马库斯·图留斯·西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero),公元前106年1月3日—前43年12月7日。
公元前63年当选为执政官,在后三头政治联盟成立后被三头之一的政敌马克·安东尼(Marcus Antonius,公元前82年—前30年)派人杀害于Formia。
梭伦(Solon, 前638年 - 前559年),生于雅典,出身於没落的贵族。
西方现代法学家—— 罗尔斯
新自然法学派的代表人物 。美国的法学家。 认为来源于人类理性的自然法是最高的主 宰, 自然法是从人的理性中推演出来的。 强调自然法的可变性。
பைடு நூலகம்
美国的著名法学家,,《法理学》、《法律 哲学导论》、《法律与道德》等著作。 社会学法学的提出 法律是社会控制的主要手段。目的在于满 足社会和人们的需要。 综合治理——社会工程。
卢梭:“法律必须具有一般性,并在其命令所 及的范围内,必须对全体人民平等适用。 法律不能只适用于个别人或个别客体。”
我愿意生活在一个法度适宜的民主政府之 下。我愿意自由地生活,自由地死去,我 要这样服从法律:不论是我或任何人都不 能脱离法律的光荣的束缚。
– 神学家和政治家 – 法律思想
法律----拘束、强制;目的是公共幸福的安排。 提出法律的分类-----永恒法、自然法、人法、神法
– 政治---权力和权术 – 目的---不择手段 – 政治学摆脱神学
– 自然法思想。创始人。自然法是一切法的源泉。 – 国际法理论—提出近代国际法理论思想。
公正的人就是遵守法律的人 ——苏格拉底
乌尔比安 盖尤斯 保罗 帕比尼安 莫迪斯蒂努斯(弗洛伦丁)
– 任何人不因思想受处罚(Nemocogitationis poenam patitur ; Cogitationis poenamnemo patitur)。——罗马法法谚
Ancient Roman legal personsAutor: William M. Gordon, University of GlasgowAncient Roman law were in the early history of Rome and Athens and other Greek city states very similar, but, as Anhui said, "Rome did not blindly imitate the Greek system of government" and thus achieve the Roman rational. Weber gave this evaluation of the Roman rational : "If we had a rational private law as to the logic of the law to streamline and re-arrangements, then the rational in the latter part of the ancient Roman had reached the highest level so far. and Roman law, "the law simplify the logic capacity and re-arrangement "of the magistrates and jurists -- Rome" legal person "-- to promote the work completion. 221, 510, the last one Wang was expelled from Rome City, the establishment of republican Rome. "However, once the king was expelled outside the city, Rome would have had to aristocracy forces severely constrained. "aristocracy of Rome and civilian sectors of the two sources and formation of a multi - saying, Let us regardless. In short, the establishment of the Republic in these two sectors of the binary state of reunification, and two occurred in the battle for equality of class struggle. Struggle against civilians is that extreme weapons division, the means to overcome the divisions of the agreement, 494 BC, the first division to reach the aristocracy and civilians "sacred about" the end : "civilians have their own guards of the sacred official, the right of the latter to assist the civilian population to resist the power of praetor. "Guarding China civilians from tribal officials elected civilians. Their main task is to help the civilian population to resist the power of the Captains Regent, which is to protect civilians from the aristocratic rule archon of the violation of the right, Guarding public officials can exercise the right of veto, so that the state machinery to stop running. "The veto is negative, because the hospital's officials have neither the right to rule, it does not have the right fortune."Aristocrats civil peace Another result of the struggle, Roman history is "unique", in the subsequent century was praised as a basic milestone in the "12 table." 454 BC, nobles and civilians in the struggle rather grim moment, the civilian official for China to make recommendations to the senate, demanded an end to the two class struggle, and establish acommon aristocracy and civilian components of the Legislative Committee, promulgation of both useful and the two sides have an equal right to freedom of the legal norms. This proposal was accepted, So the Romans started to dispatch a special delegation to Athens, Solon study the legal and other Greek city-state system. Special delegation to return, people creation of a "10 Legislative Council." After a year of work, 10 legislators will introduce a number of laws, the army and the General Assembly through the senate approved, they carved plank in 10, announced in Rome Plaza, and the following year set up a "10 Legislative Council", added some provisions, into the shape of two plank, coupled with the previous, a total of 12, it called the "12 table." "12 table" with the announcement of major significance : the first, with Greece Ted legislation, has been put by the elite regiment shaman mysterious monopoly laws, writing published in the public with a lot. to some extent limit the arbitrary bureaucratic aristocracy; Second, the civilians within the scope of law and the equal status of the aristocracy; Third, "12 table" excluded "God granted" religious creed."Table 12" did not immediately announce the legal transfer from the hands of priests, the process still has a long way to go, shaman have knowledge of the legal monopoly, with the continued progress of history and the disintegration. "Table 12" has announced the beginning of the disintegration of a monopoly, this is the civilian population would like to see. "12 table" after the publication of a very long period of time, the people are still to pass shaman access to legal knowledge. Although the law has been announced, but most people do not know how to use, do not know the litigation process, not aware of the court date, and so on, for the implementation of certain legal proceedings or activities need to follow many of the program. This primitive formalism has a profound reason to exist, it forms into law the inherent logic, need someone to implement the legal proceedings and provide the necessary advice.Therefore, the magistrates usually Mission to the priest asked whether individuals to a priest's question. It can be said that the shaman is the first jurists, they made a lot of creation, the promotion of the legal rational. As the "pseudo v. abstention" ways to deal with the liberation of the slaves and adoption; "Scale and copper block" method. marriage and wills to solve practical problems.With the legal knowledge and explain to the public that the period from secret entered the open period, France to the secular (secular law) opened the way, makes some people can not rely on the priests and obtained the knowledge and interpretation of the authority, These people came to be known as the "Law", the Roman law of rational made a great contribution. Jurists understanding of the secular law of succession of early shaman with the Institute of Law under the binding nature and formalism, This constraint formalism and the priests who have given prestige and power, making the exercise of judicial power is autonomous. Shaman of the above law also makes secular law, in essence, to preserve the prestige of the shaman law and authority, This is the Greek priest in secular law after the not hold a candle. If it is said that a person may be "born of a political animal." Then the above law binding and form it is also impossible to become a "born animal law." In fact, this has also decided that even in secular law after quite a long period of time, The shaman is still in the possession of law at home and obviously the position of considerable proportion. Although the law gave the priest later in the form of the same characteristics, and this is the law are indispensable to rational, However, the priest in charge of law itself is not going to achieve the rational, because there is a shaman enforcement so one drawbacks, That is, the shaman always religious interests in the first place and is followed by the law; But for Lawyers (ICJ), is a legal, legal interests are paramount. "Clergy treatment law, the law is not strive to form a rational, but to the substance of the rational.""12 table" for the law to create the opportunity for development, but "12 table" is not all Roman law, Roman is not the development of single lines. Both have covered : "Roma people in the legal system have a law, civilians will be, senate, the monarch ordered. the power to issue notices were issued notices, jurists answer. "In these factors and legal sources, Notices of the Roman Republic period is very important."Notice of the decision of those who have developed the standards. Rome Community magistrates have this power. The two power Magistrate spaces for city magistrate and foreign magistrate's notice is reflected most extensive in Provincial. their judicial power exercised by the Provincial Governor. Similar powers exist in the Secretary aristocracy create the notices. in Rome, the Provincial, the power exercised by the grassroots agents. ":" Roman's development into a global, Executive one of the magistrate had played a very significant role.Magistrate system is ancient Rome are endemic. "magistrate Luo another period of the Republic of legal bearing the development of the people.Magistrates were established in 367 BC, the first two Captains Regent of the "lower-level colleagues," Later specific situation for the needs of their duties as judicial power, 221, 242 Foreign Affairs has created a magistrate, responsible for the Rome and the foreign visitor between the judicial affairs, was also established to manage the magistrate Provincial, 227 BC in Sicily established the first one magistrate. Magistrate succession beginning, the general notices to the public on his policy agenda, and show how he will exercise his mandate. Because of its term only a year, notices only effective within a year, they are called "perennial notices," There are also individual events for temporary provisional notices. "Substantive statement, notices, including legal guidelines, However, the form it is only a promise. "" magistrates have not notice the small authority, We usually refer to them as honor, because the implementation of the national ranking, in other words, the Executive, given to the legal authority. "former magistrate, he was no notice of any binding, But he became a magistrate so that it is appropriate to be used to get rid of, or otherwise amend, subsequent to the magistrate in their respective predecessors, on the basis of making the necessary improvements, such replace old, the magistrate notices to keep on improving. Magistrate certain notices not only in a year and become permanent. To the late Republican, as a long-term accumulation, the magistrate notices become widespread, fixed and unified whole. Formation of a public law independent of the system, known as "Magistrates Act."Magistrates Act to establish a magistrate in the judicial basis. Magistrate notices for the most innovative part is to adapt to current needs, in the period of one year, It will accept the practice tests and jurists comments, the suit will be eliminated, thus, the magistrate constantly improve the law, its essential parts from generation to generation. This method combines the fixed and flexibility so that Roman is rooted in past experience, Also adapted to the real-life situation changes. Magistrates Act is through litigation and decisions, and the magistrate on how to conduct the proceedings and decisions made by the commitment to play a ro le. Their commitment to creating a substantial legal relationship This legal relationship with the public entities of the Act contains legal relationship relative. In public law, the program put legal entity as a precondition for ties, and to give protection proceedings; However, the magistraterules is based on fiction or programs mentioned facts, promised to litigation means (or defending the right to appeal, etc.), because such a promise, a substantive legal relationship. Magistrate development of this law is not blind it to the premise of public law, also revised the public, Meanwhile with the public to distinguish between law. This will enable it to establish the public on the basis of law, on the surface, do not harm the public, but also according to its own logic and tradition play a role, Magistrates to make use of litigation and legal means to compel ruling rational.Roman magistrate to promote rational, reflected in almost all aspects of Roman law, and the process is the jurists with the assistance of completion. Magistrate is not the modern sense of the judge, he is not personally tried, but to judge the case to trial, and give some guidance. Ancient Roman period, civil divided into two stages : the magistrate admissibility stage or the magistrate before the procedure, principal magistrate determined between the parties law or in fact the focus of the debate. and instructed the judiciary on individual cases should apply the law; and the stage of the trial judge, or in front of the judiciary process, on the focus of the debate to be resolved. Judge, not state officials, selected by the magistrate, and empowered to deal with the particular case. Therefore, the magistrate can not just conduct of the proceedings, He asked him to work with some knowledge of the law and a clear understanding of the relevant legal procedures, and other tools. According to the constitutional Republic of Rome, the magistrate is the century by people elected by the Conference, is not necessarily well versed in the law and procedures, Later, despite the fact that whether or not familiar with the laws and procedures as elective magistrate reference element.Therefore, they generally need jurists of technical advice, it is through the realization of two ways. First, the magistrate appointed jurists as its legal adviser, in difficult cases, to pay him a jurist; two jurists is to provide assistance to the client and suggest that they should take and what kind of attitude means litigation. Such assistance is not limited to lega l proceedings and litigation programs also exist, the parties to a magistrate of these programs, asking him to trial. This in two ways, jurists to the magistrate's creative work to provide assistance, Such assistance only in the preparatory stage of the proceedings playing a role of proposal, the phase of the law is not creative. If Weber pointed out : "The earlier law and legal system tosafeguard the very important technical characteristics, Basically, the era of the Republic tyrannical gentry toff (Magistrate) rule. "Republic of the end of the war more than Rome, the Republic of comprehensive constitutional crisis facing. 27 BC, Octavian Weiwushi senate was regarded as Augustus, Augustus office was abolished republic, implement political leaders, which entered Dili G Roman period. Dili government from the beginning, the magistrate begun to decline, gradually losing function to create law. Around AD 130, Roman emperor commissioned jurists • Julian Salvi reshuffling notices determine its final version, the final text of the notices through the senate to be approved, the emperor in the imperial edict is entitled to make amendments. Since then, the magistrate bearing legal developments in the functional totally disappeared, jurists Roman Empire became the most important legal person.Jurists in the entire history of the Roman law status is very important, Peng Bo said in the "Handbook" single of the series, said : "If there is no jurist through its day-to-day work will be to improve the law, France is hard to survive. "He did not exaggerate their statements. Republic of time, Rome had already seen a jurist, then jurists activities are primarily for people to answer legal questions parties to the proceedings, handling cases, the preparation of written contracts, wills and so on.Republic of the period of development of the law has played a significant role, but then their views as a source of law is indirect. Thus its role is indirect. Dili early political, law already open to the public, people are learning more and more, although the time has not yet specialized schools, But jurists may admit more students, teaching, learning law, and publishing books and articles. Augustus heads of implementing the rule, have followed the legal tradition, granted a distinguished jurists to "open the right answer", the explanation they have certain legal effects. The right answer was open to the jurists, their answer legal questions in written form, and personal responsibility for stamping. Their answer, in principle, only be binding on the case, the judge handling cases should be used; In theory, made to answer for other similar cases, the judge did not follow its obligations. However answer right jurists who have a wealth of knowledge and skills which is authorized for the emperor, and so they have a higher authority, This resulted in other cases have also been invoked. Weber pointed out that in Rome, the legal life, jurists of creative work is the establishment of thejudges on the basis of advice. Rome right analysis of the legal problems other than through the courts is an independent, the law is very knowledgeable providers, So for the judges to transfer the work to answer questions of law-users. to the inclusion of elusive abstract ethical principles for reasonable legal proposition. But these are the right answer jurists and the absence of legal theory of monopoly activities, academic activities, Teaching activities and the provision of advice is still free. Emperor Hadrian in a letter provided the ages enjoy a legal right to answer the jurists, If they are right the same problem the views, the views on the legal effect; If they disagree, The judge may agree to take his advice. From here, jurists views became the official Roman origins of. Later Youshidingni also insisted that the guidelines. In response, Weber pointed out : "the emperor of the times, Justice has finally become professional affairs. Legal Adviser of the grading was part of Augustus granted privileges, Their answers are binding on judges, thus the path of the law to maintain the official status. These legal advisers from now on are no longer legal affairs of the management staff ... ... they do not include the identification of any purely by counsel disposal problems, but only with lawyers and judges or one of the two prepared in advance of a legal judgment for the facts : certainty, This is strictly for the formation of abstract concepts of law prepared the best opportunity. a sufficient answer to distance persons with a genuine law The separation operation to promote their scientific methodology, the specific things summarized as a general principle. ... ... because of their identification binding, They control the legal right to maintain. "Answer provided to a number of eminent jurists to the special legal status of the consultants, these jurists are usually able to obtain an official post, for the government to pay the salaries, which have been called the "bureaucratic jurists." From the Roman period, especially in Anthony period, the bureaucracy of Jurists is very popular. "Jurists senior official, set up by agents or officials as the long-established legal adviser, establish fixed salaried advisers to the monarch Advisory Committee, established jurist answer binding, France in the field of application approved by the State Organization for teaching, All these are embodied in the emperor Hadrian in the cause. "G early in Dili, jurists and the activities of a large number of diverse, In addition to the above answer, jurists of bureaucracy, Another shows the legal profession is a sign of maturity Law Teaching With determine the form and academic, in apublic place for teaching and formation of a real school, such as the Sabin School and the School of Kasi. They set up the forum and recruit followers. Books, the academic point of view is very different. His writings include a compilation of Jurists answer, ordered interpretation on the public law, jurisprudence and legal framework and legal ladder, and so on.During this period, the jurist has become a traditional jurists continuity of a ring, a different personality to do was almost absorbed by legal tradition, That tradition continued cooperation in the progressive development of a great artistic structure. Continuity of the traditional law but also in the works, these works are guiding law for the purpose of life. Jurists and they have perfected the superb skills of law, the right of such techniques to create a comprehensive application with the legal system. Such specific laws with the life line of legal creation, the general view is, wavering attempt to summarize the situation into one entity, for the Roman systematized. Through their efforts, which only the legal profession who can fully understand the "legal language" by the developers out. As Max Weber pointed out, "from the law school teaching and publication of this work, Roman developed the technology and its scientific distillation, although initially the concept of accuracy, Rome is largely technical experience, but it is increasingly irrational. "Dili government late As the emperor parade legislative independence, the people's legislative activities, the magistrate the law-making work senate legislation and the creation of legal theory have died; Although the habit of innovation still exist norm, But Constantine Dili had ordered the cancellation of the effect of changes in statutory law, the emperor ordered virtually the sole source of law. Gems jurist answers Although there are binding, and it is the result of allowing the emperor. During this period only jurists can do only codification work. Jurists codification of Roman law is the climax of development, as well as the development of Roman law, the final phase from here, Jurists guiding role had ended. Those great jurists, such as Paul, Ullby On display is a bureaucratic class, their personalities have been authoritarian era bureaucracy mediocrity swallowed, the general status of Jurists is even lower. But on the codification of laws and regulations and finishing the job itself is concerned, it is promoting the system of Roman law, a tremendous impact on future generations, especially in Youshidingni, massive codification and regulations finishing work, not only for the time to rectify the legal confusion, facilitateits application to access and learning is important, but also to be transmitted later Roman has made a significant contribution. Youshidingni era of codification of the "amendment of the Code", "the theory of mankind", "Law ladder," "The new Royal Decree," by later generations as a "Corpus Juris Civilis," Research in this world is the most important Roman literature.古罗马时期的法律人威廉戈登米,格拉斯哥大学罗马的早期历史与雅典及其他希腊城邦极为相似,但是,如房龙所言,“罗马人没有一味模仿希腊人的政府体制”,因而罗马法达致了理性化。
西方法学思想回顾(一)、古希腊:丰富的哲学、美学成就,古典自然法思想的出现(二)、古罗马1.职业法学家集团* 五大法学家:426年,罗马皇帝Valentinianus III 颁布《引证法》(Law of citations),规定:凡法律未明文规定的,依五大法学家的论点决定;五大有分歧,依多数意见;相持不下时,依伯比尼安2.成文法体系:《国法大全》(东罗马帝国时期,565左右,皇帝查士丁尼在位期间及死后不久新编纂的,它是《查士丁尼法典》、《钦定法学阶梯》、《学说汇编》、《新律》四部法典汇编的统称,也是奴隶制时代历史上一部最完备的成文法典。
他们用ius来表示“法”;用les 来表示“法律”。
它来自ius-titia (正义)。
一、古罗马法学家群体的形成公元前3 世纪,罗马市民经济生活交往的日渐频繁,与此相矛盾的是当时针对有关财产权益纠纷方面却没有完备的立法,在解决相关纠纷时,更多的是依靠法学家的帮助。
公元426 年罗马皇帝颁布并在东、西罗马帝国同样生效的《学说引证法》正式承认盖尤斯、J·保罗,D·乌尔比安、A·帕比尼安和H·莫迪斯蒂努斯五大法学家的解答具有法律效力;并规定凡法律问题未经明文规定的,悉依五大法学家的解答加以解决。
纪 初 叶人 同 时代 人
出 身于非 洲
点 介绍 一 盖 尤斯 l u 盖 尤斯 ( G a s
13 0
180 )
罗 马 帝 国 前期 著名 法 学 家
迈 克道 纳 尔和曼逊 著
《 世界
上 伟大 的法 学家 》 一 书介 绍的第 一 个 人 就是 他
玲令玲份玲称玲仑玲令玲奋玲份玲称玲仓 玲 令 玲口片称 玲称玲份玲令玲份玲令玲令玲令玲份 玲令玲称玲令玲称玲 e 玲令 玲仑玲 令冲翻喇 沁托翔 陌姗令 玲份协 令玲 份特 令 玲冬玲份玲仑玲份协奋 玲令
, ,
制定并落实一 些行之有效的工作制度
, 、
一 是流动
暂住人 口 登记制度 做 到心 中有数
“ ”
。 。
二 是大
力推行以暂住证 为主 包括外 出人 员就业登记卡 外来 人员就业证 证 卡合一 制度 证 卡齐全方可就业 否 则 不论是无 证 卡 还是雇佣无 证 卡 的人 员都应受到处罚 三是大力推行以租赁房屋许可证 为重 点的
, , , , 。 、 , 。 , , , :
层 至 帝 国 前期 法 学 家 的 活 跃 程度达 到 了 顶 点 据史 书 记 载 该 时期 是 罗 马 法 学家群 星 璀 出 现 了 众多 的 著名 人物 灿 时期 其数量 根据法 国 1 8 世纪著名 私法学家朴蒂埃 p o th i 1 6 9 9 ( R J 一 1 7 7 2 ) 的 统计 是 9 2 人 ② ; 按 照 日 本 学 者 户 仓 广 的 统 计 是 6 0 余 名 ③ a 而 苏 尔 茨 在 《罗 马 法 学史 》 中 则 列 出 了 其 中 的 2 6 名 ④ 如 斯卡 暖 拉 ( Q M e v 公 S a c o i 《 ( L ) 贝 A 5 9 的 官 8 1 民 拉 奥 M o e ~ 元 元前 年 执政 著有 卷 市 法 b a 公 元前 5 0 公 0 2 o a c u lu ) 的 创 始 人 留 下 著 作 4 0 0 多 卷 ) 普洛 克 鲁斯 ( 5 P o u l u 普 洛克 鲁斯 学 派 ( S h l P o 约 公 元 1 世纪 中 叶 人 4 段) 普 洛 克 鲁 斯 学 派 真 正 的 领 袖 《学说 汇 纂 》 引 用 其 作 品 有 1 3 2 2 ( S ho l in u 5 e p ito S b z A 卡必多 (e 去 萨 宾 派 的 鼻 公元 年 世 祖 公元 年 的 执 n 《 》 ) ( b i 留 有 杂 作 品 萨 宾 M s u 4 6 去 萨 宾 派 的 代表 政官 法 学 记录 等 a S 公元 年 世 P o n 1 r n i 著 有 3 卷 《市 民 法论 ) 尼 乌 S ( s u 约 0 6 去 庞波 斯 P o 年 世 代 表作 是关 于 萨 宾 学 n 5 《 》 ) 的 5 3 注 书 汇 纂 收 人 作 品 有 8 7 落 I i u s 说 卷 释 学说 录他 个段 尤里安 s ( a u l 公元 2 世
第6讲(古罗马哲学家:西塞罗、马克 奥勒留、奥古斯丁)2024年新高考语文思辨类微写作
古罗马哲学家: 西塞罗(公元前106—前43年) 马 克 ·奥 勒 留 ( 公 元 1 2 1 — 1 8 0 年 ) 奥古斯丁(公元354—430年)
பைடு நூலகம்
哲学人物16: 西塞罗
• 普马尔库斯·图利乌斯·西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero,公元前106年1月–公元前43年12月),古 罗马著名政治家、哲学家、演说家和法学家。
西塞罗说:“真正的法乃是与自然相一致的正确理性。”如果把 自然当作立法标准,“真正的法”便具有普适和恒常的特点。严格来 讲,西塞罗继承了柏拉图的自然正当理论,认为自然正当不能被肢解 应用到现实政治中。西塞罗思想的独特之处在于:他首次从法学维度 深入阐述了自然正当的特征。通过建立自然法的观念,西塞罗意图使 罗马的法律思想真正转变为一门科学,把对真理原则的理解和对现实 共同体的关注结合起来。
• 奥氏论证说,灵魂即上帝意志在人身上的体现,是 高贵的。但身体(感官的贪婪)却是邪恶的和受诅咒 的。这种诅咒是为了惩罚亚当屈从诱惑的原罪。所 以为了把灵魂从诅咒中解放,就要抵抗邪恶的诱惑。 因此,要有美德就要控制身体。
• 谈谈你对奥古斯丁“灵魂学说”的认识。
奥古斯丁是基督教思想史上最重要的教父之一。他的灵 魂学说将灵魂视为人最高贵最重要的部分,一方面承认灵魂 相对于肉身的独立性和优越性,一方面又试图说明肉身的价 值及其与灵魂的统一性。他在承认肉身的情欲容易导致灵魂 的堕落的同时,又维护了“道成肉身”和“肉身复活”的教 义,同时反映了基督教作为一个关注现实世界和热衷服务社 会的“入世型宗教”的思想特征。
【名人简介】西塞罗——古罗马思想家、雄辩家西塞罗——古罗马思想家、雄辩家马库斯·图留斯·西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero),公元前106年1月3日—前43年12月7日。
公元前63年当选为执政官,在后三头政治联盟成立后被三头之一的政敌马克·安东尼(Marcus Antonius,公元前82年—前30年)派人杀害于Formia。
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