



Ask the students to find the key points from P54.
point out every detail be related to briefly mention the subject focus on related background information the founding ceremony of the PRC
Ask the students to find the key points from P55.
the major navy base carry out a surprise attack a powerful force set sail for declare war against Japan in memory of a national memorial
Learn how to use what we have learned Likely to attend a lecture by the chairman You ignore watching out for the sandstorm Declare to decorate a cultural classroom In memory of the powerful practical farm Anxious to analyze a battle caused by the bomb
Problems from students: P51. B The money that has been given to researchers who explore ruins of the past could be better spent on helping poor people all around the world. We should pay more attention to the problems that we have today and what kind of solutions we are going as been given to researchers who explore ruins of the past could be better spent on helping poor people all around the world. =The money given to researchers exploring ruins of the past could be better spent on helping poor people all around the world.



只是在教室巡视时发现Australian队的Carol两张空白的学案,还有大部分同学干净的课文页面。说明不少同学自 觉性不强,各组检查的力度还不够。还有上面同学激情讲解,下面积极提问,但也有玩耍和沉睡现象发生。
Step1.Lead in
1. When was the United Nations founded? In 1945 2.Why was it founded? To handle international affairs. Peace & Security, Human Rights, Economic & Social Development, Humanitarian Affairs, International Law. 3.How was it organized? the General Assembly(联合国大会), the Secretariat(秘书长), Security Council(安理会) , Trusteeship Council (财务托管会), International Court of Justice(国际法院), Economic and Social Council(联合国的经济社会理事会)
课上同学们讲解的场景:课堂改革从来 不是一蹴而就,除了对其执着的追求, 还要有相应的措施跟上。“巧妈妈,拙 女儿”给我们的启示,作为老师的我们 做得太多对学生的成长会产生不小的副 作用。让学生动脑动口动手,培养他们 积极的课堂活动参与意识。我想即使下 面的同学不听,至少讲的同学明白了他 们所讲的知识要点。我决定还是这样尝 试下去。
France French
Mexico Spanish



we are required to listen for.
If you hear a word you do not understand,
do not stop to think about what it meanskeep listening. Remember that you are
listening for the main ideas, not the details.
If we put it into English, it’s ‘Don’t forget things in the past. They could be your teacher in the future.’ Mr Pitt: That makes great sense. Thank you, Wang. OK, that’s all for today. See you in next week’s history class.
Morning Reading
Checking homework
Teaching Objectives
Teach and instruct students some specific procedures when trying to achieve a goal. Make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they have learned with reality. Make students learn how to write an outline of a speech and how to host a talk about a historical event. Important & difficult points How to enhance students’ overall abilities and improve their integrated skills



Step 3 Reading A.阅读课文,完成课后Part A, Page 22. B.阅读课文,完成课后 Part C1, Page 24. C.阅读课文,完成课后 Part C2, Page 24). D.阅读课文,完成课后 Part D, Page 24. E.阅读课文,完成课后Part E, Page 25.
At the end of the 9th The Vikings began to move to Britain and brought their languages. century By the 10th century In 1066 Old English was the official language of England The Normans defeated England and took control of the country.
At the end of the 9th century, the Vikings created Old English, mixingtheir languages with Anglo-Saxon. 3._______
official By the 10th century, Old English, had become the 4.________ language of English.
课后反思及作业不齐现象 课上我提到只交了38份学案,有十位同学站起来,有的说 找不到了,有的说还没写完,我说没关系,明天用,还有时间 弥补,下午放学前送到我办公室即可。等来的结果却是,从38 到40,我下午又去了趟教室,正好班主任在讲事情,见我在门 口就过来问我有啥事,我就把作业的情况说了一下。说晚上放 听力之前,我再过来一下,特别提醒Marian同学,她一个劲 地给我暗示,那意思是过会一定交,最好现在不要让班主任知 道。其实,我也不想这么做,只是开学到现在有些同学总是, 学案一发下来就找不到,习惯极为不好,不会做,做不对,都 没关系,但总得上课时能拿出来吧。希望大家,我说的是每一 位同学能专门有一个配放各科学案的一个文件夹,不仅取用方 便,而且能节省大量翻找的时间。每天节约这几分钟,时间一 长就客观了。而且这个做事有条理的习惯将会对你终身受益。 越早养成越好。否则转眼三年都过去了,更不要说这高一还剩 下半个学期不到的时间。



UNSCO World Heritage
1 Read part A on page 46 first. Make sure that You know the meaning of UNESCO and the three types of World Heritage Stites, and then the World Heritage sites you have found into categories.
生活刚好考验 知识才是最管 良心是个必备 一切可作休闲 世俗充满尘埃 幸福总是存在 若是目标在胸 成功随之而来

Life is only just a test. Knowledge is the best. Conscience is a must. Everything can be a rest. The world is full of dust. Happiness would exist. If aim is in your chest. Success will be next.
B. Fill in the following blanks Archaeology is important to China and I became interested in this subject when I was a small child. I studied at Beijing University and I have been an (2) ___________ for thirty years. During archaeologist these years I have had the chance to explore many different places in China and throughout the world. As you know, China has achieved a lot in


Bodies of people that middle of the city. had been turned to stone
C2 The writers of diaries often record feelings or opinions
(emotions) as well as what they have done(actions). Do the sentences below express emotions(E) or actions(A)?
the city ! 4 How amazing !
5 People started to dig in the area for treasure. 6 When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been.
*live, living, lively
She’s a lively fish live live child and popular with everyone.
coverage of the World Cup
living languages
5. prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth.: stop sb. from doing sth.
If you go there, so shall I . (我也去)
Useful phrases
1.main similarity
2.go on a cultural expedition 进行一次文化探险
3.sites of lost civilizations 4.feel lucky to do 5.be known as 6.go to a lecture 7.take over 8.pour out/into 失落文明的遗址 感到幸运 作为……而著名 去听讲座 接管 接替 大量流出/流入



见缝插针惜时间,散步跑操英文喊 We are confident and optimistic; We are open-minded and tolerant; We are rich in sympathy and compassion; We are filled with trust and sincerity. 我们自信乐观; 我们豁达宽容; 我们富于同情; 我们信任真诚。 2014年3月16日完稿 2014年3月17日定稿
Step 1. 播放同学们办公室背书的视频: Modern English appeared during the Renaissance in the 16th century. Because of this, Modern English includes many Latin and Greek words. Pronunciation also went through huge changes during this period. Of course, this was not the end of the changes in the English language. The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer. It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.
上两周课堂反思: 两天的高二学业水平测试监考,使我过去两周紧 张的大脑得以休息和思考。每天早起晚睡,忙得 不亦乐乎。课堂上同学们活跃了,但也还有个别 同学不为所动。我有时心急如焚,会情不自禁放 高了嗓门,尽管声音沙哑了,但并未收到我满意 的效果。因为我要的是perfect,不希望班级有一个 同学心不在焉。所以往往失望大于期望。同时在 这个过程中,我也一直在反思我自己,课改的精 神到底领会了多少,课堂上要让学生动起来,为 啥自己总会舍不得少说两句。所以借着微视频制 作的东风,我每天早晨把同学们的讲解给录制下 来,让其他同学课上来观看学习。



Lucy was absent yesterday. Tell me the reason after class. Some students were busy doing some cleaning slowly and seldom concentrated their mind on their study. The whole classroom was full of noise not the sound of English reading. Especially Marshall did not hold his head up the whole class, and missed more chances to present to the front.
find +宾语 +n /adj/adv/prep phrase/doing/done/to be/ I found her an honest girl. I found your little sister a clever girl. When I entered the room, I found him out. I found the lights on all through the night. I find the text easy to read. I found the question hard to answer. He found the ship out of sight. To her surprise, she found herself in a different world. I entered the room and found the window broken. He found the world outside their houses completely changed. They went out and found the bridge washed away by the flood. He found his wife waiting to meeting him. Crusoe found the savages eating something. He told me he found the fact to be true. We found him to be honest.



单词拼写 1. narrow 2. fare 3. relief 4. grasped 5. nowhere 6. footsteps 7. forecast 8. grateful 9. darkness 10. anxious 单项填空: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B 25. C
P4:5. he was saying was welcomed by his supporters. A. What B. That C. How D. Why 9. (2012· 鹤壁高一检测) is known to us is Christopher Reeve was not only a superhero on TV but a real superhero in life. A. It; that B. As; that C. What; which D. What; that 8. —Excuse me. Have you any idea the stage manager?(舞台监督) —Take your chance in the studio, please. (把握机会) A. how can I find B. how I can find C. where can I find D. where I can find 11.(2012· 上海高一检测)We should take into account the students’ request the school library provide more books on popular science. (考虑学生的请求) A. that B. when C. which D. where 以上的问题Carol和Linda两位同学提出的最多,可见她们都动脑思考了,接 着让他们回去对各组进行同样检查和问题反馈。上课时交给我: Beryle同学对我桌上的一本《英语伴我同行(English with me)产生了兴趣, 不停的翻看,离开时说能否借给她看看,我说好啊,拿去吧。 . 很明显,大家都知道今天的作业要完成学案第二张。



6. Parents are taught to understand _____ important education is to their children’s future. A. that B. how C. such D. so 7. Scientists think that the continents ______ always where they _____ today. A. aren’t; are B. aren’t; were C. weren’t; are D. weren’t; were 8. Dam left word with my secretary ____ he would call again in the afternoon. A. who B. that C. as D. which 9. ____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 10._____ much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do. A. How B. Whatever C. However D. No matter
作业检查: 各组的Friday因明天的考试全部没到: French-Ted; German-William; ItalianWordsworth; American-Owen; AustralianHermosa; Newsland-Zachary, British-Winfred; Canadian-Eunice. British-Winfred; CanadianEunice




































• The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being. • People believe that Yetis sometimes come down from the mountains to attack villagers. • (以上两句模块一P18第一段内容) • The serious flood is reported to have left more than 30 people dead and about 200 hurt. • (3月1日周练单选No.9)
• • • • • • •
Paragraph Two (L11-28) 与......相反 把....误认为... 决定放弃 适合 弄明白,搞清楚 导致
• • • • • • contrary to mistake ... for... decide to give up be fit to do; be fit for find out lead to
• Paragraph Four(L46-55) • Why have shark attacks been increasing?
• If a shark attacks you, = • What will you do if you are attacked by a shark? • Describe according to the body language. (by showing a fist to attack)



上课内容:English and its history 教学过程: 尝试:由于班级电脑出了故障,做好的课件无法使 用,正好订阅的周报刚分发到手,所以让同学们把 21期A4版部分作了测试,了解一下第一单元知识 点掌握情况。待同学们迅速完成后,我就决定把所 有的报纸都一次性发下来。让其装订保存查阅并训 练时用。之所以这么做,一是由于上学期,英语报 纸满天飞,有的用来挂在窗户上来遮阳;有的用来 拖完地后铺地防滑用;关键是到用时或放听力时, 大多数同学都找不到了。若是二十张放在一起,装 订好写上小组姓名,恐怕想丢就难了。平时翻阅查 找也方便,希望大家能够珍惜利用好。
Step 2 分析长难句型结构,并译成中文。 1. The most important contributions was from the Normans, a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.(page 22.Line26) 【结构分析】这是一个复合句。本句的主干是The most important contributions was from the Normans,a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066 是 Normans 的 同位语 ,其中,who引导 定语从句 从句,修饰 people ,在该定语从句中defeated 和took control of是并列的 谓语 。 2. However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English replacing Celtic. 【结构分析】这是一个复合句。the Norman Conquest did not affect English 是句子的主干, as much as……earlier是 状语 ;which 引导 非限制定语从句 ,修 饰 整个主句。







(First Introduction)(3-5分钟)初步的介绍的内容包括欢迎大家进入高一,自我介绍,高一英语课程的特点和变化等。




(Free Talk)(大约15分钟)趁热打铁,刚刚学生认识了你,也是一个很好的示范,我们课堂要讲究互动,这一步让学生也谈谈他们自己,主要围绕以下几方面让学生张口,感受一下英语的魅力,表达自我,可就学生刚刚暑假结束让他们在自我介绍后,谈谈他们的暑假生活,他们的兴趣爱好,朋友家人,未来计划(上高一的打算)等等,这一步不必限定内容,让学生有话可说,让学生上讲台自由表达,每人可进行2—3分钟的小演讲。





国旗下讲话: 爱国,从唱响国歌开始(Love our country, start from singing aloud the national anthem) 考前交代:先是说一下交给各组Friday的任 务,考试前接命题组长的通知,因为涉及 到的单词拼写有个在后面要学到,要求告 诉各班同学,而我是传达到每个组的Friday 同学,让其告诉组内其他成员,想检查一 下其效果到底如何。因为平时的检查,就 有不少的组做得不到位。
答案校对 连云港高级中学2013—2014第二学期学情检测 高一英语试卷 一、听力 BBCAC ABBCB ABACA AABBC 二、单选 21-25 DBBAC 26-30 BDCAD 31-35 BCADD 三、完形 36-40 ABBDB 41-45 DAACD 46-50 CABAC 51-55 BDCDB 四、阅读 56-59 DACD 60-63 CCDB 64-67 BDCA 68-70 DCB
2014年3月23日完稿 2014年3月24日定稿
五、单词 71.contribution 72. occupied 73.hesitation 74. ignoring 75.confuse 76.accent 77.officially 78.convenient 79. analysed 80. mistaken 六、任务 81.accompanied 82.Good/Positive 83.Making 84.Bad/Negative/Harmful 85.mental/psychological 86.causes 87.rich/abundant 88.nervous/worried/concerned 89.approaches/solutions 90.Forming/Developing
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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母语是有词汇构成的而词汇又由词的拼写和腔调组成 日耳曼上层社会的贡献导致仆人饲养的羊肉和熏猪肉 总之官方错误的短语不同于那切实可行的习俗字母表 在诺曼征服中大陆被温柔的盎格鲁人和撒克逊人占领 拉丁语和希腊语中独特的差别给文艺复兴施压来打断 种族的单纯性格替代凯尔特人整个行为暗示当今失败 以外观图案命名的维京人应该控制打猎时的犬叫过程 因此向后拖住文字战从整体上是取消了对视力的担忧 把墨水盒打印机结合起来的绘画版本如此简化来展示 使用金属丝的缺点除混合体外区分令人尴尬来得方便
国旗下讲话: Strengthen safety sense, promote security quality. 加强安全意识,提升安全素养
作业检查:My key to the office is missing. We have to stand outside checking the homework.
Check the exercises in workbook.
Eight groups from A1 to D2.
Homework: 预习Unit 3Reading部分词汇 完成《课课练》同步一。
Busy cleaning
Cherish every minute before lunch after the oral test
From Susan: Each letter of rent pattern which consisted of twelve dots. (P39, L13-15) 字母表里的每个字母都由12个点组成的不同 形状来表示。 = A different pattern consisting of twelve dots represented each letter of the alphabet.
Mother tongue is made up of vocabulary consisting of spelling and accent Germanic high-class contribution led to mutton and bacon from animals raised by local British servants Official mistaken phrases in conclusion differ from the practical custom alphabet Mainland was occupied by gentle Angle and Saxon in the Norman Conquest Unique distinction in Latin and Greek pressed the Renaissance to interrupt Racial pure character replaced Celtic entire deed indicating nowadays defeat Viking named after appearance pattern ought to take control of the bark process to hunt Therefore drag backwards writing battle and as a whole ban to concern eyesight Combine ink with typewriter in drawing version and thus simplify to represent Access to wire shortcomings aside from mixture distinguishes embarrassing convenient
From Bonnie: Today, it is the most common system used (= that was used) by blind people for reading and writing, and nearly every language, including Chinese(=Chinese included), has its own version of Braille for its people to use.(P39, L22-24) 今天,布莱叶盲文是世界上最为普及的盲人 阅读及书写体系,几乎每种语言,包括汉语, 都有着自己的布莱叶盲文版供盲人使用。
From Yedda:
While the students found the soldier’s idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use. (= practically useful) (P39, L16-17) 虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这一 方法太过复杂,并不实用。 From Times: At the age of fifteen, he created a system with patterns of six raised dots representing (= which /that represented) each letter. (P39, L18-19) 15岁时,他创造出了可以由6个凸点表示字母的 体系。