



•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA+1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands +31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico +52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL O FFICES0000ARES-G 21235711143541AR R HEOMETERS15161718192021TM 27354112Test stationTransducer Force/Torque Rebalance Minimum Torque in Oscillation 0.05 μN.m Minimum Torque in Steady Shear 0.1μN.m Maximum Torque 200 mN.m Torque Resolution 1nN.m Normal/Axial Force Range 0.001to 20 N Motor Brushless DC Motor Bearings Jeweled Air Strain Resolution 0.04 μrad Min Angular Displacement in Oscillation 1 μrad Max Angular Displacement in Steady Shear UnlimitedAngular Velocity Range 1 x 10-6rad/s to 300 rad/s Angular Frequency Range 1 x 10-7to 628 rad/s Step Change in Velocity 5 ms Step Change in Strain 10 ms Temperature SystemsSmart Swap Standard Force Convection Oven, FCO -150 to 600˚C FCO Camera Viewer Optional Peltier Plate -40 to 180˚C Sealed Bath -10 to 150˚CT ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSARES-G2 T ECHNOLOGYTorque and Normal Force Transducer34F ORCE R EBALANCE M OTOR ANDM AGNETIC S USPENSIONN ON -C ONTACT T EMPERATURES ENSOR E LECTRONICST ORQUE R EBALANCE M OTORT ORQUE /N ORMAL F ORCER EBALANCE E LECTRONICSR ADIAL A IR B EARINGU PPER G EOMETRY MOUNT5ARES-G2 T ECHNOLOGY Advanced Brushless DC Drive MotorA high-resolution optical encoder measures and controls angular deflection over exceptionally wide rangesgreatly improving traditional oscillation and transient strain-controlled testing performance. The opticalencoder allows testing to be started in any position for all test modes, and with no preferred homeposition in oscillation, tests are seamlessly combined with smooth transition and timely response.T HRUST A IR B EARINGR ADIAL A IR B EARINGB RUSHLESS DC M OTORO PTICAL E NCODERN ON -C ONTACTT EMPERATURE S ENSORE LECTRONICSL OWER G EOMETRY MOUNTD UCTILE I RON FA CTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROLThe ARES-G2 incorporates our newly-patented, non-contact temperature sensor technology for active measurement and control of both the upper and lower plate temperature. Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRT) can be installed into the shaft ofboth the motor and transducer. When installed, the PRTconnector engages a micro printed circuit board (PCB) on the rotating shaft. The tip of the PRT is placed in intimate contact with the center of an upper cone or plate and/or lower plate geometry. The PRT senses the temperature and transmits the signal to a secondary coil housed in the stationary part of the transducer and/or motor assemblies. The ability to measure and control temperature at the surface of both plates is unique patented technology. This frictionless technology enables temperature sensing on the transducer side with no impact on sensitivity, and on the motor assembly, allows for greater accuracy in small amplitude oscillation testing. Temperature control and measurements are made at the testing surface, which is in intimate contact with thesample, without impacting the measurement.TRIOS S OFTWARE AND E XTREME T ESTING F LEXIBILITYAn important new feature of the ARES-G2 is a new level of testing freedom and flexibility. All key components of the rheometer (motor, transducer, data acquisition, environmental controls, axial slide etc.) are independent units with their own intelligence, all of which are orchestrated by test instructions programmed with new TRIOS software interface. While this versatile and intuitive software interface provides fast and simple programming of well known general procedures for traditional testing, (eg. strain/frequency sweeps, stepwell-known strain, etc.), rigid limitations of pre-programmed test modes at the instrument level no longer exist. Instead, test or test sequencespecific instrument instructions are easily programmed in countless combinations and d ownloaded prior to the start of the experiment.F ULLY I NTEGRATED F AST D ATA A CQUISITIONThe ARES-G2 provides fully integrated fast data acquisition for transient and oscillatory testing using 5 fast data channels. This allows simultaneous collection of angular displacement, torque and normal force in all test modes. The high data sampling rate of 8kHz in oscillation mode provides better resolution of both the magnitude and phase of the measured signals and allows better harmonic resolutionwith accurate evaluation up to the 10th harmonic.T OUCH S CREEN AND K EY P ADThe ARES-G2 features a color touch screen userinterface mounted on the front of the test station.This graphical interface adds a new dimensionin ease-of-use. Interactive activities such as gapzeroing, sample loading and setting temperature canbe conveniently performed at the test station. It alsodisplays instrument status and test information (torque,normal force, sample temperature) and provides easyaccess to system information such as settings anddiagnostic reporting.P ELTIER P LATEThe Peltier Plate is a smart swap temperature control option providinga temperature range of –40 to 180 °C, with a maximum heating rate of30 °C/min, and temperature accuracy of +/- 0.1 °C. A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) sensor is positioned in the middle of the lower sample plate and ensures accurate measurement and control of sample temperature. It is the most common system for standard parallel plate and cone and plate testing of structured fluids. The open design facilitates easy sample loading and cleaning of geometries. A new optional Solvent Trap and Purge Cover accessory is available for use with the Peltier plate. When used as a solvent trap, (to keep samples from volatilizing (drying) during experiments), the sample is fully isolated from the surrounding atmosphere by a fluid seal at the top (transducer side) and permanent seal at the bottom (motor side). A circular well containing solvent can also be attached and placed in contact with the Peltier plate surface. This allows the solvent to evaporate and create a saturated atmosphere inside the enclosure. Gases can be introduced through the purge ports. For example a dry air or nitrogen purge keeps moisture from condensing around the sample while testing below room temperature.R ECIRCULATING F LUID B ATHThe Recirculating Fluid Bath option can be used with parallel plate, cone and plate, and concentric cylinder geometries. Concentric cylinders are especially useful for very low viscosity fluids, dispersions of limited stability and for applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a concern. The option requires a computer-controlled fluid circulator for automated temperature control operation. The temperature range is –10 to 150 °C with appropriate circulator and circulating fluid.ARES-G2 A CCESSORIESMinimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.01 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.01 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 0.1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 18 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1.4E -9to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 25 nradStep Change in Velocity 7 msStep Change in Strain 30 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing MagneticNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardSmart Swap Geometry StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CETC Camera Viewer OptionalConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °C Camera Option with StreamingVideo and Image Capture OptionalT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.03 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.1 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.05 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.1 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1E -8to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nradStep Change in Velocity 25 msStep Change in Strain 60 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing Porous Carbon AirNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °CT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque 0.1 μN.m Maximum Torque 150 mN.m Torque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.s Angular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/s Angular Velocity Range CR 1.00E -7to 300 rad/s Frequency Range 7.50E -7to 628 rad/s Displacement Resolution 40 nrad Step Change in Velocity 25ms Step Change in Strain 6 0ms Thrust Air Bearing Porous Carbon Smart Swap TM Standard Peltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [2]Peltier Plate Camera Optional Peltier Concentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [2]Upper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [2]Electrical Heated Plates -70 to 400 °C[1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 1 µN.m [2] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAR T ECHNOLOGY The AR series represents a family of rheometers uniquely designed to deliver optimum system performance.6 R IGID O NE-P IECE A LUMINUM C ASTING& L INEAR B ALL S LIDEAR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYM AGNETIC T HRUST B EARINGWhy a magnetic bearing? Larger gaps in the absence of a continuous flow of pressurized air translates to unprecedented low levels of friction in the bearing. More importantly, the ability to control and measure torques in the nN.m range. No other rheometer can boast such low-end torque sensitivity. The larger gap in the thrust bearing is robust and not susceptible to contamination. The additional benefits of the magnetic bearing over traditional air bearing designs are the following:• Ultra low torques applied to the sample• Smaller sample volumes can be used• Ability to probe delicate material structures• Study of low viscosity materials over abroad range of conditionsP ATENTED D RAG C UP M OTOROur new patented advanced drag cup motor is designedto further reduce system friction by increasing the motor gap by 100%. Dramatic improvements in low end torque performance are realized without compromising high-end performance. The motor delivers enhanced transient response and an extended angular velocity control range. The motor incorporates a patented drag cup temperature sensor. For the first time in any rheometer design, the temperature of the drag cup is measured, ensuring the mostaccurate torque output.ACTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROL(ATC)The AR-G2 Electrically Heated Plate (EHP), Upper Heated Plate (UHP),and Dry Asphalt System all incorporate our new patented(1)non-con-tact temperature sensor for active measurement and control of theupper plate temperature, using a special draw rod. The draw rodhouses a micro PCB and Platinum Resistance Thermometer. AR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYICRO PCBP RIMARY CS ECONDARY C OIL HS SaS MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESC ONCENTRIC C YLINDERConcentric Cylinders are commonly used for very low viscosity fluids,dispersions of limited stability, and applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a problem. The Smart Swap Concentric Cylindersystem features Peltier temperature control and provides a temperaturerange of -20 to 150 °C with heating rates up to 15 °C/min.PPER H EATED P LATE(UHP)S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESE LECTRICALLY H EATED P LATES(EHP)The EHP is a Smart Swap TM temperature option that provides active heating and cooling of parallel plate and cone and plate geometries. The EHP is perfect for rheological characterization of polymer melts up to a maximum temperature of 400 °C. Otherfeatures include an environmental cover and heated purge gasand an optional Gas Cooling Accessory for temperature controlto -70˚C. An optional clear purge cover is available for sampleviewing and integration with camera viewer. Additionally, for theAR-G2, the EHP offers patented Smart Swap G eometries andnewly patented Active Temperature Control, ATC. ATC makes theAR-G2 EHP the only electrically heated plate system capable ofdirect temperature control of both the upper and lower plates.S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESD YNAMIC I NTERFACIAL S HEARR HEOLOGY U SING THE AR-G2The dynamic interfacial shear moduli G’ and G” are used tomonitor the network structure build-up, resulting from the adsorption of proteins at the interface. Proteins unfold at the interface and, therefore, are crucial to the stability of emulsions and foams. The measurement is done with a Du Noüy Ring, positioned at the interface of two liquids, or a liquid and air in a circular glass dish. The ultra-sensitive,nano-torque range of the AR-G2 rheometer is required to make these measurements. Figure 1 shows the dynamic storage modulus of this material continuously increases as the protein migrates to the surface and forms a network structure.0.030.025 0.02 0.0150.01 0.005 050100 150time (minutes)G ‘, G ’’ (N /m )34F LOW C URVE FOR D ISPERSIONS F LOW C URVE FOR P OLYMERSV ISCOELASTIC P ROPERTIES S TRAIN S WEEPD YNAMIC M ECHANICAL P ROPERTIES OF S OLIDS IN T ORSION T RANSIENT T ESTS(C REEP AND S TRESS R ELAXATION)D YNAMIC O SCILLATION ON L OW V ISCOSITY F LUIDS U SING ARES AR-G2 N ANO-T ORQUEM EASUREMENTS IN S TRESS& S TRAIN C ONTROL O SCILLATIONS TRESS AND S HEAR R ATE R AMPSE XTENSIONAL V ISCOSITYM EASUREMENTS ON ARESC REEP AND R ECOVERY OF A V ISCOELASTIC F LUIDS TRESS G ROWTH IN A T RANSIENT S TEP R ATE E XPERIMENT41© 2009 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.。

Moza RS V2 赛车方向盘使用手册说明书

Moza RS V2 赛车方向盘使用手册说明书

RS V2Steering WheelUser Manual使用说明书01Product Description·Dual-Clutch Photoelectric Magnetic Paddles.·RGB Programmable Flow Shift Light.·10illuminated programmable mechanical Keys·Racing Quick Release·Aluminum Alloy Back Shell02How to Use the Quick Release OR Quick Release Setup1.Aline the6steel balls on the steering wheel quick release female connector to the corresponding6grooves on the base quick release male connector.2.Press the steering wheel down to join the connectors.3.Once locked check to ensure the steering wheel is connected to base by rotating the wheel.4.Toremove the steering wheel,pull up the golden sleeve with both hands and remove the steering wheel at the same time.03Racing Wheel ConfigurationThe steering wheel can be set conveniently and quickly in the MOZA Pit House suite software.·Down paddle mode:Set the mode of double clutch paddles,which can be set as left and right composite axes,left and right independent axes and keys.·Speed follow-up:Turn on or off the linkage between LED shift indicator and speed.·Indicator display mode:It is divided into mode1and mode2.When the mouse moves over the option,a detailed explanation will pop up.·Speed prompt setting:It is divided into advance type,standard type and limit type,according to the relationship between speed and the time when the shift indicator light ison.·Brightness adjustment:Adjust the brightness of the shift indicator.·Dial calibration:click here to calibrate the dial if the dial sensing is abnormal.·Indicator Light Color Adjustment:7colors can be set separately for each LED,adjust the color of the MOZA Flow shifter according to your preferences.Enter the debugging mode by pressing buttons in a sequence.You can set the color of the illuminated button as follows:Press and hold the thumb knobs(BRAKE BIASand TC CON)on the left and right at the same time until the gear shift indicator flashes,and then enter the button setting mode.Each time you press the button,you can change a color,and there are9colors intotal.04(for detailed steering wheel settings and functions,please visit the officialwebsite ofMOZA Racing)Installation of Paddle Approach BlockPlace the steering wheel on a flat surface facing down,use a hexagonal wrench to removethe screw on the side of the trigger lever of the shift paddle,and then use a wrench to liftthe latch from the side of the magnetic paddle,and pull the trigger lever of the paddleoutward to obtain the best space for disassembling and assembling paddles;use a hexagonal wrench to remove the screws on the shift paddles,put on the heightening block and tighten with the long screws,and finally put the latch back in place and tightenscrews.The heightening block can help shorten the distance between the magnetic shifter paddles and hands by8mm.05Installation of Magnetic Suction Paddle Mute PadPlace the steering wheel on a flat surface,with the front facing e a hexagonal wrench to remove the screw on the side of the trigger lever,then use a wrench to lift the latch from theside of the magnetic paddle(NOTE:you do not need to push it out completely.Just separatethe trigger lever and the latch would be fine).Apply the first silencer pad on the back of the magnetic hole and the square hole on the shifter paddle(if it is inconvenient to operate,you can lift the latch completely).Apply the other silencer pad to the position of the paddle base as shown in the picture.Finally return the latch into place and tighten thescrews.For more information and tutorial videos,please log in to the official website().06Packing List1.RS steering wheel2.tool kit:Hexagon screwdriver8mm aluminum alloy approach block x4M3x14screw x8Mute pad x407Product SpecFrame material:Brushed aluminum alloy.Panel material:Forged Carbon Fiber.Rear shell material:Aluminum alloy.Paddle material:3mm thick forged carbon fiberSize:13inches(325mm).Magnetic paddle:2.Double clutch paddles:2.Mechanical keyboard texture buttons:10(can beilluminated,9colors adjustable)20Section knob(can be pressed):2.Universalrocker(can be depressed):2.Highlight led RGBbeads:10.LED color:7-color custom.Intelligent telemetry:Supported.Lights setting via Moza Pit House:Supported.Steering Wheel Quick Release:MOZA RacingQuick Release.Power supply mode:Wireless or Wire.Signal transmission mode:Wireless orWireInduction mode of magnetic paddle:Photoelectric.Magnetic suction paddle mode:Double Clutch/Single Clutch/Switch.01产品介绍·光电磁吸双离合拨片·RGB流水换档指示灯·10个发光可编程机械键盘式按键·赛用级快拆·铝合金后壳02快拆使用方法1.将方向盘快拆母头上6颗钢珠的位置与基座快拆公头的6个凹槽对应2.将快拆往盘面方向按压3.快拆将自动归位锁紧,若无归位,可尝试轻微转动盘面或取下后再安装4.如需拆取盘面,用双手捏住金色部分,同时拔出盘面03方向盘配置在MOZA Pit House软件中可以方便快捷地对方向盘进行设置。

Magento 2 Competition Panel扩展用户指南说明书

Magento 2 Competition Panel扩展用户指南说明书

Competition PanelUser GuideTable of contents:1.Introduction (3)2.Extension Configuration (5)3.Manage Competitions (7)4.Winner Declaration Process (16)5.All Competitions (Frontend) (17)1. IntroductionOrganizing competitions help your business in more ways than one. Firstly, it is a great tool to organically boost the number of visitors on your website. As traffic grows on your website, sales will follow as customers will be encouraged to visit the store and thus, buy. Further, apart from repeating customers, competition is a great way to attract new customers. Winners of competitions on your websites can win discount coupons, leading to an increased ratio of conversion. The Competition Panel Extension for Magento 2 helps you develop personalized competitions for your websites in two different ways. They are explained in detail as follows:∙Review Competition: Under this model, the admin encourages customers to be a part of the competition once they enter a review for a product. It cannot be a random product, but the last product that the user has purchased, leading to genuine feedback can be received, which can be difficult otherwise.∙Simple Competition: Through this mode, anyone can enter the competition, whether or not they have purchased anything. The advantage of using this mode is that you can build a mailing list for potential users or customers who are interested in your products. Once you have received the mailing list, you can deploy email marketing techniques to convert them to buyers. Once the competition reaches its end, on the date you have set, the extension will automatically generate winners and send them the promised discount coupons, which the customer may redeem during future purchases. In case the admin wants to manually select the winners, that can be done. Further, the admin can update users and customers through email regarding the ongoing competition.Features●The extension allows to develop and manage as many number ofcompetitions you want to.●This panel supports two different types of competitions - Reviewand Simple●Depending upon your choice, the admin can declare randomizedwinners of the competition either through automation or manually.● A CRON job is run to automatically declare the winners of thecompetition.●One of the great advantages of this panel is that it enables emailcollection of your customers or users in a bulk.●The competition panel has a responsive design and is capable tosupport mobile, tablet or desktop devices.●To protect your competition from fake accounts, we enable captchaverification.●One of the key advantages of engaging your customers through acompetition is to deeply understand their interests and having them post your reviews on a wide variety of products.●Admin can design a personalized competition banner●It is upon the admin to decide the start and end dates of thecompetition.●Lastly, the admin has complete authority to oversee discountcoupon related matters.2. Extension ConfigurationCompetition Panel extension Set up:1 .The Competition Panel extension developed by Setubridge can be installed from the marketplace.2. To use the extension, go to STORE> Configuration > SETUBRIDGE> Competition Panel Tab.Competition Panel extension Configuration:General configuration: Once you enter the competition panel tab,you can simply configure the extension by enable or disable. Further,you can also enable captcha through this module.Enable / Disableextension from hereEnable / Disable forCaptcha3. Manage CompetitionsCompetition setting: The admin can simply create and manage competitions through the backend.Admin can choose from either a Review Competition or a simple competition. Attached below is the screen grab from a simplecompetition.Enter Title of competition SelectcompetitiontypeUpload competitionbanner imageEnter number of winnersEnter URL keyfor competition The one below displays a review competition setting. Admin can createa review competition for existing products on the store, which will beseen as a link on the product page.If competitiontype is “Review”then, selectreview is allowedfor exist/not-existproductFurther, the customer groups the admin is targeting and the dates for the competition can be configured.Single user can participate formultiple times or not managefrom hereSelect from start date andend date for competitionSelect to display Form positionEg. Content area or right side The admin is also capable to include necessary details, disclaimers aswell as the Terms and conditions applicable for the competition.Form positioning, captcha, the number of times a user can take part in the competition and selecting mandatory fields is something the admin can decide.Relevant information like Maximum Discount price, validity of the coupon, rules regarding its usage and where the competition appears on the site can be set by the admin.Detail of this competitionDiscount couponusage expiry date Choose couponwill be one timeuse or unlimitedContestant information: The store admin can access customer information like name, email id, contact details and discount code. Winners will be marked in green.List of contestant competitionDiscount for winner user4. Winner Declaration Process∙Winner declaration will be done automatically when competition end date has come.∙For manual declaration, Admin has to update competition end date with current date of time zone. This will allow winner draw button appear near to save & continue button in top area.∙Note: Manual winner declaration only possible before auto declaration process until next cronjob run.∙Winners list can be seen in green background at competitor grid.5. All Competitions (Frontend)Competition Detail Page (Frontend)Competition Form content positionDisclaimer of competitionCount down for competition startCompetition Form right positionFor register customer see recentordered product for suggestedreviewingCount down for competition startReview for productEnter are filter toselect productEnter user email id to participateSuggest choosing productfor reviewIn case of a review competition, the link to the competition will be visible on the product page and the customer can fill out competition details after clicking on the link to participate in the contest.Once the competition reaches an end, winners will be announced and they will receive an email with the relevant discount code which can be redeemed on the website.Thank you!If you have any questions or feature suggestions, please send an email to:**********************Your feedback is absolutely welcome!。

2022 KTM EXC Enduro 赛车型号说明书

2022 KTM EXC Enduro 赛车型号说明书

STEP UPWhile talent is one key to dominating the most extreme terrain, the 2022 rangeof KTM EXC models features a dynamic combination of race-bred ergonomics and technology as an added benefit. Class-leading performance across the range, precise handling and impressive adjustability mean everyone is catered for, from weekend warriors to orange-blooded racers.RAISETHE BARKTM EXC RANGE 04SUSPENSION WP XPLOR suspension once again sets the standard when it comes to taking on the most extreme terrain imaginable. With a focus to improve high-speed performance, both the front fork and PDS shock have undergone several simple, yet significant, updates for the KTM EXC 2022 line up. The overall result? A firmer, more consistent set of suspension giving riders the confidence to push the extremes even further.DEVELOPMENT PRECISIONMaintaining their championship-winning traits, the updated for2022 KTM EXC models bring a series of refined suspensionsettings to the fray, along with an all-new factory-racing inspiredlook and MAXXIS MaxxEnduro fitted tires as standard.RACE-INSPIRED UPGRADESTIRESNew for 2022, the KTM enduro range is fitted with race-specification MAXXIS MaxxEnduro rubber as standard.These tires have been developed to provide all-day ridingcomfort, but with unparalleled levels of extreme offroadperformance and improved puncture-resistance.ERGONOMICS The Red Bull KTM Factory Racing riders have been involved in shaping the bodywork and the seat of the KTM EXC range, ensuring class-leading contact and rider maneuverability, without sacrificing on function and signature KTM styling.KTM EXC RANGEGRAPHICS Inspired by the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing livery, the 2022 KTM EXC and EXC-F range bring a little more color to the fore. Boasting blue accents, and a factory-inspired blue seat, there will be no mistaking your READY TO RACE intentions when lining up in the pits. 06KTM 350 EXC-F 07THE KING OF HARD ENDUROThe KTM 300 EXC TPI is under the spotlight within the updated KTM EXC 2-Stroke range. For true enduro specialists, it represents the ultimate extreme-enduro package right out of the crate. This means it delivers everything you’d expect, from lightweight handling and to torque-filled power delivery all matched with top-end componentry.OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES08TPI TECHNOLOGY Found across the KTM EXC 2-Stroke range, the Transfer Port Injection (TPI) system makes use of two fuel injectors which spray the optimal amount of fuel into the rear transfer ports. This downstream injection guarantees excellent atomization of the fuel with the upstreaming airflow, resulting in a highly efficient burn rate and significantly reduced losses from unburned fuel.GEARING The 2022 KTM 250 EXC TPI benefits from revised final drive gearing from 13:50 to 13:52, resulting in a dramatically improved low-end grunt for more traction when accelerating out of corners. This also makes lifting the front end over obstacles as simple as popping the clutch and hanging on. A NEW MEANING TO ALL-TERRAIN The 2022 KTM EXC range boasts a stable of three 2-Stroke models, all filled with pure READY TO RACE capability. From the lively KTM 150 EXC TPI to the lightweight marvel KTM 250 EXC TPI and the all-out KTM 300 EXC TPI, these extreme machines have borne the knowledge, insights, and progression conceived from years of top-level competition.EXTREME 2-STROKE ENGINEERINGTORQUE-FILLED,TRACTABLE PERFORMANCE 10THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS The 2022 KTM 350 EXC-F fills a unique gap in the enduro motorcycle portfolio, merging 250-like agility and 450-like power intoa cohesive and versatile package. With no compromise in overall performance, the KTM 350 EXC-F continues to be a wildcard in enduro competition the world over.RACE-HONED REFINEMENT134-STROKE DOMINATIONKTM is no newbie when it comes to engineering state of the art 4-stroke enduro weaponry. Built to provide usable power throughout the rev range, while maintaining high-levels of reliability and accessibility, the 2022 KTM EXC-F range is ready to take on any trail. RAW, UNTOUCHABLE PERFORMANCE RACE-WINNING TORQUE & POWER ENGINES Compact, and churning out class-leading performance, KTM’s fuel-injected 4-stroke engines are the most refined and powerful on the market. Making use of enduro-specific exhaust systems and intelligent electronic fuel-injection technology, the engines sit on the top step of the 4-Stroke powerplant podium.14KTM 450 EXC-FKTM EXC SIX DAYSKTM EXC SIX DAYS 2022Enduro racing runs in the DNA of these special edition KTM EXC models. Boastingthe very latest in innovation, the KTM EXC SIX DAYS models are the most dedicated,READY TO RACE enduro motorcycles available on the market today.INTERNATIONAL RACE ACCLAIM01FACTORY FRONT WHEEL 1,6 × 21" Anodized D.I.D DirtStar rim, developed to produce the ideal compromise between rigidity and flexibility.02FACTORY TRIPLE CLAMP Manufactured from the highest-grade aluminum and tuned to produce perfect steering stem stiffness and flexibility – adapted precisely to the WP fork.03FMF TITAN POWERCORE 2.1 SILENCERFully made of high-grade treated titanium which allowsenriched sound and extremely low weight compared tothe stock silencer.04WAVE BRAKE DISCFloating system enable flawless brake controland minimal wear on brake pads.05AKRAPOVIČ “SLIP-ON LINE”Akrapovič slip-on silencer offers more power andtorque, uncompromising factory racing looks,and substantial weight savings.Using materials sourced from the world of top-level offroad racing, such as carbon fiber, titanium and high-strength anodization processes, each item in the KTM PowerParts list has been engineered for riding at the very edge.ENHANCED INTENSITY KTM POWERPARTS 010205A STRYCKER HELMET Lightweight offroad helmet with elaborate ventilation system made exclusively for KTM.B FURY GOGGLES Advanced Enduro goggles with dedicated moisture management thanks to the three layer and fleece foam lining.C RACETECH SHIRT Robust quality and lightweight with breathable mesh panels for optimum ventilation, along with taped sleeve cuffs and elastic mesh collar.D RACETECH GLOVES Lightweight offroad gloves with touchscreen functionality and silicone print for better grip.E RACETECH PANTSDurable, lightweight offroad pants with heatproofand abrasion-resistant leather knee reinforcementand elasticized panels.F TECH 7 EXC BOOTSMade exclusively for enduro riding, with anon-slip two-component sole and a stainlesssteel heel and toe protection.KTM PowerWear has been designed to allow for the highest levels of performance while offering optimum protection for riders with all offroad riding or racing intentions.MADE FOR EXTREMES KTM POWERWEARTECHNICAL DATAKTM 150 EXC TPI KTM 250 EXC TPI KTM 300 EXC TPIENGINE (LIQUID COOLED)ENGINE TYPE Single-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control Single-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control Single-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control ENGINE MANAGEMENT Continental TPI System Continental TPI System Continental TPI System DISPLACEMENT 143.99 cc 249 cc 293.2 cc BORE X STROKE 58 mm x 54.5 mm 66.4 mm x 72 mm 72 mm x 72 mm COMPRESSION RATIO ---STARTER / BATTERY E-starter & kick-starter system / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah FUEL SYSTEM Dellorto throttle body Ø 39 mm Dellorto throttle body Ø 39 mm Dellorto throttle body Ø 39 mm TRANSMISSIONCLUTCH Wet multi-disc DS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics LUBRICATION Electronically regulated oil pump Electronically regulated oil pump Electronically regulated oil pump GEARBOX 6 gears 6 gears 6 gearsGEAR RATIOS 12:33 15:31 17:28 19:26 21:25 20:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:20PRIMARY RATIO / FINAL DRIVE 23:73 / 13:48 (13:50)26:73 / 14:52 (13:52)26:73 / 14:50 (13:50)CHAIN X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"CHASSIS & BRAKESFRAME Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4SUBFRAME Aluminum Aluminum AluminumHANDLEBAR NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm STEERING HEAD ANGLE 63.5°63.5°63.5°TRIPLE CLAMP OFSET 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm MUFFLER Aluminum Aluminum AluminumFRONT SUSPENSION WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm REAR SUSPENSION WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS SUSPENSION TRAVEL FRONT / REAR 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm WHEELBASE 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm RIMS FRONT / REAR 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant TIRES FRONT / REAR 90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"BRAKE FRONT / REAR Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTSEAT HEIGHT / GROUND CLEARANCE 960 mm / 370 mm 960 mm / 370 mm 960 mm / 370 mm TANK CAPACITY approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters DRY WEIGHT approx. 96.8 kg approx. 103.4 kg approx. 103.4 kg KTM 250 EXC-F KTM 350 EXC-F KTM 450 EXC-F KTM 500 EXC-F Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / DOHC with finger followers Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / DOHC with finger followers Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / OHC with rocker arms Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / OHC with rocker arms Keihin EMS Keihin EMS Keihin EMS Keihin EMS 249.91 cc 349.7 cc 449.9 cc 510.9 cc 78 mm x 52.3 mm 88 mm x 57.5 mm 95 mm x 63.4 mm 95 mm x 72 mm 13.8:113.5:112.75:112.75:1E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah Keihin throttle body Ø 42 mm Keihin throttle body Ø 42 mm Keihin throttle body Ø 42 mm Keihin throttle body Ø 42 mm Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps 6 gears 6 gears 6 gears 6 gears 13:32 16:30 16:24 23:28 23:23 26:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:2014:36 17:32 19:28 22:26 23:24 26:2114:36 17:32 19:28 22:26 23:24 26:2124:73 / 14:52 (13:52)24:73 / 14:52 (13:52)31:76 / 14:52 (13:52)31:76 / 14:50 (13:50)X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28/22 mm 63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"90 / 90-21"; 140 / 80-18"Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm 960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 9.2 liters approx. 9.2 liters approx. 103 kg approx. 103.8 kg approx. 105.5 kg approx. 105.6 kg。

Motion Control ETD2 手臂拓展器说明书

Motion Control ETD2 手臂拓展器说明书

MC ETD2 Prosthetist ManualMC ETD2Prosthetist ManualIntroductionThe Motion Control ETD2 marks the second generation of the Motion Control Electric Terminal Device. Continuing the features of the original ETD, the ETD2 is robust, lightweight, and water-resistant, to provide a high level of functionality to persons with upper extremity limb loss.T he ETD2 is manufactured with metal inserts in the fingers, over molded with plastic for strength and durability. The result is a sleek, aesthetically integrated form. The Gripping Pads can be quickly and easily replaced. The safety release allows the fingers to be opened in case of emergency.A t 1⅛ inches (3 cm) shorter than the original ETD, the ETD2 more closely matches the length of most prosthetic hands on the market. The shorter length also allows the use of the ETD2 with patients who have longer residual limbs, and provides greater versatility in using the Motion Control Flexion or Multi-Flex wrists.The ETD2 is a member of the ProPlus Family of Motion Control devices. The ProPlus on-board microprocessor makes the ETD2 interchangeable with almost all other hands and terminal devices. Additionally, the on-board microprocessor allows use of a brushless DC motor which makes the device quieter and more dependable.Bluetooth® provides convenient communication between the ETD2 and an iPhone®, iPad® or iPod® Touch. This allows quick and easy connection and adjustment of the device. The patient is also able to connect via their iPhone®, iPad® or iPod® Touch and make a limited number of appropriate adjustments. FLAG, Force Limiting Auto-Grasp, is available as an optional feature.SAFETYRELEASEQuick Disconnect Wrist POWER SWITCHOutside FrictionPadsReplaceableGripping Pads Large opening, wide surface area for cylindrical objectsFLAGOptionSleeve Rentention Ring MC ETD22The MC ETD2 is water-resistant, not waterproof While the Motion Control ETD2 is water-resistant, the quick disconnect wrist is not. Do notsubmerse the ETD2 beyond the wrist.Flammable Gases Caution should be used when operating the ETD2 around flammable gases. The ETD2 utilizes an electric motor that can ignite volatile gases.Do not bend fingers While the MC ETD2 is robust, body weight represents a great deal of force. Do not apply full body weight on the fingers. A fall with the force directed to the fingers could cause damage. Additionally, when pushing forcefully with the ETD2 do not push on the open, moveable finger. Push only with the ETD2 in the closed position. This includes pushing up from a chair. If the fingersdo become bent or out of alignment, return the ETD2 to Motion Control.Safety Release Do not force the ETD2 fingers opened or closed. This will result in serious damage to the device. The safety release will allow easy opening and closing of the ETD2. If the release mechanism does not allow motion, the device requires service by Motion Control.Repairs or Alterations Do not attempt to repair or alter any of the mechanical or electronic components of the MC ETD2.This will likely cause damage, additional repairs and void the warranty.Setup Using the User Interface While the default settings in the MC ETD2 may allow the patient to operate the system, it is highlyrecommended the prosthetist utilize the User Interface to customize the settings for the wearer.Power SwitchThe power switch is located at the base of the ETD2. Pushing from the side opposite the fingertips will turn the ETD2 ON. Pushing from the fingertip side will turn the ETD2 OFF.Safety Caution Use caution when using this device in situations where injury to yourself or others may occur. These include, but are not limited to, activities such as driving, operating heavy machinery, or any activity where injury may occur. Conditions such as a low or dead battery, loss of electrode contact, or mechanical/electrical malfunction (and others) may cause the device to behave differently than expected.Special Precautions PUSH ON PUSH OFF3Quick Disconnect WristThe Quick Disconnect wrist is a universal design that allows interchangeability with our other terminal devices, such as the MC ProPlus Hand, and other manufacturers’ devices.Instructions for UseBefore attaching the MC ETD2 to the forearm, locate the power switch at the base of the ETD2. Ensure it is switched OFF (see diagram, page 3).I nsert the quick disconnect wrist on the ETD2 into the wrist on the forearm. While pushing it in firmly, rotate the ETD2 until an audible click is heard. It is advisable to rotate the ETD2 both directions several clicks, then attempt to pull the ETD2 off to ensure it has attached firmly .Now, push the power switch in the opposite direction and the ETD2 is ON and ready for use.T o disconnect the ETD2, first turn it OFF, then rotate it either direction until a slightly more difficult click is felt. Overcoming this click will disconnect the ETD2 from the forearm. This allows interchangeability with another terminal device, such as the MC ProPlus Hand.User Interface AdjustmentsEach of the ProPlus family of Motion Control products contains a microprocessor that can be adjusted and set for a specific individual’s needs. Wearers without EMG signals can also be accommodated, but some additional hardware may be necessary. The software necessary to make these adjustments is provided at no charge to the prosthetist or end user.Motion Control 5.3.1M otion Control 5.3.1 is the Windows-based version of the User Interface which is available for download at :h ttp:///files/wl/?id=c&filename=UserInterfaceInstallation.exe .Either a hard-wired USB cable (P/N 5010075) or Bluetooth ® Firefly (P/N 5010037) is required to connect the MC ProPlus Hand to the Windows PC. The ProPlus Adapter T-Cable (P/N 3010444) may be necessary in some applications.M otion Control 5.3.1 instructions can be found at :h ttp:///files/wl/?id=f&filename=1910010-QUICK-SET-UP-GUIDE-for-ProPlus-ProWrist-ProControl2-10-09-2019 EN.pdf .N ote: Adjustments for the optional FLAG feature (discussed later) are not available in the Windows version of the User Interface.Safety ReleaseOn a Left ETD2, the safety release is located on the same side as the fingertips. On a Right ETD2, the safety release is located on the side opposite the fingertips.To engage the fingers, ensure the safety release lever points toward the fingertips. To release the fingers, rotate the lever 90 degrees, toward the moveable finger.SAFETY RELEASE4Patient/Prosthetist ControlsU pon opening the iOS Application, the user responds as “Patient” or “Prosthetist”. If “Patient” is chosen, many of the adjustments are grayed out. EMG Signals are visible for training purposes. Several adjustments such as buzzers, some FLAG adjustments, and Auto-Cal are accessible to the wearer. Familiarize your patients with these adjustments .If “Prosthetist” is chosen, a code is requested (located on page 8 with iOS instructions). This allows access to all the adjustments of the device.U ser ProfilesUser Profiles can be saved on your Apple ® device. It is advisable to save the settings not only on the prosthetist’s device as a part of the wearer record, but also on the wearer’s Apple ® device so they canreset their ETD2 if the settings are lost.A uto-Ca lAuto-Cal is a useful feature in every ProPlus device. By triggering an “Auto-Cal event” via the iOS User Interface, the wearer can readjust the gain settings throughout the day. Auto-Cal does have limitations:• Auto-Cal is only available in Dual Channel control • Auto-Cal automatically sets Control Type to First Over • Thresholds are automatically set at 21% (adjustable by the prosthetist)Auto-Cal will automatically save the previous settings and ask the wearer if they would like to return to those settings. Performing multiple Auto-Cal events will delete custom settings. Wearers should be advised to not Auto-Cal if you have customized the settings .iOS User InterfaceThe MC ETD2 communicates via Bluetooth ® directly with Apple ® iOS devices. The MCUI app is available at no charge from the Apple ® App Store*. No additional hardware or adapters are necessary with the iOS Interface.I nstructions for loading the MCUI application onto your Apple ® device, and pairing the device using Bluetooth ®, can be found on page 8.T he first time the application is opened, a tutorial is offered. This overview will take 10 to 15 minutes and is recommended. Additionally, located throughout the application is a context-sensitive information icon. Tapping this icon will briefly explain the function of that adjustment.*Note: The MCUI app is not available for Android devices.5F LAG (Optional)F LAG (Force Limiting, Auto Grasp) is an optional feature for the MC ProPlus Hand, ETD and ETD2 terminal devices. FLAG provides two functions:• Force Limiting, to prevent crushing objects due to excessive pinch force• Auto Grasp, which slightly increases the grip on an object if an inadvertent open signal is detected by the controllerTurn FLAG On/OffUpon power up, FLAG is turned off. The TD should be closed, then opened, before using FLAG. To turn FLAG on, give the device a “Hold Open” signal (for ~ 3 sec.)**. When FLAG turns on, the wearer will feel one long vibration. A “Hold Open” signal (for ~ 3 sec.)** will turn FLAG off, and two short vibrations will be felt by the wearer.Note: If a series of 5 vibrations is felt upon a “Hold Open”, it could indicate a malfunction in the FLAG sensor.Turn the device off, and back on, then completely open and completely close the device. Retry the “Hold Open” signal to activate FLAG. If 5 vibrations are felt again, the device will still function but FLAG will be disabled. The device must be returned to Motion Control for the FLAG sensor to be repaired.Dual Channel FLAGForce Limiting1. W ith FLAG on, closing is still proportional, with maximum speed lowered by 50%**.2. On closing, when the fingers contact an object, force will be limited to ~ 2 lbs/9N of grip force –then the wearer feels one short vibration.3. To increase force, the wearer relaxes below threshold, followed by a strong close signal** for ashort effort** and the grip force “pulses” up.4. Grip force can be pulsed up to 10 times to a maximum of ~ 18 lbs/80N of pinch force**.5. An open signal will open the terminal device proportionally.Auto GraspWith FLAG on, a quick, inadvertent opening signal will result in a single “pulse” increase in grip force to prevent dropping an object.**Single Channel FLAGWith Single Channel Control, FLAG is best used in Alternating Direction Control Mode.Force Limiting1. W ith FLAG on, the terminal device will close at approximately 50% speed**, proportionally.2. When the device contacts an object, force will be limited to ~ 2 lbs/9N.3. A quick and strong signal** above the threshold, then relaxation below the threshold, will createone pulse in the force**.4. This can be repeated up to 10 times for ~ 18 lbs/80N of pinch force.5. A sustained signal of about 1 second will open the terminal device.Auto GraspWith FLAG on, any quick, inadvertent signal will result in the terminal device closing, preventing the object from being dropped.**Note: These settings are adjustable in the iOS MCUI application6Limited WarrantySeller warrants to Buyer that the equipment delivered hereunder will be free from defects in materials and manufacturing workmanship, that it will be of the kind and quality described and that it will perform as specified in Seller’s written quotation. The limited warranties shall apply only to failures to meet said warranties that appear within the effective period of this Agreement. The effective period shall be one year (12 months) from the date of delivery to the fitting center that has purchased the components. Refer to the shipping receipt for the date of shipment.For more information regarding the Limited Warranty, see the MC FACT SHEET - Limited Warranty. Return PolicyR eturns are accepted for a full refund (not including any repairs that may be required) for up to 30 days from date of shipment. Returns 31-60 days from date of shipment will be accepted, subject to a 10% restocking fee. Returns 61-90 days from date of shipment will be accepted, subject to a 15% restocking fee. Returns must be in re-saleable condition. B eyond 90 days, returns are not accepted.Technical S pecification sOperating Temperature: -5° to 60° C (23° to 140° F)Transport & Storage Temperature: -18° to 71° C (0° to 160° F)Pinch Force: At 7.2 volts nominal: 11 kg (24 lbs, or ~ 107N)Operating Voltage Range:6 to 8.2 Vdc - MC ETD2Load Limit: 22 kg / 50 lbs in all directions (+/- 10%)Declaration of ConformityThe product herewith complies with the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC guidelines, and is registered with the United States Food and Drug Administration (Registration No. 1723997).MC ETD2 Size and Weight Chart7© 2020 Motion Control, Inc. 1910085 Rev E 08-25-2020Motion Control, Inc.115 N Wright Brothers Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84116801.326.3434Fax MCUI User Interface for iOS Quick Setup GuideQuick Setup for Motion Control User Interface for Apple ® iOS (MCUI)1. From the Apple ® App Store download and install the MCUI.2. Enter the Prosthetist Code: PR-MCAK . Patients do not require a code.3. Open the App and follow the Tutorial.4. Go to the Connect screen and tap Scan.5. Input the Pairing Key. This key should be kept in the Patient’s record.6. The device is now connected to the MCUI.7. To disconnect, tap the Connect icon in the lower left corner, then tap Disconnect.System RequirementsApple ® App Store account, and any of the following devices:• iPad ® (3rd gen and later)• iPad mini™, iPad Air ®, iPad Air ® 2• iPod touch ® (5th gen and later)• iPhone ® 4S and later.Troubleshooting• Make sure the battery on the device is fully charged• Check connection of the device in the quick disconnect wrist• Confirm the device is turned on• Verify that you are not in “Tutorial Mode” by double tapping the Home key, then swiping MCUI off the screen, and reopening MCUI• Bluetooth ® must be turned on in Settings on the iOS device• The Information icon provides information about a function•To repeat the tutorial, go to and tap on Reset Guided Tutorial Reset。

TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team 竞赛预览说明书

TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team 竞赛预览说明书

Press Release 15 June 2021Preview: Puebla E-Prix, Races 8 and 9 of the ABB FIA Formula E World ChampionshipTAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team heads into second half with high expectationsStuttgart. The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship heads into the second half of the season with a premiere: On 19 and 20 June, the twelve teams and 24 drivers contesting the innovative electric racing series will compete for the first time in Puebla, Mexico, with two races held on the Autódromo Miguel E. Abed circuit. The TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team fields two Porsche 99X Electric on the racetrack at an altitude of around 2,300 metres in the shadow of the Popocatépetl volcano. André Lotterer (GER) helms the No. 36 car, with his teammate Pascal Wehrlein (GER) at the wheel of the No. 99 vehicle.“A new circuit also means a new challenge,“ says Amiel Lindesay, Head of Operations Formula E. “We’re well prepared and, in Puebla, we expect to continue the strong performances that we’ve already shown this year.” In its second Formula E season, Porsche has so far notched up two podium results thanks to Pascal Wehrlein in Rome and André Lotterer in Valencia. The Puebla E-Prix is the first event of the season held on the American continent. The second is the New York City E-Prix doubleheader on 10 and 11 July.Q&A on the Puebla E-PrixAmiel Lindesay, Head of Operations Formula EAfter the strong performances in Rome and Valencia, how confident are you heading into the second half of the season?“The team feels extremely motivated. We know what we’re capable of and we’re concentrating on improving from race to race. In the first half of the season, we’ve shown that we’re strong in qualifying and that we’re also able to match the pace of the leaders in the race. However, we’ve occasionally missed out on reaping the rewards of our untiring efforts. That shouldn’t happen to us in the future. I’m convinced that we’ll continue to make progress and that we’ll soon manage to convert our solid performance into our first win.”The Puebla track lies at around 2,300 metres. Does the altitude have an influence?“The air density is lower at this altitude and therefore the cars generate less downforce. When the ambient temperature is higher than 25-degrees Celsius, battery cooling can be an issue. We’re well prepared for this. Despite the thin air, the drivers shouldn’t have a problem. They’re highly trained to handle this. Tyre wear is definitely greater on the Puebla circuit, however this has nothing to do with the altitude. It’s the rough asphalt, which is really hard on the tyres. That’s why we have a spare set available this time. Tyre management is the key to success on this track.”André Lotterer, Porsche works driver (#36)The circuit in Puebla is new for everyone. Is that an advantage for you?“It’s not a disadvantage at any rate. A new racetrack is always better for us than one where the other teams have already competed and therefore have a headstart when it comes to experience. For us drivers, preparing for Puebla was predominantly about familiarising ourselves with the layout in the simulator at Weissach and getting an idea of what to expect. We travel to Mexico well prepared. I’m looking forward to this new challenge and I hope for a successful start into the second half of the season.”Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft 2 of 5 Communications, Sustainability and PoliticsPascal Wehrlein, Porsche works driver (#99)You started the season with the aim of winning races. What’s needed to score the first victory?“Not much. We have the speed in qualifying and the race, so that’s not it. We’ve shown that we can be up the front. It’s really only minor aspects that we have to improve on. But in such a competitive field like Formula E, it’s precisely the small things that make a difference in the end. We need weekends where everything comes together perfectly, from the practice sessions to the races. We’re working on this and I hope that Puebla will be such a weekend. We’re learning things from every race and I’m confident that we’ll soon bring home our first victory.”The racetrackThe Autodromo Miguel E. Abed features several track variants and an oval. Formula E, which has been held five times on the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez in Mexico City, will race on the 2.982-kilometre International Short Course. This version includes parts of the oval and the infield with a total of 15 corners. One of the country’s most active volcanoes, the 5,426-metre-high Popocatépetl, towers majestically on the horizon. “The first impression of the racetrack is very positive,” says Pascal Wehrlein. “The last corner is particularly fast and really tough on the tyres. We drive through the oval onto the long start-finish straight, where we’ll hopefully get a good chance to overtake. Attack mode is also exciting because we have to drive a significantly longer racing line and therefore lose more time over a lap compared to other tracks.” André Lotterer adds: “It’ll be important to find the optimal balance, particularly for the semi-fast and fast corners. The braking points will also be crucial.”Live TV and Internet coverageThe worldwide broadcasting schedule of the Formula E event in Puebla is available on: https:///watch/ways-to-watch.Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft 3 of 5 Communications, Sustainability and PoliticsThe media serviceThe first photos from Puebla are available on the Porsche Press Database on 18 June. Comments from the Head of Operations Formula E and drivers will be included in the race reports on 19 June (race 8) and 20 June (race 9). All times EST. Further information about the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team will be posted live on the Twitter channel @PorscheFormulaE. All relevant information about the team, the drivers and the racing series can be found in the Porsche Formula E Media Guide https:///formula-e.The content will be regularly updated over the course of the season and expanded with additional interactive material.The Porsche 99X ElectricCampaigning the Porsche 99X Electric, Porsche returned to open-wheel single-seater racing in 2019 after more then 30 years and celebrated a successful debut scoring second place at the season-opener in Saudi Arabia’s Diriyah. The fully-electric racing car sporting the Weissach-developed Porsche E Performance Powertrain also serves as a development platform for the sports car manufacturer’s fully-electric production models. Energy management and efficiency are important factors of success in Formula E and in the development of production cars. The Porsche 99X Electric produces a maximum output of 250 kW (340 hp) in qualification mode and 200 kW (270 hp) in normal race mode. Attack Mode boosts the output to 235 kW (320 hp), with Fanboost increasing the performance to 250 kW (340 hp). Maximum recuperation is 250 kW; the usable battery capacity is 52 Kilowatt hours.Formula EFormula E is the world’s first fully-electric street racing series and has been treating people living in major cities to thrilling motorsport since 2014. As an accelerator for innovative and sustainable technologies of mobility, it promotes the worldwide acceptance of electric vehicles with the aim to counteract climate change. The format is compact: practice, qualifying and race all take place on one day. Each race is contested over 45 minutes plus one lap. Formula E, which features a team and driver world championship for the first time this year, has attracted more automobileDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft 4 of 5 Communications, Sustainability and Politicsmanufacturers than any other racing series. This makes for interesting and hotly contested races. In 2021, the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team tackles its second season running the Porsche 99X Electric.More information, film and photo material is available in the Porsche Newsroom: Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft 5 of 5 Communications, Sustainability and Politics。

Fitbit Ace 2 用户手册说明书

Fitbit Ace 2 用户手册说明书
基础信息 ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Ace 2 导航 .......................................................................................................................................... 13 基本浏览指南 .................................................................................................................................. 13 快速设置 ..........................................................................................................................................14
用户手册 版本 1.3
开始................................................................................................................................................. 6 包装盒内容 ............................................................................................................................................ 6

crane 2 说明书

crane 2 说明书

ZHIYUN-CN-v2.30 CRANE 2说明书Contents■产品清单 (1)■认识云鹤 2 (2)■电池准备及充电说明 (4)■安装 (5)■调节平衡 (9)■稳定器的使用 (13)■APP的使用 (25)■校准与固件升级 (26)■主要配件使用说明 (30)■参数说明 (35)■免责声明与警告 (36)■保修卡 (41)■联络卡 (43)产品清单使用本产品前,请仔细检查产品包装内是否包含以下所有物品,若有缺失,请联系ZHIYUN或您的代理商。

认识云鹤 2❶Micro USB 接口❷DC8.0V 电源输出接口❸相机控制线接口❹横滚轴手拧螺钉❺俯仰轴电机❻横臂❼俯仰轴手拧螺钉❽航向轴电机❾ 1/4英寸螺口(兼容3/8英寸)❿镜头支撑架⓫固定螺钉⓬航向轴手拧螺钉⓭跟焦滚轮⓮横滚轴电机⓯相机快装板⓰安全锁⓱快装板锁定螺钉⓲竖臂⓳控制面板(第13页)接口输出电压输出电流功能备注❶ M icroUSB \\该接口仅用于固件升级,不可用作稳定器充电,也不支持对外供电。

\❷DC8.0V 电源输出接口8V2A该接口可使用稳定器电源给佳能5D系列等相机供电。

参考第23页《DC 8.0V电源输出接口的使用》。

\❸ 相机控制线接口5V1A1. 可连接控制线控制相机。


2. 可为索尼微单等通过USB充电的相机充电。


云鹤 2接口说明充电器及电池介绍首次使用云鹤 2产品,请使用包装内所提供的充电装置为您的电池充满电以激活电池并保证产品顺利使用。

状态指示灯Micro USB 电源输入接口注意1. 电池使用前请详细阅读并严格遵守本手册、免责声明、及电池表面贴纸上的要求2. ZC-18650-3充电器专用于IMR-18650系列锂电池充电,请勿用于其他型号和品牌电池,否则可能造成意外。

请使用ZHIYUN 官方标配或销售的充电电池,对于非官方电池所引发的一切后果,本公司概不负责。



赛车系列说明(环游 3.0)


|||||||| 255按开始键校正数据








故障3 可以开始游戏,但油门,刹车,方向无反应。





GTR2 MoTeC i2 Pro Beginners Guide汉化V1.1__

GTR2 MoTeC i2 Pro Beginners Guide汉化V1.1__

GTR2 MoTeC i2 Pro 新手指南(汉化版本)GTR2 MoTeC i2 Pro Beginners Guide翻译:TayaC目录启动1安装和数据保存路径2打开一个文件3很有用的工具,GTR 2分析工作簿(GTR 2 Analysis Workbook)4分析5设定6悬挂附录1:MoTeC热键和键盘快捷键附录2:MoTeC中的GTR2车辆与赛道代码结尾——By 翻译者TayaC1.安装和数据保存路径MoTeC i2 Pro程序是作为原游戏的一个组件来安装的。

想要启用游戏中的MoTeC功能,则需要在游戏中的“Option-Advanced”菜单中选中“Race Data Acquistion”。


如果GTR1已经装在你的PC机里,那么这就意味着数据文件会被默认保存在C:\GTR\MoTeC\Logged Data路径下。

这可以通过在记事本里编辑.plr 文件的设置来修改它。

该文件的默认的路径是“C:\GTR2\Userdata\*Profile name*\*Profile name*.plr”。


Data Acquisition Version="0" // Version of vehicle data to write outData Acquisition Rate="10" // rates 1, 2 ,5, *10*, 20, 50, 100Data Acquisition In Race="1"Data Acquisition EXE="C:\ProgramFiles\MoTeC\i2\1.0\MoTeC.exe"Data Acquisition File="userdata\vehicledata.spt"MoTeC LogFolder="C:\MoTeC\Logged Data"MoTeC Minimum Time="20" // minimum MoTeC recordingtime (sec) MoTeC Multiple Logs="1" // generate uniquefilename for each new log(TayaC:关于MoTeC软件的详细连接方法,在论坛已有帖子讲解,这此就不再多赘述了。





















23Head for the Holeshot!Welcome to Motocross Madness™ 2.0, the action racing game that captures all of the bar-banging, breakneck action of the original and takes it to the next level.Here’s what’s new for Version 2:•Challenging new race events and environments •Startling new stunts, stunt variations, & multiple stunt bonuses •Authentic licensed bikes and pro racing gear • A new Pro-Circuit career mode •Online scoring and ranking system over the Internet Here’s what’s inside to get you on your bike and banging bars:Event Types.....................................................................................pages 4-5Stunts ................................................................................................pages 6-7Riding Controls ..............................................................................page 8View Controls.................................................................................page 9Graphics Controls .........................................................................page 10Product Support & Help..............................................................page 11Installing the Game......................................................................back cover WELCOME!Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If,however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document.Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft,the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred.© & (p) 1998, 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.© & (p) 1998, 2000 Rainbow Multimedia Group. All rights reserved.Microsoft, MS, Windows, and Motocross Madness are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.HONDA®, the Wing® logo, CR®, XR™ and the distinctive likenesses of its motorcycles are owned by HONDA MOTOR CO., L TD. and licensed by AMERI-CAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC. in the U.S.The KTM Trademarks are used by Microsoft with express written permission of KTM Sportmotorcycle USA, Inc.YAMAHA is a registered trademark and is used with permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.54Nationals T ackle tight, technical outdoor tracks designed to twist your bike and torque your torso. With towering triples and awesome elevation changes carved out of hill and dale, Nationals tracks will test your moto-mettle.Supercross Hear the stadium crowd roar as you crack the throttle to thunder past your opponents and grab the holeshot heading into the first turn. With challenging whoop and rhythm sections, and narrow turns that will make you topple, Supercross tracks will take everything you’ve got.Pro-Circuit With our all-new career mode, start as a rookie rider in local weekend races,earning points & sponsorship money as you build a name for yourself on the road to the ultimate motocross challenge, the professional Supercross Circuit! Juggle repair costs & medical bills & earn cool new bikes & racing gear as you grind your way to the top in increasingly challenging races.Supercross Nationals Pro Circuit BajaRace in remote outdoor environments as you pick your way through a series of waypoint gates. Baja races are a great place to get a feel for your bike.Just follow the arrow. Perfect for beginners!Stunt Quarry Grab maximum points against your opponents as you kick off sick stunts like the Lazy Boy, the Heart Attack, and that all-time classic, the Nac-Nac. With extra points for executing multiple stunts and stunt variations, you’ll need to pull off some extreme moves to make it to the top as the timer ticks down.Enduro An all-new racing event where riders rumble through richly populated race environments, from an Arizona trailer park to the South American jungle.With working highways, airports, train tracks, and construction areas, you may encounter cross traffic when you least expect it!Enduro BajaEVENT TYPESStunt Quarry76Stunts 9-16: Press and hold joystick button 4 and move the joystick to pick your stunt.DoubleCan-Can Heart Attack Cliff Hanger Bar Hop Tail GrabSeat Grab Lazy BoySaranWrapSee the online Help topic “Stunt Controls and Variations” for more information on awesome stunts!Stunts 1-8: Press and hold joystick button 3 andmove the joystick to pick your stunt.Cordova Air Walk Heel ClickerBarneyNac-NacSplit XBig Kahuna Superman GAME STUNTS89View Controls Keyboard Pan left 4 (numeric keypad)Pan right 6 (numeric keypad)Pan down 2 (numeric keypad)Pan up 8 (numeric keypad)Dolly camera in + (plus sign on numeric keypad)Dolly camera out - (minus sign on numeric keypad Change camera views5 (numeric keypad)Bird’s eye camera view 0 (zero on numeric keypad)Thrill Cam (in air only)SHIFT keyReverse Cam AL T keyView Next Rider PAGE DOWNView Previous Rider PAGE UPTelephoto Zoom In HOMETelephoto Zoom Out END Riding ControlsKeyboard Joystick ThrottleUP ARROW Button 1BrakesDOWN ARROW Button 2Steer leftLEFT ARROW Joystick left (X-Axis)Steer rightRIGHT ARROW Joystick right (X-Axis)Engage clutchHold down CTRL key —Toggle gas gyro effect CTRL + G —Toggle brake gyro effect CTRL + B —In the air Keyboard Joystick Cross over LEFT/RIGHT ARROW Joystick left/right (X-Axis)Lean forward W key Joystick up (Y-Axis)Lean back S key Joystick down (Y-Axis)Stunts 1-8Z key Button 3 (plus joystick direction, see page 6)Stunts 9-16X key Button 4 (plus joystickdirection, see page 7)RIDING CONTROLSGraphics Controls KeyboardShow/Hide Visual Cues F4Show/Hide Stats Overlay F5Show/Hide Radar Overlay F6T oggle Speedometer F7T oggle sky F8T oggle particles F9T oggle shadows F10Decrease terrain quality F11Increase terrain quality F12Misc. Controls KeyboardPause the game ESC or F3Mute sounds CTRL + ST aunt SpacebarDumpster (bail-out)ENTERReset after wreck TAB (in Practice mode only) Open chat window/ (SLASH) (in Multiplayer only)Support Online: T o easily diagnose and answer technical questions yourself, visit /support. Or you can browse support information about your product, conveniently consolidated at / support/games.Standard No-Charge Support: Monday-Friday, excluding holidays, Microsoft offers unlimited no-charge support for this product. In the U.S., call (425) 637-9308, 5:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Pacific time. In Canada, call (905) 568-3503, 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Eastern time. T oll-charges may apply.Pay-Per-Incident Support: In the U.S., for $35US per incident, call (800) 936-5700, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In Canada, for $45CDN plus tax per incident, call (800) 668-7975, 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Eastern time, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. Fees are billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.Text Telephone (TTY/TDD): Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. In the United States call (425) 635-4948.In Canada, (905) 568-9641, 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Eastern time.Additional Support Information: See the support topics in Help for more information or support outside the U.S. or Canada.Support services and prices listed here are available in the United States and Canada only and are subject to Microsoft’s then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice. MICROSOFT PRODUCT SUPPORT SERVICES1011Installing Motocross Madness™ 2Automatic Installation1.Insert the Motocross Madness 2 CD into the CD-ROM drive. Allow 20seconds for the instructions to appear on your screen.2.Follow the instructions on your screen.The bike riding depicted herein may not be realistic, andis potentially extremely dangerous in real life. Don’t trythese moves in your backyard!SAFETY FIRST. RIDE RESPONSIBL Y!Enjoy the great outdoors. Don’t destroy it!MX05-48806。



23-28nt 50-70%GC Tm值≥65度,Tm值≥70度可以获得好的结果 需要实验者根据已有的基因序列设计5‘和 3‘RACE反应的基因特异性引物(GSP1和 GSP2).由于两个引物的存在,PCR的产物是特 异性的。
5'-RACE :5'-RACE相对较难,目前流行几种5'RACE。其一为加接头(传统),根据接头引物和自 己设计特异引物PCR,可以设计巢式PCR二次扩 增。另外,有利用反向PCR技术,连接成环在 PCR。还有,GENE公司一种 smartRACEPCR,利 用反转酶末断加C特点,直接加上多G接头,转换模 板而无需用连接酶加接头。利用mR原理图
先利用mRNA的3‘末端的poly(A)尾巴作为 一个引物结合位点,以Oligo(dT)30MN作 为锁定引物在反转录酶MMLV作用下,反转 录合成标准第一链cDNA.利用该反转录酶具 有的末端转移酶活性,在反转录达到第一链 的5’末端时自动加上3-5个(dC)残基,退 火后(dC)残基与含有SMART寡核苷酸序列 Oliogo(dG)通用接头引物配对后,转换为 以SMART序列为模板继续延伸而连上通用接 头。
RACE 是采用PCR技 术由已知的部分 cDNA 顺序来扩增出 完整cDNA5’和3’ 末端,是一种简便而有 效的方法, 又被称为 锚定 PCR (anchoredPCR)和单边 PCR(one2side PCR)。



OMSI2(巴士模拟2)车辆使用说明书(1) Tachometer in km/h und die Uhr / Tachometer in km/h and the clock (2) Kilometerz?hler / Odometer in km (3) Feststellbremse, kann auch mit [.] bet?tigt werden / Parking brake, works on the rear axle, can also be set with [.](4) Schlüsselschalter / Key switch (5) Batterietrennschalter / Main battery switch (6) Anlasser – [M] / Starter – [M](7) Motorabschaltung – [M], muss solange gedrückt werden, bis der Motor aus ist / Engine cut-off –[M], must be pressed until the engine is completely off.(8) Warnblinker / Warning lights (9) Gangwahltaster / Gear selection (10) Schalter Haltestellenbremse / Bus stop brake (11) Türtaster für die Vordertüren / Button for the front doors (12) Haltewunsch-Leuchte / Stop request light (13) Kinderwagenschalter / Baby carriage switch (14) 20-Uhr-Schalter (nur D92) / 8:00PM switch (D92 only)(15) Mikrofon-Fu?taster, kann auch über das Kupplungspedal oder die Taste [Q] bet?tigt werden. / Microphone foot pedal, can also be activated via the clutch pedal or [Q](16) Fahrplan / Schedule (17) IBIS-Ger?t, siehe unten / IBIS, see below (18) Warndruckanzeiger: Wenn sich dieser Zeiger in der aufrechten Position befindet, ist zu wenig Druck in der Druckluftanlage! Der Wagen ist nicht einsatzbereit! / Pressure gauge warning: When the needle points up, there’s not enough pressure in the system. The bus is not ready for action!(19) Doppelmanometer / Double manometer (20) Kühlwassertemperatur / Coolant tem perature (21) Tankanzeige (nicht beim SD77, hier schauen Sie bitte ggf. im Status nach!) / Fuel gauge (except on the SD77 –you’ll need to check in in the status display!)(22) ?ldruckanzeige / Oil pressure gauge (23) Leuchtmelder …Fahrzeug nicht fahrf?hig“/ Warning light …Notready to drive!“(24) Leuchtmelder Hintertür / Rear door indicator (25) Leuchtmelder …Festhaltebremse ist eingelegt“ / Parking brake indicator light (26) Leuchtmelder …Wasserstand“ (ohne Funktion) / Water level indicator light (not functional)(27) Leuchtmelder …Getriebe?ltemperatur“ (ohne Funktion) / Oil temperature indicator light (not functional)(28) Ladekontrollleuchte / Battery light (29) Leuchtmelder …Fernlicht“ / High beams indicator light (30) Leuchtmelder …Blinker“ / Turn signal indicator light (31) Leuchtmelder …Kinderwagen“ / Baby carriage indicator light (32) Leuchtmelder …Zentralschmierung“ / Centralized lubrication system indicator light (33) Leuchtmelder …ABS“ (nur D92) / ABS indicator light (D92 only)(34) Leuchtmelder …ASR“ (nur D92) / ASR indicator light (D92 only)(35) Leuchtmelder …Nothahn“ (ab D88, ohne Funktion, da die Noth?hne ebenfalls ohne Funktion sind) / Emergency valve indicator light (starting with the D88, not functional)(36) Leuchtmelder …E-Gas“ (ab D88, ohne F unktion) / E-Gas indicator light (not functional for D88 and higher)(37) Standheizung / Auxiliary heating system (38) …Dauerbremse Direkt“ (links) und …Ein-Aus“ (rechts, nicht beim D92) / Direct retarder (left) and On/Off (right, not available on D92)(39) Lichtschalter, Sie k?nnen auch die Taste [6], [7], [8] und [9] verwenden. / Light switches, You can also use the [6], [7], [8] and [9] keys.(40) Fernlicht-Fu?taster (nur SD200), es ist meist praktischer, die Taste [F] zu drücken. / High-beams foot pedal (o nly on the SD200): it’s usually easier to just press [F](41) Blinkerhebel, ab dem D89 ein Kombihebel, mit dem auch die Scheibenwisch-Waschanlage bedient wird. / Turn signal (starting with the D89, it also controls the windshield wipers)(42)Scheibenwischerschalter, ab D89 im Blinkerschalter integriert. Den Schalter …Ein-Aus“ k?nnen Sie auch mit [W], den Schalter …Intervall“ auch mit [Shift] + [W] und den Wascher auch mit [Strg] + [W] bet?tigen. / Windshield wipers, starting with the D89, it’s combined with the turn signal . You can control the “on/off” switch with [W], the “interval” switch with [Shift]+[W] and the washer with [Ctrl]+[W].(43) Frontgebl?se / Fan (44) Regler Heizlüfter vorne / Front heater (45) Umluftheizk?rper / Interior heater(46) Rückspieg elheizung (ohne Funktion) / Rearview mirror heater (no function)(47) Motorkühlung / Engine cooling(48) Nebelschlussleuchte (nur D92) / Fog lights (D92 only)(49) Schalter ASR: Hiermit k?nnen Sie das ASR-System abschalten (nur D92). / ASR switch: You canturn the ASR system on and off (D92 only)SD85。



GTR2调教手册转载自C-Race轮胎选择(TIRES):SOFT SLICK 干地软性胎抓地力强,耐磨度弱MEDIUM SLICK 干地中性胎抓地力中,耐磨度中HARD SLICK 干地硬性胎抓地力弱,耐磨度强INITERMEDIATE 干湿混合胎抓地力强,耐磨度差HARO WET 湿地硬性胎抓地力弱,耐磨度强SORT WET 湿地软性胎抓地力强,耐磨度弱赛车轮胎由一百多种不同的原料构成,其中包括橡胶(天然橡胶和合成橡胶)、苯乙烯丁酸(用于提高抓地力)以及聚丁烯(用于提高耐久性),除此之外,一条轮胎中还包含例如尼龙或者涤纶等织物纤维、树脂、硫磺、蜡、石油等原料。








刹车设定(BTRAKES):PRESSURE 刹车强度比BISA(F:R) 前后轮刹车比重DUCT 刹车通风管尺寸PRESSURE 刹车强度比调整刹车力度强弱比,加大刹车力度比可以减短刹车距离,但会容易造成车轮抱死,加快轮胎的磨损。


BISA(F:R) 前后轮刹车比重调整分配给前轮和后轮的刹车力的大小比例。

2018 Scalpel SE 2 竖筒车辆说明书

2018 Scalpel SE 2 竖筒车辆说明书

Page 1 of 1134924 Rev 1 - Updated: 01/16/18Nota técnica (ES)2018 Scalpel SE 2Claridad entre el tubo diagonal y la horquilla Fox Performance 34•Las Scalpel SE 2 2018 con la horquilla Fox Performance 34 necesitan la cazoleta inferior de KP213/BLK y la pista de dirección K35108. La KP213/BLK es una cazoleta de 12 mm de altura que proporciona la separación adicional y necesaria entre el tubo diagonal y los diales de la horquilla Fox Performance 34.•De este modo se evita que los diales de la horquilla golpeen el cuadro cuando se gira el manillar.•Si la Scalpel SE 2 2018 no tiene montadas la cazoleta inferior KP213/BLK y la pista de dirección K35108, deberán ser instaladas por un distribuidor Cannondale siguiendo las instrucciones de servicio.•En este momento, las KP213/BLK y K35108 solo están indicadas para su utilización con la Scalpel SE 2 2018 quemonta la horquilla Fox Performance 34. Estas piezas no deben usarse en otros modelos de 2018.•Para instalar estas piezas, debe retirarse el rodamiento SI del tubo inferior de la dirección. Se volverá a utilizar.En primer lugar, presione el rodamiento inferior en la cazoleta KP213/BLK . Asegúrese de aplicar una pequeña cantidad de grasa al rodamiento y la cazoleta durante la utilización (Park Tool: HHP-2). Utilice los adaptadores de dirección correctos al presionar la combinación cazoleta/rodamiento en el tubo de dirección.Debe retirarse de la horquilla la pista de dirección de 4 mm existente usando (Park Tool:CRP-2) e instalar la pista de dirección K35108 (Park Tool: CRS-15.2) en su posición. •Si más adelante, hay que cambiar el rodamiento inferior, deberá retirar juntos la cazoleta inferior KP213/BLK y elrodamiento inferior del tubo de la dirección. Utilice (Park Tool: RT-2) y un martillo. Coloque la herramienta dentro del tubo de la dirección en el borde superior de la cazoleta y extraiga la cazoleta de manera uniforme. Una vez desmontado el conjunto, se puede sustituir el rodamiento de la cazoleta y volver a instalar el conjunto.12mmK35108ATENCIÓN PROPIETARIOS DE BICICLETAS: Las notas técnicas de Cannondale son meramente informativas. Las notas técnicas puedendescargarse de nuestro sitio web. Solicite la realización de los trabajos que se describen a un distribuidor de Cannondale.A VISO: Los daños resultantes de un mantenimiento inadecuado, piezas o modificaciones incorrectas NO ESTÁN cubiertos por la garantía limitada de Cannondale.Zona de claridadRODAMIENTO INFERIORCROWN RACELOWER CUPINCORRECTO CORRECTO4mm PISTA DE DIRECCIÓNSINCAZOLETA INFERIOR。

2022 KTM EXC 线上说明书

2022 KTM EXC 线上说明书

KTM ENDURO RANGE 2022PERSEVERANCEDEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVESMODEL OVERVIEWMODEL HIGHLIGHTSPARTS&ACCESSORIESDOWNLOADSWHAT IS THE 2022 KTM EXC RANGE?THINK ENDURO, THINK KTM EXC.The 2022 KTM EXC range perfectly combines cutting-edge technology with peerless agility and unbeatable performance to set the global standards in offroad motorcycling. In the new for 2022 range there is an updated and purely READY TO RACE bike for every enduro fan. A bike to accommodate any riding demand or meet any racing aspiration.Nurtured on trails, perfected against the clock and loved by enduro riders for its rich versatility, a KTM EXC can be the most advanced 2-Stroke hardware on the market or the perfect blend of power and handling of the 4-Strokes. The world is waiting for new limits.REFINED THROUGH COMPETITIONThe challenging world of Enduro competition gives the KTM R&D engineers a deep palette of information to craft a bike for any rider to win. In 2021 the efforts of Manuel Lettenbichler – the last WESS Champion – and Josep Garcia in tackling the FIM Hard Enduro World Championship and FIM Enduro World Championship showcases the best of this 2022 KTM EXC hardware.From their base in the heart of Austria to the rest of the world and through several racing events, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing are steering KTM EXC 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke machinery against the most skillful offroad athletes from across the continents. ‘READY TO RACE’ is more than an ethos and a mantra. It can be taken as a literal interpretation. True to this philosophy, the 2022 KTM EXC models are created to compete, to win, to perform.DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVESKTM strove to keep the ultimate blend of balance, power, handling and competitiveness for 2022 and that meant an approach of renovation across the new range. After progressive steps with chassis and engine development, as well as upgrades from WP suspension hardware in the last three years, the KTM EXC model range maintains the same high lofty technical specifications for their fuel-injected 2-Stroke motorcycles and their 4-Stroke bikes.In the search for even more connectivity with any terrain or obstacle, KTM has worked with WP suspension to alter the production settings of the WP XPLOR forks and shockfor a firmer and sportier feel. The 2022 suspension package and the heightened sensation of grip is augmented by a new MAXXIS MaxxEnduro set of tires that, after comprehensive tests, were found to bring better all-round lasting performance. The‘look good, feel good’ factor means that the clear, racier livery with added blue accents for 2022 was essential for these vibrant competition-based machines.2022 KTM EXC - KEY RANGE UPGRADES// Revised WP suspension settings for a firmer & more responsive feel// Improved oil circulation in the suspension for more consistent feedback// New MAXXIS MaxxEnduro tires for unmatched grip in all terrains// New 13:52 gearing giving the KTM 250 EXC TPI added bottom end punch// Head-turning 2022 colors inspired by the Factory bikes// Bold design & retro colors for the revamped KTM EXC SIX DAYS line-up2-STROKE INNOVATIONKTM’s groundbreaking TPI fuel-injection system breathed new life into 2-Stroke technology and emboldened the ‘stroker’ family to surge even more in popularity. Unbeatable torque, simplistic and effective engine architecture, light weight and pulsing performance means the three models – led by the formidable blend of power and handling that is the KTM 300 EXC TPI are perfectly meeting the high demands of the modern offroad rider.4-STROKE FORMIDABILITYTalk the torque: KTM’s arsenal of 4-Stroke KTM EXC-F ‘weaponry’ guarantees enough output and grin-inducing fun to cope with any race condition or situation. Few Enduro bikes come this well-equipped for the demands of the clock or the threat from rivals. From 250 cc to 500 cc 4-Valve, single cylinder powerplants there is more than enough horsepower for even the grabbiest throttle hand. Occupying the spotlight is the ultra-popular KTM 350 EXC-F with its enviable combination of motor and mobility and is the choice of Red Bull KTM Factory Racing's Josep Garcia in the current season.TECH HIGHLIGHTS - ENGINE2-STROKE: For half a decade KTM’s TPI fuel-injection has reset the potential for the response and finesse of 2-Stroke power. Additionally, it allowed all KTM EXC TPI models to meet cleaner emission goals, facilitating basic engine maintenance and ensuring more efficient operation. Each electric-starting, liquid-cooled EXC TPI benefits from a 39 mm Dell’orto throttle body and a wet multidisc hydraulic Brembo clutch. The exhaust system uses an aluminum silencer. For 2022, the KTM 250 EXC TPI has been given even more boost at the bottom end of the power curve thanks to a new 13:52 gearing ratio.4-STROKE: The benchmark in torque and useable delivery, KTM’s EXC-F 4-Strokes deliver ultra-potent, compact 4-Valve DOHC tech. The KTM 250 EXC-F and KTM 350 EXC-F count on finger followers while the OHC tech of the KTM 450 EXC-F and KTM 500 EXC-F utilize rocker arms. All four KTM EXC-F models depend on 42 mm Keihin throttle bodies and dual pump pressure lubrication as well as a wet multidisc hydraulic Brembo clutch. The exhaust system uses an aluminum silencer.TECH HIGHLIGHTS - CHASSISKTM’s CroMo steel fabricated double cradle frame has been forged after decades of experience with the material and the manufacturing process. KTM has been able to sculpt a chassis that allows the KTM EXC models to be masters of ‘extremes’: agile, light, reassuring and consistent but also tough and responsive when under heavy demand from either KTM 2-Stroke or 4-Stroke engine power. An aluminum subframe graces the entire range to shave even more kilograms while the 63.5 degree steering head angle and 22 mm of triple clamp offset fixes the geometry to ensure stability and boost rider confidence.TECH HIGHLIGHTS - SUSPENSIONWP suspension XPLOR hardware and race-winning levels of quality remain as the sole choice for the 2022 KTM EXC bikes. Dependability, delivery under pressure and stress coupled with robust and lightweight materials comes through the Cone Valve technology for outstanding damping. The 48 mm upside down front forks are matched in excellence through the latest-specced PDS shock absorber with both supplying 300 mm / 310 mm of travel respectively.For 2022, together with WP suspension, KTM has adjusted the stock settings - firmer and sportier – to achieve several notable improvements. The XPLOR forks come with reduced seal friction for the outer tube, a polished spring for less pollution of the oil and the upper cartridge screw connection has a 2 mm gap compared to the four 6 mm holes on the previous edition of the kit that enhances the rebound damping. The PDS shock now boasts better resistance to ‘bottoming-out’ whereas a new ‘O’ ring is less prone to deformative, wear and fading.TECH HIGHLIGHTS - DESIGNThe KTM EXC models are representative of pure design-function thinking. The bikes are shaped for one thing: maximum implementation to the track, trail or competition. This means the ergonomics and the contact points are finely tuned for the most efficient movement, grip and harmony between rider and motorcycle. As with other facets of the KTM EXC, the profile of the bodywork, saddle, tank and the general riding position comes directly from feedback at the highest level of racing where athletes such as Manuel Lettenbichler and Josep Garcia help give not only the elite rider’s viewpoint but also acute insight to what every level of Enduro fans requirements might be. The mix of blue and orange on the 2022 liveries draws a direct parallel to the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team’s works machinery, in particular the ‘factory’ blue saddle.TECH HIGHLIGHTS - EQUIPMENTCount on a 9-liter tank capacity for most models, with the KTM 450 EXC-F and KTM 500 EXC-F increasing the limit to 9.2 l to ensure decent mileage and running time through the undergrowth. The sustained horsepower can be partially controlled by 260 mm and 220 mm front and rear brake discs throughout the range. The sensitive and superlative braking systems furnish wheels that carry new MAXXIS MaxxEnduro tires for the KTM 2022 line-up. In collaboration with KTM, MAXXIS has produced rubberthat is easy to fit, puncture resistant, grippy and resistant and therefore is the ideal accompaniment for the new KTM Enduro models.KTM EXC SIX DAYS 2022Excellence in racing is routinely celebrated in the KTM EXC family with several dedicatory or upgraded models. The KTM EXC SIX DAYS make use of optimum race-focused accessories to greatly refine their specification and they also come with distinctive color schemes. Riders have to be a little special to embrace the possibilities and prestige of these bikes orientated for the true KTM Enduro 'orange bleeder'. KTM EXC SIX DAYS SPECIAL FEATURES// SILENCERS WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO// RIMS WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO// ENGINE GUARD// FRONT AXLE PULLER// STEALTH REAR SPROCKET// RADIATOR FAN FOR ALL 4-STROKES// HANDLEBAR WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO// SOLID REAR BRAKE DISC// FLOATING FRONT BRAKE DISC// RACING ORANGE FRAME// ORANGE CNC TRIPLE CLAMPS// ORANGE CHAIN GUIDE// SIX DAYS SEATKTM POWERPARTSKTM is READY TO RACE. We live and thrive on the challenge of providing equipment that can go from the crate to great. We also know there are times when riders and racers will still demand that small slice of ‘extra’, or they want to personalize their KTM EXC even more. This is where the copious array of products and options in the KTM PowerParts catalog becomes extremely tempting, and in some cases unmissable.WP Pro Components bring upgrades to the XPLOR forks that permit extra adjustability and reinforced internal material to cope with even bigger or harsher conditions. The interior of the Cone Valve forks features less friction and smaller tolerances with higher resistance and lower weight. The same improvements come with the XPLOR Pro shock with options for more control, comfort and rebound damping.FACTORY FRONT WHEEL 1,6 × 21"Anodized D.I.D DirtStar rim, developed to produce the ideal compromise between rigidity and flexibility.FACTORY TRIPLE CLAMPManufactured from the highest-grade aluminum and tuned to produce perfect steering stem stiffness and flexibility – adapted precisely to the WP fork.FMF TITAN POWERCORE 2.1 SILENCERFully made of high-grade treated titanium which allows enriched sound and extremely low weight compared to stock silencer.WAVE BRAKE DISCFloating system enables flawless brake control and minimal wear on brake pads. AKRA POVIČ “SLIP-ON LINE”Akrapovič slip-on silencer offers more power and torque, uncompromising factory racing looks, and substantial weight savings.CHECK OUT THE FULL LINE-UP OF KTM POWERPARTS HEREKTM POWERWEARAs much as the Replica team wear will allows orange-bleeders to look exactly like the KTM Factory riders and staff in paddocks across the globe, the KTM PowerWear collection is not only about apparel. Fans can also align the look with their new KTM EXC when in the saddle with a host of practical and functional gear and protection. Far from being a licensing afterthought, the KTM PowerWear line-up is formed from a series of associations with renowned specialists in the motorcycle field. STRYCKER HELMETLightweight offroad helmet with elaborate ventilation system made exclusively for KTM.FURY GOGGLESAdvanced Enduro goggles with dedicated moisture management thanks to the three layer and fleece foam lining.RACETECH SHIRTRobust quality and lightweight with breathable mesh panels for optimum ventilation, along with taped sleeve cuffs and elastic mesh collar.RACETECH GLOVESLightweight offroad gloves with touchscreen functionality and silicone print for better grip.RACETECH PANTSDurable, lightweight offroad pants with heatproof and abrasion-resistant leather knee reinforcement and elasticized panels.TECH 7 EXC BOOTSMade exclusively for enduro riding, with a non-slip two-component sole and a stainless-steel heel and toe protection.CHECK OUT THE FULL LINE-UP OF KTM POWERWEAR HEREDISCOVER THE COMPLETE 2022 KTM EXC RANGETECH SPECSMY22 MEDIA KIT TEXTMY22 MEDIA KIT FOLDER CONTACTS:ANDREAS GKLAVAS MARKETING MANAGER OFFROAD *********************** BILLY GILTROWPRODUCT MARKETING MANAGER *********************。




- 方向控制:使用方向键、摇杆或倾斜设备来控制赛车的方向。


- 加速与刹车:使用加速键或刹车键来控制赛车的速度。


- 驾驶技巧:在赛车过程中,可以利用一些驾驶技巧来提高赛车的操控能力,例如漂移、踩油门加速等。


- 游戏菜单:通过游戏菜单可以进行个人配置、选择赛道、更改赛车、查看成绩等操作。




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bd smart? race cdna amplification kit user manual i. 简要概述ii. 成分列表control human placental total rna 和 bd smart ii a oligonucleotide在–70°c下保存。

nucleotrap gel extraction kit 室温下保存。


随bd smart race cdna amplification kit 同时免费提供bd powerscript reversetranscriptase和bd advantage 2 pcr kit。

所有试剂可以满足7 次cdna 合成反应和30次pcr反应。

first-strand cdna 合成?7μl bd smart ii? a oligonucleotide (12 μm) 5–aagcagtggtatcaacgcagagtacgcggg–3 ? 7μl 3-race cds primer a (3-cds; 12 μm) 5–aagcagtggtatcaacgcagagtac(t)30v n–3 (n = a, c, g, or t; v = a, g, or c) ? 7μl 5-race cds primer (5-cds; 12 μm) 5–(t)25v n–3 (n = a, c, g, or t; v = a, g, or c) ? 7μl bd powerscript? reverse transcriptase ? 200 μl 5x first-strand buffer 250 mm tris-hcl (ph 8.3)375 mm kcl30 mm mgcl2 ? 200 μl dithiothreitol (dtt; 20 mm) ? 1ml deionized h2o5- & 3-race pcr? 400 μl 10x universal primer a mix (upm) long (0.4 μm):5–ctaatacgactcactatagggcaagcagtggtatcaacgcagag t–3short (2 μm):5–ctaatacgactcactatagggc–3 ? 50 μl nested universal primer a (nup; 10 μm) 5–aagcagtggtatcaacgcagagt–3 control reagents? 5μl control human placental total rna (1 μg/μl) ? 25 μl control 5-race tfr primer (10 μm) ? 25 μl control 3-race tfr primer (10 μm) general reagents? 70 μl dntp mix (datp, dctp, dgtp, and dttp, each at 10 mm) ? 2 x 1 ml tricine-edta buffer 10 mm tricine-koh (ph 8.5) 1.0 mm edtanucleotrap? gel extraction kit (cat. no. 636053 or k3070-y) ? 100 μl nucleotrap suspension? 3 ml nt1 buffer? 10 ml nt2 buffer? 2ml nt3 buffer? user manual (pt3169-1) free trial-size bd advantage? 2 pcr kit (cat. no. 639207 or k1910-y) the bd advantage 2 kit provides sufficient reagents for 30 pcr reactions. ` ` ? 30 μl 50x bd advantage 2 polymerase mix ? 200 μl 10x bd advantage 2 pcr buffer ? 50 μl 50x dntp mix (10 mm each) ? 30 μl control dna template (100 ng/μl) ? 30 μl control primer mix (10 μm each) ? 1 ml pcr-grade water ? user manual (pt3281-1) iii. 另备物品下列试剂需另外准备:? 0.5-ml pcr 反应管,推荐使用 perkinelmer geneamp 0.5-ml reaction tubes (cat.no. n801-0737 or n801-0180).? mineral oil (e.g., sigma cat. no. m-3516) iv. bd smart race的要点使用前请全面阅读?所有参数均经过优化,但可能因所使用的酶、模版、引物和热循环仪而不同。

因此应使用control human placental total rna和control 5- and 3- race tfr primers进行预实验。

?race pcr的效率取决于试验样品rna中mrna的丰度。



?在进行5-race and 3-race pcr时必须使用热启动。

本手册已经过优化,所使用的bdadvantage 2 polymerase mix中包含bd taqstart 抗体用于自动进行pcr的热启动 (kellogget al., 1994)。

也可以手动(d’aquila et al., 1991).或使用蜡珠(chou et al., 1992)来进行热启动。



trisbased 缓冲液会导致ph降低,引起dna的降解。


? 重悬过程(包括吸入和吹出溶液)要轻缓,短暂离心使所有成分聚集管底。

? 无特别标示,所有操作均应在冰上进行。

? 聚合酶在最后加入。

? 使用推荐的酶加入量,该量已经过特别的优化。

? eb是致癌物质,小心处理和使用。

v. 引物设计a. 引物序列特异引物(gsps) 应当:? 23–28 个核苷酸? gc含量为 50–70%? tm 大于或等于65°c,如果tm >70°c可获得最好的结果 (可使用降落pcr)。


至少需要两个特异引物才能进行完整的bd smart race:即用于5-race pcr的反义引物和用于3-race pcr的正义引物。

如果只进行5- 或3-race则只需一个特异引物。


如图3所示,两种引物的5- and 3-race扩增产物存在部分重叠,如果在重叠区有一个合适的限制性酶切位点,可以通过酶切和连接反应可以得到cdna的全长。





特异引物gc含量为50–70% ,其至少 65°c。

使用nearest neighbor 分析 (freier et al., 1986; 我们使用primerpremier软件来计算tm’s) tm.应尽可能大于70°c。


tm’s 超过70°c 可以使用降落pcr。





figure 3. the relationship of gene-specific primers to the cdna template.b. 引物在基因上的位置尽管我们使用bd smart race kit成功地得到了大于6.5 kb扩增产物,但为了使你的5-和3-race 产物达到2 kb,建议对引物加以筛选。

c. 降落pcr我们发现降落pcr (don et al., 1991; roux, 1995)明显增加bd smart race扩增的特异性。

降落pcr的退火温度符合首次pcr循环的tm 高于通用引物的tm 。



当你的引物的t m>70°c时我们推荐使用降落循环程序。

d. 巢式引物在首次试验时,不要使用巢式pcr。


但是,巢式特异引物可以作为探针在鉴定race产物的southern blotting中使用。

此外巢式pcr在使用特异引物进行5- or 3-race存在高背景或高非特异性扩增时有必要使用。


bd smart race指南包括了可选的步骤,指明了巢式引物能够被使用的地方。

本试剂盒提供的通用巢式引物a 可用于5- and 3-race。



vi.总rna 和poly a+ rna的制备a. 总的预防影响cdna合成质量的首要因素就是总rna和poly a+ rna的完整度和纯度。


? 戴手套? 直接使用新鲜去离子水,没有用depc 处理。

. ? 用0.5 n naoh漂洗所有的玻璃器皿,160–180°c烘烤4–9 hr.? 使用一次性吸管吸头.b. rna 分离bd biosciences clontech 提供几种试剂盒用于rna分离和纯化,如nucleobond?rna/dna mini kit (cat. no. 635945)。
