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model [‘mɒdl] n.型号、式样,模型, 模特
• 这台电视是最新型的。 • This television is the latest model. • 飞机模型、火车模型 • model plane • 凯特是个模特。 • Kate is a model.
afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.付得起(钱) 有足够的(金钱,时间)做

you're a millionaire!
• MR. FRITH: Millionaires don't buy

things ____o_n__in_s_t_a_lm__e_n_ts_!
Watch the video again, then try to retell the text
Fill in the blanks.
But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.
• MR. FRITH: I don't like the mode.l

The other model's more expensive ,

but it's worth the money.
• ASSISTANT: It's the most expensive modelin

the shop. It costs five hundredpounds.
• MRS. FRITH: That's too expensive for us.

We can't afford all that money .
You always want the best, but we can't afford it. Sometimes you think you're a millionaire! MR. FRITH: Millionaires don’t buy things on instalments!
pay a deposit 付……的定金 为购买这辆车,你需要先付10,000元。 You need to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan for this car. 省略了pay do = like it 价格高 The price is high. 价格低 The price is low. 东西的贵或便宜用 expensive & cheap
The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money.
cheaper one= television the other (两者中的)另一个 我有两支笔,一支是红色,另一支是蓝色。 I have two pens. One is red. The other is blue. worth (adj.)值 ……的, 价值……的 这枚戒指值10,000元。 This ring is worth 10,000yuan.
ASSISTANT: Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,
and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. MR. FRITH: Do you like it, dear? MRS. FRITH:I certainly do, but I don't like the price.

you're a millionaire !
• MR. FRITH: Millionaires don't buy

things __o__n_i_n_st_a_l_m_e_n_t_s__!
cost花费(金钱,时间),主语通常是事或物 (包括形式主语 it),不能是人。
• 这座房子花了我400,000元。 • This house costs me 400,000 yuan.
hundred 与数字连用时,不加s
两百个学生 two hundred students
成千上百的 hundreds of
pound 可数 如: dollars
• MR. FRITH: I like this television very muc.h

How much does it cost ?
• MR. FRITH: Can we buy it _o_n_i_n_s_ta_lm__e_n_ts__? • ASSISTANT: Of course. • You can pay _a_d_e_p_o_s_it_ of thirty pounds, • and then fourteen pounds a monthfor • three years.
• 我们买不起新车。 • We can’t afford a new car. • We can’t afford to buy a new car.
• afford + n. • afford + to do
deposit [di'pɒzit] n.预付定金、押金、保证金 (通常以单数形式表示)付款 v.付定金,存钱
• 形容词原级比较结构: as+adj. (原级)+as
• 我和哥哥一样帅。 • I am as handsome as my brother. • 她和蜜蜂一样忙。 • She is as busy as a bee.
price [prais] n.价格 (用复数形式prices指物价),价钱,代价
• 蔬菜价格正在上涨。 • The prices of vegetables are going up.
Watch the video and answer question: Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments?
• MR. FRITH: Can we buy it _o_n_i_ns_t_a_lm_e_n_t_s__? • ASSISTANT: Of course. • You can pay _a_d_e_p_o_s_it_ of thirty pounds, • and then fourteen pounds a month for • three years.
• 这个工作将花费我们大量的时间。 • This job will cost us a lot of time.
spend花(金钱、时间)主语只能是人,不能是事 或物。
• 我在这辆新车上花了很多钱。 • I spent much money on the new car. • 我花很多时间读书。 • I spent a lot of time in reading. • 我写这封信花了一个小时。 • I spent an hour writing the letter. • 我花了一整天找你。 • I have spent all day looking for you.
• MR. FRITH: Do you like it , dear?
• MRS. FRITH:I certainly do,

but I don't like the price .

You always want the best ,

but we can’t afford it .

Sometimes you think
• ASSISTANT: This model's less expensivethan

that one. It's onlythree hundred pound.s
But, of course,
it's not as good as the expensive one.
• MR. FRITH: I don't like this model.
MR. FRITH: That's too expensive for us. We can't afford all that money.
= Leabharlann Baiduow much is it? How much 多少(询问价格或不可数名词的量 ) 这个手提包多少钱? How much is the handbag? the least expensive
New words and expressions:
• model ['mɒdl] n.型号,式样 afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.付得起(钱) deposit [di'pɒzit] n.预付定金 instalment [in'stɔ:lmənt]n.分期付款 price [prais] n.价格 millionaire [,miljə'nεə] n.百万富翁
Lesson111 The most expensive model
£ 100
It costs … This model is less expensive than that one.
It costs… It ‘s the most expensive model in the shop.
£ 300 £ 500
MR. FRITH: I like this television very much. How much does it cost?
ASSISTANT: It's the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.
• 我付了1500美金作为购新车的定金。 • I pay a deposit of $1,500 for this new car.
instalment [in'stɔ:lmənt] n.分期付款 • in / by / on instalments以分期付款的方式
• 他以分期付款方式买的房。 • He bought his house on instalments.
• MR. FRITH: I like this television very muc.h

How much does it cost ?
• ASSISTANT: It's the most expensive modelin

the shop. It costs five hundredpounds.
ASSISTANT: This model's less expensive than that one. It's only three hundred pounds.
But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one. MR. FRITH: I don't like the model.

The other model's more expensive ,

but it's worth the money.
Can we buy it on instalments?
• 情态动词的一般疑问句。介词短语on instalments 作方式状语。
• buy … on instalments以分期付款方式购买 • =buy …in (by) instalments • Can we buy it on instalments? • Can we buy it in instalments? • Can we buy it by instalments?
• MRS. FRITH: That's too expensive for us.

We can't afford all that money .
• ASSISTANT: This model's less expensive than

that one. It's only three hundred poun.ds
• MR. FRITH: Do you like it , dear?
• MRS. FRITH:I certainlydo,

but I don't like the pric.e

You always wantthe best ,

but we can’t afford the pric.e

Sometimes you think