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教材分析本课时的教学重难点在于让学生学会用英语的比较级,并能熟练的将其运用于实际生活中,询问身边的人或者事物的年龄、身高、重量以及长度并用比较级的句型来回答。本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的身高和体重,通过A部分五个英语词汇的掌握,把新授词汇融入到新句型当中。教材在Let's do部分设计了三位学生的身高比较,让学生通过做动作或实际比较可以很快理解并熟练掌握这些相关内容,达到能实际运用的目的。


1、使学生能听、说、读、写有关比较级的单词older、younger 、shorter、taller 、stronger。


3、了解cm、kg分别表示长度和重量单位,并知道它们的读音,会回答句型:How tall are youHow heavy are you?







教学重点 1.能听、说、认读所学单词,发音准确


教学难点 1.正确运用形容词的比较级谈论自己和他人的具体情况。





Step 1.Warm-up revision

1 Sing a song.

What’s your favourite season?

2 Free talk.

a. What’s your favourite season?

Which season is it now?

What’s the weather like in winter?

Which season is always hot and sunny / warm and rainy?/cool and cloudy?/cold and snowy?

b. Which season can we make a snowman , winter or fall?

Which season can we go swimming in a river, winter or summer?

Which season can we fly kites, winter or spring Which season is colder,summer or winter?

Which is colder , water or ice-cream?

c. I can say , cold --colder

Can you say? warm ---warmer, cool---cooler, hot--- hotter,

old ---olderStep2. Presentation practice older/ younger的教学How old is the woman She is 35 2How old is the girlShe is 12.

Who’s older, the woman or the girl 43512, so we can say the woman is older than the girl.(出示图片) 12<35. We can say the girl is younger than the woman.

Now let’s play a gameGuess:How old am IIf your number is more than my age, I will tell you older. If your number is less than my age , I will tell you younger. Let’s see who can guess quickly.

How old am I? Gu ess, guess , guessIt’s my turn now. You should ask me and say older or younger to help me. (出示图片)

shorter/ taller的教学

1. Look at the fishing rod, it looks very short. In fact it’s long. Let’s have a look. Oh, it’s too long .It’s difficult for me to take it. Now let’s make it shorter and shorter. Everybody should say shorter ,shorter , shorter. Then I’ll let you see it can be shorter and shorter. (出示钓鱼杆)

2. Which are shorter, the shorts or the pants?(出示图片)

Who’s shorter, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming?(出示图片)

H ow tall is Zhang Yining?She’s 168cm

How tall is Yao Ming?He’s 226cm 教学长度单位cmcentimeter

3.Who’s taller, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming Which animal is taller, the giraffe or the deer?
