
into forto out of withbetween inonon through ((infrom aboutalike identically distinct than investigate beneficial enforce apply to impact strengthen However fromWhennot same as set aside efficiently identifyabsorbed probe competitiveD. to be38.The United States is proud of ________ great writers, especially________ in the 20th century such as Mark Twain and ErnestHemingway.A. its ... thoseB. the ... whichC. her ... whatD. his ... that39.He is now working in a foreign firm, but not until three years ago________ to work outside the country.A. has he startedB. will he startC. did he startD. he started40.Though having been living in the States for more than 10 years, shestill has a ________ British accent when she talks.A. sensitiveB. narrativeC. distinctiveD. representative41.Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us aswe experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.A. substantialC. beneficialD. potential42.It's not ________ that he should be assigned to the job since he isnew and has no experience at all in this particular field.A. advisoryB. advisableC. advisedD. advising43.When being checked at customs, I am ________ make a declarationof all purchases and gifts acquired in the country.A. engaged toB. resolved toC. obliged toD. committed to44.You will have to ________ yourself to a completely new life in collegebecause it's a lot different from high school.A. appealB. applyC. thrustD. adjust45.Mr. Collins argues that it is unrealistic for his secretary to do anythingfor any real purpose before she has reached the level of ________C B AD C C B C D A(每小题:分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.When I was a kid, I read every comic book ever published. I quickly went through all of them in a couple of days, and then reread the good ones until the next issues arrived.But as I got older, my eyeballs must have slowed down! I mean comic books started to pile up faster than my brother Russell. It wasn't until much later did I realize it wasn't my eye balls that were to blame. They're still moving as well as ever. The problem is there's too much to read these days and too little time to read every word of it.Now, besides novels and newspapers, I read different kinds of books and magazines. There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you read faster. But I know of three that are especially good.Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading, like long and hard magazine or newspaper articles. Read the entire first two paragraphs of whatever you've chosen. Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. Then read the entire last paragraph. It can give you as much as half the comprehension in as little as one-tenth the time.Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading, like short and simple popular magazines or the sports and entertainment sections of the newspaper. Think of your eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast. Sweep each line and pick up only a few key words in each line.Clustering trains you to look at groups of words instead of one at a time to increase your speed and comprehension enormously. It is a totally different way of seeing what we read. Here's how to cluster: Train your eyes to see all the words in clusters of up to three or four words at a glance.With enough practice, you'll be able to handle more reading at school or work – and at home – in less time. You should even have enough time to read your favorite comic books.46.What did the writer realize later regarding his slowed-down eyeballs?A. His brother had more comic books than him.B. He couldn't read as fast as his brother.C. He couldn't finish reading all the comic books.D. He had too much to read but too little time to do it.47.Why is previewing especially useful for a heavy reading?A. You can read various kinds of books such as magazines.B. You can see the whole picture of a long reading in less time.C. You can understand the content completely within a short time.D. You can comprehend at least 50% of what you're reading.48.What is the use of the technique of skimming when you are doinglight reading?A. It enables you to read some entertaining books.B. It enables you to think like magnets.C. It helps you pick up key words.D. It helps you get the information you want.49.What's the most important advantage when you do clustering?A. It helps you read faster and understand better.B. It lets you read in a totally different way.C. It allows your eyes to pick up three to four words at a time.D. It trains your eyes to see all the words in the reading.50.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this passage?A. Moving your eyes fast gives you a general idea.B. It is necessary to choose different methods for different readings.C. Different reading skills should be used at the same time.D. You may read faster by using reading techniques.Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Before computers were invented, the words byte and modem did not exist, and a mouse was something that made some people scream and run away. Words are added to language every day. Changes in society also cause changes in language.Changes in attitude also affect language. As people become more sensitive to the rights and needs of individual, it becomes necessary to change the words we use to describe them. The elderly are now called senior citizens. The handicapped are described as physically challenged. Many of the words we once used had negative feelings attached to them. New words show an awareness in today's society that differences are good and that everyone deserves respect. Even the names of certain jobs have changed so that workers can be proud of what they do. The trash man is now called a sanitation worker and a doorman is an attendant. One important influence on our language in the past decade has been the changing role of women in modern society. As women entered more and more areas that were once thought of as men's job, it became necessary to change the job titles. For example, a mailman is now a mail carrier, a watchman is a guard.Sometimes new words may seem awkward and silly, such as chair for chairman, fisher for fisherman, and drafter for draftsman. But change is never easy. People often fight change until it becomes a familiar part of everyday life.Women have fought long and hard to be treated equally in language as well as in society, because they know that changes in language can cause changes in attitudes. If every person isn't referred to as he, people will begin to realize that men aren't the only ones who are important or who have made great achievements. Most words that indicate only one gender have been replaced with words that refer to both males and females. Thus, a poetess is called a poet, a waitress is a server, and mankind has become humankind.51.Words are added to language ________.A. when new things are inventedB. when society changesC. when old words disappearD. all the time52.Words are changed because ________.A. it is part of everyday life.B. the handicapped should be proud of themselves.C. many old words cause negative feelings.D. some words look silly and awkward.53. A doorman is now called ________.A. attendantB. watchmanC. trash manD. server54.Which of the following is one important influence on our language inthe past decade according to the passage?A. The changing attitude toward the elderly.B. The changing job market.C. The changing role of women.D. The changing social opinions.55.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?A. Language is always added with new vocabulary.B. Language changes with the changing of society.C. Changing language reflects the achievements of people.D. Changing language gives people more individual rights.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some researchers claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone of voice and body language.Body language includes such things as the expression on the speaker's face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings in different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!" However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost universally interpreted in the same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turningone's body to fully face the other person.Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's culture is only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do with a person's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses may be very different from under other circumstances.56.According to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's realmeaning comes from ________.A. words used in the messageB. things used in the messageC. the speaker's tone of voiceD. the speaker's tone and body language57.The second paragraph describes ________.A. an example of a gesture not used in IndiaB. different meanings of gestures in different culturesC. how gestures can change the meaning of wordsD. useful gestures in Arab cultures58.If a person starts copying your body language, what does thissuggest?A. He/She is interested in you.B. He/She isn't interested in you.C. He/She doesn't agree with you.D. He/She agrees with you.59.People may use different body languages ________.A. only in different placesB. only at different timeC. under different circumstancesD. under few circumstances60.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Body language is an important part of communication.B. Body language is affected by culture.C. Body language can be extremely offensive.D. Body language can tell you whether people like you.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people.So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn grammar? You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake.Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.61.How is grammar defined in the passage?A. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.62.According to the passage, why is learning grammar important?A. It helps you make no mistakes.B. It makes communication possible.C. It helps you not to get hurt.D. It makes playing games possible.63.In the writer's opinion, what is the best way to learn grammar?A. Playing games with a set of rules.B. Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.C. Recalling how you learned your mother tongue.D. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.64.What's the difference between teachers' opinions in the way oflearning grammar?A. More exercises vs. more activities.B. More activities vs. less exercises.C. Less exercises vs. more grammar rules.D. More exercises vs. less activities.65.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Memorizing rules is required for learning grammar.B. Doing a lot of exercises helps learn grammar.C. Playing games helps learn grammar better.D. There are different ways to learn grammar.Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip, talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more status in her school.Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life, Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain status by showing others his knowledge.Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a map and find his way by himself.Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand, usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may be able to improve their relationships.66.Why are girls interested in gossip?A. Gossip teaches them how to act.B. Gossip allows them to use commands.C. Gossip brings them high status.D. Gossip helps them know about their friends.67.What do some boys want to prove by discussing sports?A. They are knowledgeable.B. They are more masculine.C. They are interested in sports.D. They are not interested in personal talking.68.What will a woman expect her husband to do if she tells him about aproblem?A. Tell her how to solve the problem.B. Listen and show sympathy to her.C. Talk about the problem with her.D. Solve the problem for her.69.Men usually show friendship by ________.A. doing things togetherB. agreeing with each otherC. talking together oftenD. camping or playing tennis together70.What message does the writer want to send out?A. Both men and women should speak directly.B. Talking to women is easier than talking to men.C. There are many differences between men and women.D. It's beneficial to understand gender differences in using language.D B D A D D A A C B D B A C A C B BA D C AB A Cmanage trasubmar。

新视野大学英语第二版1答案【篇一:新视野大学英语听说教程第二版_第一册_答案】ge learningshort conversations1.b2. c3. a4.c5.d6.c7. c8.a9.b 10.dlong conversation1.a2. b3.b4. d5. aunderstanding a passage1. a2.a3. c4. d5. dunderstanding a movie speech1.honored,2.interesting3.invitation,4.great,5.wise,6.reason,7.key,8.sense,9.impressions, 10. importantlyhomework listeningtask 11.d2. d3.a4.b5.dtask 21.b2.b3.d4.a5.ctask 31. added,2.agreed,3.create4.increasingly important,5.graduate,6.expanded ,7.included,8.the most commonly taught language,9.followed,nguage programunit 2 chilling out with the folksshort conversations1.c2. c3. d4.b5.b6.d7. b8.c9.d 10.dlong conversation1.a2. c3.d4.c5.aunderstanding a passage1.d2.b3. a4. c5. aunderstanding a movie speech1.quick,2.end,3.remember,4.future,5.ten,6.look,7.none,8.eyes ,9.blackness, 10. wishhomework listeningtask 11.a2.b3.a4.c5.dtask 21.a2.d3.a4.b5.ctask 31. free,2.sales,3.prepare4.needs,5.supplies,unit 3 give and sacrificeshort conversations1.c2. c3. a4.c5.d6.b7. a8.c9.d 10.dlong conversation1.a2. b3.d4.a5.cunderstanding a passage1.b2.c3. a4. c5. bunderstanding a movie speech1.agree ,2.suggestion,3.france ,4.foreigners,5.please,6.fun,7.twice,8.hands,9.happiness, 10. peacehomework listeningtask 11.c2. d3.b4.d5.ctask 21.c2.b3.a4.c5.ctask 31. designed,2.show,3.experiencedanize,5.pilot6.observe,7.expert,8.emergency,9.beating, 10.outdoorunit 4 making a good impressionshort conversations1.d2. b3. b4.a5.c6.b7. a8.d9.b 10.clong conversation1.d2. c3.c4.c5.dunderstanding a passage1.c2.a3. b4. d5. dunderstanding a movie speech1.numbers,2.lead,3.lifetime,4.decides,5.physical,6.back,7.career,8.mysterious,9.love, 10. foundhomework listeningtask 11.b2. d3.a4.c5.ctask 21.d2.c3.b4.a5.btask 31. ruled,2.require,3.equal4.acceptable,5.provides,6.private,7.poor quality,8.needed,9.supported and improved, 10.a majority ofunit 5 the battle against aidsshort conversations1.b2.a3. c4.a5.c6.b7.d8.a9.c 10.clong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.a5.cunderstanding a passage1.a2.c3.c4.d5.ahomework listening:task 1:1.d2.b3.b4.a5.c,task2: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.btask3: 1.efforts 2.living 3.central, 4.extended 5.violence,6.appears,7.questioned,8.culturally unacceptable,9.media, 10.entertainmentunit 6 consider collar colors carefully!short conversations1.c2.b3.c4.b5.d6.c7.d8.a9.d 10.dlong conversation1.c2.a3.b4.b5.dunderstanding a passage1.b2.d3.c4.a5.bunderstanding a coving speechstory-telling1)i felt differently, 2)that it made me, 3)though he made, 4)i hurt my back, 5)i usually didhomework listeningtask 1: 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.btask 2: 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.ctask 3: 1.political, 2.lower, 3.angry, 4.expected, 5.exporting, 6.economy, 7.praise, 8.seek, 9.resulted from, 10.new opportunitiesunit 7 guns for trouble?short conversations1. b2.c3.c4.d5.c,6.d7.b8.d9. c 10.dlong conversation1.c2.b3.d4.d5.cunderstanding a passage1.d2.c3.c4.a5.cmovie speech1.americans,2.experience,3.back,4.color,5.situation,6.promise,7.first,8.step,9.behind, 10.togetherhomework listeningtask 11.c2.b3.d4.b5.ctask 2 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.ctask 3 1.threat, 2.native,3.appeared, 4.air,5.powerful,6.including,7.taste,ter,9.fear 10.surviveunit 8 rack your brain for creativityshort conversations1.a2.b3.d4.d5.b6.a7.b8.b9.c 10.cunderstanding a passage1.c2.b3.a4.a5. dunderstanding a movie speech1.join,2.battle,3.meaning,4.differences,5.united,6.fate,7.freedom,8.exist,9.declared, 10.celebratehomework listeningtask 1 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c 5. atask 2: 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.btask 3: 1.honors, 2.record, 3.entered, 4.mathematics,5.invited,6.creativity,7.faster,8.advance,9.75,000, 10.excellentunit 9 school daysshort conversations :1.d2.d3.b4.a5.a6.c7.d8.b9.c 10.aunderstanding a passage:1.a2.b3.b4.a5.cunderstanding a movie speech:1.faint,2.sick,3.afraid,4.intention,5.supporting,6.relieved,7.stupid,8.cared,9.smarter, 10.actionshomework listening :task 1: 1.c 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.b ,task 2: 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.b【篇二:新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册课后习题答案】/p> 课后练习答案目录第一册 (1)目录第一册 (2)第一册 (3)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 1 (3)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 2 (4)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 3 (6)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 4 (8)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 5 (9)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 6 (11)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 7 (12)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 8 (14)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 9 (16)新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 10 (18)第一册新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册unit 1iii. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesiv. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for10.withv. 1.g 2.b 3.e 4.i 5.h 6.k 7.m 8.o 9.f 10.csentence structurevi.1. universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.2. allan clark kept talking the price up, while wilkinson kept knocking it down.e his wife saved all hers for the family.4. some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite.5. outwardly sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry.vii.1. not only did mr. smith learn the chinese language, but he also bridged the gapbetween his culture and ours.2. not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in english.3. not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours.5. not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.translationviii.1. not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. she is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless.3. communicating with native english speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. today, more and more people have access to the internet through which they look for the information they need.5. he wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. she feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. ix.1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。
2023级大学英语II 新视野及新思路Test One 参考答案

Test for Unit 1 (Keys for reference)Part I. Listening ComprehensionSection A1.【B】W: It is the third time my paper has been rejected by journals because of language problems.M: You know, there is a writing center on campus. I had never got a grade better than C for any of my term papers before they helped me out.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?2.【D】M: You said you would choose Spanish as your second foreign language. Why did you finally choose French instead?W: My grandfather speaks fluent French and he says that French is a language that any truly cultured person must know.Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French?3.【D】W: You seem to have no problem understanding native speakers now. How about Dr. Brown’s speech last night?M: Excellent. But it was still too fast for me to follow, especially when Dr. Brown talked about those abstract theories.Q: What did the man do last night?4.【C】M: It seems to me that Melissa is in a bad mood today. What’s wrong with her?W: Melissa forgot to bring her identification card yesterday and she was not allowed to enter the contest. You know she had prepared for the contest for months.Q: What made Melissa unhappy?5.【A】W: I think my time at school is wasted because it is just studying books and doing tests.M: But you also learn new ideas and new ways of thinking. And more importantly you meet people and develop your understanding of people at school.Q: What does the man think of the woman’s opinion?6.【C】W: Weddings used to be arranged by the parents.M: Right, the bride and groom might only meet on their wedding day.W: What would they do if they didn’t like each other?M: Nothing.Q: What do we learn about the bride and the groom from the conversation?7.【A】W: Can you go to the store for me?M: Sure, I can go to the store for you. What do you need?W: Just a couple things. Here’s a list.M: Okay, I’ll pick it up for you.W: Thank you so much.M: You’re welcome.Q: What do we learn about the woman?8.【A】M: My wife is pregnant. I’m feeling really happy.W: Congratulations! You’re going to be a father.M: But I won’t be as free as I can now.W: Of course. Your responsibilities and obligations will increase.Q: What do we learn about the man?9.【B】W: I met a wonderful American in Rome.M: Oh, that is romantic.W: We’ve decided to get married. I’m engaged.M: It’s amazing!Q: What do we learn about the woman?10.【D】W: I need to speak with you about your daughter.M: Is there something wrong?W: I enjoy having your daughter in my class. She is always behaving herself, and she’s so smart.I’m more than happy having her in my class.M: I’m so happy that she is doing okay.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Section BPassage 111-15 C D B C A(Script)A: Diana, this picture is terrible. What is this man doing?B: He's looking for his son, Jame.A: What happened here?B: This is an 8.2 earthquake in 1989 which almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes.A: Oh, really? What is the man saying?B: He said to everyone he met: "Are you going to help me now?"A: It is hopeless. You can see the pile of ruins that once was the school.B: But the father wants to keep the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you!"A: He looks so painful.B: Right. Both mentally and physically. He's been there for 36 hours.A: He needs to go home and have a rest.B: Other well-meaning parents told him: "It's too late! They're all dead! You can't help! Go home! Come on! Face reality.There's nothing you can do!"A: I agree.B: But in the 38th hour, he heard his son's voice and got to know a triangle saved14 kids out of 33.A: That's lucky.B: The boy let the other kids out first, and said that no matter what happens, he knows his father will always be there for him!A: How moving! It's like a Hollywood story.B: Yeah.Passage 216-20 C D C A CLong conversationScriptsM: Miranda, let’s speak about your performance in class. You’re not participating; you’re careless with your assignments and often hand them in late. You don’t want to be here, do you?W: I’m sorry Dr. Smith. It’s just …I’ve got lots of things to do. I’m studying Web design and I’m a first-class player on our golf team. It’s hard to see why I need to take a Spanish languageclass!M: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, but learning another language can improve your performance in all of your efforts. And it can be very useful sometimes, for instance, when youvisit your father in Mexico.W: Gosh! What do you mean, professor? Just because my father does business in Mexico I’m supposed to learn Spanish –on top of everything else I have to learn? It’s just too much! Andif I don’t spend enough time on the golf course, I won’t remain a first-class player on the golf team. I still don’t see why I should learn a language that’s so hard for me. There are no verb tenses on the golf course or in Web design!M: Listen Miranda, I’ve known your father since we were students at university 20 years ago –and have known you since you were a little girl. Of course, there are no verb tenses in golf orWeb design. But I am giving you good advice. Please listen.W: Yes, of course, you’re like my favorite uncle.M: Your brain isn’t like a cup that has water flowing over its edge when it is full. Instead, it’s likea muscle. Learning Spanish exercises your brain in new ways, making it stronger. It will strengthen your critical thinking skills and creativity.W: Really?! Then I guess I can give it a try.Section C21. legal 22.provide 23. alternative 24. numerous 25. majority26. traditional 27. academic 28.factor 29. countryside 30. athletesPart II. Banked Cloze1.H2. I3. B4. A5. C6. E7. C8. J9. A 10. IPart III. Reading Comprehension Passage 11-5 A B D C BPassage 26-10 B C A B CPart IV. Translation1. Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers’ personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth,thus there is an expression that “seeing the calligrapher’s handwriting is like seeing the person”. As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.2. Family is the basic cell of society and the first school of our life. No matter how time has changed, no matter how life pattern has changed, the family values, family education and family building must be stressed so that the millions of families become important points for national development, ethnical progress and social harmony.Part V. Writing (略)。

新视野高校英语读写教程第一册〔第二版〕参考答案Unit 1 第一单元SECTION APre-reading ActivitiesThe Internet may be able to help you overcome your frustrations with learning English. I started learning English when I was in junior middle school. I didn’t, however, gain command of the language in the classroom. It was only when I tried learning English through an online course that I finally became proficient. The online course was just as difficult as classroom study, but it provided better results. There were many other advantages to online learning as well. It taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy schedule. Learning better time management has paid many rewards since.1.The speaker started to learn English when he was in junior middle school. He gained command of the language after he took English through an online course.2.Online learning has taught the speaker to better manage his time so that he could include his online studies in his busy schedule. Learning better time management has paid many rewards since.3.(Open-end.) 开放性问题,可按自己的想法答复。
新视野大学英语第二册网络quiz答案unit 1unit 7

词汇结构We should put money away for a _________ day. We may need it some time. BSunny rainy cloudy coldHe was a much older tennis player but he had the great _________ of experience. DValue hand priority advantageHe has left his book here on ________ so that you can read it. APurpose aim intention senseBe careful with those fireworks; they are __________ to go off unexpectedly. DAvailable presumably easy ableThe holidays are over; we must ___________ to work again. BGet across get down get in get overHe lost his parents at ten and had to live at his uncle's ____________. CCost charge expense payThis food has been kept at a ____________ low temperature for a long time. ARelatively roughly remarkable readilySince the matter was extremely ___________, we had to turn to many people for help. A Tough tense important instantThe program was designed to ___________ industry, to make it develop more quickly. BTax stimulate control trapIn my opinion, you can increase the ___________ of these improvements through your active participation. DDimension helpful importance quality_____________ of children with other children of their own age is important in their development. CConsumption Position Interaction IntroductionIn a storm, an electrical current can ___________ from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another. ARush rain rack returnIt is well known that knowledge is the ___________ condition for mental growth. D Incompatible instead increase indispensableWhen he tried to make a ___________, he found that the hotel he wanted was completely filled because of a convention. CComplaint claim reservation decisionThe public opinion was that the time was not ___________ for a president who would make many changes. BReasonable ripe ready thoughtful完形填空Correct answer: (1) composed (2) exterior (3) occasional (4) overwhelmed (5) bothered (6) devise (7) relax (8) outlet (9) understandingly (10) mental (11) blow apart (12) In fact (13) perfect (14) denying (15) control (16) charm (17) nightmare (18) executive (19) abrupt (20) attackMary had a job, a family, and a busy social life. And despite all of that, she always seemed 1 and in control on the 2 . I have a part-time job, a dog, and go to the 3 party, but I am almost always 4 . It actually kind of 5 me the way she was always giving me 6 , "Youneed something to do to help you 7 ,” she would recommend."I have a(n) 8 that I really enjoy," I would reply. "It's playing the piano while my friends listen 9 and then when I'm finished, they will simply say, 'Wonderful!'"My wife, Mary, was different from me. She was just like most of professional women with 10 tress. It was inevitable for her to 11 with some heart problem. 12, Mary was only keeping up the appearance of a 13 life. She would have had a hard time 14 that her husband was boring and her children were out of 15 , and her house, though clean and nice, was without any 16 . Oh, and her job was a 17 . She was a secretary for a(n) 18 of a company and he was a very 19 man.Mary died of a heart 20 this past week. I knew she wasn't as happy as she appeared, but I never thought it would kill her.Compromise composed compelled competeInterior exterior prior juniorOccasional notional functional dimensionalOverjoyed overwhelmed overlooked overestimatedDisagreed concerned bothered unsettledService advice device deviseSupport react relax reserveDeparture retreat outlet exitUnderstandingly outstandingly uncertainly unfairlyMetal mental vital equalBlow in blow out blow apart blow downIn fact In essence In spite In detailPerfect absolute pure fullDoubting challenging denying decliningTemper control role cycleMystery romance grace charmNightmare priority hardship povertyPerspective alternative executive narrativeKeen Perceptive acute abruptOffensive attack beat charge选词填空Correct answer: (1) stimulating (2) attribute (3) accomplished (4) contrast (5) exterior (6) blending (7) recommended (8) retire (9) demonstrates (10) prevail另外的词absorbing , commit , composes, surface, concludedI am the director of a charity organization that provides support to poor areas of the world. People often ask me how I manage to stay relaxed when I see so much poverty every day. In fact, I find my job very 1 and rarely feel stressed. I 2 this to knowing when and when not to get upset. I try to praise those around me for what we have 3 and not over-emphasize our failures. I also understand acutely that there are limitations to what I can do alone. To succeed as a manager, I must trust the people I work with. In 4 , the person who held this position before me was a perfectionist and tried to do everything himself. On the 5 , he seemed calm, but on the interior, he was holding onto all of his stress. He worried about work even when he slept. Personally, I don't believe in 6 your home life with your work. Many people 7 he take a different approach, but he never did. Instead, he suffered a mild heart attack and had to 8 at a young age. To me, this 9 how important it is to keep a healthy attitude about work. We will not 10 unless we understand that our goals cannot be achieved overnight. This means we must choose our fights carefully.阅读理解An animal species dies out when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death rate. We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have no longer been in existence over the millions of years since life began. It is a natural process, and dying out is the fate of any animal that has specialized too much to change with its changing environment, or has to compete with a better adapted and more powerful animal. Because of wonderful technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or has nearly destroyed some species by killing them at such a rate that they couldn't produce enough young, or by completely changing their natural environment at surprising speed.Examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed. There is every possibility that many species of animals will die out because of their disappearing food source. Large numbers of animals have been hunted and killed for food. The North American buffalo (水牛) is a case of the near-dying-out species through hunting. Often the numbers are so great that the hunters may not realize the danger; or the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to pay no attention to the threat to species.Many people are concerned about animals and wildlife protection. One way to protect species from the threat of dying out is to place animals in zoos and parks and breed them there. Another method is to protect the animals in their natural environment by creating wildlife protection areas and parks and using police to look after them. But the parks are large, the police are few, and the determination of hunters is very great. Early in 1980s, police and hunters clashed in East Africa. The hunters were armed with modern weapons, and several people were killed.There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural or near-natural environments, and tourism can add to the income of countries. The animals are still resources-but in a very different form.DDDABAccording to the passage, when will animal species become extinct (灭绝)? When it suffers aA. disease it has never known before.B. When it has been in existence for too many years.C. When it has a death rate that is made faster by man.D. When it produces babies slower than the death rate.What might happen to an animal species if it specialized too much?A. It might produce more young.B. It might compete even better.C. It might be forced to change.D. It might die out in the end.One way to protect species from the threat of dying out is to _________.A. build up walls to isolate animals in nature from peopleB. put all the hunters into prison and keep them thereC. educate people in general to protect animals wellD. place animals in zoos and breed them there safelyHow do wildlife protection areas protect endangered animals?A. They use police help to protect them.B. They prevent hunters from killing them.C. They make the areas like natural places.D. They provide the animals with much food.Why do tourists go to places where they can watch wildlife?A. They can add to the income of troubled countries.B. They can make themselves happy by seeing animals.C. They can encourage the growth of natural places.D. They can make use of animal resources more often.Have you ever felt your mind getting confused after a sleepless night and you couldn't come up with an original thought no matter how hard you tried?You were probably right if you thought that was caused by a lack of sleep. Dr. Home, a sleep researcher in England, studied 24 college students. One group got their normal eight hours of sleep. The other group didn't get any sleep at all—they stayed awake all night. The next day,Dr. Home tested the students. He asked them questions that required creative and original thinking. One of the questions was "How many uses can a box be put to?"The results? The wide-awake students did well on the tests. The tired students did poorly.Research has already shown that tired people can do okay on tests of routine thinking, like simple addition. But Dr. Home tested creative thinking only.As part of his study, he offered an amount of money as a reward to the tired students if they did well. But even this encouragement wasn't enough to help the students overcome their tiredness. They still did poorly. Dr. Home believes that the part of the brain where thinking takes place may get worn out during waking hours. Sleep may help to repair the brain overnight. Without any sleep, he emphasizes, "even if you think harder, you cannot do better."This study gives people something to think about, especially people like hospital workers and airplane pilots, who must stay awake all night and then make emergency decisions.ACDADAccording to the passage, failure to think of new ideas may be _____________.A. caused by a lack of sleepB. caused by hard questionsC. caused by a weak brainD. caused by too much studyTired people have no problem with _____________________.A. finding uses for boxesB. making creative ideasC. doing simple math testsD. taking research testsThe purpose for offering money to the tired students was to _____________.A. help them repair their brainsB. stimulate their interestsC. convince people to joinD. encourage them to do betterSleep might help people by ________________.A.repairing the brainB. giving creative dreamsC. providing fresh energyD. allowing harder thoughtThis information is useful to people like nurses and pilots because _____________.A. they often meet situations in which they must be creativeB. they often take tests to display their abilities to do their jobsC. they often go to the hospital because of brain problemsD. they often get little sleep but make important decisionsIt might be surprising for some people to believe that, in today's computer-and-Internet-driven society, there are some book publishers that are still committed to traditional books. Maybe the most famous encyclopedia company, The Encyclopaedia Britannica, which dates back to the 18th century, is planning to release their largest set of books in 2001. This 40-volume set will be the largest printed in its 231-year history.Because of the success of recent Internet and computer encyclopedias, some people have suggested that the publishers could turn their back on print. However, company representative Paul Hoffman said the company is committed to paper and ink."There is still a place for books, even with all of the computer encyclopedias. And many people around the world still want books," he said.Encyclopedias, in book form, are common in library collections and on school shelves. They are often used in student research. And none are used more than those published by the Encyclopedia Britannica.Even so, the company is selling fewer and fewer books and more and more computer encyclopedias, possibly because of the price. The books, US $1450 for a 32-book set, are too expensive for people. The computerized version, which contains all the same information, costs only a 10th of the price.ADCABWhat about the Encyclopedia Britannica is so surprising?A. The company is committed to publishing books.B. The company is selling Internet encyclopedias.C. The company is still open after so many years.D. The company is planning to quit making books.What will make the 2001 set of books different from the other sets?A. It will be the most sold.B. It will be like the 18th-century one.C. It will be on the Internet.D. It will be the largest set.Why have some people suggested that the company stop printing books?A. Because people are no longer buying many encyclopedias.B. Because demand around the world is for ink and paper books.C. Because electronic encyclopedias have become so successful.D. Because Paul Hoffman has turned his back on printing books.What makes the Encyclopedia Britannica's books special?A. They are used more than any other encyclopedias.B. They are used more for study than for doing research.C. They are used in schools and many library collections.D. They are used in many research papers by students.Why are more people buying electronic encyclopedias than book encyclopedias?A. Electronic encyclopedias contain more.B. Electronic encyclopedias cost less money.C. Electronic encyclopedias take up less room.D. Electronic encyclopedias have new ideas.Open or distance learning has had a major effect on higher education through the Open University, the only university to provide education exclusively for adult learners studying at a distance. Our 100,000 students are currently studying at the Open University. We found limited development of distance learning in the case studies, with the exception of some postgraduate and professional courses. Even here, however, there seemed to be limits on further growth because of the high costs involved in setting up new distance learning courses, as well as uncertainties of demand (particularly in terms of the perceived financial returns on study). One of the case study universities provided video facilities and visiting staff to a rural area for a group of undergraduate (大学本科在校的) students about 50 miles away. This was a new development which was working well and likely to be expanded to involve other universities.The main reason for general lack of development of distance learning, especially at the undergraduate level, may be that other universities have been unable to afford the considerable set-up costs and student support facilities. As costs of technology come down this might change. The Open Learning Foundation is developing connections between universities to set open learning approaches within existing programs of study and thus encourage their greater use. This is seen as likely to develop further in the future.CAADBThe Open University provides an education for _________________.A. students who do not like attending regular universitiesB. students who failed the College Entrance ExaminationC. students who are adults and away from a universityD. students who are limited in their ability to learnAmong other things, the further growth of distance learning at postgraduate and professional levels is limited by ____________________.A. the high costs involvedB. a low student demandC. a lack of educationD. the poor rural technologyThe attempt of one case study university to provide equipment and staff to a rural group of students _________.A. would be expandedB. did not work wellC. might help learningD. could cost a lotThe cost of setting up a distance learning program might change ______________.A. as new developments are madeB. as more students take classes thereC. as the Open University helps moreD. as technology becomes cheaperThe tone of this passage can best be described as ________________.A. DiscouragingB. encouragingC. persuasiveD. scientificWhy is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a step back from the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.As almost every imaginable contact between human beings becomes automatic by machine, the alienation quotient goes up. You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person anywhere. Phone assistance is almost always fully automatic by machine. Pumping gas at the station? Why say good morning to the worker when you can use your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Placing money at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just put your credit card into the ATM?Pretty soon you won't have the hard task of making eye contact at the grocery store. Some grocery chains are using a self-scanner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those annoying clerks who look at you and ask how you are doing.ADCDBThe effect of increased communication technology is ____________.A. the retreat of human closenessB. the lack of care for neighborsC. the saving of more free timeD. the advance of our contactsIf his mom has a question, he will ____________.A. find new ways to reach herB. send her an email messageC. try to get her a voice machineD. answer through voice mailJudging from the context, the word "alienation" (Line 2, Paragraph 2) means ___________.A. RelationshipB. closenessC. strangenessD. stressATMs in banks have changed life by __________.A. making it more difficult to want human contactB. making it faster to receive money from banksC. making it easier to obtain bank credit cardsD. making it unnecessary to talk with bank clerksThe writer's attitude toward advances in communications technology may be described asA. UnconcernedB. criticalC. positiveD. uninterested。

计算机中级4班(软件、自动): Quiz details个人测试成绩记录试卷:unit4book2编号:unit4book2 试卷满分:62姓名:学号:222011321042012 班级:登录:2012-06-11交卷:2012-06-11 16:32:38 上机地址: 15:24:52老师是否已批批卷时间:卷:尚未批卷图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题:分)Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage.1.A. They both think there are too many ads.B. They both think there are not enough ads.C. The man thinks there are too many ads, while the woman thinks the opposite.D. The woman thinks there are too many ads, while the man thinks the opposite.Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage.2.A. Security and esteem, but nothing else.B. Only fear, love and sensory pleasure.C. Basic human feelings.D. Advertising principals.Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage.3.A. To show the importance of the Tour of France.B. To show the possibility of recovering from a deadly disease.C. To show that successful ads are often stories with happy endings.D. To show that a happy ending is required for all commercials. Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage.4.A. To show that he only knows how to copy a page by hand.B. To show that he only knows how to make photocopies.C. To show that a "feel-good" ad is usually a true story.D. To show that a "feel-good" ad does not have to be a true story. Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage.5.A. Because the name in Spanish suggests disasters.B. Because the name in Spanish suggests not moving.C. Because the name in Spanish means turning over.D. Because the name in Spanish means bad luck.Questions 6 to 6 are based on the following passage.6.A. Ads should be made by local people.B. The lipstick ad is more effective in Germany.C. Ads should be adapted for particular places.D. The same ad can be used in various places.Questions 7 to 7 are based on the following passage.7.A. To show how fast one can buy things with the card.B. To show how much he likes the card.C. To express his disagreement with the woman.D. To express his agreement with the woman.Questions 8 to 8 are based on the following passage.8.A. Because short slogans are refreshing.B. Because people are busy.C. Because only short slogans are impressive.D. Because the Coca-Cola company has set a good example.Questions 9 to 9 are based on the following passage.9.A. He disagrees with the woman.B. He agrees with the woman.C. He believes that figures don't lie.D. He believes that most surveys are puzzling.Questions 10 to 10 are based on the following passage.1.A. He believes it is unfair because most people are not alcohol abusers.B. He believes it is unfair because few people are using the healthcare system.C. He believes it is fair because the healthcare system needs the extra money.D. He believes it is fair because alcohol abuse needs additional money.Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) 小得对我的答案客观题分错1. 1 A A2. 1 C C3. 1 C C4. 0 A D5. 1 B B6. 1 C C7. 1 D D8. 1 B B9. 0 A B10.1 A ASubtotal: 8老师评语:Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。

into forto out of withbetween inonon through ((infrom aboutalike identically distinct than investigate beneficial enforce apply to impact strengthen However fromWhennot same as set aside efficiently identifyabsorbed probe competitiveD. to be38.The United States is proud of ________ great writers, especially________ in the 20th century such as Mark Twain and ErnestHemingway.A. its ... thoseB. the ... whichC. her ... whatD. his ... that39.He is now working in a foreign firm, but not until three years ago________ to work outside the country.A. has he startedB. will he startC. did he startD. he started40.Though having been living in the States for more than 10 years, shestill has a ________ British accent when she talks.A. sensitiveB. narrativeC. distinctiveD. representative41.Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us aswe experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.A. substantialC. beneficialD. potential42.It's not ________ that he should be assigned to the job since he isnew and has no experience at all in this particular field.A. advisoryB. advisableC. advisedD. advising43.When being checked at customs, I am ________ make a declarationof all purchases and gifts acquired in the country.A. engaged toB. resolved toC. obliged toD. committed to44.You will have to ________ yourself to a completely new life in collegebecause it's a lot different from high school.A. appealB. applyC. thrustD. adjust45.Mr. Collins argues that it is unrealistic for his secretary to do anythingfor any real purpose before she has reached the level of ________C B AD C C B C D A(每小题:分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.When I was a kid, I read every comic book ever published. I quickly went through all of them in a couple of days, and then reread the good ones until the next issues arrived.But as I got older, my eyeballs must have slowed down! I mean comic books started to pile up faster than my brother Russell. It wasn't until much later did I realize it wasn't my eye balls that were to blame. They're still moving as well as ever. The problem is there's too much to read these days and too little time to read every word of it.Now, besides novels and newspapers, I read different kinds of books and magazines. There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you read faster. But I know of three that are especially good.Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading, like long and hard magazine or newspaper articles. Read the entire first two paragraphs of whatever you've chosen. Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. Then read the entire last paragraph. It can give you as much as half the comprehension in as little as one-tenth the time.Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading, like short and simple popular magazines or the sports and entertainment sections of the newspaper. Think of your eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast. Sweep each line and pick up only a few key words in each line.Clustering trains you to look at groups of words instead of one at a time to increase your speed and comprehension enormously. It is a totally different way of seeing what we read. Here's how to cluster: Train your eyes to see all the words in clusters of up to three or four words at a glance.With enough practice, you'll be able to handle more reading at school or work – and at home – in less time. You should even have enough time to read your favorite comic books.46.What did the writer realize later regarding his slowed-down eyeballs?A. His brother had more comic books than him.B. He couldn't read as fast as his brother.C. He couldn't finish reading all the comic books.D. He had too much to read but too little time to do it.47.Why is previewing especially useful for a heavy reading?A. You can read various kinds of books such as magazines.B. You can see the whole picture of a long reading in less time.C. You can understand the content completely within a short time.D. You can comprehend at least 50% of what you're reading.48.What is the use of the technique of skimming when you are doinglight reading?A. It enables you to read some entertaining books.B. It enables you to think like magnets.C. It helps you pick up key words.D. It helps you get the information you want.49.What's the most important advantage when you do clustering?A. It helps you read faster and understand better.B. It lets you read in a totally different way.C. It allows your eyes to pick up three to four words at a time.D. It trains your eyes to see all the words in the reading.50.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this passage?A. Moving your eyes fast gives you a general idea.B. It is necessary to choose different methods for different readings.C. Different reading skills should be used at the same time.D. You may read faster by using reading techniques.Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Before computers were invented, the words byte and modem did not exist, and a mouse was something that made some people scream and run away. Words are added to language every day. Changes in society also cause changes in language.Changes in attitude also affect language. As people become more sensitive to the rights and needs of individual, it becomes necessary to change the words we use to describe them. The elderly are now called senior citizens. The handicapped are described as physically challenged. Many of the words we once used had negative feelings attached to them. New words show an awareness in today's society that differences are good and that everyone deserves respect. Even the names of certain jobs have changed so that workers can be proud of what they do. The trash man is now called a sanitation worker and a doorman is an attendant. One important influence on our language in the past decade has been the changing role of women in modern society. As women entered more and more areas that were once thought of as men's job, it became necessary to change the job titles. For example, a mailman is now a mail carrier, a watchman is a guard.Sometimes new words may seem awkward and silly, such as chair for chairman, fisher for fisherman, and drafter for draftsman. But change is never easy. People often fight change until it becomes a familiar part of everyday life.Women have fought long and hard to be treated equally in language as well as in society, because they know that changes in language can cause changes in attitudes. If every person isn't referred to as he, people will begin to realize that men aren't the only ones who are important or who have made great achievements. Most words that indicate only one gender have been replaced with words that refer to both males and females. Thus, a poetess is called a poet, a waitress is a server, and mankind has become humankind.51.Words are added to language ________.A. when new things are inventedB. when society changesC. when old words disappearD. all the time52.Words are changed because ________.A. it is part of everyday life.B. the handicapped should be proud of themselves.C. many old words cause negative feelings.D. some words look silly and awkward.53. A doorman is now called ________.A. attendantB. watchmanC. trash manD. server54.Which of the following is one important influence on our language inthe past decade according to the passage?A. The changing attitude toward the elderly.B. The changing job market.C. The changing role of women.D. The changing social opinions.55.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?A. Language is always added with new vocabulary.B. Language changes with the changing of society.C. Changing language reflects the achievements of people.D. Changing language gives people more individual rights.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some researchers claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone of voice and body language.Body language includes such things as the expression on the speaker's face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings in different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!" However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost universally interpreted in the same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turningone's body to fully face the other person.Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's culture is only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do with a person's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses may be very different from under other circumstances.56.According to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's realmeaning comes from ________.A. words used in the messageB. things used in the messageC. the speaker's tone of voiceD. the speaker's tone and body language57.The second paragraph describes ________.A. an example of a gesture not used in IndiaB. different meanings of gestures in different culturesC. how gestures can change the meaning of wordsD. useful gestures in Arab cultures58.If a person starts copying your body language, what does thissuggest?A. He/She is interested in you.B. He/She isn't interested in you.C. He/She doesn't agree with you.D. He/She agrees with you.59.People may use different body languages ________.A. only in different placesB. only at different timeC. under different circumstancesD. under few circumstances60.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Body language is an important part of communication.B. Body language is affected by culture.C. Body language can be extremely offensive.D. Body language can tell you whether people like you.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people.So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn grammar? You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake.Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.61.How is grammar defined in the passage?A. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.62.According to the passage, why is learning grammar important?A. It helps you make no mistakes.B. It makes communication possible.C. It helps you not to get hurt.D. It makes playing games possible.63.In the writer's opinion, what is the best way to learn grammar?A. Playing games with a set of rules.B. Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.C. Recalling how you learned your mother tongue.D. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.64.What's the difference between teachers' opinions in the way oflearning grammar?A. More exercises vs. more activities.B. More activities vs. less exercises.C. Less exercises vs. more grammar rules.D. More exercises vs. less activities.65.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Memorizing rules is required for learning grammar.B. Doing a lot of exercises helps learn grammar.C. Playing games helps learn grammar better.D. There are different ways to learn grammar.Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip, talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more status in her school.Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life, Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain status by showing others his knowledge.Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a map and find his way by himself.Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand, usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may be able to improve their relationships.66.Why are girls interested in gossip?A. Gossip teaches them how to act.B. Gossip allows them to use commands.C. Gossip brings them high status.D. Gossip helps them know about their friends.67.What do some boys want to prove by discussing sports?A. They are knowledgeable.B. They are more masculine.C. They are interested in sports.D. They are not interested in personal talking.68.What will a woman expect her husband to do if she tells him about aproblem?A. Tell her how to solve the problem.B. Listen and show sympathy to her.C. Talk about the problem with her.D. Solve the problem for her.69.Men usually show friendship by ________.A. doing things togetherB. agreeing with each otherC. talking together oftenD. camping or playing tennis together70.What message does the writer want to send out?A. Both men and women should speak directly.B. Talking to women is easier than talking to men.C. There are many differences between men and women.D. It's beneficial to understand gender differences in using language.D B D A D D A A C B D B A C A C B BA D C AB A Cmanage trasubmar。

新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第一册答案新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesIV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.withV. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.CSentence StructureVI.1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family.4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite.5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry.VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours.2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English.3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours.5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.TranslationVIII.1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doingmore revision work.IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。

新视野⼤学英语第⼆册⽹络quiz答案unit1unit5词汇与结构_________ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better. C For since now despiteI felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _____________ something occurred which attracted my attention. C Unless unitl when whileCareful surveys have indicated that as many as fifty percent of patients do not take drugs _____________ directed. D Like so which asIt is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _____________ after 11 o'clock at night. BWere not played not be played not to play didn’t playNot that John doesn't want to help you, _____________ it's beyond his power. ABut that for that and that in that__________ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand. CNot being without being had it not been not having beenMr. Sanders has been asked to _____________ the next meeting of the committee. B Manage chair listen thinkThe government's strong action demonstrated its _____________ to end the rebellion. D Energy resistance courage determinationI just managed to _____________ a quick breath before I was pulled under the water by the passing boats. CLoad gain take escapeMany students found the book _____________; it provided them with a large amount of information on the subject. A Informative confusing distracting amusingShe had clearly no _____________ of doing any work, although she was very well paid. C Tendency foundation intention belongingOur department _______ courses in several foreign languages. CAccepts considers offers takesI tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _____________ . C Accpet agree refusal decline Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness of big businesses will _________ down the economy. CPut settle drag knockInquiries _____________ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone. BRevealing concerning affecting followingThe noise of the traffic _________ Paul from his work. BPrevented distracted angered upsetSince we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to __________ your voice. C Improve increase raise openHe never _________ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page. DWorried noticed pained botheredWe forgave her anger because we knew that her father's illness had put her under great _________. CShelter crisis stress nervousnessSome say yes and others say no; I don't know __________ to follow. CWhether what whom how选词填空banked clozeCorrect answer:(1) shrinking (2) responsible (3) banned (4) encouragement (5) considerable (6) targeting (7) campaigns (8) magnificent (9) influence (10) proclaim另添advancement imaginary significance depressing revealThere is currently an all out attack on smoking in our country. This, however, has not been embraced by our youth. The number of adult smokers may be 1 , but smokers between the ages of 13 and 23 have actually increased by ten percent over the last ten years. What is 2 for this trend? Smoking advertisements in public places and on television and radio have been 3 . Where are kids getting their 4 to smoke?The answer is that while our government has forbidden some types of ads, other kinds are still OK. Cigarette manufacturers spend 5 sums of money to get their message out. This is particularly true with our youth. These company's brand names are all over magazines andT-shirts 6 kids. They also give away fun items with their name on it at some events."It has been really hard for 7 against smoking to succeed with our youth," said one government official. "A lot of young kids almost think of cigarette companies as a good fairy who gives them 8 gifts. This has tremendous 9 on kids as they become teenagers. Sometimes the gifts that they give have words printed on them that actually 10 smoking is 'bad for kids'. This isn't the message that the kids take in, though."阅读理解You will be surprised how often people simply want to get things off their chests. All you have to do is just listen. Keep on listening. Don't answer back, and in nine cases out of ten, your staff will leave your room perfectly happy and satisfied.Even ordinary things should be noticed and appreciated. That's what the smart boss does. So you shouldn't just praise once and forget about it. If someone has done a good job, you should mention it again and again and again, because for most of us the desire for appreciation is never satisfied.Moreover, a good supervisor (监管者) certainly notices the changes in all members of his staff and asks about them. When a staff member is back from leave, the good supervisor asks the staff member how he enjoyed his time off. He welcomes him back with a cheerful smile. It is just these small touches that make all the difference between a pleasant and unpleasant working environment.It is a fact that anyone loves being given attention, and you have to recognize it if you want good results when dealing with people. People crave (渴求) attention. And they will get it oneway or another. If they can't get it by being constructive (建设性的), they will get it by being destructive (破坏性的). Don't ignore people. Even a few seconds of attention periodically (周期性地) can make all the difference.As a boss, before you yourself eat or look after your own needs, you must see to the needs of your people. You should also keep yourself in touch with the habits and ways of the people who work for you. Give them plenty of chances to say what they think. Encourage them to do so. This is one of the best ways to keep open the lines of communication. Do this often. Talk to your people. Get to know what's on their minds. Then you will be able to anticipate their needs and even stop trouble well before a matter becomes serious.BCADB1. It may be surprising that people in general just ___________________.A. feel happy and satisfied oftenB. wish to reveal their innermost feelingsC. listen to what others have to sayD. want to answer back when told something2. To be a smart boss, you should ____________________.A. only praise your staff members for a good job sometimesB. show your craving (渴求) for appreciation again and againC. take notice of ordinary things and show your appreciationD. do a good job and expect your staff members to praise you3. We can guess that these small touches of your care __________________.A. enhance the pleasant feelings at workB. urge your staff members to come backC. enable yourself to go on workingD. keep your staff members working hard4. It is a general fact that people _______________________.A. want good results in their workB. want to work without being botheredC. would become constructive (建设性的) when neglectedD. have a strong desire for attention5. The passage is mainly about _____________________.A. praise being better than criticismB. how to be a smart bossC. listening to your staffD. making a differenceIf you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise and as a result, we are aging unnecessarily soon.Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of aging could be slowed down.With a team of colleagues (同事) at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain activity of a thousand people of different ages and varying (不同的) jobs.Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the activity of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intelligence and feeling, and determine the human character. (The rear section of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not change with age, and one can continue living without the ability to think and feel.)Change of front and side parts, as bits die off, was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not to be seen in some sixty-and-seventy-year-olds.Matsuzawa discovered from his tests that there is a simple answer to the loss normally associated with age?using the head.The findings show in general terms that the decrease of the brain's ability to think begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk, says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White-collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.Matsuzawa's findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking. Blood must move around properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain needs. "The best way to keep blood moving well is through using the brain." He says, "Think hard and engage in conversation. Don't rely on pocket calculators."1. The team of doctors wanted to find out _________________________.A. why certain people age sooner than othersB. how to make people live longerC. the size of certain people's brainsD. which people are most intelligent2. Which of the following statements is true?A. People who work in the government don't age as quickly as people in the town.B. The back of the brain is in charge of people's eating.C. The easiest way to prevent the brain from aging is to improve our diet.D. We are young when we have enough physical exercise.3. The doctor's tests show that _____________________________.A. our brains shrink as we grow olderB. the front section of the brain does not shrinkC. sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-oldsD. some people's brains less active than other people's4. According to the passage, which group of people seem to age sooner than the others?A. Lawyers.B. Professors.C. Doctors.D. White-collar workers.5. The article is possibly written for ________________________.A. junior studentsB. ordinary readersC. doctors and nurses in hospitalsD. university professorsOurs is a big world, and full of many different people. People with many varying (不同的) points of view are often running up against others who have different opinions. Those of us who smoke are just one group of many. Recently, the activism (采取⾏动) of non-smokers has reminded us of the need to be considerate (体谅的) of others when we smoke in public.But, please! Enough is enough! We should like to remind non-smokers that being polite is a two-way street. If you politely request that someone not smoke you are more likely to receive an agreeable response than if you give an ugly look and say something unkind. If you speak directly to someone, you are more likely to get what you want than if you complain to the management.Many of us have been smoking for so long that we sometimes forget that others are not used to the smell of burning tobacco. We' re human, and like everyone else, we occasionally offend unknowingly. But most of us are open to friendly suggestions and comments, and quite willing to change our behavior to accommodate others.Smokers are people, too. We laugh and cry. We have hopes, dreams, and aspirations. We have children, mothers, and pets. We eat our hamburgers (汉堡包) with everything on them and give respect to the flag at Fourth of July picnics. We hope you'll remember that the next time a smoker light up in public.1. The purpose of the first paragraph is ______.A. to inform the reader of the bigness of the worldB. to declare that the author belongs to the group of smokersC. to tell non-smokers that smokers will be considerateD. to reveal the author's reason for writing this essay2. What does the second sentence in the second paragraph imply?A. We should go on two different roads.B. We have different ways of doing things.C. Being polite to each other is a mutual thing.D. We can smoke and sometimes we will not smoke.3. According to the author, how can you get an agreeable response from smokers if you don't feel like someone smoking beside you?A. Complain to his boss.B. Tell him directly that you hate smokers.C. Keep from complaining but do something to suggest your feelings.D. Tell him politely that you are not used to smoke.4. According to the author, why do some smokers smoke in public?A. Because they cannot stop from smoking.B. Because they forget that others do not like the smell cigarettes.C. Because they are humans and they cannot avoid offending people.D. Because there is no law against it.5. How does the author try to persuade the reader?A. He uses reasons.B. He appeals to people's feelings.C. He gives examples in his argument.D. He simply states his opinion.In the United States, it is not normal to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important role. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation (邀请) to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But this is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.The meaning of time is different in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently. To be on time is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not on time, they may be regarded as not polite or not fully responsible. In the US no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour; it would be bad-mannered. A person who is five minutes late is expected to apologize. If he is less than five minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.If you telephone someone early in the day, it means ___________________.A. you are expected to explain whyB. you are not kind enoughC. you want to show your concern for himD. you have a very important matter to discuss2. The expression "a matter of life and death" means __________________.A. an issue of the greatest importance and emergencyB. a very important appointmentC. a matter of whether someone should live or dieD. a strong desire to communicate3. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded _______________.A. if the invitation to a dinner party is not extended early enoughB. if the invitation to a dinner party is extended too far in advanceC. if the invitation to a dinner party is not extended repeatedlyD. if the invitation to a dinner party is extended to too many people4. The word "misunderstanding" can be explained as ____________.A. failing to attend a partyB. failing to understand correctlyC. standing in one's wayD. standing on one's own feet5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. In the US it's normal to keep someone waiting for some time.B. In the US it's not polite to keep someone waiting for an hour.C. In the US one is always expected to be on time.D. In the US one is expected to apologize if he is five minutes late完形填空Correct answer:(1) guilty (2) moved away (3) divorce (4) so as not (5) smelled of (6) uncomfortable (7) grew up (8) appreciate (9) apparent (10) so did his problem (11) function (12) communicating (13) arguments (14) frustrated (15) hold (16) depressed(17) face up (18) process (19) fall asleep (20) at leastI never could really talk to my father. I always felt pretty 1 for that, but it was just so hard. I2 from home to go to college when I was 18. When I returned home to visit, I found my mother and father had just gotten a3 . I always put in a visit to his place4 to hurt my dad's feelings. But his place was dark and cold and5 cigarette smoke and beer; it was generally6 .When I was little, my father would take me fishing all the time. It seemed like I 7 on the shores of small lakes. To me, at the age of eight, there was nothing wrong with being like my dad. I still 8 his love for being outdoors, free and away from everyone else. But as I moved into my teens, it became 9 that my dad had a drinking problem. As our family's financial situation became worse, 10 .When I was very young, my dad was able to 11 without alcohol. He could at least keep a job. As I grew older, he became less functional and 12 with him became painful. Most of our talks turned into 13 and then he became very angry. He was 14 at not being able to 15 on to a job. And we were 16 with him not being able to 17 to the fact that he had a problem with alcohol. When he got home from whatever job he was in the 18 of losing, it was not uncommon that if he didn't get in a fight with my mom he would usually 19 in front of the TV before we had dinner. If he made it to the dinner table to eat with us, I knew that before the meal was over, he would be very angry with 20 one of us. It was usually my mom or me.Guilty embarrassed conscience consciousMoved away moved for moved along moved inDeparture parting divorce gapNot as so so not as so as not not so asSmelled of sounded of tasted of breathed ofUncomfortable unfavorable unavailable unfashionableGrew out grew up grew by grew intoAnticipate associate appreciate compensateDifferent indifferent current apparentSo did his problem So his problem did So was his problem So his problem was Accomplish achieve function complete Educating communicating indicating advocatingRequirements replacements arguments assignmentsIllustrated frustrated separated demonstratedAttach make do holdDepressed impressed pressed expressedFace for face up face off face downAccess process success excessFall away fall about fall apart fall asleepAt least at the least at the latest at the minimum。

Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.1.A. Put on some soft music.B. Relax a spell.C. Listen to soft music.D. Go to work.2.A. Tests aren't so important.B. His test score wasn't worse than the last time.C. He knows enough for the next test.D. He does not have to take tests any more.3.A. The woman is 5 minutes late.B. The woman doesn't know what to say.C. The woman has eaten her lunch already.D. The woman is hungry.4.A. The woman is very lucky.B. The woman is offering a class.C. The man isn't in the job center class.D. The man isn't happy with his boss.5.A. The man is terrible.B. The man didn't realize what he had done.C. The man didn't step on the woman's foot.D. The man was taught good manners by his parents.DACCBClick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。

新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 6 What’s in a name? Warming up1.T2.F3.TShort conversations1.B2.A3.D4.B5.B6.C7.C8.A9.B 10.CLong conversation1.A2.D3.D4.C5.BPassage1.C2.A3.B4.C5.DMovie dialog1.important decisions2.As in3.agreed on4.What’s wrong with5.I mean6.wait a minute7.what a challenge 8.what he’s doing? 9.gets his way10.ever imaginedHomeworkTask 1 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.CTask 2 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.DTask 31.federal governmentcation reform law3.be forced to4.place top importance on5.calls for6.main goal7.by 40 percent 8.low-income and minority9.poorly performing students 10.free after-school helpquiz1, labour2、superficial3、aspecific4、characterisitics5、convey6-10:DDBCA11、belong12、the way 13、overdressed 14、elegant 15、fashion 16、appropriate 17、skirt or pants 18、you will be under stress throughout your interview 19、move or act restlessly or nervously with a tight colla 20、they are truly comfortable and wear them before the big event新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 7 Relax or DieShort Conversations1.B2.C3.B4.A5.A6.D7.B8.C9. D 10.CLong Conversation1.D2.C3.B4.A5.BUnderstanding a Passage1.C2.C3.D4.D5.BMovie Speech1.flight2.heartbroken3.tries real hard4.witnessing a miraclepletely6.marriage7.special occasions 8.sacrifices 9.dream10.chooseHomework ListeningTask 1 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.ATask 2 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.DTask 31.severe mental health2.published the findings3.examined the results4.gathered the information5.learn what treatment6.nervous anxiety7.illegal drugs 8.less likely to admit9.with serious disorders 10.prevent many serious cases laterQuiz1、spin2、discharged3、delegate4、destructive5、inspective6-10:BAADD11、preserve12、survive13、in movies14、eager15、little hope16、adjust to17、In addition18、see themselves as losers in movies and history books19、in order to get rid of their problems20、the population of Indians has been going down quickly新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 8 Life Outside of WorkShort Conversations1.B2.A3.C4.D5.D6.D7.C8.B9. A 10.BLong Conversation1.B2.A3.D4.A5.CUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.C3.C4.A5.BMovie Speech1.the light had gone2.should remember3.don’t go the right way4.when we suffer defeat5.you’re really tested6.on the highest mountain7.served this government and this country 8.always give your best9.high hopes and good spirits 10. in our heartsstory1.to make their days interesting2、giving a guy a break 3、glared at me 4、writing a thirdticket 5、have a little fun each dayHomework ListeningTask 1 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.BTask 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.CTask 31.how much they expect to learn2.dishonest reporting3.are charged with4.under pressure5.include a warning6.should not be held responsible7.have influenced that decision 8.no reason to stop9.estimate earnings 10.to hide bad newsquiz1、poll2、salary3、occupation4、preferable5、contribution6-10:BBACA11、apply12、commitment13、opportunity14、restaurant15、experience16、customer17、attending18、could talk to guests confidently during the voyage19、cabin witn other workers would not be a problem20、employee to your company新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 9 Only Losers QuitShort Conversations1C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.CLong Conversation1.B2.D3.A4.C5.CUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.D3.C4.C5.BMovie Speeche on in2.sweetheart3.a part of life4.your own destiny5.God gave you6.figure that out7.a box of chocolates 8.explaining 9.had got the cancer10.wi t h little flowers on itHomework ListeningTask 1 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.BTask 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.ATask 31.develop a plan2.reduce cancer rates3.cancer prevention and control4.a leading cause of death5.on the rise6.cancer-producing chemicals7.aging populations 8.most common forms,9.more action is needed 10.early cancer testing新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 10 The Tragedy of War Warming up1.F2.F3.TShort Conversations1.D2.B3.B4.D5.C6.C7.A8.B9.C 10.ALong Conversation1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.C3.D4.D5.AMovie Speech1.guarded2.a greater responsibility3.Marines4.probably saved lives5.existence6.parties7. honor 8.spent defending something 9.freedom10.OtherwaiseListening and Discussion1. A Japanese pen friend.2. He had always criticized the nuclear attacks.3. Around 140,000 people.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework ListeningTask 1 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BTask 2 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 31.monthly payments2.more money than3.is expected to4.be out of money5.born out of6.pay for itself7.start with 8.survived the death9.for the poor 10.all federal workers。

新视野⼤学英语2级读写quiz1(含答案)into forto out of withbetween inonon through ((infrom aboutalike identically distinct than investigate beneficial enforce apply to impact strengthen However from Whennot same as set aside efficientlyidentifyabsorbedprobecompetitiveA. WhatB. ThatC. AsD. WhichA. beingB. would beD. to be38.The United States is proud of ________ great writers, especially ________ in the 20th century such as Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway.A. its ... thoseB. the ... whichC. her ... whatD. his ... that39.He is now working in a foreign firm, but not until three years ago ________ to work outside the country.A. has he startedB. will he startC. did he startD. he started40.Though having been living in the States for more than 10 years, she still has a ________ British accent when she talks.A. sensitiveB. narrativeC. distinctiveD. representative41.Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.B. influentialC. beneficialD. potential42.It's not ________ that he should be assigned to the job since he is new and has no experience at all in this particular field.A. advisoryB. advisableC. advisedD. advising43.When being checked at customs, I am ________ make a declaration of all purchases and gifts acquired in the country.A. engaged toB. resolved toC. obliged toD. committed to44.You will have to ________ yourself to a completely new life in college because it's a lot different from high school.A. appealB. applyC. thrustD. adjustA. proficiencyB. accuracyC. sufficiencyD. deficiencyCBADCCBCDAall the words in clusters of up to three or four words at a glance.With enough practice, you'll be able to handle more reading at school or work – and at home – in less time. You should even have enough time to read your favorite comic books.46.What did the writer realize later regarding his slowed-down eyeballs?A. His brother had more comic books than him.B. He couldn't read as fast as his brother.C. He couldn't finish reading all the comic books.D. He had too much to read but too little time to do it.47.Why is previewing especially useful for a heavy reading?A. You can read various kinds of books such as magazines.B. You can see the whole picture of a long reading in less time.C. You can understand the content completely within a short time.D. You can comprehend at least 50% of what you're reading.48.What is the use of the technique of skimming when you are doing light reading?A. It enables you to read some entertaining books.B. It enables you to think like magnets.C. It helps you pick up key words.D. It helps you get the information you want.49.What's the most important advantage when you do clustering?A. It helps you read faster and understand better.B. It lets you read in a totally different way.C. It allows your eyes to pick up three to four words at a time.D. It trains your eyes to see all the words in the reading.50.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this passage?A. Moving your eyes fast gives you a general idea.B. It is necessary to choose different methods for different readings.C. Different reading skills should be used at the same time.D. You may read faster by using reading techniques.Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Before computers were invented, the words byte and modem did not exist, and a mouse was something that made some people scream and run away. Words are added to language every day. Changes in society also cause changes in language. Changes in attitude also affect language. As people become more sensitive to the rights and needs of individual, it becomes necessary to change the words we use to describe them. The elderly are now called senior citizens. The handicapped are described as physically challenged. Many of the words we once used had negative feelings attached to them. New words show an awareness in today's society that differences are good and that everyone deserves respect. Even the names of certain jobs have changed so that workers can be proud of what they do. The trash man is now called a sanitation worker and a doorman is an attendant. One important influence on our language in the past decade has been the changing role of women in modern society. As women entered more and more areas that were once thought of as men's job, it became necessary to change the job titles. For example, a mailman is now a mail carrier, a watchman is a guard.Sometimes new words may seem awkward and silly, such as chair for chairman, fisher for fisherman, and drafter for draftsman. But change is never easy. People often fight change until it becomes a familiar part of everyday life.Women have fought long and hard to be treated equally in language as well as in society, because they know that changes in language can cause changes in attitudes. If every person isn't referred to as he, people willbegin to realize that men aren't the only ones who are important or who have made great achievements. Most words that indicate only one gender have been replaced with words that refer to both males and females. Thus, a poetess is called a poet, a waitress is a server, and mankind has become humankind.51.Words are added to language ________.A. when new things are inventedB. when society changesC. when old words disappearD. all the time52.Words are changed because ________.A. it is part of everyday life.B. the handicapped should be proud of themselves.C. many old words cause negative feelings.D. some words look silly and awkward.53. A doorman is now called ________.A. attendantB. watchmanC. trash manD. server54.Which of the following is one important influence on our language in the past decade according to the passage?A. The changing attitude toward the elderly.B. The changing job market.C. The changing role of women.D. The changing social opinions.55.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?A. Language is always added with new vocabulary.B. Language changes with the changing of society.C. Changing language reflects the achievements of people.D. Changing language gives people more individual rights.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some researchers claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone of voice and body language.Body language includes such things as the expression on the speaker's face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings in different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!" However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost universally interpreted in the same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turningone's body to fully face the other person.Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's cultureis only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do with a person's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses may be very different from under other circumstances.56.According to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's realmeaning comes from ________.A. words used in the messageB. things used in the messageC. the speaker's tone of voiceD. the speaker's tone and body language57.The second paragraph describes ________.A. an example of a gesture not used in IndiaB. different meanings of gestures in different culturesC. how gestures can change the meaning of wordsD. useful gestures in Arab cultures58.If a person starts copying your body language, what does this suggest?A. He/She is interested in you.B. He/She isn't interested in you.C. He/She doesn't agree with you.D. He/She agrees with you.59.People may use different body languages ________.A. only in different placesB. only at different timeC. under different circumstancesD. under few circumstances60.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Body language is an important part of communication.B. Body language is affected by culture.C. Body language can be extremely offensive.D. Body language can tell you whether people like you.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people.So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn grammar? You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake.Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever yourA. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.A. It helps you make no mistakes.B. It makes communication possible.C. It helps you not to get hurt.D. It makes playing games possible.A. Playing games with a set of rules.B. Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.C. Recalling how you learned your mother tongue.D. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.A. More exercises vs. more activities.B. More activities vs. less exercises.C. Less exercises vs. more grammar rules.D. More exercises vs. less activities.65.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Memorizing rules is required for learning grammar.B. Doing a lot of exercises helps learn grammar.C. Playing games helps learn grammar better.D. There are different ways to learn grammar.Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip, talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more status in her school.Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life, Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain status by showing others his knowledge.Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a map and find his way by himself.Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand, usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may be able to improve their relationships.A. Gossip teaches them how to act.B. Gossip allows them to use commands.C. Gossip brings them high status.D. Gossip helps them know about their friends.A. They are knowledgeable.B. They are more masculine.C. They are interested in sports.D. They are not interested in personal talking.A. Tell her how to solve the problem.B. Listen and show sympathy to her.C. Talk about the problem with her.D. Solve the problem for her.A. doing things togetherB. agreeing with each otherC. talking together oftenD. camping or playing tennis together。

新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 6 What’s in a name? Warming up1.T2.F3.TShort conversations1.B2.A3.D4.B5.B6.C7.C8.A9.B 10.CLong conversation1.A2.D3.D4.C5.BPassage1.C2.A3.B4.C5.DMovie dialog1.important decisions2.As in3.agreed on4.What’s wrong with5.I mean6.wait a minute7.what a challenge 8.what he’s doing? 9.gets his way10.ever imaginedHomeworkTask 1 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.CTask 2 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.DTask 31.federal governmentcation reform law3.be forced to4.place top importance on5.calls for6.main goal7.by 40 percent 8.low-income and minority9.poorly performing students 10.free after-school helpquiz1, labour2、superficial3、aspecific4、characterisitics5、convey6-10:DDBCA11、belong12、the way 13、overdressed 14、elegant 15、fashion 16、appropriate 17、skirt or pants 18、you will be under stress throughout your interview 19、move or act restlessly or nervously with a tight colla 20、they are truly comfortable and wear them before the big event新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 7 Relax or DieShort Conversations1.B2.C3.B4.A5.A6.D7.B8.C9. D 10.CLong Conversation1.D2.C3.B4.A5.BUnderstanding a Passage1.C2.C3.D4.D5.BMovie Speech1.flight2.heartbroken3.tries real hard4.witnessing a miraclepletely6.marriage7.special occasions 8.sacrifices 9.dream10.chooseHomework ListeningTask 1 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.ATask 2 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.DTask 31.severe mental health2.published the findings3.examined the results4.gathered the information5.learn what treatment6.nervous anxiety7.illegal drugs 8.less likely to admit9.with serious disorders 10.prevent many serious cases laterQuiz1、spin2、discharged3、delegate4、destructive5、inspective6-10:BAADD11、preserve12、survive13、in movies14、eager15、little hope16、adjust to17、In addition18、see themselves as losers in movies and history books19、in order to get rid of their problems20、the population of Indians has been going down quickly新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 8 Life Outside of WorkShort Conversations1.B2.A3.C4.D5.D6.D7.C8.B9. A 10.BLong Conversation1.B2.A3.D4.A5.CUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.C3.C4.A5.BMovie Speech1.the light had gone2.should remember3.don’t go the right way4.when we suffer defeat5.you’re really tested6.on the highest mountain7.served this government and this country 8.always give your best9.high hopes and good spirits 10. in our heartsstory1.to make their days interesting2、giving a guy a break 3、glared at me 4、writing a thirdticket 5、have a little fun each dayHomework ListeningTask 1 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.BTask 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.CTask 31.how much they expect to learn2.dishonest reporting3.are charged with4.under pressure5.include a warning6.should not be held responsible7.have influenced that decision 8.no reason to stop9.estimate earnings 10.to hide bad newsquiz1、poll2、salary3、occupation4、preferable5、contribution6-10:BBACA11、apply12、commitment13、opportunity14、restaurant15、experience16、customer17、attending18、could talk to guests confidently during the voyage19、cabin witn other workers would not be a problem20、employee to your company新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 9 Only Losers QuitShort Conversations1C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.CLong Conversation1.B2.D3.A4.C5.CUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.D3.C4.C5.BMovie Speeche on in2.sweetheart3.a part of life4.your own destiny5.God gave you6.figure that out7.a box of chocolates 8.explaining 9.had got the cancer10.wi t h little flowers on itHomework ListeningTask 1 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.BTask 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.ATask 31.develop a plan2.reduce cancer rates3.cancer prevention and control4.a leading cause of death5.on the rise6.cancer-producing chemicals7.aging populations 8.most common forms,9.more action is needed 10.early cancer testing新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 10 The Tragedy of War Warming up1.F2.F3.TShort Conversations1.D2.B3.B4.D5.C6.C7.A8.B9.C 10.ALong Conversation1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DUnderstanding a Passage1.B2.C3.D4.D5.AMovie Speech1.guarded2.a greater responsibility3.Marines4.probably saved lives5.existence6.parties7. honor 8.spent defending something 9.freedom10.OtherwaiseListening and Discussion1. A Japanese pen friend.2. He had always criticized the nuclear attacks.3. Around 140,000 people.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework ListeningTask 1 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BTask 2 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 31.monthly payments2.more money than3.is expected to4.be out of money5.born out of6.pay for itself7.start with 8.survived the death9.for the poor 10.all federal workers。

试卷:试卷编号:试卷满分:50姓名:学号班级:登录:2014-03-13 08:15:24 交卷:2014-03-13 09:04:26 上机地址: 图例:Right Wrong To be marked by instructorClick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Word Dictation(每小题:1 分)Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You aregoing to listen to the recording twice. During the first time,write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listenthe second time.Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1. 1 chase chase2. 1 cruelty cruelty3. 0 exloit exploit4. 1 idle idle5. 1 continuity continuity6. 0 susatain sustain7. 1 minute minute8. 1 discount discount9. 0 nationality distinct10. 0 dsitinct pessimisticSubtotal: 6 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。