge lies2、We will _______ Mary this Sunday. [单选题] *A. call on(正确答案)B. go onC. keep onD. carry on3、John and Jack had looked for the key, but _____ of them found it. [单选题] *A. noneB. neither(正确答案)C. bothD. either4、The travelers arrived _______ Xi’an _______ a rainy day. [单选题] *A. at; inB. at; onC. in; inD. in; on(正确答案)5、The manager was quite satisfied with his job. [单选题] *A. 担心的B. 满意的(正确答案)C. 高兴的D. 放心的6、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had7、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] * A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./8、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day9、26.—Mary, is this your pen?—No, it isn't. ________ is black. [单选题] *A.MyB.IC.MeD.Mine(正确答案)10、The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day. [单选题]*A. 寻找B. 期盼(正确答案)C. 看望D. 继续11、Its’time to go to bed. _______ your computer, please. [单选题] *A. Turn onB. Turn inC. Turn off(正确答案)D. Turn down12、95.-Dad, can we walk? ? ? ? ? ? ?the road now?-No,we? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . We have to wait until the light turns green. [单选题] *A.across, needn’tB.across, mustn’t(正确答案)C.though, can’tD.through, mustn't13、Taking the subway is quite fast and cheap. It can _______ both time and money. [单选题] *A. savesB. save(正确答案)C. earnD. use14、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after15、Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_____harm them. [单选题] *A.more thanB.other thanC.rather than(正确答案)D.better than16、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] *A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./17、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn18、—Look at those purple gloves! Are they ______, Mary?—No, they aren’t. ______ are pink. ()[单选题] *A. you; IB. your; MyC. yours; Mine(正确答案)D. you; Me19、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)20、91.—Do you live in front of the big supermarket?—No. I live ________ the supermarket ________ the post office. [单选题] *A.across; fromB.next; toC.between; and(正确答案)D.near; to21、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] *A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why22、28.—Where is Fujian Province?—It’s ________ the southeast of China. [单选题] *A.in (正确答案)B.onC.toD.at23、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next. [单选题] *A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. scarcelyD. constantly(正确答案)24、You wouldn't have seen her if it _____ not been for him . [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD.is having25、28.The question is very difficult. ______ can answer it. [单选题] *A.EveryoneB.No one(正确答案)C.SomeoneD.Anyone26、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus27、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite28、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient29、Sichuan used to have more people than ______ province in China. [单选题] *A. otherB. any other(正确答案)C. anotherD. any others30、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take。
英语文体学课后习题答案Title: English Class Homework AnswersAs students, we often find ourselves faced with a multitude of homework assignments. One of the most common types of homework is the English class homework, which usually consists of reading comprehension exercises, grammar exercises, and writing assignments. In this article, we will provide answers to some common English class homework questions.1. Reading Comprehension ExercisesQuestion: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The main idea of the passage is that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action.2. Grammar ExercisesQuestion: Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: "She will be singing at the concert tomorrow."Answer: The verb tense in the sentence is future continuous tense.3. Writing AssignmentsQuestion: Write a short paragraph describing your favorite hobby.Answer: My favorite hobby is painting. I find it to be a relaxing and creative outlet. I enjoy experimenting with different colors and techniques, and I often lose track of time when I'm engrossed in a painting.In conclusion, English class homework can be challenging, but with the right approach and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. By providing answersto common homework questions, students can gain a better understanding of the material and improve their English language skills.。
文体与写作试题及答案高中一、选择题1. 下列哪个选项是记叙文的特点?A. 以议论为主B. 以记叙为主C. 以描写为主D. 以抒情为主答案:B2. 议论文的三要素包括论点、论据和以下哪一项?A. 论证B. 论题C. 论据D. 论点答案:A3. 抒情散文的特点是?A. 以记叙为主B. 以议论为主C. 以抒情为主D. 以描写为主答案:C二、填空题4. 记叙文的六要素包括时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和______。
答案:结果5. 议论文的论证方法主要有举例论证、对比论证、______和类比论证。
答案:因果论证三、简答题6. 请简述说明文的特点。
7. 请简述议论文的写作技巧。
四、论述题8. 论述散文与小说的区别。
五、写作题9. 以“我的梦想”为题,写一篇不少于800字的记叙文。
第五章文书的整理与归档 课后练习及其答案
第五章答案分析思考1.《归档文件整理规则》实施的意义是什么?《归档文件整理规则》实施适应了目前档案管理现代化的需要, 在借鉴传统立卷方法合理性的基础上, 对归档文件整理工作的原则和具体方法作出了规定, 推行文件级整理, 大幅度简化了整理中的手工操作,使广大档案工作者能够从繁杂琐碎的传统立卷工作中解放出来, 从而有更多的时间和精力用在档案的编研、开发和利用上来, 更好地为本单位各项工作服务, 为领导决策服务、为社会服务。
目标检测一、名词解释文书整理归档 文书整理归档是机关文书部门将已经办理完毕、具有一定查考利用价值的文件材料,按照它们在形成过程中的联系和一定的规律,以“件”为单位,分类整理,并进行装盒、归档的过程。
分类方案类目 分类方案类目是文书整理归档的计划,是文书部门在文书没有形成之前,根据最近两年机关工作活动的规律,当年的工作计划,在研究机关的工作性质,职权范围,内部组织机构及分情况的基础上,预测下年度可能形成的文书,按照文书整理的原则和方法,拟制出归档文书的类别与条目。
文体学chapter five 课后练习第2题答案
The following stanzas and passages contain excellent examples of such sound patterns as alliteration, assonance and consonance. Identify them comment on their stylistic effects.Alliteration: it is the repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables.1.Do you fear the force of the wind,The slash of the rain?Go face them and fight them,Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf,Go wade like the crane:The palms of your hands will thicken,The skin of your cheeks will tan,You will grow ragged and weary and swarthyBut you'll walk like a man!stylistic effects:①Do you fear the force of the windIt is used to link together words that are similar in feeling or thought. The word "force" give the impression of compression or exploitation, which easily connects the word "fear" with it.②Go face them and fight themIt is used to form a connection of similarity. The word "face" and "fight" mean one should fight against the difficulty. They correlate the stanza "But you'll walk like a man!"2.Sweet and low, sweet and low,Wind of the western sea,Low, low, breathe and blow,Wind of the western sea!Over the rolling waters go,Come from the dying moon, and blow,Blow him again to me;While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.stylistic effects:①Wind of the western seaIt helps to create a sweet and low mood. This poet is a lullaby. Therefore, "wind of the western sea" builds a soft and gentle feeling.②Low, low, breathe and blowIt is used to form a connection of similarity. The writer uses the rhetorical device of similitude. "breathe and blow" is the action of human, but in the poet, it is wind's action.3.Sweet sleep, with soft down,...Bring me my bow of burning gold!Weeping in weak and mortal clay.Stylistic effects:①Sweet sleep, with soft downIt is used to form a connection of similarity.②Bring me my bow of burning goldIt is used to link together words that are similar in feeling or thought. The word "bow" means fighting while "burning" means intense feelings.③Weeping in weak and mortal clayit is used to used to link together words that are similar in feeling or thought."weeping" means crying and feeling sorrow. It associates with "weak" to represent extreme disconsolateness.4.The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free.We were the first that ever burstInto the silent sea.Stylistic effects:①The fair breeze blew, the white foam flewIt helps to create a scene that the ship sails briskly.②The furrow followed freeIt used to form a connection of similarity.③Into the silent sea.It is used to link together words that are similar in feeling or thought. "silent sea" puts emphasis on the sailors' valiancy and the silence of that becalmed sea.5.I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,Among my swimming swallows.I make the netted sunbeam danceAgainst my sandy shallows.Stylistic effects: these alliteration helps to create a quiet and peaceful stream as well as make the poet possess the beauty of rhyme.6.Father is rather vulgar, my dear. The word Papa, besides, gives a pretty form to the lips. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes, and prism, are all very good words for the lips : especially prunes and prism.Stylistic effects: it is used simply to impress something on one's mind by sheer repetition of initial sounds.Assonance: it is the repetition of identical vowel or diphthong in stressed syllables.1. Do you fear the force of the wind,The slash of the rain?Go face them and fight them,Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf,Go wade like the crane:The palms of your hands will thicken,The skin of your cheeks will tan,You will grow ragged and weary and swarthyBut you'll walk like a man!Stylistic effects: the meanings of two words are associated while assonance contributes to musical quality of a literary text.2. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free.We were the first that ever burstInto the silent sea.Stylistic effects: "blew""flew"、"furrow""followed"、"first""burst" are correlate mutually. It contributes to musical quality of the poem as well as unify words and ideas.3.I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,Among my swimming swallows.I make the netted sunbeam danceAgainst my sandy shallows.Stylistic effects: the words "slip""slide""glance""gloom" make the poem have perfect rhyme. In addition, the assonance helps to describe a quiet and peaceful stream.4. Father is rather vulgar, my dear. The word Papa, besides, gives a pretty form to the lips. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes, and prism, are all very good words for the lips : especially prunes and prism.Stylistic effects: It contributes to musical quality of the poem.Consonance: it is the repetition of the final consonant cluster in stressed syllables.1. Do you fear the force of the wind,The slash of the rain?Go face them and fight them,Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf,Go wade like the crane:The palms of your hands will thicken,The skin of your cheeks will tan,You will grow ragged and weary and swarthyBut you'll walk like a man!Stylistic effects: It greatly reinforces the tone of the poem. In addition, it make the text more organized.2. Sweet and low, sweet and low,Wind of the western sea,Low, low, breathe and blow,Wind of the western sea!Over the rolling waters go,Come from the dying moon, and blow,Blow him again to me;While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.Stylistic effects: It greatly reinforces the tone of the poem.3. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,Among my swimming swallows.I make the netted sunbeam danceAgainst my sandy shallows.Stylistic effects: It greatly reinforces the tone of the poem.4.If I shouldn't be aliveWhen the Robins come,Give the one in Red Cravat,A memorial crumb,If I couldn't thank you,Being fast asleep,You'll know I'm tryingWith my Granite lip!Stylistic effects: It greatly reinforces the tone of the poem. In addition, it make the text more organized.。
文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotio n, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action)and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the s ense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or moreneighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast orantithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. Andsand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has litt le time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Rolerelationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving aroun d very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。
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文体学课后题 1、2单元1 Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in thefollowing examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme 2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliteration The Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment, but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples 1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation typesBy according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action typesThe participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence What is a multiple sentence Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It maybe either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clausesfunction as modified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentenceNeither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sen tence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture (4) Why are you lateBecause I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phraseWhat is the use of pre-modificationWhat is the function of post-modificationA complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written textsFor effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech Whichtype of branching is preferred in written stylesRight-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity.Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact and logical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel in suspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards the end of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase orderWhat are the stylistic effectsof fronting and postponementThe basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile inposition. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its functionSyntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form . tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill.And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use ofLatinate and that of native words WhyGenerally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion and official communication; and in most cases, they help to create the effect of coolness, dignity and intellectual of Anglo-Saxon origin constituteEnglish-speaking people’s basic words areemotionally charged. A high percentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specificword Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommendedA word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition What is reiteration Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps to direct the reader’sattention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation What is the use pf analyzing lexicalcollocation of an item in a piece of language Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a generalword whose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box(container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle(vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly asimilar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associate meanings.9 Compare the A B extracts in terms1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer.5单元1 What is dialectA dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accentAccent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English Is there a standard accent withwhich people speak Standard EnglishStandard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元1 1)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean How does channellimitation affect language useChannel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech,in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written formIn spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and sim ultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shallI say er - withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy… 7单元1What is role relationship Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer —salesman,colleaguesinanoffice, management —employees, teacher —pupil, parent —child. 2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of various attitudesLanguage features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibilityfactors affect the degrees of formalityThe degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on. 4How does language vary in terms of politenessLanguage varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address formsThe basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor,Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibilityWe can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula:FOG INDEX = (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words inthe passageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120 --the number of sentences 6--t he number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 =Fog index: × (20 + =Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an acciden t to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediateconsiderational verification. Qualificationally,my recent policalisational experience hassuitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, bothin literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability.My aim would be the immediate terminalisation ofreadership fallout by content amendment throughextreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract,which indicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office i s not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitiveand aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words, as well as nonverbal behavior.I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come toa point of agreement on language. This is an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve stron g teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics,thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanComparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serveA newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisementThe headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read the headline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospective buyer’s attention, tostimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisementA complete press advertisement consists of the following components:HeadlineIllustrationBody copy Signature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English. Move to Axe Mine rs’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A m ove was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。