1. 背景
2. 模板
2.1 公司信息
合同编号: [合同编号]
締結日: [签订日期]
雇用会社: [公司名称]
所在地: [公司所在地]
代表取締役社長: [公司代表]
連絡先: [公司]
2.2 员工信息
雇用者: [雇佣员工姓名]
生年月日: [员工]
居所: [员工住质]
2.3 雇佣期间
雇用期間: [起始日期] 至 [终止日期]
2.4 工作内容
業務内容: [工作内容]
2.5 工作时间
勤務時間: [工作时间]
休憩時間: [休息时间]
2.6 薪水和福利
報酬: [薪水待遇]
福利: [福利待遇]
2.7 保密条款
秘密保持: [保密责任]
2.8 责任和违约
損害賠償: [责任和违约责任]
3. 注意事项
- 仔细阅读合同内容,确保双方权益和责任的明确;
- 如有疑问,可以咨询相关专业人士或劳动局的建议;
- 在签订前,对合同进行复印并保存备份。
4. 结论。
月日 ( 曜日、月日~月日まで連休)
月日 ( 曜日、月日~月日まで連休)
月日 ( 曜日、月日~月日まで連休)
- 1 -。
The Specific Collective Agreement on WageThe enterprises side______________ company (industry or area)The chief representative________________The number of consulting representatives_____________The workers and staff members’ side_______________ trade union of the company (industry or area)The chief representative________________The number of consulting representatives_____________Prompt: The number of collective consulting representatives on wages is determined through mutual consultation of the parties concerned where the number of the consulting representatives on behalf of each party shall not be less than 3. The chief representative on behalf of the enterprise shall be assumed by the legal representative of the enterprise or by the person who is assumed in written form by the legal representative of the enterprise. The chief representative on behalf of the workers and staff members shall be assumed by the major responsible person of the trade union. The chief representative on behalf of the enterprises of the industry or area-wide shall be recommended. The professionals outside the working units as the consulting representatives, whose number shall not exceed 1/3 of the number of the consulting representatives inside the working units, can be trusted by both parties concerned for the collective consultation.In accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China, Collective Agreement Regulations of Shanghai Municipality, Provisions of Collective Agreement and Trial measures of collective consultation on wages, the parties concerned sign the specific collective agreement on wages through mutual consultation equally and voluntarily.A.The percentage for the annual wages adjustmentIn accordance with the enterprise annual business objectives and guidelines for wages increase released by this Municipality, the average wages of workers and staff members for the year of ______ is determined to increase by ______% (or between ________% to ________%) on the basis of__________ yuan last year in addition to the managerial personnel.The average wages of workers and staff members on front-line production and service is increased by _______%.Prompt: The percentage for the annual wages adjustment shall be listed as the main terms and conditions in the specific collective agreement on wages. In accordance with the present situations of the enterprise such as the sales, profits or the completion of its business objectives, and the guidelines for wages increase released by this Municipality, the parties concerned may determine the percentage of the average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation. The average wages increase of the workers and staff members shallkeep pace with the increase of labor productivity of the enterprise. Where the economic efficiency of the enterprise drops, the average wages of the workers and staff members may maintain the original level or decrease appropriately. The enterprise shall define its front-line posts of the production and service according to its own industry and specific production features. The percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members working on the front-line shall not be lower than the percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members in the same enterprise.The industry or area may determine the percentage of the minimum average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation, and on the basis of the percentage of the minimum average annual wages increase the enterprise may reasonably determine its own percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members according to its business situations.B.The wages distribution systemIn accordance with its specific production features, the enterprise implements the wages system of _________.Prompt: The enterprise shall formulate the basic wages system which covers all of the workers and staff members including the laborers to be placed and other working personnel. In accordance with the actual situations such as different working positions, features and natures in the enterprise, the different forms of wages system may be implemented for the different working positions where the grade wages system may be implemented for the positions of management and the performance wages system for the sales staff members.C.The wages distribution formIn accordance with the features of working positions, the different wages distribution forms are to be implemented. _______ position implements _______ wages distribution form. _______ position implements _______ wages distribution form. _______ position implements _______ wages distribution form.Prompt: The enterprise may implement different wages distribution forms according to the working features of different positions where the hourly wages system may be implemented for the positions of management, the piece-rate wages system for the positions of production and service, the commission wages system for the sales staff members and the project wages system for the technical staff members. Criterion on labor quota for the positions of implementing the piece-rate wages system may be determined reasonably through mutual consultation where over the 90% of the workers in the same position may finish the quota within the statutory working time. The percentage of commission for the positions of implementing the commission wages system may be determined reasonably through mutual consultation.D.The wages distribution structureThe basic wages is raised from the month of ____ to _____ yuan monthly (or %). The basicwages shall be accounting for not less than _____% of the total wages.Prompt: The wages structure usually consists of the basic wages, the performance wages and allowances and subsidies, etc. Based on the determined wages distribution system and wages distribution form, the enterprise shall work out reasonably the corresponding management measures for wages and performance appraisal. The enterprise may determine reasonably the level and percentage of the basic wages according to the responsibilities of different positions and requirements.E.The minimum wagesThe minimum wages of the enterprise shall be higher than the minimum wages released by this Municipality. The percentage of increase is (or not less than) ______ %.Prompt: The workers, who can work normally within the statutory working time, shall ne paid not less than the minimum wages released by this Municipality. Based on the minimum wages released by this Municipality, the enterprise may determine its own minimum wages or different minimum wages for different positions through mutual consultation. The number of workers, whose basic wages is only the minimum wages, shall be kept within a certain percentage.The industry (area) may determine its own minimum wages and minimum wages for same types of work and positions through mutual consultation. They may also determine the maximum percentage of the number of workers where the minimum wages is set as their basic wages through mutual consultation.F. The wages paymentThe wages settlement cycle is according to the calendar month. The wages shall be paid on the date of ____ every month.The overtime wages is settled according to ______, which shall be paid on the date of ______ next month.Prompt: The enterprise shall establish a sound management measures for the payment of wages, make the necessary accounting records and give the workers their payroll. The wages shall usually be paid through the bank. The pay shall be deposited into the personal bank accounts of the workers in full and on time. The overtime wages shall be usually settled monthly and be paid next month. The payment shall be settled according to the approved cycle where the integrated hourly wages system is implemented.G. The allowances and subsidiesa. The allowances for the med-night and night shift in the enterprise are (or not less than) _________.Prompt: The mid-night shift means that the workers shall not get off work till 22:00. The night shift means that the workers shall not get off work till 24:00 or work for successive 12 hours in the evening. The morning shift means that the workers shall go to work before 05:00 in the morning.The industry (area) may determine its own minimum allowances for the mid-nightand night shift through consultation.b. The hot season allowances apply to the positions of _________, _________, __________. Prompt: The enterprise shall pay the hot season allowances to the workers where the workers are asked to work outdoors or the temperature in the workplaces cannot be lowered by any means to 33℃or below from June 1 to September 30. In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise shall determine reasonably who may have the hot season allowances.c. The work meal subsidies are (or not less than) __________ yuan per meal.Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may provide the workers with free work meal or the subsidies.The industry or area may determine its own minimum standards for the work meal and subsidies through mutual consultation.d. The transportation subsidies for work are (or not less than) __________ yuan per month. Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may provide the workers with shuttle bus or the subsidies.The industry or area may determine its own minimum standards for the transportation subsidies through mutual consultation.H. In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may set up the insurance and welfare projects such as _________, _________.Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may join other social insurance projects except the statutory social insurance ones such as enterprise annuity, supplementary housing fund, supplementary medical insurance, safeguard projects run by SMTUC and commercial insurance. The enterprise may establish the welfare projects such as physical examination, recuperation and rest, hardship subsidies, etc. and determine the standards of costs for the welfare projects through mutual consultation.The industry or area may determine its own insurance and welfare projects and minimum standards of costs for the corresponding projects through mutual consultation.I. Before signed by the chief representatives of both consulting parties, the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be reviewed and approved by the Workers’ Congress or by all of the workers and staff members. Before going into effect, the approved Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be submitted to the human resources and social security department for examination.Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall go into effect automatically where no obligations have been raised by the human resources and social security department within 15 days from the date of the receipt of the text of the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages. The effective Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be released appropriately by the consultingrepresentative to all of the members on his side.The industry or area shall list the number of enterprises and workers who may be covered during mutual consultation.J. In performing the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, it may be modified and rescinded after reaching agreement through consultation by both sides where some special issues such as the force majeure or major changes in production and management occurs.K. In the absence of regulations in the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, matters shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.L. The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be in triplicate. The enterprise side and the workers and staff members side shall each hold one copy of the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, and the examination department files the third copy.Prompt: The enterprises and trade unions covered by the industry or area specific collective agreement on wages shall each hold the copy.M. The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages applies to the workers of __________. Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages in principle applies to all of the workers and staff members in the enterprise. The wages and welfare for the workers to be placed may be included in the collective consultation on wages of the employment unit where the normal wage adjustment mechanism for the workers to be placed shall be set up and the unified wage distribution system and equal pay for equal work shall be implemented.N. The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages is effective from _____year ______month _____day to ______year ______month ________date.Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages is usually valid for one year where it is related to the annual wage adjustment program for workers and staff members, the economic benefits and production situation of the enterprise.The senior representative of The senior representative ofThe enterprise (industry or area)Sign: sign:Stamp stampDate: date:。
Restrict the performance of the responsibilities of both parties to the contract, the termination of cooperation, and clear regulations on relatedbusinesses.(合同范本)甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________工资专项集体合同(示范合同)工资专项集体合同(示范合同)说明:本合同书适用于合同双方同意签署协议后,约束合同双方的履行责任,合作终止以及相关业务明确规定,如果需要,可以直接下载打印或用于电子存档。
日文版劳动合同1. 总则本劳动合同(简称“本合同”)由雇主(简称“公司”)与劳动者(简称“员工”)签订,以约定员工在公司工作期间的权利和义务。
2. 雇佣期限本合同的雇佣期限自____________起,至____________止。
3. 工作内容员工将根据公司的安排,担任____________岗位,并按照公司的要求履行相应的职责和义务。
4. 工作时间1.员工每周的工作时间为____________小时,具体工作时间安排由公司决定。
5. 薪酬与福利1.员工的基本工资为每月_________________日元,在合同期内保持不变。
6. 假期与休假1.员工每周至少享有________________天休息日,具体休息日安排由公司确定。
7. 解雇与终止1.如果员工违反本合同的任何条款,公司有权随时解雇员工。
8. 保密条款员工对公司在工作期间提供的商业机密、技术秘密和其他保密信息应严格保密,禁止向任何第三方透露。
9. 争议解决若发生与本合同相关的争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
10. 其他条款1.本合同一式两份,公司和员工各保留一份。
根据约定,双方签字确认:公司:_____________________ 员工:_____________________日期:_____________________ 日期:_____________________。
第一条 合作内容1.1 甲方同意向乙方提供_______(产品/服务)的相关权益。
1.2 乙方同意接受甲方的上述权益,并支付相应的费用。
第二条 费用及支付方式2.1 乙方向甲方支付的合作费用为人民币_______元整(大写:____________________元整),支付方式为_______(银行转账、现金支付等)。
2.2 乙方应在合同签订后_______日内将合作费用支付给甲方。
第三条 合作期限3.1 本合同的有效期为_______年,自双方签订之日起计算。
3.2 合同期满后,如双方同意续约,应签订书面续约协议。
第四条 违约责任4.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,应承担相应的违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。
第五条 争议解决5.1 对于因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决。
5.2 若协商不成,任何一方均可向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
第六条 其他约定6.1 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。
6.2 本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。
工资集体合同书英文回答:Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)。
A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a written contract between an employer and a union that representsits employees. The CBA establishes the terms and conditions of employment for the employees covered by the contract. These terms and conditions may include wages, hours of work, overtime pay, holidays, vacations, sick leave, health insurance, pension plans, and other benefits.CBAs are typically negotiated between the employer and the union through a process of collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is a process in which the two parties meet and negotiate over the terms and conditions of employment. The goal of collective bargaining is to reachan agreement that is fair and equitable for both the employer and the employees.Once a CBA is negotiated, it is typically submitted to the employees for ratification. The employees vote on whether to accept or reject the contract. If the contract is ratified, it becomes legally binding on both the employer and the union.CBAs are an important part of the American labor relations system. They help to ensure that employees are treated fairly and that they have a voice in the workplace. CBAs also help to promote stability in the workplace by providing a framework for resolving disputes between employers and employees.Essential Elements of a CBA。
工资专项集体合同COLLECTIVE CONTRACT ON SALARY第一条本合同由___ (单位)与___ 工会根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国工会法》、《江苏省集体合同条例》、《江苏省工资支付条例》、劳动和社会保障部《工资集体协商试行办法》等有关规定,通过对企业本年度的生产经营和经济效益状况的分析与预测,对照政府发布的工资指导线、工资指导价位和本地区、行业职工的工资平均水平,经双方平等协商一致签订。
Article 1 This contract is made between___ and the Trade Union of____, accordingto “Labor Law of PRC”, “Labor Contract Law of PRC”, “Trade Union Law of PRC”, “the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Collective Contract”“the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Salary Distribution”, “the Regulations of Salary Collective Negotiation of Ministry of Labor and Social Security “as well as other related regulations. It is signed after equal negotiation of both parties, based on theanalysis and forecast of the production and operation of enterprises and economic situation, comparing the government salary guideline, level and the average salary of the same area and same industry.第二条经协商双方就企业本年度职工工资、福利增长水平和分配办法形成如下意见:Articles 2 After consultations, the two parties decide the growth level of Company’s salary and benefits and its distribution plan as follows:1.在上年度企业职工人均工资元的基础上,本年度企业职工人均工资增幅为___ %;On the basis of previous year Company employees’ average salary RMB ____, this year Company employees’ average salary increase is ____%.2.企业工资调整部分的分配范围和分配办法为:The distribution scope and distribution way of the adjustment parts are:3.本企业职工最低工资标准为每月___ ;Company’s minimum salary standard is ____ per month.4.本企业加班加点工资的基数和计算标准为:Company’s salary calculation basis and standard are:5.企业支付职工工资时间为每月___ 日,支付形式为货币(银行转账);Company pays salaries to employees in a monetary form of bank transfer on the ___ of every month.第三条可以由双方共同协商的条款还有:Article 3 Others items for two parties’ negotiations:1.企业工资分配制度和分配方式 Company salary distribution policy and form2.计件工资和劳动定额; Piece rate and working ration;3.奖金分配办法; Bonus distribution plan;4.津贴、补贴标准; Allowance distribution standard;5.保险福利; Insurance and welfare;6.其他双方认为需要协商的有关职工工资、福利的条款。
On the way to struggle, time always flies quickly. The current difficulties and troubles are many, but as long as you don’t forget your original intention and step by step towards your goal, the final outcome will be determinedby time.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)2021年工资专项集体合同2021年工资专项集体合同1甲方首席代表:乙方首席代表:本协议由(单位)(简称甲方)与工会(简称乙方)根据《劳动法》、《安全生产法》、《职业病防治法》等法律法规以及省、市有关条例规定,结合本企业实际情况,经企业方代表和职工方代表平等协商一致签订。
The Specific Collective Agreement on WageThe enterprises side ___company (industry or area)The chief representativeThe number of consulting representativesThe workers and staff members'side trade union of the company (industry or area)The chief representative _______________The number of consulting representativesPrompt: The number of collective consulting representatives on wages is determined through mutual consultation of the parties concerned where the number of the consulting representatives on behalf of eachparty shall not be less than 3. The chief representative on behalf of the enterprise shall be assumed by the legal representative of the enterprise or by the person who is assumedin written form by the legal representative of the enterprise. The chief representative on behalf of the workers and staff members shall be assumed by the major responsible person of the trade union. The chief representative on behalf of the enterprises of the industry or area-wide shall be recommended. The professionals outside the working units as the consulting representatives, whose number shall not exceed 1/3 of the number of the consulting representatives inside the working units, can be trusted by both parties concerned for the collective consultation.In accordance with the Labor Law of the People s'Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People s'Republic of China, the Trade Union Law of the People s'Republic of China, Collective Agreement Regulations of Shanghai Municipality, Provisions of Collective Agreement and Trial measures of collective consultation on wages, the parties concerned sign the specific collective agreement on wages through mutual consultation equally and voluntarily.A.The percentage for the annual wages adjustmentIn accordance with the enterprise annual business objectives and guidelines for wagesincrease released by this Municipality, the average wages of workers and staff members forthe year of is determined to increase by % (or between % to %) on the basis of yuan last year in addition to the managerial personnel.The averagewages of workers and staff members on front -line production and service is increased by ________ %.Prompt: The percentage for the annual wages adjustment shall be listed as the main terms and conditions in the specific collective agreement on wages. In accordance with the present situations of the enterprise such as the sales, profits or the completion of its business objectives, and the guidelines for wages increase released by this Municipality, the parties concerned may determine the percentage of the average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation. The average wages increase of the workers and staff members shall keep pace with the increase of labor productivity of the enterprise. Where the economic efficiency of the enterprise drops, the average wages of the workers and staff members may maintain the original level or decrease appropriately. The enterprise shall define its front -line posts of the productionand service according to its own industry and specific production features. The percentage of the averagewages increase of workers and staff members working on the front -line shall not be lower than the percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members in the same enterprise.The industry or area may determine the percentage of the minimum average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation, and on the basis of the percentageof the minimum average annual wages increase the enterprise may reasonably determine its ownpercentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members according to its business situations.B. The wages distribution systemIn accordancewith its specific production features, the enterprise implements the wages system ofPrompt: The enterprise shall formulate the basic wages system which covers all of the workers and staff members including the laborers to be placed and other working personnel. In accordance with the actual situations such as different working positions, features and natures in the enterprise, the different forms of wages system may be implemented for the different working positions where the grade wages system may be implemented for the positions of management and the performance wages system for the sales staff members.C. The wages distribution formIn accordancewith the features of working positions, the different wages distribution forms areto be implemented. __________ position implements __________ wages distribution form. _____ position implements ________ wages distribution form. ________ position implements ____ wages distribution form.Prompt: The enterprise may implement different wages distribution forms according to working features of different positions where the hourly wages system may be implemented the positionsof management, the piece-rate wages system for the positions of production service, the commission wages system for the sales staff members and the project wages systemfor the technical staff members. Criterion on labor quota for the positions of implementing the piece-rate wages system may be determinedreasonably through mutual consultation whereover the 90% of the workers in the sameposition time. The percentage of commission for the system may be determined reasonablythroughD. The wages distribution structureThe basic wages is raised from the month of wages shall be accounting for not less than __ Prompt: The wages structure usually consists ofthe basic wages, the performance wages and allowances and subsidies, etc. Based on the determined wages distribution system and wages distribution form, the enterprise shall work out reasonably the corresponding management measuresfor wages and performance appraisal. The enterprise may thefor and may finish the quota within the statutory working positions of implementing the commission wages mutual consultation._ to _____ yuan monthly (or% of the total wages.%). The basicdetermine reasonably the level and percentage of the basic wages according to the responsibilities of different positions and requirements.E. The minimum wagesThe minimum wages of the enterprise shall be higher than the minimum wages released by this Municipality. The percentageof increase is (or not less than) __ %.Prompt: The workers, who can work normally within the statutory working time, shall ne paid not less than the minimum wages released by this Municipality. Based on the minimum wages released by this Municipality, the enterprise may determine its own minimum wages or different minimum wages for different positions through mutual consultation. The number of workers, whose basic wages is only the minimum wages,shall be kept within a certain percentage.The industry (area) may determine its own minimum wages and minimum wages for same types of work and positions through mutual consultation. They may also determine the maximum percentage of the number of workers where the minimum wages is set as their basic wages through mutual consultation.F.The wages paymentThe wages settlement cycle is according to the calendar month. The wages shall be paid on the date of ___ every month.The overtime wages is settled according to, which shall be paid on the date of next month.Prompt: The enterprise shall establish a sound management measures for the payment of wages, make the necessaryaccounting records and give the workers their payroll. The wages shallusually be paid through the bank. The pay shall be deposited into the personal bank accounts of the workers in full and on time. The overtime wages shall be usually settled monthly and bepaid next month. The payment shall be settled according to the approved cycle where the integrated hourly wages system is implemented.G. The allowances and subsidiesa. The allowances for the med-night and night shift in the enterprise are (or not less than) Prompt: The mid - night shift means that the workers shall not get off work till 22:00. The night shift means that the workers shall not get off work till 24:00 or work for successive12 hours in the evening. The morning shift means that the workers shall go to work before 05:00 in the morning. The industry (area) may determine its own minimum allowances for the mid -night and night shift through consultation.b. The hot seasonallowances apply to the positions of ________ , ________ , __________ . Prompt: The enterprise shall pay the hot season allowances to the workers where the workers are asked to work outdoors or the temperature in the workplaces cannot be lowered by any means to33 °C or below from June 1 to Sep tember30 .In accorda ncewith the actual situatio n, thee nterp rise shall determine reasonablywho may have thehot seasonallowances.c. The work meal subsidies are (or not less than) ________ yuan per meal.Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may provide the workers withfree work meal or the subsidies.The industry or area may determine its own minimum standards for the work meal and subsidies through mutual consultation.d. The transportation subsidies for work are (or not less than) ______ yuan per month. Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may provide the workers with shuttle busor the subsidies.The industry or area may determine its own minimum standards for the transportation subsidies through mutual consultation.H. In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may set up the insurance and welfare projects such as _________ , ________ .Prompt: In accordance with the actual situation, the enterprise may join other social insurance projects except the statutory social insurance ones such as enterprise annuity, supplementary housing fund, supplementary medical insurance, safeguard projects run by SMTUC and commercial insurance. The enterprise may establish the welfare projects such as physical examination, recuperation and rest, hardship subsidies, etc. and determine the standards of costs for the welfare projects through mutual consultation.The industry or area may determine its own insurance and welfare projects and minimum standardsof costs for the corresponding projects through mutual consultation.I.Before signed by the chief representatives of both consulting parties, the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be reviewed and approved by the Workers 'Congress or by all of the workers and staff members. Before going into effect, the approved Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be submitted to the human resources and social security department for examination.Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall go into effect automatically where no obligations have been raised by the human resources and social security department within 15 days from the dateof the receipt of the text of the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages.The effective Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be released appropriately by the consulting representative to all of the members on his side.The industry or area shall list the number of enterprises and workers who may be covered during mutual consultation.J. In performing the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, it may be modified and rescinded after reaching agreement through consultation by both sides where some special issuessuch asthe force majeure or major changesin production and management occurs.K. In the absenceof regulations in the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, matters shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.L.The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages shall be in triplicate. The enterprise side and the workers and staff members side shall each hold one copy of the Specific Collective Agreement on Wages, and the examination department files the third copy.Prompt: The enterprises and trade unions covered by the industry or area specific collective agreementon wages shall eachhold the copy.M. The Specific Collective Agreement on Wagesapplies to the workers of __________ .Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages in principle applies to all of the workers and staff members in the enterprise. The wages and welfare for the workers to be placed may be included in the collective consultation on wages of the employment unit where the normal wage adjustment mechanism for the workers to be placed shall be set up and the unified wage distribution systemand equal pay for equal work shall be implemented.N. The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages is effective from day to year month date. Prompt: The Specific Collective Agreement on Wages is usually valid for one year where it is related to the annual wage adjustment program for benefits and production situation of the enterprise. year month workers and staff members, the economic The senior representative ofThe enterprise (industry or area) Sign:The senior representative of sign: Date: Stamp stampdate:。
日语合同邮件模板英文Subject: Japanese Contract Template - English VersionDear [Client's Name],I hope this email finds you well. As a contract template expert, I am pleased to offer my expertise in providing high-quality contract templates, ensuring their legality and effectiveness. With my extensive experience in various types of contracts and legal terms, I am confident in meeting your expectations as a professional in this field.My primary responsibility is to cater to your specific needs by customizing suitable templates based on your requirements. I understand the importance of addressing any concerns or queries that may arise during the contract drafting process. Therefore, I assure you that I will be available to answer your questions and provide clear explanations of legal terminology and clauses. It is crucial to me that you comprehend and are satisfied with the contract terms.Whether you require assistance with business contracts, employment agreements, or lease contracts, I am well-equipped to offer accurate and comprehensive advice and guidance. It is my commitment to ensure that the templates I provide are of the highest standard and are tailored to your unique circumstances.To assist you further, I have created a contract template mailing system specifically for Japanese contracts in English. With this template, you will be able to easily navigate the intricacies of Japanese contract law while ensuring clear communication between all parties involved.Please let me know if you would like to proceed with obtaining the Japanese contract template or if there are any specific details you would like me to consider. I am eager to assist you and look forward to working together to meet all your contractual needs.Thank you for considering me as your contract template expert. I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to assist you.Kind regards,[Your Name]Contract Template Expert。
日本英文派遣合同模板This Secondment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company Name], a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Japan, with its principal place of business located at [Address] ("Seconding Company"), and [Company Name], a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Japan, with its principal place of business located at [Address] ("Receiving Company").WHEREAS, Seconding Company desires to temporarily assign an employee to Receiving Company to perform services for Receiving Company, and Receiving Company desires to accept the assignment of such employee on the terms and conditions set forth herein.NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Secondment of Employee. Seconding Company shall second, and Receiving Company shall accept the secondment of, [Employee Name] (the "Employee") to perform services for Receiving Company as set forth herein.2. Term. The term of the secondment shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.3. Duties and Responsibilities. The Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Job Description attached hereto as Exhibit A. Receiving Company shall provide the necessary resources, equipment, and supervision to enable the Employee to perform his/her duties effectively.4. Compensation. During the term of the secondment, Receiving Company shall pay the Employee his/her regular salary, benefits, and allowances as if he/she were still an employee of Seconding Company. Seconding Company shall reimburse Receiving Company for any additional costs or expenses incurred by Receiving Company in connection with the secondment.5. Confidentiality. The Employee shall at all times during and after the term of the secondment keep confidential all information, data, and materials of Seconding Company and Receiving Company, and shall not disclose or use any such information, data, or materials for any purpose other than in connection with the performance of his/her duties hereunder.6. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of any provision of this Agreement by the other party, which breach is not cured within [Number] days after receipt of written notice of such breach.7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Seconding Company]By: ____________________________Name: __________________________Title: ___________________________[Receiving Company]By: ____________________________Name: __________________________Title: ___________________________EXHIBIT AJob Description[Description of Employee's duties and responsibilities]。
工资专项集体合同COLLECTIVE CONTRACT ON SALARY第一条本合同由___ (单位)与___ 工会根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国工会法》、《江苏省集体合同条例》、《江苏省工资支付条例》、劳动和社会保障部《工资集体协商试行办法》等有关规定,通过对企业本年度的生产经营和经济效益状况的分析与预测,对照政府发布的工资指导线、工资指导价位和本地区、行业职工的工资平均水平,经双方平等协商一致签订。
Article 1 This contract is made between___ and the Trade Union of____, accordingto “Labor Law of PRC”, “Labor Contract Law of PRC”, “Trade Union Law of PRC”, “the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Collective Contract”“the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Salary Distribution”, “the Regulations of Salary Collective Negotiation of Ministry of Labor and Social Security “as well as other related regulations. It is signed after equal negotiation of both parties, based on theanalysis and forecast of the production and operation of enterprises and economic situation, comparing the government salary guideline, level and the average salary of the same area and same industry.第二条经协商双方就企业本年度职工工资、福利增长水平和分配办法形成如下意见:Articles 2 After consultations, the two parties decide the growth level of Company’s salary and benefits and its distribution plan as follows:1.在上年度企业职工人均工资元的基础上,本年度企业职工人均工资增幅为___ %;On the basis of previous year Company employees’ average salary RMB ____, this year Company employees’ average salary increase is ____%.2.企业工资调整部分的分配范围和分配办法为:The distribution scope and distribution way of the adjustment parts are:3.本企业职工最低工资标准为每月___ ;Company’s minimum salary standard is ____ per month.4.本企业加班加点工资的基数和计算标准为:Company’s salary calculation basis and standard are:5.企业支付职工工资时间为每月___ 日,支付形式为货币(银行转账);Company pays salaries to employees in a monetary form of bank transfer on the ___ of every month.第三条可以由双方共同协商的条款还有:Article 3 Others items for two parties’ negotiations:1.企业工资分配制度和分配方式 Company salary distribution policy and form2.计件工资和劳动定额; Piece rate and working ration;3.奖金分配办法; Bonus distribution plan;4.津贴、补贴标准; Allowance distribution standard;5.保险福利; Insurance and welfare;6.其他双方认为需要协商的有关职工工资、福利的条款。
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编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载工资专项集体合同范文日文版英文版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________The enterprises side company (industry or area)The chief representativeThe number of consulting representativesThe workers and staff members ' side trade union of the company(industry or area)The chief representativeThe number of consulting representativesPrompt: The number of collective consulting representatives on wages is determined through mutual consultation of the parties concerned where the number of the consulting representatives on behalf of each party shall not be less than 3. The chief representative on behalf of the enterprise shall be assumed by the legal representative of the enterprise or by the person who is assumed in written form by the legal representative of the enterprise. The chief representative on behalf of the workers and staff members shall be assumed by the major responsible person of the trade union. The chief representative onbehalf of the enterprises of the industry or area-wide shall be recommended. The professionals outside the working units as the consulting representatives, whose number shall not exceed 1/3 of the number of the consulting representatives inside the working units, can be trusted by both parties concerned for the collective consultation.In accordance with the Labor Law of the People s Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law ofthe People 's Republic of China, the Trade Union Law of the People 's Republic of China, Collective Agreement Regulations of Shanghai Municipality, Provisions of Collective Agreement and Trial measures of collective consultation on wages, the parties concerned sign the specific collective agreement on wages through mutual consultation equally and voluntarily.A. The percentage for the annual wages adjustmentIn accordance with the enterprise annual business objectives and guidelines for wages increase released by this Municipality, the average wages of workers and staff members for the year of is determined to increase by% (or between% to%) on the basis of yuan last year in addition to the managerial personnel.The average wages of workers and staff members on front-line production and service is increased by%.Prompt: The percentage for the annual wages adjustment shall be listed as the main terms and conditions in the specific collective agreement on wages. In accordance with the present situations of the enterprise such as the sales, profits or the completion of its business objectives, and the guidelines for wages increase released by this Municipality, the parties concerned may determine the percentage of the average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation. The average wages increase of the workers and staff members shall keep pace with the increase of labor productivity of the enterprise. Where the economic efficiency of the enterprise drops, the average wages of the workers and staff members may maintain the original level or decrease appropriately. The enterprise shall define its front-line posts of the productionand service according to its own industry and specific production features. The percentage of theaverage wages increase of workers and staff members working on the front-line shall not be lower than the percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members in the same enterprise.The industry or area may determine the percentage of the minimum average annual wages increase of workers and staff members through consultation, and on the basis of the percentage of the minimum average annual wages increase the enterprise may reasonably determine its own percentage of the average wages increase of workers and staff members according to its business situations.B. The wages distribution systemIn accordance with its specific production features, the enterprise implements the wages system of. Prompt: The enterprise shall formulate the basic wages system which covers all of the workers and staff members including the laborers to be placed and other workingpersonnel. In accordance with the actual situations such as different working positions,features and natures in the enterprise, the different forms of wages system may be implemented for the different working positions where the grade wages system may be implemented for the positions of management and the performance wages system for thesales staff members.C. The wages distribution formIn accordance with the features of working positions, the different wages distribution forms are to be implemented. position implements wages distribution form.position implements wages distribution form. positionimplements wages distribution form.Prompt: The enterprise may implement different wages distribution forms according to theworking features of different positions where the hourly wages system may beimplemented for the positions of management, the piece-rate wages system for the positions of production and service, the commission wages system for the sales staff members and the project wages system for the technical staff members. Criterion on labor quota for the positions of implementing the piece-rate wages system may be determined reasonably through mutual consultation where over the 90% of the workers in the sameposition may finish the quota within the statutory working time. The percentage of commission for the positions of implementing the commission wages system may be determined reasonably through mutual consultation.D. The wages distribution structureThe basic wages is raised from the month of to yuan monthly (or %). The basic wages shall be accounting for not less than% of the total wages.Prompt: The wages structure usually consists of the basic wages, the performance wages and allowances and subsidies, etc. Based on the determined wages distribution systemand wages distribution form, the enterprise shall work out reasonably the corresponding management measures for wages and performance appraisal. The enterprise may determine reasonably the level and percentage of the basic wages according to the responsibilities of different positions and requirements.E. The minimum wagesThe minimum wages of the enterprise shall be higher than the minimum wages releasedby this Municipality. The percentage of increase is (or not less than)%.Prompt: The workers, who can work normally within the statutory working time, shall nepaid not less than the minimum wages released by this Municipality. Based on the minimum wages released by this Municipality, the enterprise may determine its own minimum wages or different minimum wages for different positions through mutual consultation. The number of workers, whose basic wages is only the minimum wages, shall be kept within a certain percentage.The industry (area) may determine its own minimum wages and minimum wages for sametypes of work and positions through mutual consultation. They may also determine the maximum percentage of the number of workers where the minimum wages is set as their basic wages through mutual consultation.F. The wages paymentThe wages settlement cycle is according to the calendar month. The wages shall be paid on the date of every month.The overtime wages is settled according to , which shall be paid on the date of next month. Prompt: The enterprise shall establish a sound management measures for the payment of wages, make the necessary accounting records and give the workers their payroll. The wages shall usually be paid through the bank. The pay shall be deposited into the personal bank accounts of the workers in full and on time. The overtime wages shall be usually settled monthly and be paid next month. The payment shall be settled according to the approved cycle where the integrated hourly wages system is implemented.。