
第 65题。
(1)60問选1问:時間がどんどん加速されている(时间不断地被加速),指的是什么?1 因为必须要做的事情很多,所以感到时间短暂。
2 只要热衷于什么事,就会感到一天的时间短暂。
3 因为工作效率的提高,一天的工作时间变短。
4 由于技术的进步,花费在工作的时间变短。
61問选2问:いつも何かしていないと気が落ち着かない(总是只要没有在做什么事情就会感到不平静)的原因,作者是如何考虑的?1 只要什么都不做,就会感到心灵空虚。


Part III Listening Comprehension
Conversation 2
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. What does the woman say about British railways? B 23. What do some people who write to the man complain about? D 24. What does the man say threatens the existence of railways? B 25. What does the man say about railways in other countries? D
Part III Listening Comprehension
Conversation 1
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is the key to write a good classical detective story according to the man? D 20. What does the man mainly need when working on a book? D 21. What does the man say about writers? C
Part III Listening Comprehension
Conversation 1
W: When you write a novel, do you know where you‟re going, Dr. James? M: Yes, you must, really, if you‟re writing the classical detective story, because it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued. I have schemes. I have charts. I have diagrams. It doesn‟t mean to say I always get it right, but I do plan before I begin writing. But what is so fascinating is how a book changes during the process of writing. It seems to me that creative writing is a process of revelation, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense. W: When you‟re planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that you‟re by yourself? M: I need to be by myself certainly, absolutely. I can‟t even bare anybody else in the house. I don‟t mind much where I am as long as I‟ve got enough space to write, but I need to be completely alone.

4番 引越しの会社の人が女の人と話しています。小さい赤い箱にはどんな物を詰めたらいいで すか。小さい赤い箱です。 男:この度は、お引越しのご依頼、ありがとうございます。 女:お世話になります。 男:今日は引越し用の箱をお持ちしました。色は赤と青、2 色あります。赤はすぐに使う もの。青はしばらく使わないものというように使い分けてください。 女:はい。 男:それから、サイズは大小ご用意しております。本やお皿など、重い物は小さい箱に、 衣類など軽い物は大きい箱にお詰めください。 女:ああ、そうですか。工夫してあるんですね。
問題 3 1番 俳優がインタビューに答えています。 男:この映画では初めて登山家の役をしました。撮影の時、危険な場面は専門の人に頼む ことが多いんですが、私は全部自分で演じました。私は登山はやったことがなかったんで、 撮影に入る前から体力づくりに力を入れ、プロの登山家にもアドバイスを受けながら、実
女:あのう、あしたの研修会の参加者リストのことなんですが。 男:ああ、あれね、取り消しの人はいないんだけどね、今日参加を申し込んできた人がい たから、付け加えといてくれない。 女:はい。 男:それから、あのリスト、参加者に配るんだったよね。 女:はい。 男:プライバシーの問題があるからメールアドレスは載せない方がいいんじゃない? 女:ああ、それは今回全員から許可をいただいてます。 男:ああ、そう。 女:はい。あのう、リストの順番は名前のアイウエオ順にしたほうがいいでしょうか。 男:いや、それはいいよ。 女:はい、では打ちなおしてお持ちします。
男:今度の土曜日は部長の家でランチパーティーだね。部長の奥さん料理上手らしいね。 女:うん、楽しみだね。そうそう、一緒に何か持っていかない。 男:ケーキか何か買って行こうか。 女:いや、奥さん、お菓子作りもお上手だって聞いたよ。お店のケーキを持って行くって いうのもちょっとね。娘さんが喜びそうな物をプレゼントするっていうのはどう? 男:それがいいね。部長に聞いても何も持って来なくていいっていうからね。 女:じゃ、今日私が探して買っとくね。

2010年12月英语六级听力原文及答案Section A短对话(11~18)11W: This is one of our best and least expensive two-bedroom listings. It‟s located in a quiet building and it‟s close to bus lines.M: That maybe true. But look at it, it‟s awful, the paint has peeled off and carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?12M: The pictures we took at the botanical garden should be ready tomorrow.W: I can‟t wait to see them, I‟m wondering if the shots I took are as good as I thought.Q: What is the woman eager to know?13W: The handle of the suitcase is broken. Can you have it fixed by next Tuesday?M: Let me see, I need to find a handle that matches but that shouldn‟t take too long.Q: What does the man mean?14M: This truck looks like what I need but I‟m worried about maintenance. For us it‟ll have to operate for long periods of time in very cold temperatures.W: We have several models that are especially adaptive for extreme conditions. Would you like to see them?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?15M: I think your boss would be very upset when he gets your letter of resignation.W: That may be so. But in the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions.Q: What do we learn about the woman?16W I‟d like to exchange the shirt. I‟ve learned that the person bought it for allergic to wool.M Maybe we can find something in cotton or silk. Please come this way.Q;What does the women want to do?17M: Excuse me, Miss?Did anyone happen to turn in a new handbag? You know, it‟s a birthday gift for my wife.W: Let me see. Oh, we‟ve got quite a lot of women‟s bags here. Can you give me more detailed information, such as the color, the size and the trademark?Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?18M What are you going to do with the old house you are in heritage from your grandfather?W I once intended to sell it, but now, I‟m think ing of turning it into a guest house, because it's still a solid structure.Q: What does the man plan to do with his old house?长对话(19~25)W: When you write a novel, do you know where you‟re going, Dr. James?M: Yes, you must, really, if you‟re writing th e classical detective story, because it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued. I have schemes. I have charts. I have diagrams. It doesn‟t mean to say that I always get it right, but I do plan before I begin writing. But what is so fascinating is how a book changes during the process of writing. It seems to me that creative writing is a process of recalibration, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.W: When you‟re planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that you‟re by yourself?M: I need to be by myself certainly, absolutely. I can‟t even bare anybody else in the house. I don‟t mind much where I am as long as I‟ve got enough space to write, but I need to be completely alone.W: Is that very important to you?M: Oh, yes. I‟ve never been lonely in all my life.W: How extraordinary! Never?M: No, never.W: You‟re very lucky. Someone once said that there‟s a bit of ice at the heart of every writer.M: Yes. I think this is true. The writer can stand aside from experience and look at it, watch it happening. There is this …detachment‟ and I realize that there are obviously experiences which would overwhelm everyone. But very often, a writer can appear to stand aside, and this detachment makes people feel there‟s a bit of ice in the heart.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What is the key to write a good classical detective story according to the man?20. What does the man mainly need when working on a book?21. What does the man say about writers?W: There is an element there about competition then, isn‟t there? Because British railways are a nationalized industry. There‟s only one railway system in the country. If you don‟t like a particular kind of big beans, you can go and buy another. But if you don't like a particular railway, you can‟t go and use another.M: Some people who write to me say this. They say that if you didn‟t have monopoly, you wouldn‟t be able to do the things you do. Well, I don‟t think we do anything deliberately to upset our customers. We have particular problems. Since 1946, when the Transport Act came in, we were nationalized.W: Do you think that‟s a good thing? Has it been a good thing for the railways, do you think, to be nationalized?M: Oh I t hink so, yes. Because in general, modes of transport are all around. Let‟s face the fact. The car arrived. The car is here to stay. There is no question about that.W: So what are you saying then? Is it if the railways happen being nationalized, they would simply have disappeared?M: Oh, I think they would have. They‟re disappearing fast in America. Er, the French railways lose 1 billion ponds a year. The German railways, 2 billion ponds a year. But you see, those governments are preparing to pour money into the transport system to keep it going.W: So in a sense, you cope between two extremes. On the one hand, you‟re trying not to lose too much money. And on the other hand, you‟ve got to provide the best service.M: Yes, you are right.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. What does the woman say about British railways?23. What do some people who write to the man complain about?24. What does the man say threatens the existence of railways?25. What does the man say about railways in other countries?Section BPassage OneAmong global warming‟s most frightening threats is the prediction is that the polar ice-caps will melt, raising sea level so much that coastal cities from New York to Los Angles to Shanghai will be flooded. Scientists agree that key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is much as 7000 feet thick. Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface. Surrounded by open ocean, it is also vulnerable, but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is. Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years, a period when global temperatures probably were not significantly higher than they are today. And the ice sheet was assumed to have been stable. In geological time, a million years is recent history. The proof, which was published last week in Science, comes from a team of scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden and California Institute of Technology who drew deep holes near the edge of ice sheet. Within samples collected from the solid substances lying beneath the ice. They found fossils of microscopic marine plants which suggest that the region was once open ocean not solid ice. As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, …the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and c an disappear again.‟26. What is one of the most frightening threats of global warming according to the passage?27. What did scientists disagree on?28. What is the latest information revealed about the West Antarctic ice sheet?29. What the scientists‟ latest findings suggest?Passage TwoIt's always fun to write about research that you can actually try out for yourself.Try this: Take a photo and upload it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL link to the picture is and then delete it. Come back a month later and see if the link works. Chances are: It will.Facebook isn't alone here. Researchers at Cambridge University have found that nearly half of the social networking sites don't immediately delete pictures when a user requests they be removed. In general, photo-centric websites like Flickr were found to be better at quickly removing deleted photos upon request.Why do "deleted" photos stick around so long? The problem relates to the way data is stored on large websites: While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution. It's a complex system wherein data is copied to multiple intermediate devices, usually to speed up access to files when millions of people are trying to access the service at the same time. But because changes aren't reflected across the content delivery networks immediately, ghost copies of files tend to linger for days or weeks.In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around until the URL in question is reused, which is usually "after a short period of time", though obviously that time can vary considerably.30. What does the speaker ask us to try out?31. What accounts for the failure of some websites to remove photos immediately?32. When will the unwanted data eventually disappear from Facebook according to the company?Passage ThreeEnjoying an iced coffee? Better skip dinner or hit the gym afterwards, with a cancer charity warning that some iced coffees contain as many calories as a hot dinner.The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) conducted a survey of iced coffees sold by some popular chains in Britain including Starbucks, Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee to gauge the calories as studies increasingly link obesity with cancer.The worst offender - a coffee from Starbucks -- had 561 calories. Other iced coffees contained more than 450 calories and the majority had an excess of 200.Health experts advise that the average woman should consume about 2,000 calories a day and a man about 2,500 calories to maintain a healthy weight. Dieters aim for 1,000 to 1,500 calories aday."The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman's daily calories allowance is alarming," Dr Rachel Thompson, science programme manager at London-based WCRF, said in a widely-reported statement."This is the amount of calories you might expect to have in an evening meal, not in a drink."The WCRF has estimated that 19,000 cancers a year in Britain could be prevented if people lost their excess weight with growing evidence that excess body fat increases the risk of various cancers."If you are having these types of coffee regularly then they will increase the chances of you becoming overweight, which in turn increases your risk of developing cancer, as well as other diseases such as heart disease." she added.33. What warning did some health experts give?34. What does the author suggest people do after they have an iced coffee?35. What could British people expect if they maintain a normal body weight according to the WCRF?Section CPsychologists are finding that hope plays a surprisingly vital role in giving people a measurable advantage in realms as diverse as academic achievement, bearing up in tough jobs and coping with tragic illness. And, by contrast, the loss of hope is turning out to be a stronger sign that a person may commit suicide than other factors long thought to be more likely risks.…Hope has proven a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far,‟ said Doctor Charles R. Snyder, a psychologist, who has devised a scale to assess how much hope a person has.For example, in research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder and his colleagues found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first semester was a more accurate predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point averages in high school, the two measures most commonly used to predict college performance.…Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work to attain them,‟ Doctor Snyder said. …When you compare students of equivalent intelligence and past academic achievements, what sets them apart is hope.‟In devising a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder went beyond the simple notion that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right. …That notion is not concrete enough, and it blurs two key components of hope,‟ Doctor Snyder said, …Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.‟答案与解析11. What can we infer from the conversation?【答案】C. The man is looking for an apartment.【解析】从对话中看出女士在推销,而男士正在找apartment building。

46問答案:1笔者认为,在现在这个时代,要培养创造力需要什么?1 一边经历失败,一边发现课题的能力2 不断失败的过程中完成课题的能力3 一边吸取失败的教训,一边完成课题的能力4 一边接受失败,一边解决课题的能力。
47問答案:2这个文书最想传达的是什么?1 asakusa株式会社的国际课1月份搬到山中大厦这件事。
2 asakusa株式会社的国际课12月份搬到山中大厦这件事。
3 asakusa株式会社的总部和国际课1月份搬到山中大厦这件事。
4 asakusa株式会社的总部和国际课12月份搬到山中大厦这件事。

一、词汇部分答案(第1~25题):32214 43141 32121 32411 32434二、文法部分答案(第26~40题):42134 14223 41132三、听力答案与解析問題1課題理解問題1ではまず質問を聞いてください。


了解 遼寧ちりょ 知慮・智慮(智虑)じりょう 寺領(寺院的领地)ちりょう 治療(治疗)花屋の隣に空き地があります。
1うら2となり 3そば 4むかい 正解:2解析:在花店隔壁有空地。
うち 内(里面) 家(自家、我的、我们的)となり 隣(隔壁)そば 傍・側(旁边) 蕎麦(荞麦面)むかい 向い・向かい(对面)問題2 ___の言葉を漢字で書くとき、最もよいものを1・2・3・4からひとつ選びなさい。
1開催2開幕 3開演 4開講正解:1解析:下个月将会举办运动会。
1依り2任り 3頼り 4援り 正解:3解析:小林是个可靠的人。
2010 12 N2日语听力

2010 12 N2真题解析之N2听力—要点理解1番:会議で男の人が説明しています。

2010年12月份英语真题答案快速阅读1. C) People instinctively seek nature in different ways2. B) Things that are purchased3. B) More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill4. D) are less likely to be involved in bullying5. B) provide more green spaces for children6. A) They enjoy a life of better quality7. A) access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence8. separated9. the wild world10. harmony听力原文及答案Section A短对话(11~18)11.M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I w ish we’ve gone to the beach instead.W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature.Q:What does the woman mean?12.M: How’s the new job going?W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I w ish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know?13.M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John?W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?14.M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk?W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend agai nst it.Q: What does the man want to know about his mother?15.M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine?Q: what do we learn from the conversation?16.M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed.W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?17.M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it.W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?18.W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.M: I’m no doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: what do we learn about the woman from the conversation?长对话(19~21)M: Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some of the things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank.W: All right.M: Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that we’re filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.W: Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.M: That’s all right.W: The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.M: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks?W: Um, no, none that I can remember.M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years.M: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?W: Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.M: OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?W: I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. Yes, yes.M: All right. Mrs. Dawson, I really appreciate what you’ve been through today. I’m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’t mind. It won’t take very long. Can you do that for me?W: Oh, of course.M: Would you like to step this way with me, please?W: OK, sure.M: Thank you.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What do we learn about the woman?20. What did the suspect look like?21. What did the man finally asked the woman to do?长对话(22~25)W: Good morning, I’m calling about t he job that was in the paper last night.M: Well, could you tell me your name?W: Candider Forsett.M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.M: Really? Um… Could you tell me a little about yourself?W: Yes. I’m 23. I’ve been working abroad.M: Where exactly have you been working?W: In Geneva.M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?W: Secretarial work. Previous to that, I was at university.M: Which university was that?W: The Univer sity of Manchester. I’ve got a degree in English.M: You said you’ve been working in Geneva. Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the family.M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?W: Well, I’m ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me eventually into management.M: I see. You have foreign languages?W: French and Italian.M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is do reply a writing to the advertisement.W: Can’t I arrange for an interview now?M: Well, I’m afraid we must wait until all the applications are in, in writing, and we’ll then decide on the short list. If you are on the short list, of course we should see you.W: Oh, I see.M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two.W: Oh, yes, yes, certainly.M: Ok, thank you very much. Goodbye.W: Thank you. Goodbye.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?Section BPassage OneOne of the greatest heartbreaks for fire fighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burning building because the child, frightened by smoke and noise, hides under a bed or in a closet and is later found dead. Saddest of all is when children catch a glimpse of the masked fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster. To prevent such tragedies, fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire. He displays fire fighters’ equipment, including the oxygen mask, which he encour ages his listeners to play with and put on. “If you see us,” V elez tells them, “don’t hide! We are not monsters. We have come to rescue you.” Velez gives his presentations in English and Spanish. Growing up in San Francisco, he learnt Spanish from his immigrant parents. Velez and other fire fighters throughout North America, who give similar presentations, will never know how many lives they save through their talks. But it’s a fact that informative speaking saves lives. For example, several months after listening to an informative speech, Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food, by using the method taught by student speaker, Julie Paris. In addition to saving lives, informative speakers help people learn new skills, solve problems and acquire fascinating facts about the exciting world in which they live.26 Why do some children trapped in a burning building hide from masked fire fighters?27 What does the passage tell us about fire fighter Eric Velez?28 What do we learn about Pete Gentry?29 What message is the speaker trying to convey?Passage TwoSome people want to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early. I see people pursuing higher paying and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal. They make many personal sacrifices in exchange for income today. The problem is that tomorrow might not come. Even if it all goes according to plan, will you know how to be happy when you are not working if you spend your entire life making money? More importantly, who will be around for you to share your leisure time with? At the other extreme are people who live only for today. Why bother saving when I might not be here tomorrow, they argue. The danger of this approach is that tomorrow may come after all. And most people don't want to spend all their tomorrows working for a living. The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older. You may be surprise to hear me say that if you must pick an extreme I think it's better to pick the spend-all approach. As long as you don't mind continuing to work, assuming your health allows, you should be OK. At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it. Postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake. It may never come. Retirement can be a great time for some people. For others, it is a time of boredom, loneliness and poor health.30 Why do some people pursue higher paying but demanding careers?31 What is the danger facing people who live only for today?32 What does the speaker seem to advocate?Passage ThreeImagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion. How fair will that be? Well, it happens everyday to high schoolers. Just because some students have stolen things in shops, all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I’d never steal.Store employees looked at me like I’m some kind of hardened criminal. For example, d uring one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hotdog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside. A new sign in the window told the story. “No more than two students at a time”. After 15 minutes, we f inally got in. But the store manger laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign, and he said, “You kids are stealing too much stuff.” You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves, but brilliant, greedy thieves. The most anno ying thing though, is the way employees watched my friends and me. It’s horrible.Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking theshelves. He was watching my hands, more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off, as if he was going to get the store manager. How crazy is that!33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?DCB16-18.BAB19-21.ABD22-25.CABA26-29.DADD30-32.CAC33-35.CDBSection CWriting keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with relatives and friends. We write to preserve our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and appreciate their heritage. With computers and Internet connections in so many households, colleges, and businesses, people are e-mailing friends and relatives all the time -- or talking to them in writing in online chat rooms. It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more convenient than waiting until Sunday for the telephone rates to drop. Students are e-mailing their professors to receive and discuss their classroom assignments and to submit them. They are e-mailing classmates to discuss and collaborate on homework. They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life.Despite the growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal letter. A hand-written note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts. No matter what the content of the message, its real point is, "I want you to know that I care about you." This writing practice brings rewards that can’t be seen in bank accounts, but only in the success of human relationships.36. preserve37. appreciate38. households39. chat40. convenient41. rates43. submit44. They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life.45. A hand-written note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts.46. This writing pr actice brings rewards that can’t be seen in bank accounts阅读Section A 选词填空47. M) raised 48. L) psychological 49. E) contributions 50. A) abilities51. B) achieve 52. N) smart 53. I) extent 54. J) indicates55. G) essentially 56. H) eventually仔细阅读57-61:BCACA,62-66;BCDDA完型及解释67. B came out68. C less69. C by70. B almost71. A developed72. D growth73. C lead74. C pressure75. D services76. B into77. D driven78. D wealth79. D unless80. A expand82. A common83. D major84. A trend85. B but86. C possibilities答案及解析:67. came out 表示出版,公布,这里表示报告的公布。
2010年12月日语 N2真题

問題7 次の文の()に入れるのに最もよいものを、1・2・3・4から一つ選びなさい。

1問答案:1 解析:規模(きぼ)解题要点:这道题考查的是名词的音读。
2問答案:1 解析:触れた(ふれた) 解题要点:此题考查的是动词的训读音。
3問答案:3 解析:尊重(そんちょう)解题要点:此题考查的是单词的音读音。
4問答案:4 解析:治療(ちりょう)解题要点:此题考查的是单词的音读音。
「治」音读音为「じ」「ち」, 「政(せい)治(じ)」「治(ち)療(りょう)」。
5問答案:2 解析:隣(となり)解题要点:此题考查的是单词的训读音。
选项1是:裏(うら) 选项3是:側(そば) 选项4是:向(む)かい。
2010.12 N2 (听解) (答案)

2010 年12月日语一级能力考试真题解析

2010 年12月日语一级能力考试真题(文字部分)----------------------新世界日语版----------------------新能力考文字词汇出题倾向分析新能力考已经实施了2次,可以肯定的说文字词汇部分的难度是有所增加的。
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6番 電話で女の人と男の人がカメラの修理について話しています。男の人はどうしますか。 女:もしもし、こちらカメラ修理センターです。山田さんのお宅でしょうか。 男:はい。 女:先日お預かりしたカメラですが。調べましたら、部品の一部が壊れていまして、交換 が必要だとわかりました。部品の交換には一万円かかりますが、 いかがいたしましょう か。 男:えっ、まだ買ったばかりだから。保障期間中じゃないんですか。 女:それが、今回のケースは申し訳ございませんが、保障の対象外となります。 修理が 必要かどうかお調べした費用三千円につきましては、無料とさせていただきますが。 男:そうですか。 女:あのう、もしこのまま修理しないということでしたら、お預かりしたカメラをご自宅 にお送りすることもできますが。 男:あ、それはいいです。気に入ってるし、まだ使いたいから。じゃ、お願いします。 男の人はどうしますか。
Hale Waihona Puke 沪江日语绿宝书之 2010 年 12 月新日本語能力試験 2 級
聴解参考原文 及 部分参考答案
問題 1 1番 大学で女の学生と男の学生が話しています。女の学生はこの後何をしますか。 女:ねえ、経済学のレポート、もう書いた? 男:うんん、まだ途中。 女:来週の水曜日だよね、締め切り。私、レポートの参考資料が見つからなくて、困って るんだ。インターネットでちょっと調べてみたんだけと…… 男:僕が先生の言ってた経済学入門って本、買ったよ。最初は僕もインターネットで調べ て書こうと思ってたんだけど、やっぱりうまく書けそうになくて…… 女:それ、今持ってる? 男:うん、持ってるよ。これ…… 女:ねえ、悪いんだけど、一日だけ借りられない? 男:あー、今日、僕もこれ見ながらレポート書くつもりだから……この本、図書館にあっ たから、借りたら…… 女:そっか、行ってみる。 男:うん。授業のノートもけっこう参考になったよ。 女:うん、そうだね。わたしも、ノートは見てみたんだ。ありがとう。 問い:女の学生はこの後何をしますか。 2番 会社で男の人と女の人が出張について話しています。女の人はこの後何をしなければなり ませんか。
問題 3 1番 俳優がインタビューに答えています。 男:この映画では初めて登山家の役をしました。撮影の時、危険な場面は専門の人に頼む ことが多いんですが、私は全部自分で演じました。私は登山はやったことがなかったんで、
女:あのう、あしたの研修会の参加者リストのことなんですが。 男:ああ、あれね、取り消しの人はいないんだけどね、今日参加を申し込んできた人がい たから、付け加えといてくれない。 女:はい。 男:それから、あのリスト、参加者に配るんだったよね。 女:はい。 男:プライバシーの問題があるからメールアドレスは載せない方がいいんじゃない? 女:ああ、それは今回全員から許可をいただいてます。 男:ああ、そう。 女:はい。あのう、リストの順番は名前のアイウエオ順にしたほうがいいでしょうか。 男:いや、それはいいよ。
1以前も今も賛成だ 2以前も今も反対だ 3以前は賛成だったが、今は反対だ 4以前は反対だったが、今は賛成だ 正解:4
女:はい、では打ちなおしてお持ちします。 男:じゃ、よろしく。 女の人は参加者リストをどのように直さなければなりませんか。
問題 2 1番 会議で男の人が説明しています。男の人は新しい商品についてどうしたらいいと言ってい ますか。 男:ええ、本日は新商品のチョコレートについて事前調査の結果が出ましたので、ご報告 いたします。販売価格については適切であるという評価をいただきました。箱のデザイン は他に似たものがなく個性があるということでしたが、味については少し甘すぎるという 意見が多く、甘さを抑えるなどの対応が必要となります。商品名は評判がよく覚えやすい ということでした。 男の人は新しい商品についてどうしたらいいと言っていますか。 2番 会社で男の人と女の人が話しています。2 人は部長の家に持って行く物をどうすることに しましたか。
5番 会社で女の人と男の人が話しています。男の人はどうして残業をしていると言っています か。 女:お疲れ様。あれ?今日残業?頑張ってるね。
男:うーん、会議の資料、後もう少しで完成するんだ。 女:あっ、昨日作ってた資料? 男:うん、来週休暇取ってるから、今週中にやりたいんだよね。 女:今週中って、あしたしかないじゃない? 男:うん、部長には休暇明けでもいいって言われたんだけど、でも、仕事のことが気にな って、せっかくの休みは楽しめないくらいなら、今やっといたほうがいいかなって思って。 女:まあ、そりゃそうよね。
何をしますか。 女:おはようございます。本日はボランティアに参加していただいてありがとうがござい ます。最初にお願いすることを簡単に説明しますね。 男:はい。 女:今日は木村さんのお世話を手伝ってもらいます。木村さんは車椅子をお使いなので、 部屋の移動の時には車椅子を押してください。 男:はい。 女:散歩がお好きなので、午後にでも一緒に庭に散歩に行ってください。 男:はい、わかりました。あのう、車椅子を押すのはあまり慣れていないんですが、 女:では、木村さんのところに行く前に練習しましょう。 男:ありがとうございます。 女:それから、昼食の時は隣に座って食事のお手伝いをしてください。 男:はい。 女:それと、帰る前に一日の記録をこのファイルに書き込んでください。よろしくお願い します。 男の人はこれからまず何をしますか。 5番 会社で女の人と男の人が研修会について話しています。女の人は参加者リストをどのよう に直さなければなりませんか。
男:今度の土曜日は部長の家でランチパーティーだね。部長の奥さん料理上手らしいね。 女:うん、楽しみだね。そうそう、一緒に何か持っていかない。 男:ケーキか何か買って行こうか。 女:いや、奥さん、お菓子作りもお上手だって聞いたよ。お店のケーキを持って行くって いうのもちょっとね。娘さんが喜びそうな物をプレゼントするっていうのはどう? 男:それがいいね。部長に聞いても何も持って来なくていいっていうからね。 女:じゃ、今日私が探して買っとくね。
男:出張はもう来週だなあ。出張に持っていく新製品のサンプル、届いた? 女:いいえ、それがまだなんです。今週中には届くことになっておりますが。 男:うーん、それじゃ、不安だなあ。もう一度工場に電話して確認入れといて。 女:はい。 男:それから、製品紹介の資料。前回は分かりにくいって言われた部分があったじゃない? あそこ、直した? 女:はい、修正して机の所に置いておきました。今度はお客さまに好印象を持っていただ けると思います。 男:あっ、そう。ありがとう。 女:後で見ておくよ。飛行機のチッケトは取れてるよね。 男:はい、予約してあります。 問い:女の人はこの後何をしなければなりませんか。 3番 電話で女の人と男の人が話しています。女の人はこの後どうしますか。 女:はい、もしもし。 男:遅れてごめん。今、どこ? 女:映画館の前、でも、今日休みみたいだよ。 男:えっ? 女:どうしよう。 男:ごめん。調べとけばよかった。ええと、10分ぐらい歩いたところにもう一つあるけ ど。 女:うん。 男:そこはどうかなあ。そこはやってると思うけど。 女:うん。分からないけど。とりあえず行ってみる。 男:じゃ、さき行ってて。場所分かるよね。 女:えっ、分からないよ。ここで待ってる。 男:でも、寒いから。いつもの本屋に入ってて 女:分かった。喫茶店の下のところだね。じゃ、後で。 問い:女の人はこの後どうしますか。 4番 お年寄りの介護施設で女の人が男の人に仕事の説明をしています。男の人はこれからまず
4番 引越しの会社の人が女の人と話しています。小さい赤い箱にはどんな物を詰めたらいいで すか。小さい赤い箱です。 男:この度は、お引越しのご依頼、ありがとうございます。 女:お世話になります。 男:今日は引越し用の箱をお持ちしました。色は赤と青、2 色あります。赤はすぐに使う もの。青はしばらく使わないものというように使い分けてください。 女:はい。 男:それから、サイズは大小ご用意しております。本やお皿など、重い物は小さい箱に、 衣類など軽い物は大きい箱にお詰めください。 女:ああ、そうですか。工夫してあるんですね。
撮影に入る前から体力づくりに力を入れ、プロの登山家にもアドバイスを受けながら、実 際に山で訓練を重ねました。せりふを覚えるよりも大変でした。 俳優は何について話していますか。 1 登山家になるために大切なこと。 2 毎日しているトレーニングの内容。 3 映画監督から受けたアドバイス。 4 映画の撮影で苦労したこと。 正解:4 2番 テレビで女の人が話しています。 女:今女性の間で紅茶がブームになっています。いろいろな産地や種類の紅茶を揃えた店 もずいぶん増えました。お店で好きな紅茶を買ってきて、家でゆっくり味わう、というの もいいですよね。おいしい紅茶を家で楽しむには、いくつかポイントがあります。先ず、 ポットやカップを先に暖めておいてください。そして、葉の量はせいかくに、また、必ず 熱いお湯を使ってください。そうすればご自宅でも専門店で飲むようなおいしい紅茶を飲 むことができるでしょう。 女の人は何について話していますか。 1紅茶の産地や種類 2カップの選び方 3紅茶の入れ方 4紅茶の専門店 正解:3 3番 アナウンサーが男の人に子供の読む本についてインタビューをしています。 女:今日はサッカーの山田先生に子供が読む本を大人が選ぶことについて伺います。この 点について反対する人もいますが、先生はどう思われますか。 男:そうですね。僕は子供のころ、親が買ってくれる本が面白くなくて、読書があんまり 好きになれませんでした。だから、子供には自由に本を選ばせるべきだと考えていたんで す。ただ、最近は本の種類が多すぎて、本を読みたいと思っていても、どの本を読んでい いか分からないという子供が多いと聞きます。ですから、子供のうちは大人が導く必要が あると思います。