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植物研究 2011,31(1):1~3 Bu lletin of Botan ical R esearch

第一作者简介:祝正银(1945 ),男,教授,主任中药师,主要从事药用植物教学兼科研工作;植物、药用植物分类研究等。收稿日期:2009-09-08






(1.四川省中药学校,峨眉山 614201;2.北京中医药大学中药资源系,北京 100102)

摘 要 描述了四川(唇形科)鼠尾草属植物一新种,即川西鼠尾草。新植物毛被与花冠管内被长柔毛而独特,接近于粘毛鼠尾草(Salvia roboro w skii M ax i m .),其区别在于多年生草本,根粗壮,直径1~2c m;花萼较长,长1~1.2c m;花冠较长,长约2.1c m,内面离花冠筒基部约2mm 处,向上长约5mm 一段全被长柔毛(非毛环),花冠筒近中部向上近直弯曲而逐渐扩大,冠檐上下唇具紫红色斑点。关键词 川西鼠尾草;新种;中国

中图分类号:S567.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-5102(2011)01-0001-03

Taxa Nova Salvi oru m l abiat aru m

ZHU Zheng Y in 1

M I N Bai Q i n g 1

WANG Q i u Ling


(1.S i chuan School of Ch i neseM ateri a M ed i ca ,Em eis han ,S i chuan 614201;2.Beijing Un i versit y ofC h i neseM edici ne ,B eiji ng 100029)

Abst ract A ne w species of the fa m ily(Labiatae)Salvi a Linn .Salvi a chuanx iensis Z .Y.Zhu ,B .Q.M i n et Q.

L .W ang ,fr o m B aox ing sic huan,Ch i n a i s descri b ed .Co m pared w ith Salvia roboro w sk ii M ax i m .,t h e ne w species is a perenn ial herb w ith t h icker roo ,t 1~c m i n dia m eter ,and l o nger calyxes ,1~1.2c m l o ng ,and longer coro lla ,about 2.1c m long ,further m ore ,about 2mm near the tube base ,there is a 5 mm long part o f v illous surface i n si d e t h e corolla(but not annu lar ha ir).Last but not leas,t fro m the m i d d l e part of the cy li n derica l coro lla ,the tube stretchs upw ard ,expanding and cur v i n g gradua ll y ,and w ith purpc lish red speckles found in the upper and l o w er li p s o f the coro lla l o be ,wh ich disti n gu ishes th is ne w species fro m S.roboro w s k ii M ax i m ..K ey w ords Salvi a chuanx iensis Z .Y.Zhu ,B .Q.M i n etQ.L .W ang ;ne w species ;China

川西鼠尾草 新种

Salvi a chuanxiensis Z .Y.Zhu ,B .Q.M in e tQ.L .W ang sp .nov .

Species pr ox i m a S .roboro w skii M ax i m .a qua herbis perenn i b us ;radic i b us robustis 1-2c m dia m .;calyci b us l o ng i o ri b us 1-1.2c m long is ;coro llis l o n gioribus c irc . 2.1c m l o ng is ,t u bis i n tus basi c irc .2mm longis sursu m c irc .5mm long is partibus ubique v illosis(non annu latis),subm ed iis subarrectis curvatis sensi m a m pliati s ,li m bor um lab iis superis i n ferisque pur pureo puncticultis d iffer.t

H erba perenn is 60-100c m al.t ,cau lis fo li u m rhach is ped icella calyxque g l o co g l a ti l o ngipila g l o co glati brev i p ila v illosa pubescentiaque ,radice r obusta 1-

2c m dia m .rubeo fusoa .Cau lis erecta vel suberecta basilaris sursum mu ltira m osa densa pavce paucora m o

sa quadrangularis quadrisu lcata .Fo li a basilaria an t h e si e m orientia ;fo lia cau li n a m u lta ,hastata vel hastato triangulari a ad hastato lanceolata vel lanceolata (2.5-)4-8c m longa (1-)3-4c m lata longa lataque sub aequ ilonga ,apice obtusa ve l pavce acuta ,basi subco r data ve l subcordato truncata ad truncata ,m arg i n e ir regu lari crenata vel obtuso dentata supra v iridia sub tus pa lli d e v iri d ia ,costa supra concava subtus conv exa ;peti o lis (1-)3-7c m l o ng is ,vel la m i n is subae quilong is vel long isri b us pavce brev i o ri b us .I nflores centiae vertic illatae 2-6(-8) florae parce disso c iantes race m osae ve l panicu latae co m positae apicales 15-30c m long is ;fo liis bracteane is f o liace is petio l u
