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2010 至2011 学年第 2 学期



总学时/周学时:168 / 12










Teaching Process

I. lead-in

Teaching tips:

1.Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.

2.It is not necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, soothe teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group.

3.The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed


1What makes you happy? Are you happy when other people are happy?

2 Do you often feel blue? What will you do if you are in low spirit?

3.Why do people get angry? How do you control your anger?

4. Can you define some of the most common kinds of emotion? What are they?

II.V ocabulary Learning

2. English idioms relating to HAPPINESS - SADNESS




III. Basic Listening &Listening in

1. Listen to a BBC talk from PPT about happiness, then answer the questions below .

Topic 1: What is a happy nation like?

Topic 2: What does Dr Baylis think to be more important for us? And why

2. dialogue listening

Word tips and culture : furious , beside oneself , air your views

3. Task 1: Soft answers turn away wrath

Word tips: wrath , darn , splash , nerve , cute , flare up

4. Task 2: Big John is coming

Word tips: outlaw , uneventfully , cowhand , muscular , growl , gulp , dang

5. Task 3: A view of happiness

Word tips: oversimplify , magnet , reverse , reinforcement , itch , strive

IV: Speaking out:describing anger ,sadness and hapiness; making and accepting suggestions; promising and refusing to help

Teaching tips:

In this part, I will write down the missing words on the screen in a multimedia room. Then students go through these steps: (1) they listen to the dialog and repeat it sentence by sentence (2) you erase part of the underlined expressions, and students repeat after the recording.(3) you erase all the underlined expressions, and students, without listening to the tape, read out the whole dialog by supplying the missing words on their own.(4) After they are familiar with the underlined expressions, students should study the boxes of alternative expressions. (5) students can work in pairs to role –play the dialog, using expressions they have learned, as for other parts of the dialog, they can use or change then as they like. Model 1 Don’t let it get to you

