


Beautiful Scenery, Wonderful Hunan
Tourist Guide
Guo Junxiu
Stop 1 Yueyang Pavilion
Yueyang Pavilion
an ancient architectural treasure located on the shores of Dongting Lake
Stop 4 Feng Huang Cheng
mystery, elegance and primitive simplicity
a world that is dominated by
the colour green
Stop 5 Zhangjiajie
A rarely charming belle in the boudoir. ——Wu Guanzhong
thrilling streams
local ethnic people
Beautiful Scenery, Wonderful Hunan
Tourist Guide
Guo Junxiu
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one of four famous Chinese pavilions
Stop 2 Dongting Lake
China’s second largest freshwater lake
eight- hundred Li Dongting Lake
the beauty of Dongting Lake
the cradle of Huxiang Culture
Lunch Time



Learning Is Not Over. I Hope You Will Continue To Work Hard
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
one of four famous Chinese pavilions
Stop 2 Dongting Lake
China’s second largest freshwater lake
eight- hundred Li Dongting Lake
the beauty of Dongting Lake
the cradle of Huxiang Culture
Lunch Time
braised fish in brown sauce
Chinese preserved eggs
taste shrimp
strong-smelling fermented bean curd
migrating birds
migrating birds
abundant in fish and shrimps
abundant in fish and shrimps
Stop 3 Yuelu Academy
The fast developing Changsha
a time-honored academic school perched on the scenic Yuelu Hill
Stop 4 Feng Huang Cheng
mystery, elegance and primitive simplicity
a world that is dominated by


My Hometown—YuZhou
YuZhou is located in western of XuChang,in the center of Henan.
YuZhou is named for DaYu, which means “the land of DaYu”. Here there‘s a well-known story, that is “DaYu Flood Control story”. Owing to his contribution to prevent floods by water control, the head of tribe(部落) ,Shun, awarded him the land. After Shun died,people support DaYu as leader,he united with the other tribes,then builded the first real country in our history,Xia dynasty. Of course,DaYu became the first king in our history,the capital is YuZhou.
Another ancient history story is about Yellow Emperor(黄帝),a legendary ruler. Guang Yuanzi ,an immortal(神 仙),had ever practiced in the Daoist temple(道 观)——XiaoYaoguan. When Yellow Emperor knew,he went to visit Guang Yuanzi to ask for statecraft(治国 之道).In his old years, Yellow Emperor retired from public life and practiced in XiaoYaoguan together with Guang Yuanzi.



The hometown of Top Chef
I believe every place have something delicious and special to eat, but in my hometown, it seems too many. As some of them I don’t know how to introduce, so I just put several pictures here to you : Spring Rolls, Slide meat, Pettitoes meal …..
Natural scenery
Peach Flower Festival
We have not only beautiful ginkgoes but also great peach flowers. In Shangshi, a small town of Suizhou, when it comes to Spring, there will be a Peach Flower Festival. All kinds of colors and different types of peach flowers will bloom all over the mountains and plains, everyone who has been there will have a great implications and enjoy himself.
Humane scenery
The birthplace of Emperor Yan
On 26th day of the 4th lunar month every year, there will be a great festival ,called Roots Festival. Chinese people from all of the world come here to the cave in Suizhou to commemorate the legendary Chinese forebears.



庐 矿 首 、 有
江 居 位 明 资

矿 省

产 三
, 铜 矿 居
矾 石

源 量 中 铅


江 欢迎您
周瑜故里 温泉之乡 矿业大县
庐 江
周瑜故里 温泉之乡 矿业大县
北濒巢湖,南近长江,中多丘阜,纵横起伏, 冲塝相间。

冶金青水 父牛帘濂 晴晚渔雨 岚眺火声 绣黄凤白 溪陂台石 春夏秋冬 涨莲月雪


冶父山国家森林公园位于冶父山镇,距县城约9 公里,庙宇、古迹遗存甚多,有“江北小九华”之 称。
汤池温泉度假区位于汤池镇境内,有数处温泉。山 青、石古、崖悬,被安徽省政府批准为“汤池风景 名胜区”。
国 家 绿 色
蔬 菜 , 庐
荸 荠 俗 称
庐 江 荸
地 。
食 品
发 展
江 县



Hometown scenery 家乡风景
• 位于安徽省合肥市南门外包河中的香花墩小洲上,是包河 公园的主体古建筑群,与逍遥津、明教寺合称为合肥三大 名胜古迹。包公祠正门的门楼并不显赫,青砖黑瓦,飞檐 翘角,就像宋代一户普通人家,平淡而朴实,只是门前凸 起的石鼓,门楣上“包孝肃公祠”五个金字,彰显着包公 曾经的地位。这“孝肃”二字,是宋仁宗赐给他的谥号, 是对他身前美德的嘉奖。他是一个孝子,父母身体欠安, 他便在前端水送药,极尽孝道,一度弃官不做。据《庐州 府志》记载:“香花墩,在城东南门外濠中,是包公青少 年读书处,本为公祠,蒲苇数重,鱼凫上下,长桥径渡, 竹树阴翳。”另据碑文记载:包河小洲上原有一座小庙, 明朝弘治元年(公元1488年),庐州知府宋鉴(字克明) 见小洲环境风景幽雅,遂将小庙拆除,改建为“包公书 院”,并改洲名为“香花墩”。1539年,御史杨瞻把“包 公书院”易名为“包 公祠”。

如今,这里已辟为。园内不仅完整地保存一座曹魏大将 张辽的衣冠冢,还有一尊横刀跃马的张辽塑像;东吴孙权 败阵的飞骑桥也在园内恢复重建,更丰富了逍遥津的内涵 意境。
• 大蜀山是合肥近郊唯一的一座大山,距合肥市中心约10公里,面积 8500亩,海拔284米,。大蜀山系大别山余脉,山势东南高,西北低, 呈椭圆形 ,由于地壳运动而抬生,主要为辉长岩组成,其属基性岩。 若岩石矿物中有大的结晶体,称辉绿玢岩。据《尔雅-释山》讲“蜀” 是“独”的意思,因大蜀山无岗阜连属,只是孤单单的一座山,所以 叫蜀山。又据《庐州府志》记载:“有蜀僧于此结庐,偶思乡水以锡 卓地,泉汩汩而出,尝之有瞿塘峡味,因名为蜀井”。所以又有人说 蜀山是以此而名的。大蜀山旧有开福寺、龙子冢、渊济龙庙、水井等 古迹。随着时代的变迁,这些宫殿寺庙早已荡然无存,但蜀山、淝水 风光清幽,仍然是庐州的象征。据《庐州府志》记载:蜀山树茂林密, 青竹吐翠,历史上许多文人墨客留下了脍炙人口的诗词。古人评蜀山 为“春山艳冶如笑,夏山苍翠欲滴,秋山明净如故,冬山惨淡如卧。” 而蜀山的四季景色,尤以冬令雪景为最美,每逢瑞雪飞降,登临在山 峰旁的雪霁亭眺望,茫茫雪海,银装素裹,艳阳白雪,相映成辉。东 眺合肥城区,恰如虚幻世界,琼楼玉宇,北望蜀山湖,又似白茫茫中 晶莹剔透的一方明镜。古人熊敬有诗赞美说:“晓起俄惊霁景开,高 山头白势崔巍,卷帘为爱琼瑶湿,一片寒光入座来。”正是这些对蜀 山雪后放晴景色的描写,使“蜀山雪霁”被列为古“庐州八景”之一。



The rapid develpment city ——Hefei
It has other two names —— Luzhou (庐州)& Luyang(庐 阳). The characteristic drama in Hefei is the Drama of Lu(庐剧).
Chu Zhou
3 4
Hongcun in Yi County(黟县宏村)
Hongcun has an architectural complex of Hui. And they are the symbol of Hui Architecture (徽派建筑) has an architectural complex of Hui.
Anhui Province
Short Introduction
Anhui is in the the middle east of China. With the area of 139.7 square kilometre, however, it has the population of 68,620,000.
Huangshan is a natural city in China. It has seven counties. People all over the world are amased by the beautiful landscope in Huangshan. Now let me introduce some of the beautiful sceneries.
Wandong Langyashan is the first spot, 48km from the capital of six dynasties,Nanjing,Hefei,the provincal capital 130km,has always enjoyed ,”after the Coalition of Penglai Mountain “reputation.



My Hometown -LujiangGood morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name] and I come from Anhui Province in China. Specifically, I come from a town called Lujiang.Lujiang County, located in the south of Anhui Province, belongs to Hefei City, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Lujiang County covers an area of about 1,938 square kilometers and has a population of about 900,000 people. Lujiang County is a famous historical and cultural county in Anhui Province, and it is also a national ecological county.Lujiang County has a long history and rich cultural deposits. In Chinese history, Lujiang was the territory of the State of Chu and Xuzhou during the Spring and Autumn Period. At the same time, it is also a typical town in the south of the Yangtze River, with poetic water style, profound food culture, among which the most famous is the local specialty Lujiang salted duck.In addition, Lujiang County is also a tourist resort, where you can enjoy many beautiful scenic spots and historical and culturalsites, such as Kaifu Temple, Lucheng, Tomb Group, Qinglong Ancient Town, Meishan Scenic Spot and so on. Lujiang County is also very rich in natural resources, and has a good ecological environment, especially the natural scenery of the Dabie Mountains is even more fascinating.In Lujiang County, people live a comfortable life and have a stable job. There are perfect medical security and high-quality educational resources, as well as the development vitality of modern industrial parks and rural e-commerce. These characteristics have attracted more and more people to live and develop here. In general, Lujiang County is a very livable, suitable for work, suitable beautiful county.That's all for my introduction of Lujiang. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!。



Zhou yu cemetery, located in the beautiful scenery of the county east, more than 1700 years ago. In 1989 ,included in province key cultural relics protection units.in 1993 Lujiang county decided to rebuild the Zhou yu cemetery. Zhou yu cemetery grand, verdant and grave. Cemetery gate house door, screen wall, que, stone, hall, steles, cultural relics exhibition hall are imitation of han style of a group of buildings
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Since ancient times ,Lujiang has been birthplace of numerous talents Zhou Yu,a senior general in the Three, Kingdoms,Wu Changqing,the General of the Huai Army and Ding Ruchang Were all natives here
Tang Chi hot springs is located in the town of Tang Chi, Lujiang county.There are various of hot springs. Green hills, clean water, beautiful lake, flowers, trees, strange stone approved Tang Chi scenic spot by The people's government of Anhui



ngmen Grottoes
Myriad Buddha Hole
段落二:单击添加内容文字单击添 加段落文字单击添加段落文字。 段落三:单击添加内容文字单击添 加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击 添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。 reason:sculpture 15000 4 centimeters small Buddha. a Guanyin statue:left holds water jar for ablutions, right arm holding whisk and fly in the right shou lder. The entire statue seems subtle and dignified.
Luoyang peony flower fair
Culture is the soul of tourism and peony culture is the main character and charm of Luoyang festival celebration. 2016 Luoyang peony flower fair celabtates in April 5,it lasts a month.
Thank you
First of all, it is related to the developed gardens and woods in ancient Luoyang. Secondly, it is due to the tradition of being fond of flowers by the local people . Thirdly, it is because of the favorable natural conditions. Finally ,a number of well-known Chinese poems, prose and stories from a thousand years ago might be of help to spread the reputation of the peony far and wide.

my hometown anhui——安徽英文简介演示教学

my hometown anhui——安徽英文简介演示教学

XiDi-HongCun (西递-宏村)
An ancient village
Hui-style Architecture
Famous Tea
Huangshan Maofeng(
Lu’an guapian
Famous Tea
Taiping houkui
Qimen black tea
Brief Introduction
• Abbreviation: Wan(皖) • Location: In eastern China • Capital city: Hefei
Huangmei Opera(黄梅戏) Lu Opera(庐剧)
Hui opera(徽剧) Sizhou opera(泗州剧)
Jiu hua mountain
• buddha
Famous Scenery
Tian Zhu Mountain (天柱山)
A gigantic pillar propping up the heaven
Tian Zhu Mountain Sunset
Fei lai feng

Famous Scenery
Anhui Cate
Bagongshan tofu
Butterfly noodle
Anhui Cate
Feixi old hen
Steamed wuwei duck
Welcome to my hometown anhui !
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Zhou yu cemetery, located in the beautiful scenery of the county east, more than 1700 years ago. In 1989 ,included in province key cultural relics protection units.in 1993 Lujiang county decided to rebuild the Zhou yu cemetery. Zhou yu cemetery grand, verdant and grave. Cemetery gate house door, screen wall, que, stone, hall, steles, cultural relics exhibition hall are imitation of han style of a group of buildings
Since ancient times ,Lujiang has been birthplace of numerous talents Zhou Yu,a senior general in the Three, Kingdoms,Wu Changqing,the General of the Huai Army and Ding Ruchang Were all natives here
• 具有涌量稳定、水温稳定和化学成分稳定的三大特点,富含10多种对 人体医疗保健具有极高价值的化学元素,自西汉以来,就是著名l local snack named Xiaohongtou (Little Red Top) jiaozi .It’s said that when Wu Changqing led soldiers from the area between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River for battle to solve diet problems of officers and soldiers,he would ask his family cook Chen Changkuan to make a specilal snack which was very popular with officers and soldiers Later,the special snack was sent to the royal palace as tribute and favored by the royal family So Xiaohongtou jiaozi became rather famous
Tang Chi hot springs is located in the town of Tang Chi, Lujiang county.There are various of hot springs. Green hills, clean water, beautiful lake, flowers, trees, strange stone approved Tang Chi scenic spot by The people's government of Anhui
Shore of Chaohu lake Beautiful LuJiang
Lujiang from awayHefei,AnhuiProvince, south 70k m, north of Chaohu Lake, near the South“goldenwaterway” Yangtze. The Lujiang has long history County“records, since its establishment in the 2ed year of the Yuanshou period.in the reign of Emperor Wu of Han namely 121 BC,Lujiang has a history of over 2100 year. The long history and splendid culture feed a large number of excellence, three kingdoms of famous general Zhou Yu, Qing Dynasty, Navy Admiral Ding Yu Chang,was Immortalized ( 永垂的). Since the ancient times, Lujiang won " The hometown of fish and rice " reputation
The battle of red cliff
China's important wetlands -- Huang po lake
Yefu Mountain
Located in Lujiang county,Anhui Province,Yefu Mountain is about 9 km away from Lujiang county seat. The isolated peak towering alone in the mountain is said to be” as high as those in the north and As beautiful as those in the Nanling Mountains” Legend has it that in the Spring and Autumn period,Ou Yezi once forged swords here,so it’s named Yefu Mountain.