初中教师自我检测题 人教版
2013-2014学年八年级语文10月初中诚信自我检测试题(一)新人教版 第3套

部编人教版语文八年级上册8 美丽的颜色课时检测卷教师版A

8 美丽的颜色一、基础知识1.给下列加点的字注音。
炽.热(______) 沥.青(______) 窒.息(______) 骤雨猝.至(______)吹嘘.(______) 咽.喉(______) 酸渍.(______) 和.颜悦色(______)踱.步(______) 荧.光(______) 气氛.(______) 小心翼.翼(______)2.下列句子中有两个错别字的一项是( )A.因为棚顶是玻璃的,棚屋里面躁热得像温室。
3.依次填入下面横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( )居里夫妇能够集中精力用将近四年的时间提取镭,实在难能可贵。
A.目不斜视浇灌也许但B.心无旁骛浇灌也许但C.心无旁骛灌溉因为所以D.目不斜视灌溉因为所以4.下列句子没有语病的一项是( )A.居里夫人为科学而献身的精神和品质是值得我们学习的榜样。
5.填入下列语段空缺处的句子,顺序排列最恰当的一项是( )居里夫妇提取镭的过程,是他们人生的精彩旅程。
2019年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 2 自我检测及解析

2019年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 2 自我检测注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、单选题—At 7:30.A. What timeB. WhatC. WhereD. How2.—When do you eat lunch?—________.A. In the morningB. Twelve o'clockC. At twelveD. In twelve3.—________does your mother go home?—She always goes home at half past five.A. HowB. WhereC. WhyD. What time4.—When do you usually go to bed?—________ about half past ten.A. OnB. InC. AtD. For5.—Hi,Susan,when is Teachers' Day in China?—It's ________ September 10th.A. inB. onC. atD. for6.Mike often does his homework ________ a quarter past eight ________ the evening.A. at;atB. at;inC. in;atD. at;on7.David doesn't like fruit salad.His son doesn't like it,________.A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. not8.Either Mary ________Jim can play chess.A. orB. andC. butD. so9.Either you or your brother ________shopping with your mother.A. goB. goesC. don't goD. doesn't goes10.Either of the ________ is my sister.A. boyB. boysC. girlD. girls二、完型填空Piggy is a fat pig.He loves eating and he likes sweets(甜食).“They _____ great,” Piggy says.But he never brushes his _____ after eating them.Piggy also loves watching TV.He _____ it for hours every evening.“Piggy,let's go and take a walk,” Mom says after _____.“No,Mom.I don't like walking.I _____ to watch TV,” Piggy says.Because he watches TV very late,Piggy can't _____ early next morning.He always gets up _____ a quarter to ten.Piggy loves playing in mud(泥) too.It is fun for him.But he never _____ a shower after it.Other pigs _____ like him,but Piggy doesn't know ______.Can you tell him?11.A. play B. sound C. look D. taste12.A. clothes B. teeth C. shoes D. room13.A. watches B. looks C. sees D. meets14.A. breakfast B. school C. dinner D. exercise15.A. want B. think C. need D. help16.A. go to bed B. get up C. go home D. go to work17.A. from B. in C. with D. at18.A. runs B. finds C. makes D. takes19.A. don't B. doesn't C. can't D. aren't20.A. when B. how C. why D. where第II卷(非选择题)三、完成句子21.——你妈妈几点去上班?——八点。

人教版九年级全一册自我复习与检测(十四)(933) 1.谁将负责这项任务?W h o will th e ta sk?2.他们充满活力,渴求知识。
T h e y a r e fu ll o f e n e rgy a n d kn o wle d g e.3.随着时间的推移,事情会变得更容易。
T h ing s will ge t ea s ie r a s time.4.我仍然记得他们为我做过的事情。
I s till r e me mb e r fo r me.5.O n th e f ir s t d a y o f sc h oo l a ne w c la s s ma te to uc h ed my s h o u ld e r, “H i! I'm R o s e.I a m87 ye a r s o ld.C a n I g ive yo u a hu g?” I tu rn e d a ro un d a nd f o un d a little 1 lad y witha wa r m s mile.I s a id h e a r tily,“O f c o u rs e!”“ 2 a r e yo u in co lle g e a t s uc h a n a g e?”I a s k ed.S h e jo ke d, “I'm h e r e to me e t a r ich h u s ba nd,g e t 3 , h a ve ch ild r e n, a nd the n tra ve l a r o un d.”“No,se r io us l y,”I a s ke d.“I a lwa ys4o f h avin g a co lle g e ed u ca tio n an d n o w I'm g e ttin g on e!” s h e to ld me.O ve r th e ye a r, Ro s e bec a me an ico n(偶像) and sh e e as ily ma d e f r ie nd s.S he lo ve d to d r e ss u p a nd s he e n jo ye d the 5 o f th e o th e r s.A t the e nd o f the te r m we in vite d R o s e to o u r fo o tba ll p a r ty.I'll n e ve r f o rg e t wha t sh e s a id.“We d o no t s top p la yin g be c au s e we a r e o ld; we g ro w o ld b e ca u s e we s top p la yin g.H e re a r e th e 6 to s ta yi n g yo u n g.You h a ve to la u gh a nd f in d hu mo r e ve r y d a y.You'v e g o t to h a ve a d re a m.W h e n yo u7yo u r d r e a ms,yo u d ie! T her e's a h u g ed iffe r e n ce8 g rowin g o ld a nd g r o win g u p.An yb o d y c a n g r o w o lde r.T ha t d o e sn't ta k e a n y ta le n t o r ab ilit y.B u t 9r eq u ir e sf ind ing th e op po r tun ity in c h a ng e.Ha ve n o r eg r e ts.”O ne wee k a f te r g r ad uatio n tha t ye a r, R o se d ie d p e ac e f u lly in h e r s le e p.S he tau gh t u s b ye x a mp le tha t it's n e ve r to o 10 to be a ll yo u c a n p o s s ib ly b e.(1)A.o ldB.yo u n gC.b igD.s ma ll(2)A.Ho wB.W h enC.W h yD.W ha t(3)A.ma r r ie dB.dr e s s edC.lo s tD.ma d(4)A.to ldB.he a rdC.r e min de dD.d r e a me d(5)A.q u es tio nB.a tten tio nC.r e la tio nD.e x p re s s ion(6)A.se c r e tsB.s to r ie sC.r ea s on sD.re s u lts(7)A.h a veB.f indC.tak eD.lo s e(8)A.inB.onC.be twe enD.a mo n g(9)A.s to p p in g p la yin gB.ha vin g a d re a mC.gr o wing o ld e rD.g r o wing u p(10)A.e a r ly teC.yo u n gD.s ma ll6.I th in k th a t a g r ea t fr ie n d is a g r e a t a r tis t wh o ca n c h an ge my f e e lin g ab ou t lif eg r e a tl y.W h e n I ta lk a b ou t th e p e r so n wh o in f lu e nc ed me mo s t,I mu s t th in k o f my b e s t f r ie n d q u ick ly.W h en I wa s in my u n ive r s it y,o ne o f my c la s s ma te s s a t b e s id e me.H is n a me is Wan g Tao.H e is my u n f o rg e tta b le f r ie nd in my lif e.H e is g oo d a t stu d y a n dh a nd s o me.E ve r yo n e k no ws tha t he is a ge n iu s(天才) o f my u n ive r s it y.H e is k ind-h e a r te d an d is a lwa ys r e a d y to h e lp o the r s.Bu t he d oe sn't lik e o th er s to p r a is e h im,be c au s e he th ink s wh a t h e do e s is co mmo n.Th e r e is an o ld s a yin g: A f r ie nd in n eed is a f r ien d ind e e d.Wa ng Ta o s e ts a go o d e x a mp le in ma n y p a r ts in my lif e.I r e me mb e r th a t my ma th e ma tic s wa s m ed ioc r e a t tha t time,b ut h e was ex c e llen t ins o lvin g ma th e ma tic s pr o b le ms.H e o f te n got h igh s c o re s.O f c our s e,I wis he d I co u ld r e a c h h is le ve l.S ince we ta lk e d a ll da y lo n g,he wa s a lwa ys p a tie n t a n d p o lite to a ns wer my ma th e ma tic s q u e s tio n s.S lo wly,I ma d e g re a t p ro g re s s in ma th e ma tic s.I p a s s ed th e e x a min a tion f in a lly.T h e n we b ec a me f rie n d s na tu r a lly.A nd n o w,I s till re me mb e rh is s tr o ng will to s tu dy.We kn o w th a t we live in a so c ie ty,s o we a ll n e ed a lo t o f f r ien d s.Th e r e a r e two k inds o f f r ien d s,go o d an d b a d.Ba d f r ie nd s ma y ma k e o ur lif e f a iled,wh ile go o d o n e s ma k e o u r lif e s u cc e s s fu l.To me,Wan g Tao is a ve r y g o o d f r ien d.I le a r n e d so ma n ya d va n ta g e s f ro m h im,a nd I c h an g ed mo re a nd mo r e e x ce lle n tly.We se p a ra te d th r ee mo n th s a go.No w I mi s s h im ve r y mu c h,an d I h op e th a t ou rf r ie n d sh ip will co n tinu e to b e ju s t as s tr ong a f te r we g r ad ua te.(1)Th e wr ite r b e lie ve s th a t an ex c e llen t f r ien d.()A.is a ma n wh o wo r k s o n a r tB.ca n c ha n ge h is lif e s lo wlyC.ca n in f lu en c e h is ide a ab ou t lif eD.mu s t th in k o f h im qu ic k ly(2)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g ab o u t Wan g Ta o is NO T tr u e a cc o rd in g to th e p as s a ge?()A.He ha s a s tr o ng will.B.H e is wa r m-h e a r te d.C.H e is go od a t ma th.D.He lik e s a r t ve r y mu c h.(3)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“me d io c re”mo s t p ro b ab ly me a n s“”.()A.b a dB.no t ve r y g o o dC.the be s tD.ve r y g o o d(4)In th e f if th p a ra g r ap h,th e wr ite r ma in ly s u g g e s ts th a t we sh ou ld.()A.ma k e go o d f r ie nd s a n d le a r n f r o m th e mB.ha ve two k in ds o f f rie n d s,g oo d a nd ba dC.ma k e o u r b es t f r ie nd s s uc c e ss f u lD.ma k e f e we r b ad f r ien d s(5)W ha t's th e b e s t title f o r th e p a s sa g e()A.M y U n ive r s ity Lif eB.A n U n fo rg e tta b le Fr ie n dC.H o w to M a ke Fr ie n d sD.Ho w to Le a r n M a th We ll7.(调查)sh o w th a t 75% o f p eo p le th in k th e ne w la w is go o d.8.M y s is te r will (毕业)f r o m un ive r s it y n e x t mo n th.9.Sh e h e lpe d me a lo t,s o I wa s ve r y (th a n k) to h e r.10.I've a lwa ys th o u ght o f Lu c y a s a ve r y (c a r e) p e r so n.B ec a u se s he o f te n h e lp s o th e r s in ne e d.11.I g a ve h im a c a ll an d sa id(c on g ra tu la te)to h im.12.C o me th is wa y.I'll ta k e yo u to th e (ma n ag e) o ff ic e.13.T he te ac h e rs en c our a g e th e s tu d en ts(s tu d y)h a r d.14.T he r e a r e ma n y (g e n tle ma n) a nd ladie s in the me e tin g h a ll.15.在数学课上李老师总是对我们很有耐心。

第1单元自我综合评价[测试范围:第一单元时间:40分钟满分:60分]一、积累·运用(35分)1.下列选项中加点字的注音全部正确的一项是(4分) ( )A.溃.退(ɡuì) 遗嘱.(zhǔ) 颁.发(bān)B.刹.那(shà) 翘.首(qiáo) 悄.然(qiǎo)C.着.舰(zhuó) 娴.熟(xián) 镌.刻(juān)D.磅.礴(páng) 咆.哮(páo) 舰艉.(wēi)2.下列词语书写无误的一项是(4分) ( )A.惊心动魄振耳欲聋惨绝人寰B.一丝不苟摒息敛声摧枯拉朽C.卓有成就英勇善战一以贯之D.眼花瞭乱殚精竭虑锐不可当3.下列句中加点的成语运用正确的一项是(4分)( )闯红灯,真令人担忧。
(1)第句有语病,修改意见:(2)第句有语病,修改意见:5.下列说法有误的一项是(4分)( )A.“辽阔的海面上,我国第一艘航空母舰——辽宁舰斩浪向前。
11 包身工-课内自我检测—人教版语文必修1

第四单元11 包身工课内自我检测一、积累运用1.下列加点字注音全正确的一组是()A.繁衍.(yǎn) 亲密无间.(jiān)大模.大样(mú) 岸芷汀.兰(tīnɡ)B.抨.击(pēnɡ) 揩.油(kāi)衣衫褴.褛(lán) 意味隽.永(juàn)C.荤.腥(hūn) 拙.劣(zhuō)模棱.两可(lénɡ) 一哄.而散(hōnɡ)D.锭.壳(dìnɡ) 禅.让(shàn)济.济一堂(jì) 锲.而不舍(qiè)解析:本题中,A项“间”应读jiàn;C项“哄”应读hònɡ;D项“济”应读jǐ。
A .①③B .②④C .④⑤D .②⑤解析:本题中,①“不假思索”指用不着想,形容说话做事迅速。

单元同步常见考点失误解析(九年级上册)作者:胡扬朋(江西省中学英语特级教师)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.1.父母为我的英语学习担心。
误:My parents are worried for my English study.正:My parents are worried about my English study.解析:表示“为……担心”应该说be worried about或worry about,不可以说be worried for 或worry for。
如:Don’t be worried about his health.别为他的身体担心。
—What’s the matter with you, Tom?汤姆,你怎么啦?—My parents haven’t been b ack yet. I am worried about it.我父母还没有回来,我很担心。
[课文要点]His teacher was worried about him. (P31)2. 我能一个人做这项工作。
误:I can do the work lonely.正:I can do the work alone.解析:lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独,寂寞,有较浓厚的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊所产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。

单元同步常见考点失误解析(九年级上册)作者:胡扬朋(江西省中学英语特级教师)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?1.请在字典里找一找下这个字。
误:Please look for the word in the dictionary.正:Please look up the word in the dictionary.解析:look for意为“寻找某人(物)”,要说在词典或参考书中“查寻”单词或资料时,常用look up。
如:If you don’t kn ow the meaning the word, look it up in the dictionary.如果你不知道一个词的意思,可以查词典。
He got out his dictionary and looked up the word “cough”.他拿出词典查了查“cough”这个单词。
[课文要点]But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary. (P3) 2. 今天晚上我必须写完这封信。
误:I have to finish to write the letter this evening.正:I have to finish writing the letter this evening.解析:finish意为“完成”,用作及物动词,后跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式,不可以跟动词不定式。

A、 ①②③
B 、 ①②④
C 、 ①③④
D、 ②③④
8.“缺乏真正的朋友乃是最纯粹最可怜的孤独,没有朋友这世界不过是一片荒野。”这句名言主要告诉我 们( )
的意识。这告诉我们( )ຫໍສະໝຸດ A.应该对生命怀有敬畏之心
18. “人生没有真正的完美,只有不完美,才是最真实的美:人生没有一帆风顺,只有披荆斩棘,
A. ①③④
2.学习是苦乐交织的,享受学习的过程是( )
3.与老师发生矛盾时,我们应该( ) ①自我反思,冷静、客观地分析原因 ③ 相 信 善 意 ,多 些 宽 容 和 理 解 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④
A、 ①②③
B 、 ①③④
C 、 ①②④
D、 ②③④

2023--2024学年度人教版英语八年级下册Unit1--Unit2自我评价检测题Ⅰ、单项选择从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
(20分)1.—We should try our best to help those in need.—______. To help others is to help ourselves.A.You’re welcomeB. You’re rightC. Lucky youD. It’s up to you2.Lucky is a special ________dog. It’s very clever.A. trainedB. trainingC. trainD. trains3.If you eat _______meat, you’ll be heavier.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. so many4. —Why did they set up this organization?—__________ disabled people.A. HelpB. to helpC. Helping D Helped5.—Could you do ____________for me, please? —Yes, with pleasure.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything6.The boy doesn’t go to school by bike. He goes to school on______.A. a footB. feetC. footD. foots7.—Jane loves animals and she is _______ in volunteering at the zoo.—Yes. How _______ the animals are!A.interested, interestingB. interested, interestedC. interesting, interestingD. interesting, interested8.I didn’t go to the party not _____ the weather but ____ I didn’t feel well.A. because of; becauseB. because ;because ofC. because ; becauseD. because of; because of9.Internet makes _____ possible for students _____ classes at home now.A. it, to haveB. this, havingC. it, havingD. this, to have10.Joe used ____ shy, but now he is used ____ friends with different people.A.to be; to makingB. to ; to makeC. to; to makingD. to be; to make11._______students can answer this question, because it is very difficult.A. LittleB. A littleC. FewD. A few12.He is ill. He should ______and rest. He shouldn’t ______out to play.A. lie down, goB. lies down, goesC. lies down, goD. lie down, goes13.—Do you feel for being abroad these years?—Not at all. I enjoy living instead.A. alone, aloneB.lonely, aloneC. lonely, lonelyD. alone, lonely14.—Did you see him ____ his model plane here when you walked by?— Yes, and when he finished it, he went to fly it with his friends.A. flyingB. flewC. makingD. made15.—I made the cake by _____. Help _____, Tom.— Thanks, it tastes delicious.A. ourselves, yourselfB. myself, yourselfC. myself, youD. me, himself16.______is very important for us to learn English well.A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. All17.—He looks unhappy?—Let’s ____________A. cheer him upB. helped out himC. look him afterD. angry with him18.Mary likes drinking milk______ honey every morning.A. andB. withC. inD. has19.Molly had to ______ her trip because she was ill.A.put onB. put upC. put offD. put down20.—Do you know ____ yesterday?—Yes. He went for the boat race.A.Why didn’t Peter go to schoolB. why doesn’t Peter go to schoolC.Why Peter didn’t go to schoolD. why Peter doesn’t go to schoolⅠ、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.Listen! Can you hear someone ____________(open) the door?.2.The nurse told the boy________(put) his head back quickly.3.Aron kept on_________(climb) mountains even after the experience.4.My parents are thinking about_________(travel) to Tibet.5.He has a __________(stomach). He doesn’t want to eat anything.6.Nobody tells him where _____________(spend) summer vacation.7.It’s easy __________(have) a healthy lifestyle.8.David left the meeting without________(say) a word.9.I find it hard ____________(learn) a new language.10.I find it difficult _________ (remember) everything.Ⅰ、按要求完成句子。

2021年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit5自我检测学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.—________do you like animals?—________they are cute.A.Why;Because B.What;SoC.Why;So D.What;Because2.Why ________go to the zoo?A.don't B.notC.are you D.you don't3.—Why don't you ________ to the club now?—That sounds good.A.go B.to goingC.goes D.going4.—________sport do you like?—Table tennis.A.What kind B.What kindsC.What kind of D.How kinds of5.—This jacket is ________ big for me.Can you give me a small one?—OK.Here you are.A.kind B.a kind ofC.kind of D.kinds of6.Our English teacher is very kind ________us.A.for B.of C.with D.to7.It's very kind ________you ________ me the nice postcards.A.to;sending B.of;to sendC.to;to send D.of;sending8.There are ________books in the school library.A.different kinds of B.different kindsC.a kind D.all kinds9.Don't forget ________the door when you leave the room.A.close B.closedC.to close D.closing10.Lily forgot ________me about it.She told me that yesterday.A.telling B.tellC.to tell D.told11.Pandas are ________ animals.They don't want to see many people.A.scary B.boring C.shy D.friendly 12.Dogs are ________ and ________.So we all like them.A.friendly;boring B.cute;friendly C.lazy;shy D.young;ugly 13.—Why don't you like snakes(蛇)?—Because they're ________.A.beautiful B.scary C.interesting D.cute二、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
人教版道德与法治七年级上册 3.2 做更好的自己 课时检测

人教部编版道德与法治七上 3.2 做更好的自己课时检测一、单项选择题1. “做不了太阳,就做星星,在自己的星座闪闪发光。
”这启示我们( )A. 保持自尊自负,激励自己B. 放大自我优势,相信自己C. 坚持实事求是,悦纳自己D. 挖掘自身潜能,超越自己2. 进入初中以后,李梅比以前更加关注自己了,她觉得自己是这样的:学习勤奋,做事很认真,在音乐方面有些天赋,在穿着打扮上比较保守……有时她会学着别人的样子讲话、做事,这又让她觉得很累。
你认为李梅应如何处理这些问题?( )A. 否定自己B. 怨天尤人C. 积极接纳自己D. 得过且过3. 我们要学会接纳和欣赏自己。
下列关于积极接纳自己的说法中,正确的有( )①既接纳自己的现在,也接纳自己的过去②既接纳自己的优点,也接纳自己的不完美③既接纳内在的性格,也接纳外在的身材、相貌④既接纳自己与他人的相似之处,也接纳自己与他人的不同之处A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①③④D. ①②③④4. 下列关于欣赏自己的说法中,正确的有( )①为自己的优点感到高兴②为自己的努力感到骄做③欣赏自己的独特④成功时为自己鼓掌,失败时为自己打气A. ①②③④B. ②③④C. ①②③D. ①③④5. 《遇见未知的自己》一书中有这样一句话:“亲爱的,外面没有别人,只有自己。
做更好的自已就要( )①扬长避短,善于利用自身优点②主动改正缺点,自我完善,自我发展③珍视自己的兴趣爱好,不断激发潜能④服务他人,奉献社会,提升自身价值A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①②③④D. ①③④6. 学会正确认识自己,是人生的一大智慧。
我们应该( )A. 欣赏自己,不要被他人的评价左右B. 找到自己的优势,塑造完美“超人”C. 全面客观地认识自己,既要看到优点,也要看到不足D. 多看优点,不要太在意自己的缺点7. 现代诗人顾城在《毛虫和蛾子》中写道:“毛虫对蛾子说:你的翅膀真漂亮。

金戈铁骑初中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit2.基础知识自我检测一.单词默写1.打扫或清除干净2.欢呼;喝彩 v3.使变得高兴;振奋起来4.分发;散发5.义务做;自愿做v 自愿者n6.想出;提出7.推迟8.标志;信号 n9.通告n 意识到v10.分发11.打电话给某人;征召12.曾经...;过去...13孤独的;寂寞的 adj14.照顾;非常喜欢15.几个;数个;一些pron16.强烈的;强壮的adj17.感觉;感触 n18.满足;满意 n19.高兴;愉快 n20.物主;主人 n21.参加…选拔;试用 ____________________22.尤指长途旅行;行程 n ____________________23.募集;征集 v ____________________24.午夜;子夜 n ____________________25.独自;单独 adv ____________________26.修理;修补 v ____________________27.修理;安装 v ____________________28.修理;装饰 ____________________29.赠送;捐赠 ____________________30.(外貌或行为)像 _____________________31.破损的;残缺的adj _____________________32.车轮;轮子 n ________ ____________33.信; 函n _____________________34.女士;小姐 n ____________________33.建起;设立 _____________________34.丧失能力的;有残疾的adj ___________________35.影响;有作用 ___________________36.瞎的;失明的adj ____________________37.聋的adj ___________________ 38.想象;设想 v ____________________ 39.困难;难题 n ____________________ 40.开;打开 v 41.门 n42.拿;提;扛 v43.培训;训练 v44.激动的;兴奋的 adj45.训练;培训 n46.仁慈;善良n47.聪明的;聪颖的adj48.理解;领会 v49.变化;改变 v n50.兴趣;关注 n 使感兴趣v51.先生 n52.夫人;女士 n二.短语翻译1. 清扫,打扫2. (使)振作起来,3. 张贴4. 给某人打电话5. 分发,发放6. 捐赠;赠送7. 放弃8. 在课外辅导活动中9. 制定计划10. 从现在起11. 制作通告12. 提出,想出13. 在敬老院14. 帮忙解决某事15. 给老年人读报16. 给我讲关于过去的故事17. 过去常常做某事;曾经18. 照顾,关爱19. (过去或将来的)某一天20. (将来)总有一天21. 得到他理想中的工作22. 艰苦的工作23. 努力工作24. 一种如此强烈的满足感25. 康复26. 快乐的表情27. 在…岁时28. 参加…选拔29.梦想成真30.同时31.推迟,延期32.忙于某事33.忙于做某事34.担心…35.赚钱36.为…捐钱37.在空闲之余38.用完39.像…40.修理,修缮41.不再42.给某人写信43.感到孤独44.独自居住45.独自旅行46.建立,创立47.使做某事成为可能…48.残疾人49.对…有很大影响50.对…没有影响51.接电话52.我的一个朋友(双重所有格)53.对…感到兴奋54.立刻,马上55.寄(送)给某人某物56.最衷心的祝福57.擅长做某事58.产生好的结果;成功59.有需要地60.决定做某事61.义务做某事62.改变某人生活63.一只经过特别训练的狗64.…的主意65.六个月的培训66.在午夜12点67.赚很多钱68.无家可归的人们69.探望生病的孩子70.在食品救助站三.完成单词1. I have to c_________ up my room on weekends.2. He is going to c________ the sick kids up.3. She makes money by g________out advertisements.4. Alice v___________ to work in a hospital last year.5. Ann couldn’t c__________ up with a good plan.6. Can’t you see the “No smoking” s_____?7. Let’s make some new n___________.8. I felt l_________ because my classmates all went ona school trip.9. Let’s cheer _________ (they) up, OK?10. You should c___________ for your mother.11. S_______ students decided to go shopping just now.12. I have a s___________ body.13. We should share f___________ with others14. After finishing homework, I have a feeling of s____________.15. She tells of the j__________ of dancing.16. The ______(own) of the shop was cleaning the floor.17. Our school r lots of money for the poor student yesterday.18. She ___________ out for the school play.19. They are ready for their long j_______________.20. I played computer games at m_________ yesterday.21. She always does everything a__________.22. Could you help me r____________ my watch? It doesn’t work..23. Kate doesn’t know how to f_________ bikes up.24. Yesterday she g_________ away a new pen to me.25. The boy t_________ after his father.26. I noticed some __________(break) chairs on the right side of the road.27. The bike lost a w______________.28. Mario wrote a _________ to his friend.29. The box is too heavy. Could you please help mec_____________ it?30. The school _________ up a tennis club last term.31. We should help the d_____________.32. Robots will make a big _____________ to our life in the future.33. Something is wrong with his eyes. The poor b_____ man can see nothing.34. We can't _______ what life will be like in the future.35. Everyone has a lot of d____________ in life.36. The room is very hot, please ________ the door.37. He t_____________ his dog every day.38. We were _______ when we heard the exciting news.39. Training animals is a difficulty t______________.金戈铁骑40. Because of your k_________, I'm out of the trouble.41. He is so c____________ that everyone likes him.42. I u_________________ how she feels.43. I want to c_______________ my hairstyle.44. I have many i__________, such as swimming, playing tennis.45. He is i____________ in playing computer.46. We can’t put off ____________(make) a plan.47. I’d like _____________ (visit) my English teacher tomorrow.48. He can’t hear you because he is __________ (聋的).49. Children, please help ( your) to some apples.50. They set up a project to help ( home) people.51. I have _______(difficult) in getting on with our classmates.52.I will always remember your _________(kind) to me.53. A friend of _________(I ) helped me.54 They will make a plan _________(plant) some trees on both sides of the road.55. The girl had run out of money (buy) books.56. Thank you for (send) a letter to me.57 What’s the best way (solve) the problem?58. He doesn’t give up (study) foreign languages.59. The doctor told him not (smoke)60. I used ___________(be) in the music club, but now I’m in the English club.四.选择()1. Mr. White’s words made _____ big difference to Jim’s study.A. anB. aC. theD. /()2. —When did you learn to dance?—________ the age of five.A. InB. ForC. AtD. On ()3. Because of his ______, I found my lost bike.A. joyB. satisfactionC. kindnessD. importance ()4. The man with short black hair is a friend of ___.A. myB. mineC. myselfD. me ()5. I need two more people to _____ the heavy boxes.A. takeB. carryC. bringD. give()6. Judy looks sad. Let’s ________.A. put up herB. cheer up herC. put her upD. cheer her up()7. We should ________ our classroom and keep it tidy and clean.A. set upB. clean upC. cut upD. get up ()8. —I want to volunteer. What can I do?—You can ________ food at the food bank.A. give outB. work outC. give upD. call up ()9. Mr. Smith lives ________ in the mountain, but he never feels ________.A. alone; lonelyB. lonely, aloneC. alone; aloneD. lonely; lonely()10. There are ________ students studying hard in the classroom. They must get good grades.A. muchB. littleC. fewD. several()11. If it rains tomorrow, I will put off _________ for Shanghai.A. leavingB. to leaveC. leftD. leaves ()12. Thank you for ______ us solve the drinking water problem.A. helpB.helpingC. helpedD. helps ()13. It’s time for class. Let’s stop ________.A. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talked ()14. B e quick, ________ we’ll be late for school.A. orB. andC. butD. so()15. I like the black dog better. It is much _____.A. cleverB. clevererC. cleverestD. the cleverest()16. —Can you teach me _______ a banana milk shake? —No problem. First peel the bananas.A. where to makeB. when to makeC. how to makeD. why to make()17. —Where does Mr. Green work?—He teaches in a driving ________ school.A. trainB. trainingC. trainedD. trains()18. Mary went to the library ______ some books yesterday.A. to borrowB. borrowC. borrowingD. borrowed ()19. My father used to ________ in a factory, but now he _________ a teacher.A. working; wasB. working; isC. work; isD. work; was ( )20. —Do you know ________ the girl in red is?—I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher.A. whenB. howC. whereD. what( )21.Jim spends every Sunday morning ___in an animal hospital.A. workingB. lookingC. readingD. walking ( )22.V olunteer work ___ each of them several hours a week.A. will sendB. will takeC. will playD. will cost ( )23. _________a volunteer is great.A. BeingB. BeC. ToD. To being ( )24. Don’t ___ the meeting because it’s important.A. put offB. put awayC. put onD. put up金戈铁骑( )25.Jim is very sad because he has ___money.A. ran outB. ran out ofC. run out ofD. run out( )26. ____ of them likes to play basketball.A. EachB. EveryoneC. EveryD. Both ( )27. I stopped ___ to Lucy when I walked and saw her.A. talkingB. to talkC. talksD. talked ( )28. —Jane, your bedroom is so dirty.—Sorry, I’ll .A. clean up itB. clean it upC. clean them upD. clean up them( )29. Who’s kid? I don’t know. He doesn’t___.A. take after anyoneB. take after someoneC. take anyone afterD. take someone after ( ) 30. Li Lei decided ____.A. to not stay with his parentsB. not to stay with his parentsC. staying with his parentsD. not staying with his parents( )31. Keeping healthy is more important than _________.A. to be angryB. be angryC. being angryD. are angry( )32. He wants to ____ a school for the poor children.A. put offB. set upC. call inD. look after ( )33. The brave boy rushed into the room ________ the baby.A. to saveB. savingC. and saveD. saved ( )34. I volunteer ____ the plates today.A. to washB. washedC. washingD. wash ( )35.We were ____ about the idea of ____ a party.A. excite, havingB. exciting, havingC. excited, havingD. excited, have ( )36. Animal Helpers was ______ to help ______ people like him.A. set, disableB. set up, disabledC. put up, disabledD. put, disable( )37. Lucky is a special ___ dog.A. trainingB. trainedC. trainD. trains ( )38. The ____ girl gets even worse today.A. illB. sickC. worseD. worst ( )30. Though he is ____at home, he doesn’t feel ____for he has many things to do.A.alone; lonelyB.lonely; aloneC.alone; aloneD.lonely; lonely ( )31. I haven’t decided when ____ a holiday yet.A. tookB. takingC. to takeD. take ( )32. Everyone was ___ when they heard this ___ news.A. excited; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. excited; excitingD. exciting; excited ( )33. Tom, many thanks for helping me ____ when I was in trouble.A. onB. offC. outD. in ( )34. How heavily it is raining! ---- What a pity! We have to ___ our sports meeting.A. put offB. put outC. put onD. put up ( )35. Your son doesn’t _____ you at all.A. take awayB. take afterC. take backD. take off( )36.. He finds a part-time job , He helps _____ publicity materials (宣传品).A. hang outB. stay upC. fix upD. hand out ( )37—Mom, where’s my old bike?—I __ to a poor boy.A . give it away B. give away itC. give it outD. give out it( )38. Scientists are trying their best to ____ ways to treat the H7N9.A. come up withB. look forward toC. talk aboutD. give up( )39. I want to know if there _____ a sports meeting this week. If there _____ , I’ll tell you at once.A. will be ; isB. would be ; haveC. is; will beD. will be ; will be ( )40. —Could you tell me __ the old man happy?—You can spend more time talking with him.A. how can I makeB. how could I makeC. how I can makeD. how I could make五.完成句子1. 野餐过后你一定要收拾干净。

人教版九年级初中毕业班教学质量检测(二)语文试题姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________考试须知:1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。
一、选择题1 . 根据材料内容,画横线处填入最恰当的是哪一项?我曾经踞起脚尖远望,结果远不如登上高处看得广;我登上高处向人招手,胳膊并没有加长,但远处的人也能看得见;顺着风呼喊,声音没有更加激昂,但听的人却能听得很清楚。
A.勇于多方尝试,不断激发自我潜能B.立定远大目标,确立人生未来方向C.善用周遭资源,以收事半功倍之效D.结交学习伙伴,获得他人指点帮助二、字词书写2 . 阅读下面语段,按要求答题。
自省的力量可以“立己”.古人云“日省其身,有则改之,无则加勉”,今天,我们讲自省,对思想、工作、生活点滴及细节予以检视,客观地看待自我,处处(A.身先士卒 B.以身作则),其目的就在于超越自我,促进自我认知、自我完善,不断唤醒善意良知,不断升华人格。
对于一个社会来说,每个人都能唤醒自省意识,焕发自省力量,就会形成向上向善的良性xún()环,重品行、讲道德、守规矩就会(A.蔚然成风 B.潜滋暗长)。

2019年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 6 自我检测及解析

2019年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 6 自我检测注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、单选题—Hello,________is Jim speaking.A. heB. thisC. thatD. I2.—Hi!Is ________Mr.Wang?—Speaking.A. itB. thisC. thatD. he3.—Is that Danny Brown speaking?—Yes. ________?A. What’s your nameB. Who are youC. Who’s that4.Dan wishes ________ the plane to Beijing.A. to takeB. takeC. takesD. taking5.—What do you want to be when you grow up(长大)?—A singer,but my parents wish me ________ a teacher.A. amB. to beC. will beD. be6.—Do you miss your mother?—Yes,of course.I ________ to have the delicious dumplings that she makes.A. washB. thinkC. wishD. have7.They're going to have ________ baby.A. otherB. the otherC. moreD. another8.—Do you like tigers?—Yes,and I also like ________ animals like lions and koalas.A. othersB. otherC. anotherD. any9.There are some students playing on the playground.Some are playing ping-pong,some arerunning and ________are jumping.A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. other10.The twins are in different classes. One is in Class One and ___________ is in Class Two.A. anotherB. otherC. the other二、阅读理解How are you? I'm happy here, but I miss you very much. It's Sunday today, I don't have any classes. I am writing an e-mail to you in the computer room now. There are lots of students in the computer room. Some students are talking with their friends on QQ. Some students are playing computer games. Some students are watching movies on computers. My new friends, Peter and Bill, are here with me. Peter is buying a T-shirt on the Internet. And what is Bill doing? Oh, he is reading a book on the computer. They're friendly and they often help me with my study and life. When you come to Shanghai, I want you to meet them.I'm OK in Shanghai. Please don't worry (担心) about me. I hope you are happy and well.Love,Jenny11.Where is Jenny now?A. At home.B. In the supermarket.C. In the library.D. In the computer room.12.What's Peter buying?A. A sweater.B. A T-shirt.C. A book.D. A basketball.13.What is Bill doing?A. He is talking with his friends on QQ.B. He is playing computer games.C. He is reading a book on the computer.D. He is watching a movie on the computer.14.What does Jenny think of her two new friends?A. They are friendly.B. They are funny.C. They are smart.D. They are strict.15.What can we learn from the e-mail?A. Jenny doesn't have fun at school.B. Jenny can speak Chinese well.C. Jenny is in China now.三、完型填空_______ a party at home.Her parents are busy in the_______.They are making delicious food. Ella's friends all _______.Now it's the birthday cake time.Ella is making a wish. She _______ to be happy every day._______ are her friendsdoing?Ben,Jenny and Lisa are _______ the birthday song for Ella.Sam is taking a _______ ofthem. He wants to keep the happy time in his camera(相机).Where is Ella's brotherDanny?Oh,he is talking on the phone. It's _______ Ella's cousin Alice. Alice is studying in the US,_______she can't come to Ella's party.She is calling to say “________” to Ella.16.A. having B. watching C. playing D. thinking17.A. library B. kitchen C. store D. classroom18.A. leave B. know C. come D. follow19.A. feels B. learns C. wishes D. forgets20.A. Where B. How C. What D. Why21.A. making B. singing C. reading D. listening22.A. photo B. number C. pair D. look23.A. to B. with C. for D. from24.A. because B. but C. so D. or25.A. Good morning B. Happy birthday C. See you D. Thank you第II卷(非选择题)四、完成句子26.喂,你是莉莉吗?Hello!_______ Lily?27.——喂!你是谁?——我是满仓。

Unit3 基础知识自我检测一.单词默写1垃圾;废弃物n2.倒垃圾3.折叠;对折v4.扫;打扫v5地板n6.杂乱;不整洁n7.扔;掷v8.频繁;反复9.也不adv10.衬衫n11.一…就…;尽快12.给;递;走过v13.借;借用v14.借给;借出v15.手指n16.厌恶;讨厌v17.杂务;乏味无聊的工作n18.与.同时;当.的时候;然而conj19.点心;小吃;快餐n20.精神压力;心理负担n21.浪费;垃圾n浪费v22.目的是;为了23.提供;供应v24.而且;加之;adv25.依靠;信赖v26.依靠;信赖27.发展;壮大v28.独立n29.公正性;合理性n30.因为;既然conj31.邻居n32.照顾;处理33.有病;不舒服ad34.落下;掉下v35.独立的;自主的adj36.合理的;公正的adj37.不合理的;不公正的adj二.短语翻译1. 出去吃饭2. 在外面待到很晚3. 去看电影4. 搭车5. 从事6. 完成做某事7. 干净整洁8. 洗餐具9. 倒垃圾10. 叠衣服11. 扫地12. 整理床铺13. 打扫客厅14. 没问题15. 欢迎某人16. 放学回家17. 扔下18. 坐下19. 过来20. 带某人去散步21. 一直;总是22. 整日23. 做家务24. 大声回应25. 走开26. 分担家务27. 一个舒适的家28. 惊讶地29. 拿点喝的东西30. 观看一个节目31. 与某人闲逛32. 把某物传给某人33. 把某物借给某人34. 使某物弄湿35. 讨厌做某事36. 做杂务37. 帮助某人干某事38. 带顶帐篷来39. 买些小吃40. 去商店41. 邀请某人参加聚会42. 使某人做某事43. 足够的压力44. 浪费时间45. 为了46. 我也不能47. 介意做某事48. 依赖;依靠49. 发展孩子的独立性50. 照顾;照看。

既不盲从,也不能忽视2、1 正确认识自己是一项终生的事业。
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化学试题考试时间:90分钟满分:100分试卷总得分栏可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Cl 35.5 K 39一、选择题:本题包括15小题,每题3分,共45分。
1、、在盛放浓硫酸的试剂瓶的标签上应印有下列警示标记中的2、下列物质中,既含有离子键又含有共价键的是A.Ca(OH)2 B.H2O2C.Na2O D.MgCl23、配制50g 5%的氯化钠溶液,下列操作会使溶液溶质质量分数增大的是A.用量筒量水时,俯视读出47.5ml水,并用所量的水配制溶液B.天平调平衡后,移动游码到2.5g处,在左盘放上称量纸,加食盐至天平平衡C.溶解时所选用的烧杯壁上有水D.将配制好的溶液倒入试剂瓶时,有一部分溶液流到试剂瓶的外面4、关于给定右图所示的原电池的下列说法中,错误的是A.铜片作正极,锌片作负极B.该电池工作时,锌失电子变为Zn2+进入溶液C.该电池工作时,电子由锌片流向铜片D.该电池工作时,H+在锌片上得电子被还原生成H2逸出5、在2L密闭容器中,在一定条件下发生反应A+3B2C,测得在10秒内反应物A的浓度由1mol/L降到0.6mol/L,则ν(A)为A.0.04mol/(L.s) B.0.02mol/(L.s) C.0.4mol/(L.s) D.0.8mol/(L.s)6、欲回收溶于酒精的苯酚,有如下操作:①蒸馏②过滤③静置分液④加入足量的金属钠⑤通入过量CO2⑥加入足量的NaOH溶液⑦加入足量的FeCl3⑧加入足量的浓溴水,其合理的操作步骤是A.⑥①⑤③B.⑥①⑤②C.⑧②⑤③D.④⑤③7、下列关于酸碱盐的说法中,不正确的是A.酸中一定含有氢元素B.碱中一定含有氧元素C.盐中一定含有金属元素D.酸碱盐中一定都含有非金属元素8、下列有机物含有一个手性碳原子(标有“*”的碳原子),具有光学活性。
当发生下列化学反应时,生成新的有机物无光学活性的是A.与银氨溶液反应B.与甲酸在一定条件下发生酯化反应C.与金属钠发生反应D.与H2发生加成反应9、以下属于氧化还原反应的离子方程式的是A.CaCO3+2H+=Ca2++CO2↑+H2O B.2Fe2++Cl2 =2Fe3++2Cl-C.HCO3-+H+=CO2↑+H2O D.2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2↑10、最新科技报道,美国夏威夷联合天文中心的科学家发现了新型氢粒子,这种新粒子是由3个氢原子核(只含质子)和2个电子构成的,对于这种粒子,下列说法正确的是A.是氢的一种新同素异形体B.它的组成可用H3+表示C.是氢的一种新的同位素D.它只比一个普通H2分子多一个氢原子11、某有机物的结构简式如右图,关于它的叙述,你认为正确的组合是①分子式为C 11H 15O 4 ②能发生氧化反应③能发生水解反应 ④能发生中和反应⑤它属于一种酯 ⑥能发生酯化反应A .①②③B .②③④C .②④⑥D .③⑤⑥12、影响分子晶体熔沸点的因素主要是分子间的各种作用力。
硝基苯酚的分子内和分子之间都存在氢键,邻硝基苯酚以分子内氢键为主,对硝基苯酚以分子间氢键为主,则邻硝基苯酚和对硝基苯酚的沸点比较正确的是A .邻硝基苯酚高于对硝基苯酚B .邻硝基苯酚低于对硝基苯酚C .邻硝基苯酚等于对硝基苯酚D .无法比较13、某有机物含C 、H 、N 三种元素,在该有机物的一个分子中含有4个N 原子,且4个N 原子在空间呈正四面体结构,每2个N 原子间均有1个C 原子,若该有机物分子中无C —C 和C==C ,则此有机物的分子式为A .C 4H 8N 4B .C 6H 12N 4 C .C 6H 10N 4D .C 8H 8N 814、在容积一定的密闭容器中,可逆反应:A 2(g)+ B 2(g) x C(g)符合下列图Ⅰ所示关系。
由此推断,对图Ⅱ的说法正确的是A .P 3<P 4,Y 轴表示A 2的转化率B .P 3<P 4,Y 轴表示A 2的浓度C .P 3>P 4,Y 轴表示混合气体的密度D .P 3>P 4,Y 轴表示混合气体的平均摩尔质量15、电解熔融氧化铝冶炼铝时,如果阴极析出9g 铝,那么理论上转移的电子的量为 A .2mol B .1mol C .6.02×1022个 D .3.01×1023个—CH 2 CH 2CHOCH 2OH—COOH二、填空题(本题包括5小题,共29分。
⑴写出A和B的结构简式:A ;B 。
+BF20、(5分)A 、B 、C 均是常见单质,B 和C 反应后的产 物极易溶于水,得无色溶液E 。
B 、F 、D 的水溶液及E 均呈酸 性,F 的水溶液呈浅绿色,D 的水溶液呈黄色;E 、F 均可作还 原剂,但它们的浓溶液不能被浓硫酸氧化。
A 、B 、C 及其他的 转化关系如图所示。
(1)写出下列物质的化学式:A :_______,B :_______,D :_______。
(2)写出F 跟B 反应生成D 的离子方程式: 。
三、实验题(本题包括2小题,共13分)21、(7分)实验设计:痕迹检验是公安机关提取犯罪嫌疑人指纹的一种重要方法,AgNO 3显现法就是其中一种。
如果将AgNO 3溶液小心地涂到纸上,AgNO 3就与汗渍中的NaCl 反应,光照后即可显示黑色指纹线。
现对痕迹检验所用的AgNO 3溶液进行定量分析时,不知道加入的AgNO 3溶液与NaCl 溶液是否恰好完全反应,需设计实验方案进行验证,请你把下面某同学设计的实验方案补充完整。
22、(6分)某同学想通过比较两种元素的最高价氧化物对应的水化物的酸性强弱,来证明硫比碳的非金属性强,采用下图中的甲、乙装置进行探究,请你帮助他完成下列问题:甲 乙(1)仪器A 中应盛放的药品是___________,仪器B 中应盛放的药品是______________, 装置乙中应盛放的药品是________________。
(3)该实验能证明硫与碳的非金属性的强弱的理论依据是: ____________________________________ __________。
四、计算题(本题包括1小题,共8分)23、(8)现有氯化钾和盐A 组成的固体混合物,其中A 的质量分数为69%。
取10g 该固体样品加入50g 质量分数为7.3%的盐酸,恰好完全反应得到无色溶液。
反应的化学方程式可表示为为:A +2HCl =2KCl +H 2O +B ↑ ,请回答下列问题:⑴ 在A 物质中阳离子与阴离子的个数比为______________________; ⑵ 计算A 的相对分子质量;⑶ 计算反应后溶液中氯化钾的质量分数(最终结果保留两位小数)。
(1)A.C2H5OH、B.CH3CHO(2)①2C2H5OH+2Na → 2C2H5ONa+H2↑② 2C2H5OH+O22CH3CHO+2H2O浓硫酸③CH3CH2OH+CH3COOHCH3COOC2H5+H2O19、每空1分,共4分。
(1)A、Fe B、Cl2D、FeCl3(2)3Fe2++Cl2 = 2Fe3++2Cl-三、实验题(本题包括2小题,共13分。
(1)稀H2SO4;Na2CO3(或可溶性碳酸盐);澄清石灰水(2)澄清石灰水变浑浊(3)由H2SO4制H2CO3即由强酸制弱酸,S的最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性强,故S的非金属性比C 强。
四、计算题(本题共8分)23、⑴2∶1 ――――2分⑵138 ――――2分⑶18.25%――――――4分其他合理解法酌情给分。