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1. How will the boy get to the post office?

A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. On foot.

2. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a book shop.

B. In a clothes shop.

C. In a shoe shop.

3. Who has gone to the library?

A. Mike.

B. Jenny.

C. Amy.

4. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. Watch a movie.

B. Do some shopping.

C. Have lunch together.

5. How old is Mona now?

A. 9.

B. 20.

C. 29.





6. Where did the car hit Jerry?

A. At the school gate.

B. On his way to school.

C. On his way to the hospital.

7. How long did Jerry need to rest?

A. 10 days.

B. Half a month.

C. Three weeks.


8. What can teenagers volunteer to do on Tuesday?

A. Cheer up the patients in hospital.

B. Help old people clean their houses.

C. Help students with their schoolwork.

9. How many kinds of volunteer work are mentioned?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.[


10. What is the man doing?

A. Asking the way in the street.

B. Ordering food over the phone.

C. Paying his food at the restaurant.

11. How much does the fruit salad cost?

A. 10 yuan.

B. 15 yuan.

C. 35 yuan.[来

12. When will the man get his food?

A. At 11: 45.

B. At 11: 50.

C. At 12: 05.[


13. What is Sarah doing?

A. Studying for a math test.

B. Watching a cartoon film.

C. Taking an important test.

14. When will they go to the movie?

A. On Saturday afternoon.

B. On Saturday evening.

C. On Sunday afternoon.

15. Why do they choose Jackie Chan movie theater?

A. Because there are fewest people there.

B. Because it's the closest to their homes.

C. Because the tickets there are the cheapest.



16. Supermarket 17. Bank 18. Park 19. Hotel 20. School

16. _________ 17. _______ 18. _______ 19. ______ 20. _______




Many animals have special skills that make them perfect for certain jobs - even better than humans !

Take a train ride in Japan and you may meet Tama,

a cute, friendly stationmaster, who just happens to be a

cat! This ll-year~old cat works in exchange for cat food

at Wakayama Electric Railway's Kishi station. She has

her own office, and there's even a Tama train ! When

Tama was "hired " in 2007, the station was losing money, but today, thanks to Tama, it's a popular tourist attraction.

In the 1950s, US Navy officials got a great idea.

Why not train dolphins to do some special work

humans can't do? Today, dolphins are trained to find

underwater mines (水雷) so that the Navy officials can

make the mines disabled before they explode (爆炸).

Dolphins are well fit for the job for many reasons, but

the best of all, they're too small to set off the mines so they're never in danger.

Most squirrels are happy to collect nuts, and run

after each other up and down trees. Not Twiggy! She

prefers water skiing. Twiggy comes from a team of

water-skiing squirrels, whose owner trained them to ski
