

英美小说读后感第一篇:英美小说读后感Freedom ——My Impression of The Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”First of all, I truly believe that all that is about impendence of a country or person should be treated seriously.The Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, is the fundamental element of founding of United State.The content of Declaration of Independence can be divided into three parts.First part is foreword and it declares the purpose of this declaration.Second part is a generalization of Capitalism’s political thought.And the rest part enumerates the guilt of the British Empire and makes a statement of being independent.I am emphasizing the importance of independence again.We are living in such peaceful year that we are not as eager about independence as they did.So we can’t experience the ecstasy of being free.Freedom is the main point of this declaration.Because freedom is the foundation, we must first make ourselves free.Without freedom, we act like a slave.“All men are created equal”.Equality is also a main point.In this declaration, they demanded equal right as Brittan does.This piece of law is applicable nowadays.Not only does equality mean we demand equal rights as the other do but also it means governor should be punished as usual when they break the law.“They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”This time I would like to focus on the line “pursuit of Happiness”.The phrases became popular after publishing.However, someone had mistaken that we have right to pursuit happiness for that we have right to be happy.The meanings of these two sentences are absolutely different.Apparently, we can pursuit our happiness through hard working, but it is impossible that we have happiness without exertion.Meanwhile, “pursuit of happiness” remin ds me of a movie named Pursuit of Happiness.The man in the movie struggled for a long time and finally he succeeded.He pursuit his dream and he was happy in the end.What impressed me most is that we must pay for our own happiness.In a word, we are created equal and we should fight for our equal rights.Moreover, we have right to pursuit happiness but we must struggle for ourselves.Independent—— My Impression of The Great Gatsby For an ordinary lady, what are required characters? Is it self-loving or independent? I will work it out later.Daisy was a miserable woman because she lost love and dignity, being tricked by two men, Tom and Gatsby.I can’t find a more unfortunate woman than Daisy.I come to a conclusion: woman should be independent, self-loving.Daisy used to love Gatsby and she had escape home, tolerating the condemnations from others, even in the last night before wedding she drank a lot and threw the wedding ring away.But she finally gave in because she had to live on.Without materials, she can’t live and she knew love is also realistic.Paying her whole life, she married Tom.T om was a selfish, vulgar, hypercritical man.He married Daisy to fulfill his vanity even he didn’t love Daisy at all.During the five-year marriage, Daisy gradually lost herself and lost her dignity.In order to live a better life, Daisy tolerated her husband’ affairs.Meanwhile,Gatsby showed up.He became more charming and richer.Gatsby did a lot to achieve his broken “American Dream” through seeing Daisy’s regret and shock.What a poor man!Gatsby showed his apartment and procession to Daisy and Daisy was moved and dangling.At that time, Daisy was controlled by these two men.What’s surprised, Daisy let Gatsby take the blame of vehicular manslaughter.If Daisy had been independent and self-loving, she would have not married T om who she didn’t love at all, and she would have not been degraded.It reminds me of nowadays phenomenon.Many young ladies become mistress of the rich old man because of materials and abandon their boyfriend.They satisf y the old man’ every need.But finally, young ladies become old and get nothing from old man.A battle of women is not how to attract fascinate man but to be independent and be herself.A successful woman should keep on her road of life in her own way.She is said to pursuit her dream and maintain her career.Another topic I want to discuss about is “American Dream”, which is actually the theme of The Great Gatsby.The main character, Gatsby, a poor man at the very beginning, had a “American Dream”.He wanted to m arry Daisy.But his dream was broken because Daisy refused to marry him.It was the first time that his “American Dream” had broken.Gatsby became rich later and did a lot to let Daisy come to his house, including moving to the house next to Nick, holding a lot of luxury parties.He made it.Daisy came to his house and fell in love with him again.At last Daisy let Gatsby take the blame of vehicular manslaughter and she fled away with T om.What’s ridiculers is that Gatsby still believed Daisy would stay with him.Apparently, it was the second time that his dream had broken.What a miserable man and poor woman!Five Lessons——My Impression of The Five People You Meet in the Heaven Life and Death is metempsychosis.Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven weaves together three stories, all told about the same man: 83-year-old Eddie, the head maintenance person at Ruby Point Amusement Park.As the novel opens, readers are told that Eddie is only minutes away from death as he goes about his typical business at the park.And after Eddie died, he met five people in the heaven.Each soul has a story to tell, a secret to reveal, and a lesson to share.Through them Eddie understands the meaning of his own life even as his arrival brings closure to theirs.The first person Eddie met in the heaven was a stranger, blue man.Actually, Eddie met the blue man when he was a child.Eddie caused the blue man’ death indirectly and he felt sorry for the blue man.The blue man taught him a lesson.“No life is a waste.The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone”.Life never will be meaningless.All the thing we do and all the experiences we suffer are meaningful.We should enjoy our life.The second person he met in the heaven was his Captain, who had shot at his leg.He knew that the Captain did this for his good and the Captain died of explosion.The Captain also taught a lesson to Eddie.Death is not the end of everything.Self-sacrifice is a part of life.Sometimes you think you have lost a thing then you are giving it to other.We should be generous and give a helping hand.Your life will be wonderful after giving and donating.The third person he met in the heaven was Ruby, the wife of the amusement park’s founder.She told the truth of Eddie’s father’s death.She taught the third les son to Eddie.To forgive other is kind of mercy to yourself.We should learn to forgive those who have hurt you or you just simply don’t like.The forth person he met in the heaven is his wife,Margaret.Eddie loved his wife very much, and so Margaret did.Margaret told Eddie that life is limited while love is unlimited.As for myself, I know that I can keep loving my parents even though they are not alive any more.Love is everlasting.The last person he met in the heaven was a Philippine girl, Tara.Eddie caused her death directly.He felt sorry for her but Tara forgave him.Because Tara knew that Eddie had saved a girl’s live.Eddie ruined a girl’s live but he saved another girl’s live.Everything happened in the world is related.The Five People You Meet in the Heaven reminds me of a TV series named Touch.Everything is associated.The idea of this book and that TV series is similar to Buddhism idea——Metempsychosis.Because we believe that we have future life, we pay attention to what we have said and what we have done in case that we would be punished in the coming future life.第二篇:英美著名小说总结一、英国文学1.Kingsley Amis---Lucky Jim《幸运的吉姆》,Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》,Emma《爱玛》,Lady Susan《苏珊太太》,Love and Friendship《爱情和友谊》,Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,Persuasion 《劝导》,Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》3.Arnold Bennett---The Old Wives’ T ale 《老妇人的故事》4.Elizabeth Bowen---The Death of the Heart《心之死》5.Charlotte Bronte---Jane Eyre 《简·爱》6.Emily Bronte---Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》7.Anthony Burgess---A Clockwork Orange 《发条椅子》8.Samuel Butler---The Way of All Flesh《众生之路》9.A.S.Byatt---Possession 《占有》10.Lewis Carroll---Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 《爱丽丝仙境历险记》11.Angela Carter---The Company of Wolves《狼之一族》12.Agatha Christie---Murder on the Orient Express《东方快车谋杀案》13.Ivy Compton-Burnett---A Family and a Fortune《家庭和财富》14.Joseph Conrad---Heart of Darkness《黑暗的心》, Lord Jim 《吉姆爷》15.Daniel Defoe---Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂游记》16.Charles Dickens---David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔》A Christmas Carol 《圣诞欢歌》A Child's History of England 《写给孩子看的英国历史》A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》American Notes《旅美札记》Pictures from Italy《意大利风光》Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》Chimes 《钟声》David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔》Domby and Son《董贝父子》Great Expectations《远大前程》Hard Times《艰难时世》17.Sir Arthur C.Ddyle---Adventure of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记》18.Margaret Drabble---The Waterfall《瀑布》19.Daphne Du Maurier---Rebecca《蝴蝶梦》20.George Eliot---Middlemarch《米德尔马契》21.E.M.Forster---Howards End《霍华德庄园》, A Passage to India《印度之旅》22.John Fowles---The French Lieutenant’s Woman《法国中尉的女人》23.John Galsworthy---The Man of Property 《财主》24.William Golding---Lord of the Flies 《蝇王》25.Graham Greene---The Human Factor《成事在人》26.Thomas Hardy---Tess of the D’Urbervilles《苔丝》, Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》27.Aldous Huxley---After Many a Summer《许多个夏天之后》28.Henry James---Daisy Miller《戴茜·米勒》29.James Joyce---A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man《青年艺术家画像》,Ulysses《尤利西斯》30.Rudyard Kipling---Kim《金姆》31.Charles Lamb---Tales from Shakespeare 《莎士比亚故事集》wrence---Sons and Lovers 《儿子与情人》33.John Le Carred---The Spy Who Came in from the Cold《冷战谍魂》34.Doris Lessing---The Grass Is Singing《野草在歌唱》35.David Lodge---Nice Work《好工作》36.W.Somerset Maugham---The Moon and Sixpence《月亮和六便士》, Of Human Bondage《人性的枷锁》37.Iris Murddoch---The Black Prince《黑王子》38.George Orwell---Nineteen Eighty-Four《1984》39.Salman Rushdie---Midnight Children《午夜的孩子》40.Sir Walter Scott---Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》41.C.P.Snow---The Affair《丑闻》42.Muriel Spark---The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie《简·布罗迪小姐的青春》43.Robert Louis Stevenson---Treasure Island《金银岛》44.Jonathan Swift---Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》45.William M.Thackeray---Vanity Fair 《名利场》46.Evelyn Waugh---A Handful of Dust《一掬尘土》47.H.G.Wells---The Invisible Man 《隐形人》48.Oscar Wilde---The Picture of Dorian Gray 《道利·格雷的肖像》49.Virginia Woolf---Mrs Dalloway《黛洛维夫人》, T o the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》二、美国文学1.Sherwood Anderson---Winesburg, Ohio《小城畸人》2.James Baldwin---Go T ell It on the Mountain《高山上的呼喊》3.Saul Bellow---Seize the Day《勿失良辰》, Henderson the Rain King 《雨王韩德森》4.Willam S.Burroughs---The Naked Lunch 《裸体午餐》5.Willa Cather---My Antonia 《我的安东尼亚》6.Kate Chopin---The Awakening《觉醒》7.Stephen Crane---The Red Badge of Courage 《红色英勇勋章》8.Theodore Dreiser---Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》, An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》9.Ralph Ellison---Invisible Man《隐形人》10.William Faulkner---Go Down, Moses《去吧,摩西》, The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》11.F.Scott Fitzgerald---The Great Gatsby 《伟大的盖茨比》12.Alex Haley---Roots 《根》13.Nathaniel Hawthorne---The Scarlet Letter《红字》14.Joseph Heller---Catch-22 《22条军规》15.Ernest Hemingway---The Sun Also Rises《太阳照常升起》, The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》16.James Jones---From Here to Eternity《乱世忠魂》17.Maxine Hong Kingston---The Woman Warrior《女勇士》18.Harper lee---T o Kill a Mockingbird《杀死一只知更鸟》19.Sinclair Lewis---Main Street 《大街》20.Jack London---The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》Martin Eden 《马丁·伊登》21.Norman Mailer---The Naked and the Dead《裸者与死者》22.Carson McCullers---The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter 《寂寞的心》或《心是孤独的猎手》23.James A.Michener---Centennial24.Margaret Mitchell---Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》25.Toni Morrison---The Bluest Eye 《最蓝的眼睛》26.Vladimir Nabokov---Lolita 《洛丽塔》27.Frank Norris---The Octopus《章鱼》28.J.D.Salinger---The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》29.Erich Segal---Man, Woman and Child 《男人、女人和孩子》30.Upton Sinclair---The Jungle 《丛林》31.John Steinbeck---The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》32.Harriet Beecher Stowe---Uncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》33.William Styron---Sophie's Choice《苏菲的抉择》34.Mark Twain---The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》The Prince and the Pauper《王子与贫儿》35.Alice Walker---The Color Purple《紫色》36.Robert Penn Warren---All the King's Men《国王班底》37.Edith Wharton---The Age of Innocence 《纯真年代》38.Thornton Wilder---The Bridge of San Luis Rey 《圣路易斯雷的大桥》39.Thomas Wolfe---Look Homeward, Angel《天使,望故乡》40.Herman Wouk---The Winds of War《战争风云》41.Richard Wright---Native Son《土生子》42.Louisa May Alcott---Little Women 《小妇人》第三篇:英美文学名著读后感A review of the great Gatsby It’s a story described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell “the American dream” which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy.Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story.But theauthor makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as the method pursue wealthy material life “the American dream”.Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life.He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost.He was what a pity wrong.He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman.He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society.He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall.The Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth.His bitter experience is precisely the happy song smiles the dance “knight the time” the portrayal.After telling the story briefly ,i just want using the new criticism approach analyze this movie.I trust after numerous people watched this movie who will be attracted by the passion of love and the cruelty money society.This movie reflect a kind of social phenomenon in America.Everybody go after fame and money ,all kinds of people chasing you around when you rich and also they will gone when you lose everything.Director compared and contrast the Gates and Daisy in the movie ,both of them are tragedies.Daisy abandon true love Gates due to the money and Gates dead for the worthless love.It is also the America society tragedy.The America dream is an incorrect attitudes towards money and life.The large amount of environment description which also reflect the huge social gap.The uppertendom live a luxury and dissipation life but the underclass live in extreme misery.All of thetechnique of expression in order to criticize the unhealthy characteristics of the times.Darren 01310512y24第四篇:小说读后感小说的读后感篇一:巴金小说读后感《家》《春》《秋》是巴金的《激流三部曲》。

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《北大欧美文学研究丛书》编委 会名单
上篇 传统小说叙事理论
第一章 18世纪 2
英国小说叙事 理论
3 第二章 司各特
和奥斯丁论小 说叙事
4 第三章 英国19
世纪中期小说 叙事理论
5 第四章 美国19
世纪中期小说 叙事理论
中篇 现代小说叙事理论
第五章 现代小 说理论的奠基
05 下篇 后经典小说叙事 理论
07 人名索引
06 引用文献
未名译库·新叙事理论 译丛
《英美小说叙事理论研究》探讨的不少问题在以往的研究中被忽略,书中不少观点在国内外均属于首次提出。 上篇和中篇所采用的把小说家叙事观点与创作实践相结合的研究方法同以往的研究相比有所创新,对英美不同小 说叙事传统的对比研究也构成了一种新的途径。下篇清理了后经典叙事理论中相关概念、术语的混乱,纠正了种 种偏误。
故事 传统
01 《北大欧美文学研究 丛书》编委会名单
上篇 传统小说叙事理 论

本文将阐述它的三个主要特点: 从内容上讲, 该书跨越三个世纪, 丰富博实; 在方法上, 研究者注重微观突破, 理论细读运用得恰倒好处; 就创新而言, 研究者善于综合, 把宏观透视和微观分析有机结合, 能成一家之言。
同时, 论文还将说明, 小说的学说, 即叙事学, 之所以大, 是由小说本身的兼容性所决定的。
小说融传、剧、诗、文、史于一体, 这就是小说后来居上的原因, 也是文类发展的一个基本规律。
申丹、韩加明、王丽亚是理想的学术团队, 他们学有专长, 术又相通, 分则各成其美, 合则相错如秀。
申丹精研20 世纪西方小说叙事理论,论文不断, 成果厚重, 是叙事学界异常活跃的领军人物。
韩加明专治18 世纪英国文学, 又以小说为重点, 无论是负笈海外, 还是教学国内, 都不离本业, 经年累月, 腹笥颇深。
王丽亚善于打硬战, 她对19 世纪文坛重镇亨利·詹姆斯情有独钟, 用力甚勤, 同时又多方阅读,大有外围突破的魄力。
申丹留学英伦的爱丁堡, 韩加明深造于美国的康奈尔, 王丽亚读博在中国的北大, 三国之学养, 越界之运思, 成就了一部名副其实的大书———《英美小说叙事理论研究》。
英美小说叙事理论, 上下三百年, 大到理论家的殚精竭虑之作, 小到小说家作品里的吉光片羽, 林林总总, 极为浩繁。
研究这样一个课题, 对研究者来说, 无异于攀登连绵不断的群峰, 训练有素的团队自然必不可少, 但也离不开全景在胸的气度。
《英美小说叙事理论研究》的第一个特点是, 内容博富, 视野开阔。
众所周知, 叙事研究向来以驳杂繁多著称, 18世纪和19 世纪姑且不论, 仅以20 世纪而言,数其荦荦大者, 就有十家左右: 以普罗普为中坚的斯拉夫形式主义; 巴赫金所独创的对话理论; 克莱恩和布斯为首的芝加哥亚里士多德学派; 黎科等人所奉行的阐释学和现象学叙事理论; 热奈特等力主的结构主义叙事学; 卢卡奇和詹明信等人标举的马克思主义叙事学说; 弗莱潜心钻研的传奇研究等。

独特的理论建树 创新的文本阐释——评申丹新作《叙事、文体与潜文本》

“ 含 作 者 ” 一 概 念 是 在 形 式 主 义 盛 行 之 时 隐 这 由美 国著 名 修 辞 学 家 韦 恩 ・布 思 首 度 提 出 , 便 在 以 文本 的掩 护下 , 持对 作 者 意 图以及 作 者 与 读 者之 保 间交 流 的继续 关 注 , 成 为 叙 事 学界 的一 个 核 心概 后 念 。 作 家 在 创 作 某 一 作 品 时 的立 场 ( “隐 含 作 者 ” 即 的 立 场 ) 往 有 别 于 其 在 现 实 生 活 中 的 立 场 ( “真 往 即 实 作 者 ” 立 场 ), 且 同一 个 作 家 在 创 作 不 同 作 品 的 并 时也 可 能会 采取 各 不相 同 的立 场 , 些 作 品也 就会 这 隐 含 不 同 的作 者 形 象 。 然 而 , 多 造 诣 高 深 的 西 方 众 学者 从字 面上 理 解 布 思关 于作 者 写作 时 “ 造 了 ” 创
到 充 分 的 回旋 余 地 后 来 的 乐 曲 , 极 简 单 的 音 符 谱 出 缓 慢 悠 用 远 的 音 乐 , 人 生 哲 思 这 把 弓 拉 得 满 满 的 。 一 位 文 把 学 批 评 理 论 家 的成 熟 论 著 , 可 以 营 造 出 这 般 优 美 也 的审美 效果 。
进 一 步 ” 学 术 力 作 。 该 书 分 为 上 下 两 篇 : 篇 深 的 上 人 辨 析 和 澄 清 一 些 核 心 理 论 概 念 , 括 “隐 含 作 包 者 ”、 不 可 靠 叙 述 ” “ 述 视 角 ”, 进 一 步 倡 导 “ 和 叙 并 叙 事学 与文体 学 相结 合 的研 究方 法 , 下 篇 的 小 说 为 解 读做 好 铺 垫 。下 篇 重 点 阐 释 几 位 著 名 作 家 的 八 篇 经 典 短 篇 , 的 是 打 破 阐 释 框 架 的 束 缚 , 掘 出 目 挖


英文原著小说读书笔记篇一:英语小说读书笔记 Book s and Nove ls Bo oks a nd No velsBooks andNovel sBook s and Nove ls 篇二:英语小说读书笔记英语小说读书笔记 th ere a re tw o opp osite gang s nam ed so cs an d gre asers. kid s who se ba ckgro undsare v ery r ich a re ca lledsocia ls, w e nam e itas so cs. t he po or ki ds ar e cal led g rease rs, b ecaus e the ir ha ir ar e cov eredwithgreas e and they ofte n wea r gre asy c lothe s. th ere a re fu ll of cont radic tionbetwe en th em. t he ma in ch aract er is pony boy,he is theyoung est g rease r, an d hehates thesocsbecau se he alwa ys ge ts ju mpedby th em. d arryand s odapo p are hiselder brot hers, andtheybothdropp ed ou t ofschoo l toworkin or der t o rai se mo ney f or po nyboy ‘s s tudy. thro ugh s eeing a mo vie t ogeth er wi th arichbut k ind g irl,cherr y, po nyboy real izesthatnot a ll so cs ar e bad. joh nny i s his bestfrie nd, h e use d tobe ve ry we ak, b ut af ter b eingjumpe d by4 soc s, he bees madand u suall y bri ngs a swit chbla de wi th hi m, an d ifthere is a nyone whowantsto p lay t ricks on h im, h e wil l kil l tha t one. sud denly, ina wee k, jo hnnydiesin afire,bob(his f riend) iskillby so meone unwi lling ly, d ally(the m ost v iolen t gre aser) killhims elf b ecaus e joh nny’s deat h. po nyboy grow s a l ot, r ealiz e the love of h is fa milie s and frie nds,and p romis es to be a good man, andnot f ightanymo re..thisis re allyaher oic s tory, andi lea rnt a lotfromit..first of a ll, i real izedthatwe sh ouldn’t as sessanyon e jus t byknowi ng ab out h is ba ckgro und.in th e boo k, po nyboy thou ght t hat l ife w as un fair-socsalway s win, gre asers alwa ys lo se. s ocs c ouldeasil y goto co llege, but grea serssomet imesmustdropout o f sch ool t o wor k for thei r liv ings. so h e hat ed so cs asif f rom h is bi rth.but h e gra duall y rea lized that some socs arekind, butsomegreas ers a re al ike a hood. sowe sh ouldalsoknowpeopl e dee ply b efore judg ing t hem,and b eliev e the trut h mor e tha n our subj ectiv e thi ngs.s econd ly, n o mat ter h ow ou r bac kgrou nds a ndfa milie s are, weshoul d hav e kin d and brav e hea rts.in th e sto ry, p onybo y saw manygrea serscrime andfight just beca use o f the ir id entif y, he thou ght t hat w as to tally wron g. ev en hi s dyi ng fr iend, john ny to ld hi m tostaygoldwhich mean s tobe ki nd, s imple andpurein aserio us he althcondi tion. on t he ot her h and,ponyb oy th ought gres ers h ave t hesa me ri ghtsas so cs, a nd he neve r low eredhis h ead i n fro nt of socs.ther e are alsosome thing good abou t lov e. at thebegin ning, pony boy t hough t tha t dal ly, h is el destbroth er fu lly c oncen trate d onworki ng an d mak ing m oney, butnever care d abo ut hi m and soda pop,and h e was disl ike a youn g man anym ore,morelikean ad ult.but o nce p onybo y was sick very seri ously, hesaw d allycryin g for thefirst time when he w as as leep-going-to-w aken-up. a nd wh en th ey we re ha vinga rum ble w ith a gang of s ocs,he wa salw ays c overe d wit h his twoelder brot hers. from that, heknewhis s mallfamil y wou ldne ver b e sho rt of love, and hisbroth ers l ovedhim m uch m ore t han h e cou ld im agine. inmy re al li fe, w hen m y tea chers andparen ts ar e str ict w ith m e, ishoul dn’tthink that they don’t lov e me, it i s jus t ano ther, more deep wayto lo ve. t he wr iterwrote this book when he w as on ly ateena ger a s fou rteen-goin g-to-fifte en, i n the same ageas me. soit is more easy forme to getclose to h im an d und ersta nd hi m. bu t hetruly expe rienc ed al li e xperi enced andsomet hingi hav e nev er im agine d. so i sh ouldlearn some thing goodfrom him, andkeepawayfromthing badhe ha d don e. th is bo ok re allytaugh t mea lot, and i wi ll sp are n o eff ortsto do thegoodthing s itbring to m e!篇三:英语小说读后感 the wome n inwhite it i s a s toryof gr eed a nd ev il, i nnoce nce a ndbe traya l, co nfuse d ide ntiti es an d cru el de cepti ons.it al so co ntain s lov e.whe nmr.hartrightandmissfairl e wer e sep arate d,the y sti ll mi ssedeachother much in t heirown m indsand n evergiveup th is lo yal l ove.i n the end, thegaine d a h appyendin g. it remi ndedme of thething s weonceloved.some times,we a re ea ger a boutsomet hing,suchas ho bbies anddream s.wethink we c an ke ep it eter nally in o ur mi nd bu t ifalway s isimpos sible.we f orget it w ithou t thi nking when we p ut ou r tho rough atte ntionon o thers,such as s tudyor ca reer. at l ast,w e los e too much love we o nce t ook p osses sionof. t hey a lways aremostbeaut ifulthing s inour l ife.i do h ope w e can paymoreatten tionto fi nd an d pre serve this beau ty.in this nove l, iespec ially admi re la ura’s sist er ma rian. sheis ki nd, c alm a nd cl ever. walt er is a ha ndsom e and capa ble m an, m arian andlaura spen t 4 m onths lear ningdrawi ng fr om wa lter, i’msureshe l ovedwalte r, bu t she wasselfl ess a nd ma de al l her effo rts t o hel p the coup le be toge ther. sheisn’t a be autif ulwo man,but s he is favo red b y the read ers.w illia m wil kie c ollin s was an e nglis hnov elist,play wrigh t, an d aut hor o f sho rt st ories. hewas v ery p opula r dur ing t he vi ctori an er a and wrot e 30novel s, mo re th an 60 shor t sto ries, 14 p lays, andmorethan100 n onfic tionessay s. co llins wasa lif elong frie nd of char les d icken s. athe i nvisi ble m an ph enome non.in th e fis t pla ce, t echno logymay b reedendle ss gr eedle ss. t his i s wel lill ustra ted w ith g riffi n, wh o use d tec hnolo gy as a to ol to make a fo rtune,evencond uct o therevilbehav ior.in th e sec ond p lace, if a scie ntist does nothavea sen se ofjust ice a nd re spons ibili ty, m isuse will ensu re. t his s cient ist i s jus t a c ase i n poi nt, h epla ned t o beg in areign of t error, usi ng hi s inv isibi lityto te rrori ze th e nat ion w ith k emp a s his secr et co nfede rate. in a word, thi s isboththoug ht-pr ovoki ng an dint erest ing s tory.the m ayorof ca sterb ridge hardy main ly re flect s the main char acter’str agica lly f ate t o ill ustra te th e str ong f orceand b lindfunct ion o f fat e. hu man b eings cannever esca pe fr om th e puz zle a nd gr ief,which is m anipu lated by t ragic allyfate. in t heno vel,hardy’s ma in ch aract ers s eem t o bevicti ms of a bl ind f ate.hardy’s pe ssimi sm is main ly po rtray ed by char acter’s fa te. t he fa ilure of h encha rd an d luc ettacan b e ref lecte d har dy’sviewthathuman bein gs ar e nev er fr ee en oughto ex ert t heirown w ill o n theuniv erse. thro ugh r eadin g the nove l, th e thi ng im press ed me most is h ardy’s dee psym pathi es ar e res erved forthose peop le wh o are unab le to prot ect t hemse lvesagain stfa te. h ardydoesnot s ee th em as help lessvicti ms. i ndeed, the re ar e fre quent expr essio ns of hope forthe f uture. tha t isthe r eal s ignif icanc e ofhardy’s pe ssimi sm.ja maica innsaun t pat ience is a lso a vict im to thecruel ty of herhusba nd. s econd ly, l oyalt y andcour age.a s aun t pat ience is l oyalto he r hus band, so m ary i s loy al to heraunt. mary hascoura ge an d str ength of c harac ter w hichpreve nts h er fr om ru nning away fromjama ica i nn. s he st ays t o pro tecther a unt f rom j oss m erlyn,andtells himon th eir f irsteveni ng th at if he e ver h urtspatie nce s he wi ll se t the lawagain st hi m. th is sh ow ofcour age s avesher f rom t he bu lly.in aword, i l ove t his s tory, res pectmary’s cou rageand a dmire theautho r’ simagi natio n and wisd om.’great expe ctati on if we n everposse s any thing, wewillnot m ind w e los t som ethin g. si nce w e don’ t w ant t o beveryrich,we w ill n ot fe ll de spond beca use p oor.the t itleo thi s boo k isgreat expe ctati onwh ich m ake a n imp ressi on on i ha ve le arnta lot from this nove l. ibelie ve th e rea lgen tleme n are notthose whoare r ich,theyshoul d als o begener ous a nd ki nd. a nd, m oneymay b uy ma ny th ings, butit ca n’t b uy fr iends hip a nd ha ppine ss. i t isnot w orthgaini ngth e mon ey an d soc ial p ositi on at thecostof lo singthe p recio us th ings. char les d icken s was an e nglis h wri ter a nd so cialcriti c. he crea ted s ome o f the worl ds mo st me morab lefi ction al ch aract ers a nd is gene rally rega rdedas th e gre atest nove listof th e vic toria nper iod.durin g his life, his work s enj oyedunpre ceden ted f ame,and b y the twen tiethcent ury h is li terar y gen ius w as br oadly ackn owled ged b y cri ticsand s chola rs. h is no velsand s hortstori es co ntinu e tobe wi delypopul ar. h is ma in wo rk in cludi ng th e pic kwick pape rs, o liver twis t, da vid c opper field, gre at ex pecta tionand s o on.篇二:英文小说读后感之飘 gon e wit h the wind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见)简介: go ne wi th th e win d isa rom antic dram a and thenovel writ ten b y mar garet mitc hell, whic h set s the amer icancivil waras th e bac kgrou nd. t he no velsprota gonis t, sc arlet toha ra is thedaugh ter o f a p lante r, wh o isrichand s tandi ng in geor gia u sa. f ather gera ld is an i rishimmig rant. arri vingin ge orgia, ger ald i s pen niles s but he w ins t he ow nersh ip of themanor of t arotby ga mblin g. af ter t hat,he be gan t he ve nture in t his r ed la nd, w eavin g his amer icandream. unt il 43 year s old, heis ma rried with thedaugh ter n amedellen of a fren ch im migra nt in east coas t kno t. ge raldis go od-na tured, but bad-tempe red a nd th eyou ng wi fe ha s a g ood f amily educ ation andstric t mor al va lues. shemanag es th e day-to-d ay af fairs of t he es tateas awhole on h er ow n, ev en se ts th e bla ck sl avesto th e doc tor.becau se of thes e, th e cou plesget t he re spect s fro m the whit e man or an d won theloveof th e bla ck sl aves. thei r dau ghter scar lettis gr own u p inthisenvir onmen t.《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。


《潜文本》一书中最吸引眼球的部 分,当 属 对“整 体细读”的 介 绍 和 讨 论。 什 么 是 “整 体 细 读”呢? 申 丹指出,所谓的 “整 体 ”主 要 表 现 在 三 个 方 面:“一 是 对作 品 中 各 成 分 之 间 的 相 互 作 用 加 以 综 合 考 察;二 是对 作 品 和 语 境 加 以 综 合 考 察;三 是 对 一 个 作 品 与 相 关 作 品 的 相 似 和 对 照 加 以 互 文 考 察 ”(13)。 而 “细 读”则主要有两个特点:“一是既关注遣 词 造 句,又 关
读者推导的这一写作者的形象(37)。但 是 在 西 方 叙 事学 界,对 于 隐 含 作 者 的 理 解 却 呈 现 出 两 种 相 反 的 走向:第一种理 解 偏 向 “隐 含”,第 二 种 理 解 偏 向 “作 者”。可以说,申丹对“隐含作者”的这种 论 述 帮 助 我 们廓 清 了 关 于 这 个 概 念 的 批 评 迷 雾,进 而 使 得 我 们 更为清晰地认识这个概念的本质内涵。
批评界大都只注意到爱伦·坡短篇小说的唯美 主义现象,而 忽 略 了 其 中 的 道 德 现 象 这 一 “潜 藏 文 本”。《潜文本》以坡的著名作品《泄密的心》为 例,从 “不可靠叙述”这 一 角 度 切 入,从 “文 本、文 外、文 间 ” 三个层面,对其展开研读,从而发掘出 小 说 中 掩 盖 在 表层文本下的道德寓意。尤其值得称 道 的 是,《潜 文 本》还在分析实践的过程,发现了现有理 论 模 式 的 不 足,并对此做出相应的补充和修正,进 而 又 反 过 来 丰 富了批评理论。
申丹近著《叙事、文体 与 潜 文 本———重 读 英 美 经 典短篇小说》(下简称《潜文本》)① 一书是在当 下 经 典 重读热潮中难得一见的佳作。


《英美文学选读》笔记(简单版)Thomas More: Utopia 《乌托邦》Francis Bacon: Essays 《论说文集》或《随笔》"Knowledge is power"----BaconEdmund Spencer: Faerie Queen 《仙后》"Our sweetest songs are those that sing of saddest feelings."--- SpencerWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)1. 23rd, April 1564, Stratford-on-Avon2. His Father, a leather merchant 皮货商3. His school, a local Grammar school for 6 years4. His life, dramatist, actor, poet, proprietor5. His first son, Hamnet6. 4 tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth (Romeo and Juliet)7. Main works: 37 plays, 154 sonnets , 2 narrative plays戏剧 14行诗叙事诗Titus Andronicus 《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》Taming of the Shrew 《驯悍记》The Two Gentlemen of Verona 《维罗纳二绅士》Love's Labor's Lost 《爱的徒劳》A Midsummer Night's Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》King John 《约翰王的生平和逝世》Much Ado about Nothing 《无事生非》The Merry Wives of Windsor 《温莎的风流娘们》Julius Caesar 《朱力叶斯·凯撒》The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》As you like it 《皆大欢喜》8. Carl Marx: "Aeschylus and Shakespeare are the two greatest dramatic genius the world has ever known."9. His friend: "He does not belong to one time, but belongs to all times."William Shakespeare's writing feature1. A play in the play.2. Borrow plots from other stories such as Roman, Greek and ancient myth.3. Several threads running through the play.4. Combination of tragic and comic elements.William Shakespeare's writing style1. Tremendous vocabulary (16,000 words, invent words)2. Literary devices (alliteration, simile, metaphor)3. Use poetry in his playWilliam Shakespeare's humanistic ideas1. Against cruelty and anti-natural character of civil wars2. Against religious persecution, racial discrimination, social inequality.3. Hates rebellion and despises democracyThemes in Shakespeare's sonnets1. Express love and praise to a young man2. Immortalize beauty through verses3. Friendship or betrayal of friendshipSonnetOrigin: ItalyMost famous and influential sonneteer: PetrachSelected Reading of Shakespeare:1. [P37] Shakespeare's Sonnet 18:a. Ladies in the eyes of Shakespeare are not good and beautiful. His wife is 8 years older than him.b. Iambic pentameterc. Main ideas:i. Quatrain 1: praise the beauty of the young manii. Quatrain 2: changes in life and natureiii. Quatrain 3: "your" beauty will last foreveriv. Couplet: "your" beauty will live in my poem. à Immortalize beauty2. [P39] An Excerpt from The Merchant of Venicea. How does Shylock justify himself according to the accusation of Duke and Bassanio?[P40-41] There are 3 reasons.b. Why does Shylock stick to his bond instead of taking twice his principle?He hates the Christians and is determined to revenge on them because his daughter elopes with a Christian.c. What do you think of Shylock in the early court scene? What about him later?In the early court scene, Shylock is cruel, eloquent, stubborn, tricky, isolated from law and friendship.In the later court scene, Shylock is greedy, sympathetic and oppressed by Christians.d. What is Shakespeare's attitude towards Shylock?He sympathizes those who are oppressed. Antonio is oppressed by Shylock. Shylock is oppressed by Christians.e. The whole play is a tragi-comedy. In the scene, Shylock is the tragic side. Antonio and his friends is the comic side.John Donne (1572-1631)1572 Born in a merchant family1591 Learn law at the Inns of Court in LondonPrivate Secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton, the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.1601 29y. Married Egerton's niece, Ann More. He worked hard to fight against poverty. However, it's a secret marriage. When the marriage was exposed, he was put into jail. The Egertons regarded the marriage as an offence.1617 His wife died. He devoted his time and efforts to his priestly duties, writing sermons and religious poems.1621 Donne was appointed the Dean of St. Paul's and kept the post until his death.John Donne's major work1. Songs and Sonnets, wrote before 1600, 55 love poems.2. The Elegies and Satires, his elegies wrote for love whereas others' wrote for mourning dead people.3. Holy Sonnets & Sermons, Sonnets wrote about God, sexual life, problem of death and life. Sermons are Christian preaching. John Donne is famed for 3 things1. A great visitor of ladies2. A great frequenter of plays3. A great writer of conceited versesAt his time, John Donne was famed as a preacher. Today, he is famed as a lyric poet. John Donne compared parting love to compass, flea compared to the union of lovers. John Donne's conceit can be seen from his "Go catching the falling star" in which he listed many impossible things---the most impossible thing is a woman's faith and heart.Metaphysical poetry--- is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. Metaphysical poets--- are the poets in the 17c England who often unconventionally use conceits and wit. The imagery is draw from everyday life.The form is the form of argument (with God, lover, himself). The diction is simple and the language is colloquial but powerful. John Donne is the leading of "metaphysical school".Selected Reading of John Donne1. [P66]The Sun Rising2. [P68]Death, Be not Proud (1)John Milton (1608-1674)1608 Born in London. A Catholic family. His father was both a scholar and a businessman.1620 Educated at St. Paul's School1625 Educated in Cambridge1643 Married a 17y. girl younger than him1649 Appointed Latin Secretary to Cromwell's Council of State1652 Became totally blind. His wife died. He married again.3 periods in John Milton's life1. English revolution1649 Charles I beheaded. Cromwell took the power1660 Restoration. Charles II took the power2. Political ideas: express his political ideas in pamphlets3. Poem: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes.Paradise Lost is a long epic divided into 12 books. The theme is the "Fall of Man", i.e. man's disobedience and the loss of Paradise.The original story is taken from Genesis. Adam and Eve are originally in innocent spiritual love. They are punished by God because they eat the apple of the Tree of Knowledge seduced by a serpent. Since they eat the apple, they begin to make love. God thinks they are not innocent. They committed sin. God drives Adam and Eve out of Eden.Satan is punished by God to suffer from fire. He knows that he can't win God by power, so he wins God by cheating. He seduced Eve to eat the apple.In Paradise Lost, Satan is the rebel who never bows down to God even when he failed. He is a good military leader. He refuses to acknowledge the power of God. He is determined to continue the battle. He feels sorrow at the sufferings of those angels. He has led to so terrible a punishment, but he is very cruel. He has indomitable pride, unconquerable rebellion, and the will to evil and power. He said, "Only do evil, no good". He tries to be as equal as God.Selected Reading of John Milton1. [P73] An Excerpt from Paradise LostChapter 2 The Neoclassical Period (1600-1798)The age of reason and enlightenment. It's a turbulent period.1660 The Restoration1665 The Great Plague --- Black Death. 70,000 died, 2/3 homeless.1688 The Glorious Revolution. James II exiled abroad. The persecution of Protestants. James II's daughter Marry and her wife William turned back to England as figurehead (King and Queen) without power. Power was in the Parliament. England became the first capitalist country with Constitutional monarchy, which marked the end of feudal society.1798 The publication of Lyrics by WordsworthIndustrial Revolution --- at the 2nd half of 18cPreparations for the revolution1. money --- by trading companies, e.g. East India Company--- by money investment2. goods, materials --- colonies, e.g. India, North America3. manpower --- "Act of Enclosure". The landless and homeless peasant began to work in cities--- the invention of textile machineIn the revolution, Bourgeois (middle class) became the main class in the society. Bankers, landlords, slave traders, merchants, colonists controlled the economy of the country at the time. They believed in self-reliance and hard working.The Giants of the Enlightenment Movement:Voltaire 伏乐泰, Mosteiqeu 孟德斯鸠, Dierot 狄德罗, Rousseau 卢梭.Gothic Novel1. Content: magic, supernatural elements, ghosts, monsters.2. Setting: old castle, graveyard, dark forest3. Atmosphere: horribleJohn Bunyan (1628-1688)1628 Born in a poor tinker's family. He received little education in a GrammarSchool1647 Married a Christian woman and became interested in Christianity.1660 Bunyan began to preach, but he didn't have a preaching license so he was put into jail for 6 years.1665 Great Plague in England, he was released from jail. Few months later, he was in jail again for another 6 years.1672 Declaration of Independence, he was released again.1675 His license of lay preacher was temporarily cancelled and he was in prison again.Throughout his life, he only read one book the Bible. His most famous work is The Pilgrim's Process.Bunyan's purpose of writing The Pilgrim's Process1. Urge people to abide by Christian doctrine2. To seek salvation through struggling with his own weakness and social evilsThe content of The Pilgrim's Process is about Christianity. The title means "life is a journey". It's a metaphor.Form of The Pilgrim's Process: Allegory1. A story in verse or prose with double meanings or meanings at two levels.2. Higher lever - concerning moral, religious, or political ideas. Lower level - your understanding of the story.3. Main characters in the story Christian, Faithful, Hopeful.4. The description of the story is realistic religious allegory.Selected Reading of John Bunyan: [P85]"The Vanity Fair" from The Pilgrim's ProcessWhy "The Vanity Fair" is a satire on the ruling class of Egnland?1. It's a symbolic picture of London at the time of Restoration2. In Vanity Fair, everything can be sold and bought, daily necessities, but also honor, kingdom, lust, pleasure and even lives.3. Evil things such as cheating, roguery, and adultery are normal in the Vanity Fair where there is no moral. It's a satire of the non-moral English ruling class.4. Faithful is put to death for his despising of the Vanities. It's a parallel of Bunyan's experience of imprisoned for preaching. John Bunyan's writing style --- moded after the BibleLanguage --- easy to read, colloquial, concrete and conciseForm --- allegorical form, realistic, true to life.Alexander Pope (1688-1744)1688 Born in the year of Glorious Revolution in a merchant Roman Catholic family.Because of his ill health, he didn't go to university. He received his education from a learned preacher. Because he is a Catholic, he can't do thing for the government.Pope is a deformed person. He suffered severe illness in his childhood.Illness accompanied him throughout his life.Alexander Pope's major work1711 An Essay on Criticism. The poem is a manifesto of English neoclassicism. It's expressed Pope's aesthetic theories of poetry. The poem is divided into 3 parts with 744 lines.Part I: bewailing the lack of true taste in critics; praising the ancients likeHomer, VirgilPart II: enumerating dangers of criticism; referring to literary scene of his dayPart III: giving rules for criticism; tracing the history of literary criticism.The poem is a comprehensive study on literary criticism. It was written in heroic couplet as Pope is a master in heroic couplet. Heroic couplet is 2 lines with the same rhymes, same length. 10 syllables, 5 stressed, 5 unstressed. Heroic couplet was first used by Chaucer.1712 The Rape of Lock is based on a real event. Bellina is as beautiful woman as a Goodness. She is admired by all the people around her, esp. a young man name. A Baron cut a small amount of Bellina's hair. In Bellina's opinion, it's an offence. Baronjust cut her hair for fun and admiration. So hatred is aroused between the two families. They become enemies. In this poem, Pope satires the idle, meaningless life of middle-class people.1728 The Dunciad is consisted of 4 books. It's the best satire of Pope. It's a very famous satirical poem about against personal enemies. Pope tries to attack on all personal enemies.1733-34 An Essay on Man. Pope gained his fame as a poet. It includes 4 epistles (letters). People review his philosophical and political views as an enlgitener.Selected Reading of Alexander Pope: [P93] An excerpt from Part 2 of An Essay on Criticism.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)He was born in a butcher's family (wealthy but low social status). Defoe never went to university, but received good educationin a Dissenting Academy. Defoe has two interests: interest in business and interest in politics.Interest in business. He started from small business to become rich. He is a gifted man in business.Interest in politics. His political stand swang between the Whigs and the Tories. He wrote political pamphlets to attack the Whigs, but both of the two parties thought the pamphlets insulted them. So Defoe was sent to jail and pillory. He negotiatedwith the Prime minister to become a spy to Scotland. He tried to make the union of Scotland and England.1704, he issued a periodical The Review, on which he voiced his concerns for woman's right, economy, children and parents relationships, politics and other hot issues of the time.1718, he began to write novel.1719, his first novel Robinson Crusoe was published. It's based on a true story published on a newspaper. (Alexander is a Scottish who lives in an uninhabited island for 5 years.) The story is about the hero's life on the island. The first part is aboutthe career of Robinson Crusoe. The body of the novel is about his life on the island after the shipwreck. The story reveals the essence of British colonialism.The themes of Robinson's Crusoea. man's struggles against natureb. glorification of the bourgeois men who has the courage and will to face hardship and determination to improve his livelihood.c. Glorification of labor (Robinson lives on his own hands)The style of Robinson's Crusoea. realistic style, true to life, in detailsb. smooth, simple, colloquial languagec. long sentences are loose; short sentences are plain, easy to understandd. presents facts in order, the meaning is clearIn the following years, Defoe wrote another 4 novels: Captain Singleton (1720), Moll Flanders (1722), Colonel Jack (1722) and Roxana (1724). Defoe wrote them in the same pattern. The feature of the pattern:a. Traces the personal history of the titular hero or heroine of a low origin. After some ups and downs, he/she finally gets prosperity.b. Deals with moralizing, repentance, and revolutions to be good.c. Expresses the struggles for mere existence. Show the conflicts between existence and social environment.d. Blames the society for driving people to sinning.1720, Captain Singleton is sent to Africa when he was 3 months old. In Africa, he experiences many adventures. With good luck, he wins much gold. Back to England, he goes bankrupt and becomes a pirate.1722, Moll Flanders is the daughter of a woman thief. She is born in the Newgate Prison. In her life, she married 5 times with over 12 children. However, she never nurses a single child. She becomes a thief herself. She is transferred to the American colony as a criminal. She accumulates a wealth and buys a fare plant there. At the age of 30, she comes back to England. 1722, Colonel Jack is deserted by his parents at a very young age. He becomes a pickpocket. He is kidnapped and sent to the American colony. He is very clever and finally becomes a rich plant owner.1724, Roxana is the daughter of a Protestant refugee. She is beautiful and clever. She marries an English merchant. Because the merchant deserts her, she becomes a famous international prostitute. In Holland, she married a Dutch merchant. After his death, she finds that he was in great debts. She can't pay off the debts and is put into jail and died in jail.Daniel Defoe's satirical poems.1701, The True-Born Englishman, in the poem, Defoe defended King William, which won him the friendship of the King. He attacked the racial and family pride of the aristocrats in England.1703, A Hymn to the Pillory. He voiced his anger over the shameful punishment, courageous attack on the injustice of England's legal system. He was cheered by people as a hero to defend himself.Selected Reading of Daniel Defoe: [P98] An excerpt from Robinson CrusoeJonathan Swift (1667-1745)He was born in Dublin, Ireland, of an English family. His father died before he was born. A rich uncle sent Swift to the Trinity College. His most deed is against the ruling class of England.1689-1699, he worked as a private secretary to Sir William Temple, a retired diplomat. On the post, Swift made many famous politician friends and came to know many dirty and dishonest politicians of the day.1704, Swift published the satire, The Battle of the Books, which wrote about the quarrels between the Ancients and the Moderns. The Ancients were compared to bee. The Moderns were compared to spider. In literate theory, bee represents good - "bring honey"; spider represents selfish.1704, A Tale of a Tub attacks on religion or Christianity. In the satire, the father represents the God. His 3 sons indicate the 3 branches of Christianity: Roman Catholic, English Church, and Dissenters.The Battle of the Books, and A Tale of a Tub established Swift's name as a satirist.1705, he became a clergyman.1707, he moved to London and became a politician. He tries to speak for the Irish people. He was the editor of The Examiner, a Tory's periodical.1713, he was appointed the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.1716, Swift married a woman.1724, there were 2 great events in England.a. Wool industry --- English Congress passed the persuasion of developing wool industry in England. Irish people can't make money from wool because they have to return the land. Irish people had to live a miserable life. A famous slogan in Ireland at that time is "Burn everything that come from England except the coal" which voiced Irish people's determination of refusing England.b. Coin event --- A minister suggested and permitted to make new coins. The exchange rate between Irish coin and the new English coin was unfair. The minister and King got profit from the exchange.1724, Swift published the satireThe Drapier's Letters to attack the event. The exchange of new coin is canceled.1726, his wife died. It's a heavy blow on him. He wrote and published his greatest satirical work, Gulliver's Travels. The story is divided into 4 parts.Part I. Travels in Lilliput is a mini picture of modern English society. Two parties: High Heel and Low Heel indicates the Tories and the Whigs. Here, Swift satires the two parties. The war between Lilliput and its neighboring country about how to break eggs (big/small end). Big end - Roman Church. Small end - English Church. Swift satires the party and church fights are meaningless.Part II. Travels in BrobdingnagPart III. A show of the cruelty of the English ruling class. The Flying Island rules the below countries.Part IV. It's the sharpest and bitterest satire. In this part, human beings are reduced to animals. A wiser creature governs human beings. Gulliver wants to be a horse rather than a man. It shows how mean the human beings are.1729, the publication of the pamphlet A Modest Proposal. It's a greatest and bitterest satire.The theme of A Modest Proposala. The poor Irish people were forced to sell their one-year-old child for the rich people for food.b. English King allowed French King to recruit soldiers from Ireland to solve the problem of over population.c. Some politicians suggested sending Irish people to Australia to be concentrated servants because of over population.d. Swift lists some terrible scenes in the prose: a beggar mother followed by children in rugs; poor parents sell children. It's a satire against the English ruling class and the cruelty of English landlords.Selected Reading of Jonathan Swift: [P107] An excerpt from Gulliver's TravelHenry Fielding (1707-1754)1707 Fielding was born in an aristocratic family. His great grandfather was an Earl. (Duke 公, Marquis 侯, Earl 伯, Viscount 子, Baron男) He received his education in the Eton Public School1728 21y. He published his first play in London, but failed.1729 Fielding quarreled with his father, so his father cut off financial support. He had to make a living by himself.1730-37 He produced 25 plays of different times. His ballads, satires were alsovery successful. (Shakespeare wrote 37 plays)1734 He got married.1737 30y. The promulgation of Licensing Act restricted the publication of plays. So Fielding took up law. He spent 3 years to finish a 7-year course.1740 Fielding became a bar, but the money he earn couldn't support his familyHenry Fielding wrote 4 novels in his life. Henry Fielding is regarded as "Father of English Novel".1742 The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews. The hero Joseph Andrews is the servant of Mr. B's uncle and is the cousin of Pamela.Samuel Richardson's Pamela is a collection of letters written by herself and her parents. Pamela is a very beautiful and clever girl. Mr. B's mother is very found of here and teaches her knowledge. After the mother died, Pamela wants to go home, but Mr.B as a noble man seduces her, doesn't allow her to go home and imprisons her. Pamela write letters and sends the letters by a servant of Mr. B. Mr. B falls in love with Pamela through reading her letters. The novel persuades people to be virtuous. Henry Fielding's aims of writing the Adventures of Joseph AndrewsPart I, Fielding tries to attack Pamela. He thinks Pamela's chastity ispretentious and untrue. She uses her chastity to seduce Mr. B.Part II. Joseph Andrews meets his friend Parson Adams. Both of them travel through England. Fielding tries to give a panoramic view of England.Part I. It was first intended as a burlesque of the conventional virtue of false sentimentality.Part II. Fielding adopted "comic epic in prose"--- to write common people in form of great novel. Epic is used to describe great figures and heroes. He gave a vivid picture of English life.Major achievement: the description of Parson Adams. Adams is an absent-minded, vain man, so he is a ridiculous person, easy to be cheated.1743 Jonathan Wild the Great , Jonathan is a notorious criminal of the London underworld. He is a real person. He is hanged in 1725. Jonathan is described as a great man. He never participated in any crime, but he orders other people to commit crimes. He commands crime.Henry Fielding compared Jonathan to Prime Minister Walpole. The story is a political satire.1749 Tom Jones is a deserted child. He is adopted by a kind man who has his own child Blifil. The two children fell in love with the same girl Sophia. Tom is kind and he is truly in love with Sophia. Blifil loves Sophia for her beauty and money. Sophia's father knows that Tom is a deserted child so he wants Sophia to marry Blifil. Tom wants to see the outside world andmoves to London. Sophia wants to see the world too. So they go through a long journey and give a panoramic view of 18c's English life.In this novel, social evils are presented: cruelty, moral degeneracy, deceit, and hypocrisy. It's showed Fielding's view about human nature. Henry Fielding thinks that human nature is a combination of good and evil.The writing feature of Tom Jones --- "comic epic in prose", displays a kind of classic epic form. The novel contains 18 books in 3 sections.Section 1: life in the countrysideSection 2: life on the highwaySection 3: life in London1750 Amelia marries a poor solider. Her husband goes to London to seek fortune. He fights with other people in the street so he is put into jail. She is very faithful to her husband. When her husband is in prison, other officials try to seduce her. In the end, Amelia reunites with her husband and live happily.Henry Fielding's aim of writing Ameliaa. To condemn the moral degeneracy of the officials. To praise Amelia.b. To reveal the shameless deed of the noble and the rich.Henry Fielding's writing style1. Comic epic in prose: the grand style of classic epic in the depiction of common, ridiculous people.2. He started the third person narration. The narrator is a kind of all knowing God.3. The characters are vivid, convincing and true to life,4. His language is easy, familiar, vivid but vigorous.5. The content is noted for the theatrical devices: suspense, coincidence, surprise.What is "comic epic in prose"?1. The description in a grand style of classic epic. "Classic epic" has:(a) a great hero(b) calls on Muses(c) give a list of names of gods(d) compare small fights to great wars.2. Use verified language to narrate a small fight.3. Different figure of speech esp. irony, hyperboleSelected Reading of Henry Fielding: [P122] An excerpt from Tom JonesSamuel Johnson (1709-1784)1708 Johnson was born in a bookseller's family, in Richfield. His eyesight was very poor like John Milton1715 8y. He went to a Grammar School for 8 years which provided him a solid knowledge of Latin1728 He went to Oxford University1731 22y. His father died. He quit Oxford without a degree.1735 26y. He married an old rich widow who was 20years older than him. Hemarried her for money.1738 29y. His first poem1747 He compiled English dictionary1752 His wife died. He was in great debt and was arrested.1755 The first publication of English dictionary brought him fame and money.1762 The British government gave him an annual pension of £300, which freed him from the burden of "writing for a living". His life before 1762 was very difficult.He had a hand in all the different branches of literary activities. He was a poet诗人, dramatist 剧作家, prose romancer散文传奇小说作家, biographer 传记作者, essayist 随笔作家, critic 批评家, lexicographer 词典编纂者and publicist 政治评论家. Johnson was the last great neoclassicist enlightener in the late 18c. His point of view:1. He concerned with the theme of the vanity of human wishes.2. In literary creation and criticism, he was rather conservative, openly showed his dislike and fondness.3. He insisted that a writer should adhere to universal truth and experience i.e. Nature.4. He was particularly found of moralizing 道德教化and didacticism 教训主义.Johnson's writing style.1. His language is characteristically general, of Latinate 从拉丁文衍生来的and frequently polysyllabic多音节的2. His sentences are long and well structured, interwoven 交织with parallel words and phrases but clearly expressed.3. He tends to use "learned words", uses words accurately.Selected Reading from Samuel Johnson: [P132] "To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield"Richard Brinkley Sheridan (1751-1816)1751 Sheridan was born in Dublin, Ireland. His father was an actor and theater manager. He was educated at Harrow (Eton, 2 public schools). His works are mainly plays. In fact, Dublin is the cradle of many famous writers, like Jonathan Swift.1770 Sheridan moved to Bath, the most fashionable place in 18c's England.1772 He was in love with a beautiful lady who is a singer and actress. He fought two duels and finally married her.1774 The appearance of his first play The Rivals won him an immediate success and fame.1776 He became a part owner and manager of the Drury Lane Theater, so it's easy for him to stage his plays.1777 The appearance of his masterpiece The School for Scandal.1780 His play-writing career ended. He was elected M.P. of the Parliament and became an orator.1809 The Drury Lane Theater was burn in a fire. His financial support was cut off.1812 His political career ended. He had no money to afford the election.1816 Sheridan died in poverty and neglect. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.The first English writer buried in Westminster Abbey was Chaucer. Samuel Johnson was also rested there.Richard Brinsley Sheridan is chiefly known as a playwright. Two plays: The Rivals, The School of Scandal.The Rivals (1774)The heroine Lydia comes from an upper-class family. Lydia is a sentimental girl. She often dreams to elope with a poor young man. Captain Absolute loves Lydia. He is a Baron. He pretends to be a poor young man to win the heart of Lydia. However, Lydia's aunt is a rich woman. She refuses the proposal made by Captain Absolute. Captain Absolute's father makes a proposal to Lydia's aunt. The father reveals the real identity of his son so the aunt accepts the proposal. When Lydia knows the identity of Captain Absolute, she is disillusioned. She finally realized that romance is not realistic.Theme of The Rivals.1. Sheridan ridicules the sentimental and pseudo-romantic fancies of the young woman of the upper class.2. Sheridan presents a true picture of the aristocratic-bourgeois world where money talks. (like the arranged marriage)The School of Scandal (1777)The school of scandal refers to the living room of Lady Sneerwell.Lady Sneerwell: She often laughs at people, esp. underdogs.Mrs. Candour: Candour means justice, but here it's an irony. She is a scandal monger.Sir Backbite: Backbite means bite people from behind. He is a two-blade man.Joseph Surface and Charles Surface: Surface means superficial. You can't judge the brothers by their appearance.Theme of Sheridan [P136]In his plays, morality is the constant theme. He is much concerned with the current moral issues and lashes harshly at the social vices of the day.Writing style of Sheridan [P136-137]1. His dramatic techniques are largely conventional. They are exploited to the best advantage.2. His plots are well organized, his characters, either major or minor, are all sharply drawn, and his manipulation of such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly.3. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays.。

视角概念的发展对文学阅读教学的启示章志萍第二军医大学摘要:热拉尔热奈特(G éra rd Gene tte,1930—)是法国著名文学批评家、修辞学家以及结构主义叙事学的代表人物。
本文以热奈特《叙事话语》(Narra tive Disc ours e )为对象分析了聚焦概念的贡献和不足。
关键词:热奈特聚焦概念文学《叙事话语》是热奈特1972年发表的《修辞三》的主要部分,以普鲁斯特(Marce l Proust,)的著名小说《追忆逝水年华》(la recherche du temps perdu )为研究对象,从时间、语式、语态等语法范畴出发分析叙事作品。
选文中,热奈特提出了自己的聚焦(f ocaliz a tion )概念,即所谓零聚焦、内聚焦和外聚焦。
1955年,F.K.斯坦策尔(Franz Ka rl Stanz el )将小说的“叙述情境”分为三种类型。
同年,诺曼弗里德曼(Norman Friedman )提出了更加复杂的八项分类法。
”②在热奈特看来,韦恩布思(W ayne C.Booth )显然也有意识的把这两者等同起来。
最后,热奈特总结了贝蒂尔龙伯格(Bertil Romberg )于1962年采用的分类法,热奈特认为,龙伯格在斯坦策尔的基础上补充的第四种类型显然与前三类的分类原则不一致。


Chapter I The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期Definitions(定义)1.The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14th & 17th centuries. It first started in Italy,with the flowering of painting,sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "revival," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events,such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture,the new discoveries in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expansion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.2. Humanism:人文主义Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new learning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, but the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists found in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. Thomas More, Christo- pher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.3. Spenserian stanza:斯宾塞诗节Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter & the last line in iambic hexameter, rhyming ababbcbcc.4. Metaphysical poetry:玄学诗The term "metaphysical poetry" is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit,the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech. The imagery in drawn from the actual life. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet's beloved, with God, or with himself.5. The Renaissance hero:A Renaissance hero refers to one created by Christopher Marlowe in his drama. Such a hero is always individualistic and full of ambition,facing bravely the challenge from both gods and men. He embodies Marlowe's humanistic ides of human dignity and capacity. Different from the tragic hero in medieval plays, who seeks the way to heaven through salvation and god's will,he is against conventional morality and contrives to obtain heaven on earth through his own efforts. With the endless aspiration for power,knowledge,and glory,the hero interprets the true Renaissance spirit. Both Tamburlaine and Faustus are typical in possessing such a sprit(二)该时期的重要作家Edmund Spenser--English poet,born in London, England,( 1552-- Jan 13,1599)斯宾塞代表作 The Faerie Queene.A.创作意图: The principal intention is to present through a "historical poem" the example of a perfect gentlemanB.整体线索:The recurring appearances of Arthur serve as a unifying element for the poem as a whole.C.寓意:The Redcrosse Knight in Book I stands for St. George, he also represents Holiness.D.主题:The theme is not "Arms and the man,"but something more romantic-" Fierce wares and faithfull loves."E.作者文学地位:His exquisite melodythat make him known as "the poets' poet."His Major Works Spenser's mostimportant work & masterpiece is TheFaerie Queene, a great poem of its age.A complex moral, religious, & politicalallegory, it is also an epic that exaltsQueen Elizabeth Ⅰ& the English nation.According to Spenser's own explanation,his principal intention is to presentthrough a "historical poem" the exampleof a perfect gentleman: "to fashion agentleman or noble person in virtuous &gentle discipline." Its principal herois the Arthur of medieval legend. The sixbooks of the poem illustrate the natureof particular virtues,such as,temperance & justice. Other major worksof Spenser are The Shepheardes Calender(1579), a poem consisting of 12eclogues-corresponding to the 12 monthsof the year; Epithalamion (1595), apoem expressing the deep personalfeelings occasioned by the poets secondmarriage; Amoretti (1595), a seriesof sonnets.3. 领会His Influence1)Main qualities of Spenser'spoetry①a perfect melody②a rare sense of beauty③a splendid imagination④a lofty moral purity & seriousness⑤a dedicated idealism2) In his writing, Spenser drew onthe conventions & thought of Classical,medieval,& Renaissance literature.However, he added to his fusion of thesediverse elements much that was original,& his works inspired many later Englishpoets. He created a new stanza, calledthe Spenserian stanza, which is wellsuited to narrative verse. His skills inwriting melodious English verse & hiscombination of emotion, erudition, &spiritual vision have won him theadmiration of generations of Englishpoets. It is his idealism, his love ofbeauty, &his exquisite melody that makehim known as "the poets' poet."4. 应用The Faerie Queene:1) It is a long, allegorical poem.In the poem,Spenser dramatizedpolitical, religious, & moral themesby personifying them, or making themcharacters.2)Plot: The story, which is setagainst a background of Arthur &medieval legend,deals with theadventures of six knights of the courtof the fairy queen named Gloriana, whorepresents Queen Elizabeth ⅠofEnglish. The faerie Queen was leftunfinished at Spenser's death. It wasoriginally planned as a 12-book poem.But only 6 books were completed. The poemis particularly admired for the melodicbeauty of its language & for its richcontent of philosophical & mythologicalmaterial presented in the form of vividnarratives.II. Christopher Marlowe1. 一般识记Brief IntroductionEnglish dramatist & poet,born inCanterbury, England, Feb, 6,1567,died in Deptford, England, May 30, 1593.Marlowe was the first great EnglishDramatist. He brought to the Englishstage a new concept of tragedy, one inwhich the drama centers around thestruggles of a man overwhelmed by hispassions & ambitions.2. 识记His Major WorksHis most famous tragedies are DoctorFaustus, The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine& Edward Ⅱ。


英美文学名篇读后感Title: Reflections on a Classic English Literature MasterpieceAfter immersing myself in the timeless classic "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, I am left with a profound sense of admiration for the author's intricate portrayal of early19th-century English society and her ability to weave a captivating narrative around the lives of the Bennet family.The novel, set in the rural English countryside, explores themes of social class, economic constraint, and the pursuit of love and happiness. Austen's portrayal of the character Elizabeth Bennet, a fiercely independent and witty young woman, serves as a testament to the author's exceptional understanding of human nature. Through Elizabeth's journey of self-discovery and the complexities of her relationship with Mr. Darcy, Austen highlights the societal pressures and expectations faced by women during that era.What strikes me most is Austen's masterful use of irony and satire to criticize the rigid social structure of her time. The Bingley sisters' snobbery and the scheming of Mrs. Bennet are prime examples of Austen's ability to expose the superficiality and absurdity of upper-class society. Despite the novel's focuson the Bennet family's search for suitable marriages, Austen subtly hints at the limitations of such arranged unions, suggesting that true happiness lies in compatible partnerships based on mutual respect and love.Moreover, the narrative's exploration of the complexities of human relationships resonates deeply with me. The misunderstandings, miscommunications, and ultimate resolutions between characters serve as a mirror to the intricacies of our own lives. Austen's insightful portrayal of these relationships encourages me to reflect on the importance of empathy and understanding in my own interactions with others.In conclusion, "Pride and Prejudice" is not just a captivating love story but a profound critique of society. Austen's ability to combine these elements seamlessly is a testament to her genius as a writer. Reading this masterpiece has not only enriched my understanding of English literature but has also provided me with valuable insights into the human condition and the timeless struggle for love, understanding, and self-fulfillment.中文翻译:标题:对一部英文学经典作品的反思在沉浸于简·奥斯汀的永恒经典《傲慢与偏见》之后,我对她如何细腻地描绘19世纪初英国社会以及她如何围绕班纳特家族的生活编织出一个引人入胜的故事感到深深的敬佩。

本来我对西方文学还只局限于红与黑、三个火枪手、高老头之类的经典著作,看了这本之后认识了一些新作 家,蛮开心的。
第十章克莱恩《一个 战争片段》中的艺术
第十一章海明威一短 篇:平淡无味后面的 多重象征意义
第十二章休斯《在路 上》的及物性系统与 深层意义
就编码而言,“隐含作者”就是处于某种创作状态、以某种立场和方式来“写作的正式作者”;就解码而言, “隐含作者”则是文本“隐含”的供读者推导的这一写作者的形象。
作者在创作时会脱离平时自然放松的状态(所谓“真人”所处的状态),进入某种“理想化的、文学的”创 作状态(可视为“真人”的一种“变体”或“第二自我”)。处于这种理想化创作状态的人就是隐含作者,他做 出各种创作选择,我们则通过他的选择从文本中推导出他的形象。
申丹老师不愧是名门之后,将叙事学和文体学两大传统娓娓道来,明确指出其优点和缺陷,对于国际上现有 的混乱和模糊做了清楚明白的指摘,非常细致深入的功夫。

—— — 重读英美经典短篇小说
!申 丹
本文首先回顾了叙事学和文体学在美国和英国的发展史, 讨论了两者既互补又相克的复杂关系。然后, “细读 ” 结合 以新形式主义面貌在西方的复兴, 探讨了叙事学和文体学当前在国际上的学术位置。最后, 在简 “经典 ” “潜文本 ” “叙事、 要梳理 和 这两个概念的基础上, 介绍了 文体与潜文本 ” 这一课题的研究目的、 所针对 “整体细读 ” 的阐释问题和解决问题的方法, 以及全书的基本结构和采用的 的分析途径。 , 关键词 - 叙事分析; 跨学科; 叙事学与文体学; 经典短篇; 整体细读 , 中图分类号 - .( 申 , 文献标识码 - / (’((+ ) , 文章编号 - 0((1 2 30+4 (’ 2 ((’) 2 (* 0((+*0 ) (053+ — ) 丹 , 女, 英国爱丁堡大学博士, 教育部长江学者, 北京大学特聘教授 6 英语语言文学 7 、 博士
续发展, 但 %& 世纪 )& 年代以来, 美国取代法国成 为国际叙事学研究的中心, )& 年代中后期出现了 “复兴” 以美国为主的叙事学研究的 。 与此同时, 在 西方出现了一种将各种活动、各种领域均视为叙 “泛叙事观” 事的 。 这有利于拓展叙事研究的范畴, 丰富叙事研究的成果, 也引发了对叙事学更广泛、 更浓厚的兴趣。 与此相对照,文体学在美国遭遇了不同的命 在美国兴盛起来的文体学研究, 运。%& 世纪中叶, 在 *& 年代受到同样的冲击后, 日渐衰微, )& 年代 在很大程度上被排挤出局。这从两份美国杂志的 历史就可见出。 ")+, 和 ")+* 年在美国先后诞生 《文体》 《语言与文体 》 了 和 这两种文体研究期刊, 标志着文体学的兴旺发达。 后者于 "))" 年被迫停 刊; 前者虽然生存至今, 但在 %& 世纪 )& 年代, 在 很大程度上变成了叙事研究期刊,登载了不少超 (包括各种媒介的叙事 ) 出语言层面的叙事 研究的 “叙事概念” 《文体》 为题 论文。 %&&& 年夏季刊是以 (")重新建构叙事理论; 的专刊,包括两大部分: (% ) 使叙事理论化, 这些内容与杂志的名称可谓相 去甚远。 在英国,文体学从 %& 世纪中叶开始兴盛之 后, 一直稳步向前发展。 %& 世纪 )& 年代以来英国 和美国分别构成文体研究和叙事研究的国际中 “诗学与语言学协会 ” ($-.-) 这一国际 心。 英国是 “叙事文学研 性文体学组织的大本营, 而美国则是 (//0.) 这一国际性叙事研究组织的基 究协会 ” 《语言与文体》 地。 就在美国的 寿终正寝的第二年, 《语言与文学》 在英国诞生了 这一名字宽泛但实质 ($-.- 的会刊) 。 为文体学的期刊 为何英国与美国会各树一帜呢? 笔者认为主 (" ) 跟美国相比, 英国的 要有以下两方面的原因: 学术氛围较为传统保守, 因此, 文体学在英国受到 的冲击相对较弱。 诚然, 政治文化批评在英国也产 生了较大影响, 但有的文体学家迅速应对, 将文体 “ 批评语言学 ” ( “ 批评 学研究与其相结合, 产生了
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”[3] 从文中我们可以看到,西方文论的发展是破裂的,是复杂的,是不断流变的,例如在19世纪末、20世纪初发生的“语言论转向”(linguistic tum)中,语言、语言学模型、语言哲学等被视为知识领域中最重要的东西,并产生了如现代主义、俄国形式主义、英美“新批评”、心理分析、结构主义、解构主义、阐释—接受文论等以语言研究为中心的文论流派。
而到了20世纪后期,“文化论转向”(cultural tum)则在语言学模型的框架中专注于文化及文化政治、文化经济、性别、大众文化、亚文化、视觉文化、网络文化等,并产生了如西方马克思主义、新历史主义、后现代主义、后殖民主义、女性主义和“文化研究”等文论流派。
[4] 这是“知识型”和“范式”理论下西方文论的发展轨迹。
相关专著除了《叙事、文体与潜文本——重读英美经典短篇小说》,还有《叙述学与小说文体学研究》,《文学文体学与小说翻译》(Literary Stylistics and Fictional Translation)。