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Part 1 Select the most appropriate choice to answer the following questions or to complete following statements. (1*15 =15 )

1.About the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which one of following statements is not right?

a)Separates presentation and interaction from the system data.

b)The system is structured into three logical components that interact with each

other. The Model component manages the system data and associated operations

on that data. .

c)The Model component defines and manages how the data is presented to the


d)The Controller component manages user interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse

clicks, etc.) and passes these interactions to the View and the Model..

2. The statistical data show that the distribution of maintenance effort is close to? B

a)Fault repair 65%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification


b)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification


c)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 65%, Function addition or modification


d)Fault repair 40%, Software adaptation 40%, Function addition or modification


3. Which statement is a wrong statement for Waterfall Model?B

a)Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages

b)This model is only appropriate when the requirements are poorly understood

c)This model is difficult to respond to changing customer requirements

d)This model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood.

4. Which one of following statements is not in the complete test coverage of a class?B

a)Testing all operations associated with an object

b)Setting and interrogating all object attributes

c)Exercising the object in all possible states

d)Testing all the possible objects

5. When we have little experiences about a project, that is to say we know little requirements and are not family with how to develop it. Which model should be adopted? A

a)Formal systems development.

b)Waterfall model.

c)Exploratory development

d)Reuse-oriented development.

Part 2 Mark the right statement √, the wrong statement×(1*15=15)

1.In the software architecture design,using large-grain components

improves performance and maintainability. 错

2. A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It presents a

description of a process from all perspective.

3.Re-engineering is enhancing the functionality and performance of the system. 错

4.According Lehman and Belady's ‘laws’, over a program’s lifetime, its rate of

development is approximately constant and independent of the resources

devoted to system development. 对

5.The goal of program testing is to show the program is free of defects.

Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)

1.Risk management is concerned with identifying risks which may affect the project,

there may be several kinds of risks, including technology risks , people

risks , organizational risks , tools risks . (requirements


mon activities in object-oriented design processes

include , ,

, , .
