



院系:外语系专业名称:英语年级:级普本/成本姓名:张三指导教师:李四年月日河南教育学院本科毕业论文(设计)An Analysis of the Narrative Point of Viewin The Great GatsbyA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in EnglishByZhang SanForeign Languages Department Henan Institute of EducationSupervisor: Li SiSignature: _________Date :论文标题:二号、Times NewRoman 、加粗、居中 小三、Times New Roman 、居中,斜体,1.5倍行距 小三、Times New Roman 、居中,1.5倍行距 亲笔签名河南教育学院本科毕业论文(设计)i AcknowledgementsUpon the completion of this thesis, I ’d like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me generously.…Times New Roman 小四、1.5倍行距,其它格式同正文Times New Roman 、 3号,加粗,居中,下空一行ii 内 容 摘 要 叙事视角对于作者叙述故事,给予信息以及读者接受信息至关重要,它直接关系着故事进展及读者反应的顺利积极与否。







英语专业毕业论文范文AbstractThis paper aims to explore the importance of English language education in today's globalized world. The research was conducted by reviewing literature on the subject and analyzing the current state of English language education in both developed and developing countries. The findings indicate that English language education plays a crucial role in promoting communication, fostering cultural understanding, and enhancing international cooperation. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed, such as the lack of qualified teachers and resources, as well as the unequal distribution of educational opportunities. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for concerted efforts from both policymakers and educators to promote English language education and ensure equal access to quality education for all.IntroductionAs the world becomes increasingly interconnected, proficiency in English has become a key asset for individuals and societies. English is considered the lingua franca of the modern world, with more than 1.5 billion people speaking it as a second language (Crystal, 2018). Therefore, English language education plays a crucial role in facilitating cross-cultural communication and promoting international cooperation. This paper aims to examine the importance of English language education in today's globalized world and discuss the challenges and strategies for its effective implementation.Importance of English Language EducationEnglish language education is instrumental in promoting communication and understanding among individuals from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In a globalized world, effective communication is essential for personal, academic, and professional growth. English enables individuals to access a wealth of knowledge, literature, and information that is predominantly available in English. Moreover, English language education helps develop critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the 21st-century job market (McKay, 2018).Furthermore, English language education fosters cultural understanding and appreciation. It exposes learners to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, thereby promoting tolerance and respect for diversity. In today's multicultural societies, the ability to understand and embrace cultural differences is crucial for social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. English language education also acts as a bridge between communities and nations, facilitating international cooperation in various fields, such as trade, science, and diplomacy.Challenges and Strategies for Effective English Language EducationDespite the numerous benefits of English language education, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. One major challenge is the lack of qualified English language teachers andresources, particularly in developing countries. Inadequate teacher training and limited access to teaching materials hinder the quality of language instruction. To overcome this challenge, governments and educational institutions should invest more in training and professional development programs for English language teachers. Additionally, the availability of appropriate teaching materials, such as textbooks, audiovisual resources, and digital tools, should be ensured to enhance the learning experience.Another challenge is the unequal distribution of educational opportunities. In many countries, English language education is primarily available to urban, privileged students, while those in rural or marginalized areas have limited access. This exacerbates social inequalities and hampers national development. To address this issue, governments should focus on providing equal educational opportunities to all learners, regardless of their socio-economic background. This includes expanding English language education in rural areas, providing scholarships to underprivileged students, and adopting inclusive teaching methods that cater to diverse learning needs.ConclusionEnglish language education plays a vital role in today's globalized world. It promotes communication, fosters cultural understanding, and enhances international cooperation. However, there are challenges that need to be tackled, such as the shortage of qualified teachers and resources, as well as the unequal distribution of educational opportunities. To ensure the effective implementation of English language education, policymakers and educators mustwork together to invest in teacher training, provide adequate teaching materials, and ensure equal access to quality education for all. Only through such efforts can societies fully harness the benefits of English language education and thrive in an increasingly connected world.ReferencesCrystal, D. (2018). English as a global language. Cambridge University Press.McKay, S. L. (2018). Teaching English as an international language: Paradigm shifts and pedagogical implications. Routledge.。



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Summary And Prospect
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Technology and practice
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03 技术与实践 Technology and practice
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TitleByA Thesis Presented toThe School of Foreign LanguagesChina West Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The Degree of Bachelor of ArtsUnder The Supervision of Prof.May 2011Outline Thesis Statement:I. IntroductionA.B.II.A.B.C.III.A.B.IV.A.B.C.V. Conclusion****School of Foreign Languages, CWNU, Nanchong, China, 637002Abstract:Key words:I. IntroductionThe institution is…(正文部分小四字体,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距,两端对齐)…As Lawrence proceeded in writing and rewriting the novel, it became a serious novel about relationships. “Lawrence rewrote it in the autumn of 1913, when it turned into a very long and complex novel indeed: and one which we k now very little about” (Worthen 12). (此处为注释格式,参考文献中的条目须在文中找到相应的引用地方)。

Jiang Chengyong [ 蒋承勇] (此处为引用中文的著作,此时后面不用引号。

因为这里已经交代了作者,所以括号里不再出现作者的姓氏,暂时把中文名字用[]号交代出来)argues that Adam and Eve’s commission of original sin represents human beings’ inherent aspiration to pursue wisdom, culture and civilization, while the culture they create does not only serve for the benefit of mankind but also serve as fetters upon man’s freedom and his healthy relationship with the natural world (7-17). Thus, Leavis points out that “The novel has for theme the urgency, and the difficult struggle, of the higher human possibilities to realize themselves…”(117).II. AlabamaWith no wonder…The pastoral Marsh Farm reminds the reader of the Garden of Eden, in which the Brangwen men and women, likeAdam and Eve in the Old Testament, live an unconscious life according to the rhythmic pattern of nature.Oh my heart, what a wetness in the night!T here’ll be no volcanoes after this. Hey,Jack, my beautiful young slender feller,which o f us is Noah? It seems as thoughthe water-worksis bursted. Ducks andayquatic fowl’ll be king o’ the castle atthis rate, dove an’ olive branch an’ all.(Lawrence 204)(此处为引用作品中的一段,整个引用部分要悬挂缩进,也就是要往后缩进六个字符左右)III. ConclusionLawrence...(参考文献参考下一页)ReferencesAusten, Jane. Sense and Sensibility.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1994.Bochman, Svetlana. Less than ideal husbands and wives: Satiric and serious marriage themes in the works of Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde. Ph. D. Diss. City University of New Y ork, 2005.Brownstein, Rachel M. Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice.In Edward Copeland and Juliet Mcmaster, ed. The Cambridge Campanion to Jane Austen. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Buss, Jessica. Challenging authority through narration: a study of the works of Jane Austen and Kate Chopin. Diss. Truman State University, 2004.Copeland, Edward. Money. In Edward Copeland and Juliet Mcmaster, ed. The Cambridge Campanion to Jane Austen. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.Smith, LeRoy W. Jane Austen and the Drama of Woman. London: The Macmillan Press, 1983.F. R. 利维斯. 伟大的传统. 袁伟译. 北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2002.伊恩·P·瓦特. 小说的兴起. 高原, 董红钧译. 北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1992.吴伟仁. 英国文学史及选读(第二册). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988.MLA FormatA BookBlotner, J. Faulkner: A Biography. New York: Random, 1974.Popping, Roel. Computer-Assisted TextAnalysis. London: Sage, 2000. Thornborrow, Joanna and Shan Wareing.Patterns in Language: Stylistics forStudents of Language and Literature.London: Routledge, 1998.Utley, F., L. Z. Bloom and A. F. Kinney.Bear, Man and God. New York:Random, 1964.Montgomery, Martin, et al. Ways of Learning.London: Routledge, 1992.Faulkner, William. Faulkner in the University.Ed. Frederick L. Gwynn, and Joseph L.Blotner. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P,1959.Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, eds. The Norton Anthology of Literature byWomen: The Tradition in English. 2nd ed.New York: Norton, 1996.Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Oxford Sherlock Holms. Ed. Owen Dudley Edwards. Vol.II. New York: Oxford UP, 1993. Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space.Trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith. Oxford:Blackwell, 1991.Hughes, Richard. Introduction. The Sound and the Fury. By William Faulkner.Middlesex: Punguin, 1964. 7-9.夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 简·爱. 范纯海等译. 武汉:长江文艺出版社, 2007.Valentine, Mary-Blair Truesdell. An Investigation of Gender-Based LeadshipStyles. Diss. George Mason University,1993. (注:Ph. D. Diss.博士论文) An Article in JournalToolan, M. “Analysing Conversation in Fiction: The Christmas Dinner Scene inJoyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a YoungMan.” Poetics Today 8.2 (1987): 393-416.(注:8.2 中8指第8卷(Vol),2指1987年第2期)何畅, 陈娇娥. “由《献给爱米丽的玫瑰花》中的“缺失”看其历史意识”. 外国文学研究, 5 (2006): 57-64.Electronic PublicationTice-Deering, Becerly. English as a Second Language. 15 Sept. 1999</~ticedeer/> Mythology. Homepage. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology/>APA FormatBlotner, J. Faulkner: A Biography. New York: Random, 1974.Popping, R. Computer-Assisted Text Analysis.London: Sage, 2000.Thornborrow, J. and S. Wareing. Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students ofLanguage and Literature. London:Routledge, 1998.Utley, F., L. Z. Bloom and A. F. Kinney. Bear, Man and God. New York: Random, 1964. Montgomery, M., et al. Ways of Learning.London: Routledge, 1992.Faulkner, W. Faulkner in the University. Ed.Frederick L. Gwynn, and Joseph L.Blotner. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P,1959.Gilbert, S. M., and S. Gubar, eds. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: TheTradition in English. 2nd ed. New York:Norton, 1996.Doyle, A. C. The Oxford Sherlock Holms. Ed.Owen Dudley Edwards. Vol. II. NewYork: Oxford UP, 1993.Lefebvre, H. The Production of Space. Trans.D. Nicholson-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell,1991.Hughes, R. Introduction. The Sound and the Fury. By William Faulkner. Middlesex:Punguin, 1964. 7-9.夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 《简·爱》. 范纯海等译. 武汉:长江文艺出版社, 2007. Valentine, M. T. An Investigation of Gender-Based Leadship Styles. Diss.George Mason university, 1993. (注:Ph. D. Diss.博士论文)An Article in JournalToolan, M. “Analysing Conversation in Fiction: The Christmas Dinner Scene inJoyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Y oungMan.”Poetics Today.V ol. 8. 1987, (2):393-416. (注: 8指第8卷(Vol),2指1987年第2期)何畅, 陈娇娥. “由《献给爱米丽的玫瑰花》中的“缺失”看其历史意识”. 《外国文学研究》2006, (5): 57-64.Electronic PublicationTice-Deering, B. English as a Second Language. 15 Sept. 1999</~ticedeer/> Mythology. Homepage. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology/>。











三、论文各部分具体格式及要求1.摘要●摘要内容英文采用Times New Roman,12磅,中文采用宋体,小四号;1.5倍行距。





●英文“ABSTRACT”一词字母大写,中文“摘要”之间空两格、加粗、居中,并与内容文字之间空一行(见图1.1 和图1.2)。


“Key words:” 及“关键词:”字样须加粗,顶格。

各关键词之间有分号及一个空格,移行后须与第一个关键词的首字母对齐,英文采用Times New Roman,12磅,中文采用宋体小四号。



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北京大学最新英语专业毕业论文格式要求及范本 最详细

北京大学最新英语专业毕业论文格式要求及范本 最详细





论文的英语部分一律使用Times New Roman字体。











正文采用小四号Times New Roman字体,间距设置为段前段后均为0行,行距18磅。




论文正文十进制数字标注格式:Preface ( Introduction / Literature Review)1. ___________________________ (一级标题格式)1.1 ___________________________ (二级标题格式)1.1.1 __________________________ (三级标题格式)1.1.2 __________________________1.1.3 __________________________……1.2 ___________________________ (二级标题格式)……2. ___________________________ (一级标题格式)……3. ___________________________ (一级标题格式)……Conclusion (一级标题格式)二、正文内引用标注引用包括直接引用和间接引用两种。












如,ZG 人较为含蓄,而美国人则较为直率。

















5.英文论文封面(EnglishTitle Page):由学生按照统一的格式制作。

6.英文摘要及关键词和中文摘要及关键词(Abstract and Key Words):论文要有200-300字的摘要,能客观反映主要内容信息,具有独立性和包含性。



7.提纲和论文陈述(Outline and Thesis Statement):另起一页开始提纲。

8.正文部分(The Text of the Paper):另起一页开始正文。




10.引用文献(Works Cited):英语文献在前,汉语文献在后,另起一页附引用文献。

















教师学生都要手写签名指导教师签名:论文作者签名:年月日年月日On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger AbbeybyLi XiaohuiUnder the Supervision ofWang JunhuaSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsSchool of Foreign StudiesShandong University of Finance and EconomicsMay 2012AcknowledgementsIt would not be possible for me to complete the thesis without the generous help of many。



Abstract:This thesis explores the dynamics of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature], aiming to analyze the representation, themes, and stylistic elements that contribute to the understanding of this area. By examining a range of texts from [Time Period], this study seeks to provide insights into the evolution and significance of [Your Focus Area] within the context of [Target Language Literature]. The methodology employed involves a close textual analysis, drawing on critical theories and interdisciplinary approaches to offer a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.Table of Contents:1. Introduction2. Literature Review1.1 Historical Context of [Target Language Literature]1.2 Theoretical Frameworks1.2.1 Semiotics1.2.2 Feminist Theory1.2.3 Postcolonial Theory1.3 Existing Research on [Your Focus Area]3. Methodology3.1 Selection of Texts3.2 Analytical Approach3.2.1 Close Reading3.2.2 Genre Analysis3.2.3 Stylistic Analysis4. Analysis4.1 Text 1: [Title]4.1.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.1.2 Themes and Motifs4.1.3 Stylistic Elements4.2 Text 2: [Title]4.2.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.2.2 Themes and Motifs4.2.3 Stylistic Elements4.3 Text 3: [Title]4.3.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.3.2 Themes and Motifs4.3.3 Stylistic Elements5. Discussion5.1 Comparison of Texts5.2 Evolution of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature]5.3 Contribution of Critical Theories to the Analysis6. Conclusion7. References1. IntroductionThe introduction sets the stage for the study by presenting the research question, the significance of the topic, and the objectives of the thesis. It also provides a brief overview of the structure of the thesis.2. Literature ReviewThis section reviews the existing literature on [Target Language Literature] and [Your Focus Area]. It discusses the historical context, theoretical frameworks, and previous research that have contributed to the understanding of the subject matter.3. MethodologyThis section outlines the research design, including the selection of texts, the analytical approach, and the methodologies used for data collection and analysis.3.1 Selection of TextsHere, you detail the criteria for selecting the texts under analysis, including authors, time period, genre, and thematic relevance.3.2 Analytical ApproachThis subsection explains the methods employed for analyzing the texts, such as close reading, genre analysis, and stylistic analysis.4. AnalysisThis is the core of the thesis, where you present a detailed analysis of each selected text. For each text, you should:- Discuss the representation of [Your Focus Area] within the text.- Identify and analyze themes and motifs that emerge from the text.- Examine the stylistic elements that contribute to the text's effectiveness in conveying the subject matter.4.1 Text 1: [Title]- Representation of [Your Focus Area]- Themes and Motifs- Stylistic ElementsRepeat this structure for each of the selected texts.5. DiscussionIn this section, you compare the findings from the analysis of the texts. You discuss the evolution of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature] and the contribution of critical theories to your analysis.6. ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the main findings of the thesis, reiteratesthe significance of the research, and suggests potential areas forfurther study.7. ReferencesThis section lists all the sources cited in the thesis, formatted according to the appropriate citation style.---Please note that this is a template and should be customized to fit the specific requirements of your thesis topic, academic institution, and chosen texts. The word count of 2000 words is a minimum and can vary depending on the depth of analysis and the number of texts under consideration.。



英语专业毕业论⽂英语专业毕业论⽂(精选8篇) ⼤学⽣活要接近尾声了,毕业⽣要通过最后的毕业论⽂,毕业论⽂是⼀种有准备的检验学⽣学习成果的形式,那么应当如何写毕业论⽂呢?以下是⼩编收集整理的英语专业毕业论⽂,供⼤家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

英语专业毕业论⽂篇1 论⽂摘要:如何提⾼⼤学法语⼆外教学,⼀直是⾼校法语教学研究的重要问题。


关键词:教学⽅法;精讲多练;多媒体;法英对⽐ 21世纪是⼀个以知识经济和经济信息全球化为主要特征的时代,世界经济的⽇益全球化和⼀体化与中国对外开放进程的加速,现代社会科技、通讯、经济、⽂化的进步,使世界交往更加密切。





⼀、⼤学法语⼆外教学⾯临的问题 2002年《⼤学法语⼤纲》明确规定:“⼤学法语教学的⽬的是培养⼀定的阅读能⼒,初步的听、说、读、写、译的能⼒,使学⽣能以法语为⼯具,获取专业所需,为进⼀步提⾼法语⽔平打下较好的基础。




(⼀) 法语⼆外课时和内容相⽐显得过少。




英语专业毕业论文格式(MLA)和示范格式师生园2009-09-29 18:22 阅读245 评论0 字号:大大中中小小英语专业毕业论文要求一.结构要求第一、前置部分l 第一页:英语封面包括外文题目、作者、指导教师、系院校、时间等。


l 第二页:汉语封面封面格式必须符合学校要求, 封面上的论文题目必须与文中的题目一致。


l 第三页:英语内容提要页论文题目(英语):居中排列。





关键词(英语):3- 6个。




英文摘要内容与具体的关键词为小4号Times New Roman体。

l 第四页:汉语内容摘要页论文题目:汉语,粗体3号字,居中排列。


关键词:汉语,3- 6个词语。


l 第五页: 论文提纲页(英语)主题陈述:只能用1-2句子,表达本文核心观点(结论性)的判断陈述句。




论文标题打印用3号粗体, 正文打印用小4号(即12号), Times New Roman字体。



具体请参阅教材及辅助材料MLA style。

第三、后置部分参考文献:先英语参考文献,后汉语参考文献,均按作者姓氏字母顺序排列, 总数应不少于10篇/本。



Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Cultures from the Perspective ofDocumentaries themed in "China'sDevelopment"Wang WeiqianA Thesis Submitted asa Partial Fulfillment for the Degree ofB.A. in EnglishCollege of Foreign LanguagesHebei Normal University of Science and TechnologyMay 19th, 2016摘要改革开放以来,中国经济的突飞猛进,一路高歌吸引了世界的眼光。





通过对比发现: 西方“中国发展”题材纪录片叙事方法角度更广泛;叙事更关注于个体情况;叙事口吻平等化。




关键词:中国发展;纪录片;文化差异AbstractSince the reform and opening up, the economy in China develops so quickly that it draws the eyes of the world. And documentaries themed in China have become very popular. China and the West both have launched the documentaries which narrate and elaborate the development of China because of the great achievement China made recent years .At present, domestic and foreign researches on documentary are almost about the theory of documentary and creation research while the contrastive studies of the Western and Chinese cultures from the perspective of documentary are relatively rare. This thesis intends to compare the western documentaries themed in "China's Development" to Chinese ones to analyze the culture diversity between the West and China from the aspect of narrative method, narrative focus and narrative tone. Based on contrastive study, it can be found that the western ones are more diverse in narrative method; they stress individualism and their narrative tones are equality-based while that of Chinese are authority-based. That can be accounted for the differences of Chinese and Western cultures. Chinese centralism based on the farming culture leads to monism in Chinese mind, and due to ancient clan and Confucianism, people pursue collectivism. On the contrary, the Western culture is characterized by multiculturalism, and individualism influenced by the ancient Greece thoughts and two ideological liberation movements is deeply rooted in westerners' minds. They attach importance to personal ideas and individual's independence.Key words:China's development; documentary; culture differenceTable of ContentsAbstract in Chinese (i)Abstract in English (ii)I Introduction (1)1.1 Statement of the problem (1)1.2 Significance of the study (1)1.3 Outline of the thesis (2)II Literature Review (3)2.1 Researches abroad (3)2.1.1 Definition of culture (3)2.1.2 Studies of cultural values (3)2.2 Researches in China (4)2.2.1 The studies of Chinese and Western cultures (4)2.2.2 Studies of documentary from the perspective of culture (5)III Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Documentaries (7)3.1 Narrative method (7)3.1.1 Mono-angle (7)3.1.2 Multi-angle (8)3.2 Narrative focus (9)3.2.1 Social group (9)3.2.2 Personal situation (9)3.3 Narrative tone (10)3.3.1 Authority-based (10)3.3.2 Equality-based (11)IV Cultural Analysis of Chinese and Western Documentaries (12)4.1 Monocuturalism/ multiculturalism (12)4.1.1 Monoculturalism (12)4.1.2 Multiculturalism (13)4.2Collectivism/ Individualism (13)4.2.1 Collectivism (14)4.2.2 Individualism (14)V Conclusion (16)Bibliography (18)Acknowledgements (19)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Statement of the problemDocumentary is not only a kind of television art form which records the rich and splendid culture, but also regarded as a part of human culture. Scholars have made a lot of contributions to the researches on documentary, and promoted the further prosperity of the documentary during the process of its naissance, development and evolution. However, the researches on the influence of cultural backgrounds and the national culture on the documentary are not sufficient, and even less concerning the contractive study of the Western and Chinese documentary culture.Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, China stands in the eyes of the world with the image of a giant, and a number of documentaries that themed in China's development are made. For the differences of the values and diverse culture patterns, there are great differences between Western and Chinese documentaries. That provides the question for this thesis: What are the distinctive culture differences from the perspective of Western and Chinese documentaries? The thesis takes two Chinese documentaries and two Western documentaries as examples to explore the cultural differences in aspects of narrative method, narrative focus and narrative tone.1.2 Significance of the studyThe contrast between Chinese and Western culture has always been the problems for scholars to study, while it is original to explore the contrast from the angel of the documentary. Chinese mainstream media records and praises every aspect of the development in contemporary China. Meanwhile the West also shows an increasingly powerful China from its own perspective. And viewers can know the image of China in eyes of the Westerns, and have a preliminary understanding of the influence brought by cultural values on documentary. They can acquire a better understanding of differences Chinese and Western culture.1.3 Outline of the thesisThis thesis intends to study the Western and Chinese documentary from the perspective of cultural values. The whole passage can be divided in to five parts: The first chapter is the introduction, which involves the statement of the problem, the significance of the study and the outline of the thesis.In chapter two, it is the literature review which elaborates the studies on the value orientations, the contrastive researches on Western and Chinese culture and values and some cultural studies on documentary.Chapter three is to study the differences of Chinese and Western documentaries themed in "China Development" from the perspective of narrative method, narrative focus and narrative tone.In the fourth chapter, the author explores the cultural reasons of Chinese and Western documentaries.The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the whole thesis, which involves the main findings and some questions requiring further studies.Chapter Two Literature ReviewThis chapter gives a general overview of the studies of Western and Chinese cultures and documentaries. It begins with western scholars' studies of culture. Then, it shows Chinese scholars' studies of the differences between Western and Chinese culture patterns and some cultural studies on the documentary.2.1 Researches abroadThe connotation and function of culture is the focus of culture studies. And this is a proposition in the face of all the comparative cultural studies. What is more, for Chinese and Western scholars, value dimensions are used to measure the differences when comparing the Western and Chinese cultures.2.1.1 Definition of cultureEdward. B. Taylor, Britain's famous anthropologist, is the first scholar to summarize and epitome the cultural phenomena from the angle of anthropology. In his Primitive Culture, he (1871) defines culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society"(qtd in Xu, 2009:17). Taylor's definition of culture is of great significance in the academic field, which opens up a broader field of vision for the study of culture.2.1.2 Studies of cultural valuesValues are closely related to culture. Therefore, unique values and orientations can be explored from different cultures. The study of values began in 1930s. So far, the research on the values of foreign scholars has been very rich. One classification of cultural patterns which has been very influential, is that of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's.Kluckhohn and Strodbeck singled out five values orientation from different cultures: Human Nature (people are regarded as basically good, evil, or mixed); Relationship to Nature (the relationship can be classified into three kind that humans over nature, nature over human, or harmony with nature); Sense of Time(primary value placed on past/tradition, present/enjoyment, or future/posterity/delayed gratification); Activity (being, becoming/inner development, or doing/striving/industriousness); and Social Relationships (hierarchical, collateral/collective-egalitarian, or individualistic) (Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961). In Annals of Tourism Research, Leah Watkins & Juergen Gnoth (2011) presents explanation about the five values orientations: "Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five cultural assumptions together constitute a framework for understanding world-views. A world-view is a culture's orientation towards humanity, nature, the universe, life, death, and other philosophical issues that influence how we see the World."(p.1293).When comparing Chinese and western value orientations, it is generally considered that "the traditional Western belief about Social Relationship is each person is seen as autonomous and separate" and "Members of individualist cultures value self-reliance" (Davis, 2006:191-192).2.2 Researches in ChinaMany Chinese scholars trend to directly apply the Kluckhohn and Strodbeck's Social Relationship value orientations to cross-cultural studies. Some studies investigate the diverse values in the contrast of Chinese and Western cultures. People who study the documentary gradually shift their attention from pure history and creation skills to the cultural elements contained in documentaries.2.2.1 The studies of Chinese and Western culturesAccording to Professor Xu Xingyan, on the cultural form, Chinese culture is unified while western culture is diversified. China has been a strong independent agricultural nation from ancient times. Although there was nomadic culture at the same times, however, "It is only one side of the Chinese culture which can not change the basic nature of the Chinese culture based on farming". And ancient authoritarian rule was based on this kind of economy. Under the kind of economy and the ancient despotism, the unity of ideology is deeply rooted in the minds of people (Xu, 2009: 36-37).The western culture origins from ancient Greek and Roman culture, concentrated in the Mediterranean. And the territories of them are composed ofmany isolated islands. Agriculture in the islands is not as developed as the East River Basin, because of the lack of food, people need to buy from the coast of Egypt and the Black Sea, so the western commercial civilization developed. And the non slavery democratic politics was formed under this geographical conditions (ibid, :40) .According to Zhu Zhixian (1989) in Psychology Dictionary, values is defined as logic, science, art, moral, aesthetic, religious principles, beliefs and standard which promote and guide a person to take decisions and actions, and the core of a personal ideology (qtd. in Du, 2009:2). Professor Xu compares different concepts about human between Chinese and western cultures: Chinese culture adds importance to the social values of people and regards human as a member of a group. Whereas, the wills and value of the individual are emphasized in western culture. Jia Yuxin compares Chinese and Western values from the perspective of intercultural communication: "The unity of heaven and man is bound to lead to the group orientation as Dividedness Between Man and Nature definitely results in the orientation of individualism" (Jia, 1997:61)2.2.2 Studies of documentary from the perspective of cultureSome scholars such as Hou Hong (2006) and Zhu Jinghe (2002) study the production or content of documentary. Differing from them, Zhang Hongjun (2006) discusses the documentary in point of culture. As a special cultural phenomenon, the image recording contains the material level, theoretical system and spiritual core. People determine their own pursuit, faith, and ideals with certain values, and judge their own behaviors with these values to determine their relationship with the world. So value orientation is an important standard to explore the culture of documentary.The documentary, which is dominated by the official consciousness and elite consciousness, is still a major part of China's image recording. And Zhang (2006) tries to give the cultural explanation to that phenomenon: The elite and privileged person are valued, whereas the commonage and the populace are not put stress on because of the sense of hierarchy rooted in patriarchal clan system of traditional society, which has influenced Chinese society for a long time. What is more, the authoritarian nature of the social structure in ancient China brought about the political paradigm of Chinese culture. The elite and the privilege awareness of traditional consciousness affect mentality of Chinese butalso the characteristics of the Chinese documentary (p. 93). As for the implication of kindheartedness to Chinese documentary, the author regards humanism as the basic spirit of Chinese culture. But differing from Western humanism which emphasizes the individuals, Chinese humanism "To put people in the state of harmony between man and nature... and to attach importance to the spiritual world of people" (ibid.:102)Chapter Three Contrastive Study of Chinese and WesternDocumentariesThis chapter chooses two Chinese documentaries The Great Course and The Road to Revival and two Western documentaries China, A New Super Power and China on Four Wheels as the research subjects to study the differences of Western and Chinese documentaries from the points of narrative method, narrative focus and narrative tone.3.1 Narrative methodThe Chinese documentaries promote the image of China by displaying China's achievements, taking a sense of social responsibility and promotion of the theme as the main guiding ideology. Because of the impact of this concept, the Chinese documentaries which the thesis studies record the theme from a unitary perspective. On the contrary, the western documentaries themed in "China's development" are relatively concerned about more extensive perspectives and pay more specific attention to the content, so diverse ideas can be seen in the documentaries.3.1.1 Mono-angleThe Chinese documentaries themed in "China's development" are in keynote of praise. As national spokespeople, they usually use the magnificent frame, exciting events in China and infectious music to show the hardships of the development process and the splendid state of contemporary China from the view of the country. The main theme documentaries usually bear the responsibility of publicizing the achievement of the government to encourage people to contribute to the country. For example, The Great Course is connected with a voiceover commentary spoken by one person and several interviews, showing few different ideas from common people. It introduces how the whole country took actions when China encountered SARS epidemic: "Facing the sudden outbreak of SARS, under leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, the whole Party and the people unite as one, win the fight against SARS." That commentary intends to showfirm and great confidence of the whole country to fight with the disease. But it does not dig out from more angles such as doctors' efforts or people's recovery. Actually, in most part of the two documentaries, general state of national development is introduced, showing the theme: "China's prosperity".3.1.2 Multi-angleThe western documentaries, differing from the Chinese ones, choose richer angle of views and themes. With a similar theme, voiceover and site soundbite intersperses with each other in the documentary China: A New Super Power.In addition to the collection of literature, this German documentary also interviews Chinese people from all walks of life, asking economists, military experts, political commentators, sociologists, writers, journalists, artists, engineers, businessmen and workers and so on about some of the issues in China's development. It affirms China's rapid economic growth: "China has become a recognized power" and "being the second largest economy in the world". Meanwhile, it points out some problems in the development: The modernization of rural area construction lags behind the city. And the protection of rights and interests of migrant workers are still needed to improved, and Guo Yuhua, a socialist, expresses her worries about this phenomenon in the documentary.The documentary also points out that China has made a huge effort to enhance education and scientific research: "China is becoming one of the world's leading think-tank step by step. Though education level is improved, the children of migrant workers do not enjoy equal right to receive education." In summary, the Western documentaries not only explain the development from the aspect of economy, but also from aspects of politics, military, education, science and technology and so on. What's more, both documentaries --- China,A New Super Power and China on Four Wheels choose to interview many Chinese to realize the sate of China and describe the development with diverse angles to show the objectivity. In this way, the subject is enriched with plentiful materials, so the objectivity and diversity of perspectives increase. Indeed, there are some unjust comments and prejudice in the whole video, but they are not discussed in this thesis.3.2 Narrative focusThe two Chinese documentaries are also distinct from the western one in terms of the narrative focus. The Chinese ones trends to show the concern to the whole society while the Western ones tend to focus on personal situation. "Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings" according to Wiki, and generally, it emphasizes people's dignity, encourages liberal views and advocates the equality. Blue ocean civilization gives birth to the Western independence, equality, individual spirit, while the farming civilization has made the Chinese people form a collective ideology of unity and struggle.3.2.1 Social groupIn terms of value orientation, China, as an eastern country, belongs to collectivism which pays attention to the interests of the group and individual social value. Clan, country, the thought of collectivism affects the creation of documentary in the country. In terms of the theme of "China's development", the Chinese documentaries stress on social responsibility, the sense of belonging to the organization and the spirit of collectivism. There are only a few interviews of the common people in the documentaries. And when one is interviewed, he is not the representative of himself but the spokesman of his group. Taking an example, when talking about developing rural area, a farmer Hua Fangping in Pinghu Village being interviewed in The Great Course said: "Now the urban and rural areas are integrating, I think we live in the same level as citizens, and we have been able to catch up with them". What he said is not only about the life of himself, but also represents the entire villager of Pinghu. And it even indicates that many rural areas are showing a new look. This is a typical "group" value: To show a group through the individuals.3.2.2 Personal situationWestern directors focus on the personal liberal spirit, emphasizing the ideas of the individuals. In the Western documentaries, people from all walks of life are interviewed, and each is the representative of himself. In the British documentary China on Four Wheels,the situation after the earthquake in Sichuan is recorded. It focuses on the living situation and emotional state of Mrs. Li andher students after the earthquake in Wenchuan, paying attention to the change of their feelings to show their personal situations. There is neither evaluation of post disaster reconstruction nor the life state of the whole victims after Wenchuan earthquake. China, A New Super Power comprises a series of interviews with more than 20 Chinese people. It is the personal ideas but not the mass views that occupy an important position. These examples show the narrative focus of the Western documentaries trend to single person instead of a group.3.3 Narrative toneThe Chinese documentaries recording the development are also distinct from the western ones in terms of tone of the narrator. The Chinese narrator is in an authoritative tone while the Western one is based on equality.3.3.1 Authority-basedIt is easy to find out that when narrating the serious theme of the development of contemporary China, the Chinese narrators maintain an official, authoritative image in the documentary. And the documentary publicizes its mainstream ideology and manages to educate the audience. There is part of the reason that documentary is influenced by a concept named "Visual Politics" which derives from the Soviet Union. Besides, Chinese collectivism which attaches importance to authority, can also account for the authority-based tone. On study of the two Chinese documentaries The Road to Revival and The Great Course, the producers describe the development of China with a convincing and earnest attitude in an authoritative tone, especially in The Great Course. When it introduces the accomplishments of China's aerospace industry, the narrator says: "‘Shenzhou' and ‘Chang E' symbolize the new state of the Chinese nation on the way to the revival; It shows the world that the independent innovation is the soul of the national progress in a convincing way; Science and technology progress is the powerful engine to promote the country to take off." This truth is told to the audience directly by the narrator rather than found by the audience. Therefore, the audience is placed in the position of listeners. Based on the tone of authority, both documentaries manage to mould their audience with the patriotism feelings and social responsibility.3.3.2 Equality-basedAudience and narrator usually have equal status in western documentaries. The Western documentary producers usually regard themselves as participants in the event during the process of shooting. They are more like explorers and discoverers, intending to explore the secrets and let the life speak itself naturally and sincerely. So western documentaries are closer to audience and appeal to them to show their respect for the viewers. The China on Four Wheels is a typical western documentary which is very different from the Chinese one. In the lens of the documentary, the narrators do not take an official view to observe China. Justin and Anita, the presenters, drive themselves throughout China in order to experience the great changes China has made. Anita walks along the eastern part of China to observe the prosperous side of China while Justin walks along the western to experience the poor side. They attempt to talk with native people to realize the current situation of their lives. Justin goes around ancient Feng Huang Town to capture what Miao, a minority nationality's life is like. In his lens, Feng Huang has been a tourist resort where many tourists flood in for its characteristic culture. According to his native tour guide, tourism improves Miao People's lives' level here: "We are much better now". But he wonders what life is like in remote neither interviews any officials nor uses official literature but just record what they see and experience. In this way, the documentary satisfies the audience's curiosity with an equality-based tone. And the audience can see a real China through the recorders' eyes.Chapter Four Cultural Analysis of Chinese and WesternDocumentariesIn this chapter, the author analyzes the culture origins that lead to the differences of the Chinese and Western documentaries themed in "China's Development".4.1 Monocuturalism/ multiculturalismChina culture is unified, while western culture is diversified (Xu, 2009). Monoculturalism is the practice of actively preserving a national culture via the exclusion of external influences while Multiculturalism describes the existence, acceptance, or promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction according to Wiki. These two different forms of culture lead to different narrative methods.4.1.1 MonoculturalismChinese civilization was originated from the Yongzi River and Huanghe River. In the vast land, "the river crisscross, the climate is damp and warm, the product is abundant..." (Xu, 2009:34). It provides great soil to develop agriculture which dominated the ancient Chinese economy. What is more, there is extensive desert in the northern frontier, high mountain chains and forest in the southwest being the obstruction which made it difficult to contact with other countries in ancient time. What is more, the ancient rulers advocated physiocracy, which led to the poor exchanges between our country and other countries. Therefore, traditional culture develops along the direction of its own, having a style of its own. China is basically in a unified and centralized state since it entered the civilized society, and the period was very short when there was a split. Under the despotism, the thinking "The land belongs to the king, people all over the word are the king's servants" rooted in people's minds and the Confucianism which advocated the authority dominated people's thought. Generally speaking, monoculturalism is formed because of the monism of economy, politics and thinking in ancient China. So in the Chinese documentaries, the current development is introduced from a general view,introducing the prosperous or positive aspects. As is recorded in Road to the Revival,the commentary makes a general introduction to the fight with the SARS without details from other angles. Both Chinese documentaries publicize one theme: China's power and prosperity.4.1.2 MulticulturalismWestern civilization is different from Chinese civilization. Xu says: "ship of the Western culture was born in the blue sea." The main representative of Western civilization, Roman and Greece are located in Mediterranean, and their territories were dotted with Islands. The narrow land, poor soil and the dry and hot climate in the summer form the environment which is not suitable for growing grain, so the food production are not even self-sufficient. Some densely populated cities such as Athens, purchased grain from the Black Sea coast and Egypt. Thus, business culture was developed in the West. Due to the geographical and economic features of the place, the West formed democracy which was applied to citizens. Owing to the commercial foundation and democratic political conditions, cultural diversity came into being. The world is divided, showing plural patterns to the islands residents. The influence of the multiculturalism can be found in the Western documentaries: They collect the views of Chinese people from all walks of life in order to show a current situation of China. They manage to record China's development from richer angles: economy, politics and so on. It is no doubt that the massive materials and the various perspectives are influenced by the cultural diversity in the West.4.2Collectivism/ IndividualismDocumentary, as a kind of image culture, is bound to imply some values. Kluckhohn (1961) defined value as: "A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means and ends of action. People's attitudes are based on the relatively few, stable values they hold". Kluchohn and Stodtbeck advanced five values orientations. In aspect of social relationship, they classify it into three types: Hierarchy, Group and Individual. "Generally speaking, the most apparent difference between Western and Eastern。



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without theespecially that of教师素质一直都备受关注,特别是小学教师的素质更是如此,因为小学教ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (I)A Follow-up Study on Transferred Teachers’ English Pronunciation——A Case in Guangdongvaluable perspectives on teaching and curriculum development.1.4 Structure of the Present StudyStarting from definition, the author first of all found out some experts’ definition of “teachers’ beliefs”, and then summed it up to be a much plain one. Then the author proceeded to make analysis of the questionnaires, aiming at finding out the status quo of teachers’ beliefs in GD Province. After that, the author made further analysis on the classroom observation log, trying to find out whether the teachers’ teaching behavior was consistent with their articulated beliefs. Finally, face-to-face interviews were conducted to find out how teachers’ beliefs guide their behavior, and what teachers usually take into account in their course planning.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definition of Teachers’ BeliefsDefinition of beliefs may vary according to different experts. Sigel (1985) defines beliefs as mental construction of experience, which guides behavior. Nespor (1987) and William & Burden (1997) define it as values and attitudes of the world and is also predictor of behavior. To be brief, beliefs tell behavior.In 1992, Pajares made a definition of “teachers’ beliefs” as teachers’ attitudes about education, about schooling, teaching, learning, and students (Pajares 1992). Nespor (1987), Woods (1996) and William & Burden (1997) found teachers’ beliefs is far more influential than knowledge in determining classroom work. Breen et al (2002) also infers that teachers’ beliefs and experiences strongly influenced classroom work.From all the above definitions, the author summed up “teachers’ beliefs” to be teachers’ attitudes about teaching and learning, which will affect everything they do in the classroom teaching.2.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching BehaviorThe western countries had gone through 3 decades in the research of the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and teaching behavior. Freeman (2002) subdivides the period into 3 broad time frames: work leading up to 1975, the decade of change (1980-1990), and the decade of consolidation (1990-2000).Since the 80s, an array of empirical studies of teachers’ beliefs and teaching behavior have been carried out. Freeman (2002) probed the impact of teachers’ mental lives, prior knowledge, social and institutional context, etc. on teaching behavior, and found teachers’ beliefs to have a powerful influence on their behavior. Actually, how teachers’ beliefs shape their behavior in classroom teaching has been studied in various ways (Meighan 1990; Woods 1996; Smith 1997; Breen et al 2001; Borg 2003; Burns 2005).Chinese researchers have begun to set about studying teachers’ beliefs and teaching behavior in recent years (Wang 2002; Xia 2002; Sun 2005; Lou & Liao 2005).All these studies collectively show that classroom activities are highly influenced by teachers’ beliefs. However, some researchers found their subjects to behave the other way round.Argyris & Schön (1974, 1987) argue that there is almost always a discrepancy between teachers’ beliefs and the ways teachers act (William & Burden 1997). Sun (2005) addresses that the most prominent problem in English classroom teaching to bethe gap between the newly acquired teaching beliefs and the educational practice. Wang (2002) and Lou & Liao (2005) also found such a discrepancy between their subject teachers’ behavior and beliefs. If there really exists such a discrepancy, the teaching may be inefficient or even confusing, which may bring about a series of problems in teaching and learning.2.3 The Expected Teachers’ Beliefs of the New CurriculumChances are that given better teaching, learners will learn more. The new era of education calls for improved teaching beliefs and behavior as instruments to facilitate and improve student learning. The newly implemented curriculum put forward five teachers’ beliefs as follows:Focusing on common foundation, preparing for further development;Offering various options, catering for personal needs;Optimizing the learning model, enhancing self-directed learning competence;Concerning with students’ emotion, enhancing cultural awareness;Promoting the assessment system, encouraging continuous development.(cited from Senior English Curriculum 2003:2-3)As a matter of fact, such beliefs were raised to meet the new demands of our society, to meet the new learning needs of our students. On condition that teachers’ beliefs and teaching were consistent with the New Curriculum, fruitful teaching outcome would be yielded.However, the questions are: What’s the status quo of teachers’ beliefs? Do they behave in accordance with their articulated beliefs? And what do the teachers usually take into account in teaching? To find out all the corresponding answers, the author carried out a survey of teachers’ beliefs and teaching behavior in GD Province.Chapter Three MethodThe survey consisted of 3 instruments: ① a teacher questionnaire developed by the author (consisted of three sections: Section One--personal data and experience, etc; Section Two--a 25 item teacher belief section based on the 5 guidelines of the New Curriculum in senior high published by the Ministry of Education (Item 1–5 on Belief 1, Item 6-10 on Belief 2, and the rest may be deduced by analogy); Section Three--2 open questions about teachers’ beliefs and teacher concern) (See Appendix 1); ②an observation log (comprising general information and a 10-period classroom observation log (See Appendix 2); ③an interview outline (See Appendix 3).A pilot study was conducted in one TypeB school from Guangzhou in early September 2005. Based on the feedback from the pilot study, the author made revisions in the survey instruments.3.1 The Participants10 schools from 5 of the cities in GD Province participated in this study. The participants were carefully chosen: the capital city of GD--Guangzhou (广州), two peripheral cities--Foshan (佛山) and Nanhai (南海), two relatively remote cities--Puning (普宁) and Shantou (汕头), respectively. 10 researchers divided the 10 schools among them during their teaching practices. However, only 8 schools’ data were intact and possible for analysis. Altogether, there were 27 teachers from these 8 schools.Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of all the subject teachers. 18 worked in Grade One, and 9 worked in Grade Two. There were 17 female and 10 male teachers. The teachers had varying degrees of general teaching experience ranging from 1 to 43 years. The average teaching experience across the sample was 12.7 years. Among them, 26 teachers had received the New Curriculum training.Table 1. The Teachers’ CharacteristicsGender Grade Curriculum Training Male Female One Two Received Not Yet Average Teaching Experience (year)No.101718926112.7For the sake of being as objective as possible, School 7 and School 8 also excluded in the following discussions, because only one subject teacher was available from each of these two schools. Consequently, the following results and discussions were based on 6 schools.3.2 Procedures3.2.1 The Teacher Questionnaire SurveyFirstly, the researchers invited the teachers to fill in the Teacher Questionnaire (TQ) and fixed a time with the teachers for classroom observation. Teachers filled in the general information and indicated the level of endorsement of each of the 25 items using a 5-point Likert-type scale comprising the categories “strongly disagree,” “disagree,” “somewhat disagree, somewhat agree,” “agree,” and “strongly agree,” scored as 1 through 5, respectively; then they responded to the 2 open questions concerning with teachers’ opinions and suggestions of the New Curriculum (see Table 2).Table 2. The 2 Open Questions in the Teacher QuestionnairePlease write down your opinions and suggestions of the New Curriculum1. The mostobvious changes①…②…③…2. The most urgent problems to be solved ①…②… ③…As is shown in Table 2, Question 1 tells whether teachers have noticed the most obvious changes of the curriculum. And Question 2 enables the author to perceive the teachers’ most concern, which would serve as a basis to find out whether teachers adopted particular teaching strategies to enhance their students’ weak point, since they have noticed where the problems lied.3.2.2 Classroom ObservationAs there may exist a discrepancy between teachers’ beliefs and behavior, and apart from this, teachers may overstate or understate the beliefs underlying their actual practice. Therefore, whether teachers teach in accordance with their beliefs can only be revealed from the observation of practical teaching.Hence, the second data collection method was based upon a substantial classroom observation log. The researchers recorded 10 periods of English classes of every subject school. The 10 English classes were not specifically chosen, but observed at random, generating a thorough and objective data. The observation focused onclassroom activities, multimedia applied, textbook dealt, assessment forms, and optional courses, etc.3.2.3 The InterviewIn order to comprehend more about how teachers’ beliefs guide their behavior, and what teachers usually take into account in their teaching, face-to-face interviews were added, and the interview with teachers was semi-structured. Table 3 shows the outline of the interview.Table 3. Outline of the Semi-structure InterviewInterview Subject: Senior High English Teachers in Guangzhou①How do you usually design a lesson? And what about activities?②How do you like the present textbook? And how do you apply it?③Do you think it is necessary for students to enhance their cultural awareness?How do you help your students enlarge their scope of background knowledge?The author arranged interviews with 12 Senior One English teachers from 6 schools (Comprising Type A, Type B and Type C schools) in GZ, 2 teachers from every subject school participated in the interview. The interviews were recorded implicitly by mp3, and were transcribed into written language later.3.2.4 Data AnalysisAll data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS),release 10.0 and Microsoft Excel, release 2003.Mean and standard deviation of the TQ were analyzed by using Descriptives; histograms were generated by using Excel to illustrate the results more plainly. And within-group differences of 25 teachers’ beliefs of the 6 subject schools were analyzed by using One-way ANOVA.Chapter Four Results and DiscussionAfter all the data were collected, the author began to arrange the data and analyze them. Firstly, the author sorted out all the received questionnaires. And found out the valid percent of the TQ was 100%. Table 4 indicates the general information of the questionnaires obtained from the 6 schools.Table 4. Information of the Received TQQuestionnaire Received Valid Invalid Valid Percent Number25250100%4.1 Status Quo of the Teachers’ Beliefs4.1.1 Mean and Std. Deviation of the TQStarting from data analysis, the author carried out Descriptive Statistics analysis to analyze the TQ, showing that all the means of the 5 beliefs are within the range of“3.5 to 4.4”, therefore, conclusion can be drawn that all the subject teachers “Agree①” with every belief advocated in the New Curriculum. Then the author put the data from Figure 1 into the Microsoft Excel, generating a histogram as follows:Beliefs N Mean S.D.B 125 4.0560.4917B 225 3.9920.6843B 325 4.3600.5132B 425 4.3440.5050B 525 3.9040.5200As is illustrated above, the histogram indicates that the means of Belief 2 (Offering various options, catering for personal needs) and Belief 5 (Promoting the assessment system, encouraging continuous development) score the lowest among the five beliefs. The causes of this result maybe: optional class and formative evaluation, etc. are newly advocated, compared with the other beliefs; and it takes time to get thorough endorsement from all the teachers. Whereas, those of Belief 3 (Optimizing learning model, enhancing self-directed learning competence) and Belief 4 (Concerning with students’ emotion, enhancing cultural awareness) score relatively high, because learner-centered and background knowledge have been heard of long before.After that, the author made another Descriptive Statistics analysis to find out themean and standard deviation of the teachers’ beliefs in every subject school. Figure 2 illustrates the results of the Descriptive Statistics analysis. Mean of 4 of the subject schools is also within the range of “3.5 to 4.4”, a same conclusion can be drawn that these schools “Agree” with the New Curriculum; and School 2 and School 3 got a mean higher than “4.4”, what’ more, mean of School 2 is within “4.5 to 5”, which indicates that teachers from school 2 “Strongly agree” with the New Curriculum.Schools N Mean S. D.S 15 3.7280.4502S 24 4.5300.3523S 34 4.4100.3965S 43 4.0933.3717S 53 3.7867.2344S 66 4.2067.4236Total25 4.1312.4607Figure 1 and Figure 2 reveal that teachers from every subject school “ Agree” or “ Strongly agree” with every teacher’ s belief put forward in the New Curriculum. Figure 2 also indicates that teachers’ beliefs differ in different schools. The histogram displays impressive differences among the subject schools plainly, and school 1 & 5 bear a great distance from School 2 &3 in the endorsement of the New Curriculum. To confirm this hypothesis, a One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted.4.1.2 A Comparison of Teachers’ Beliefs in Every Subject SchoolWhen means of the beliefs were compared, the One-way ANOVA results indicated that teachers’ beliefs in different schools differed significantly, sig. = .047, P<0.05 (illustrated in Figure 3). Since 26 out of the 27 teachers have got the New Curriculum training. The possible causes of such difference may be due to teachers’ different interpretation of the New Curriculum, restraint of their students’ level or confinement of the particular teaching context in every subject school.Figure 3. One-way ANOVA of Teachers’ BeliefsSum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2.1555.431 2.786.047 Within Groups 2.93819.155Total 5.09324To make a classification of all the subject schools, Homogeneous Subsets analysis was directed. Figure 4 demonstrated that teachers’ beliefs in School 1 and School 5 were significantly different from those in School 3 and School 2, for they are not in the same column. School 4, 6, 3 and 2 are identical in terms of endorsement of the New Curriculum, because they are in the same column.Figure 4. Homogeneous Subsets of Every Subject SchoolN Subset for alpha = .05Schools123School 15 3.7280School 53 3.7867 3.7867School 43 4.0933 4.0933 4.0933DuncanSchool 66 4.2067 4.2067 4.2067School 34 4.4100 4.4100School 24 4.5300Sig..134.054.170Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.913.Descriptive Statistics of the TQ revealed that all subject teachers from GD Province “Agree” or “Strongly agree” with the New Curriculum. And One-way ANOVA analysis illustrated that teachers’ beliefs varied from one school to another. School 2 and school 3 scored the highest among the 6 schools, which indicated that they endorsed the New Curriculum the most. However, chances are that some teachers showed great approval to the New Curriculum just because they knew about it from the teacher training. However, how they behave in actual teaching still remains a question. Furthermore, teachers’ articulated beliefs is one thing and how they apply their beliefs into teaching is another thing.4.2 The Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Teaching BehaviorTo find out whether teachers teach in light of their beliefs, analysis of the answers to the 2 open questions in the TQ was conducted. With the teachers’ most concern in mind, further analysis on whether teachers adopted particular strategies to tackle the obstacles was directed.4.2.1 Teachers’ Articulated BeliefsThe data revealed almost 72 opinions and suggestions put forward by all the subject teachers. Table 5 listed out five most widely shared categories of teacher concern for each question.Table 5. Teacher Concern on the Current Curriculum and TeachingItem 1. The most obvious changes of the New Curriculum① more demanding for teachers and students;② renewal and increase of the capacity of the textbook;③ more interaction between teachers and students;④focus more on cultivating students’ integrative ability in learning, knowledge applying,participation, cooperation and communication;⑤ closer to authentic daily life.Item 2. The most urgent problems to be solved① the renewal of teachers’ teaching beliefs and students’ expectations of teaching;② the conflict between the New Curriculum and the College Entrance Examination(the conflict between integrative skills development and exam-oriented education);③ the conflict between students’ ability and the highly demanding new teaching materials andactivities (esp. listening);④ the coherence of the junior high textbook and senior high one (esp. vocabulary);⑤large capacity of the content in the textbook versus inadequate course hours (not enoughtime for assimilation and consolidation).To sum up, most teachers have noticed the renewal of the curriculum and have perceived its characteristics and advantages. They also found the current curriculumto be more demanding for their students, owing to the dramatically increased capacityof the textbook and limited course hours. In the meantime, they call for coherence ofthe junior high and senior high curriculum, and new testing formula. These are theshared concern of most teachers, however, the questions are: Since they’ve noticedthe problems, did they adopt particular teaching behavior to make up for this? Or howmany teachers have attempted to? Only substantial observation could tell.4.2.2 Observation Log of Practical Classroom TeachingBearing the teachers’ most concern in mind, the author proceeded to analyze allthe data on the teachers’ behavior in the classroom as recorded in the 6 researchers’ classroom observation logs. The 10-period classroom observation logs recorded morethan 5 teachers from Grade One and Grade Two in every subject school. Hence, thesedata covered a range wide enough to represent the whole subject school.Classification and analysis of the observation log revealed that most schools adopted the textbook New Senior English for China, while schools in Foshan and Nanhai adopted the one Senior High English. Nearly all the schools applied the textbooks flexibly by supplying extra materials, omitting, adapting, or simplifying the contents to meet their students’ particular level. In terms of multimedia facilities, 2 schools were found to be equipped only with radios and projectors. 2 schools haven’t offered optional courses yet, and only 50% of the subject schools carried out formative evaluation. Table 6 outlines some other basic practical teaching information collected from the classroom observation.Table 6. The Practical Teaching InformationClassroom Activities Optional Courses Multimedia ApplicationFormativeEvaluationSchool 1Reading, chorus, discussion,survey, competition of words,writing, retellingNew Concept English;WritingRadio,computerNot yetSchool 2Reading, chorus, discussion,role-play, writing, listeningAudio-lingua-visual English;Learning by SingingRadio,computerNot yetSchool 3Reading, chorus/Radio YesSchool 4Reading, chorus, discussion,drills, role-play, interview,surveyInquiry Study Radio,computerNot yetSchool 5Discussion/Radio,projectorYesSchool 6Chorus, discussion, role-play,dictationNew Concept English Radio,projector,computerYesThe above table lists out all the practical teaching information recorded in the classroom observation logs, revealing all the subject teachers’ teaching behavior. In order to find out whether these teachers’ particular teaching behavior is aligned with their concern, the author drew out the most widely shared beliefs of every subject school and tried to find out how these beliefs influenced teachers’ teaching behavior. Table 7 shows the teacher concern and their particular teaching behavior in every subject school. The results showed that teachers in Schools 1, 4 and 6 adopted particular classroom activities to enhance their students’ weak points, and to cultivate particular skills, while School 3 failed to employ expected teaching strategies (see Table 7).Table 7. Teacher Concern and Teaching BehaviorTeacher Concern Particular Classroom ActivitiesSchool 1How would English be tested in CollegeEntrance Exam (CEE)?Writing, retelling, competitionof wordsSchool 2The sequence of grammar is unsystematic N.OSchool 3①To increase students’ interest in English;②To increase instruction of culturalbackground knowledge;③To renew teachers’ beliefs;④To get rid of the conflict between the newcurriculum and CEE.Reading, chorusSchool 4Students’ oral English is too poor to carry outclassroom activitiesChorus, discussion, drills, role-play, interviewSchool 5/N.OSchool 6①The dramatically increased capacity, esp.vocabulary is demanding;②The listening parts in the textbook are verydifficult.Dictationa) N.O= not observed;b) Teachers from School 5 said they had no comment on the New Curriculum.It was striking for the author to find that Schools 2 and 3, as is shown in Figure 4, although scored the highest in the mean of TQ, actually failed to teach in accordance with their beliefs, or failed to renew their beliefs (the most concern in School 2 was “grammar instruction”). The author guessed that the explanations may be that teachers from Schools 2 and 3 were quite well informed of the new beliefs, however, they hadn’t applied them fully in practical teaching, thus resulting in the discrepancy between their behavior and beliefs.Among those schools that teachers’ beliefs and their behavior were consistent, School 4 had a relative conformity in teachers’ beliefs and practical classroom teaching, and was well equipped with multimedia and offered various classroom activities to enhance students’ integrated skills. And last but not least, it was the only one of the 6 schools that offered the optional course—Inquiry Study, in which students went into the community to do surveys (see table 6).4.3 Teachers’ Most Concern in Course PlanningAll the above analysis demonstrated that teachers’ behaviors were consistent with their beliefs in most schools, while some teachers, for example, in School 2 and School 3, failed to teach in accordance with their beliefs, although they scored the highest in the TQ. Nevertheless, chances are that these teachers may actually have come across difficulties in teaching, or in the renewal and application of their beliefs.To find out the possible difficulties, interviews with teachers must be conducted to find out how teachers’ beliefs guide their behavior, and what they usually take into account in course planning. The author analyzed the answers to the open questions in the teachers’ questionnaires and the interview records of the 12 teachers, reflecting the teachers’ main concern in course planning, which can be summed up as follows:①Many demands of the New Curriculum versus limited course hours. “The NewCurriculum is much more demanding, there are so many tasks to fulfill in class that we no longer have time to review the lessons, and students intend to be oblivious of what they have learnt soon after class.” according to most subject teachers.②The conflict between integrated skills development and exam. In the openquestions in the TQ and the interview, many teachers called for a corresponding and plausible College Entrance Examination formula, which was expected to be aligned with the New Curriculum;③In lack of teaching facilities. The observation logs revealed that most areas stilllacked for the basic teaching necessities such as sound labs and multimedia, etc.(see Multimedia Application in Table 6).In a word, there existed three factors that teachers would take into account in course planning.To sum up, analysis of the questionnaires showed that teachers’ beliefs varied greatly from one school to another, the mean of which fluctuates from 3.7280 to 4.5300. Classification of the classroom observation logs revealed that teachers’ behavior was consistent with their beliefs in most schools, while some teachers’ practical teaching was disjointed from their articulated beliefs. Analysis of the teacher concern and the interview enabled the author to perceive what teachers concern the most in teaching.Chapter Five Conclusion and Research Implications The present research carried out a survey of the status quo of teachers’ beliefs and their teaching behavior in the New Curriculum context in Guangdong Province by means of questionnaire, classroom observation log and interview. By intensive analysis, the author found that firstly, teacher’s beliefs differed significantly from one school to another; secondly, teachers in most schools teach in accordance with their beliefs, whereas some teachers’ behavior was disjointed from their beliefs, although they showed that they “Strongly agree” with the New Curriculum in the TQ. In the meantime, the author got a pleasant surprise to find that one out of the 6 subject schools, a school from Shantou, had a relative conformity in practical classroom teaching and teachers’ beliefs. Finally, a more intensive analysis was made to find out the teachers’ difficulties in renewing their beliefs or applying their beliefs into teaching.All of the above findings stimulated the author to reflect and resulted in much enlightenment. The findings from the study suggested that impact of varying social and institutional context played a significant role in teachers’ thinking and action. And teacher training should always take the leading role in the long run of educational reform. To be more specific, 3 implications generated from the study. They were related to teacher training, assessment system and teaching facilities, respectively.5.1 The Importance of Teacher TrainingFrom the interviews, the author found that most teachers, especially the inexperienced teachers, expressed that they need professional guidance to help them enhance their teaching skills. In fact, continuous pre-service and in-service teacher training should be held regularly, making sure that teachers are newly informed of the societal trend and are qualified to meet the new teaching demands.As we all know, teacher training used to focus on teaching skills. However, the newly expected teachers’ beliefs and teaching skills require for more efficient training, which consists of belief renewal, professional development and multimedia application.5.1.1 Training on Belief RenewalThe present research found that many experienced teachers were resistant to the New Curriculum, some of whom were still teaching in their assumed best way, regardless of the new demands. These teachers need to be informed that the 21st century calls for new teaching skills to bring students up by using highly skilled teaching strategies and curricula that connect to the real daily life and cater for different needs of students, and motivational as well. And traditional teachers would。







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学生姓名: 王向明专业:英语学号: 20070502007 导师姓名: 李尚宁


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Student: Wang Xiang—ming
Student ID No.: 20080520007
Major: English
Supervisor: Li Shang-ning
Continuing Education College
Beijing Language & Culture University January 2011

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3. The manifestation of politeness in practical life

1 Five situations of politeness in practical life

1.1 Concerning subtle feeling


2 Concerning privacy

1.3 White lies


4 Concerning sensitive question
3.1.5 Concerning business or state secrets
3.2 Politeness principle


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