water shortage水资源短缺

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The reflection for the water shortage

When we mentioned about water shortage, the first image comes into our mind is that desert or the tape water not be closed. But actually we I saw that video, I find that water shortage is not just simple question about water wasting, some commercial profits and conflict also be included.

It is undeniable that we are facing the water crisis today, in our world just 97% is salt water that cannot be used for drinking. Today the water used for agricultures are suffering the pollution of chemical, and the wetland also are in danger. with that, people try to find some ways to solve it that build the dam and find other place in rich water, but those human interventions on rivers also result in some problems. The dam is supposed to collect water from rivers and redistribute it to alleviate water shortage, but actually there have some cases that dam create water scarcity, especially for people who living downstream. Large rivers in which upstream activity has led to water shortages downstream include the Yellow River in arid northern China; the Ganges, where upstream activity in India has damaged livelihoods in downstream Bangladesh; the Euphrates, where Turkish dams cause drought in Iraq; and the Colorado River, where US abstractions leave little water for Mexico. There still many nations see dams as an important way to fight climate change-both by diverting water to alleviate shortages and by generating low-carbon hydroelectricity to replace power stations that burn fossil fuel. But whatever the intention, collecting more water behind dams often aggravate shortage. B uilding more dams “might mitigate tomorrow’s climate changes impacts for a certain group of people whilst putting others under pressure today.” Says Veldkamp at Vrije University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. water privatization is another important questions reminded by the video. There given us the case about Veolia, France company, which is private company for drinking water supply. During the process of water privatization, there are not a good look for

it and points out numerous problems with water privatization.One is undermining public ownership of water, water rights and public monitoring of water management. When water management and ownership transfers to private actors, there is less public oversight over how water systems are managed, which is a recipe for abuse. This can also lead to a transfer of wealth out of the community and into private corporations.Privatization also sometimes leads to higher water prices, since a corporation’s primary goal is to maximize profit. On top of that, private corporations have typically been reluctant to invest in poor communities’ water sectors.Water privatization also fails to protect surrounding ecosystems because private operators have little incentive to operate reservoirs to maintain minimum downstream flows required for ecosystem health, fishing or recreational interests, and so forth.Private suppliers of water have few economic incentives to address long-term (chronic) health problems associated with low levels of some pollutants. Above of all,developing an effective monitoring system that protects citizens from bad management of “blue gold”is an important thing. Even more than it the water commons will to be the trend.

In Mexico, there are suffering serious water issues. The company, Coca-Cola, in Mexico sucking wells dry in indigenous Mexican town, forcing residents to buy bottled water. It is shocked news for me that the price of cola is cheaper than fresh water.many residents drink Coca-Cola, which is produced by a local bottling plant, can be easier to find than bottled water and is almost as cheap. Day after day people drink cola with high sugar inside, the effect on public health has been devastating. At the same time, faced by the dual crises of the diabetes epidemic and the chronic water shortage in here, public ire has been boiling over and which will be as the sign of the coming water wars, Which upgrade water shortage crisis in the social crisis.

The country in order to develop the trade to sacrifice the water, like famer used a lot of water to plant fruit trees, but the price of fruit sold into others country is very cheaper. That means that country loss a lot of water resources but just earn a little profit. W e can’t say that we against trade, but we can find more suitable way to balance between the nature sources and the price of good in the trade.

The solvation of the water shortage is still tough way, people have tried various to
