



2019年雅思口语范文素材:动物Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.You should say:- what animal it was- where you saw it- what happened when you saw itand explain why you thought it was interesting.Part 3ZoosDo you think zoos are good or bad?Do you think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?Why do you think so many cities have zoos?In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos?The Protection of Wild AnimalsWhy do you think wild animals should be protected?In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near extinction) of some animal species?At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could (help) protect wild animals?Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals?范文I found there was a bat nest in my balcony recently, and one night I happened to see they flew across the patio under our apartment and hover in the sky. I was shocked, because it was dark outside but they knew exactly where to go without mistakes. Moreover, they went out only at night.I thought bats are interesting not because they can fly in the dark since I know they are nocturnal animals. I always think the ability which aids bats fly and prey capture is their unusual eye-sight, like another nocturnal animal, owls. But the truth is because of their echolocation. Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness.。

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Pet 宠物类话题.doc

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Pet 宠物类话题.doc

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Pet 宠物类话题宠物类话题属于本季度新出题目,曾经在口语话题卡部分考到的相关话题有描述一个有趣的动物,当时被抽到此题的考生特别多。

需要注意的是考生需要区别一下宠物和野生动物的区别,一般我们能谈到的宠物也就是猫猫狗狗或者仓鼠羊驼之类被驯化过的动物,不可把狼等野生动物说成自己养的宠物==;Have you ever had a pet when you were young? 你小时候养过宠物吗?Yes. When I was in primary school, I once had a Persian?cat which had very white fur. It was adopted by our family when it was about 3 months old.是的,在我上小学的时候,我有一只白色的波斯猫。


Are there many people keeping pets in China? 中国有很多人养宠物吗?Yes, there are many people keeping pets in China. The most common pets that I have seen are cats and dogs. This article is from Laokaoya website. Usually, in the city center, pets are in small and medium in size because of the government’s regulation.是的,中国有很多人养宠物。



What pet will you keep if you want? 你想养什么样的宠物?I want to have a dog in the future. I think the dog is very loyal to the family and can help keep the door if nobody is at home. Also, I like the dog’s cute appearance, which made me feel very warm.我想养一条狗。



雅思口语第一部分参考题答案1. Animals●Do you like animals?--你喜欢所有动物,还是只喜欢某些动物,它们的共同特点是什么?你喜欢它们的具体表现是什么?●Do people in your country like animals?--答案是肯定的,多数人还是喜爱动物,对动物挺友好的,但也有少数人虐待动物的,着实可恶!●What animals do people like to keep as pets in your country? (Why)--从最常见的开始说起,并说明为什么它们那么受欢迎。


●Is there any change right now compared with the past?--这个问题问的是过去人们养的宠物和现在又什么区别。

其实,过去又有多少人养宠物呢?●Do people of different age keep different ani mals as pets?--对不起,这个真不知道,但是你可以猜猜。

参考:--Yes I do, but not all animals. I prefer animals that are smart, cute and um, hairy多毛的, for example dogs. I dislike those hairless animals, like snakes and lizards.蜥蜴They look so scary, you know. I get goose bumps毛骨悚然whe never I see them.--Well, generally yes. I think most people are fond of animals. And this can be seen fromthe fact that so many people keep animals as pets. But I have to ad mit承认that some people are cruel残忍的杀害to animals.I often read news reports about someone maltreat ing 虐待or even killing stray 流浪dogs and cats. It’s really abhorrent 【?b'h?r?t】可恶的behavior.--As I know, the most common pets are obviously dogs, all kinds of dogs, like pugs(哈巴狗), Peke(京巴), poodles(贵妇,贵宾), pit bulls(比特犬), huskies(哈士奇), chows (松狮), Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds(萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels(可卡犬). In my neighborhoods, 9 out of 10 pets are dogs. And I think the main reason why dogs are so well-liked is because they are great fun and smart, you know, you can teach them to do some simple tricks技巧, and they make great company when you are lonely, and for children, they are wonderful playmates, and one more thing, dogs are loyal to their master. So they’re in deed确实mankind’s best friend.--Mum, well, I don’t k now much about the past, but I suppose one big change is that more people keep exotic异国pets now days than before, like German shepherd牧羊犬and Persian cat波斯猫. I don’t think people in the past could buy such pets.--I’m not sure, but I guess so. For example, I often see elderly people have pet birds, but I’ve never seen any young people keep them. And it seems to me that dogs are well-liked among all age-groups, yeah.2. Your hometown (Version 1)●What’s your hometown famous for?--头疼,我们那里没什么有名的呀,那就实话实说呗;如果有,具体说一说就行,比如你们那里的食物有名,然后准备一种食物就可以啦,但一定要能描述它。



• How can the government protect animals? • The most effective method, I think, is to publish the strict enforcement of law and discipline to regulate people. • Education is a smart way for government to protect animals. The government can show some noncommercials on protecting animals.
• Flocky 毛茸茸的 • Squab 胖胖的 • Clever 伶俐的 • Greedy 嘴馋的 • Piquant 调皮的
• Cute 可爱的 • Lazy 懒惰的 • Spoony 痴情的 • Vivacious 活泼的
• What kind of animals are popular in China? • In my opinion, Chinese people likebut Years ago, we can see many birds, birds. Most pigeons raised by recently only of my neighbors raise birds at home. Dogs are to the citizens can be found due the most popular pets environment. destruction toin China. • What birds do you have in this city? • The sparrow and swallow are generally popular in this city. And occasionally, you may see the hawk.

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Animal 动物.doc

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Animal 动物.doc

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Animal 动物Why do some people keep pets at home?为什么有人喜欢在家养宠物呢?我也不太确定被人咋想的,可能跟我一样把。



I don’t know what others think, probably same like me. You know, our life pace is getting faster and faster and keeping a pet can make our life not that boring. That’s, I guess, the main reason why some people like to have a pet at home.What kinds of animals do you like?你喜欢什么样的动物?我最喜欢的动物是狗狗,尤其是柯基,它是一种短腿狗。



Well, I love dogs the most, especially corgi, which is a dog that has short legs. The reason why I love it is mainly that it’s quite cute. Every time I see this little creature, my pressure from work would soon disappear.Have you ever had a pet before?你曾经养过宠物吗?我们家曾经养过一只猫和一直够,那还是在我上小学和初中那会儿的事情。




赵:Nowadays, we can find an interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company.现如今,我们可以发现在大学生寝室有一个现象:很多学生希望在寝室养宠物来娱乐自己,或者用其他话来说,作为一个陪伴。

章:I think some college students keep small animals as their pets is reasonable. The systems ofCollege are too strict. Why students can”t do things they like? They just small animals我认为大学生在寝室养小动物作为他们的宠物是合理的。



周:My friend kept a dog as a pet in the dormitory.It is a stray dog, but he also made the careful preparation He toke it so well that we all think he can play with the dog. But a week after the teacher found it. The teacher asked him to drop the dog.What school do Is right?我的朋友在寝室里养狗,是一只流浪狗,但是他也为它做了精心的准备, 他对它是如此的精心以至于让我们都以为他可以和这只狗一起玩耍。



英语口语animals动物主题对话5分钟第一篇:英语口语animals动物主题对话5分钟赵:Nowadays, we can find an interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company.现如今,我们可以发现在大学生寝室有一个现象:很多学生希望在寝室养宠物来娱乐自己,或者用其他话来说,作为一个陪伴。

章:I think some college students keep small animals as their pets is reasonable.The systems of College are too strict.Why students can”t do things they like? They just small animals 我认为大学生在寝室养小动物作为他们的宠物是合理的。



周:My friend kept a dog as a pet in the dormitory.It is a stray dog, but he also made the careful preparation He toke it so well that we all think he can play with the dog.But a week after the teacher found it.The teacher asked him to drop the dog.What school do Is right? 我的朋友在寝室里养狗,是一只流浪狗,但是他也为它做了精心的准备, 他对它是如此的精心以至于让我们都以为他可以和这只狗一起玩耍。


• Last but not least, dogs are very loyal to their owners.
• So I think the dog is the best choice as a pet.
• Why do people like to keep pets?
• (1) A pet animal is kept as a companion, and we all need companions to keep us feeling happy. But pets offer us more than mere companionship; they invite us to love and be loved. Many owners feel their pets understand them, for animals are quick to sense anger and sorrow. Often a cat or dog can comfort us at times when human words don’t help.
• Well, choices are divided.
• You know, China has a large population, so we cannot be too generalized.
• It may sound too absolute if I don’t go into classification.
• Zootopia
• Do you like the movie ? • Which animals in this movie do you
like best? • What else movies about animals have

wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语




















雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物1. Do you like animals?Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or in any other way screw you over. People will dothis in a nano-second.比起人来,我更喜欢动物。




2. What's your favourite animal?I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.我是个爱动物的人。



3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse.狗。



关于动物的雅思口语话题素材雅思口语经典回复之动物话题E.g. absolutely yes, especially, i'm a big fan of shepherd dog which looks elegant and obedient. Actually, i keep a shepherd as a pet who I call handsome. It's not only a pet, an animal, but also a loyal companion.但是,我们也可以傲娇地说No,特别是对于有毛发恐惧症的小可怜们,是不是特别滴无奈。


actually, not really. I mean i like to watch animals like tigers or lions in a zoo or appreciate a leopard moving elegantly on TV programs like wildlife documentaries. But it seems that it's the last thing for me to raise a dog or a cat as a pet as i have an issue of hair phobia. I even daren't touch the fur of animals,not even a cute bunny. I don't know why but i just can't make it....在这里省略吐槽一万字。



比如,当说到交通(transport)类话题,如果我不太喜欢坐飞机的一个原因是恐高症,那就能说I hardly travel by air as i have aerophobia.如果说到了insects类的话题,也可以说害怕bees因为有密集恐惧症:trypophobia. 除此之外,part1还有很多社会交往类的话题(socialization)。




实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这个答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。


AnimalsEndangered species 濒临物种Red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤Snub-nosed golden monkey 金丝猴Broaden horizon 开阔视野Creaturely world 动物世界National symbol and treasure of China 国宝Fluffy 毛茸茸的Black eye patches 黑眼罩Appealing 吸引人的Comical 滑稽的Bamboo shoot 竹笋Dull 呆滞的Good companions 好伙伴Dog-person/cat-person 汪星人/ 喵星人Faithful 忠诚的Sense your minds 感知你的思想Vent spleen on sb. 对某人发脾气Nasty bite 狠咬一口1. Do you like animals?Yes. I like animals especially dogs because they can accompany me when I am sad or lonely. Also, I like dogs because of a documentary in which there is a faithful dog who kept waiting his master after he died. I was deeply moved by it. I raised dogs and cats before and was so heartbroken when my adorable pet dog passed away that I decided not to raise animals any longer.2. What is your favorite animal?My favorite animal is dog because they are very faithful to their master. Once they recognize one person as their master, they never betray him or her. I love dogs also because I’m moved by a documentary. The documentary portrays a dog whose master passed away while it stays in the place where they went most waiting for its master until the day of its death.3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?People in my country usually have dogs and cats as their pet. Most of people have dogs as their pets because dog is the kind of animal which likes spending time with people and following them around. Others choose cat cuz cats are really adorable.4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?It depends. I don’t think cities are suitable places for keeping dogs as a pet cuz the room is too limited. However, keeping a hamster as a pet is just enough cuz hamsteroccupies a much smaller place.5. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?Children can play with pets when adults around him or her are too busy, so that they may be more sociable when they grow up. Also, taking care of a pet can also help children acquire the skills to take care of themselves.。



Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。





2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。


3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。

wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语











wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语

wild animal雅思口语Wild animals are an intriguing topic in IELTS Speaking tests. Many candidates are often asked questions about wild animals, such as their thoughts on wildlife conservation, their favorite wild animal, or whether they believe animals should be kept in zoos. In this article, we will explore different aspects related to wild animals and provide valuable insights.IntroductionWild animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and are a source of fascination for humans. However, there are various perspectives on the issue of wild animals, as they evoke both positive and negative emotions.The Importance of Wildlife ConservationWild animals are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems. By regulating populations of other species, they contribute to the overall balance of nature. Furthermore, they are an integral part of the food chain, ensuring the survival of countless other organisms. Conserving wild animals is therefore crucial for preserving biodiversity and preventing ecological imbalances.The Ethical Dilemma: Captivity vs. FreedomOne controversial topic is whether it is ethical to keep wild animals in captivity. Some argue that zoos provide educational opportunities for people to learn about wildlife, while others assert that it is an infringement of the animal's right to freedom. While there may be valid arguments on both sides,it is important to consider the well-being and welfare of the animals involved. Efforts should be made to provide natural habitats and enrichment activities to ensure a better quality of life for captive animals.The Ecotourism Industry and its ImpactsEcotourism has gained popularity in recent years, allowing tourists to experience nature and observe wild animals in their natural habitats. On one hand, this industry boosts local economies and promotes wildlife conservation through revenue generated from tourism. On the other hand, mass tourism can have negative impacts on wildlife, such as disturbance to their natural behavior and destruction of habitats. Striking a balance between promoting responsible tourism and protecting wild animals is crucial for sustainable ecotourism practices.Threats to Wild Animals: Habitat Loss and PoachingThe ongoing destruction of natural habitats remains a grave threat to wild animals. Deforestation, urbanization, and climate change are among the factors contributing to the loss of habitats. The subsequent decrease in available resources and shelter poses a significant challenge to their survival. Additionally, the illegal trade of animal products, driven by demand for exotic pets and traditional medicine, fuels poaching and jeopardizes the existence of numerous species. International efforts and stricter regulations are necessary to combat these threats.Education and Awareness: Shaping the FutureEducation plays a fundamental role in fostering a sense of responsibility and awareness towards wild animals. By incorporating wildlife conservationinto school curricula and organizing community programs, young individuals can be empowered to appreciate and protect wild animals. Furthermore, raising public awareness through media campaigns can influence societal attitudes and behavior towards wildlife, ensuring a sustainable future for both animals and humans.ConclusionWild animals are a precious part of our natural world, and their conservation should be a shared responsibility. By preserving their habitats, addressing ethical concerns, promoting responsible tourism, and raising awareness through education, we can help maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems and ensure the survival of wild animals for future generations. Let us appreciate the beauty and value of wild animals while taking effective measures to protect them.。



animals雅思口语话题1. Do you like animals?Yes. I like animals especially dogs because they can accompany me when I am sad or lonely. Also, I like dogs because of a documentary in which there is a faithful dog who kept waiting his master after he died. I was deeply moved by it. I raised dogs and cats before and was so heartbroken when my adorable pet dog passed away that I decided not to raise animals any longer.2. What is your favorite animal?My favorite animal is dog because they are very faithful to their master. Once they recognize one person as their master, they never betray him or her. I love dogs also because Im moved by a documentary. The documentary portrays a dog whose master passed away while it stays in the place where they went most waiting for its master until the day of its death.3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?People in my country usually have dogs and cats as theirpet. Most of people have dogs as their pets because dog is the kind of animal which likes spending time with people and following them around. Others choose cat cuz cats are really adorable.4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?It depends. I dont think cities are suitable places for keeping dogs as a pet cuz the room is too limited. However, keeping a hamster as a pet is just enough cuz hamster occupies a much smaller place.5. What do you think are the benefits of a child havinga pet?Children can play with pets when adults around him or her are too busy, so that they may be more sociable when they grow up. Also, taking care of a pet can also help children acquire the skills to take care of themselves.3 4雅思口语专业人士话题Describe someone who is very professionalYou should say:Who this person isWho this person doesHow you knew this personAnd explain why this person is professional 雅思口语必考话题思路解析:描述一个非常专业的人。

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1. Do you like animals?
Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or
in any other way screw you over. People will do
this in a nano-second.




2. What's your favourite animal?
I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.



3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?
Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse.



4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?
As long as the pets don’t attack others, then yes. Keeping pets nearly becomes a common habit of modern people. There are many advantages of keeping pets in cities. Pets can make fun for their owners. They can offer assistance as well if the owner’s disabled.





5. What do you think are the benefits of a
child having a pet?
Pets teach children responsibilities, as they need attention, feeding and exercise. Pets also serve as a wonderful companion as they bring us relaxation, enjoyment and laughter. A pet is a good idea for children as long as they are old enough to manage it.



雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物.doc [全文共1987字] 编号:6998288。
