



/*ADC0831模数转换程序,运行程序后,调节下电位器,你看看数据会如何变化*/#include <reg51.h>#include <intrins.h>sbit SCL2=P1^3; //SCL2定义为P1口的第3位脚,连接ADC0831SCL脚sbit SDA2=P1^4; //SDA2定义为P1口的第4位脚,连接ADC0831SDA脚sbit CS2=P1^6; //CS2定义为P1口的第4位脚,连接ADC0831CS脚sbit RST = P1^5;// DS1302片选,因这两芯片采用同一数据脚(SDA,SCL),所以我们要定义它,将DS1302片选关掉,否则发生冲突code unsigned char table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f};//共阴数码管0-9表unsigned char l_tmpdate[]={0,0,0};//定义数组变量void delay();//延时子函数,5个空指令void display(unsigned char *lp,unsigned char lc);//数字的显示函数;lp为指向数组的地址,lc 为显示的个数unsigned char ad0831read(void); //定义该函数为读取ADC0831的数据void main(void) //入口函数{unsigned char i=254,tmp;RST=0;while(1){i++;if(i==255){tmp=ad0831read(); //这里为循环255个周期读取一次0831,因CPU运行比较快,没必要每次循环都去读取i=0;l_tmpdate[0]=tmp/100; //得到百位tmp=tmp%100;l_tmpdate[1]=tmp/10; //十位l_tmpdate[2]=tmp%10; //个位//因读到的数据为8位的二进制数,即0~255,我们将其分开放入l_tmpdate数组中}display(l_tmpdate,3); //输出显示}}void display(unsigned char *lp,unsigned char lc)//显示{unsigned char i; //定义变量P2=0; //端口2为输出P1=P1&0xF8; //将P1口的前3位输出0,对应138译门输入脚,全0为第一位数码管for(i=0;i<lc;i++){ //循环显示P2=table[lp[i]]; //查表法得到要显示数字的数码段delay(); //延时5个空指令if(i==7) //检测显示完8位否,完成直接退出,不让P1口再加1,否则进位影响到第四位数据break;P2=0; //清0端口,准备显示下位P1++; //下一位数码管}}void delay(void) //空5个指令{_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();}unsigned char ad0831read(void)//请先了解ADC0831模数转换器的串口协议,再来读本函数,主要是对应时序图来理解{ //本函数是模拟0831的串口协议进行的,当你了解用软件去模拟一个端口的协议//以后,对于一个硬件这样的端口就简单多了unsigned char i=0,tmp=0;SDA2=1;CS2=0;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=0;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=1;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=0;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=1;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=0;_nop_();_nop_();for(i=0;i<8;i++){tmp<<=1;if(SDA2)tmp++;SCL2=1;_nop_();_nop_();SCL2=0;_nop_();_nop_();}CS2=1;return tmp;}。


ADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
August 1999
ADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
Ordering Information
Part Number ADC0831CCN ADC0831CCWM ADC0832CIWM ADC0832CCN ADC0832CCWM ADC0834BCN ADC0834CCN ADC0834CCWM ADC0838BCV ADC0838CCV ADC0838CCN ADC0838CIWM ADC0838CCWM See NS Package Number M14B, M20B, N08E, N14A, N20A or V20A 8 4 2 Analog Input Channels 1 Total Unadjusted Error Package Molded (N) SO(M) SO(M) Molded (N) SO(M) Temperature Range 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C −40˚C to +85˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C 0˚C to +70˚C −40˚C to +85˚C 0˚C to +70˚C



ADC0831数模转换器(0-5V数码显示)第一部分:实物及管脚定义1、CS:片选2、正输入端3、Vref:负输入端4、GND:地5、参考电压输入端6、DO:串行数据输出端7、CLK:时钟输入脚 8、VCC:电源产品种类ADC0831(模数转换器)转换器数量1ADC 输入端数量1分辨率8 bit输入类型Voltage(电压)接口类型Serial(串行输出)电压参考5 V电源电压(最大值)6.3 V电源电压(最小值)4.5 V最大功率耗散0.8 W最大工作温度+ 70 C输入电压5 V第二部分:时序图第三部分:仿真图第四部分:C语言程序/*程序效果:数码管显示0.00-5.00U电压,调节电位器,得到ADC0831的2脚电压值。


*/#include<reg52.h>#include<intrins.h>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit CS=P1^0;sbit CLK=P1^1;sbit DO=P1^2;uchar codetab[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,//共阴数码0-90xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf,0xe6,0xed,0xfd,0x87,0xff,0xef,//共阴带小数0-90x40,0x3e,0x00}; //"-"、"U"、数码管全灭uchar code du[]={0xfe,0xfd,0xfb,0xf7};//动态扫描时控制各个数码管亮与灭uint huancun[]={0,0,0,0}; //数据缓存void delay();//延时函数void display(); //数码管显示函数uchar Read_ADC0831(); //读取ADC0831转换出的数据,通过串行通信输出//************************************************//void main(){uint i,date;while(1){i++;if(i==100){i=0;date=Read_ADC0831()*100;//乘以100是为了保留两位小数,错误的写法date=Read_ADC0831()*100/51//处理数据时要注意:各变量的数据类型要一致!date=date/51; //使数码管显示的数值与电压保//当ADC转换5V电压时,对应255即date=255*100/51=500huancun[0]=date/100; //取数据百位huancun[0]+=10; //数据百位带小数点,所以要取带小数的codehuancun[1]=date%100/10; //数据十位,即为小数点第一位huancun[2]=date%10; //数据个位,即为小数点第二位huancun[3]=21; //电压符号“U”}display();}}//************************************************//void delay(){uchar i;for(i=0;i<180;i++);}//*********************************************// void display(){uchar i;for(i=0;i<4;i++){P3=du[i];P2=tab[huancun[i]];delay();}}//********************************************// uchar Read_ADC0831()//根据时序图写出的模拟数据输出{uchar i,temp; DO=1;_nop_();_nop_();CS=0;_nop_();_nop_();CLK=0;_nop_();_nop_();CLK=1;_nop_();_nop_();CLK=0;_nop_();_nop_();CLK=1;_nop_();_nop_();CLK=0;_nop_();_nop_();for(i=0;i<8;i++) {CLK=1;_nop_();_nop_();temp<<=1;if(DO){temp++;}CLK=0;_nop_();_nop_();}CS=1;_nop_();_nop_(); return(temp); }。



Key Specifications
n n n n n Resolution Total Unadjusted Error Single Supply Low Power Conversion Time 8 Bits
n NSC MICROWIRE compatible — direct interface to COPS family processors n Easy interface to all microprocessors, or operates “stand-alone”
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Current into V (Note 3) Supply Voltage, VCC (Note 3) Voltage Logic Inputs Analog Inputs Input Current per Pin (Note 4) Package Storage Temperature Package Dissipation at TA = 25˚C (Board Mount)
Top View
Top View ADC0832 2-Channel MUX Small Outline Package (WM)
ADC0831 Single Differential Input Dual-In-Line Package (N)
ADC0831 Single Differential Input Small Outline Package (WM)



11.2.4 典型的集成ADC芯片为了满足多种需要,目前国内外各半导体器件生产厂家设计并生产出了多种多样的ADC芯片。














为此,必须用D 触发器或可编程并行I/O 接口芯片的某一位来锁存这个电平,或用单稳等电路来对启动信号进行定时变换。





#include<reg52.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit pianxuan=P3^3; 片选sbit shuchu=P3^1; 数据线sbit clk=P3^2; 时钟线code unsigned char seg7code[10]={ 0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90}; //显示段码数码管字跟:Delay(unsigned int tc) //延时程序{while( tc != 0 ) //如果tc 为0 则终止延时{unsigned int i; //局部正整数变量ifor(i=0; i<50; i++); //执行400 次将耗时1毫秒tc--; //tc计数减一}}uchar M=0;uchar shuzi=0;delayms(){uchar j=0;for(j=0; j<100; j++);}void Led(int date) //显示函数{P1=P1&0xf7; //P2.7 输出低电平,选通千位数P0=seg7code[date/1000]; //取出千位数,查表,输出。

Delay(5); //延时P1=P1|0x0f; //销隐P1=P1&0xfb; //P2.6 输出低电平,选通百位数P0=seg7code[date%1000/100]; //取出百位数,查表,输出。

Delay(5); //延时P1=P1|0x0f; //销隐P1=P1&0xfd; //P2.5 输出低电平,选通十位数P0=seg7code[date%100/10]; //取出十位数,查表,输出。



ADC08031/ADC08034/ADC080388-Bit High-Speed Serial I/O A/D Converters withMultiplexer Options,Voltage Reference,and Track/Hold FunctionGeneral DescriptionThe ADC08031/ADC08032/ADC08034/ADC08038are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8channels.The serial I/O is configured to comply with the NSC MICROW-IRE ™serial data exchange standard for easy interface to the COPS ™family of controllers,and can easily interface with standard shift registers or microprocessors.The ADC08034and ADC08038provide a 2.6V band-gap de-rived reference.For devices offering guaranteed voltage ref-erence performance over temperature see ADC08131,ADC08134and ADC08138.A track/hold function allows the analog voltage at the positive input to vary during the actual A/D conversion.The analog inputs can be configured to operate in various combinations of single-ended,differential,or pseudo-differential modes.In addition,input voltage spans as small as 1V can be accommodated.Applicationsn Digitizing automotive sensors n Process control monitoringn Remote sensing in noisy environments nInstrumentationn Test systemsn Embedded diagnosticsFeaturesn Serial digital data link requires few I/O pins n Analog input track/hold functionn 2-,4-,or 8-channel input multiplexer options with address logicn 0V to 5V analog input range with single 5V power supplyn No zero or full scale adjustment required n TTL/CMOS input/output compatible n On chip 2.6V band-gap referencen 0.3"standard width 8-,14-,or 20-pin DIP package n 14-,20-pin small-outline packagesKey Specificationsn Resolution 8bits n Conversion time (f C =1MHz)8µs (max)n Power dissipation 20mW (max)n Single supply 5V DC (±5%)n Total unadjusted error ±1⁄2LSB and ±1LSBnNo missing codes over temperatureOrdering InformationIndustrial (−40˚C ≤T A ≤+85˚C)Package ADC08031CINN08E ADC08031CIWM,ADC08034CIWM M14B ADC08038CIWMM20BTRI-STATE ®is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.COPS ™microcontrollers and MICROWIRE ™are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.June 1999ADC08031/ADC08034/ADC080388-Bit High-Speed Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options,Voltage Reference,and Track/Hold Function©1999National Semiconductor Corporation Connection DiagramsADC08038DS010555-2ADC08034DS010555-3ADC08031Dual-In-Line Package DS010555-5ADC08031Small Outline Package 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Notes1,3) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage(V CC) 6.5V Voltage at Inputs and Outputs−0.3V to V CC+0.3V Input Current at Any Pin(Note4)±5mA Package Input Current(Note4)±20mA Power Dissipation at T A=25˚C(Note5)800mW ESD Susceptibility(Note6)1500V Soldering InformationN Package(10sec.)SO Package:Vapor Phase(60sec.) Infrared(15sec.)(Note7)260˚C215˚C220˚CStorage Temperature−65˚C to+150˚COperating Ratings(Notes2,3)Temperature Range T MIN≤T A≤T MAXADC08031CIN,−40˚C≤T A≤+85˚CADC08031CIWM,ADC08034CIWM,ADC08038CIWMSupply Voltage(V CC) 4.5V DC to6.3V DCElectrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V CC=V REF=+5V DC,and f CLK=1MHz unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=25˚C.Symbol Parameter ConditionsADC08031,ADC08034andADC08038Units(Limits) Typical(Note8)Limits(Note9)CONVERTER AND MULTIPLEXER CHARACTERISTICSTotal Unadjusted Error(Note10)BIN,BIWM±1⁄2LSB(max)CIN,CIWM±1LSB(max)Differential8Bits(min)LinearityR REF Reference Input Resistance 3.5kΩ1.3kΩ(min)6.0kΩ(max)V IN Analog Input Voltage(Note11)(V CC+0.05)V(max)(GND−0.05)V(min) DC Common-Mode Error±1⁄4LSB(max)Power Supply Sensitivity V CC=5V±5%,±1⁄4LSB(max)V REF=4.75VOn Channel Leakage On Channel=5V,0.2µA(max)Current(Note12)Off Channel=0V1On Channel=0V,−0.2µA(max)Off Channel=5V−1Off Channel Leakage On Channel=5V,−0.2µA(max)Current(Note12)Off Channel=0V−1On Channel=0V,0.2µA(max)Off Channel=5V1DIGITAL AND DC CHARACTERISTICSV IN(1)Logical“1”Input Voltage V CC=5.25V 2.0V(min)V IN(0)Logical“0”Input Voltage V CC=4.75V0.8V(max)I IN(1)Logical“1”Input Current V IN=5.0V1µA(max)I IN(0)Logical“0”Input Current V IN=0V−1µA(max)V OUT(1)Logical“1”Output Voltage V CC=4.75V:I OUT=−360µA 2.4V(min)I OUT=−10µA 4.5V(min)3Electrical Characteristics(Continued)The following specifications apply for V CC=V REF=+5V DC,and f CLK=1MHz unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=25˚C.Symbol Parameter ConditionsADC08031,ADC08034andADC08038Units(Limits) Typical(Note8)Limits(Note9)DIGITAL AND DC CHARACTERISTICSV OUT(0)Logical“0”Output Voltage V CC=4.75V0.4V(max)I OUT=1.6mAI OUT TRI-STATE®Output Current V OUT=0V−3.0µA(max)V OUT=5V 3.0µA(max)I SOURCE Output Source Current V OUT=0V−6.5mA(min)I SINK Output Sink Current V OUT=V CC8.0mA(min)I CC Supply CurrentADC08031,ADC08034,andADC08038CS=HIGH 3.0mA(max) REFERENCE CHARACTERISTICSV REF OUT Nominal Reference Output V REF OUT OptionAvailable Only on 2.6VADC08034andADC08038Electrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V CC=V REF=+5V DC,and t r=t f=20ns unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=25˚C.Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits Units(Note8)(Note9)(Limits) f CLK Clock Frequency10kHz(min)1MHz(max) Clock Duty Cycle40%(min)(Note13)60%(max) T C Conversion Time(Not Including f CLK=1MHz81/f CLK(max) MUX Addressing Time)8µs(max) t CA Acquisition Time1⁄21/f CLK(max) t SELECT CLK High while CS is High50nst SET-UP CS Falling Edge or Data Input25ns(min) Valid to CLK Rising Edget HOLD Data Input Valid after CLK20ns(min) Rising Edget pd1,t pd0CLK Falling Edge to Output C L=100pF:Data Valid(Note14)Data MSB First250ns(max)Data LSB First200ns(max) t1H,t0H TRI-STATE Delay from Rising Edge C L=10pF,R L=10kΩ50ns of CS to Data Output and SARS Hi-Z(see TRI-STATE Test Circuits)C L=100pF,R L=2kΩ180ns(max) C IN Capacitance of Logic Inputs5pFC OUT Capacitance of Logic Outputs5pFNote1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Note2:Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional.These ratings do not guarantee specific performance limits.For guaranteed speci-fications and test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics.The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed.Some performance character-istics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions.Note3:All voltages are measured with respect to AGND=DGND=0V DC,unless otherwise specified.4Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Note4:When the input voltage V IN at any pin exceeds the power supplies(V IN<(AGND or DGND)or V IN>V CC)the current at that pin should be limited to5mA. The20mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an input current of5mA to four pins. Note5:The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T JMAX,θJA and the ambient temperature,T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P D=(T JMAX−T A)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.For devices with suffixes CIN and CIWM T JMAX=125˚C.The typical thermal resistances(θJA)of these parts when board mounted follow:ADC08031CIN120˚C/W,ADC08031CIWM 140˚C/W,ADC08034CIWM140˚C/W,ADC08038CIWM suffixes91˚C/W.Note6:Human body model,100pF capacitor discharged through a1.5kΩresistor.Note7:See AN450“Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability”or Linear Data Book section“Surface Mount”for other methods of soldering surface mount devices.Note8:Typicals are at T J=25˚C and represent the most likely parametric norm.Note9:Guaranteed to National’s AOQL(Average Outgoing Quality Level).Note10:Total unadjusted error includes offset,full-scale,linearity,multiplexer.Note11:For V IN(−)≥V IN(+)the digital code will be00000000.Two on-chip diodes are tied to each analog input(see Block Diagram)which will forward-conduct for analog input voltages one diode drop below ground or one diode drop greater than V CC supply.During testing at low V CC levels(e.g.,4.5V),high level analog inputs (e.g.,5V)can cause an input diode to conduct,especially at elevated temperatures,which will cause errors for analog inputs near full-scale.The spec allows50mV forward bias of either diode;this means that as long as the analog V IN does not exceed the supply voltage by more than50mV,the output code will be correct.Ex-ceeding this range on an unselected channel will corrupt the reading of a selected channel.Achievement of an absolute0V DC to5V DC input voltage range will there-fore require a minimum supply voltage of4.950V DC over temperature variations,initial tolerance and loading.Note12:Channel leakage current is measured after a single-ended channel is selected and the clock is turned off.For off channel leakage current the following two cases are considered:one,with the selected channel tied high(5V DC)and the remaining seven off channels tied low(0V DC),total current flow through the off chan-nels is measured;two,with the selected channel tied low and the off channels tied high,total current flow through the off channels is again measured.The two cases considered for determining on channel leakage current are the same except total current flow through the selected channel is measured.Note13:A40%to60%duty cycle range insures proper operation at all clock frequencies.In the case that an available clock has a duty cycle outside of these limits the minimum time the clock is high or low must be at least450ns.The maximum time the clock can be high or low is100µs.Note14:Since data,MSB first,is the output of the comparator used in the successive approximation loop,an additional delay is built in(see Block Diagram)to allow for comparator response time.Typical Performance CharacteristicsLinearity Error vsReference VoltageDS010555-32Linearity Error vsTemperatureDS010555-33Linearity Error vsClock FrequencyDS010555-34Power Supply Current vs TemperatureDS010555-35Output Current vsTemperatureDS010555-36Power Supply Currentvs Clock FrequencyDS010555-37 5Leakage Current Test CircuitTRI-STATE Test Circuits and WaveformsTiming DiagramsDS010555-7t 1HDS010555-38DS010555-39t 0HDS010555-40DS010555-41Data Input Timingstandards ADC0831/2/4/8. 6Timing Diagrams(Continued)Data Output TimingDS010555-11ADC08031Start Conversion TimingDS010555-12ADC08031TimingDS010555-13*LSB first output not available on ADC08031.LSB information is maintained for remainder of clock periods until CS goes high.7Timing Diagrams(Continued)ADC08034TimingDS010555-15 8Timing Diagrams(Continued)A D C 08038T i m i n gD S 010555-16*M a k e s u r e c l o c k e d g e #18c l o c k s i n t h e L S B b e f o r e S E i s t a k e n l o w9ADC08038Functional Block Diagram Functional Description1.0MULTIPLEXER ADDRESSINGThe design of these converters utilizes a comparator struc-ture with built-in sample-and-hold which provides for a differ-ential analog input to be converted by a successive-approximation routine.The actual voltage converted is always the difference be-tween an assigned“+”input terminal and a“−”input terminal. The polarity of each input terminal of the pair indicates which line the converter expects to be the most positive.If the as-signed“+”input voltage is less than the“−”input voltage the converter responds with an all zeros output code.A unique input multiplexing scheme has been utilized to pro-vide multiple analog channels with software-configurable single-ended,differential,or pseudo-differential(which will convert the difference between the voltage at any analog in-put and a common terminal)operation.The analog signal conditioning required in transducer-based data acquisition systems is significantly simplified with this type of input flex-ibility.One converter package can now handle ground refer-enced inputs and true differential inputs as well as signals with some arbitrary reference voltage.A particular input configuration is assigned during the MUX addressing sequence,prior to the start of a conversion.The MUX address selects which of the analog inputs are to beDS1555-17*Someofthesefunctions/pinsarenotavailablewithotheroptions.FortheADC834,the“SEL1”Flip-Flopisbypassed.10Functional Description(Continued) enabled and whether this input is single-ended or differential. Differential inputs are restricted to adjacent channel pairs. For example,channel0and channel1may be selected as a differential pair but channel0or1cannot act differentially with any other channel.In addition to selecting differential mode the polarity may also be selected.Channel0may be selected as the positive input and channel1as the negative input or vice versa.This programmability is best illustrated by the MUX addressing codes shown in the following tables for the various product options.The MUX address is shifted into the converter via the DI line. Because the ADC08031contains only one differential input channel with a fixed polarity assignment,it does not require addressing.The common input line(COM)on the ADC08038can be used as a pseudo-differential input.In this mode the voltage on this pin is treated as the“−”input for any of the other input channels.This voltage does not have to be analog ground;it can be any reference potential which is common to all of the inputs.This feature is most useful in single-supply applica-tions where the analog circuity may be biased up to a poten-tial other than ground and the output signals are all referred to this potential.TABLE1.Multiplexer/Package OptionsPartNumberNumber of AnalogChannelsNumber ofPackagePinsSingle-Ended DifferentialADC08031118ADC08032218ADC080344214ADC080388420TABLE2.MUX Addressing:ADC08038Single-Ended MUX ModeMUX Address Analog Single-Ended Channel#START SGL/ODD/SELECT01234567COM DIF SIGN1011000+−11001+−11010+−11011+−11100+−11101+−11110+−11111+−TABLE3.MUX Addressing:ADC08038Differential MUX ModeMUX Address Analog Differential Channel-Pair#START SGL/ODD/SELECT0123 DIF SIGN1001234567 10000+−10001+−10010+−10011+−10100−+10101−+10110−+10111−+11Functional Description(Continued)TABLE4.MUX Addressing:ADC08034Single-Ended MUX ModeMUX Address Channel#START SGL/ODD/SELECT0123DIF SIGN11100+1101+1110+1111+ COM is internally tied to AGNDSince the input configuration is under software control,it can be modified as required before each conversion.A channel can be treated as a single-ended,ground referenced input for one conversion;then it can be reconfigured as part of a differential channel for another conversion.Figure1illus-trates the input flexibility which can be achieved.The analog input voltages for each channel can range from 50mV below ground to50mV above V CC(typically5V)with-out degrading conversion accuracy.2.0THE DIGITAL INTERFACEA most important characteristic of these converters is their serial data link with the controlling ing a serial communication format offers two very significant system im-provements;it allows many functions to be included in a small package and it can eliminate the transmission of low level analog signals by locating the converter right at the analog sensor;transmitting highly noise immune digital data back to the host processor.To understand the operation of these converters it is best to refer to the Timing Diagrams and Functional Block Diagram and to follow a complete conversion sequence.For clarity a separate timing diagram is shown for each device.1.A conversion is initiated by pulling the CS(chip select)line low.This line must be held low for the entire conver-sion.The converter is now waiting for a start bit and its MUX assignment word.2.On each rising edge of the clock the status of the data in(DI)line is clocked into the MUX address shift register.The start bit is the first logic“1”that appears on this line (all leading zeros are ignored).Following the start bit the converter expects the next2to4bits to be the MUX as-signment word.3.When the start bit has been shifted into the start locationof the MUX register,the input channel has been as-signed and a conversion is about to begin.An interval of 1⁄2clock period(where nothing happens)is automatically inserted to allow the selected MUX channel to settle.The SARS line goes high at this time to signal that a con-version is now in progress and the DI line is disabled(it no longer accepts data).4.The data out(DO)line now comes out of TRI-STATEand provides a leading zero for this one clock period of MUX settling time.5.During the conversion the output of the SAR comparatorindicates whether the analog input is greater than(high) or less than(low)a series of successive voltages gener-ated internally from a ratioed capacitor array(first5bits) and a resistor ladder(last3bits).After each comparison the comparator’s output is shipped to the DO line on the falling edge of CLK.This data is the result of the conver-sion being shifted out(with the MSB first)and can be read by the processor immediately.6.After8clock periods the conversion is completed.TheSARS line returns low to indicate this1⁄2clock cycle later.7.The stored data in the successive approximation registeris loaded into an internal shift register.If the programmer prefers the data can be provided in an LSB first format [this makes use of the shift enable(SE)control line].On the ADC08038the SE line is brought out and if held high the value of the LSB remains valid on the DO line.When SE is forced low the data is clocked out LSB first.On de-vices which do not include the SE control line,the data, LSB first,is automatically shifted out the DO line after the MSB first data stream.The DO line then goes low and stays low until CS is returned high.The ADC08031 is an exception in that its data is only output in MSB first format.8.All internal registers are cleared when the CS line is highand the t SELECT requirement is met.See Data Input Tim-ing under Timing Diagrams.If another conversion is de-sired CS must make a high to low transition followed by address information.The DI and DO lines can be tied together and controlled through a bidirectional processor I/O bit with one wire.This is possible because the DI input is only“looked-at”during the MUX addressing interval while the DO line is still in a high impedance state.12Functional Description(Continued)3.0REFERENCE CONSIDERATIONSThe voltage applied to the reference input on these convert-ers,V REF IN,defines the voltage span of the analog input (the difference between V IN(MAX)and V IN(MIN)over which the 256possible output codes apply.The devices can be used either in ratiometric applications or in systems requiring ab-solute accuracy.The reference pin must be connected to a voltage source capable of driving the reference input resis-tance which can be as low as 1.3k Ω.This pin is the top of a resistor divider string and capacitor array used for the suc-cessive approximation conversion.In a ratiometric system the analog input voltage is propor-tional to the voltage used for the A/D reference.This voltage is typically the system power supply,so the V REF IN pin can be tied to V CC .This technique relaxes the stability require-ments of the system reference as the analog input and A/D reference move together maintaining the same output code for a given input condition.For absolute accuracy,where the analog input varies be-tween very specific voltage limits,the reference pin can be biased with a time and temperature stable voltage source.For the ADC08034and the ADC08038a band-gap derived reference voltage of 2.6V (Note 8)is tied to V REF OUT.This can be tied back to V REF IN.Bypassing V REF OUT with a 100µF capacitor is recommended.The LM385and LM336reference diodes are good low current devices to use with these converters.The maximum value of the reference is limited to the V CC supply voltage.The minimum value,however,can be quite small (see Typical Performance Characteristics)to allow di-rect conversions of transducer outputs providing less than a 5V output span.Particular care must be taken with regard to noise pickup,circuit layout and system error voltage sources when operating with a reduced span due to the increased sensitivity of the converter (1LSB equals V REF/256).8Single-EndedDS010555-488Pseudo-DifferentialDS010555-494Differential DS010555-50Mixed ModeDS010555-51FIGURE 1.Analog Input Multiplexer Options for the ADC0803813Functional Description(Continued)4.0THE ANALOG INPUTSThe most important feature of these converters is that they can be located right at the analog signal source and through just a few wires can communicate with a controlling proces-sor with a highly noise immune serial bit stream.This in itself greatly minimizes circuitry to maintain analog signal accu-racy which otherwise is most susceptible to noise pickup.However,a few words are in order with regard to the analog inputs should the input be noisy to begin with or possibly riding on a large common-mode voltage.The differential input of these converters actually reduces the effects of common-mode input noise,a signal common to both selected “+”and “−”inputs for a conversion (60Hz is most typical).The time interval between sampling the “+”in-put and then the “−”input is 1⁄2of a clock period.The change in the common-mode voltage during this short time interval can cause conversion errors.For a sinusoidal common-mode signal this error is:where f CM is the frequency of the common-mode signal,V PEAK is its peak voltage value and f CLK is the A/D clock frequency.For a 60Hz common-mode signal to generate a 1⁄4LSB error (≈5mV)with the converter running at 250kHz,its peak value would have to be 6.63V which would be larger than allowed as it exceeds the maximum analog input limits.Source resistance limitation is important with regard to the DC leakage currents of the input multiplexer.Bypass capaci-tors should not be used if the source resistance is greater than 1k Ω.The worst-case leakage current of ±1µA over tem-perature will create a 1mV input error with a 1k Ωsource re-sistance.An op amp RC active low pass filter can provide both impedance buffering and noise filtering should a high impedance signal source be required.5.0OPTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS5.1Zero ErrorThe zero of the A/D does not require adjustment.If the mini-mum analog input voltage value,V IN(MIN),is not ground a zero offset can be done.The converter can be made to out-put 00000000digital code for this minimum input voltage by biasing any V IN (−)input at this V IN(MIN)value.This utilizes the differential mode operation of the A/D.The zero error of the A/D converter relates to the location of the first riser of the transfer function and can be measured by grounding the V IN (−)input and applying a small magnitude positive voltage to the V IN (+)input.Zero error is the differ-ence between the actual DC input voltage which is neces-sary to just cause an output digital code transition from 00000000to 00000001and the ideal 1⁄2LSB value (1⁄2LSB =9.8mV for V REF =5.000V DC ).5.2Full ScaleThe full-scale adjustment can be made by applying a differ-ential input voltage which is 11⁄2LSB down from the desired analog full-scale voltage range and then adjusting the mag-nitude of the V REF IN input for a digital output code which is just changing from 11111110to 11111111.5.3Adjusting for an Arbitrary Analog Input Voltage RangeIf the analog zero voltage of the A/D is shifted away from ground (for example,to accommodate an analog input signal which does not go to ground),this new zero reference should be properly adjusted first.A V IN (+)voltage which equals this desired zero reference plus 1⁄2LSB (where the LSB is calculated for the desired analog span,using 1LSB =analog span/256)is applied to selected “+”input and the zero reference voltage at the corresponding “−”input should then be adjusted to just obtain the 00HEX to 01HEX code tran-sition.The full-scale adjustment should be made [with the proper V IN (−)voltage applied]by forcing a voltage to the V IN (+)in-put which is given by:DS010555-52a)RatiometricDS010555-53b)Absolute with a Reduced SpanFIGURE 2.Reference Examples 14Functional Description(Continued)where:V MAX =the high end of the analog input rangeandV MIN =the low end (the offset zero)of the analog range.(Both are ground referenced.)The V REF IN (or V CC )voltage is then adjusted to provide a code change from FE HEX to FF HEX .This completes the ad-justment procedure.ApplicationsA “Stand-Alone”Hook-Up for ADC08038EvaluationDS010555-44*Pinouts shown for ADC08038.For all other products tie to pin functions as shown.15Applications(Continued)Low-Cost Remote Temperature SensorDS010555-45Digitizing a Current FlowDS010555-22 16Applications(Continued)Operating with Ratiometric TransducersDS010555-23*V IN(−)=0.15V CC15%of V CC≤V XDR≤85%of V CCSpan Adjust;0V≤V IN≤3VDS010555-4617Applications(Continued)Zero-Shift and Span Adjust:2V ≤V IN ≤5VDS010555-47Protecting the Input DS010555-25Diodes are 1N914High Accuracy ComparatorsDS010555-26DO =all 1s if +V IN >−V IN DO =all 0s if +V IN <−V IN 18Applications(Continued)Digital Load CellDS010555-27•Uses one more wire than load cell itself•Two mini-DIPs could be mounted inside load cell for digital output transducer•Electronic offset and gain trims relax mechanical specs for gauge factor and offset•Low level cell output is converted immediately for high noise immunity19Applications(Continued)4mA-20mA Current Loop ConverterDS010555-28•All power supplied by loop•1500V isolation at output20Applications(Continued)Isolated Data ConverterDS010555-29•No power required remotely•1500V isolation21Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise notedOrder Number ADC08031CIWM or ADC08034CIWMNS Package Number M14B22Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise noted(Continued)Order Number ADC08038CIWMNS Package Number M20BOrder Number ADC08031CINNS Package Number N08E23。


ADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
July 2002
8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
The 2-, 4- or 8-channel multiplexers are software configured for single-ended or differential inputs as well as channel assignment.
The differential analog voltage input allows increasing the common-mode rejection and offsetting the analog zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution.
Maximum Common-Mode Input Range (Note 8)
VCC +0.05
VCC +0.05 VCC+0.05
Minimum Common-Mode
0˚C to +70˚C
Converter and Multiplexer Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for



ADCV08318Bit Serial I/O Low Voltage Low Power ADC with Auto Shutdown in a SOT PackageGeneral DescriptionThe ADCV0831is a low voltage 8-bit successive approxima-tion A/D converter with serial I/O.The I/O is a 3-wire serial in-terface compatible with NSC’s MICROWIRE ™&Motorola’s SPI standards.It easily interfaces with standard shift regis-ters or microprocessors.Low voltage and auto shutdown features make the ADCV0831ideal for portable battery operated electronic de-vices.The main benefits are most apparent in small portable electronic devices.The tiny A/D converter can be placed anywhere on the board.Applicationsn Digitizing automotive sensors n Process control monitoringn Remote sensing in noisy environments n Instrumentation n Test systemsnEmbedded diagnosticsFeaturesn Tiny 6-pin SOT 23packagen Serial digital data link requires few I/O pins n Auto Shutdownn0V to 3V analog input range with single 3V power supplyn TTL/CMOS input/output compatibleKey Specifications(For 3V supply,typical,unless otherwise noted.)n Resolution:8bitsn Conversion time (f C =700kHz):16µs n Low power dissipation:720µW n Single supply: 2.7V to 5V DCn Linearity error:±1.5LSB over temperature n No missing codes over temperature n Shutdown supply current 10nAOrdering InformationTemperature Range (0˚C ≤T j ≤+70˚C)Package Supplied As ADCV0831M6MA06A 1k Units Tape and Reel ADCV0831M6XMA06A3k Units Tape and ReelConnection DiagramTRI-STATE ®is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.COPS ™microcontrollers and MICROWIRE ™are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.ADCV0831DS100104-1February 2000ADCV08318Bit Serial I/O Low Voltage Low Power ADC with Auto Shutdown in a SOT Package©2000National Semiconductor Corporation Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1,3)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage (V CC )5.5VVoltage at Inputs and Outputs −0.3V to V CC +0.3VInput Current at Any Pin (Note 4)±5mA Package Input Current (Note 4)±20mAPower Dissipation at T A =25˚C (Note 5)470mW ESD Susceptibility (Note 6)2000VSoldering Temperature (Note 7)Convection Infrared (15sec.)215˚C Wave Soldering (4sec.)(Note 7)260˚CStorage Temperature−65˚C to +150˚CThermal Resistance (θJA )265˚C/WOperating Ratings (Notes 2,3)Temperature Range 0˚C ≤T j ≤70˚C Supply Voltage (V CC )2.7V DC to 5VElectrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V CC =3V DC ,and f CLK =500kHz unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A =T J =T MIN to T MAX ;all other limits T A =T J =25˚C.SymbolParameterConditionsTypical (Note 8)Limits (Note 9)Units Integral Linearity Error ±0.6±1.5LSB (max)Offset Error ±0.1±1.5LSB (max)Full Scale Error ±0.3±1.5LSB (max)Resolution8Bits (min)V IN Analog Input Voltage (V CC +0.05)V (max)(GND −0.05)V (min)V IN(1)Logical “1”Input Voltage V CC =3V 2.0V (min)V IN(0)Logical “0”Input Voltage V CC =3V 0.8V (max)I IN(1)Logical “1”Input Current V IN =3V 0.011µA (max)I IN(0)Logical “0”Input Current V IN =0V 0.01−1µA (max)V OUT(1)Logical “1”Output Voltage I out =-360µA 2.8 2.4V (min)V OUT(0)Logical “0”Output Voltage I out =1.6mA 0.240.4V (max)I OUT TRI-STATE ®Output Current V OUT =0V 0.01 3.0µA (max)I SOURCE Output Source Current V OUT =0V 2.6 1.0mA (min)I SINK Output Sink Current V OUT =3V 7.4 3.0mA (min)I CCSupply CurrentCS =HIGH 0.0130µA (max)CS =LOW200400µA (max)AC Electrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V CC =+3V DC ,and t r =t f =20ns unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A =T J =T MIN to T MAX ;all other limits T A =T J =25˚C.Symbol ParameterConditionsTypical Limits Units(Note 8)(Note 9)f CLK Clock Frequency700kHz (max)10kHz (min)t SET-UPCS failing edge to CLK rising edge 25ns Clock Duty Cycle40%(min)60%(max)T C Conversion Time11Clock Periods t pd CLK Falling Edge to Data ValidLow to High C L =100pF142250ns (max)High to Low70200t 1H ,t 0HCS Rising Edge to Data Output TRI-STATE C L =100pF,R L =2k Ω75250ns (max)(see TRI-STATE Test Circuits)C L =100pF,R L =10k Ω50A D C V 0831 2AC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)The following specifications apply for V CC=+3V DC,and t r=t f=20ns unless otherwise specified.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=25˚C.Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits Units(Note8)(Note9)C IN Capacitance of Logic Inputs5pFC OUT Capacitance of Logic Outputs5pF Note1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Note2:Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional.These ratings do not guarantee specific performance limits.For guaranteed speci-fications and test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics.The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed.Some performance character-istics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions.Note3:All voltages are measured with respect to GND=0V DC,unless otherwise specified.Note4:When the input voltage V IN at any pin exceeds the power supplies(V IN<GND or V IN>V CC)the current at that pin should be limited to5mA.The20mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an input current of5mA to four pins.Note5:The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T JMAX,θJA and the ambient temperature,T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P D=(T JMAX−T A)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.Note6:Human body model,100pF capacitor discharged through a1.5kΩresistor.Note7:See AN450“Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability”or Linear Data Book section“Surface Mount”for other methods of soldering surface mount devices.Note8:Typicals are at T J=25˚C and represent the most likely parametric norm.Note9:Guaranteed to National’s AOQL(Average Outgoing Quality Level).Typical Performance CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V CC=3V,unless otherwise specifiedIntegral Linearity Error vsSupply VoltageDS100104-62Linearity Error vsTemperatureDS100104-56Linearity Error vsClock FrequencyDS100104-55Power Supply Currentvs TemperatureDS100104-57Output Current vsTemperatureDS100104-58Power Supply Currentvs Clock FrequencyDS100104-61ADCV08313TRI-STATE Test Circuits and WaveformsTiming DiagramsDS100104-8Data Output TimingDS100104-10Start Conversion TimingDS100104-11A D C V 0831 4ADCV0831 Timing Diagrams(Continued)Timing Array DS100104-125Functional DescriptionThe design of this converter utilizes a comparator structure with built-in sample-and-hold which provides for V IN to be converted by a successive approximation routine.The analog input voltage can range from 50mV below ground to 50mV above V CC without degrading conversion accuracy.The ADCV0831is intended to work with a CPU which strobes data on the clock’s rising edge.The ADCV0831strobes data on the clock’s falling edge so that the data out-put is stable when the CPU reads it in.When the Chip Select pin is high,the output is TRI-STATE and the ADCV0831is in shutdown mode and draws less than 30µA of current.During shutdown the digital logic draws no current at CMOS logic levels,and the analog cir-cuitry is turned off.When the Chip Select pin goes low,all the analog circuitry turns on,and the conversion process begins.1.0THE DIGITAL INTERFACEThe most important characteristic of this converter is the se-rial data link with the controlling ing a serial communication format offers three very significant system improvements.It allows many functions to be included in a small package,it can eliminate the transmission of low level analog signals by locating the converter right at the analog sensor,and can transmit highly noise immune digital data back to the host processor.To understand the operation of this converter it is best to re-fer to the Timing Diagrams and to follow a complete conver-sion sequence.1.A conversion is initiated by pulling the CS (chip select)line low.This line must be held low for the entire conver-sion.2.During the conversion the output of the SAR comparatorindicates whether the analog input is greater than (high)or less than (low)a series of successive voltages in a re-sistor ladder (last 8bits).After each comparison the comparator’s output is shifted to the DO line on the fall-ing edge of CLK.This data is the result of the conversion being shifted out (with the MSB first)and can be read by the processor immediately.3.After 11clock periods the conversion is completed.4.All internal registers are cleared when the CS line ishigh.See Data Input Timing under Timing Diagrams.If another conversion is desired CS must make a high to low transition.2.0REFERENCE CONSIDERATIONSIn a ratiometric system,the analog input voltage is propor-tional to the voltage used for the A/D reference.This voltage is the system power supply.This technique relaxes the sta-bility requirements of the system reference as the analog in-put and A/D reference move together maintaining the same output code for a given input condition.Since there is no separate reference and analog supply pins,the analog side is very sensitive.The PC layout of the ADCV0831is very critical.The ADCV0831should be used with an analog ground plane and single-point grounding techniques.The Gnd pin should be tied directly to the ground plane.One supply bypass capacitor (0.1µF)is recom-mended to decouple all the digital signals on the supplies.The lead length of the capacitor should be as short as pos-sible.3.0THE ANALOG INPUTThe most important feature of this converter is that it can be located right at the analog signal source through just a few wires.It can communicate with a processor with a highly noise immune serial bit stream.This greatly minimizes cir-cuitry to maintain analog signal accuracy which otherwise is most susceptible to noise pickup.However,a few words are in order with regard to the analog inputs should the input be noisy to begin with or possibly riding on a large common-mode voltage.The input has a sample and hold,therefore a capacitor (0.01µF)is needed at the input pin in order to swamp out any feedthrough signal coming from the sample and hold cir-cuitry.The input capacitor lead length is not as critical as the supply decoupling capacitor,as long as the capacitor is large enough to swamp out any sample and hold feedthrough.Source resistance limitation is important with regard to the DC leakage currents of the input multiplexer.Bypass capaci-tors should not be used if the source resistance is greater than 1k Ω.The worst-case leakage current of ±1µA over tem-perature will create a 1mV input error with a 1k Ωsource re-sistance.An op-amp RC active low pass filter can provide both impedance buffering and noise filtering should a high impedance signal source be required.DS100104-59Recommended Power Supply BypassingA D C V 0831 6ApplicationsThe ADCV0831is ideal for applications operating with ratiometric transducers.The ADCV0831can measure the signal produced by the transducer and produce a corresponding code to the microprocessor.The microprocessor can then control the system pro-ducing the signal.The ADCV0831can be used in low-cost remote temperature sensor system.For a temperature sensor,the LM60is an excellent companion to the ADCV0831,since it can operate off 3V supply.The LM60linear scale factor is 6.25mV/˚C.Therefore,the ADCV0831can digitize a couple of degrees change in temperature and provide the output to the microprocessor,which in turn can adjust the system environment.For higher accuracy,a low-offset op-amp can be used to gain up the LM60output.Operating with Ratiometric TransducersDS100104-63Low-Cost Remote Temperature SensorDS100104-60ADCV08317Applications(Continued)When the input of the ADCV0831is driven by an op-amp operating at a supply voltage greater than 5V,it is a good idea to protect the input of the ADCV0831from exceeding the supply voltage.Two diodes can be added to the input one to supply and one to the ground pin.Note:Diodes are IN914This circuit utilizes the LM385reference to detect the power supply voltage level.When the supply voltage is 3V,the LSB =3/256=11.7mV.Since the LM385reference sets the input to 1.2V.The output code is 102.As the supply voltage decreases,the LSB decreases and the output code increases.When the supply voltage reaches 2.7V,the LSB =10.5mV.The input voltage is still at 1.2V,and the output code is 114.If the supply voltage increases,the LSB increases and the output code decreases.When the supply voltage reaches 3.3V,the LSB =12.9mV and the output code is 93.Protecting the inputDS100104-64Power Supply Level DetectionDS100104-65A D C V 0831 8Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise notedLIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor Corporation AmericasTel:1-800-272-9959Fax:1-800-737-7018Email:support@National Semiconductor EuropeFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Response Group Tel:65-2544466Fax:65-2504466Email:ap.support@National Semiconductor Japan Ltd.Tel:81-3-5639-7560Fax:81-3-5639-7507Order Number ADCV0831M6X,ADCV0831M6NS Package Number MA06AADCV08318Bit Serial I/O Low Voltage Low Power ADC with Auto Shutdown in a SOT PackageNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。



高位高速AD、DA模数转换器(A/D)l 8位分辨率l TLV0831 8 位 49kSPS ADC 串行输出,差动输入,可配置为 SE 输入,单通道l TLC5510 8 位 20MSPS ADC,单通道、内部 S、低功耗l TLC549 8 位、40kSPS ADC,串行输出、低功耗、与 TLC540/545/1540 兼容、单通道l TLC545 8 位、76kSPS ADC,串行输出、片上 20 通道模拟 Mux,19 通道l TLC0831 8 位,31kSPS ADC 串行输出,微处理器外设/独立运算,单通道l TLC0820 8 位,392kSPS ADC 并行输出,微处理器外设,片上跟踪与保持,单通道l ADS931 8 位 30MSPS ADC,具有单端/差动输入和外部基准以及低功耗、电源关闭功能l ADS930 8 位 30MSPS ADC,单端/差动输入具有内部基准以及低功耗、电源关闭功能l ADS830 8 位 60MSPS ADC,具有单端/差动输入、内部基准和可编程输入范围l 10位分辨率l TLV1572 10 位 MSPS ADC 单通道 DSP/(Q)SPI IF S 极低功耗自动断电功能l TLV1571 1 通道 10 位 ADC,具有 8 通道输出、DSP/SPI、硬件可配置、低功耗l TLV1549 10 位 38kSPS ADC 串行输出、固有采样功能、终端与 TLC154、 TLC1549x 兼容l TLV1548 10 位 85kSPS ADC 系列输出,可编程供电/断电/转换速率,TMS320 DSP/SPI/QPSI Compat.,8 通道l TLV1544 10 位 85kSPS ADC 串行输出,可编程供电/断电/转换速率,TMS320 DSP/SPI/QPSI 兼容,4 通道l TLV1543 10 位 200 kSPS ADC 串行输出,内置自检测模式,内部 S,引脚兼容。









模数转换器按照数据传送的方式可以分为并行和串行两种,并行的模数转换器通过8位并口与单片机相连,但是这样就会大量占用单片机的I/O 口资源,导致单片机的I/O 口资源紧张。


ADC0831是美国国家半导体公司推出的一种逐次逼近型串行模数转换器,具有以下特点:1)ADC0831是一款8位的模数转换器;2)ADC0831可通过三线串行总线与单片机连接;3)ADC0831是单通道的A/D 转换器;4)ADC0831可以单端输入,也可采用差分输入;5)ADC0831最大功耗0.8W ;6)ADC0831电源电压(最大值)为6.3V ,电源电压(最小值)为4.5V ;7)ADC0831最大工作温度+70℃;8)ADC0831输入电压5V ,参考电压5V 。

2ADC0831的引脚排列与使用方法ADC0831的引脚排列如图1所示,其中1脚为片选端(---CS ),2脚为正输入信号端(IN+),3脚为负输入信号端(IN -),4脚为地(GND ),5脚为参考电压输入端(REF ),6脚为串行数据输出端(DO ),7脚为时钟信号输入端(CLK ),8脚为电源端(VCC )。



3. Absolute Accuracy It Means the ADC converted from digital to analog represents the actual difference between analog input values, usually represented by digital simulation of the lowest input Ulsb(最低有效位电压) to measure. 4. SFDR (Spurious Free Dynamic range ) IN ADC:无杂散动态范围是指载波频率(最 大信号成分)的RMS幅度与次最大噪声成分 或谐波失真成分的RMS值之比 ,SFDR通常 以dBc (相对于载波频率幅度) 表示。
TLC0831 特性

8-Bit Resolution Easy Microprocessor Interface or Standalone Operation Single Channel or Multiplexed Twin Channels With Single-Ended or Differential Input Options Input Range 0 to 5 V With Single 5-V Supply Inputs and Outputs Are Compatible With TTL and MOS Conversion Time of 32 us Designed to Be Interchangeable With National Semiconductor ADC0831 and ADC0832 Total Unadjusted Error: ± 1 LSB



常用A/D 、D/A转换器的工作原理(连载之一)——简介AD:模数转换,将模拟信号变成数字信号,便于数字设备处理。


具体可以看看下面的资料,了解一下工作原理:1. AD转换器的分类下面简要介绍常用的几种类型的基本原理及特点:积分型、逐次逼近型、并行比较型/串并行型、∑-Δ调制型、电容阵列逐次比较型及压频变换型。









串并行比较型AD结构上介于并行型和逐次比较型之间,最典型的是由2个n/2位的并行型AD转换器配合DA转换器组成,用两次比较实行转换,所以称为Half flash(半快速)型。





DAC0830/DAC08328-Bit µP Compatible,Double-Buffered D to A ConvertersGeneral DescriptionThe DAC0830is an advanced CMOS/Si-Cr 8-bit multiplying DAC designed to interface directly with the 8080,8048,8085,Z80®,and other popular microprocessors.A deposited silicon-chromium R-2R resistor ladder network divides the reference current and provides the circuit with excellent temperature tracking characteristics (0.05%of Full Scale Range maximum linearity error over temperature).The cir-cuit uses CMOS current switches and control logic to achieve low power consumption and low output leakage current errors.Special circuitry provides TTL logic input volt-age level compatibility.Double buffering allows these DACs to output a voltage corresponding to one digital word while holding the next digital word.This permits the simultaneous updating of any number of DACs.The DAC0830series are the 8-bit members of a family of microprocessor-compatible DACs (MICRO-DAC ™).Featuresn Double-buffered,single-buffered or flow-through digital data inputsn Easy interchange and pin-compatible with 12-bit DAC1230seriesn Direct interface to all popular microprocessors n Linearity specified with zero and full scale adjust only —NOT BEST STRAIGHT LINE FIT.n Works with ±10V reference-full 4-quadrant multiplication n Can be used in the voltage switching moden Logic inputs which meet TTL voltage level specs (1.4V logic threshold)n Operates “STAND ALONE”(without µP)if desiredn Available in 20-pin small-outline or molded chip carrier packageKey Specificationsn Current settling time:1µs n Resolution:8bitsn Linearity:8,9,or 10bits (guaranteed over temp.)n Gain Tempco:0.0002%FS/˚C n Low power dissipation:20mW nSingle power supply:5to 15V DCTypical Application00560801BI-FET ™and MICRO-DAC ™are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.Z80®is a registered trademark of Zilog Corporation.March 2002DAC0830/DAC08328-Bit µP Compatible,Double-Buffered D to A Converters©2002National Semiconductor Corporation Connection Diagrams(Top Views)Dual-In-Line and Small-Outline Packages00560821Molded Chip Carrier Package00560822D A C 0830/D A C 0832 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Notes1, 2)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage(V CC)17V DC Voltage at Any Digital Input V CC to GND Voltage at V REF Input±25V Storage Temperature Range−65˚C to+150˚C Package Dissipationat T A=25˚C(Note3)500mW DC Voltage Applied toI OUT1or I OUT2(Note4)−100mV to V CC ESD Susceptability(Note4)800V Lead Temperature(Soldering,10sec.)Dual-In-Line Package(plastic)260˚C Dual-In-Line Package(ceramic)300˚C Surface Mount PackageVapor Phase(60sec.)215˚C Infrared(15sec.)220˚COperating ConditionsTemperature Range T MIN≤T A≤T MAX Part numbers with“LCN”suffix0˚C to+70˚C Part numbers with“LCWM”suffix0˚C to+70˚C Part numbers with“LCV”suffix0˚C to+70˚C Part numbers with“LCJ”suffix−40˚C to+85˚C Part numbers with“LJ”suffix−55˚C to+125˚C Voltage at Any Digital Input V CC to GNDElectrical CharacteristicsV REF=10.000V DC unless otherwise noted.Boldface limits apply over temperature,T MIN≤T A≤T MAX.For all other limits T A=25˚C.Parameter Conditions SeeNoteV CC=4.75V DCV CC=15.75V DCV CC=5V DC±5%V CC=12V DC±5%to15V DC±5%LimitUnits Typ(Note12)TestedLimit(Note5)DesignLimit(Note6)CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICSResolution888bits Linearity Error Max Zero and full scale adjusted4,8−10V≤V REF≤+10VDAC0830LJ&LCJ0.050.05%FSRDAC0832LJ&LCJ0.20.2%FSRDAC0830LCN,LCWM&LCV0.050.05%FSRDAC0831LCN0.10.1%FSRDAC0832LCN,LCWM&LCV0.20.2%FSR Differential Nonlinearity Zero and full scale adjusted4,8Max−10V≤V REF≤+10VDAC0830LJ&LCJ0.10.1%FSRDAC0832LJ&LCJ0.40.4%FSRDAC0830LCN,LCWM&LCV0.10.1%FSRDAC0831LCN0.20.2%FSRDAC0832LCN,LCWM&LCV0.40.4%FSR Monotonicity−10V≤V REF LJ&LCJ488bits≤+10V LCN,LCWM&LCV88bitsGain Error Max Using Internal R fb7±0.2±1±1%FS−10V≤V REF≤+10VGain Error Tempco Max Using internal R fb0.00020.0006%DAC0830/DAC08323Electrical Characteristics(Continued)V REF =10.000V DC unless otherwise noted.Boldface limits apply over temperature,T MIN ≤T A ≤T MAX .For all other limitsT A =25˚C.Parameter ConditionsSee NoteV CC =4.75V DC V CC =15.75V DCV CC =5V DC ±5%V CC =12V DC±5%to 15V DC ±5%Limit UnitsTyp (Note 12)Tested Limit (Note 5)Design Limit (Note 6)CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICSFS/˚CPower Supply RejectionAll digital inputs latched high V CC =14.5V to 15.5V0.00020.0025%11.5V to 12.5V 0.0006FSR/V4.5V to5.5V0.0130.015Reference Max 152020k ΩInputMin151010k ΩOutput Feedthrough Error V REF =20Vp-p,f=100kHz All data inputs latched low 3mVp-p Output Leakage Current MaxI OUT1All data inputs LJ &LCJ 10100100nAlatched lowLCN,LCWM &LCV50100I OUT2All data inputs LJ &LCJ 100100nAlatched highLCN,LCWM &LCV50100Output I OUT1All data inputs 45pF CapacitanceI OUT2latched low 115I OUT1All data inputs 130pFI OUT2latched high 30DIGITAL AND DC CHARACTERISTICS Digital Input MaxLogic LowLJ: 4.75V 0.6VoltagesLJ:15.75V 0.8LCJ: 4.75V 0.7V DCLCJ:15.75V0.8LCN,LCWM,LCV0.950.8MinLogic HighLJ &LCJ2.0 2.0V DC LCN,LCWM,LCV1.92.0Digital Input MaxDigital inputs <0.8VCurrentsLJ &LCJ−50−200−200µA LCN,LCWM,LCV−160−200µA Digital inputs >2.0VLJ &LCJ0.1+10+10µA LCN,LCWM,LCV+8+10Supply Current MaxLJ &LCJ1.23.5 3.5mA DrainLCN,LCWM,LCV1.72.0D A C 0830/D A C 0832 4Electrical CharacteristicsV REF=10.000V DC unless otherwise noted.Boldface limits apply over temperature,T MIN≤T A≤T MAX.For all other limits T A=25˚C.Symbol Parameter Conditions SeeNoteV CC=15.75V DCV CC=12V DC±5%to15V DC±5%V CC=4.75V DCV CC=5V DC±5%LimitUnits Typ(Note12)TestedLimit(Note5)Design Limit(Note6)Typ(Note12)TestedLimit(Note5)DesignLimit(Note6)AC CHARACTERISTICSt s Current Setting V IL=0V,V IH=5V1.0 1.0µsTimet W Write and XFER V IL=0V,V IH=5V11100250375600 Pulse Width Min9320320900900t DS Data Setup Time V IL=0V,V IH=5V 9100250375600Min320320900900t DH Data Hold Time V IL=0V,V IH=5V 93050nsMin3050t CS Control SetupTime V IL=0V,V IH=5V9110250600900Min32032011001100t CH Control Hold Time V IL=0V,V IH=5V 90100Min00Note1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operatingthe device beyond its specified operating conditions.Note2:All voltages are measured with respect to GND,unless otherwise specified.Note3:The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T JMAX,θJA,and the ambient temperature,T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P D=(T JMAX−T A)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.For this device,T JMAX=125˚C(plastic)or150˚C(ceramic),and the typical junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of the J package when board mounted is80˚C/W.For the N package,this number increases to100˚C/W and for the V package this number is120˚C/W.Note4:For current switching applications,both I OUT1and I OUT2must go to ground or the“Virtual Ground”of an operational amplifier.The linearity error is degradedby approximately V OS÷V REF.For example,if V REF=10V then a1mV offset,V OS,on I OUT1or I OUT2will introduce an additional0.01%linearity error.Note5:Tested limits are guaranteed to National’s AOQL(Average Outgoing Quality Level).Note6:Guaranteed,but not100%production tested.These limits are not used to calculate outgoing quality levels.Note7:Guaranteed at V REF=±10V DC and V REF=±1V DC.Note8:The unit“FSR”stands for“Full Scale Range.”“Linearity Error”and“Power Supply Rejection”specs are based on this unit to eliminate dependence on a particular V REF value and to indicate the true performance of the part.The“Linearity Error”specification of the DAC0830is“0.05%of FSR(MAX)”.This guaranteesthat after performing a zero and full scale adjustment(see Sections2.5and2.6),the plot of the256analog voltage outputs will each be within0.05%xV REF of astraight line which passes through zero and full scale.Note9:Boldface tested limits apply to the LJ and LCJ suffix parts only.Note10:A100nA leakage current with R fb=20k and V REF=10V corresponds to a zero error of(100x10−9x20x103)x100/10which is0.02%of FS.Note11:The entire write pulse must occur within the valid data interval for the specified t W,t DS,t DH,and t S to apply.Note12:Typicals are at25˚C and represent most likely parametric norm.Note13:Human body model,100pF discharged through a1.5kΩresistor.DAC0830/DAC08325Switching Waveform00560802D A C 0830/D A C 0832 6Definition of Package PinoutsControl Signals(All control signals level actuated)CS:Chip Select (active low).The CS in combinationwith ILE will enable WR 1.ILE:Input Latch Enable (active high).The ILE in com-bination with CS enables WR 1.WR 1:Write 1.The active low WR 1is used to load the digital input data bits (DI)into the input latch.The data in the input latch is latched when WR 1is high.To update the input latch–CS and WR 1must be low while ILE is high.WR 2:Write 2(active low).This signal,in combination with XFER,causes the 8-bit data which is available in the input latch to transfer to the DAC register.XFER:Transfer control signal (active low).The XFER willenable WR 2.Other Pin FunctionsDI 0-DI 7:Digital Inputs.DI 0is the least significant bit (LSB)and DI 7is the most significant bit (MSB).I OUT1:DAC Current Output 1.I OUT1is a maximum for adigital code of all 1’s in the DAC register,and is zero for all 0’s in DAC register.I OUT2:DAC Current Output 2.I OUT2is a constant minusI OUT1,or I OUT1+I OUT2=constant (I full scale for a fixed reference voltage).R fb :Feedback Resistor.The feedback resistor is pro-vided on the IC chip for use as the shunt feedbackresistor for the external op amp which is used to provide an output voltage for the DAC.This on-chip resistor should always be used (not an external resistor)since it matches the resistors which are used in the on-chip R-2R ladder and tracks these resistors over temperature.V REF :Reference Voltage Input.This input connects an external precision voltage source to the internal R-2R ladder.V REF can be selected over the range of +10to −10V.This is also the analog voltage input for a 4-quadrant multiplying DAC application.V CC :Digital Supply Voltage .This is the power supply pin for the part.V CC can be from +5to +15V DC .Operation is optimum for +15V DCGND:The pin 10voltage must be at the same ground potential as I OUT1and I OUT2for current switching applications.Any difference of potential (V OS pin 10)will result in a linearity change ofFor example,if V REF =10V and pin 10is 9mV offset fromI OUT1and I OUT2the linearity change will be 0.03%.Pin 3can be offset ±100mV with no linearity change,but the logic input threshold will shift.Linearity Error00560823a)End point test afterzero and fsadj.00560824b)Best straight line00560825c)Shifting fs adj.to pass best straight line testDefinition of TermsResolution:Resolution is directly related to the number of switches or bits within the DAC.For example,the DAC0830has 28or 256steps and therefore has 8-bit resolution.Linearity Error:Linearity Error is the maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the endpoints of the DAC transfer characteristic .It is measured after adjusting for zero and full-scale.Linearity error is a parameter intrinsic to the device and cannot be externally adjusted.National’s linearity “end point test”(a)and the “best straight line”test (b,c)used by other suppliers are illustrated above.The “end point test’’greatly simplifies the adjustment proce-dure by eliminating the need for multiple iterations of check-ing the linearity and then adjusting full scale until the linearity is met.The “end point test’’guarantees that linearity is metafter a single full scale adjust.(One adjustment vs.multiple iterations of the adjustment.)The “end point test’’uses a standard zero and F.S.adjustment procedure and is a much more stringent test for DAC linearity.Power Supply Sensitivity:Power supply sensitivity is a measure of the effect of power supply changes on the DAC full-scale output.Settling Time:Settling time is the time required from a code transition until the DAC output reaches within ±1⁄2LSB of the final output value.Full-scale settling time requires a zero to full-scale or full-scale to zero output change.Full Scale Error:Full scale error is a measure of the output error between an ideal DAC and the actual device output.DAC0830/DAC08327Definition of Terms(Continued)Ideally,for the DAC0830series,full scale is V REF −1LSB.For V REF =10V and unipolar operation,V FULL-SCALE =10,0000V–39mV 9.961V.Full-scale error is adjustable to zero.Differential Nonlinearity:The difference between any two consecutive codes in the transfer curve from the theoretical 1LSB to differential nonlinearity.Monotonic:If the output of a DAC increases for increasing digital input code,then the DAC is monotonic.An 8-bit DAC which is monotonic to 8bits simply means that increasing digital input codes will produce an increasing analog output.Typical Performance CharacteristicsDigital Input Thresholdvs.TemperatureDigital Input Thresholdvs.V CCGain and Linearity Error Variation vs.Temperature00560826005608270056082800560804FIGURE 1.DAC0830Functional DiagramD A C 0830/D A C 0832 8Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Gain and Linearity Error Variation vs.Supply Voltage Write Pulse WidthData Hold Time005608290056083000560831 DAC0830Series Application HintsThese DAC’s are the industry’s first microprocessor compat-ible,double-buffered8-bit multiplying D to A converters. Double-buffering allows the utmost application flexibility from a digital control point of view.This20-pin device is also pin for pin compatible(with one exception)with the DAC1230,a 12-bit MICRO-DAC.In the event that a system’s analog output resolution and accuracy must be upgraded,substitut-ing the DAC1230can be easily accomplished.By tying address bit A0to the ILE pin,a two-byteµP write instruction (double precision)which automatically increments the ad-dress for the second byte write(starting with A0=“1”)can be used.This allows either an8-bit or the12-bit part to be used with no hardware or software changes.For the simplest8-bit application,this pin should be tied to V CC(also see other uses in section1.1).Analog signal control versatility is provided by a precision R-2R ladder network which allows full4-quadrant multiplica-tion of a wide range bipolar reference voltage by an applied digital word.1.0DIGITAL CONSIDERATIONSA most unique characteristic of these DAC’s is that the8-bit digital input byte is double-buffered.This means that the data must transfer through two independently controlled8-bit latching registers before being applied to the R-2R ladder network to change the analog output.The addition of a second register allows two useful control features.First,any DAC in a system can simultaneously hold the current DAC data in one register(DAC register)and the next data word in the second register(input register)to allow fast updating of the DAC output on demand.Second,and probably more important,double-buffering allows any number of DAC’s in a system to be updated to their new analog output levels simultaneously via a common strobe signal.The timing requirements and logic level convention of theregister control signals have been designed to minimize oreliminate external interfacing logic when applied to mostpopular microprocessors and development systems.It iseasy to think of these converters as8-bit“write-only”memory locations that provide an analog output quantity.Allinputs to these DAC’s meet TTL voltage level specs and canalso be driven directly with high voltage CMOS logic innon-microprocessor based systems.To prevent damage tothe chip from static discharge,all unused digital inputsshould be tied to V CC or ground.If any of the digital inputsare inadvertantly left floating,the DAC interprets the pin as alogic“1”.1.1Double-Buffered OperationUpdating the analog output of these DAC’s in adouble-buffered manner is basically a two step or doublewrite operation.In a microprocessor system two uniquesystem addresses must be decoded,one for the input latchcontrolled by the CS pin and a second for the DAC latchwhich is controlled by the XFER line.If more than one DACis being driven,Figure2,the CS line of each DAC wouldtypically be decoded individually,but all of the converterscould share a common XFER address to allow simultaneousupdating of any number of DAC’s.The timing for this opera-tion is shown,Figure3.It is important to note that the analog outputs that will changeafter a simultaneous transfer are those from the DAC’swhose input register had been modified prior to the XFERcommand.DAC0830/DAC08329DAC0830Series Application Hints(Continued)The ILE pin is an active high chip select which can be decoded from the address bus as a qualifier for the normal CS signal generated during a write operation.This can be used to provide a higher degree of decoding unique control signals for a particular DAC,and thereby create a more efficient addressing scheme.Another useful application of the ILE pin of each DAC in a multiple DAC system is to tie these inputs together and use this as a control line that can effectively “freeze”the outputs of all the DAC’s at their present value.Pulling this line low latches the input register and prevents new data from beingwritten to the DAC.This can be particularly useful in multi-processing systems to allow a processor other than the one controlling the DAC’s to take over control of the data bus and control lines.If this second system were to use the same addresses as those decoded for DAC control (but for a different purpose)the ILE function would prevent the DAC’s from being erroneously altered.In a “Stand-Alone”system the control signals are generated by discrete logic.In this case double-buffering can be con-trolled by simply taking CS and XFER to a logic “0”,ILE to a logic “1”and pulling WR 1low to load data to the input latch.00560835*TIE TO LOGIC 1IF NOT NEEDED (SEE SEC.1.1).FIGURE 2.Controlling Mutiple DACs00560836FIGURE 3.D A C 0830/D A C 083210DAC0830Series Application Hints (Continued)Pulling WR2low will then update the analog output.A logic “1”on either of these lines will prevent the changing of the analog output.1.2Single-Buffered OperationIn a microprocessor controlled system where maximum data throughput to the DAC is of primary concern,or when only one DAC of several needs to be updated at a time,a single-buffered configuration can be used.One of the two internal registers allows the data to flow through and the other register will serve as the data latch.Digital signal feedthrough(see Section1.5)is minimized if the input register is used as the data latch.Timing for this mode is shown in Figure4.Single-buffering in a“stand-alone”system is achieved by strobing WR1low to update the DAC with CS,WR2and XFER grounded and ILE tied high.1.3Flow-Through OperationThough primarily designed to provide microprocessor inter-face compatibility,the MICRO-DAC’s can easily be config-ured to allow the analog output to continuously reflect the state of an applied digital input.This is most useful in appli-cations where the DAC is used in a continuous feedback control loop and is driven by a binary up-down counter,or in function generation circuits where a ROM is continuously providing DAC data.Simply grounding CS,WR1,WR2,and XFER and tying ILE high allows both internal registers to follow the applied digital inputs(flow-through)and directly affect the DAC analog output.1.4Control Signal TimingWhen interfacing these MICRO-DAC to any microprocessor, there are two important time relationships that must be con-sidered to insure proper operation.The first is the minimum WR strobe pulse width which is specified as900ns for all valid operating conditions of supply voltage and ambient temperature,but typically a pulse width of only180ns is adequate if V CC=15V DC.A second consideration is that the guaranteed minimum data hold time of50ns should be met or erroneous data can be latched.This hold time is defined as the length of time data must be held valid on the digital inputs after a qualified(via CS)WR strobe makes a low to high transition to latch the applied data.If the controlling device or system does not inherently meet these timing specs the DAC can be treated as a slow memory or peripheral and utilize a technique to extend the write strobe.A simple extension of the write time,by adding a wait state,can simultaneously hold the write strobe active and data valid on the bus to satisfy the minimum WR pulse-width.If this does not provide a sufficient data hold time at the end of the write cycle,a negative edge triggered one-shot can be included between the system write strobe and the WR pin of the DAC.This is illustrated in Figure5for an exemplary system which provides a250ns WR strobe time with a data hold time of less than10ns.The proper data set-up time prior to the latching edge(LO to HI transition)of the WR strobe,is insured if the WR pulse-width is within spec and the data is valid on the bus for the duration of the DAC WR strobe.1.5Digital Signal FeedthroughWhen data is latched in the internal registers,but the digital inputs are changing state,a narrow spike of current may flow out of the current output terminals.This spike is caused by the rapid switching of internal logic gates that are responding to the input changes.There are several recommendations to minimize this effect. When latching data in the DAC,always use the input register as the latch.Second,reducing the V CC supply for the DAC from+15V to+5V offers a factor of5improvement in the magnitude of the feedthrough,but at the expense of internal logic switching speed.Finally,increasing C C(Figure8)to a value consistent with the actual circuit bandwidth require-ments can provide a substantial damping effect on any output spikes.00560807ILE=LOGIC“1”;WR2and XFER GROUNDEDFIGURE4.DAC0830/DAC0832DAC0830Series Application Hints(Continued)2.0ANALOG CONSIDERATIONSThe fundamental purpose of any D to A converter is to provide an accurate analog output quantity which is repre-sentative of the applied digital word.In the case of the DAC0830,the output,I OUT1,is a current directly proportional to the product of the applied reference voltage and the digital input word.For application versatility,a second output,I OUT2,is provided as a current directly proportional to the complement of the digital input.Basically:where the digital input is the decimal (base 10)equivalent of the applied 8-bit binary word (0to 255),V REF is the voltage at pin 8and 15k Ωis the nominal value of the internal resistance,R,of the R-2R ladder network (discussed in Section 2.1).Several factors external to the DAC itself must be consid-ered to maintain analog accuracy and are covered in subse-quent sections.2.1The Current Switching R-2R LadderThe analog circuitry,Figure 6,consists of a silicon-chromium (SiCr or Si-chrome)thin film R-2R ladder which is deposited on the surface oxide of the monolithic chip.As a result,there are no parasitic diode problems with the ladder (as there may be with diffused resistors)so the reference voltage,V REF ,can range −10V to +10V even if V CC for the device is 5V DC .The digital input code to the DAC simply controls the position of the SPDT current switches and steers the available ladder current to either I OUT1or I OUT2as determined by the logic input level (“1”or “0”)respectively,as shown in Figure 6.The MOS switches operate in the current mode with a small voltage drop across them and can therefore switch currents of either polarity.This is the basis for the 4-quadrant multi-plying feature of this DAC.2.2Basic Unipolar Output VoltageTo maintain linearity of output current with changes in the applied digital code,it is important that the voltages at both of the current output pins be as near ground potential (0V DC )as possible.With V REF =+10V every millivolt appearing at either I OUT1or I OUT2will cause a 0.01%linearity error.In most applications this output current is converted to a volt-age by using an op amp as shown in Figure 7.The inverting input of the op amp is a “virtual ground”created by the feedback from its output through the internal 15k Ωresistor,R fb .All of the output current (determined by the digital input and the reference voltage)will flow through R fb to the output of the amplifier.Two-quadrant operation can be obtained by reversing the polarity of V REF thus causing I OUT1to flow into the DAC and be sourced from the output of the amplifier.The output voltage,in either case,is always equal to I OUT1xR fb and is the opposite polarity of the reference voltage.The reference can be either a stable DC voltage source or an AC signal anywhere in the range from −10V to +10V.The DAC can be thought of as a digitally controlled attenuator:the output voltage is always less than or equal to the applied reference voltage.The V REF terminal of the device presents a nominal impedance of 15k Ωto ground to external circuitry.00560808FIGURE 5.Accommodating a High Speed SystemD A C 0830/D A C 0832DAC0830Series Application Hints (Continued)Always use the internal R fb resistor to create an output voltage since this resistor matches(and tracks with tempera-ture)the value of the resistors used to generate the output current(I OUT1).2.3Op Amp ConsiderationsThe op amp used in Figure7should have offset voltage nulling capability(See Section2.5).The selected op amp should have as low a value of input bias current as possible.The product of the bias current times the feedback resistance creates an output voltage error which can be significant in low reference voltage appli-cations.BI-FET™op amps are highly recommended for use with these DACs because of their very low input current. Transient response and settling time of the op amp are important in fast data throughput applications.The largest stability problem is the feedback pole created by the feed-back resistance,R fb,and the output capacitance of the DAC. This appears from the op amp output to the(−)input and includes the stray capacitance at this node.Addition of a lead capacitance,C C in Figure8,greatly reduces overshoot and ringing at the output for a step change in DAC output current.Finally,the output voltage swing of the amplifier must be greater than V REF to allow reaching the full scale output voltage.Depending on the loading on the output of the amplifier and the available op amp supply voltages(only±12 volts in many development systems),a reference voltage less than10volts may be necessary to obtain the full analog output voltage range.2.4Bipolar Output Voltage with a Fixed ReferenceThe addition of a second op amp to the previous circuitry can be used to generate a bipolar output voltage from a fixed reference voltage.This,in effect,gives sign significance to the MSB of the digital input word and allows two-quadrant multiplication of the reference voltage.The polarity of the reference can also be reversed to realize full4-quadrant multiplication:±V REF x±Digital Code=±V OUT.This circuit is shown in Figure9.This configuration features several improvements over exist-ing circuits for bipolar outputs with other multiplying DACs. Only the offset voltage of amplifier1has to be nulled to preserve linearity of the DAC.The offset voltage error of the second op amp(although a constant output voltage error) has no effect on linearity.It should be nulled only if absolute output accuracy is required.Finally,the values of the resis-tors around the second amplifier do not have to match the internal DAC resistors,they need only to match and tem-perature track each other.A thin film4-resistor network available from Beckman Instruments,Inc.(part no. 694-3-R10K-D)is ideally suited for this application.These resistors are matched to0.1%and exhibit only5ppm/˚C resistance tracking temperature coefficient.Two of the four available10kΩresistors can be paralleled to form R in Figure9and the other two can be used independently as the resistances labeled2R.00560837FIGURE6.00560838FIGURE7.DAC0830/DAC0832。






关键词:ADC0831;AT89C2051;数字电压表中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)08-0242-021背景电压表作为一种常用仪器,在日常生活和工业生产中已经被广泛使用。





ADC0831是美国国家半导体公司推出的一种逐次逼近型串行模数转换器,具有以下特点:1)DC0831是一款8位的模数转换器;2)ADC0831可通过三线串行总线与单片机连接;3)ADC0831是单通道的A/D转换器;4)ADC0831可以单端输入,也可采用差分输入;5)ADC0831最大功耗0.8W;6)ADC0831电源电压(最大值)为6.3 V,电源电压(最小值)为4.5V;7)ADC0831最大工作温度+70℃;8)ADC0831输入电压5V,参考电压5V。


TLC0831 AD转换器中文简单介绍

TLC0831 AD转换器中文简单介绍

TLC0831引脚图 引脚号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 符号 CS IN+ INGND REF DO CLK Vcc 功能 片选端(低电平有效) 差模输入正端 差模输入负端 地 输入基准电压 串行数据输出端 串行时钟信号端 电源
d转换器中文简单介绍tlc0831tlc0831ctlc0831i是ti公司生产的八位逐次逼近式ad转换Байду номын сангаас它有一个差分输入通道串行输出配置为与标准移位寄存器或微处理器兼容的microwire总线接口极性设置固定不需寻址
TLC0831 A/D转换器中文简单介绍
TLC0831/TLC0831C/ TLC0831I是TI公司生产的八位逐次逼近式AD转换器,它有一个差分输入通道,串行输出配置为与标准移位寄存器 或微处理器兼容的Microwire 总线接口,极性设置固定,不需寻址。其内部有一采样数据比较器将输入的模拟信号微分比较后转换为数 字信号。模拟电压的差分输入方式有利于抑制共模信号和减 少或消除转换的偏移误差,而且电压基准输入可调,使得小范围模拟电压信 号转化时的分辨率更高。由于标准移位寄存器或微处理器将时间变化的数字信号分配到串 口输出,当IN-接地时为单端工作,此 时IN+为输入,也可将信号差分后输入到N+与N-之间,此时器件处于双端工作状态。 其特点如下: (1)8位分辨率; (2)单通道差输入; (3)5V的电源提供0-5V可调基准电压; (4)输入和输出可与TTL和CMOS电平兼容; (5)时钟频率为250KHz下,转换时间为32uS; (6)总失调误差为1LSB; (7)提供DIP8封装。 TLC0831的管脚排列及功能说明如下:



数码管显示的ADC0831电压表程序/*程序效果:数码管显示0.00-5.00U 电压,调节电位器,得到ADC0831 的2 脚电压值。



*/#includereg52.h#includeintrins.h#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intuc6;uchar tmpdata[]={0,0,0,0};uchar readad0831();void display(uchar *lp,uchar lc);void delay();void main(){uint i=0,tmp; //这要定位为整型,防止数据溢出px1=0;while(1){ i++; if(i==255){ i=0; tmp=readad0831()*100; //这里乘以100,是保留两位小数的意思tmp=tmp/51; tmpdata[0]=tmp/100;//得到百位数,其实是原来的个位数tmpdata[0]+=10; //这里加上10,是因为带小数点的数字在后面十位tmp=tmp%100; tmpdata[1]=tmp/10; //得到十位,即小数点的后一位tmpdata[2]=tmp%10; //得到各位,即小数点的第二位tmpdata[3]=21; //加上单位U,即伏} display(tmpdata,4); //调用显示子函数}}void display(uchar *lp,uchar lc){uchar i;P2=0;P1=P10xf8; //防止改变后五位数for(i=0;ilc;i++){ P2=table[lp[i]]; delay();if(i==7) break; P2=0; P1++;}}uchar readad0831()//根据ADC0831 协议编写的语句{uchar i=0,tmp=0;sda1=1;cs1=0;_nop_();_nop_();scl1=0;_nop_();_nop_();scl1=1;_nop_();_nop_();scl1=0;_nop_();_nop_();scl1=1;_nop_();_nop_();scl1=0;_nop_();_nop_();for(i=0;i8;i++)。

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sbit CS=P1^0;
sbit CLK=P1^1;
sbit DO=P1^2;
uchar code tab[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,//共阴数码0-9
void display()
uபைடு நூலகம்har i;
uchar Read_ADC0831()//根据时序图写出的模拟数据输出
1、CS:片选 2、正输入端 3、Vref:负输入端
4、GND:地 5、参考电压输入端 6、DO:串行数据输出端
7、CLK:时钟输入脚 8、VCC:电源
ADC 输入端数量1
分辨率8 bit
电压参考5 V
电源电压(最大值)6.3 V
电源电压(最小值)4.5 V
最大功率耗散0.8 W
最大工作温度+ 70 C
输入电压5 V
0x40,0x3e,0x00}; //"-"、"U"、数码管全灭
uchar code du[]={0xfe,0xfd,0xfb,0xf7};//动态扫描时控制各个数码管亮与灭
uint huancun[]={0,0,0,0}; //数据缓存
void delay();//延时函数
void display();//数码管显示函数
uchar Read_ADC0831(); //读取ADC0831转换出的数据,通过串行通信输出
void main()
uint i,date;
uchar i,temp;
void delay()
uchar i;
huancun[0]=date/100; //取数据百位
huancun[1]=date%100/10; //数据十位,即为小数点第一位
date=date/51; //使数码管显示的数值与电压保
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int