

电力系统微机继电保护的现状及发展趋势系别机电工程学院专业班级电气工程及其自动化学生姓名XXX学号XXXXXXXXX目录目录 (1)前言 (2)一、微机继电保护的特点 (2)二、微机继电保护的发展史 (3)三、我国继电保护的现状 (4)四、继电保护的未来发展 (5)五、结束语 (7)前言继电保护技术是向着计算机化、智能化和数据通信一体化的方向发展。

二、电气工程及其自动化的发展现状1. 电力系统的发展电力系统是电气工程的核心领域之一。
2. 电子技术的进步电子技术的快速发展为电气工程带来了巨大的变革。
3. 自动控制技术的应用自动控制技术是电气工程及其自动化的重要组成部份。
4. 电气工程在能源领域的应用电气工程在能源领域的应用也日益广泛。
三、电气工程及其自动化的发展趋势1. 智能化发展随着人工智能和大数据技术的不断进步,电气工程及其自动化将朝着智能化方向发展。
2. 绿色能源的推广随着环境保护意识的增强,绿色能源将成为电气工程的发展方向之一。
3. 自动化技术的集成自动化技术在电气工程中的应用将更加广泛和深入。
4. 电气工程的国际合作电气工程及其自动化是国际性的学科领域,国际合作将进一步促进其发展。

一、发展现状:1.1 电气工程在各行业中的应用广泛电气工程在能源、交通、通信、创造等各个行业中都有着重要的应用。
1.2 自动化技术的不断发展随着人工智能、大数据等技术的不断发展,自动化技术也在不断进步。
1.3 电气工程领域的新技术不断涌现在电气工程领域,新技术如物联网、5G通信、云计算等不断涌现,为电气工程的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。
二、发展趋势:2.1 智能化和网络化趋势不断加强未来电气工程及其自动化将更加注重智能化和网络化发展。
2.2 绿色能源和节能技术将成为发展重点随着环境保护意识的增强,绿色能源和节能技术将成为电气工程发展的重点。
2.3 人工智能和大数据技术将引领未来发展人工智能和大数据技术将成为电气工程及其自动化的核心驱动力。

1、 外文原文(复印件)A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerT h e sin gle -ch ip mi c ro co m p u t e r is t h e cu lm in at io n of b ot h t h e d e ve lo p me nt of t h e d ig ita l co m p u t e r a n d t h e i nte g rated c ircu it a rgu ab l y t h e to w mo st s ign if i cant i nve nt i o n s of t h e 20t h c e nt u ry [1].T h ese to w t yp e s of arch ite ct u re are fo u n d in s in gle -ch ip m i cro co m p u te r. S o m e e mp l oy t h e sp l it p ro gra m /d at a m e m o r y of t h e H a r va rd arch ite ct u re , s h o wn in -5A , ot h e rs fo l lo w t h e p h i lo so p hy, wid e l y ad a p ted fo r ge n e ral -p u rp o se co m p u te rs an d m i cro p ro ce ss o rs , of m a kin g n o l o g i ca l d i st in ct i o n b et we e n p ro gra m an d d ata m e m o r y as in t h e P rin c eto n a rch ite ct u re , sh o wn in -5A.In ge n e ra l te r m s a s in g le -ch ip m ic ro co m p u t e r is ch a ra cte r ized b y t h e in co r p o rat io n of all t h e u n its of a co mp u te r into a s in gle d e vi ce , as s h o w n in F i g3-5A-3.-5A-1A Harvard type-5A. A conventional Princeton computerProgrammemory Datamemory CPU Input& Output unitmemoryCPU Input& Output unitResetInterruptsPowerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).RO M is u su a l l y fo r t h e p e r m an e nt , n o n -vo lat i le sto rage of an ap p l i cat io n s p ro g ram .M a ny m i c ro co m p u te rs a n d m i cro co nt ro l le rs are inte n d ed fo r h i gh -vo lu m e ap p l i cat io n s a n d h e n ce t h e e co n o m i cal man u fa c t u re of t h e d e vi ces re q u ires t h at t h e co nt e nts of t h e p ro gra m me mo r y b e co mm i ed p e r m a n e nt l y d u r in g t h e m a n u fa ct u re of c h ip s . C lea rl y, t h i s imp l ies a r i go ro u s ap p ro a ch to ROM co d e d e ve lo p m e nt s in ce ch an ges can n o t b e mad e af te r m an u fa ct u re .T h i s d e ve l o p m e nt p ro ces s m ay i nvo l ve e mu l at i o n u sin g a so p h ist icated d e ve lo p m e nt syste m wit h a h ard wa re e mu l at i o n capab i l it y as we ll as t h e u s e of p o we rf u l sof t war e to o l s.So m e m an u fa ct u re rs p ro vi d e ad d it i o n a l ROM o p t io n s b y in clu d in g in t h e i r ran ge d e v ic es w it h (o r inte n d ed fo r u s e wit h ) u se r p ro g ram m a b le m e mo r y. T h e s im p lest of t h e se i s u su a l l y d e v i ce wh i ch can o p e rat e in a m i cro p ro ce s so r mo d e b y u s in g s o m e of t h e in p u t /o u t p u t l in es as an ad d res s a n d d ata b u s fo r a cc es sin g exte rn a l m e m o r y. T h is t yp e o f d e vi ce can b e h ave f u n ct i o n al l y as t h e s in gle ch ip m i cro co m p u t e r f ro m wh i ch it i s d e ri ved a lb e it wit h re st r icted I/O an d a m o d if ied exte rn a l c ircu it. T h e u s e of t h e se RO M le ss d e vi ces i s co mmo n e ve n in p ro d u ct io n circu i ts wh e re t h e vo lu m e d o e s n ot ju st if y t h e d e ve lo p m e nt co sts of cu sto m o n -ch ip ROM [2];t h e re ca n st i ll b e a si gn if i cant sav in g in I/O an d o t h e r ch ip s co m pared to a External Timing components System clock Timer/ Counter Serial I/O Prarallel I/O RAM ROMCPUco nve nt io n al m i c ro p ro ces so r b ased circ u it. M o re exa ct re p l a ce m e nt fo rRO M d e v ice s can b e o b tain ed in t h e fo rm of va ria nts w it h 'p i g g y-b a c k'E P ROM(E rasab le p ro gramm ab le ROM )s o cket s o r d e v ice s w it h E P ROMin stead of ROM 。

电气工程的外文文献(及翻译)文献一:Electric power consumption prediction model based on grey theory optimized by genetic algorithms本文介绍了一种基于混合灰色理论与遗传算法优化的电力消耗预测模型。
文献二:Intelligent control for energy-efficient operation of electric motors本文研究了一种智能控制方法,用于电动机的节能运行。
文献三:Fault diagnosis system for power transformers based on dissolved gas analysis本文介绍了一种基于溶解气体分析的电力变压器故障诊断系统。
文献四:Power quality improvement using series active filter based on iterative learning control technique本文研究了一种基于迭代研究控制技术的串联有源滤波器用于电能质量改善的方法。

一、电气工程及其自动化的发展现状1. 电力系统:电力系统是电气工程的核心领域之一。
2. 电机与电器:电机与电器是电气工程的另一个重要领域。
3. 电子技术:电子技术是电气工程的重要组成部分。
4. 自动控制:自动控制是电气工程的核心技术之一。
二、电气工程及其自动化的发展趋势1. 新能源技术的应用:随着能源危机和环境污染的日益严重,新能源技术的发展成为电气工程的重要方向。
2. 智能化和自动化技术的发展:智能化和自动化技术是电气工程的发展趋势之一。
3. 大数据和云计算的应用:大数据和云计算技术的发展将为电气工程带来新的机遇。

一、电力系统的发展现状及趋势:1.1 可再生能源的应用:随着环境保护意识的增强,可再生能源如风能、太阳能等在电力系统中的应用越来越广泛。
1.2 智能电网的建设:智能电网通过信息技术的应用,实现了对电力系统的智能化管理,提高了电力系统的可靠性和效率。
1.3 超高压输电技术的发展:超高压输电技术能够实现长距离大容量输电,减少能源损耗,提高电网的稳定性。
二、电子技术的发展现状及趋势:2.1 小型化和集成化:电子器件和电路越来越小型化和集成化,使得电子产品体积更小、性能更强大。
2.2 物联网的兴起:物联网的发展促进了电子技术的创新,实现了设备之间的互联互通,为智能家居、智慧城市等领域的发展提供了基础支持。
2.3 人工智能的应用:人工智能技术在电子领域的应用日益广泛,如智能语音助手、人脸识别等,提高了电子产品的智能化水平。
三、自动控制技术的发展现状及趋势:3.1 控制算法的优化:自动控制领域不断优化控制算法,提高系统的控制性能和响应速度。
3.2 机器学习的应用:机器学习技术在自动控制领域的应用使得系统能够通过学习和优化,提高自身的控制能力。
3.3 自动驾驶技术的突破:自动驾驶技术的发展使得汽车能够实现无人驾驶,提高了交通安全性和出行便利性。
四、智能创造的发展现状及趋势:4.1 工业机器人的广泛应用:工业机器人在创造业中的应用越来越广泛,提高了生产效率和产品质量。
4.2 云计算和大数据的应用:云计算和大数据技术为智能创造提供了强大的计算和数据支持,实现了生产过程的智能化和优化。
4.3 人机协作的发展:人机协作技术的发展使得人与机器能够更加密切地合作,提高了生产效率和灵便性。
五、安全与可靠性的挑战及应对措施:5.1 网络安全的威胁:随着互联网的发展,网络安全问题日益突出,电气工程及其自动化领域需要加强网络安全意识和技术防护措施。

电气工程及其自动化的发展现状及发展趋势1. 引言电气工程及其自动化是一门涵盖电力系统、电子技术、自动控制和信息工程等多个学科的综合性学科。
2. 电气工程及其自动化的发展现状2.1 电力系统电力系统是电气工程的重要组成部份,主要包括发电、输电、配电和用电等环节。
2.2 电子技术电子技术是电气工程的核心技术之一,涉及电子器件、电路设计、信号处理等方面。
2.3 自动控制自动控制是电气工程的另一个重要组成部份,主要涉及控制系统的设计与实现。
2.4 信息工程信息工程是电气工程的重要分支,主要涉及信息传输、存储和处理等方面。
电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 电力系统的简介

Brief Introduction to The Electric Power SystemPart 1 Minimum electric power systemA minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1-1, the system consists of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.The energy source may be coal, gas, or oil burned in a furnace to heat water and generate steam in a boiler; it may be fissionable material which, in a nuclear reactor, will heat water to produce steam; it may be water in a pond at an elevation above the generating station; or it may be oil or gas burned in an internal combustion engine.The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic turbine or water wheel, or an internal combustion engine. Each one of these prime movers has the ability to convert energy in the form of heat, falling water, or fuel into rotation of a shaft, which in turn will drive the generator.The electrical load on the generator may be lights, motors, heaters, or other devices, alone or in combination. Probably the load will vary from minute to minute as different demands occur.The control system functions (are)to keep the speed of the machines substantially constant and the voltage within prescribed limits, even though the load may change. To meet these load conditions, it is necessary for fuel input to change, for the prime mover input to vary, and for torque on the shaft from the prime mover to change in order that the generator may be kept at constant speed. In addition, the field current to the generator must be adjusted to maintain constant output voltage. Thecontrol system may include a man stationed in the power plant who watches a set of meters on the generator output terminals and makes the necessary adjustments manually. In a modern station, the control system is a servomechanism that senses generator-output conditions and automatically makes the necessary changes in energy input and field current to hold the electrical output within certain specifications..Part 2 More Complicated SystemsIn most situations the load is not directly connected to the generator terminals. More commonly the load is some distance from the generator, requiring a power line connecting them. It is desirable to keep the electric power supply at the load within specifications. However, the controls are near the generator, which may be in another building, perhaps several miles away.If the distance from the generator to the load is considerable, it may be desirable to install transformers at the generator and at the load end, and to transmit the power over a high-voltage line (Fig.1-2). For the same power, the higher-voltage line carries less current, has lower losses for the same wire size, and provides more stable voltage.In some cases an overhead line may be unacceptable. Instead it may be advantageous to use an underground cable. With the power systems talked above, the power supply to the load must be interrupted if, for any reason, any component of the system must be moved from service for maintenance or repair. Additional system load may require more power than the generator can supply. Another generator with its associated transformers and high-voltage line might be added.It can be shown that there are some advantages in making ties between the generators (1) and at the end of the high-voltage lines (2 and 3), as shown in Fig.1-3. This system will operate satisfactorily as long as no trouble develops or no equipmentneeds to be taken out of service.The above system may be vastly improved by the introduction of circuit breakers, which may be opened and closed as needed. Circuit breakers added to the system, Fig.1-4, permit selected piece of equipment to switch out of service without disturbing the remainder of system. With this arrangement any element of the system may be deenergized for maintenance or repair by operation of circuit breakers.Of course, if any piece of equipment is taken out of service, then the total load must be carried by the remaining equipment. Attention must be given to avoid overloads during such circumstances. If possible, outages of equipment are scheduled at times when load requirements are below normal.Fig.1-5 shows a system in which three generators and three loads are tied together by three transmission lines. No circuit breakers are shown in this diagram, although many would be required in such a system.Part 3 Typical System LayoutThe generators, lines, and other equipment which form an electric system are arranged depending on the manner in which load grows in the area and may be rearranged from time to time.However, there are certain plans into which a particular system design may be classified. Three types are illustrated: the radial system, the loop system, and the network system. All of these are shown without the necessary circuit breakers. In each of these systems, a single generator serves four loads.The radial system is shown in Fig.1-6. Here the lines form a “tree” spreading out from the generator. Opening any line results in interruption of power to one or more of the loads.The loop system is illustrated in Fig.1-7. With this arrangement all loads may be served even though one line section is removed from service. In some instances during normal operation, the loop may be open at some point, such as A. In case a line section is to be taken out, the loop is first closed at A and then the line section removed. In this manner no service interruptions occur.Fig.1-8 shows the same loads being served by a network. With this arrangement each load has two or more circuits over which it is fed.Distribution circuits are commonly designed so that they may be classified as radial or loop circuits. The high-voltage transmission lines of most power systems are arranged as network. The interconnection of major power system results in networks made up by many line sections.Part 4 Auxiliary EquipmentCircuit breakers are necessary to deenergize equipment either for normal operation or on the occurrence of short circuits. Circuit breakers must be designed to carry normal-load currents continuously, to withstand the extremely high currents that occur during faults, and to separate contacts and clear a circuit in the presence of fault. Circuit breakers are rated in terms of these duties.When a circuit breaker opens to deenergize a piece of equipment, one side of the circuit breaker usually remains energized, as it is connected to operating equipment. Since it is sometimes necessary to work on the circuit breaker itself, it is also necessary to have means by which the circuit breaker may be completely disconnected from other energized equipment. For this purpose disconnect switches are placed in series with the circuit breakers. By opening these disconnectors, thecircuit breaker may be completely deenergized, permitting work to be carried on in safety.Various instruments are necessary to monitor the operation of the electric power system. Usually each generator, each transformer bank, and each line has its own set of instruments, frequently consisting of voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, and varmeters.When a fault occurs on a system, conditions on the system undergo a sudden change. V oltages usually drop and currents increase. These changes are most noticeable in the immediate vicinity of fault. On-line analog computers, commonly called relays, monitor these changes of conditions, make a determination of which breaker should be opened to clear the fault, and energize the trip circuits of those appropriate breakers. With modern equipment, the relay action and breaker opening causes removal of fault within three or four cycles after its initiation.The instruments that show circuit conditions and the relays that protect the circuits are not mounted directly on the power lines but are placed on switchboards in a control house. Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment, by means of which it is possible to pass on to the meters and relays representative samples of the conditions on the operating equipment. The primary of a potential transformer is connected directly to the high-voltage equipment. The secondary provides for the instruments and relays a voltage which is a constant fraction of voltage on the operating equipment and is in phase with it;similarly, a current transformer is connected with its primary in the high-current circuit. The secondary winding provides a current that is a known fraction of the power-equipment current and is in phase with it.Bushing potential devices and capacitor potential devices serve the same purpose as potential transformers but usually with less accuracy in regard to ratio and phase angle.中文翻译:电力系统的简介第一部分:最小电力系统一个最小电力系统如图1-1所示,系统包含动力源,原动机,发电机和负载。

Relay protection development present situation Abstract reviewed our country electrical power system relay protection technological development process has outlined the microcomputer relay protection technology achievement proposed the future relay protection technological development tendency will be: Computerizes networked protects the control the survey the data communication integration and the artificial intellectualization. Key word relay protection present situation development,relay protections future development1 relay protection development present situationThe electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection proposed unceasingly the new request the electronic technology computer technology and the communication rapiddevelopment unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development therefore the relay protection technology is advantageous has completed the development 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time.After the founding of the nation our country relay protection discipline the relay protection design the relay manufacture industry and the relay protection technical team grows out of nothing has passed through the path in about 10 years which advanced countries half century passes through. The 50s our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption the digestion have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich movement experience relay protection technical team and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical teams establishment. The acheng relay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay manufacture technology has established our country relay manufacturing industry. Thus our country has completed the relay protection research the design the manufacture the movement and the teaching complete system in the 60s. This is a time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prosper swas our country relay protection technology development has laid the solid foundation.From the end of the 50s the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the 60s to the 80s in are the times which the transistor relay protection vigorous development and widely uses. Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation research 500kv transistor direction high frequency protection the transistor high frequency block system which develops with the Nanjing electric power automation research institute is away from the protection moves on the Gezhou Dam 500 kv line finished the 500kv line protection to depend upon completely from the overseas import time.From the 70s started based on the integration operational amplifier integrated circuit protection to study. Has formed the complete series to at the end of 80s integrated circuit protection substitutes for the transistor protection gradually. The development the production the application the integrated circuit protects which to the beginning of the 90s still were in the dominant position this was the integrated circuit protection time. The integrated electricity road work frequency conversion quantity direction develops which in this aspect Nanjing electric power automation research institute high frequency protected the vital role the Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation development integrated circuit phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection also moves in multi- strip 220kv and on the500kv line.Our country namely started the computer relay protection research from the end of the 70s the institutions of higher learning and the scientific research courtyard institute forerunners function. Huazhong University of Science and Technology southeast the university the North China electric power institute the Xian Jiaotong University the Tianjin University Shanghai Jiaotong University the Chongqing University and the Nanjing electric power automation researchinstitute one after another has all developed the different principle the different patternmicrocomputer protective device. In 1984 the original North China electric power institute developed the transmission line microcomputer protective device first through the appraisal and in the system the find application had opened in our country relay protection history the new page protected the promotion for the microcomputer to pave the way. In the host equipment protection aspect the generator which southeast the university and Huazhong University of Science and Technology develops loses magnetism protection the generator protection and the generator Bank of transformers protection also one after another in 1989 in 1994 through appraisal investment movement. The Nanjing electric power automation research institute develops microcomputer line protective device also in 1991 through appraisal. The Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation development microcomputer phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection the Xian Jiaotong University and the Xu Chang relay factory cooperation development positive sequence breakdown component direction high frequency protection also one after another in 1993 in 1996 through the appraisal. Heres the different principle the different type microcomputer line and the host equipment protect unique provided one batch of new generation of performance for the electrical power system fine the function has been complete the work reliable relay protection installment. Along with the microcomputer protective device research in microcomputer aspect and so on protection software algorithm has also yielded the very many theories result. May say started our country relay protection technology from the 90s to enter the time which the microcomputer protected.2 relay protections future development -2-The relay protection technology future the tendency will be to computerizes networked the intellectualization will protect the control the survey and the data communication integration development.2.1 computerizes Along with the computer hardware swift and violent development the microcomputer protection hardware also unceasingly is developing. The original North China electric power institute develops the microcomputer line protection hardware has experienced 3 development phases: Is published from 8 lists cpu structure microcomputer protection does not develop to 5 years time to the multi- cpu structure latter developed to the main line does not leave the module the big modular structure the performance enhances greatly obtained the widespread application. Huazhong University of Science and Technology develops the microcomputer protection also is from 8 cpu develops to take the labor controlling machine core partially as the foundation 32 microcomputers protection.The Nanjing electric power automation research institute from the very beginning has developed 16 cpu is the foundation microcomputer line protection obtained the big area promotion at present also is studying 32 protections hardware system. Southeast the university develops the microcomputer host equipment protects the hardware also passed through improved and the enhancement many times. The Tianjin University from the very beginning is the development take more than 16 cpu as the foundation microcomputer line protection in 1988 namely started to study take 32 digital signals processor dsp as the foundation protection the control the survey integration microcomputer installment at present cooperated with the Zhuhai Jin automatic equipment company develops one kind of function complete 32 big modules a module was a minicomputer. Uses 32 microcomputers chips only to focus by no means on the precision because of the precision the a/d switch resolution limit is surpassed time 16 all is accepts with difficulty in the conversion rate and the cost aspect 32 microcomputers chips have the very high integration rate more importantly very high operating frequency and computation speed very big addressing space rich command system and many inputs outlet. The cpu register the data bus the address bus all are 32 has the memory management function thememory protection functionand the duty transformation function and cache and the floating number part all integrates the high speed buffer in cpu.The electrical power system the request which protects to the microcomputer enhances unceasingly besides protection basic function but also should have the large capacity breakdown information and the data long-term storage space the fast data processing function the formidable traffic capacity with other protections the control device and dispatches the networking by to share the entire system data the information and the network resources ability the higher order language programming and so on. This requests the microcomputer protective device to have is equal to a pc machine function. In the computer protection development initial period once conceived has made the relay protection installment with a minicomputer. At that time because the small machine volume big the cost high the reliability was bad this tentative plan was not realistic. Now with the microcomputer protective device size similar labor controlling machine function the speed the storage capacity greatly has surpassed the same year small machine therefore made the relay protection with complete set labor controlling machine the opportunity already to be mature this will be one of development directions which the microcomputer protected. The Tianjin University has developed the relay protection installment which Cheng Yongtong microcomputer protective device structure quite same not less thanone kind of labor controlling machine performs to change artificially becomes. This kind of equipment merit includes: has the 486pc machine complete function can satisfy each kind of function request which will protect to current and the future microcomputer. size and structure and present microcomputer protective device similar the craft excellent quakeproof guards against has been hot guards against electronmagetic interference ability may move in the very severe working conditions the cost may accept. uses the std main line or the pc main line the hardware modulation may select the different module wilfully regarding the different protection the disposition nimble is easy to expand.Relay protection installment computerizes is the irreversible development tendency. How butto satisfies the electrical power system request well how further enhances the relay protection the reliability how obtains the bigger economic efficiency and the social efficiency still must conduct specifically the thorough research.2.2 networked The computer network has become the information age as the information and the data communication tool the technical prop caused the human production and the social life appearance has had the radical change. It profoundly is affecting each industry domain also has provided the powerful means of communication for each industry domain. So far besides the differential motion protection and the vertical association protection all relay protections installment all only can respond the protection installment place electricity spirit. The relay protection function also only is restricted in the excision breakdown part reduces the accident to affect the scope. This mainly is because lacks the powerful data communication method. Overseas already had proposed the system protection concept this in mainly referred to the safe automatic device at that time. Because the relay protection function not only is restricted in the excision breakdown part and the limit accident affects the scope this is most important task but also must guarantee the entire system the security stable movement. This requests each protection unit all to be able to share the entire system the movement and the breakdown information data each protection unit and the superposition brake gear in analyze these information and in the data foundation the synchronized action guarantees the system the security stable movement. Obviously realizes this kind of system protection basic condition is joins the entire system each main equipment protective device with the computer network that is realization microcomputer protective device networked. This under the current engineering factor is completely possible.Regarding the general non- systemprotection the realization protective device computer networking also has the very big advantage. The relay protection equipment can obtain system failure information more then to the breakdown nature the breakdown position judgment and the breakdown distance examination is more accurate. Passed through the very long time to the auto-adapted protection principle research also has yielded the certain result but must realize truly protects to the system movement way and the malfunction auto-adapted must obtain the more systems movement and the breakdown information only then realization protection computer networked can achieve this point.Regarding certain protective device realization computer networkings also can enhance the protection the reliability. The Tianjin University in 1993 proposed in view of the future Three Gorges hydroelectric power station 500kv ultrahigh voltage multi- return routes generatrix one kind of distributional generatrix protection principle developed successfully this kind of equipment initially. Its principle is disperses the traditional central generatrix protection certain with to protect generatrix to return way to be same the generatrix protection unit the dispersible attire is located in on various return routes protection screen each protection unit joins with the computer network each protection unit only inputs this return route the amperage after transforms it the digital quantity transmits through the computer network for other all return routes protection unit each protection unit acts according to this return route the amperage and other all return routes amperage which obtains from the computer network carries on the generatrix differential motion protection the computation if the computed result proof is the generatrix interior breakdown then only jumps the book size return route circuit breaker Breakdown generatrix isolation. When generatrix area breakdown each protection unit all calculates for exterior breakdown does not act. This kind the distributional generatrix protection principle which realizes with the computer network has the high reliability compared to the traditional central generatrix protection principle. Because if a protection unit receives the disturbance or the miscalculation when moves by mistake only can wrongly jump the book size return route cannot create causes the generatrix entire the malignant accident which excises this regarding looks like the Three Gorges power plant to have the ultrahigh voltage generatrix the system key position to be extremely important.By above may know microcomputer protective device may enhance the protection performance and the reliability greatly this is the microcomputer protection development inevitable trend.2.3 protections control survey data communication integrations In realization relay protection computerizing with under the condition the protective device isin fact a high performance the multi-purpose computer is in an entire electrical power system computer network intelligent terminal. It may gain the electrical power system movement and breakdown any information and the data from the net also may protect the part which obtain.翻译后:继电保护的发展现状摘要回顾了我国电力系统继电保护技术发展的过程,概述了微机继电保护技术的成就,提出了未来继电保护技术发展的趋势是:计算机化网络化保护控制测量数据通信一体化和人工智能化。

二、电气工程及其自动化的发展现状1. 电力系统电力系统是电气工程的核心领域之一。
2. 电机与电器电机与电器是电气工程的重要组成部分。
3. 电子技术电子技术是电气工程的重要支撑技术。
4. 自动控制自动控制是电气工程及其自动化的核心内容之一。
三、电气工程及其自动化的发展趋势1. 智能化智能化是电气工程及其自动化的未来发展趋势之一。
2. 绿色化绿色化是电气工程及其自动化的另一个重要发展趋势。
电气类外文翻译---- 110KV供电系统继电保护作用浅析

中文2000字附录:110Kv power supply system relay protection function brief analysisNot only the 110Kv power supply system relay protection function brief analysis electrical power system security and the reliability relate electrical power system itself the movement, similarly relates in the power transmission scope the factories and mines, the enterprise, whether the inhabitant uses electricity normally.Because simultaneously the electrical power system has the strong connectivity, electrical power system interior any barrier all possibly affects the overall system normal operation, thus we must complete the power supply system practically the relay protection question.First, the 11OKV power supply systemGenerally speaking electrical power system including the electricity generation, changes the electricity, the electric transmission, the power distribution and uses electricity and so on five links, between five links restricted mutually, cooperates mutually has facilitated the electrical power system stability together.But in fact, because these five links not always in the identical place, the identical time complete, the electric transmission must surmount the vast area, simultaneously the electrical power system must not carry on the connection with the equipment, thus strengthened its movement environment complexity, causes electrical power system the zero failure rate to guarantee with difficulty.The 110Kv power supply system is in the entire electrical power system important constituent, it whether safe, stable, reliable movement, not only relates the system own movement quality, whether moreover relates in its power transmission scope general user normal prompt using electricity, it the economical normal development and the society is stably taking on the important energy safeguard duty to the power transmission scope in.Therefore the 110KV power supply system design and the movement management must observe national comprehensively the related standard and the standard, as well as correlation area specifically standard standard.In the 110Kv power supply system is containing a subsystems and two subsystems.Two subsystems were opposite in a subsystems are complex, violate the subsystems to include the relay protection installment, the automatic device and the secondary circuit.The relay protection installment is uses for in the power supply system to a subsystems to carry on the surveillance, the survey, the control and the protection, is composed set of special automatic devices by the relay.The reasonable relay protection installment correct establishment to guarantees the 110Kv power supply system the normal operation to have the positive function.Second, the relay protection digs reads and the related principleElectrical power system rapid development to the relay protection to propose unceasingly the new request, the electronic technology, the computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development.The relay protection is refers when in the electrical power system electric power part (for example generator, line and so on) or electrical power system itself has occurred the breakdown endangers the electrical power system safe operation, can to the attendant promptly send out thewarning signal, or directly to the circuit breaker which controls sends out the trip order to terminate one kind of automated protection which these events develop, the relay protection equipment can monitor the electrical equipment the normal work situation, and sends out the prompt signal differently according to the normal work situation and the equipment movement maintenance condition, in order to the attendant carries on prompt processing, either carries on the adjustment automatically by the protective device, either continues these to move possibly can cause the accident electrical equipment to excise.Response normal work situation relay protection equipment common belt certain time-lag action.The relay protection principle of work mainly has used in the electrical power system the part has when the short circuit or the unusual situation the electrical quantity (electric current, voltage, power, frequency and so on) change as well as in transformer fuel tank when breakdown occurs the massive gas and the oil stream speed increase or the flowing tubing head pressure intensity increase the higher condition.The electrical power system request provides the safekeeping of security for it to continue the electricity installment to have following performance:(1) reliability. The reliability is refers to the protection to be supposed to move time the body should act reliably.Should not when the movement should reliable not act.The reliability is to the relay protection installment performance most basic request.(2) selectivity. The selectivity is refers first by the breakdown equipment logical 'OR' circuit itself protection excision breakdown, when the breakdown equipment logical 'OR' circuit itself protection or the circuit breaker resist moves, only then allows by the neighboring equipment to protect, the line protection or the circuit breaker malfunction protection excision breakdown.In order to guarantee has in the coordinate request protection and the identical protection has the coordinate request two parts (for example start and trip part or block system and movement part) the selectivity to the neighboring equipment and the line, its sensitivity coefficient and the operating time, should coordinate mutually in the ordinary circumstances.(3) sensitivity. The sensitivity is refers when the equipment logical 'OR' circuit occurs by the extent of protection in the metallicity short circuit, the protective device should have the essential sensitivity coefficient, each kind of protection smallest sensitivity coefficient has the specific stipulation in the regulations.Selectivity and sensitive request, through relay protection installation realization.(4) speed. The speed is refers to the protective device to be supposed to excise the short circuit breakdown as soon as possible, its date enhances the system stability, reduces the breakdown equipment and the line damage degree, reduces the breakdown to affect the scope, enhances automatic switches on again with the emergency power supply or the emergency apparatus automatic investment effect and so on.Third, relay protection in 11OKV power supply system Chen Ai function1. The guarantee continues the electricity system the reliability is plays the relay protection installment role the premise. Continues the electricity system the reliability is plays the relay protection installment role the premise.Generally speaking the relay protection reliability mainly by the disposition reasonable, the quality and the technical performance fine relay protection installment as well as the normal movement maintenance and the management guaranteed.2. Relay protection in electrical power system safe operation function. The relay protection mainly has following two points in the electrical power system safe operation function:(1) safeguard electrical power system security.When is protected when the electrical power system part breaks down, should rapidly accurately for be separated from the breakdown part recent circuit breaker by this part relay protection equipment to send out the trip order, causes the breakdown part to interrupt promptly from the electrical power system, by maximum limit reduces to the electrical power system part itself damage, reduces to the electrical power system safe power supply influence, and satisfies the electrical power system certain specific requests (for example maintenance electrical power system transition condition stable and so on).(2)pair of electrical power system normal work carries on the prompt.Responded the electrical equipment the normal work situation, (whether there is and different e.g. frequent attendant) does send out the signal according to the normal work situation and the equipment movement maintenance condition, in order to the attendant carries on processing, either carries on the adjustment automatically by the equipment, either continues these to move can cause the accident electrical equipment to excise.Response normal work situation relay protection installment permission belt certain time-lag action.(3) pair of electrical power system movement carries on the monitoring.The relay protection is not merely an accident processing and the response installment, simultaneously also is monitors the electrical power system normal operation the installment.The relay protection is the electrical power system safe normal operation important safeguard, at present oneself after obtained the widespread application, along with the science and technology unceasing progress, the relay protection technology presents day by day to the microcomputer, the network, the intellectualization, protects, the control, the survey and the data communication integration development tendency.110KV供电系统继电保护作用浅析电力系统的安全性和可靠性不仅关系到电力系统本身的运行,同样关系到送电范围内的厂矿、企业、居民能否正常用电。

浅谈电气工程及其自动化的发展现状与展望1. 引言1.1 电气工程及其自动化的定义电气工程是研究电力系统、电力设备与电力电子技术等领域的工程学科,其主要目的是研究电力的生产、传输、分配和利用,以及利用电力进行自动化控制和信息处理。
1.2 电气工程及其自动化的重要性电气工程及其自动化在现代社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。
2. 正文2.1 电气工程的发展历程电气工程的发展历程可以追溯到19世纪初叶,当时人们开始研究电学现象并尝试利用电力改善生活。

电气工程及其自动化的发展现状分析及发展趋势1. 引言1.1 电气工程及其自动化的发展现状分析及发展趋势电气工程及其自动化作为现代工程技术领域的重要分支,在我国的发展历程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。
2. 正文2.1 电气工程的发展历程电气工程作为一门重要的工程学科,在现代工业和社会发展中扮演着不可或缺的角色。

实用资料:电气工程专业课(电力类)翻译参考专业外语:Professional English电路(上)electrical circuit (I)电路(下)electrical circuit (II)金工实习machinery practice电机(上)electrical machinery (I)电工实验与测试electrical experiment & test电子综合实践integrated electronic practice信号与系统signal & system电子技术基础(模拟)fundamentals of electronic (analog)电磁场electromagnetic field电子技术实验electronic experiment(I)电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(I)发电厂动力工程基础Heat power engineering in generating plant企业管理enterprise management电气主系统electrical system principle电力系统稳态/暂态分析Steady-State/ Transient-State Analysis of Power System 电力系统继电保护Power System Relaying Protection电力系统潮流计算机分析:Computer Analysis of Power Flow数字电子技术Digital Electrical Technique微机原理microcomputer principle电子技术基础(数字)fundamentals of electronic (digital)自动控制automatic control theory电力系统分析electric power system analysis电子技术基础实验electronic experiment(II)电气主系统课程设计electrical system principle-course design电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(II)通信与计算机网络communication & computer networks电力系统继电保护electric power system relaying电力系统继电保护Power System Protective Relaying电力系统远动技术electric power system remote protocol生产实习productive practice Technology继电保护课程设计electric power system relaying-course design电力电子技术power electronics电力电子技术基础:Fundamentals of Electronics Power Technology电力电子课程设计Power electronics course design电力系统自动控制electric power system control & automation高电压技术High voltage engineering Technology变电站自动化substation automation电力经济electric power system economics电能质量控制electric power quality control配电网自动化distribution system automation电力系统新技术new techniques on electric power system控制电机electrical machine control调度自动化与能量管理energy management & automation灵活交流输电系统flexible AC transmission system计算机保护computer protection电力系统电磁兼容EMC in electric power system毕业实习graduation practice毕业设计graduation dissertation数字信号处理:Digital Signal Processing自动控制理论:Automatic Control Theory电气工程基础:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering电磁场概论:Introduction to Electro-Magnetic Field计算机继电保护:Microcomputer-Based Relaying Protection电气设备的绝缘检测与故障诊断:Insulation Diagnostics and Troubl-Shooting for Electrical Installations电网规划:Power System Planning可编程控制器原理及应用:Principles of PLC (Programmable logic Controller) And Application电磁场数值计算:Numerical Computation of Electro-Magnetic Field电力系统继电保护:Relay Protection of Power System电力系统自动装置原理The Principle of Electric Power System Automatic Equipment电力通信系统及调度自动化:Power System Communication and Dispatching Automatic专业方向电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术High Voltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology。


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译外文题目: Protection Relay 中文题目:继电保护学院名称:电子与信息工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化班级:电气082继电保护摘要:继电保护非常重要,因为大部分的用户,是从分布线和分配制度以来,比任何其他部分的系统更容易受到破坏。
其中天津大学与南京电力自动化设备厂合作研究的500kv晶体管方向高频保护和南京电力自动化研究院研制的晶体管高频闭锁距离保护,运行于葛洲坝50 0 kv线路上,结束了500kv线路保护完全依靠从国外进口的时代。
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毕业设计(外文翻译材料)学院:专业:学生姓名:指导教师:电气与电子工程学院电气工程及其自动化- 1 -Relay protection development present situationAbstract: Reviewed our country electrical power system relay protection technological development process, has outlined the microcomputer relay protection technology achievement, propose the future relay protection technological development tendency will be: Computerizes, networked, protects, the control, the survey, the data communication integration and the artificial intellectualization.Key word: relay protection, present situation development, future development1 relay protection development present situationThe electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection propose unceasingly the new request, the electronic technology, computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development, therefore, the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time.After the founding of the nation, our country relay protection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay manufacture industry and the relay protection technical team grows out of nothing, has passed through the path in about 10 years which advanced countries half century passes through. The 50's, our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology , completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich movement experience relay protection technical team, and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical team's establishment. The relay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay manufacture technology, has established our country relay manufacturing industry. Thus our country has completed the relay protection research, the design, the manufacture, the movement and the teaching complete system in the 60's. This is a- 2 -time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prospers, was our countries relay protection technology development has laid the solid foundation.From the end of the 50's, the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the 60's to the 80's,it is the times which the transistor relay protection vigorous development and widely used. Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation research 500kV transistor direction high frequency protection the transistor high frequency block system which develops with the Nanjing electric power automation research institute is away from the protection, moves on the Gezhou Dam 500kV line , finished the 500kV line protection to depend upon completely from the overseas import time.From the 70's, start based on the integration operational amplifier integrated circuit protection to study. Has formed the completely series to at the end of 80's integrated circuit protection, substitutes for the transistor protection gradually. The development, the production, the application the integrated circuit protects which to the beginning of the 90's still were in the dominant position, this was the integrated circuit protection time. The integrated electricity road work frequency conversion quantity direction develops which in this aspect Nanjing electric power automation research institute high frequency protected the vital role, the Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation development integrated circuit phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection also moves in multi- strip 220kV and on the 500kV line.Our country namely started the computer relay protection research from the end of the 70's, the institutions of higher learning and the scientific research courtyard institute forerunner's function. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, southeast the university, the North China electric power institute, the Xian Jiao tong University, the Tianjin University, Shanghai Jiao tong University, the Chongqing University and the Nanjing electric power automation research institute one after another has all developed the different principle, the different pattern microcomputer protective device. In 1984 the original North China electric power institute developed- 3 -the transmission line microcomputer protective device first through the evaluation and in the system the find application, had opened in our country relay protection history the new page, protect the promotion for the microcomputer to pave the way. In the host equipment protection aspect, the generator which southeast the university and Huazhong University of Science and Technology develop loses magnetism protection, the generator protection and the generator? Bank of transformers protection also one after another in 1989、1994 through appraisal and investment movement. The Nanjing electric power automation research institute develops microcomputer line protective device also in 1991 through appraisal. The Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation development microcomputer phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection, the Xian Jiao tong University and the Xuchang Relay Factory cooperation development positive sequence breakdown component direction high frequency protection also one after another in 1993, in 1996 through the appraisal. Here, the different principle, the different type microcomputer line and the host equipment protect unique, provided one batch of new generation of performance for the electrical power system fine, the function has been complete, the work reliable relay protection installment. Along with the microcomputer protective device research, in microcomputer aspect and so on protection software, algorithm has also yielded the very many theories result. May say started our country relay protection technology from the 90's to enter the time which the microcomputer protected.2 relay protections future developmentThe relay protection technology future the tendency will be to computerizes, networked, the intellectualization, will protect, the control, the survey and the data communication integration development.2.1 computerizesAlong with the computer hardware swift and violent development, the microcomputer protection hardware also unceasingly is developing. The original- 4 -North China electric power institute develops the microcomputer line protection hardware has experienced 3 development phases: Is published from 8 lists CPU structure microcomputer protection, does not develop to 5 years time to the multi- CPU structure, latter developed to the main line does not leave the module the big modular structure, the performance enhances greatly, obtained the widespread application. Huazhong University of Science and Technology develops the microcomputer protection also is from 8 CPU, develops to take the labor controlling machine core partially as the foundation 32 microcomputers protection.The Nanjing electric power automation research institute from the very beginning has developed 16 CPU is the foundation microcomputer line protection, obtained the big area promotion, at present also is studying 32 protections hardware system. Southeast the university develops the microcomputer host equipment protects the hardware also passed through improved and the enhancement many times. The Tianjin University from the very beginning is the development take more than 16 CPU as the foundation microcomputer line protection, in 1988 namely started to study take 32 digital signals processor (DSP) as the foundation protection, the control, the survey integration microcomputer installment, at present cooperated with the Zhuhai automatic equipment company develops one kind of function complete 32 big modules, a module was a minicomputer. Uses 32 microcomputers chips only to focus by no means on the precision, because of the precision the a/d switch resolution limit, is surpassed time 16 all is accepts with difficulty in the conversion rate and the cost aspect; 32 microcomputers chips have the very high integration rate more importantly, very high operating frequency and computation speed, very big addressing space, rich command system and many inputs outlet. The CPU register, the data bus, the address bus all are 32, has the memory management function, the memory protection function and the duty transformation function, and (cache) and the floating number part all integrates the high speed buffer in CPU.The electrical power system the request which protects to the microcomputer enhances unceasingly, besides protection basic function, but also should have the- 5 -large capacity breakdown information and the data long-term storage space, the fast data processing function, the formidable traffic capacity, with other protections, the control device and dispatches the networking by to share the entire system data, the information and the network resources ability, the higher order language programming and so on. This requests the microcomputer protective device to have is equal to a pc machine function. In the computer protection development initial period, once conceived has made the relay protection installment with a minicomputer. At that time because the small machine volume big, the cost high, the reliability was bad, this tentative plan was not realistic. Now, with the microcomputer protective device size similar labor controlling machine function, the speed, the storage capacity greatly has surpassed the same year small machine, therefore, made the relay protection with complete set labor controlling machine the opportunity already to be mature, this will be one of development directions which the microcomputer protected. The Tianjin University has developed the relay protection installment which Cheng Yong tong microcomputer protective device structure quite same not less than one kind of labor controlling machine performs to change artificially becomes. This kind of equipment merit includes: has the 486pc machine complete function, can satisfy each kind of function request which will protect to current and the future microcomputer. size and structure and present microcomputer protective device similar, the craft excellent, quakeproof, guards against has been hot, guards against electromagnetic interference ability, may move in the very severe working conditions, the cost may accept. Uses the STD main line or the pc main line, the hardware modulation, may select the different module willfully regarding the different protection, the disposition nimble, and is easy to expand.Relay protection installment, computerizes is the irreversible development tendency. How but to satisfies the electrical power system request well, how further enhances the relay protection the reliability, how obtains the bigger economic efficiency and the social efficiency, still must conduct specifically the thorough research.- 6 -2.2 networkedThe computer network has become the information age as the information and the data communication tool the technical prop, caused the human production and the social life appearance has had the radical change. It profoundly is affecting each industry domain, also has provided the powerful means of communication for each industry domain. So far, besides the differential motion protection and the vertical association protection, all relay protections installment all only can respond the protection installment place electricity spirit. The relay protection function also only is restricted in the excision breakdown part, reduces the accident to affect the scope. This mainly is because lacks the powerful data communication method. Overseas already had proposed the system protection concept, this in mainly referred to the safe automatic device at that time. Because the relay protection function not only is restricted in the excision breakdown part and the limit accident affects the scope (this is most important task), but also must guarantee the entire system the security stable movement. This requests each protection unit all to be able to share the entire system the movement and the breakdown information data, each protection unit and the superposition brake gear in analyze this information and in the data foundation the synchronized action, guarantees the system the security stable movement. Obviously, realizes this kind of system protection basic condition is joins the entire system each main equipment protective device with the computer network, that is realization microcomputer protective device networked. This under the current engineering factor is completely possible.Regarding the general non- system protection, the realization protective device computer networking also has the very big advantage. The relay protection equipment can obtain system failure information more, then to the breakdown nature, the breakdown position judgment and the breakdown distance examination is more accurate. Passed through the very long time to the auto-adapted protection principle research, also has yielded the certain result, but must realize truly protects to the system movement way and the malfunction auto-adapted, must obtain the more- 7 -systems movement and the breakdown information, only then realization protection computer networked, can achieve this point.Regarding certain protective device realization computer networking also can enhance the protection the reliability. The Tianjin University in 1993 proposed in view of the future Three Gorges hydroelectric power station 500kv ultrahigh voltage multi-return routes generatrix one kind of distributional generatrix protection principle, developed successfully this kind of equipment initially. Its principle is disperses the traditional central generatrix protection certain (with to protect generatrix to return way to be same) the generatrix protection unit, the dispersible attire is located in on various return routes protection screen, each protection unit joins with the computer network, each protection unit only inputs this return route the amperage, after transforms it the digital quantity, transmits through the computer network for other all return routes protection unit, each protection unit acts according to this return route the amperage and other all return routes amperage which obtains from the computer network, carries on the generatrix differential motion protection the computation, if the computed result proof is the generatrix interior breakdown then only jumps the book size return route circuit breaker, Breakdown generatrix isolation. When generatrix area breakdown, each protection unit all calculates for exterior breakdown does not act. This kind the distributional generatrix protection principle which realizes with the computer network has the high reliability compared to the traditional central generatrix protection principle. Because if a protection unit receives the disturbance or the miscalculation when moves by mistake, only can wrongly jump the book size return route, cannot create causes the generatrix entire the malignant accident which excises, this regarding looks like the Three Gorges power plant to have the ultrahigh voltage generatrix the system key position to be extremely important.By above may know, microcomputer protective device may enhance the protection performance and the reliability greatly, this is the microcomputer protection development inevitable trend.- 8 -2.3 protections, control, survey, data communication integrationsIn realization relay protection computerizing with under the condition, the protective device is in fact a high performance, the multi-purpose computer, is in an entire electrical power system computer network intelligent terminal. It may gain the electrical power system movement and breakdown any information and the data from the net, also may protect the part which obtains it any information and the data transfer for the network control center or no matter what a terminal. Therefore, each microcomputer protective device not only may complete the relay protection function, moreover in does not have in the breakdown normal operation situation also to be possible to complete the survey, the control, the data communication function that is realization protection, control, survey, data communication integration.At present, in order to survey, the protection and the control need, outdoor transformer substation all equipment, like the transformer, the line and so on the secondary voltage, the electric current all must use the control cable to direct to . Lays the massive control cable not only must massively invest, moreover makes the secondary circuit to be extremely complex. But if the above protection, the control, the survey, the data communication integration computer installation, will install in outdoor transformer substation by the protection device nearby, by the protection device voltage, the amperage is changed into after this installment internal circulation the digital quantity, will deliver through the computer network, then might avoid the massive control cable. If takes the network with the optical fiber the transmission medium, but also may avoid the electromagnetic interference. Now the optical current transformer (OTA) and the optical voltage transformer (OTV) in the research trial stage, future inevitably obtained the application in the electrical power system. In uses OTA and in the OTV situation, the protective device should place is apart from OTA and the OTV recent place, that is should place by the protection device nearby. OTA and the OTV light signal inputs after this integration installment in and transforms the electrical signal, on the one hand serves as the protection the computation judgment; On the other hand took the survey quantity, delivers through- 9 -the network. May to deliver from through the network by the protection device operation control command this integrated installment, carries out the circuit breaker operation from this the integrated installment. In 1992 the Tianjin University proposed the protection, the control, the survey, the correspondence integration question, and has developed take the tms320c25 digital signal processor (DSP) as a foundation protection, the control, the survey, the data communication integration installment.2.4 intellectualizationsIn recent years, the artificial intelligence technology like nerve network, the genetic algorithms, the evolution plan, the fuzzy logic and so on all obtained the application in electrical power system each domain, also started in the relay protection domain application research. The nerve network is one non-linear mapping method, very many lists the complex non-linear problem with difficulty which the equation or solves with difficulty, the application nerve network side principle may be easily solved. For example exhibits in the situation in the transmission line two sides systems electric potential angle to occur after the transition resistance short-circuits is a non-linear problem, very difficult correctly to make the breakdown position from the protection the distinction, thus creates moves by mistake or resists to move; If thinks after the network method, passes through the massive breakdowns sample training, so long as the sample centralism has fully considered each kind of situation, then in breaks down time any all may correctly distinguish. Other likes genetic algorithms, the evolution plan and so on also all has its unique solution complex question the ability. May cause the solution speed these artificial intelligence method suitable unions to be quicker? The Tianjin University carries on the nerve network type relay protection from 1996 the research, has yielded the preliminary result. May foresee, the artificial intelligence technology must be able to obtain the application in the relay protection domain, by solves the problem which solves with difficulty with the conventional method.3 conclusions- 10 -Since the founding of China's electric power system protection technology has undergone four times. With the rapid development of power systems and computer technology, communications technology, relay technology faces the further development of the trend. Domestic and international trends in the development of protection technologies: computerization, networking, protection, control, measurement, data communications integration and artificial intelligence, which made protection workers difficult task, but also opened up the activities of vast.- 11 -继电保护发展现状摘要:回顾我国电力系统继电保护技术的发展过程,概述了微机继电保护技术成果,提出了未来继电保护技术的发展趋势将是:计算机化,网络化,保护,控制,调查,数据通信一体化和人工智能化。